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University of Notre Dame Press An Yves R. Simon Reader: The Philosopher's Calling
An Yves R. Simon Reader is the first collection of texts from the entirety of the philosopher’s work. French Catholic (and then American) political philosopher Yves R. Simon was a student of Jacques Maritain and one of the most important figures in the revival of Thomism. His work, however, is still little known in English, and there is as yet no English biography of him. In An Yves R. Simon Reader: The Philosopher’s Calling, Michael D. Torre provides an erudite and helpful introduction to Simon’s life and thought. The volume contains selected key texts from all of Simon’s twenty books, half of which were published posthumously, dividing them into three sections. The first fundamentally defends the Aristotelian and Thomistic account of human knowing. The second begins with his groundbreaking discussion of human freedom and ends with his account of practical wisdom. The third then expands this account to cover the chief concerns of his social and political philosophy. The selections are long enough to be substantive and contain sustained and complete arguments. Each selection has its own foreword by an eminent commentator, familiar with Simon’s work, who lays out the necessary context for the reader. An Yves R. Simon Reader includes sections from several of Simon’s last and most important essays: on sensitive knowledge and on the analogous nature of “act.” It includes a number of excerpts from his justly famous account and defense of democratic government. The hallmarks of his work—his careful conceptual analysis, his genius for finding undervalued examples, and his talent for creating expressions that revivified an outworn idea—are on display throughout. Indeed, as one of the book’s contributors says, Simon touched nothing that he did not adorn. The result is a highly readable introduction to the thought of a key and underappreciated modern philosopher. Contributors: Michael D. Torre, Jude P. Dougherty, Raymond Dennehy, John C. Cahalan, Steven A. Long, Ralph Nelson, John P. Hittinger, Ralph McInerny, David B. Burrell, CSC, Laurence Berns, Catherine Green, W. David Solomon, V. Bradley Lewis, Joseph W. Koterski, SJ, James V. Schall, SJ, George Anastaplo, Walter J. Nicgorski, John A. Gueguen, Jr., Thomas R. Rourke, Jeanne Heffernan Schindler, and Robert Royal.
University of Notre Dame Press Climbing the Divide
"For years, I've wondered in amazement how Walt McDonald does what he does, poem after poem, book after book. He sings like no one else. In Climbing the Divide, McDonald has made his strongest collection of poems yet." —David Citino, author of The News and Other Poems "Climbing the Divide must have been written with a pen Walt McDonald dipped into his heart. Crisscrossing generations, poems detail watching a grandfather with knuckles the size of walnuts carve a grizzly bear out of oak, taking car keys away from a father 'who drove tanks for Patton' and thinking about nights in the jungle of Vietnam while pushing a granddaughter in a swing because her father is training overseas for Desert Storm. Binding us to his Texas world in sensual detail about men with big-boned fists who inhabit a land where the moon pockmarks the sky, Walt McDonald refuses to let moments of communion be swallowed by 'war on every channel.' His poems stay lodged in the heart to remind us why we need to celebrate, even in a world that threatens to drown out song." —Vivian Shipley, author of When There Is No Shore "I spent one whole amazing fall morning engrossed in this book. What impresses me most is the love and music and startling intelligence with which, for all of us, Walt McDonald charts the territory beyond mid-life." —Jeanne Murray Walker The poems in Climbing the Divide celebrate with praise and amazement the wonders and risks of wilderness and family, of friends before and after the war. The boy in these poems grows up during World War II, feisty in spite of losses and the harsh, hardscrabble land where he lives. Surrounded by heroes, he learns ranching and faith from parents, extended family, and neighbors. In pilot training and war and back home with friends and memories of friends missing in action, he finds delight with his wife, who makes "magical hammocks at bedtime" for their children. Despite heartache and rage, they discover more hope and joy than they thought possible while growing older—jogging at 65 in winter, hiking grizzly country with bells, and "climbing the divide," knowing they're nearer each day to "the dark, hollow halo of space."
Indiana University Press The Symphonic Repertoire, Volume IV: The Second Golden Age of the Viennese Symphony: Brahms, Bruckner, Dvorák, Mahler, and Selected Contemporaries
Central to the repertoire of Western art music since the 18th century, the symphony has come to be regarded as one of the ultimate compositional challenges. Surprisingly, heretofore there has been no truly extensive, broad-based treatment of the genre, and the best of the existing studies are now several decades old. In this five-volume series, A. Peter Brown explores the symphony from its 18th-century beginnings to the end of the 20th century. Synthesizing the enormous scholarly literature, Brown presents up-to-date overviews of the status of research, discusses any important former or remaining problems of attribution, illuminates the style of specific works and their contexts, and samples early writings on their reception. The Symphonic Repertoire provides an unmatched compendium of knowledge for the student, teacher, performer, and sophisticated amateur. The series is being launched with two volumes on the Viennese symphony.Volume IV The Second Golden Age of the Viennese SymphonyBrahms, Bruckner, Dvorák, Mahler, and Selected ContemporariesAlthough during the mid-19th century the geographic center of the symphony in the Germanic territories moved west and north from Vienna to Leipzig, during the last third of the century it returned to the old Austrian lands with the works of Brahms, Bruckner, Dvorák, and Mahler. After nearly a half century in hibernation, the sleeping Viennese giant awoke to what some viewed as a reincarnation of Beethoven with the first hearing of Brahms's Symphony No. 1, which was premiered at Vienna in December 1876. Even though Bruckner had composed some gigantic symphonies prior to Brahms's first contribution, their full impact was not felt until the composer's complete texts became available after World War II. Although Dvorák was often viewed as a nationalist composer, in his symphonic writing his primary influences were Beethoven, Schubert, and Brahms. For both Bruckner and Mahler, the symphony constituted the heart of their output; for Brahms and Dvorák, it occupied a less central place. Yet for all of them, the key figure of the past remained Beethoven. The symphonies of these four composers, together with the works of Goldmark, Zemlinsky, Schoenberg, Berg, Smetana, Fibich, Janácek, and others are treated in Volume IV, The Second Golden Age of the Viennese Symphony, covering the period from roughly 1860 to 1930.
Columbia University Press Modern Girls, Shining Stars, the Skies of Tokyo: Five Japanese Women
The stunning biographical portraits in Modern Girls, Shining Stars, the Skies of Tokyo, some adapted from essays that first appeared in The New Yorker, explore the lives of five women who did their best to stand up and cause more trouble than was considered proper in Japanese society. Their lives stretch across a century and a half of explosive cultural and political transformations in Japan. These five artists-two actresses, two writers, and a painter-were noted for their talents, their beauty, and their love affairs rather than for any association with politics. But through the fearlessness of their art and their private lives, they influenced the attitudes of their times and challenged the status quo. Phyllis Birnbaum presents her subjects from various perspectives, allowing them to shine forth in all of their contradictory brilliance: generous and petulant, daring and timid, prudent and foolish. There is Matsui Sumako, the actress who introduced Ibsen's Nora and Wilde's Salome to Japanese audiences but is best remembered for her ambition, obstreperous temperament and turbulent love life. We also meet Takamura Chieko, a promising but ultimately disappointed modernist painter whose descent into mental illness was immortalized in poetry by a husband who may well have been the source of her troubles. In a startling act of rebellion, the sensitive, aristocratic poet Yanagiwara Byakuren left her crude and powerful husband, eloped with her revolutionary lover, and published her request for a divorce in the newspapers. Uno Chiyo was a popular novelist who preferred to be remembered for the romantic wars she fought. Willful, shrewd, and ambitious, Uno struggled for sexual liberation and literary merit. Birnbaum concludes by exploring the life and career of Takamine Hideko, a Japanese film star who portrayed wholesome working-class heroines in hundreds of films, working with such directors as Naruse, Kinoshita, Ozu, and Kurosawa. Angry about a childhood spent working to provide for greedy relatives, Takamine nevertheless made peace with her troubled past and was rewarded for years of hard work with a brilliant career. Drawing on fictional accounts, interviews, memoirs, newspaper reports, and the creative works of her subjects, Birnbaum has created vivid, seamless narrative portraits of these five remarkable women.
The University of Chicago Press Citizen: Jane Addams and the Struggle for Democracy
Jane Addams was the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Now Citizen, Louise W. Knight's masterful biography, reveals Addams's early development as a political activist and social philosopher. In this book we observe a powerful mind grappling with the radical ideas of her age, most notably the ever-changing meanings of democracy.Citizen covers the first half of Addams's life, from 1860 to 1899. Knight recounts how Addams, a child of a wealthy family in rural northern Illinois, longed for a life of larger purpose. She broadened her horizons through education, reading, and travel, and, after receiving an inheritance upon her father's death, moved to Chicago in 1889 to co-found Hull House, the city's first settlement house. Citizen shows vividly what the settlement house actually was—a neighborhood center for education and social gatherings—and describes how Addams learned of the abject working conditions in American factories, the unchecked power wielded by employers, the impact of corrupt local politics on city services, and the intolerable limits placed on women by their lack of voting rights. These experiences, Knight makes clear, transformed Addams. Always a believer in democracy as an abstraction, Addams came to understand that this national ideal was also a life philosophy and a mandate for civic activism by all.As her story unfolds, Knight astutely captures the enigmatic Addams's compassionate personality as well as her flawed human side. Written in a strong narrative voice, Citizen is an insightful portrait of the formative years of a great American leader.“Knight’s decision to focus on Addams’s early years is a stroke of genius. We know a great deal about Jane Addams the public figure. We know relatively little about how she made the transition from the 19th century to the 20th. In Knight’s book, Jane Addams comes to life. . . . Citizen is written neither to make money nor to gain academic tenure; it is a gift, meant to enlighten and improve. Jane Addams would have understood.”—Alan Wolfe, New York Times Book Review“My only complaint about the book is that there wasn’t more of it. . . . Knight honors Addams as an American original.”—Kathleen Dalton, Chicago Tribune
The University of Chicago Press Inside the Presidential Debates: Their Improbable Past and Promising Future
Newton Minow's long engagement with the world of television began nearly fifty years ago when President Kennedy appointed him chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. As its head, Minow would famously dub TV a vast wasteland, thus inaugurating a career dedicated to reforming television to better serve the public interest. Since then, he has been chairman of PBS and on the board of CBS and elsewhere, but his most lasting contribution remains his leadership on televised presidential debates. He was assistant counsel to Illinois governor Adlai Stevenson when Stevenson first proposed the idea of the debates in 1960; he served as cochair of the presidential debates in 1976 and 1980; and he helped create and is currently vice chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has organized the debates for the last two decades. Written with longtime collaborator Craig LaMay, this fascinating history offers readers for the first time a genuinely inside look into the origins of the presidential debates and the many battles both legal and personal that have determined who has been allowed to debate and under what circumstances. The authors do not dismiss the criticism of the presidential debates in recent years but do come down solidly in favor of them, arguing that they are one of the great accomplishments of modern American electoral politics. As they remind us, the debates were once unique in the democratic world, are now emulated across the globe, and they offer the public the only real chance to see the candidates speak in direct response to one another in a discussion of major social, economic, and foreign policy issues. Looking to the challenges posed by third-party candidates and the emergence of new media such as YouTube, Minow and LaMay ultimately make recommendations for the future, calling for the debates to become less formal, with candidates allowed to question each other and citizens allowed to question candidates directly. They also explore the many ways in which the Internet might serve to broaden the debates' appeal and informative power. Whether it's Clinton or Obama vs. McCain, Inside the Presidential Debates will be welcomed in 2008 by anyone interested in where this crucial part of our democracy is headed and how it got there.
