Search results for ""edward elgar""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd G.L.S. SHACKLE: The Dissenting Economist’s Economist
George Shackle was one of the most original and thought-provoking economists of the twentieth century. The significant contributions he made to the issues of time, expectations and uncertainty ensured that he enjoyed an Olympian reputation within the discipline.G.L.S. Shackle: The Dissenting Economist's Economist by J.L. Ford is a major new intellectual biography which places Shackle's work in context, assessing the importance of his long and prolific career. An opponent of much of the equilibrium-centred orthodoxy in economics, the overwhelming concern of Shackle's work was the nature of time. In his view, too much of economic theorising was concerned with a rigid, Newtonian definition of time, rather than one which emphasized human expectations and uncertainty. Central to his theory was a rejection of the notion of probability for unique decisions and its replacement by his own measure of uncertainty, the degree of potential surprise. This important book charts the development of these ideas and their impact on his important work on the theory of interest rates, industrial investment, the business cycle, and the understanding and application of Keynes's economics. Professor Ford's authoritative and detailed study also covers Shackle's work on the major developments in the subject matter and tools of economics, including his unrivalled assessments of A Treatise on Money and the General Theory. It will be welcomed by historians of economic thought and all other economists, orthodox and non-orthodox alike, concerned with the pioneering work of one of the most important economists of our time.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ECONOMIC PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS IN THE THIRD WORLD: Lessons of Development Experience since 1945
Economic Progress and Prospects in the Third World combines an elegant and persuasive summary of development progress over the last 40 years with detailed case studies of two major developing countries, Nigeria and India.Beginning with an overview of changes in development theory and practice since 1945, the book distinguishes three main phases: the 'Golden Age' of the 1950s and 1960s, the illusory debt-led growth of the 1970s, and the 'Lost Decade' of the 1980s. It explains how successes in some of the earlier phases led to difficulties later on. The authors then describe the specific ways in which these changes have affected two nations: Nigeria, a relatively open economy, India, a relatively closed economy. In conclusion, they draw on the lessons of global and domestic development for a discussion of prospects in the 1990s.This important study will prove invaluable to policymakers and economists who seek to use the experience of the past to solve the problems of the future.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The European Macroeconomy: Growth, Integration and Cycles 1500–1913
This comprehensive and far-reaching book describes the growth and economic integration of the European economy from 1500 to 1913. The authors apply macroeconomic techniques to identify growth rates, inflation, product markets, trade networks and business cycles across a set of countries over the period. The book demonstrates that growth was the natural state for European economies throughout the period although, under the impetus of the industrial revolution, growth rates generally accelerated by the end of the nineteenth century. Similarly, business cycles in the modern sense seem to have been in evidence at the beginning of the period but by the eighteenth century there is no doubt that modern cycles affected these countries, sometimes simultaneously. Inflationary episodes are both distinct and shared in this long period, with the long inflation of the sixteenth century attesting to the integration of European markets. Finally, the authors find abundant quantitative evidence to support the argument that economies linked by international trade in 1500 came close to achieving global integration by 1913.The European Macroeconomy will be of interest to scholars of economic history, international economics and macroeconomics.
Acclaimed articles which explore eight fundamental concepts in international political economy - including power/hegemony, interdependence, regimes, mercantilism, economic statecraft, development/dependency, and imperialism - are reprinted in this important two volume set. Scholarly debates on the use of these concepts, as well as discussion of their evolution, are also featured.
These important volumes focus on multinational corporations and present the most important articles seeking to explain the reasons for their appearance, their growth and their effects on both host and home countries and the world economy. They also includes literature addressing the effect of the international political economy on multinationals and their impact on the international systems. Country strategies as well as corporate ones are also included.
