Search results for ""spck publishing""
SPCK Publishing The Hoity: -Toity Angel
There was once a very beautiful angel. Her hair gleamed, her wings sparkled and her dress was whiter than white. She was the most elegant angel that you could ever have wished to see. But she was also very, very proud. She really thought that she was the best! When Gabriel appears to Mary, the Hoity-Toity Angel is not at all impressed - Mary is not even a princess! And how can a king be born in a scruffy and smelly stable? Follow the Hoity-Toity Angel through the events of the Christmas story as she discovers that it's what on the inside that counts.
SPCK Publishing Approaching the Study of Theology: An Introduction to Key Thinkers, Concepts, Methods and Debates
This introductory guide to the study of theology opens with an engaging history of the discipline, mapping the important landmarks and introducing the main areas of debate. The rest of the book falls into three parts: Part 1 describes the major approaches that have been developed by scholars over the centuries, which are still relevant today; Part 2 explains the main concepts and issues, highlighting their significance in the work of major thinkers; Part 3 provides a helpful glossary of all the key terms that readers need to understand in order to find their way around the subject.
SPCK Publishing Julian of Norwich: A Very Brief History
Over six hundred years ago a woman known as Julian of Norwich wrote what is now regarded as one of the greatest works of literature in English. Based on a sequence of mystical visions she received in 1373, her book is called Revelations of Divine Love. Julian lived through an age of political and religious turmoil, as well as through the misery of the Black Death, and her writing engages with timeless questions about life, love and the meaning of suffering. But who was Julian of Norwich? And what can she teach us today? Medievalist and TV historian Janina Ramirez invites you to join her in exploring Julian’s remarkable life and times, offering insights into how and why her writing has survived, and what we can learn from this fourteenth-century mystic whose work lay hidden in the shadows of her male contemporaries for far too long.
SPCK Publishing Being Disciples: Essentials Of The Christian Life
"If discipleship is a journey, this book belongs in the rucksack. . . Like the scriptures on which it is based, it deserves repeated reading." Stephen Cherry, Dean of Kings College, Cambridge This fresh and inspiring look at the meaning of discipleship covers the essentials of the christian life, including: faith, hope and love; forgiveness; holiness; social action; life in the Spirit. Written for the general reader by one of our greatest living theologians, this book will help you to see more clearly, love more dearly and follow more nearly the way of Jesus Christ.
SPCK Publishing Why believe in Jesus' Resurrection?: A Little Book Of Guidance
Regarded by believers as the foundation stone of their faith, and as a stumbling block by those who struggle to believe, the resurrection of Jesus lies at the heart of the Christian gospel. James D. G. Dunn sets out clearly and fairly the arguments for and against Jesus' resurrection, and explains why most biblical scholars believe the weight of historical evidence points in its favour.
SPCK Publishing Advent For Everyone: A Journey Through Matthew
Join Tom Wright on a journey into the heart of Matthew, exploring the key themes of watching, repenting, healing and loving. Sparkling reflections by our most popular Christian author, from Advent to Christmas. Within each of these themes, Wright offers daily readings and meditations for a week, beginning with the Sunday reading in the Revised Common Lectionary, and ending with stimulating questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Distilled from selected passages in his popular For Everyone commentaries, these sparkling reflections take you on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, guiding you towards the wonder and joy of Christmas.
SPCK Publishing Our Father: The Lord's Prayer For Children
The Lord’s Prayer, taught by Jesus to his followers, is one of the cornerstones of the Christian faith yet the language and ideas it conveys can be daunting to children. Our Father: The Lord’s Prayer for Children addresses children’s questions and explains the meaning behind each line of the prayer, making it more accessible for younger readers. An ideal gift for those aged 4-8.
SPCK Publishing The Evolution of the West: How Christianity Has Shaped Our Values
What has Christianity ever done for us? A lot more than you might think, as Nick Spencer reveals in this fresh exploration of our cultural origins. Looking at the big ideas that characterize the West, such as human dignity, the rule of law, human rights, science – and even, paradoxically, atheism and secularism – he traces the varied ways in which many of our present values grew up and flourished in distinctively Christian soil. Always alert to the tensions and the mess of history, and careful not to overstate the Christian role in shaping our present values, Spencer shows how a better awareness of what we owe to Christianity can help us as we face new cultural challenges.
