Search results for ""Author Pierre""
Les Belles Lettres Ciceron, Discours: Tome XVI, 1re Partie: Contre Pison
Les Belles Lettres Cesar, Guerre Civile. Tome I: Livres I-II
Les Belles Lettres Aristote, Problemes: Tome II, Sections XI-XXVII
Les Belles Lettres Aristote, Histoire Des Animaux: Tome I: Livres I-IV
Kessinger Publishing The Art Of Pronunciation An Easy Method Of Increasing The Power Of The Voice In Speaking And Singing 1869
Dover Publications Inc. Paris Mansions and Apartments 1893
Un camino monstico en la ciudad Libro de vida Fraternidades Monsticas de Jerusaln Espiritualidad
Este Libro de vida se escribió pensando en los monjes y monjas de las Fraternidades monásticas de Jerusalén, aunque muy pronto despertó el interés de los laicos y de la vida consagrada.La frescura de un carisma nuevo, con un lenguaje sencillo, bíblico, patrístico y cimentado en la gran tradición monástica y contemplativade la Iglesia, hace de este libro un tratado espiritual para todas las personas que buscan profundizar su relación con Dios y quieren vivir las exigencias evangélicas.Se puede encontrar un estilo que encarna una nueva espiritualidad en la ciudad, que consiste en despertar la imagen de Dios en el hombre y la mujer, así como su vocación al diálogo y a la comunión.Volviendo a las fuentes de las primeras comunidades cristianas, nos recuerda cómo amar y por qué; cómo orar, trabajar y acoger sintiéndonos hermanos unos de otros y caminando en Iglesia, en comunión, hacia la nueva Jerusalén, figura de la ciudad celeste hacia la que todos caminamos. 3
Verlag Herder Judith: Fascicule 5: Jdt 8,33 - 11,17
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Democartie Et Justice Sociale
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Materialisme Occulte Et La Genese Du Sensualisme .: Ecrire l'Histoire de la Philosophie En France
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Ignace de Loyola Le Lieu de l'Image: Le Probleme de la Composition de Lieu Dans Les Pratiques Spirituelles Et Artistiques Jesuites de la Seconde Moitie Du Xvie Siecle
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Origines Cartesiennes Du Dieu de Spinoza
Classiques Garnier Suite Libertine: Vies Du Xviiie Siecle
Les Belles Lettres Strabon, Geographie: Tome XII. Livre XV: l'Inde, l'Ariane Et La Perse
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multiscale Geomechanics: From Soil to Engineering Projects
This book addresses the latest issues in multiscale geomechanics. Written by leading experts in the field as a tribute to Jean Biarez (1927-2006), it can be of great use and interest to researchers and engineers alike. A brief introduction describes how a major school of soil mechanics came into being through the exemplary teaching by one man. Biarez's life-long work consisted of explaining the elementary mechanisms governing soil constituents in order to enhance understanding of the underlying scientific laws which control the behavior of constructible sites and to incorporate these scientific advancements into engineering practices. He innovated a multiscale approach of passing from the discontinuous medium formed by individual grains to an equivalent continuous medium. The first part of the book examines the behavior of soils at the level of their different constituents and at the level of their interaction. Behavior is then treated at the scale of the soil sample. The second part deals with soil mechanics from the vantage point of the construction project. It highlights Biarez's insightful adoption of the Finite Element Codes and illustrates, through numerous construction examples, his methodology and approach based on the general framework he constructed for soil behavior, constantly enriched by comparing in situ measurements with calculated responses of geostructures.
Archaeopress Autour de l’infanterie d’élite macédonienne à l’époque du royaume antigonide: Cinq études militaires entre histoire, philologie et archéologie
Ces cinq études militaires résultent essentiellement de développements présentés dans le manuscrit doctoral de l’auteur, L’Armée du royaume de Macédoine à l’époque hellénistique (323-148 av. J.-C.). Les troupes « nationales », présenté en Sorbonne le 11 janvier 2007. L’idée première avait été de les publier sous forme d’articles. Mais ce projet se heurtait à une difficulté. Ces textes se faisant écho, il s’avèrerait difficile d’attendre la diffusion du premier d’entre eux pour présenter les suivants tout en faisant exactement référence à un voire à plusieurs textes en cours de publication. Aussi apparut-il qu’il valait mieux les réunir en un recueil dont la cohérence serait assurée par un thème commun : l’histoire et l’archéologie militaire de l’époque hellenistique, tout particulièrement dans le cadre de la Macédoine des Antigonides.
Moonlight Publishing Ltd Water
Water is flowing all around us; in nature, in the home, and even inside our bodies. In this descriptive storybook, young readers will dive into simple explanations of the different states of water, how weather cycles work, how water reaches our homes, and how crucial it is for daily life. They’ll soak up some startling statistics, too – did you know, three quarters of the Earth’s surface is covered in water? This title is part of the My First Discovery paperback series – a unique collection of beautifully illustrated information books for children aged 4 to 7, with simple language to aid learning and realistic artwork to inspire young minds. There are 8 transparent overlay pages, which reveal hidden surprises and make the pages come alive. With free access to a brand new audio app, children can listen and read along at their own pace, page by page.