An empirical analysis of earnings over the life cycle which addresses major policy issues in several central areas. It examines measurement of wealth and lifetime inequality, earnings mobility between generations and the demographic effects on aggregate consumption.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Free Banking
The question of free banking - or laissez-faire in money - raises fundamental theoretical, historical and normative issues. Discussions of free banking contemplate the consequences of abolishing government central banks, and allowing unrestricted money issue by private banks.Research on free banking questions has expanded tremendously in the past two decades. These three volumes collect the most important modern articles on the theory, history and policy implications of free banking. The literature is marked by a number of sharp intellectual controversies, and the editor has included both sides of the most important debates. The editor's introduction provides a fresh perspective on the developments in monetary theory and in the real world that have stimulated the several strands of research represented here.
This important reference work offers readers, researchers and students a thoughtful, balanced selection of core articles from the voluminous literature on panel data. The Econometrics of Panel Data will be welcomed by econometricians and economists as a central reference point and guide to current thinking. The first volume features work on variance components model, its extensions and applications, estimation of variances, dynamic models, instrumental variable estimators and random coefficient models. The second volume covers errors in variables and incomplete data, specification tests, limited dependent variables, frontier production functions and some practical problems with panel data. G.S. Maddala has chosen a series of key contributions by leading econometricians which guide the reader through the literature. As well as reproducing the central articles and papers, intact with their original pagination, the editor provides a comprehensive introduction and additional references which will allow students and researchers to pursue their studies further.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics
The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics is a major new reference work which highlights the common ground between all the branches of the school while demonstrating the breadth and diversity within it. The Companion reflects the many areas where Austrian economists have made contributions, including technical economics, methodology of the social sciences, political theory and political science. This book includes contributions from an international group of scholars whose work demonstrates a basic similarity and interest in questions which have historically been associated with the Austrian approach to economics, although many of the contributors would not consider themselves to be strictly of this school. The distinguished team of contributors commissioned by the editor includes: K.D. Hoover, I.M. Kirzner, A. Klamer, D. Lavoie, C.K. Rowley, M. Rizzo, M. Rutherford, R.E. Wagner, U. Witt, L. Yeager.Each entry is fully referenced and includes suggestions for further readings on the topic. The Companion will be the standard reference work for all those engaged in the field of Austrian Economics. It not only introduces students to the Austrian school, but also serves as an important research tool for scholars working within the Austrian tradition.
This key reference collection focuses on the international monetary system. It includes seminal contributions on issues such as exchange rate systems, recycling, adjustment mechanisms, debtor-creditor relations, international monetary policy coordination and seigniorage. While focusing on the international system it includes important work on domestic policy making that affects this system.
Over the past two decades the new classical macroeconomics has become the single most coherent school of macroeconomic thought. Always controversial, it has nonetheless captured centre-stage, and has become the standard by which competing schools of thought are judged. These volumes contain the most important and influential articles of the new classical school, as well as some important articles critical of new classical thinking. The volumes are arranged thematically, beginning with the rational expectations hypothesis and the application of general equilibrium to labour markets, and continuing with various new classical arguments for the ineffectiveness of government policy. The core of the volumes is Lucas's famous critique of econometric policy evaluation and responses to it in the areas of econometric technique, monetary theory and business-cycle theory. The final section covers the rapidly developing area of models of growth with increasing returns.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd CENTRAL BANKING IN HISTORY
The role and performance of central banks has always been of critical concern to economists and politicians alike. The post-War concensus that viewed central banks as engaging in discretionary economic management has been replaced by controversy over the best means of controlling monetary growth and stopping inflation. This important reference collection provides essential historical perspective to the whole issue of the most appropriate means of constituting and operating a central bank. Drawing on contributions from the 17th century to the present, it highlights the different approaches adopted by bankers, economists and politicians. The wide range of selected essays and papers draw on varying experience in a number of countries (including the US, the UK, Japan, Germany and Canada) and embraces two centuries of debate on the role of the central bank as the government's bank, as lender of last resort and as arbiter of monetary growth.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Microeconomic Policy: A New Perspective
This thoroughly accessible textbook shows students how microeconomic theory can be used and applied to major issues of public policy. In this way, it will improve their understanding of both microeconomic theory and policy and also develop their ability to critically assess them.>Clem Tisdell and Keith Hartley have expanded upon their previous successful work on microeconomics. As a result, this new book is considerably updated with substantial chapter revisions, as well as new chapters dealing with business management, ownership, environmental issues, public choice, defence, conflict and terrorism.Promoting a thorough understanding of this complex yet fundamental topic, Microeconomic Policy: A New Perspective will undoubtedly prove an invaluable textbook for all students, academics and researchers of economics and public policy.