The University of Chicago Press Action Versus Contemplation: Why an Ancient Debate Still Matters
"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone," Blaise Pascal wrote in 1654. But then there's Walt Whitman, in 1856: "Whoever you are, come forth! Or man or woman come forth! / You must not stay sleeping and dallying there in the house." It is truly an ancient debate: Is it better to be active or contemplative? To do or to think? To make an impact, or to understand the world more deeply? Aristotle argued for contemplation as the highest state of human flourishing. But it was through action that his student Alexander the Great conquered the known world. Which should we aim at? Centuries later, this argument underlies a surprising number of the questions we face in contemporary life. Should students study the humanities, or train for a job? Should adults work for money or for meaning? And in tumultuous times, should any of us sit on the sidelines, pondering great books, or throw ourselves into protests and petition drives? With Action vs. Contemplation, Jennifer Summit and Blakey Vermeule address the question in a refreshingly unexpected way: by refusing to take sides. Rather, they argue for a rethinking of the very opposition. The active and the contemplative can--and should--be vibrantly alive in each of us, fused rather than sundered. Writing in a personable, accessible style, Summit and Vermeule guide readers through the long history of this debate from Plato to Pixar, drawing compelling connections to the questions and problems of today. Rather than playing one against the other, they argue, we can discover how the two can nourish, invigorate, and give meaning to each other, as they have for the many writers, artists, and thinkers, past and present, whose examples give the book its rich, lively texture of interplay and reference. This is not a self-help book. It won't give you instructions on how to live your life. Instead, it will do something better: it will remind you of the richness of a life that embraces action and contemplation, company and solitude, living in the moment and planning for the future. Which is better? Readers of this book will discover the answer: both.
Emerald Publishing Limited Markets and Compensation for Executives in Europe
The increasing amounts of money paid out in compensation to corporate executives have become the subject of a heated public policy debate on both sides of the Atlantic during the last decade. The magnitude of these sums, as well as the timing of payments relative to evidence of corporate success or - more notably, failure - has surprised and, in many cases, angered employees, shareholders and politicians, and drawn considerable attention in the media. Are executives in many firms exploiting their power to benefit themselves at the expense of other stakeholders or is the level of compensation the result of an effective market mechanism? This book is intended to fill a void created by the current focus of economic, financial and management research on executive compensation in the USA, and to address whether results from the US generalize to Europe, whether there is a European model for executive compensation, and whether European compensation structures enhance the wealth of shareholders and citizens. The research presented here provides a foundation for further research that will help shareholders, their representatives on boards, and policy makers develop wealth enhancing procedures, contracts and rules within European corporate governance systems. The book covers a wide range of issues, including: corporate law and regulation in the area of corporate governance; prosperity and growth effects of compensation contracts; effects of compensation packages on incentives; organization of markets for executives; the choice of performance measure in performance-linked compensation contracts; influences from the US on compensation levels in Europe; as well as country studies of factors affecting compensation packages and their characteristics. This book will be of interest to academics, practitioners and policy makers. On the academic side, researchers and students in the field of business economics, corporate governance, finance, international business, and management will discover research results that enhance their knowledge and provide the basis for further research. Among practitioners, board members, executives, chief financial officers, and bankers will benefit from this book when evaluating and designing executive compensation schemes. Policy makers will find research-based material that can either support or call into question their preconceived opinions.
HarperCollins Publishers The Memory Library
‘A gorgeous story full of emotion and a very special library.’ – Evie Woods, bestselling author of The Lost Bookshop Some stories stay with us forever… For forty-two years, Sally Harrison has been building a library. Each year, on her daughter’s birthday, she adds a new book to her shelves – with a note in the front dedicated to her own greatest work. But Ella – Sally’s only child – fled to Australia twenty-one years ago after a heated exchange, and never looked back. And though Sally still dutifully adds a new paperback to the shelves every time the clock strikes midnight on July 11th, her hopes of her daughter ever thumbing through the pages are starting to dwindle. Then disaster strikes and Ella is forced to return to the home she once knew. She is soon to discover that when one chapter ends, another will soon follow. All you have to do is turn the page… Journey through the pages of this heartwarming novel, where hope, friendship and second chances are written in the margins. Perfect for book lovers everywhere and fans of Sally Page’s The Keeper of Stories. Praise for The Memory Library: 'An absolute joy to read. Uplifting, beautiful, and perfect for any book lovers!' Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 'The Memory Library delivers on its promise of hope, friendship and second chances. It's a love letter to the written word.' Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A powerful and poignant story. There were tears shed.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘I laughed out loud and had more than one glassy eye!’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A real treasure for booklovers everywhere who completely appreciate the joy, knowledge and healing that books can bring.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘There’s page after page of wonderful wisdom in this novel.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Filled with tender moments of sharing, tears, forgiveness, revelation and healing.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘What a beautiful, moving story this was! It really had me sobbing my eyes out.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
HarperCollins Publishers Day
‘Unsparing and tender’ Colm Tóibín, author of Brooklyn ‘A brilliant novel from our most brilliant of writers’ Colum McCann, author of Apeirogon ‘A quietly stunning achievement’ Ocean Vuong, author of On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous As the world changes around them, a family weathers the storms of growing up, growing older, falling in and out of love, losing the things that are most precious – and learning to go on. April 5th, 2019: In a cozy brownstone in Brooklyn, the veneer of domestic bliss is beginning to crack. Dan and Isabel, troubled husband and wife, are both a little bit in love with Isabel’s younger brother, Robbie. Robbie, wayward soul of the family, who still lives in the attic loft; Robbie, who, trying to get over his most recent boyfriend, has created a glamorous avatar online; Robbie, who now has to move out of the house – and whose departure threatens to break the family apart. And then there is Nathan, age ten, taking his first uncertain steps toward independence, while Violet, five, does her best not to notice the growing rift between her parents. April 5th, 2020: As the world goes into lockdown the brownstone is feeling more like a prison. Violet is terrified of leaving the windows open, obsessed with keeping her family safe. Isabel and Dan circle each other warily, communicating mostly in veiled jabs and frustrated sighs. And beloved Robbie is stranded in Iceland, alone in a mountain cabin with nothing but his thoughts – and his secret Instagram life – for company. April 5th, 2021: Emerging from the worst of the crisis, the family comes together to reckon with a new, very different reality – with what they’ve learned, what they’ve lost, and how they might go on. From the brilliant mind of Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Cunningham, Day is a searing, exquisitely crafted meditation on love and loss, and the struggles and limitations of family life – how to live together and apart, and maybe even escape the marriage plot entirely. ‘Cunningham is one of our great American writers, and here is another masterpiece … Read it and be changed’ Andrew Sean Greer, author of Less
HarperCollins Publishers Take a Chance on Greece
‘Fresh, funny and gorgeously romantic’ HOLLY MARTIN ‘Hilarious romantic escapades on a Greek island – the epitome of summer read perfection’ ISABELLE BROOM ‘Perfect sunlounger escapism. Emily Kerr has a real knack of telling properly swoony love stories whilst taking the reader on a gorgeous holiday’ PERNILLE HUGHES *** When Lydia wakes up after a wild night out in Kefalonia with a tattoo saying ‘Awesome Andreas’, she’s mortified. She doesn’t remember meeting anyone called Andreas. And after all, she’s an accountant with a five-year plan. She’s definitely not a party girl. The sensible thing to do would be to research how to get the tattoo removed and move on with her safe and steady life. But she’s had enough of being predictable. Instead, Lydia decides to track down the mysterious Andreas, but the path to true love is never simple. As she goes from one disastrous date to another, she starts to lose hope in ever finding him. Perhaps Lydia is looking in the wrong places, and the right man for her is just next door, if only she’d take a chance on him . . . Perfect for fans of Cressida McLaughlin, Mandy Baggot and Heidi Swain Readers are falling in love with Take a Chance on Greece: ‘Funny, warm and uplifting . . . a fantastic summer read. Highly recommended’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A delightful romance with realistic characters . . . I was entranced’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘The characters are perfectly imperfect and the romance will warm your heart’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘The descriptions of Kefalonia made you feel that you were there . . . loved this book’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘The perfect summer read . . . LOVED this book’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘An excellent holiday read . . . very heart-warming story’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Made me smile the whole way through, a fun, feel-good story with a great setting’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Funny, easy to read [with] lovely characters as well as a gorgeous setting’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A charming, delightful, uplifting and feel-good read’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
HarperCollins Publishers A White Christmas on Winter Street