Moonlight Publishing Ltd Pirates
Who were the pirates of the Caribbean Sea ? How did they live? When did they first appear and why ? What is booty? Why did pirates bury it? Share in the pirates’ dangerous adventures and get to know the most notorious of their leaders, including some fearless female buccaneers. Watch as they attack and take possession of a Spanish treasure galleon. Find out all about the pirates of the Caribbean Sea, how they lived and when and why they first appeared. Watch as they attack and take possession of a Spanish treasure galleon and force their prisoners to walk the plank. See them celebrate after the battle and discover why they buried some of their booty. Share in the pirates’ dangerous adventures and get to know the most notorious of their leaders, including some fearless female buccaneers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Insider Threats
An information system may be regarded as an organized set of resources, both technological and human. Security should take this specificity into consideration in order to ensure an overall security of information systems. The security of information systems is usually tackled in a technological perspective. This book proposes to focus not only on information systems' security in a technological perspective, but also in a human, managerial and organizational perspective.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanotechnologies: Concepts, Production and Applications
Nanotechnologies: Concepts, Processing and Applications describes and explains how nanotechnologies have entered our everyday lives through scientific and industrial applications with the emphasis placed on the new perspectives in various fields related to societal problems. This book details how successive discoveries of new nanocarbon structures along with progress in different microscopy techniques have caused nanomaterials to take on an increasingly important role in electronics, electrochemical energy storage – batteries and fuel cells – and the electrical conversion of solar energy. Views once seen as futuristic on nanomachines and nanorobotics, therapeutic hopes and medical advances – such as those resulting from the application of new in-situ drug-delivery nanotechniques – are all presented. The most innovative developments are analyzed in terms of applications and should enable the reader to form his or her own opinion about the reality of the progress that can be expected from nanotechnologies in the near future. The book offers background reading for teachers in colleges who wish to have an overview on this subject.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Opium: Uncovering the Politics of the Poppy
Bitter, brownish and sticky, opium - the sap of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum - has been cultivated from the earliest of times. Known to the Greeks as opos or opion, as afiun in Persian and Arabic, and Fu-yung in Chinese, it is a substance that is at once both a palliative and a poison. Its exotic origins, its literary associations and the properties that were frequently, if erroneously, attributed to it have ensured the continuing air of mystery that has long surrounded it. In 'Opium', Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy reveals the fascinating history of this powerful and addictive drug and its long association with civilisation down the centuries. He explores the changing fortunes of the modern day trade in illicit opium, especially in the remote and inaccessible regions of Asia known as the Golden Triangle and Golden Crescent, the major opium-producing areas of the world today. He reveals how, when and why illicit opium production emerged, what sustains it, and why a century of global measures has failed to eradicate it. The result is a compelling account of our continuing fascination with a narcotic as old as humanity itself and a powerful insight into the complexities and difficulties of the politics and economics of the poppy in Asia and the world today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Integration and Multinational Investment Behaviour: European and East Asian Experiences
This book presents important and original studies of international trade and investment in relation to regional economic integration, with particular reference to the experiences of Europe and East Asia. The distinguished contributors illustrate and explain how the location decisions of firms, international trade and capital flows can form, stimulate and shape economic regions in the global economy.The authors address several important themes including: the factors which determine the location choices of multinational firms location decisions of multinational firms in relation to their global performance the growing importance of East Asia as a recipient zone for foreign direct investment the impact of foreign direct investment on Asian host countries the role of trade and investment in regional economic integration. Economic Integration and Multinational Investment Behaviour will be welcomed by researchers with an interest in economic geography, international economics and business, European and East Asian studies, and globalization.
Collective Ink China the Super Predator
Today's main threat to the democratic world...
Independently Published Paris Saint-Germain: Annuaire Des Joueurs: Tout l'Effectif Du Psg Depuis Sa Cr�ation En Juillet 1970
Princeton University Press Formal Verification of Control System Software
An essential introduction to the analysis and verification of control system softwareThe verification of control system software is critical to a host of technologies and industries, from aeronautics and medical technology to the cars we drive. The failure of controller software can cost people their lives. In this authoritative and accessible book, Pierre-Loïc Garoche provides control engineers and computer scientists with an indispensable introduction to the formal techniques for analyzing and verifying this important class of software.Too often, control engineers are unaware of the issues surrounding the verification of software, while computer scientists tend to be unfamiliar with the specificities of controller software. Garoche provides a unified approach that is geared to graduate students in both fields, covering formal verification methods as well as the design and verification of controllers. He presents a wealth of new verification techniques for performing exhaustive analysis of controller software. These include new means to compute nonlinear invariants, the use of convex optimization tools, and methods for dealing with numerical imprecisions such as floating point computations occurring in the analyzed software.As the autonomy of critical systems continues to increase—as evidenced by autonomous cars, drones, and satellites and landers—the numerical functions in these systems are growing ever more advanced. The techniques presented here are essential to support the formal analysis of the controller software being used in these new and emerging technologies.