Protectionism has been an enduring feature in the world economy even though economic theory can prove that free trade is a superior regime. Protectionism is, of course, caused primarily by interest groups who lose out under free trade and are able to organize to protect their interests.This major reference collection brings together some different theoretical approaches to the issue of commercial policy and how it is constructed. It also illuminates some of the complexities behind alternating phases of comparatively free trade and protectionism in the world economy over the last two centuries. Individual country studies bring out some variety in the experience, both in the origins of protectionist policies and of their impact. The conclusions add up to a considerable indictment of protectionism.
The decade of the 1980s represented a notable deviation from the widespread and significant development advances of the previous 30 years. This was reflected in an extensive re-examination of the theoretical and empirical bases of development economics.This major new book - written by a group of distinguished economists - provides the new directions needed for confronting the continuing challenge of development. Lance Taylor, Joseph Stiglitz and Amitava Dutt focus primarily on recent theoretical developments and highlight significant advances in several areas especially in new structuralist and new neoclassical approaches. Ajit Singh, Keith Griffin and Kenneth Jameson present a refreshing perspective on the recent experience of developing countries and the prospects of development in coming decades.The main thesis of the book is that the 1980s represented a clear break in the development processes, but the 1990s and beyond hold the possibility of a viable re-direction of development and development economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd DEMAND AND EXCHANGE IN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: A History from Cournot to Marshall
Demand and Exchange in Economic Analysis provides a rare combination of detailed analysis of a central area of economics with the history of economic thought. The first part of the book examines major attempts to treat mathematically the partial equilibrium concept of demand conceived as a schedule. The second part, after generalizing Cournot's model of trade in a single good, traces the general equilibrium analysis of exchange. This adds to the concept of a demand curve the fundamental interpretation of the rate of exchange, or price ratio, in terms of the amount of one good offered in return for a unit of another good. The similarity in the treatments of Mill, Whewell, Marshall and Walras is revealed along with the emphasis on multiple equilibria. Edgeworth's grand synthesis and extension of Jevons's approach to exchange is then discussed in detail. The book will be of interest to a wide range of economists interested in placing modern theory in historical perspective.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE GROWTH OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR: Theories and International Evidence
At a time when there is growing concern in many countries over the funding of expanding public sectors, this important new book brings together leading specialists in public finance to re-examine the economics of public sector growth. Several chapters document changes in the size of the public sector over recent decades for major OECD and Third World economies. Subsequent chapters then explore prominent explanations including public choice perspectives, bureaucracy models, relative price effects and Wagner's Law, and assess their contribution to current knowledge. The book also provides a number of new case studies of specific government activities - education, health and social security.