‘Fun, festive and fabulous. A story that sparkles like Christmas snow.’ MILLY JOHNSON ‘A page-turner’ – Woman’s Weekly When Sky Terran returns to the village of Middledip after losing the job she loves, she anticipates a quiet Christmas getting used to her new life. However, the annual street decoration competition is coming up and this year, the residents of Winter Street are determined to win. As she is pulled into the preparations, Sky quickly grows to love the quirky, tight-knit community she is now part of. Including the extremely handsome Daz, who soon becomes more than just a friendly neighbour. But when Daz’s ex turns up determined to win him back and it seems he might not be the man Sky thought he was, she remembers how much allowing people into her life – and heart – can hurt. As the snow falls, will she and Daz find a way through – and help win a Christmas victory for Winter Street? A gorgeously festive novel about love, family and the power of forgiveness from Sunday Times bestseller Sue Moorcroft, perfect for fans of Sarah Morgan and Phillipa Ashley. Readers are already falling in love with A White Christmas on Winter Street! ‘Love this author, loved the characters, and the storyline was lovely. All set in a snowy landscape – what more could you ask for?’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Festive, feel-good and heartwarming from beginning to end. Curl up with your hot chocolate and enjoy being transported.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘What is there not to like in this book? Christmas lights, an old house, snow and happiness. Absolutely love it.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Every time I read a new book by Sue Moorcroft I think, this is the best book she has written! It was the same after finishing A White Christmas on Winter Street.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A fantastic return to Middledip where Christmas is always a magical time.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Wow, wow, wow! I absolutely adored this book, it's the perfect Christmas tale.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘I didn't want the story to end!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘I REALLY loved this book, a gorgeous read.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
HarperCollins Publishers Want You Dead (Detective Meredith Somerset, Book 2)
‘Left me begging for more.’ NetGalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The back yard is full of balloons and streamers, and a piñata hangs from a tree branch, circling lazily in the breeze. But beneath the table of party food, a body lies half-covered by a brightly coloured tablecloth, blood seeping onto the floor… A child’s birthday party ends in chaos when one of the parents is found brutally beaten to death. With no way for anyone to leave unnoticed, it’s clear the killer must be another guest, but with twenty high-spirited children as a distraction, anyone might have had the opportunity to slip away from the rest of the party. Detective Meredith Somerset soon discovers the victim had no shortage of enemies, and everyone has a potential motive. Fractured marriages, jealousy and betrayals all come to light but Meredith can’t seem to cut through the lies and find the truth. When another party-goer disappears Meredith knows the clock is ticking before the killer strikes again. But when everyone has a motive, how can she be sure who was the one who struck the fatal blow? Who is innocent—and who is out for blood? A gripping thriller you won’t be able to put down, this is perfect for fans of Robert Dugoni, Rachel Caine and Melinda Leigh. Readers LOVE Want You Dead! ‘Steve Frech does it again!… A gripping, chilling, intense, thrilling and absorbing story that I didn’t want to put down!’ NetGalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Fast-paced… I can't stop thinking about the ending.’ NetGalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Another great read by Steve Frech!… I could barely put this book down… There were so many twists and turns… I highly recommend this thrilling detective series to all fans of thrillers. You won't be disappointed!’ NetGalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Awesome… I loved it very much.’ NetGalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A twisty road of lies, deception, and vengeance… One of the very best parts of Frech’s books are the characters. They are perfectly flawed and each fighting their own demons.’ NetGalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
HarperCollins Publishers The Man I Didn’t Marry
Pre-order your copy of the new heartwarming and romantic Anna Bell novel, Note to Self! A heart-warming and feel-good romcom about a second chance at falling in love, perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlane and Beth O’Leary ‘Funny and relatable. I love books that blend poignancy with laughter – and this one does it to perfection.’ Sophie Cousens, bestselling author of This Time Next Year ‘OMG, I adored this book. It's one of the best I've read for a while and I literally couldn't put it down. What a gorgeous, poignant story of finding love all over again’ Jules Wake, bestselling author of The Spark ––––– What happens when the man she married can’t remember her? Ellie has the perfect life: a happy marriage, a gorgeous daughter and a baby on the way. But when her husband Max develops amnesia, he forgets everything about the last five years . . . including their relationship. Now the man she said ‘I do’ to has become a stranger, and she has no idea why. Yet Ellie is determined to reconnect and find her Max again – he has to be in there somewhere, right? As they get to know one another afresh, Ellie finds herself seeing Max clearly for the first time. But then she discovers that before his memory loss, Max was keeping a huge secret from her. Will their new beginning prove to be a false start, just as it seemed they might fall in love all over again? ––––– Praise for The Man I Didn’t Marry: ‘My heart was not prepared to be squished. Funny and moving. Brilliant writing!’ Joanna Bolouri, author of All I Want for Christmas ‘Anna Bell's best book yet. An incredibly compelling and brilliant story. I fell in love with Ellie, and I know you will, too.’ Lucy Vine, author of Hot Mess ‘I feel like I've been on an emotional roller coaster. What a thrilling ride this novel was – strap in and enjoy. Hilarious yet heartfelt, this is romcom writing at its very best!’ Isabelle Broom, author of The Getaway ‘Brilliantly written, funny and tender’ Fabulous ‘A new must-read’ Bella 'Heart-warming and hilarious’ Yours
Simon & Schuster These Walls: The Battle for Rikers Island and the Future of America's Jails
“A critical intervention in the high stakes debate about the social value of jails and what we could do instead to create safety and justice.” —Alex Vitale, author of The End of Policing In the tradition of Locking Up Our Own and The New Jim Crow, a rarely seen, thought-provoking journey into Rikers Island and the American justice system that “reframes the debate the country’s incarceration crisis, with a compelling focus on architecture as a path forward (Tony Messenger, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Profit and Punishment).For nearly a century, the Rikers Island jail complex has stood on a 413-acre manmade island in the East River of New York. Today it is the largest correctional facility in the city, housing eight active jails and thousands of incarcerated individuals who have not yet been tried. It is also one of the most controversial and notorious jails in America. Which is why, when mayor Bill de Blasio announced in 2017 that Rikers would be closed within the next decade, replaced with four newly designed jails located within the city boroughs, the surface reaction seemed largely positive. Many were enthusiastic, including Eva Fedderly, a journalist focused on the intersections of social justice and design, who was covering the closure and its impact for Architectural Digest. But as Fedderly dug deeper and spoke to more people involved, she discovered that the consensus was hardly universal. Among architects tasked with redesigns that reconcile profits and progress, the members of law enforcement working to stop incarceration cycles in community hot spots, the reformers and abolitionists calling for change, and, most wrenchingly, the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people whose lives will be most affected, some agreed that closing Rikers was a step in the right direction, but many were quick to point out that Rikers was being replaced, not removed. On one point, however, there was firm agreement: whatever the outcome, the world would be watching. Part on-the-ground reporting, part deep social and architectural history, These Walls is an eye-opening, “insightful…bracing look at how the nation’s jails—and the nation itself—ought to be reformed” (Kirkus Reviews) and a challenge to our long-held beliefs about what constitutes power and justice.
The University of Chicago Press Action versus Contemplation: Why an Ancient Debate Still Matters
“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone,” Blaise Pascal wrote in 1654. But then there’s Walt Whitman, in 1856: “Whoever you are, come forth! Or man or woman come forth! / You must not stay sleeping and dallying there in the house.” It is truly an ancient debate: Is it better to be active or contemplative? To do or to think? To make an impact, or to understand the world more deeply? Aristotle argued for contemplation as the highest state of human flourishing. But it was through action that his student Alexander the Great conquered the known world. Which should we aim at? Centuries later, this argument underlies a surprising number of the questions we face in contemporary life. Should students study the humanities, or train for a job? Should adults work for money or for meaning? And in tumultuous times, should any of us sit on the sidelines, pondering great books, or throw ourselves into protests and petition drives? With Action versus Contemplation, Jennifer Summit and Blakey Vermeule address the question in a refreshingly unexpected way: by refusing to take sides. Rather, they argue for a rethinking of the very opposition. The active and the contemplative can—and should—be vibrantly alive in each of us, fused rather than sundered. Writing in a personable, accessible style, Summit and Vermeule guide readers through the long history of this debate from Plato to Pixar, drawing compelling connections to the questions and problems of today. Rather than playing one against the other, they argue, we can discover how the two can nourish, invigorate, and give meaning to each other, as they have for the many writers, artists, and thinkers, past and present, whose examples give the book its rich, lively texture of interplay and reference. This is not a self-help book. It won’t give you instructions on how to live your life. Instead, it will do something better: it will remind you of the richness of a life that embraces action and contemplation, company and solitude, living in the moment and planning for the future. Which is better? Readers of this book will discover the answer: both.
John Murray Press Total German Course: Learn German with the Michel Thomas Method): Beginner German Audio Course
Looking for a convenient language course that fits your lifestyle and gets you speaking a new language in a matter of hours? The acclaimed audio-led Michel Thomas Method Total German course, endorsed by celebrities, executives and learners worldwide, will deliver the results you want. How does it work?During the course, you will join Michel and two students in a live lesson, learning from both their successes and their mistakes to keep you motivated and involved throughout the course. You, as the learner, become the third student and participate actively in the class. Within the very first hour you will be able to construct simple phrases by listening and thinking out answers for yourself without the pressure of writing or memorizing. You learn through your own language, so there's no stress, and no anxiety. You'll stick with it because you'll love it. Why is the method so successful? The Michel Thomas Method was perfected over 50 years by celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas. This unique method works with your brain and draws on the principles of instructional psychology. Knowledge is structured and organised so that you assimilate the language easily and don't forget it. The method breaks down the language into building blocks that are introduced sequentially in such a way that you create your response and move on to ever-more-complex sentences. There is no need to stop for homework, additional exercises or vocabulary memorization, so you progress rapidly. What's in the Course?Total German with the Michel Thomas Method includes up to 8 hours of audio on CD and a practice CD-ROM with interactive activities and assessment which should be done after the course and as a means of review. *Note that the content is the same as the previously entitled Foundation course, but with the addition of a CD-ROM. Learn anywhere Don't be tied to chunky books or your computer, Michel Thomas Method audio courses let you learn whenever you want: at home, in your car, or on the move with your MP3 player.Where do I go next? Perfect German follows on from the Total course with 11 hours of audio and a practice CD-ROM.
