Search results for ""Beltz""
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Frederick
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Oh, wie schon ist Panama
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Zogg und die Retter der Lufte
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Wenn du Sorgen hast, rolle einen Schneeball
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Wenn Du eine Sternschnuppe siehst, wunsch dir was
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Wo ist die Maus?
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Zilly und Zingaro/Der echte Dinosaurier
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Ach, so schon ist Panama
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Das Gruffelokind
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Freunde
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Leon Pirat
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Karni und Nickel oder Der grosse Krach
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Steinsuppe
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Tanz der Tiefseequalle
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Mein Sommer mit Mucks
Beltz, Julius, GmbH & Co. KG Der Gruffelo
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Tragical Tale of Birdie Bloom
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Rosenkrankheiten und Schdlinge Erkennen und Behandeln von Wachstumsstrungen Krankheiten und Schdlingen Der Klassiker komplett neu in 6 Auflage
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bats and Human Health: Ebola, SARS, Rabies and Beyond
An important resource that reviews the various infectious diseases that affect bats and bat populations Bats and Human Health: Ebola, SARS, Rabies and Beyond covers existing literature on viral, bacterial, protozoan, and fungal infections of bats and how these infections affect bat populations. The book also offers an overview of the potential for zoonotic transmission of infectious diseases from bats to humans or domestic animals. While most prior publications on the subject have dealt only with bat viral infections, this text closely covers a wide range of bat infections, from viral and bacterial infections to protist and fungal infections. Chapters on viral infections cover rabies, filoviruses, henipaviruses, and other RNA viruses, as well as information on bat virome studies. The book then provides information on bacterial infections–including arthropod-borne and other bacteria that affect bats–before moving on to protist infections, including apicomplexans and kinetoplastids, and fungal infections, including white-nose syndrome, histoplasma capsulatum, and other fungi. Comprehensive in scope, yet another key feature of this book is a searchable database that includes bat species, bat family, bat diet, bat location, type and classification of infecting microbes, and categories of microbes. This vital resource also: Provides a history and comprehensive overview of bat-borne diseases Incorporates information from the World Health Organization, as well as historical data from the National Libraries of Health and infectious disease journals Covers a variety of diseases including viral infections, bacterial infections, protist infections, and fungal infections Written for microbiologist, bat researchers, and conservationists, Bats and Human Health provides a comprehensive exploration of the various types of microbes that affect bats and their potential to affect human populations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Guide to Diseases, Causative Agents, and Surveillance
Emerging Infectious Diseases Emerging Infectious Diseases offers an introduction to emerging and reemerging infectious disease, focusing on significant illnesses found in various regions of the world. Many of these diseases strike tropical regions or developing countries with particular virulence, others are found in temperate or developed areas, and still other microbes and infections are more indiscriminate. This volume includes information on the underlying mechanisms of microbial emergence, the technology used to detect them, and the strategies available to contain them. The author describes the diseases and their causative agents that are major factors in the health of populations the world over. The book contains up-to-date selections from infectious disease journals as well as information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, MedLine Plus, and the American Society for Microbiology. Perfect for students or those new to the field, the book contains Summary Overviews (thumbnail sketches of the basic information about the microbe and the associated disease under examination), Review Questions (testing students' knowledge of the material), and Topics for Further Discussion (encouraging a wider conversation on the implications of the disease and challenging students to think creatively to develop new solutions). This important volume provides broad coverage of a variety of emerging infectious diseases, of which most are directly important to health practitioners in the United States.
Salzwasser-Verlag Gmbh Die vorgeschichtlichen Altertümer des Großherzogtums Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Zwerg und Säulenobst
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Triumphant Tale of Pippa North
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Tragical Tale of Birdie Bloom
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Formgehlze Anzucht und Pflege
Manohar Publishers and Distributors Mahar Buddhist and Dalit
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Elefanten, Schaukelnde Götter Und Tänzer in Trance
Baker Publishing Group Real Christianity
Just in time for the release of Amazing Grace, the movie about the life of William Wilberforce. This edition of his classic book from 1797, Real Christianity, is paraphrased in modern language and made more accessible to contemporary readers. This is the book that helped abolish the slave trade in the United Kingdom and called Christians to live a more authentic life of faith more than two hundred years ago. The timeless truths it contains will speak to readers in fresh ways today. Christians who eschew cultural Christianity in favor of a real faith in Christ, will find the principles here thought-provoking and applicable. The social justice orientation will appeal to readers of Jim Wallis, Os Guinness, Charles Colson, Shane Claiborne, John Perkins, Bono, and Nancy Pearcey. Readers will also find the book is a good litmus test of the authenticity of their own faith.
Alai Argitaletxea Museoko hiltzailea
Nork mehatxatu du eskultorea? Nork hil nahi du eta zergatik? Luigik laguntza eskatu dio Martin Iriberri ikertzaileari. Diruz txarto zabiltzanean ezin diozu lan-eskaintza bati ezetz esan, nahiz eta etsai batena izan. Horixe gertatu zaio Martini. Lan erraza dirudi hasieran. Sakonago ikertzen hasi denean, ordea, ulertzen ez dituen gauza gehiegi dagoela konturatu da.Istorio beltz honetan Bilbon zehar ibiliko zara, Martin Iriberri ikertzaile pribatuarekin. Galtzaileen eta irabazleen hiri horretan edozer gertatu ahal da, baita hilketa ikaragarriena ere.