This important volume focuses on the origins, growth and impact over time of multinational banks. Why have banks established branches in foreign countries? What do such banks do? How have they performed? What has been the developmental impact of international banking? How has multinational banking changed over time? Why have banking activities clustered in international financial centres such as New York, Tokyo and London? The articles in this selection cover a wide range of national experiences including those of the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. The volume brings together literature from a range of disciplines, including banking, economics and business history in a comprehensive collection of the best articles published on the development of multinational banks.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Irving Fisher (1867–1947), Arthur Hadley (1856–1930), Ragnar Frisch (1895–1973), Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992), Allyn Young (1876–1929) and Ugo Mazzola (1863–1899)
The sixth volume in the final section of the "Pioneers in Economics" series. This section of the series offers an assessment of significant economists of the 20th century, and this volume deals with Irving Fisher, Arthur Hadley, Ragnar Frisch, Friedrich von Hayek, Allyn Young and Ugo Mazzola.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd James Wilson (1805–1860), Issac Butt (1813–1879), T.E. Cliffe Leslie (1827–1882)
James Wilson was one of the first financial journalists in Britain who made a genuine contribution to economic doctrine by his staunch defence of free trade and the principles of the banking school. Above all, he was the founder of 'The Economist', a magazine specifically designed for businessmen. Issac Butt is best known as an early advocate of Irish Home Rule but, as Whatley Professor of Political Economy at Trinity College, Dublin, he was successful in creating something akin to an indigenous Irish brand of Classical Economics. T.E. Cliffe Leslie, Professor at Queen's College, Belfast, is notable for his rejection of the abstract-deductive methods of the English Classical Economists in favour of an institutional and historical approach. With Bagehot, Ingram and Toynbee, he was part of what amounted to an English historical school. In particular, Leslie's writings on the land question have been taken seriously by, amongst others, Marshall and Keynes.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Johann von Thünen (1783–1850), Augustin Cournot (1801–1877) and Jules Dupuit (1804–1866)
Part of a series presenting critical appraisals of influential economists from the age of Aristotle to the present. The individuals examined have shaped both the theory and practice of modern economics. Each volume combines classic statements by economists with the most recent research.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd James Mill (1773–1836), John Rae (1796–1872), Edward West (1782–1828),Thomas Joplin (1790–1847)
Mill, Rae, West and Joplin were, until recently, relegated to the footnotes of the history of economic thought. In particular, Rae's New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy was not reprinted until the 1960s and John Mill has been remembered more for his eldest son than for himself.However, as this volume demonstrates, these four journalists and pamphleteers were important in pre-empting and encouraging other economists, most especially David Ricardo. John Rae has been accredited with being a forerunner of the Austrian theory of capital. James Mill made the first declaration in English of Say's theory of markets and, quite possibly, Ricardo's Principle of Comparative Advantage. The currency and banking tracts written by Thomas Joplin in the 1820s and 1830s have been arduously mined by a variety of commentators as containing nuggets of later monetary doctrines, and Edward West stated the theory of differential rent before Ricardo, and did so in virtually the same form and language. This collection does much to rehabilitate these lesser known figures in the history of economic thought.
This path breaking book - the first of its kind - critically evaluates the place of women in the development of the neoclassical school of economics. It traces the origin of the school's approach to women and exposes the bias in methodology and discourse which has characterized the school's treatment of women and their place in the capitalist economy. The roots of women's invisibility are sought first in the writings of Adam Smith. The work of John Stuart Mill subsequently allows a study of an isolated attempt to integrate a feminist awareness into economic theory. The limits in Mill's writings are contrasted to the more radical ideas of his feminist contemporaries: Harriet Taylor and Barbara Bodichon. The author then examines the debate on equal pay for men and women which took place between 1890 and 1925. In conclusion she critically evaluates the work of Marshall and Pigou.This book by the late Michele Pujol makes a major contribution both to the history of economic thought and to women's history by exposing the ideological position which informs neoclassical theorizing on women and the contradictions this position creates within the paradigm.
This important two volume reference work comprises the most important articles and papers on the history of industrial finance and capital formation from the 18th century to World War I. It covers all the main regions of the world with special emphasis on the United Kingdom, Continental Europe and the United States. By providing a careful selection of the most influential articles, these two volumes make a significant contribution to an issue of great and continuing importance.
Patrick Minford has been a close adviser to Mrs Thatcher during the last decade. He has made an important contribution to the ideas of Thatcherism and Britain's monetarist/supply side programme in the 1980s.This book brings together, for the first time, essays written as a contribution to the supply side revolution in Britain. Some focus on monetary and fiscal policy, while others deal with the principles and mechanisms for supply side reform. Taken together, they represent an invaluable source book and reference point on the political philosophy and economic strategy of the Thatcher era. The essays were all written for a wide audience and will be essential reading for both economists and non-economists alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd PRIVATIZATION AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY: A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries
Privatization and Economic Efficiency assesses the economic content of many of the beliefs surrounding privatization. It develops a new and novel inter-disciplinary approach linking economic and organizational dimensions.A series of case studies examines the theory, evidence and policy experience of privatization in developed and developing nations. These studies focus on the UK, US, Egypt and Jamaica. The book concludes that privatization is an appealingly simple phrase concealing many difficulties and problems for analysts, researchers and policymakers.