University Press of Kansas American by Birth: Wong Kim Ark and the Battle for Citizenship
American by Birth explores the history and legacy of Wong Kim Ark and the 1898 Supreme Court case that bears his name, which established the automatic citizenship of individuals born within the geographic boundaries of the United States. In the late nineteenth century, much like the present, the United States was a difficult, and at times threatening, environment for people of color. Chinese immigrants, invited into the United States in the 1850s and 1860s as laborers and merchants, faced a wave of hostility that played out in organized private violence, discriminatory state laws, and increasing congressional efforts to throttle immigration and remove many long-term residents. The federal courts, backed by the Supreme Court, supervised the development of an increasingly restrictive and exclusionary immigration regime that targeted Chinese people. This was the situation faced by Wong Kim Ark, who had been born in San Francisco in the 1870s and who earned his living as a cook. Like many members of the Chinese community in the American West he maintained ties to China. He traveled there more than once, carrying required re-entry documents, but when he attempted to return to the United States after a journey from 1894 to 1895, he was refused entry and detained. Protesting that he was a citizen and therefore entitled to come home, he challenged the administrative decision in court. Remarkably, the Supreme Court granted him victory.This victory was important for Wong Kim Ark, for the ethnic Chinese community in the United States, and for all immigrant communities then and to this day. Though the principle had links to seventeenth-century English common law and in the United States back to well before the American Civil War, the Supreme Court's ruling was significant because it both inscribed the principle in constitutional terms and clarified that it extended even to the children of immigrants who were legally barred from becoming citizens. American by Birth is a richly detailed account of the case and its implications in the ongoing conflicts over race and immigration in US history; it also includes a discussion of current controversies over limiting the scope of birthright citizenship.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Bump It Up: The Dynamic, Flexible Exercise and Healthy Eating Plan For Before, During and After Pregnancy
The ultimate, easy-to-follow guide to how to be fit, active and healthy - before, during and after pregnancy - from Professor Greg Whyte OBE: consultant to numerous sportswomen and celebrities, and the performance expert behind the incredible Comic Relief and Sports Relief challenges. Complete with accessible advice and illustrated exercise programs, this is the only pregnancy guide you'll ever need...'I loved being active while pregnant. Being fitter made the first few weeks easier and Greg's new book provides fantastic support and guidance on how to exercise throughout pregnancy' -- Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, Paralympic gold, silver and bronze medalist, world record holder and mum'Greg's new book provides a wonderful companion for mums-to-be' -- Sally Gunnell, OBE, Olympic gold medallist, world record holder and mum'Every pregnant woman should read this book' -- ***** Reader review'One of the best pregnancy books out there' -- ***** Reader review'An incredible book - great to get straight forward, clear advice' -- ***** Reader review'Pitched at an understandable level, with lots of useful information' -- ***** Reader review****************************************************************************************BUMP IT UP clears away the confusion and dispels the many myths surrounding exercise and pregnancy to offer invaluable guidance on how to exercise safely and eat healthily through each trimester and beyond.Professor Greg Whyte OBE, a father of three, explains how the right exercise and a healthy, balanced lifestyle will ...· boost your chances of conception· help you to be fit and relaxed through each stage of your pregnancy· reduce your stress levels as you prepare for labour· keep you energized and active as you adapt to the demands of motherhoodGuiding you through each trimester, Greg provides an easy-to-follow, fully illustrated exercise programme suitable for all levels of fitness, and a healthy eating plan, which includes expert guidance on nutrition and a range of delicious and adaptable recipes created by an award-winning food writer.Designed to keep you feeling on top form, and with an inspirational foreword by mum and celebrity fitness expert Davina McCall, BUMP IT UP is both practical and empowering - a one-stop-shop for essential advice on how to be fit, active and healthy before, during and after pregnancy.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Unforgettable Journeys Europe: Discover the Joys of Slow Travel
Inspirational travel book covering 150 of Europe's most incredible journeys, including routes on foot and by bike, road, rail and water. When it comes to beautiful landscapes, Europe has more than its fair share of icons. The snowy peaks of the Alps, the vivid tulip fields of the Netherlands and the glittering lakes of northern Italy - you'll find them nowhere else but here. Yet pause to look around a little longer, and you'll soon discover that these postcard favourites sit side by side with many more understated scenes that are just as stunning. In fact, the slower you go, the more treasures you'll uncover - so why would you want to rush the experience? Featuring over 150 inspirational entries, Unforgettable Journeys Europe is a vibrant celebration of taking the scenic route. We've picked the best adventures across the continent, from cruising around the Western Fjords of Norway to hiking the Lycian Way in Turkey. Of course, the big-hitters are covered - riding Switzerland's Glacier Express, ferry-hopping in Greece and cycling from Land's End to John O'Groats - but we also take you off-the-beaten path, roaming the Albanian Riviera, kayaking through Finnish lakeland and navigating the steady switchbacks of the Transfagarasan Road in Romania. Make your next trip magical as you explore: - Over 150 incredible journeys .- Illustrated with inspiring photography and maps that plot the routes and bring their highlights to life- Chapter maps provide a handy overview of the locations covered.- Evocative text transports the reader there, with vivid descriptions and fascinating stories.-Includes practical information, such as duration, difficulty, and start and end points.-Sustainable and slow travel options have been covered where possible. -Feature boxes give the routes context.- Gives suggestions for alternative ways to make the same journey and other destinations where you can enjoy similar trips.We've organized the book by types of transport, so whether you're an avid hiker, cyclist or driver, or love to be on the water or on the rails, we've got you covered. It's time to take the slow road and truly appreciate Europe in all its wonderful variety.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Ultimate Sticker Book Animals
For kids who love stickers and animals, this is the ultimate sticker book. It's filled with incredible wildlife, from mammals to fish, and over 250 reusable stickers!Little ones will love learning all about their favourite animals and placing the stickers on the pages where they think they should go. The stickers are easy to peel, re-usable, and perfect for little fingers!Explore the Animal World Ultimate Sticker Book Animals is the perfect way to engage your child with fun facts and interactive reading. Inside this fascinating animal-themed activity book, you'll find:- Over 250 reusable stickers that are easy to peel and stick to pages or other surfaces- Fun facts, puzzles and quizzes for kids to learn about the animal kingdom as they play- Gorgeous photos and illustrations that will captivate and engage childrenThis colourful activity book keeps kids engaged and learning as they play. Bright photos and stunning illustrations transport children into desserts, jungles, and grasslands! They're challenged to find the correct stickers to fill in the blanks in the images. Kids can also get creative and craft their own scenes out of different stickers, there's no end to where their imagination can take them!Alongside the pictures are bite-sized descriptions and information that is easy to read and suitable for children 5 years and up. They will learn about the world's diverse and magical animal kingdom, from pandas and tigers to orangutans and lemurs.This animal-themed sticker book inspires budding zoologists to explore the outside world and learn more about different types of animals, where they live, and what they eat. The book is divided into the different continents of the world, providing children with an introduction to geography, too. There's also a quiz so you and your pre-schooler can read and engage together.More from DK Books:If you and your child enjoyed the activities in the Ultimate Sticker Book Animals, and want to play with some more stickers, there are lots of other creatures to learn about! Look out for Ultimate Sticker Book Farm and Ultimate Sticker Book Bugs.
Pearson Education (US) Supply Chain and Logistics Management Made Easy: Methods and Applications for Planning, Operations, Integration, Control and Improvement, and Network Design
THE PRACTICAL, EASY INTRODUCTION TO MODERN SUPPLY CHAIN/LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT FOR EVERY PROFESSIONAL AND STUDENT! COVERS CORE CONCEPTS, PLANNING, OPERATIONS, INTEGRATION, COLLABORATION, NETWORK DESIGN, AND MORE SHOWS HOW TO MEASURE, CONTROL, AND IMPROVE ANY SUPPLY CHAIN INCLUDES PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR JUMPSTARTING YOUR OWN SUPPLY CHAIN CAREER This easy guide introduces the modern field of supply chain and logistics management, explains why it is central to business success, shows how its pieces fit together, and presents best practices you can use wherever you work. Myerson explains key concepts, tools, and applications in clear, simple language, with intuitive examples that make sense to any student or professional. He covers the entire field: from planning through operations, integration and collaboration through measurement, control, and improvement. You’ll find practical insights on hot-button issues ranging from sustainability to the lean-agile supply chain. Myerson concludes by helping you anticipate key emerging trends—so you can advance more quickly in your own career. Trillions of dollars are spent every year on supply chains and logistics. Supply chain management is one of the fastest growing areas of business, and salaries are rising alongside demand. Now, there’s an easy, practical introduction to the entire field: a source of reliable knowledge and best practices for students and professionals alike. Paul A. Myerson teaches you all you’ll need to start or move forward in your own supply chain career. Writing in plain English, he covers all the planning and management tasks needed to transform resources into finished products and services, and deliver them efficiently to customers. Using practical examples, Myerson reviews the integration, collaboration, and technology issues that are essential to success in today’s complex supply chains. You’ll learn how to measure your supply chain’s performance, make it more agile and sustainable, and focus it on what matters most: adding customer value. MASTER NUTS-AND-BOLTS OPERATIONAL BEST PRACTICES Improve procurement, transportation, warehousing, ordering, reverse logistics, and more BUILD A BETTER GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN Manage new risks as you improve sustainability STRENGTHEN KEY LINKAGES WITH YOUR PARTNERS AND CUSTOMERS Get supply chains right by getting collaboration right PREVIEW THE FUTURE OF SUPPLY CHAINS—AND YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN CAREERDiscover “where the puck is headed”—so you can get there first
Ebury Publishing Pasta: over 100 mouth-watering recipes from master chef and pasta expert Theo Randall
PREPARE TO REDISCOVER PASTA! In this sumptuous cookbook, former head chef of the Michelin star restaurant River Café Theo Randall presents over 100 delicious recipes that cooks of every level will be able to recreate at home. With full colour, specially commissioned photography and recipes covering meat, fish and vegetarian diets, this is sure to become a kitchen stalwart.'A must-have for any pasta lover. Theo's cooking is sublime' -- Jamie Oliver'Theo's food is a manifestation of his character. Practical, gutsy, intelligent, original and utterly charming. It's also very tasty...' -- William Sitwell'Some of the finest pasta I have had outside of Italy' -- Matthew Fort'Excellent book for all lovers of Italian food and for all levels of cook' -- ***** Reader review'I love it. It's bright, beautiful, intelligent and, above all, personal' -- ***** Reader review'One of the best Pasta cook books ever' -- ***** Reader review'Theo Randall is the go-to man when it comes to Italian cuisine' -- ***** Reader review'The best pasta book I have found!' -- ***** Reader review******************************************************************************************Simplicity is key in this friendly, accessible and stylish cookbook from a master chef, imbued with the flavours of the Italian countryside.For too long the ingredient in the store cupboard brought out for last minute dinner emergencies, pasta - inexpensive, ever versatile and often underestimated - lends itself to hundreds of fresh and different creations, especially when handled by the truly talented Theo Randall. He believes that the best pastas are the simplest: a plate of tagliatelle with butter and Parmesan can be just as magnificent as a ravioli stuffed with sweet potato and fennel.In Pasta Theo Randall brings us a mouth-watering collection of 110 recipes, all within the reach of the keen cook. Using a mix of fresh and dried pasta and the freshest ingredients according to the season, Theo presents a wide variety of dishes, many achievable in minutes. From Taglierini with Peas, Prosciutto and Parmesan to Linguine with Pesto, Potato and Green Beans, to Pansotti with Sheep's Ricotta and Walnut Pesto, and Cappaletti with Slow Cooked Veal and Pancetta there is a dish to please everyone.Pasta is destined to become a kitchen classic.