Dover Publications Redoutés Fabulous Flowers Journal
Dover Publications Redouté Fabulous Flowers
Dover Publications Inc. Dance at Bougival Notebook
Casimiro Libros La alegra de pintar
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Husserl Et Les Categories: Langage, Pensee Et Perception
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Une Histoire de Machines, de Vampires Et de Fous
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Vision de Dieu Chez Thomas d'Aquin
Classiques Garnier Les Deuils Sans Noms: Ecritures Contemporaines de la Perte
Classiques Garnier Le Nord de la Renaissance: La Carte, l'Humanisme Suedois Et La Genese de l'Arctique
Classiques Garnier Les Jeux Du Je: Construction Et Deconstruction Du Recit Romanesque Chez Wieslaw Mysliwski
Les Belles Lettres Decreter l'Image: La Xxve Session Du Concile de Trente
Les Belles Lettres Le Miroir Brise: Tragedie Athenienne Et Politique
Les Belles Lettres Augustin, Confessions: Tome II: Livre IX-XIII
Skyhorse Publishing Riding Sky High A Bicycle Adventure Around the World
Linden Publishing Co Inc Living on Your Own: The Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Money, Your Space and Your Life
Andrews McMeel Publishing Her III
Universitatsverlag Winter Adverbien Und Adverbiale: Grenzen Und Gliederung Einer Syntaktischen Kategorie Im Deutschen
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Alles ber Hunde Rassen Erziehung Haltung
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Great Inflations of the 20th Century: Theories, Policies and Evidence
The problems associated with chronically high inflation and hyper inflation continue to preoccupy policy makers and economists. In Great Inflations of the 20th Century, Pierre Siklos has gathered together major papers by a distinguished group of scholars who use historical episodes to understand and explain a key issue.Beginning with general surveys of historical experiences of hyperinflation and cases of chronic inflation, this volume continues with papers on the conditions which are conducive to generating high inflation. The link between monetary policy and inflation is examined through empirical studies of inflationary episodes in Germany, Hungary and Bolivia. The final part looks at how policy makers can seek to end high inflation with the smallest possible economic cost.Bringing together in one accessible volume a series of acclaimed contributions to the field, Great Inflations of the 20th Century will be a key reference resource for interested scholars and policy makers concerned with the myriad of issues surrounding the beginning and end of high or chronic inflation.
ISTE Ltd Electromagnetic Waves 1: Maxwell's Equations, Wave Propagation
Electromagnetic Waves 1 examines Maxwell’s equations and wave propagation. It presents the scientific bases necessary for any application using electromagnetic fields, and analyzes Maxwell’s equations, their meaning and their resolution for various situations and material environments. These equations are essential for understanding electromagnetism and its derived fields, such as radioelectricity, photonics, geolocation, measurement, telecommunications, medical imaging and radio astronomy. This book also deals with the propagation of electromagnetic, radio and optical waves, and analyzes the complex factors that must be taken into account in order to understand the problems of propagation in a free and confined space. Electromagnetic Waves 1 is a collaborative work, completed only with the invaluable contributions of Ibrahima Sakho, Hervé Sizun and JeanPierre Blot, not to mention the editor, Pierre-Noël Favennec. Aimed at students and engineers, this book provides essential theoretical support for the design and deployment of wireless radio and optical communication systems.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Customary International Law
International custom "as evidence of a general practice accepted as law", is considered one of the two main sources of international law as it primarily derives from the conduct of sovereign States, but is also closely connected with the role of the international judge when identifying the applicable customary rule, a function it shares with the bodies in charge of its codification (and progressive development), starting with the International Law Commission. Though mainly considered to be general international law, international custom has a complex relationship with many specific fields of law and specific regions of the world. The editor provides comprehensive research published in the last seven decades, invaluable to everyone interested in the field of customary international law.
Taylor & Francis Inc Reconfigurable Logic: Architecture, Tools, and Applications
During the last three decades, reconfigurable logic has been growing steadily and can now be found in many different fields. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are one of the most famous architecture families of reconfigurable devices. FPGAs can be seen as arrays of logic units that can be reconfigured to realize any digital systems. Their high versatility has enabled designers to drastically reduce time to market, and made FPGAs suitable for prototyping or small production series in many branches of industrial products. In addition, and thanks to innovations at the architecture level, FPGAs are now conquering segments of mass markets such as mobile communications.Reconfigurable Logic: Architecture, Tools, and Applications offers a snapshot of the state of the art of reconfigurable logic systems. Covering a broad range of architectures, tools, and applications, this book: Explores classical FPGA architectures and their supporting tools Evaluates recent proposals related to FPGA architectures, including the use of network-on-chips (NoCs) Examines reconfigurable processors that merge concepts borrowed from the reconfigurable domain into processor design Exploits FPGAs for high-performance systems, efficient error correction codes, and high-bandwidth network routers with built-in security Expounds on emerging technologies to enhance FPGA architectures, improve routing structures, and create non-volatile configuration flip-flops Reconfigurable Logic: Architecture, Tools, and Applications reviews current trends in reconfigurable platforms, providing valuable insight into the future potential of reconfigurable systems.