This landmark book presents a careful selection of the most important literature in the philosophy and methodology of economics - an area that has grown explosively in the last twenty years. This important and timely three volume reference collection contains the best of the recent work together with a number of classic articles by economists and philosophers. It focuses in the main on articles and papers that have not been previously reprinted and presents in an accessible form important material that is scattered throughout the literature.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd INDUSTRIAL REFORM IN SOCIALIST COUNTRIES: From Restructuring to Revolution
This landmark book provides an up-to-date assessment and evaluation of industrial reform in 14 countries. Topics covered in detail include the changing role of the industrial enterprise, the state and private sectors, privatization, pricing, foreign trade and direct foreign investment. Emphasis is placed on events since 1989, the year of 'revolution' in Eastern Europe.Few of the countries are now traditionally 'socialist'. Cuba and North Korea can be so described, economically and politically. China and Vietnam grapple with market-orientated economic reforms while in the firm grip of the Communist Party. Other countries are now at various distances along the road to democracy and the market. These 'emerging democracies' or 'emerging market economies' face new and formidable challenges in making the transition from predominantly state-owned, planned economies to market economies based on private property. East Germany has been reunited with the Federal Republic, but the former industrial sector has been badly hit. The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, on the other hand, are disintegrating. Their emerging, independent states face daunting tasks; one critical question is whether they can form voluntary and sustainable economic unions.This book provides authoritative up-to-date studies of industrial reform in socialist countries and will be essential reading for anyone with an interest in the transition to market economies in post-Communist societies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Marxism
This major two volume reference work focuses on the works of contemporary Marxism which take as their inspiration the classical Marxian political economy, especially that of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg and Gramsci. The authors reprinted here are engaged in the common enterprise of attempting to understand the world in a manner that might facilitate its transformation for the better, or at least help prevent the worst outcomes from predictable and inevitable changes. Committed to the critical, scientific and explanatory project of Marxism, the authors represented in these volumes tend to be structuralist and determinist but they also acknowledge the role of voluntarism, chance or untheorized circumstance. All have borrowed from the philosophical, political, and most importantly, political economic strands of the classical Marxist legacy to create a new and contemporary Marxian political economy. These authoritative volumes will be an essential reference point for an analysis of one of the most influential political ideologies of the 20th century.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Understanding Macroeconomics: An Introduction to Economic Policy in the 1990s
Understanding Macroeconomics provides short non-technical summaries of important areas of economics, especially those where the alternative literature is either not easily accessible or else highly specialized. An important objective of the book is to provide an analysis of current economic policy. It successfully demonstrates that simple economic analysis can be brought to bear lucidly and penetratingly on economic problems. The result is a book which, for its concise and authoritative survey of major areas, will be an essential purchase for school and college economics teachers and their libraries. It will also prove invaluable to university and polytechnic students of economics seeking an introduction to the application of economic theory to the major problems facing economists today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Microeconomics
This major three volume work contains 54 key papers which reflect the invigoration, innovation and imagination that has characterized the field of microeconomics during the last 50 years. The selections range from literary treatments to the most advanced mathematical presentations. However all readers, regardless of their mathematical sophistication or methodological predilections, will find a large number of the papers interesting and worthwhile in giving an overview of the present state of microeconomics and providing guides to the literature of specialities of particular interest.Each one of these carefully structured volumes contains an introduction which offers the reader a brief discussion of the nature and significance of the contributions of each selection. Where worthwhile, cross references to other relevant selections are included in the summary. It is hoped that the reader's task will be aided materially by this systematization and concise discussions of the selections.This landmark book is an essential reference guide for professors, researchers and students concerned with the major innovations and advances in microeconomics.