Uitgeverij Kannibaal Elvis and Presley
In 1999, photographers Robert Huber and Stephan Vanfleteren travelled through the US in the wake of their hero, Elvis Presley. Elvis (Huber) and Presley (Vanfleteren) invite you to share their journey across the American landscape, from Times Square to Death Valley. Decked out in glittering jumpsuits and big hair, this is the story of two European photojournalists who travelled across eleven states taking pictures of each other, Stephan Vanfleteren using black and white film, Robert Huber, colour. This is the ultimate pop idol on a tour of America, interacting with the people, the places, the history, the cool glances, the warm embraces, the hot coffee and the cheap motels that define modern life. AUTHOR: Robert Huber is a Swiss photographer. He studied at the CEPV (Centre d'Enseignement Professionel de Vevey) in Switzerland (1991-1995). Two years later he moved to New York to work as an editorial photographer. From 2004 until 2006 he lived in Istanbul to pursue his career, and worked for several European and American magazines. He now lives in Zürich and works there as a commercial and editorial photographer and works on his own projects as well. Stephan Vanfleteren specialises in black-and-white portraits and reports extensively at home and abroad. He is currently working mainly for foreign newspapers and magazines. In 1998, Vanfleteren won the European Fuji Awards; in 1996, 1998 and 2000, he won five World Press Photo Awards and several Belgian press awards. He also won the German Henri Nannen Prize in 2011. In 2012, he received the five-yearly Culture Award for the Province of West Flanders and the National Portrait Award in the Netherlands. In 2013, he has won the World Press Photo Award for his series "People of Mercy" in the category "Staged Portraits". SELLING POINTS: . A unique collaboration between two photographers, which resulted in colour (Robert Huber) and black and white (Stephan Vanfleteren) photos inspired by Elvis Presley . Huber and Vanfleteren travelled through the US looking for interesting places to shoot, using themselves as costumed protagonists for their photo series 39 colour, 44 b/w
Cuento de Luz SL El día mariquita dibujó una pelusa gigante (The Day Ladybug Drew a Giant Ball of Fluff)
Everybody tells Ladybug her drawing is not an elephant, but a giant ball of fluff. But… is it? A pleasantly colorful book, printed in stone paper, that invites readers to be imaginative and creative.In school, the forest children had fun discovering the names of distant jungles, jumping around in the schoolyard, learning new songs. Miss Dragonfly asked their students to draw an elephant as homework. Ladybug’s friends Snail, Firefly and other colleagues were the first to show their masterpiece. Ladybug surprised everyone by drawing a giant ball of fluff. There was no sign of the pachyderm! All the forest animals were worried: why would she have drawn something like that? Miss Dragonfly couldn’t believe it, so she warned Ladybug’s parents. It was not like her to do such thing… Who knows! Maybe she needed an ear exam… People in the forest started gossiping… But she could not be any healthier! Soon enough, Ladybug made it clear that perhaps they were wrong prejudging her creativity.Mariquita dibuja un elefante precioso, pero los demás solo ven una pelusa gigante. Un libro lleno de color, impreso en papel de piedra, que invita a los lectores a creer en el poder de la imaginación y a ser creativos.En la escuela, los niños del bosque se divierten descubriendo los nombres de selvas lejanas, saltando en el patio con sus compañeros, aprendiendo nuevas canciones. Doña Libélula, la maestra, pidió a sus alumnos que dibujaran un elefante como deberes. Los amigos de Mariquita, Caracol, Luciérnaga y otros de sus amigos fueron los primeros en enseñar su obra maestra delante de sus compañeros. Mariquita los sorprendió a todos cuando enseñó su dibujo: ¡una bola gigante de pelusa!¡No había ni rastro del paquidermo! Todos los animales del bosque estaban preocupados: ¿por qué habría dibujado algo así? Doña Libélula no daba crédito, así que llamó inmediatamente a los padres de Mariquita y los avisó. No era propio de ella hacer semejante cosa... ¡Quién sabe! Quizás necesitaba que un médico, podría tener algún problemilla de audición. La gente del bosque empezó a chismorrear, ¡pero Mariquita estaba más sana que un roble! Muy pronto, Mariquita dejó en claro que tal vez los demás estaban equivocados al criticar su creatividad.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Human Genome as Common Heritage of Mankind
"In this timely study, Jean Buttigieg demonstrates the necessity to make it a legal principle of international law that the human genome is a common heritage of mankind. In 1997, the UNESCO General Conference declared the human genome a common heritage of humankind. This declaration was followed by the Joint Statement of March 14, 2000, by US President Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in which they stated that the fundamental data on the human genome, including the human DNA sequence and its variations, should be made freely available to scientists everywhere. This announcement to allow unencumbered access to this fundamental data on the human genome, for the benefit of all humanity, appeared to endorse the UNESCO Declaration of 1997 on the human genome. But as it turns out, these statements were only political slogans since there is a complete lack of any genuine attempts to make the human genome a legal principle of international law so far. This study's foremost goal is to re-introduce the philosophical and political implications of the concept of common heritage of mankind into public discourse, as intended by Arvid Pardo when he addressed the UN General Assembly on November 1, 1967, and apply them to the human genome. As Buttigieg demonstrates, the biggest challenge here comes from the patent system in its present form, which encourages the commercialization of the human genome by explicitly denying scientists unencumbered access to the fundamental raw data. By putting individual rights before community rights, the patent system effectively hinders discoveries that prompt new and better medical treatments. Buttigieg also discusses issues of biotechnology. While the biotechnology debate is very often centred on which new applications of biotechnology should or should not be permitted, it so far lacks a critical philosophical analysis of biotechnology itself. The true essence of the human genome, Buttigieg argues, is to be found in metaphysics and not biology. This study fills a gap in the literature on the human genome and the common heritage of mankind by addressing the metaphysical nature of the human genome and discussing the philosophical concerns surrounding the field of biotechnology."
Springer International Publishing AG Demystifying OWL for the Enterprise
After a slow incubation period of nearly 15 years, a large and growing number of organizations now have one or more projects using the Semantic Web stack of technologies. The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is an essential ingredient in this stack, and the need for ontologists is increasing faster than the number and variety of available resources for learning OWL. This is especially true for the primary target audience for this book: modelers who want to build OWL ontologies for practical use in enterprise and government settings. The purpose of this book is to speed up the process of learning and mastering OWL. To that end, the focus is on the 30% of OWL that gets used 90% of the time. Others who may benefit from this book include technically oriented managers, semantic technology developers, undergraduate and post-graduate students, and finally, instructors looking for new ways to explain OWL. The book unfolds in a spiral manner, starting with the core ideas. Each subsequent cycle reinforces and expands on what has been learned in prior cycles and introduces new related ideas. Part 1 is a cook's tour of ontology and OWL, giving an informal overview of what things need to be said to build an ontology, followed by a detailed look at how to say them in OWL. This is illustrated using a healthcare example. Part 1 concludes with an explanation of some foundational ideas about meaning and semantics to prepare the reader for subsequent chapters. Part 2 goes into depth on properties and classes, which are the core of OWL. There are detailed descriptions of the main constructs that you are likely to need in every day modeling, including what inferences are sanctioned. Each is illustrated with real-world examples. Part 3 explains and illustrates how to put OWL into practice, using examples in healthcare, collateral, and financial transactions. A small ontology is described for each, along with some key inferences. Key limitations of OWL are identified, along with possible workarounds. The final chapter gives a variety of practical tips and guidelines to send the reader on their way.
Anvil Press Publishers Inc Atomic Storybook
Atomic Storybook is a novel about a young painter named Owen who is regularly abducted by beings he calls "the space pricks." These otherworldly visitors perform experiments on him, befuddle him with an absurd riddle about the moon, and show him scenes from his previous lives - one as a 12th century English monk; in another he shares the ward with Albert Einstein's son, Eduard, in the Burghölzli mental hospital. Through all of this, and his lengthy existential conversations with physics professor, Chesley Keeping, Owen comes to doubt the nature of everything around him - all that stuff most of us like to call "reality." Atomic Storybook is a new novel from the author of Spat the Dummy. It's about the early years of Albert Einstein, an explosion on the moon, and a group of friends who feel like they are living in a long, strange dream. A delightful stew of lust, blood, ennui and physics, Atomic Storybook is also about living and dying in what is, undeniably, an illusion. Praise for Atomic Storybook: "Macdonald does an excellent job through multiple perspectives of keeping the reader on edge as to what is real and what is not. ... It's a barometer of excellent writing when a novel can get you to stop reading, causing you to daydream and get lost in one magnificently imagined scene." (The Winnipeg Review) "The humour in Spat was dark, bloody, and laugh-out-loud funny and Storybook is even better. It is also a more thoughtful and emotionally nuanced book and makes the reader experience Macdonald's stated goal as an author to 'feel the shock of the future as it splashes over me like a bucket of ice water on a sunburn.' " (Cape Breton Post) Praise for Ed's previous novel, Spat the Dummy:: "This novel is unforgettable both for its subject matter and its form of narration. The style is electrifying and there are images that will burn in the reader's mind forever. Ed Macdonald is a gripping writer." (Alistair MacLeod, author of No Great Mischief, winner of the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award)
University of Hertfordshire Press Peasant Perspectives on the Medieval Landscape: A study of three communities
This compelling new study forms part of a new wave of scholarship on the medieval rural environment in which the focus moves beyond purely socio-economic concerns to incorporate the lived experience of peasants. For too long, the principal intellectual approach has been to consider both subject and evidence from a modern, rationalist perspective and to afford greater importance to the social elite. New perspectives are needed. By re-evaluating the source material from the perspective of the peasant worldview, it is possible to build a far more detailed representation of rural peasant experience. Susan Kilby seeks to reconstruct the physical and socio-cultural environment of three contrasting English villages - Lakenheath in Suffolk, Castor in Northamptonshire and Elton in Huntingdonshire - between c. 1086 and c. 1348 and to use this as the basis for determining how peasants perceived their natural surroundings. In so doing she draws upon a vast array of sources including documents, material culture, place-names and family names, and the landscape itself. At the same time, she explores the approaches adopted by a wide variety of academic disciplines, including onomastics, anthropology, ethnography, landscape archaeology and historical geography. This highly interdisciplinary process reveals exciting insights into peasant mentalities. For example, cultural geographers’ understanding of the ways in which different groups ‘read’ their local landscape has profound implications for the ways in which we might interpret evidence left to us by medieval English peasant communities, while anthropological approaches to place-naming demonstrate the distinct possibility that there were similarities between the naming practices of First Nations people and medieval society. Both groups used key landscape referents and also used names as the means by which locally important history, folklore and legends were embedded within the landscape itself. Among many valuable insights, this study also reveals that, although uneducated in the formal sense, peasants understood aspects of contemporary scientific thought. In addition to enhancing academic understanding of the lived experience, this new approach augments our comprehension of subjects such as social status, peasant agency, peasants’ economic experiences and the construction of communal and individual memory. Susan Kilby’s groundbreaking study enables us to reclaim significant elements of the environment inhabited and traversed by English people over 700 years ago.