SPCK Publishing Something More: Encountering The Beyond In The Everyday
Mystery, beauty, enchantment, incompleteness, desire, suffering . . . In this highly readable book, John Pritchard explores around 20 experiences common to us all. Each of these, he believes, offers us a route to a more authentic existence, an insight into some aspect of the divine. Whether you are just starting out on spiritual exploration, or have some experience of ‘signs of transcendence’, this book will reassure you are on the right track, and point the way forward to the ‘beyond in the everyday’, the ‘something more’ we are forever designed to seek. 'What do we do when, as John Pritchard puts it, the burning bush has gone out and nothing is left but wet ash? Well, for a start, something like this: speak to the everyday post-religious twenty-first century world in its own terms, with respect and without concealment, about the ways in which, in everybody’s experience, the damp ashes still gleam unpredictably with the promise of something more.' Francis Spufford, author of Unapologetic ‘In John Pritchard we encounter a true genius in contemporary spiritual writing – one who is gifted in expressing the profound, yet with a light touch and an easy-going approach. We discover in Something More that to encounter God’s presence afresh, all we need bring is our humanity, humility and sense of wonder.’ The Very Revd Prof. Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford 'Once we know how vast the universe is and how little we know of it, it’s hard to go on believing in God as a powerful parent figure. John Pritchard faces the challenge head on. He rethinks Christian spirituality in a way that opens horizons rather than closing them down.' Linda Woodhead, Professor of Sociology of Religion, Lancaster University
SPCK Publishing Fragile Mystics
Fragile Mystics reworks traditional concepts of prayer and gives them a contemporary ‘spin’. Like Steel Angels, it draws on the author’s own experience as a Christian priest and offers illustrations from the world of visual arts, film and contemporary culture. It includes some biblical examples, and connects present day yearnings and wrestling’s as a ‘person who wants to pray better’ with those of the mystics and holy people from the Christian past. It is about ‘reclaiming’ and transforming our inner spaces so that we have a renewed and hopeful approach to life and ministry. Each chapter has a short, sharp contemporary title, with a further subtitle to unpack the content, and ends with ideas for both individuals and leaders on how to put the concept under discussion into practice.
SPCK Publishing The Good Shepherd: A Thousand-Year Journey From Psalm 23 To The New Testament
Considers every major passage in the Bible that takes up the theme of the Good Shepherd, showing how each biblical writer adapted and applied the shepherd theme for his own situation and purposes. The Lord is my shepherd. Thus begins the most beloved of all Psalms – and thus begins a thousand-year journey through the Bible. Prophets, apostles and Jesus himself took up this image from David, reshaping it, developing it and applying it to their own situations and needs. Kenneth Bailey uses his celebrated insights into Middle Eastern culture and especially his familiarity with Middle Eastern shepherding customs to bring new light and life to our understanding of this central image of the Christian faith.With each of nine major Old and New Testament passages, Bailey reveals the literary artistry of the biblical writers and summarizes their key theological features. His work is also enriched by his unique access to very early Middle Eastern commentaries on these passages, bringing fresh understanding from within the mindset of these ancient worlds. The Good Shepherd invites us to experience a rich, biblical feast of ethical, theological and artistic delights.
SPCK Publishing The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place In The Biblical Story
The second - thoroughly updated and revised - edition of a bestselling textbook that surveys the grand narrative of the Bible, demonstrating how the biblical story forms the foundation of a Christian worldview. The Drama of Scripture provides an engaging overview of the storyline and theology of the Bible. The authors work their way through the Bible as a drama with six acts - creation, sin, Israel, Jesus, mission and new creation. Their study provides an introduction to the Bible and a commentary on important passages, while helping the reader relate their story to the Bible story at each point.
SPCK Publishing Steel Angels: The Personal Qualities Of A Priest
The nine criteria the Church of England uses to discern potential vocations to the priesthood are explored, and linked with personal qualities that are necessary for new, but also existing, leaders in a church and culture which has changed much over the last 50 years.