These volumes focus on the most significant developments in macroeconomic theory since the late 1960s. Professor Phelps presents important recent articles and papers in both the Keynesian and monetarist tradition as well as work by adherents to new classical, neoclassical and supply side economics.Recent Developments in Macroeconomics will be an essential reference source for students, instructors and researchers concerned with new initiatives at the frontier of modern macroeconomic theory.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd LABOR ECONOMICS
This unique four volume set contains the most influential papers in labour economics. The collection is comprehensive and contains the most important theoretical and empirical contributions for understanding the economics of labour. They are a must for researchers, lecturers and students interested in studying the fundamental papers in the field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Thomas Tooke: Pioneer of Monetary Theory
This is the first full length study of Thomas Tooke, a leading monetary economist of the 19th century, a pioneer of quantitative monetary history and the greatest opponent of the quantity theory of money in the history of economic thought.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Development: Economics and Environment in the Third World
This major book makes a significant contribution to the development of economic principles and practice for natural resource management in Third World countries.The 1980s witnessed the second environmental revolution: its theme is 'sustainable development'. This book offers a definition of sustainable development in terms of the non-depletion of natural environments. It investigates the economic implications of sustainability, with special reference to the practice of cost-benefit analysis and problems of accounting for the interests of future generations. The major part of the book is devoted to an analysis of environmental problems in the developing world. The essential ingredients of policy measures aimed at sustainable development are discussed.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE ECONOMICS OF HEALTH
Health economics has, in recent years, become a major area of research in economics. This important collection presents a careful selection of the best articles and is classified according to eight fields within health economics. It thus provides a comprehensive cross-section of the large and disparate literature on the subject. It forms, in a real sense, a book which will be invaluable for teachers and researchers who wish to have these frequently cited articles easily to hand. It will be essential for the many economists who will have difficulty in gaining access to the very diverse sources from which the material has been drawn.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cost, Choice and Political Economy
This book presents in one volume Professor Wiseman's seminal work on the theory of costs and the economist's treatment of the role of government. The major themes concern the subjectivity of costs and the unknowability of the future. From an initial scepticism about pricing rules, the arguments develop into a comprehensive critique of mainstream economic theory and, more positively, an exposition of the fundamentals of a new political economy grounded in choice-as-opportunity-cost.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd MODERN PUBLIC FINANCE
These two volumes bring together key articles in the field of modern public finance, a field which has seen a major revival of interest in the past 20 years. The articles reprinted are among those which have shaped its recent development, and include contributions by no fewer than seven Nobel Prize-winners.A.B. Atkinson - widely recognized as a leading authority in the field - has carefully selected a representative coverage of the most important articles and papers and has also included readings which help relate the subject to other areas of economics. The result is a reference collection which will be an essential companion for the specialist and non-specialist alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd SOCIAL CHOICE THEORY
This major reference collection presents in three volumes the key articles and papers on social choice theory.Volume One centres attention on key aspects of the debate on Arrow's impossibility theorem, carefully counter-poising differing viewpoints and embracing competing methodologies. In a field prone to the excessive use of mathematics and of arcane high theory, Charles Rowley skilfully presents a literature which is accessible to non-mathematicians and yet which offers full coverage of all the major debates. Volumes two and three extend the coverage of social choice theory to review the attempts of leading scholars to resolve the ageless problems of determining social goals and reconciling apparent inconsistencies among such goals. Professor Rowley carefully guides the reader through a litany of approaches, both methodological individualist and social engineering, ends-related and process-related in nature. Volume two reprints leading contributions to the utilitarian and contractarian ethics while volume three completes this exercise with material on the social justice and contractarian ethics. Professor Rowley's own introductory essay exposes the social choice research programme to his own Virginian critique, while integrating a large, diffuse literature into a unified whole.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Microeconomics, Growth and Political Economy: The Selected Essays of Richard G. Lipsey Volume One