Chronicle Books High Vibe Home: Holistic Design for Beautiful Spaces with Healing, Balanced Energy
From an interior designer and modern feng shui expert, High Vibe Home is a luxe handbook for creating restorative spaces that feel as good as they look. Create a home that feels as good as it looks. From an interior designer and energy practitioner, High Vibe Home teaches readers how to design harmonious spaces that invite free-flowing, positive energy into their homes and lives. By decluttering and cleaning, arranging furniture, decorating with crystals or houseplants, incorporating new colors, textures, and more, anyone, on any budget, can design a home with high vibes. The book outlines key design principles and energy rules that contribute to a nourishing home, and then, room-by-room, offers achievable ways to put those practices into place. In a luxe package, this handbook is woven through with atmospheric photography, evocative shots of styled decor elements, and helpful diagrams. High Vibe Home is a must-have for design aficionados, wellness enthusiasts, and anyone interested in crystals, feng shui, or energy work. Alongside smudge sticks or a cozy throw, it's a thoughtful gift for a girlfriend's birthday or a housewarming party. ACCESSIBLE PRACTICES: High Vibe Home offers achievable, affordable practices to make spaces feel more Zen. Anyone, on any budget, can make these small adjustments to improve their home and in turn, channel that newfound positive energy into other areas of their life. MORE THAN JUST HOME DECOR: This book is not simply a collection of design tips; it also teaches how to foster specific types of energy in your space—calming, invigorating, healing, etc. These choices can have an outsize impact on not just your mood but also your relationships, career, and health. ON TREND: The wellness trend is still going strong, and holistic interior design is an extension of that. There are sections throughout the book on crystals, chakras, feng shui, and other types of energy work, which will appeal to those interested in these on-trend wellness topics. Perfect for: • Anyone looking for ways to make their home lovelier or more Zen • People interested in energy work, crystals, or feng shui • Shoppers looking for a Mother's Day, hostess, or housewarming gift
Pelagic Publishing Bird Senses: How and What Birds See, Hear, Smell, Taste and Feel
Graham Martin takes the reader deep into the world of birds from a new perspective, with a ‘through birds’ eyes’ approach to ornithology that goes beyond the traditional habitat or ecological point of view. There is a lot more to a bird’s world than what it receives through its eyes. This book shows how all of the senses complement one another to provide each species with a unique suite of information that guides their daily activities. The senses of each bird have been fine-tuned by natural selection to meet the challenges of its environment and optimise its behaviour: from spotting a carcase on a hillside, to pecking at minute insects, from catching fish in murky waters, to navigating around the globe. The reader is also introduced to the challenges posed to birds by the obstacles with which humans have cluttered their worlds, from power lines to windowpanes. All of these challenges need explaining from the birds’ sensory perspectives so that effective mitigations can be put in place. The book leads the reader through a wealth of diverse information presented in accessible text, with over 100 colour illustrations and photographs. The result is a highly readable and authoritative account, which will appeal to birdwatchers and other naturalists, as well as researchers in avian biology. The author has researched the senses of birds throughout a 50-year career in ornithology and sensory science. He has always attempted to understand birds from the perspective of how sensory information helps them to carry out different tasks in different environments. He has published papers on more than 60 bird species, from Albatrosses and Penguins, to Spoonbills and Kiwi. His first fascination was with owls and night time, and owls have remained special to him throughout his career. He has collaborated and travelled widely and pondered diverse sensory challenges that birds face in the conduct of different tasks in different habitats, from mudflats and murky waters, to forests, deserts and caves. In recent years he has focused on how understanding bird senses can help to reduce the very high levels of bird deaths that are caused by human artefacts; particularly, wind turbines, power lines, and gill nets.
Facet Publishing Information Systems: Process and practice
This book adopts a holistic interpretation of information architecture, to offer libraries and information professionals a variety of methods, tools, and techniques that may be used when designing websites and information systems that support workflows and what people require when “managing information”. The editors argue that information architecture for libraries has largely been the study of content architecture and that, on the other hand, library assessment literature has dealt with performance measurement and change management strategies. There is a gap in the middle for information services, with little on the ways of looking at the process architecture of a library and information service and on methods for business process analysis. Information Systems: Process and practice aims to fill that gap with a combination of theory and supporting case studies written by an international line-up of contributors, including Sally Burford, Fernando Loizides, Catherine Burns and Adam Euerby. Case studies cover a wide variety of settings, from discrete resource discovery projects for academic and cultural institutions, through design for large organizational websites, the research evidence about user experience for semi-structured document design on websites, to the health sector with examples including patient support websites and clinical document management. This book: takes a holistic view and interpretation of Information architecture in the context of libraries across the sector, globally discusses research and methods that help libraries and information services work from strategic business objectives through the organisation of processes that support the information services offered, and information management functions supported opens a new area of research/investigation on the link between information behaviour research and information systems and architecture, supported by case studies and projects includes contributions from an international range of experts from diverse backgrounds uses introductory sections and chapter commentary from the editors to draw the discussions together. This will be essential reading for researchers in information science specifically in the areas of digital libraries, information architecture and information systems. It will also be useful for practitioners and students in these areas who want to know the different research issues and challenges and learn how they have been handled in course of various research projects in these areas.
Greystone Books,Canada On Pandemics: Deadly Diseases from Bubonic Plague to Coronavirus
Containing important information about the coronavirus, this comprehensive, easy-to-follow primer on pandemics, epidemics, and the panics they ignite around the world also shares solutions for a safer, healthier future. “A quiet little gem of understanding in a cacophony of panic and fear.” —Quill & Quire, STARRED review Authored by a leading epidemiologist, this engrossing book answers our questions about animal diseases that jump to humans—called zoonoses—including what attracts them to humans, why they have become more common in recent history, and how we can keep them at bay. Almost all pandemics and epidemics have been caused by diseases that come to us from animals, including SARS, Ebola, and—now—Covid-19. Epidemiologist, veterinarian, and ecosystem health specialist, David Waltner-Toews, gathers the latest research to profile dozens of illnesses in On Pandemics. Chapters are broken into short, dynamic explainers, each one tackling a different disease. Readers will discover: Why zoonotic diseases jump from animals to humans—and why some decide to stick around for good. How governments have responded to pandemics and epidemics throughout history, for better or for worse. The role of climate change, industrialized farming, cultural practices, biodiversity loss, and globalization in making these diseases not only possible, but inevitable outcomes of our modern lifestyles. Coronaviruses, such as those that cause SARS and Covid-19, have likely made bats their home for centuries. Until SARS came along, we didn’t know they were there, nor do we know how many other death-dealing viruses might be living undetected in wildlife. On Pandemics shows the greater impact of animal-borne diseases on our world, and encourages us to re-examine our role in pandemics, if not for our own health, then for the health of our planet. Published originally in 2007 as The Chickens Fight Back: Pandemic Panics and Deadly Diseases that Jump from Animals to Humans, this book has been updated in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Waltner-Toews makes truly entertaining reading.” —Globe and Mail “A page-turner presented with irreverent humour and many hair-raising anecdotes.” —Vitality Magazine
Island Press Bird Brother: A Falconer's Journey and the Healing Power of Wildlife
To escape the tough streets of Southeast Washington, D.C. in the late 1980s, young Rodney Stotts would ride the metro to the Smithsonian National Zoo. There, the bald eagles and other birds of prey captured his imagination for the first time. In Bird Brother, Rodney shares his unlikely journey to becoming a conservationist and one of America’s few Black master falconers. Rodney grew up during the crack epidemic, with guns, drugs, and the threat of incarceration an accepted part of daily life for nearly everyone he knew. To rent his own apartment, he needed a paycheck—something the money from dealing drugs didn’t provide. For that, he took a position in 1992 with a new nonprofit, the Earth Conservation Corps. Gradually, Rodney fell in love with the work to restore and conserve the polluted Anacostia River that flows through D.C. As conditions along the river improved, he helped to reintroduce bald eagles to the region and befriended an injured Eurasian Eagle Owl named Mr. Hoots, the first of many birds whose respect he would work hard to earn. Bird Brother is a story about pursuing dreams against all odds, and the importance of second chances. Rodney’s life was nearly upended when he was arrested on drug charges in 2002. The jail sentence sharpened his resolve to get out of the hustling life. With the fierceness of the raptors he had admired for so long, he began to train to become a master falconer and to develop his own raptor education program and sanctuary. Rodney’s son Mike, a D.C. firefighter, has also begun his journey to being a master falconer, with his own kids cheering him along the way. Eye-opening, witty, and moving, Bird Brother is a love letter to the raptors and humans who transformed what Rodney thought his life could be. It is an unflinching look at the uphill battle Black children face in pursuing stable, fulfilling lives, a testament to the healing power of nature, and a reminder that no matter how much heartbreak we’ve endured, we still have the capacity to give back to our communities and follow our wildest dreams.
Advantage Media Group An Unlikely Guru: How a Neurotic Jewish Real Estate Developer from New Jersey Found Enlightenment (And How You Can, Too)
How a Neurotic Jewish Real Estate Developer from New Jersey Found Enlightenment (And How You Can, Too) How can I stop worrying so much? How do I learn to look for approval in myself rather than others? How do I slow the pace of life? How can I learn to accept death? How can I find happiness? The answers to these questions and more can be found in this enlightening book. Its author, however, is the antithesis of the traditional spiritual guru. He dresses in business clothes rather than a robe and sandals. He has never lived in a small stone hut in the Himalayas, nor does he collect crystals or read auras. All his insights have required eyeglasses.Married for 40 years with three kids, Charles “Chick” Atkins has experienced all the joys and sorrows that life normally bestows. He is human – just another guy behind the wheel in traffic. Non-descript.But Chick is different in one significant way. Chick is “awake.”In the nine chapters of this book, he identifies nine moments of enlightenment in his life. Each provided a new level of comprehension and understanding that led to greater peace and happiness. Each provided answers to life’s big questions.This book is for everyone who feels disconnected or overwhelmed and who is yearning to be happy and whole, but who can’t leave their 9-to-5 job or spend a week meditating in the Berkshires. Unlike most books of this type, this is not about using spirituality to escape ordinary life and live with your head in the clouds. Rather, it’s about using spirituality to embrace ordinary life and realize how extraordinary it actually is. It’s a philosophy grounded in today’s reality.Enlightenment, as you’ll learn, is simply living moment to moment, amid all the usual nonsense, with awareness and appreciation unblemished by the past. You are capable of that. After all, even once you get all your wishes, there will always be the dishes.Chick writes with humor, humility and, most important, practicality. His path can be your path, too. In the life story of an unlikely guru, you just might find insight into your own.
Avalon Travel Publishing Moon Camino de Santiago (Second Edition): Sacred Sites, Historic Villages, Local Food & Wine
Over 1,200 years old, 500 miles long, and rich with tradition, history, and inspiration: Embark on the trip of a lifetime with Moon Camino de Santiago. Inside you'll find:* Strategic trekking advice for walking the Camino, including where to start to get the Compostela certificate and excursions to gateway cities like Santiago, Léon, and Pamplona* Unique ideas for enriching your experience: Admire folkloric art and Romanesque churches, stroll through the stone archways and winding alleys of medieval cities, and soak up mountain views as you cross over the Pyrenees and descend into green valleys. See the archaeological site where Europe's oldest humans were uncovered and breathe in the salty ocean air as you finish your journey at the shores of the Atlantic* Savor the local flavors: Enjoy authentic jamón serrano, tapas, and Galician wine, or grab cheese and freshly baked bread for a picnic lunch* The best detours, festivals, and villages along the way: Linger in Estella, witness the running of the bulls in Pamplona, visit the monastery in Nájera, or sip wine in Cacabelos* Essential planning information on when to go, how to get there, where to eat, and where to stay, from pilgrim dorms to private hotels, plus tips on hazards, precautions, and gear* Expert advice from Beebe Bahrami, who has walked the Camino more than 20 times, including valuable history and context of the pilgrimage and the sacred sites, landscape, culture, and local etiquette* Full-color photos and detailed maps throughout, plus a handy fold-out map of the entire route* Helpful resources on Covid and walking the Camino* Handy tools and background information including Spanish and French phrasebooks, visa information, volunteer opportunities, and tips for seniors, women traveling alone, religious and secular travelers, and LGBTQ travelersStart your transformative journey with Moon Camino de Santiago's expert insight, unique suggestions, and practical advice.About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell-and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you.For more inspiration, follow @moonguides on social media.