SPCK Publishing Paul for Everyone: 1 Corinthians
What is Christianity? A philosophy? A set of ideas? A path to spirituality? A rule of life? Is it even a political agenda? Christianity is none of these things, yet it includes and, indeed, gives energy to them all. Christianity is a way of life. It is rooted in the good news revealed by an event that rocked the world. And those who believe this good news and live by it experience deep and lasting change. This is Paul's message to the Corinthians - and to us today. Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright captures the dauntless power of these letters. They were written by Paul while in prison facing the possibility of imminent death, yet burn with undimmed passion. Paul seeks to help direct the growing faith where his influence might prove crucial, and writes a very personal letter to a slave-owner on behalf of a runaway.
SPCK Publishing John for Everyone: Part 1: chapters 1-10
Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright manages to unravel the great complexity of this extraordinary gospel. He describes it as 'one of the great books in the literature of the world; and part of its greatness is the way it reveals its secrets not just to high-flown learning, but to those who come to it with humility and hope'. Wright's stimulating comments are combined with his own translation of the Bible text. Tom Wright has undertaken a tremendous task: to provide guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to furnish them with his own fresh translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable discussion with background information. The series is suitable for personal or group use. The format makes it appropriate also for daily study.
SPCK Publishing The Journey: With Jesus To Jerusalem And The Cross
After an unforgettable three years, the charismatic teacher who called you and your brother James to follow him says, 'Right, let's go to Jerusalem' It's thrilling to be setting out on the next stage of the adventure. But life in the company of Jesus is not for the faint-hearted. Certainly there's fun, as lark about with the other young disciples. But it's pretty edgy too, not knowing who is going to turn up next and what might be expected of you. And as the days pass by, the huge demands on Jesus as he heals and teaches invoke both a strange tenderness, and a growing dread of why exactly you are journeying to the holy city . . . Looking through the eyes of the disciple John, The Journey follows Luke's chronology from Luke 9.51, as Jesus 'set his face to go to Jerusalem' Absorbing, exuberant and affective, it offers daily (weekday) readings for Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, with a poem for each Saturday. It is suitable to use individually or in groups.
SPCK Publishing Online Mission and Ministry: A Theological And Practical Guide
Many clergy and churches are now taking to the internet and social media to promote their churches or ministries, but few have thought through some of the difficult pastoral and theological issues that may arise.'Virtual vicar' Revd Pam Smith guides both new and experienced practitioners through setting up online ministries and considers some of the issues that may arise, such as: Are relationships online as valid as those offline? Is it possible to participate in a 'virtual' communion service? How do you deal with 'trolls' in a Christian way? What is it appropriate for a clergyperson to say on social media?
SPCK Publishing Christianity at the Crossroads: How the Second Century Shaped the Future of the Church
It is the second century. Everyone who knew Jesus is now dead. Christianity has begun to spread, but there are serious threats to its survival. Christianity at the Crossroads examines the crucial issues that faced the second-century Church – a period often neglected or overlooked in other studies. It was during this period that the fledgling Church struggled to work out its identity and stay true to the vision of Christ and the apostles. Threatened by divisive controversies from within and fierce persecution from without, the Church’s response to these and other issues not only determined its survival; it was to shape the beliefs, values and lives of millions of Christians throughout the world over the next two millennia.
SPCK Publishing The Healing Word: Gospel Medicine For The Soul
Gospel medicine' is Barbara Brown Taylor's metaphor for the power of God's word to heal and mend a broken world. In this searingly beautiful collection, she practises the oldfashioned art of gospel home remedies, drawing strength and piercing insight from biblical stories that can help us confront our weaknesses, revive our spirits and restore us to lasting wholeness.
SPCK Publishing Haphazard by Starlight: A Poem A Day From Advent To Epiphany
Advent is celebrated when the year is becoming darker and colder, moving into the death and dormancy of winter. Before we can greet the coming of the light, we need to engage with some themes that are challenging and occasionally fearful. Like the Magi who travelled a long distance to search out and adore the infant Jesus, and who took some wrong turns on the way, we too have a journey to undertake before we find that we have 'Walked haphazard by starlight straight Into the kingdom of heaven.' U. A. Fanthorpe, BC:AD Haphazard by Starlight is a companion volume to Janet Morley's bestselling Lent book, The Heart's Time, which delighted readers with its thoughtfully chosen selection of poems and its biblically sensitive commentaries. Here, the reader is given an opportunity to engage in a pilgrimage of the heart, through Advent and Christmas to the feast of the Epiphany. Each day - from 1 December to 6 January - offers a poem (sometimes explicitly Christian, often not) and an accessible commentary that is both critically informed and devotional in intent. The poets represented include Rowan Williams, Elizabeth Jennings, Edwin Muir, Philip Larkin, Jane Kenyon, Gillian Clarke, George Herbert, T. S. Eliot, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson, Waldo Williams, P. J. Kavanagh, Ruth Fainlight, William Blake and many more.