Microeconomics, Growth and Political Economy is the first of two volumes which collect together many of Professor Lipsey's writings on economics, some of which are previously unpublished or currently inaccessible. This book contains papers on economic growth and technical change, monetary and value theory, the theory of second best, international trade theory, political economy and methodology. A separate book, On the Foundations of Monopolistic Competition and Economic Geography, contains works on oligopoly and location theory, all coauthored with Curtis Eaton.The book begins with a new autobiographical introduction to the intellectual development, personal achievements and the fields of interest of Richard G. Lipsey and is divided into five parts. The first part considers various aspects of economic growth and technical change taking into account the structuralist view, markets and the globalization of the economy. Part two is concerned with the microeconomic issues of second-best theory and monetary and value theory. The third part looks at trade theory and surveys customs unions and competitiveness. Political economy is considered in the fourth part, which contains essays on topics such as the balance of payments, the survival of the market economy, international liquidity theory and American trade policy. The final part features papers on methodology.Microeconomics, Growth and Political Economy is an essential reference companion to the work of Richard G. Lipsey, one of the most important economists of our generation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Understanding Foreign Policy: The Foreign Policy Systems Approach
A concise introduction to the study of foreign policy, this textbook provides an essential guide to a major area of international politics which has become increasingly complex and sophisticated.Understanding Foreign Policy focuses on the foreign policy systems approach. It explores how such a system can be understood, how it can be used to generate further ideas and how to recognize its limitations. The book examines the context and the international environment in which foreign policy systems must be seen; and it shows how the approach can be used for comparative study. In particular, it offers three avenues of theory - bureaucratic politics, psychological processes, and the policy implementation - as a way of illustrating the utility of the systems approach. The book offers a comprehensive introduction to the study of foreign policy and will be essential reading for undergraduate courses on international politics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Experimental Economics
Experimental Economics includes the study of individual decision making in which an isolated individual chooses many alternatives that have a monetary (or commodity) value defined quantitatively by the experiment. Experimental methods have enjoyed a vast expansion in the quality, depth and diversity of economic questions to which laboratory experiments have been applied. It is characterised by a growing recognition that markets are most meaningfully studied and understood within the context of institutions. This collection includes influential, as well as representative, examples of the growth and development of experimental economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Policy in a Developing World
This volume makes a valuable contribution to the dynamic and expanding field of scholarship on social policy in developing countries. In combining analytical frameworks used in comparative social policy analysis with an examination of key areas of policy and provision in selected countries, it will be a key resource for anyone interested in current debates in international social policy and welfare.'- Nicola Yeates, Open University, UKThere is increasing interest in the significance of social policy in the management of welfare and risk in the developing world.This volume provides a critical analysis of the challenges and opportunities facing social protection systems in the global South, and examines current strategies for addressing poverty and welfare needs in the region. In particular, the text explores the extent to which the analytic models and concepts for the study of social policy in the industrialised North are relevant in a developing country context. The volume analyzes the various institutions, actors, instruments and mechanisms involved in the welfare arrangements of developing countries and provides a study of the contexts, development and future trajectory of social policy in the global South.The book's comparative and interdisciplinary approach will be of interest to anyone involved in social policy research and analysis and current welfare debates.Contributors: B. Deacon, J. Doherty, P. Dornan, D. Lewis, A. McCord, D. McIntyre, C. Meth, A. Nicholls, S. Pellissery, C. Porter, R. Surender, M. Urbina-Ferretjans, A. Vetterlein, R. Walker
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Immigration and the Financial Crisis: The United States and Australia Compared