Quercus Publishing The People Immortal
One of Grossman's three great war novels - alongside Life and Fate and Stalingrad."A significant, valuable addition to Grossman's small but powerful body of work" WILLIAM BOYD"A remarkable novel that illuminates the terrible realities of Barbarossa and the banal horror of warfare with incomparable understanding and insight" JONATHAN DIMBLEBY"There are always good reasons for reading Grossman, but few times are as resonant as our own" Financial Times"At the heart of his writing lies a tireless humanity and empathy" Telegraph"Grossman combines a journalist's eye with a novelist's empathy" SpectatorSet during the catastrophic defeats of the war's first months, it tracks a Red Army regiment that wins a minor victory in eastern Belorussia but fails to exploit this success. A battalion is then entrusted with the task of slowing the German advance, and eventually encircled, before ultimately breaking out and joining with the rest of the Soviet forces.Grossman's descriptions of the natural world - and his characters' relationship to it - are both vivid and unexpected, as are his memorable character sketches: eleven-year-old Lionya is determined to hang on to his toy revolver as he walks a long distance behind German lines; his defiant grandmother slaps a German officer in the face and is shot; Kotenko, a fiercely anti-Soviet peasant who initially welcomes the Germans, hangs himself in despair when they treat him with contempt; and Semion Ignatiev, a womanizer and gifted story-teller, turns out to be the boldest and most resourceful of the rank-and file soldiers.Grossman spent most of the war years close to the front line. But The People Immortal is far from being mere morale-boosting propaganda. On the contrary, as letters included in this volume make clear, it was read as a textbook, and as a work of military education. This edition includes not only the unredacted novel itself, translated here for the first time since 1946, but also a wealth of background material.A heavily redacted English translation of The People Immortal was published in 1946. This current edition is the first that reflects Grossman's original text.Translated from the Russian by Robert and Elizabeth Chandler
Hodder & Stoughton Wild Wild Guru: An insider's account of his life with Bhagwan, the world's most controversial guru
'It is a Lord of the Flies parable with Bhagwan as lord. The book is a fascinating social history, with many celebrities, from Diana Ross to Prince Charles. - Helen Rumbelow, The TimesThis is the story of a Englishman who gave up a job in journalism to spend fourteen years with the controversial Indian mystic Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and frequently referred to as 'the sex guru'. His guru was always controversial with his teachings on sex and spirituality, rumours of orgies and because he owned ninety-three Rolls Royces.Early in 1976, Subhuti travelled to India to meet Rajneesh in his ashram in Pune, became initiated as his disciple and immediately began to have mystical experiences, which he attributed to the powerful energy field surrounding the guru. He stayed for six months, participating in the ashram's notorious Encounter Group and other therapies designed to release suppressed emotions and awaken sexual energySubhuti would stay to live and work on his master's ashrams for fourteen years, first as his press officer in Pune, India, then as editor of the community's weekly newspaper when Bhagwan and his followers shifted to Oregon, USA, and built a whole new town on the massive Big Muddy Ranch.There Subhuti was a first-hand witness to the scandals and hullabaloo that accompanied the guru, including tales of broken bones in no-holds-barred therapy groups and Tantra groups that encouraged total sexual freedom, and the increasing hostility with the locals which would lead to Bhagwan's attempt to flee America, his arrest and imprisonment. .He was on the Oregon Ranch when Rajneesh's secretary, Ma Anand Sheela, plotted against rival cliques within the ashram as well as a range of murderous crimes against state and federal officials which feature in hit Netflix series Wild Wild Country.Yet, amidst it all, Subhuti could see the profound revolution in spirituality that Bhagwan was creating, leaving a lasting impact on our ideas about society, religion, meditation and personal transformation.According to the author's understanding, it was the controversy itself, plus Bhagwan's refusal to tread the path of a spiritual saint, that became the stepping stone to a new vision of what it means to be a spiritual seeker.
Hachette Children's Group You Are Awesome: Find Your Confidence and Dare to be Brilliant at (Almost) Anything
CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE YEAR 2019SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER"A very funny and inspiring read! Brilliantly practical with a wide variety of examples that make it relevant for both boys and girls (and adults)!" - online customer review"A truly inspiring book for the younger generation!" - online customer review"Genuinely funny and engaging. There are messages in this book for both adults and children. It's a must read." - online customer review"An awesome book about becoming awesome. How inspiring it is to know that there's a path to awesomeness and that anyone - absolutely anyone - can go down that path. This book shows you how." - Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology, Stanford UniversityThis positive and empowering guide, by bestselling mindset author Matthew Syed, will help boys and girls build resilience, fulfil their potential and become successful, happy, awesome adults.I'm no good at sport ... I can't do maths ... I really struggle with exams ... Sound familiar?If you believe you can't do something, the chances are you won't try. But what if you really could get better at maths, or sport or exams? In fact, what if you could excel at anything you put your mind to?You Are Awesome can help you do just that, inspiring and empowering young readers to find the confidence to realise their potential. The first children's book from Times journalist, two-time Olympian and best-selling mindset author Matthew Syed, it uses examples of successful people from Mozart to Serena Williams to demonstrate that success really is earned rather than given, and that talent can be acquired. With hard work and determination, practice and self-belief, and, most importantly, a Growth Mindset, there's no reason why anyone can't achieve anything. Practical, insightful and positive, this is the book to help children build resilience, embrace their mistakes and grow into successful, happy adults.Also available: The You Are Awesome Journal. Whether setting out your goals, planning the best practice ever, keeping calm with breathing exercises or making paper aeroplanes to understand marginal gains, you'll love the brilliant activities in The You Are Awesome Journal - it's the perfect companion to You Are Awesome!
APress Up Up and Array!: Dynamic Array Formulas for Excel 365 and Beyond
Understand the power of dynamic arrays: a single formula can generate new and vastly more efficient spreadsheet possibilities. This book introduces spreadsheet users to dynamic array functions in Microsoft Excel 365, defines and details the distinctive ways in which they work, and shows how they can be applied to a wide swath of data-analytic tasks.While array formulas and functions have long held a place in the spreadsheet toolbox (although, for many of us, shunted to an obscure corner), the dynamic array engine offers a more user-friendly and intelligible set of means for manipulating spreadsheet data in the array mode. The single-formula, multi-cell capability of dynamic arrays has been extended to nearly all existing spreadsheet functions, offering a new, default way of working. As a result, many tasks can now be executed with dynamic arrays without having to resort to the new functions at all.After defining arrays and dynamic array formulas, this book helps you examine the dynamic array property of lifting and how it impacts the formulas, including those written with existing functions. Plenty of illustrations and formulas along the way help you get comfortable using them. From there, you will learn Excel 365’s new dynamic functions, including the 14 currently in rollout, each accompanied by instructive examples. In many cases, the examples demonstrate how the new functions can work with long-available functions, such as MID, IF, COUNTIF, etc., which now also boast dynamic array functionality. What You Will Learn Unlock the dynamic array potential in Microsoft Excel Apply dynamic array functions and confidently direct them to real-world spreadsheet tasks Know the distinctive ways in which arrays work and can be applied to numerous data-analytic tasks Who This Book Is ForUsers of Excel 365 and beyond who are comfortable with, but not necessarily expert in, formula writing, as well as those who are unaware of or not fluent with dynamic arrays. It is also valuable to data journalists and other professionals in need of spreadsheet skills who may unaware of dynamic arrays, and the time they could save by applying them to their work.
APress Demystifying Intelligent Multimode Security Systems: An Edge-to-Cloud Cybersecurity Solutions Guide
This open access book. Use this practical guide to understand the concepts behind Intelligent Multi-modal Security Systems (IMSS) and how to implement security within an IMSS system to improve the robustness of the devices and of the end-to-end solution.There are nearly half a million active IMSS cameras globally, with over 100 million added annually. These cameras are used across enterprises (companies, traffic monitoring, driver enforcement, etc.), in peoples’ homes, on mobile devices (drones, on-vehicle, etc.), and are worn on the body.IMSS systems with a camera and network video recorder for storage are becoming the normal infrastructure for capturing, storing, and transmitting video content (sometimes up to 100 streams) in a secure manner and while protecting privacy.Military, aerospace, and government entities are also embracing digital security and surveillance. IMSS content serves as evidence in courts of law.Security within all of these types of IMSS systems needs to be bolstered by leveraging Intel hardware and software as the last line of defense, and this book provides you with best practices and solutions for maximizing security in your system implementation.What You Will Learn Review the relevant technologies in a surveillance system Define and dissect the data pipeline with a focus on key criteria and understand the mapping of this pipeline to Intel hardware blocks Optimize the partition and future-proof it with security and manageability Understand threat modeling terminology, the assets pertinent to DSS, and emerging threats, and learn how to mitigate these threats using Intel hardware and software Understand the unique risks and threats to the intelligence in IMSS (machine learning training and inferencing, regulations, and standards) and explore the solution space for mitigations to these threats Sample applications illustrate how to design in security for several types of IMSS.— Explore ways to keep both yourself and your systems up to date in a rapidly changing technology and threat environment Who This Book Is For Surveillance system designers, integrators, and consultants; professional systems, hardware, and software designers who design, recommend, or integrate surveillance systems; security system integrators; video analytics engineers; agencies that write RFPs and/or RFIs; government, police, and security agencies; and corporate security divisionsThis is an open access book.
Headline Publishing Group The Noom Mindset: Learn the Science, Lose the Weight: the PERFECT DIET to change your relationship with food ... for good!