SPCK Publishing Equals: Enjoying Gender Equality In All Areas Of Life
God intended men and women to live and work together in partnership and in harmony. It may not feel so at times, but we are truly equal! This exhilarating book explores what that means in real terms. In the UK – where only a fifth of MPs are female; where women are paid less than men and one in four will experience violence from their partner; where men comprise the vast majority of the prison population and boys are underperforming at school – the biblical vision of women and men being truly equal is needed more than ever. Equality, Jenny Baker suggests, is intrinsically related to the desire to see people flourish. Jesus was not averse to challenging cultural stereotypes in his encounters with others. His model of liberating relationships can be a great encouragement to us, as we seek to find the generosity of spirit we need to enable those we love to thrive and, ultimately, to reflect more fully the image of God."
SPCK Publishing The Eucharistic Liturgies: Their Evolution And Interpretation
This study proceeds historically, from the origins of the Eucharist up to our own day. Unlike most studies of this kind, it includes an introduction to and developmental summary of the diverse Eucharistic liturgies of the Christian East. It also explores the various Western rites (Ambrosian, Gallican, and Mozarabic) in addition to the Roman. With regard to theological themes, the authors give special attention to the topics of real presence (including the "consecration" of the bread and wine) and eucharistic sacrifice, the most central and most ecumenically challenging issues since the sixteenth-century Reformations. Making the book especially teacher- and student-friendly are the summary points at the end of each chapter. Each chapter also contains an abundance of liturgical texts for ease of reference.
SPCK Publishing The Lion's World: A Journey Into The Heart Of Narnia
Following the appearance of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 1950, C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia have enchanted children and adults alike for over half a century. In The Lion's World, Rowan Williams explores the moral landscape of all seven novels in the series, and offers an astute guide to their spiritual subtext. He draws on significant aspects of their author's life and thought, and on key themes in his other novels, painting a richly textured picture of his aims and achievements. At the same time, Williams gently but firmly rebuts those critics who have charged Lewis with sexism, racial stereotyping and the glorification of violence. Whether you have read the whole Narnia series or simply enjoyed one of the films, The Lion's World is a rewarding and ultimately joyful read - one that will send you back to the novels with a deeper sense of their subtle literary artistry, and the powerful spiritual insights they contain.
SPCK Publishing Christian Belief for Everyone: Faith and the Creeds
The Christian Belief for Everyone series comprises five guides to the basic ideas of the Christian faith. Full of stories and helpful illustrations, these guides have been written primarily for ordinary churchgoers, though they will no doubt also appeal to interested readers outside the church. The approach Alister McGrath adopts is non-denominational, very similar to the 'mere Christianity' advocated by C. S. Lewis. Indeed, the series may be seen as a guide to 'mere Christianity' focusing clearly as it does on the life of faith. We look at why Christians believe what they do; how we can best understand these ideas, and the difference they make to the way we think about ourselves and our world. The first volume, Faith and the Creeds, concentrates on the nature of faith and the history and relevance of the Creeds, in a thrilling reflection on what we really mean when we say 'I believe' This is excellent preparation for exploring the leading themes of the Creeds in four subsequent volumes: The Living God, Lord and Saviour - Jesus of Nazareth, Spirit of the Living God and The Christian Life and Hope.
SPCK Publishing The Rule of Taize: In French And English
The Rule of Taize was written by Brother Roger, its founder, during the winter of 1952-3. His intention was to express for the young men who had committed themselves to the group 'for their whole life in celibacy and to a life together in great simplicity', 'the essential that makes the common life possible'. The community has since become one of the world's most important sites of Christian pilgrimage. Over 100,000 young people from around the world travel there each year for prayer, Bible study, sharing, and communal work. Through the community's ecumenical outlook, they are encouraged to live in the spirit of kindness, simplicity and reconciliation. This is an updated version of the English-French edition first published in 1968.