Human Kinetics Publishers Laboratory Assessment and Exercise Prescription
Laboratory Assessment and Exercise Prescription With HKPropel Online Video provides the practical knowledge and application skills for administering, interpreting, and applying data from health and fitness testing to create data-backed exercise prescription for clients.Focusing on the tests most widely used by professionals working in health, fitness, and allied health, the text covers both clinical and field tests so readers will be able to conduct assessments using a wide range of equipment and resources. Because the content is consistent with ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Eleventh Edition, both current and aspiring professionals can be assured they're using the most up-to-date methods and information available to best serve individual client needs and goals.Each lab demonstrates applications for the screenings and tests presented, with straightforward instructions for performing the assessment and collecting accurate data—both in the lab and when working with actual clients. Readers will learn about common errors made in assessments and will find out how to interpret results to assist clients in setting realistic health and fitness goals. Finally, readers will understand how the results of assessment will affect exercise program design and will learn how to combine data and client goals to design and prescribe an individualized exercise program.The book begins by taking the reader through the groundwork of working with clients and giving the reader experience with preparticipation screenings and basic fitness assessments. Next, assessment of body composition is addressed, along with assessment of resting metabolic rate, metabolic equations, and the application of those calculations within an exercise program. Aerobic and muscular fitness assessments are presented, followed by assessment of clinical variables, including pulmonary function testing, basic electrocardiography, and functional fitness testing. Two appendices cover common classes of medications (and how these medications may affect the exercise response) and basic emergency procedures for exercise physiology labs.Eleven case studies are also included, providing practical experience with interpreting data and designing an exercise program for a client. Related online video, delivered through HKPropel, demonstrates select assessments to improve comprehension of how to apply the content and develop skills for use with clients.Laboratory Assessment and Exercise Prescription is the essential guide for those studying for a fitness certification as well as for current health and fitness professionals who want a handy reference for testing. It offers the direction and understanding needed to accurately conduct exercise testing; analyze, interpret, and communicate data; and ultimately prescribe effective and safe exercise programs for clients.Note: A code for accessing online videos is included with all new print books.
Hatje Cantz Being Jain: Art and Culture of an Indian Religion
After almost 50 years, Jainism is set to return to the Rietberg Museum in an exhibition that offers a new take on the religion. The catalogue will show works from the museum’s own collection and loans from India including lavishly illuminated manuscripts and imposing sculptures that reveal Jain ideas and ideals that evolved over many centuries. The catalogue also examines contemporary practices among this small, but economically influential religious community that is found around the world, yet is hardly known outside India. Furthermore, the catalogue will explore the contribution that the living tradition of Jainism with its long and varied history can make to resolve the fundamental challenges the world faces today: climate change, rampant consumerism, ethnic and religious intolerance, and social inequality. Combining masterpieces of Jain art and short films on Jain practices as well as discussions with Jains from all spheres of life – religious leaders and laypersons active in business, culture, and politics – this catalogue promises insights into the particular lifestyle fostered by Jainism. Visitors are encouraged to engage with new ideas, reflections, and discussions about what good, healthy, and sustainable living can look like.
Erein Argitaletxea, S.A. Euli zamorroa
Ni ez naiz Paularen izeba besterik. Baina Paula nire etxera etorri da, bere gurasoengandik iheska, eta zaindu egin behar dut neska hau, nire laguntza guztia eskaini behar diot, dagoen zulo beltz horretatik atera behar dut. Paula ez baitago batere ondo. Ez du ikasi nahi, Institutora joateari ere utzi egin dio. Asko jaten badu ere, flakiak jota dago, argala eta ahula. Ez dauka ezertarako gogorik, haserre dago beti, eta edozein bidaltzen du haizea hartzera... Lagundu egin nahi nioke, baina zer egin dezaket, Paulak berak laguntzarik onartzen ez badu? Nik ere baditut neure arazoak. Lanez gainezka nago, Damianorekin joan nahi nuke oporretara, ez naiz ni inoren neskame...
Gaumin, S.L. Hiru istripu eta bi amodio
Anuskak eta Galderrek mendi-istripu lotsagarri baten ondoren ezagutzen dute elkar. Anuska liluraturik dago, baina Galderrek sekretu beltz bat ezkutatzen du. Txinpart distiratsu baten ondoren, bereizi egiten dira.Destinoak istripu larriago bat ekarriko dio Anuskari, eta orduan Izortze ezagutuko du, oso neska berezia. Hainbeste gal dezake burua neska bategatik? Nahasmena gutxi ez, eta Galder etorriko zaio berriro.Anuskak Marie Curie zientzialaria du eredu, eta bihotzari kasu egin nahi dio. Zer demontre egin, ordea, taupadek bi bide desberdin seinalatzen badituzte aldi berean?