Your health has a mind of its own.When it comes to setting and achieving your goals, how you think influences what you do. Whether developing a sustainable relationship with food, jump-starting a new fitness routine to shoot for a certain number on the scale, or tackling a health issue, mindset is key to meeting your goals-but it can also often be the most neglected element in any attempt to change behavior. While you might know what you want to do, the key to success is understanding why you want to do it, and how you make a plan that works for you in the long term.The Noom Mindset, created by the leading digital health company that has helped millions achieve their weight and health goals, deconstructs habits around the core drivers of body weight: what we eat and how much we move. You'll discover how your habits around eating and weight management are impacted by your own self-confidence, stress, habits, lifestyle choices, and the rollercoaster of motivation (yes, it's supposed to go up and down). Best of all, you'll learn skills that can be applied to any behavior you want to change, habit you want to break, or life you want to create.This book is an instruction manual for achieving sustainable lifestyle changes plus many other health-related outcomes, including weight loss. With The Noom Mindset, you'll learn how to:-Cultivate a growth mindset-Master the forging or deconstructing of behavior chains-Overcome thought distortions-Generate meaningful internal motivation for staying focused on your goals-Create changes that stickBased on more than a decade of research and experimentation, Noom has helped millions of users succeed by employing the mindset tactics that this book teaches. Written with an emphasis on self-awareness, goal-setting, and self-experimentation, The Noom Mindset provides powerful tools to help you reach your goals, your way.Praise for the NOOM App:'One of the BEST WEIGHT-LOSS apps out there, all based on the science of behaviour change in order to help you make lasting lifestyle changes - not just provide a quick fix' Shape magazine
Headline Publishing Group The Traitor's Wife: Heartbreaking WW2 historical fiction with an incredible story inspired by a woman's resistance
'Do it,' she said to the German, her voice a rasping whisper. 'Shoot me if you dare. I am Maddalena.''A must-read in historical fiction' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I loved this book - a perfect summer read' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'A great book . . . romance, heartbreak, intrigue and triumph - what's not to like!' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Captivating plot with lots of twists and turns' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Very well told story about the resilience and bravery women possess' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐-----The spellbinding new book from the USA Today bestselling author of The Schoolteacher of Saint Michel, perfect for fans of The Nightingale and The Paris Library.Naples 1943Luisa Giordano has faced many losses: her mother to a deadly illness, the man she loved to the Nazis when war came to Italy, and her unborn child at the hands of her own husband. All Luisa has left is her voice, and when she learns her husband is colluding with the enemy, she knows she must use it to fuel the women of Naples with fire.Los Angeles 1962Hollywood starlet Lola Hart has come a long way from the backstreets of Naples, the glamorous parties a way to dull the pain of the past. When she is offered the role of a lifetime portraying a heroine of the Italian resistance, she knows returning home means confronting old ghosts. But as she seeks out the story behind the film, she realises there are many in Naples with secrets, and that the woman she is to play held the greatest one of all...Inspired by the stories of the heroines of the Italian Resistance, this is a heart-wrenching dual-timeframe story which is a portrait of war and a powerful exploration of how far we will go to protect our families, set between World War II Naples and the glamorous Golden Age of Hollywood.-----READERS LOVE SARAH STEELE:'I just loved it!' KATIE FFORDE'I can taste the gelato and the sweetness of La Dolce Vita in Italy of the 1960s, coupled with the bitterness of wartime intrigue and betrayal. A perfect combination' MANDY ROBOTHAM'A gripping and atmospheric read' TESSA HARRIS
Abrams It Never Ends: A Memoir with Nice Memories!
From the comedian, television writer, and host of the Best Show, a revealing and powerful memoir exploring a life of struggle and reinvention "Tom Scharpling possesses more than merely a generation-defining comedic mind. He has a heart as big as New Jersey, an eye as keen as a crow's, and a voice as powerful, pained, and righteous as a wounded god. I AM NOT BEING HYPERBOLIC." --John Hodgman, New York Times bestselling author of Vacationland Tom Scharpling is good at being funny, which is a miracle, considering what he's survived. Like hitting a deer and narrowly escaping with his life on the night of the 2016 election. But that's nothing compared to the struggles he had earlier in his life. It Never Ends is his memoir of a life writing comedy amidst a lifelong struggle with mental illness, a story he has never told before. It’s the heartbreaking account of his intense coming-of-age, and the lengths he's undertaken to pull away from the brink of self-destruction. Scharpling brought himself back to life first with punk zines and NBA coverage, then through the world of comedy, writing and executive producing Monk, and creating one of the most beloved, longest running comedy radio broadcasts/podcasts, The Best Show. Of course, there are also the tangents into auditioning for The New Monkees, why Billy Joel sucks, the siren call of the Sex and the City slot machines, and how he made a fool of himself in an elevator with Patti Smith. Tom is the quintessential underdog, and he wears that status on his sleeve as a badge of honor. With this memoir, he lifts the curtain to let the light in on the turmoil that still follows him, even as he racks up accolades and achievements. But most importantly, he reminds us that while many of us carry trauma and shame, we are not alone. It Never Ends is about rising above whatever circumstance you find yourself in and getting the most out of your life, while steamrolling the chumps along the way.
Johnny Dawes Books Full of Myself
Praise for the man and book from Leo Houlding..."Johnny Dawes is the enigmatic front man of an eclectic band of British climbers who in the mid 1980's redefined the standards of difficulty and danger in traditional climbing. Introducing the world to the impossible grades of E8 & E9, and laying the foundations of the modern scene, Johnny's unique style and character have become legend. This long awaited book gives his take on a highly influential period of climbing history and a look inside the mind of a tormented genius. Written with devoted passion and brutal honesty, "Full of Myself" lays bare Johnny's bipolar mix of privilege and pain, wizardry and dysfunction. Master of friction and maestro of momentum on rock and road, orchestrator of contemporary climbing techniques such as the dead-point and dyno, the living embodiment of poetry in motion turns his hand to the pen with great effect." Ed Douglas adds..."Johnny Dawes is a legend in British climbing. In 1986, he was responsible for the most inspired new route in a generation, when he climbed Indian Face on Clogwyn d'ur Arddu in Snowdonia. Difficult and tenuous, a fall from its hardest move would most likely be fatal. But Dawes is much more than a risk-taker. His rich imagination has left a legacy of outstanding new routes all over the country, not least on the gritstone edges of Derbyshire where his bold and fluid style reached its fullest expression. He's an artist really, a choreographer with a warrior spirit." And from Simon Beaufoy (Academy Award winning screenwriter of "The Full Monty" and "Slumdog Millionaire")..."Each generation produces a handful of visionaries, people who can see beyond the possible. Whether he likes it or not, Johnny is climbing's visionary. There are accounts of terrifying first-ascents on crumbling sea cliffs and even more terrifying accounts of van-driving around Wales. At the heart of the book is a man traversing on crystals towards some kind of understanding of who he is, a man less earth-bound than us climbing mortals, but who cannot, quite, fly. Much like his climbing, his imagination leaps - this is a beautiful book about an extraordinary person. William Blake with sticky boots."
Loom Press North & South Ireland: Before Good Friday & the Celtic Tiger
The photographs in this book were taken between 1982 through 1985. At that time Ireland had one of the poorest economies and highest rate of emigration in Europe. And across the border the Northern Ireland economy was being crippled by ongoing sectarian violence, the English army occupation, and hunger strikes against Margaret Thatchers IRA policies. This all began to change in the mid-1980s with the rise of the Celtic Tiger, brought about by new economic policies that welcomed foreign high-tech companies to Ireland. And later, in the 1990s, the Good Friday Agreement finally brought peace to Northern Ireland. This book is a snapshot of life in the Irelands before Good Friday and the Celtic Tiger. Mostly gone now but not forgotten. With North & South Ireland: Before Good Friday and the Celtic Tiger, James Higgins adds to his remarkable photography portfolio a set of astonishing images of people and places on an island that was on the cusp of enormous change. Hes cracked open a time capsule to reveal the enduring beauty, emotional power, and arresting visual facts of a land in two parts whose boundary lines fade under the photographers eye. In the middle 1980s, Higgins travelled to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland several times. Initially, he was not searching for ancestors or out to explore a popular world destination. Rather, beginning with his first journey he was drawn in by Irish soulfulness. He did touch his roots among relatives in County Leitrim, but his curiosity sent him around the island to see what he could see, to find what he could find. He preserved what entered his mind. These images give us Ireland from top to bottom in those years before the giant tech companies transformed the economy and before the peace accords in the North, which calmed the Troubles that had destabilized the society there for decades. Many Americans, in particular, will recognise in these photographs the land of origin of their forebears or the place they themselves toured in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. In their fixed form, Higgins photographs are timeless in the way the Irish sea and fields and faces hold time.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Deconstructing Psychosis: Refining the Research Agenda for DSM-V
Deconstructing Psychosis: Refining the Research Agenda for DSM-V provides an all-important summary of the latest research about the diagnosis and pathophysiology of psychosis. This volume gives the reader an inside look at how psychotic phenomena are represented in the current diagnostic system and how DSM-V might better address the needs of patients with such disorders. The book presents a selection of papers reporting the proceedings of a conference titled "Deconstructing Psychosis" convened by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The conference was designed to be a key element in the multiphase research review process for the fifth revision of DSM. This book is one in a series of ten that reflects some of the most current and critical examinations of psychiatric disorders and psychotic syndromes. APA published the fourth edition of DSM in 1994 and a text revision in 2000. DSM-V is scheduled for publication in 2013. Deconstructing Psychosis: Refining the Research Agenda for DSM-V examines the current evidence regarding the diagnosis and pathophysiology of common psychotic syndromes including: • Schizophrenia• Bipolar disorder• Major depressive psychosis• Substance-induced psychosis It also addresses broad issues relating to diagnosis such as the ways in which psychosis cuts across multiple diagnostic categories. Beyond merely summarizing the current state of the science, the authors of these papers critique the current research and clinical evidence, and raise questions about gaps in our knowledge. The book provides recommendations for the most promising areas of research in psychosis, which may lead to more refined treatments based on a better understanding of what biological and environmental factors contribute to its development and symptoms. In the learned editors' selection of papers for inclusion in this volume, they have exhibited their conviction that DSM-V is a "living document" that will reflect the pace of progress in multiple areas, ranging from molecular genetics and brain imaging to social, behavioral, and anthropological science. As a book on the narrowly defined topic of linking the classification of psychotic syndromes with their underlying pathophysiology and potential etiology, there is no other writing of comparable content available today.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Stalingrad: The Death of the German Sixth Army on the Volga, 1942-1943: Volume 1: The Bloody Fall • Volume 2: The Brutal Winter
Stalingrad: The Death of the German Sixth Army on the Volga, 1942-1943, is the first published work to detail the situation of every German corps and division for every day of the six-month Stalingrad campaign. Derived from the Sixth Army daily operation reports and the German Army High Command (OKH) situation maps (Lage Ost), this two-volume set presents the situation on the flanks of the army, as well as the combat in the city itself, a level of detail never before attempted. Stalingrad was the perfect storm that would lead to the death of an army – the German Sixth Army. Led by Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus, but micromanaged by Adolf Hitler, who insisted that his forces fight to the last man and bullet, the Sixth Army became fixated on an objective that continued to be just past their grasp. Believing that Stalingrad would be theirs “if only” one more attack against the urban rubble was mounted, the Sixth Army did not see that it was in a situation where if something did go wrong, it would not “see” impending doom until it was too late. That something was the massive Soviet attack that broke through both flanks of the Sixth Army in such a violent manner and to such a great operational depth that any hope of relieving the surrounded pocket from the outside in such horrible winter conditions was probably illusionary. Thus, defeat was in order for the Sixth Army, but it would not end there. Adolf Hitler had insisted that this would be a fight between the supermen of Aryan Germany against the sub-humans of Slavic Russia. In this fight, according to Nazi ideology, the sub-humans had no right to live. Given the polar ideological differences of Fascism and Communism, combined with this racial antagonism, when the Red Army did gain the upper hand and isolate the German forces around Stalingrad in November 1942, the situation guaranteed that the Sixth Army would not only be defeated, but that it and most of its soldiers were headed for annihilation.