SPCK Publishing Sister Wendy's Bible Treasury: Stories And Wisdom Through The Eyes Of Great Painters
The Bible contains some of the greatest stories and teachings of all time. It is also the inspiration for some of the greatest pictures ever painted. Sister Wendy's Bible Treasury captures some of the Bible's most dramatic scenes and memorable characters, as depicted by artists such as Botticelli, Caravaggio, Degas, Duccio, Durer, El Greco, Giotto, Leonardo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens Rublev, Titian and Van Gogh. From the majesty of Genesis to the mystery of Revelation, Sister Wendy invites you to share her delight in the way these painters have interpreted and depicted the Bible over two thousand years. This beautifully presented volume includes 55 illustrations.
SPCK Publishing Seal Assemblies for Primary School
The Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme is a UK government initiative designed to help children and young people develop social and emotional intelligence. SEAL aims to help children nurture skills such as understanding another's point of view, working in a group, sticking at things when they get difficult, resolving conflict and managing worries. SEAL Assemblies for Primary Schools is a collection of 42 SEAL-themed assemblies, edited by Ronni Lamont. A new addition to the highly successful SPCK Assemblies Book series, it will be a valuable resource for primary school teachers and clergy who wish to implement the SEAL curriculum.
SPCK Publishing Spiritual Formation: Following The Movements Of The Spirit
‘Spiritual formation, I have come to believe, is not about steps or stages on the way to perfection. It’s about the movements from the mind to the heart through prayer in its many forms that reunite us with God, each other, and our truest selves.’ Henri Nouwen, from the introduction Henri Nouwen, beloved author, priest and spiritual guide, counseled many people during his lifetime, but his principles of spiritual formation were never written down. Now, Michael Christensen, one of Nouwen’s longtime students, and Rebecca Laird have taken his famous course in spiritual formation and supplemented it with his unpublished writings to reveal Nouwen’s sage advice on how to live out the five classic stages of spiritual development. ‘I always knew I was in the presence of a spiritual master when I was with Henri Nouwen. Here are some simple, wise words that will allow the master to continue to teach.’ Richard Rohr, author of The Divine Dance ‘One of the book’s many strengths is its integration of an area especially important to Nouwen, the contemplation of icons and other works of art – visio divina – in order ‘to behold the beauty of the Lord’.’ Jim Forest, author of Praying with Icons and The Road to Emmaus
SPCK Publishing For Everyone Bible Study Guide: Hebrews
For many Jewish Christians of the first century, living in the light of the gospel was challenging. Having accepted Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, they were regarded by still-skeptical family, friends and neighbors as dangerous, misguided and even disloyal to all that God had said earlier on. The letter to the Hebrews was written to show that you can't go back to an earlier stage of God's purposes but must press on eagerly to the one that is yet to come. In these studies we find encouragement and assurance that pressing on, even in the face of such close and constant pressure to fall back, is its own reward. The guides in this series by Tom Wright can be used on their own or alongside his New Testament for Everyone commentaries. They are designed to help you understand the Bible in fresh ways under the guidance of one of the world's leading New Testament scholars.
SPCK Publishing Why God Won't Go Away: Engaging With The New Atheism
The recent rise of the New Atheism has aroused great general interest, thrown up questions of fundamental importance, and started a fascinating conversation. Why God Won't Go Away invites us to join in. The volume opens with a survey of the main ideas of the New Atheism, as expressed in the works of Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. We then examine the core views of the movement closely, making due reference to its 'virtual community' of websites and blogs. Subjects explored include: whether religion is delusional and evil, the belief that human beings are fundamentally good, whether we should have faith only in what can be proved through reason and science, the idea that the best hope for humanity is a 'New Enlightenment' The result is a lively and highly thought-provoking volume that poses a number of interesting questions. Why is religion experiencing a resurgence in the twenty-first century, when we are meant to have grown out of such a primitive fixation? Has the New Atheism's fascination with rationality led to a fatal underestimation of the longing of the human heart to adore? And if, as Christopher Hitchens writes in exasperation, religion is 'ineradicable', doesn't this tiresome fact suggest that dismissing belief in God as irrational and unscientific might just be a waste of time?
SPCK Publishing Small Faith, Great God
In the midst of life's challenges, so often our faith feels small and weak. In this book one of the world's greatest Bible teachers reminds us that what matters is not so much our faith itself as Who our faith is in. Faith, says Tom Wright, is like a window. The point of a window is to allow us to see through it - and let light into the room! Faith allows us to see our situation and our own weakness in the light of God who is powerful, holy and loving. Tom Wright also looks at the character of the faith to which God calls us. He shows how dependence, humility and mystery all have a role to play. He doesn't ignore the messiness and difficulties of life, when hard times come and the unexpected knocks us down. He explores what faith means in times of trial and even in the face of death. Through it all he reminds us that what we need is not great faith, but faith in a great God.
SPCK Publishing Creation in Crisis: Christian Perspectives on Sustainability
Creation is in crisis. Why then do we continue in activities that are manifestly harmful to ourselves and to others? Part of the answer is undoubtedly ignorance about what we are actually doing. But part is also that we do not want to face up to the fact that the material comforts we enjoy are bought at a cost to other people and to the natural world. This volume highlights the seriousness of environmental degradation and climate change, the root causes and possible solutions, and the contribution of Christian thinking to these issues. Both scientific and theological points of view are presented by the distinguished writers: Richard Bauckham, Richard Carter, Flavio Comim, Ellen F. Davis, Calvin B. DeWitt, John Guillebaud, Donald A. Hay, Sir Brian Heap, Sir John Houghton, James J. McCarthy, Hilary Marlow, Douglas J. Moo, Jonathan Moo, Pete Moore, Michael Northcott, C. René Padilla, Robert S. White, and George Wilkes. ‘In these pages Robert White has assembled a remarkable cast. Indeed, if you were to lay on an international conference of specialists with expertise from different disciplines to reflect on the present state and the future hope of the earth, from a Christian perspective, you could hardly get a finer line-up! Their gift to the reader is that they are able to write so that those of us who are not experts might understand.’ James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool
SPCK Publishing Presiding Like a Woman: Feminist Gesture For Christian Assembly
What does it mean to preside like a woman at the Eucharist? Do women do it differently, or should they? How do lay women and men experience women's priestly ministry? This is an accessible, broadly popular book, pushing the boundaries in new and unusual ways, and making a serious contribution to feminist and liturgical debate. Contributors: Alistair Barrett; Andrea Bieler; June Boyce- Tillman M.B.E.; Veronica Brady; Barbara Darling; Susan Durber; Alison Green; Mary Grey; Gillian Hill; Ann Loades C.B.E.; Dorothy McRae-McMahon A.M.; Rachel Mann; Anita Monro; Julia Pitman; David Plüss; Natalie K Watson; Val Webb.
SPCK Publishing Genesis for Everyone: Part 2 Chapters 17-50
The first in a major new series of guides to the books of the Old Testament written in an accessible and anecdotal style. The series is suitable for personal or group use and the format is also appropriate for daily study. In this second of his studies of Genesis, John Goldingay continues to accompany us as we read of the trials and victories of a people learning about God and his relationship with them, both in the grand sweep of history and in the everyday events of their lives. Using personal anecdote, a witty and lively style, and drawing on his considerable theological knowledge, John Goldingay takes us deep into the unfolding story. He explores the character and nature of the God we meet so powerfully in that opening line, the God we can encounter daily on the journey through this revelatory book. And, as Professor Goldingay guides us in our understanding of these time-honoured words and the ancient world they describe, he helps us to apply what we read to our lives. This series offers a natural progression from the successful 'For Everyone' series of New Testament translations and commentaries.
SPCK Publishing The Dawkins Delusion?: Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine
World-renowned scientist Richard Dawkins writes in The God Delusion: 'If this book works as I intend, religious readers who open it will be atheists when they put it down'. The volume has received wide coverage, fuelled much passionate debate and caused not a little confusion. Alister McGrath is ideally placed to evaluate Dawkins' ideas. Once an atheist himself, he gained a doctorate in molecular biophysics before going on to become a leading Christian theologian. He wonders how two people, who have reflected at length on substantially the same world, could possibly have come to such different conclusions about God. McGrath subjects Dawkins' critique of faith to rigorous scrutiny. His exhilarating, meticulously argued response deals with questions such as: Is faith intellectual nonsense? Are science and religion locked in a battle to the death? Can the roots of Christianity be explained away scientifically? Is Christianity simply a force for evil? This book will be warmly received by those looking for a reliable assessment of The God Delusion and the many questions it raises - including, above all, the relevance of faith and the quest for meaning.
SPCK Publishing Temple Theology
Margaret Barker believes that Christianity developed so quickly because it was a return to far older faith - far older than the Greek culture that is long-held to have influenced Christianity. Temple Theology explains that the preaching of the gospel and the early Christian faith grew out of the centuries' old Hebrew longing for God's original Temple. These longings form the basis of the Old Testament exile theology and cause us reassess the relationship between Christianity and the Hebrew tradition. This is no fundamentalist work harking back to the idea that 'the oldest is the purest' Rather it is recognition that the Old Testament has a complex heritage and that those who shared this heritage did not share the same beliefs or scriptures - amongst these people were the first Christians. In her exploration of temple theology, Margaret Barker finds clear references and beliefs in fundamental Christian concepts such as atonement, creation and covenant. This is a thorough and fascinating exploration of the theology of the original Jewish Temple.
SPCK Publishing Exploring the Old Testament Vol 1: The Pentateuch (Vol. 1)
This book offers an exploratory approach that enables students to engage with the text for themselves, and not simply to be passive learners. It offers activities and challenges at introductory and intermediate levels, key background information needed to work at the required level, and ideas for further theological thought and reading. Students will discover the major themes and theology of the Pentateuch, the purpose and structure of the texts, the major scholarly questions concerning the texts and how it can be seen as relevant today.
SPCK Publishing Beyond Belief
What is the relationship between science and Christian faith
SPCK Publishing Self Harm
An accessible introduction for sufferers and carers, which demystifies this increasingly topical issue.
SPCK Publishing So Many Everests
The amazing story of how one woman was determined to reach her full potential - despite the odds.
SPCK Publishing Exploring the Religion of Ancient Israel
This book aims to give students an introduction to the religious and social world of ancient Israel. It consists of two parts. The first explores the major religious offices mentioned in the Old Testament. In the second part the focus is on the religious beliefs and practices of the common people.
SPCK Publishing Was the Birth of Jesus According to Scripture
This book focuses on the question that will be of most interest to readers: Was the Birth of Jesus according to Scripture? It outlines the debate between those who think that Matthew and Luke devised their narratives on the basis of specific Old Testament texts and those who think the Gospel narratives have determined the choice of those texts.
SPCK Publishing Jesus and Scripture
This book meets the need for an accessible introduction to the various ways that Jesus used Scripture, both in his teaching and in his own understanding of his ministry. It summarizes the main scholarly arguments, and contributes to modern debates about the proper interpretation of Scripture.
SPCK Publishing Jesus the Priest
A contribution to historical Jesus studies, presenting the case that Jesus saw himself as the priestly messiah who sought to prepare a people to share in his priesthood.
SPCK Publishing Home by Another Way
These biblical meditations celebrate the major seasons and holy days of the Christian year. Barbara Brown Taylor explores perennial questions of faith, doubt, grace, anger, hope, fear, love, prayer and discipleship.
SPCK Publishing Saints Signs and Symbols
A comprehensive guide to symbols used in Christian liturgical art, architecture, manuscripts, stained glass, etc. The book includes over 500 new illustrations. First published in 1964, now completely updated.
SPCK Publishing Isg 46
Stinton has edited the work of prominent African theologians, making their writings accessible at an introductory level. Some African scholars have written new pieces for the book, others have given permission for articles to be condensed and simplified in style.
SPCK Publishing A Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit
A comprehensive account of the role and work of the Spirit, covering the entire Bible. Written by a team of leading evangelical scholars, including world authorities such as Craig Bartholomew, David deSilva, James D. G. Dunn, Walter Kaiser and Max Turner. Informed by the latest scholarship.