Structural needs for immigrant labor in health care, restaurant, tourism, agricultural and other economic sectors, together with harsher economic circumstances in most sending countries, almost certainly ensure the continuation of large-scale immigration to the US and Australia. But in harder times, especially in the US, sustaining this immigration while managing immigrants' economic and social integration are daunting tasks. This illuminating book analyzes how well, and in what ways, the US and Australia will meet these challenges. This companion volume to Nations of Immigrants examines immigration to the US and Australia during the difficult economic times following the paralysis of financial firms and markets in New York and London in autumn 2008, quickly affecting Australia and most other OECD countries. The contributors - prominent American and Australian immigration specialists - discuss how the financial crisis has altered the nexus of domestic labor markets and immigration, how public fears spurred by harder times are affecting border protection and support for immigration, whether serious abrasions between foreign- and native-born populations are resulting, and the extent to which the politics of immigration is being transformed. Immigration and the Financial Crisis will prove a thought provoking read for academics and students with an interest in immigration, and American and Australian policy arenas. The book will also prove an invaluable reference tool for public servants engaged in administering US and Australian immigration policies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Human Rights: Confronting Myths and Misunderstandings
This comprehensive book offers both an introduction and a critical analysis of enduring themes and issues in the contemporary theory and practice of human rights. Providing a multi-disciplinary analysis, it engages with philosophical, political and social approaches to the subject of human rights.Andrew Fagan argues that the moral authority and practical efficacy of human rights are adversely affected by a range of myths and misunderstandings - from claims regarding the moral status of human rights as a fully comprehensive moral doctrine to the view that the possession of rights is antithetical to recognising the importance of moral duties. The author also examines the claim made by some that human rights ultimately only exists as legal phenomena and that nation-states are inherently hostile to the spirit of human rights. This book will challenge people to reconsider their understanding of human rights as a global moral outlook. This monograph will become essential reading for both postgraduate and undergraduate students interested in the field of human rights. It will also be invaluable to academics, researchers and human rights practitioners involved in the human rights debate.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Global Perspectives on Technology Transfer and Commercialization: Building Innovative Ecosystems
As we move further into the 21st century, increasing emphasis is being placed on the importance of technology transfer. Through new research and practices, scholars, practitioners and policymakers have made great strides in broadening our understanding and ability to implement technology transfer and commercialization processes. The fruit of that research is collected in this timely volume. Technology transfer is a dynamic area of study that examines traditional topics such as intellectual property management, the management of risk, market identification, the role of public and private labs, and the role of universities. This volume reflects on how government, business and academia influence technology transfer in different countries and how the infrastructure of a country enhances technology and contributes to each country's overall economy. Interpreting and adopting the processes of technology transfer and commercialization - or, building innovative ecosystems - is critical to seeing success in this digital age. Those leading the surge toward building innovative ecosystems for technology transfer are the fellows of the Institute for Innovation Creativity and Capital (IC2 Institute) at The University of Texas at Austin. Global in its scope of solving market economy problems, for this volume the Institute has focused its lens on accelerated knowledge-based development. Here, scholars from 13 countries come together to critique technology transfer from each of their respective nations. The results of their contributions lend innovative insight to exactly how different nations are working to maximize technology transfer and commercialization in uncertain times. Those with an interest in commercialization and technology transfer, from students to scholars, practitioners to policymakers, will find this important collection of great value.Contributors: J.P. Ávila, M. Bravo, J.S. Butler, J. Camilleri, C.P. Carbonara, A. Caruana, U. De Haan, M. Fukushima, K. Gachigi, D.V. Gibson, B. Golany, P.G. Greene, M. Heitor, R. Hodgson, B.-J. Kang, C.M. Kiamba, M.F. Korpi, P. Kukubo, M. LeGare, D.-S. Oh, M.P. Rice, N. Rogalev, D. Trzmielak, L. Xue, L. Zhou
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Innovation in Public Services
Innovation is a core issue for public services and is a key element of public services reform - particularly in this age of austerity where policymakers urge the need to 'innovate to do more with less'. This comprehensive and accessible Handbook explores the potential for creating efficient and effective public services.Leading researchers from across the globe review the state-of-the-art in research on innovation in public services, providing an overview of key issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Topics explored include: context for innovation in public services and public service reform; managerial change challenges; ICT and e-government; and collaboration and networks. The theory is underpinned by seven wide-ranging case studies of innovation in practice.Taking the field forward and providing a baseline for future research, this highly unique and original Handbook will prove essential reading for academics, researchers, students, policymakers and practitioners across the fields of innovation, public policy, social policy and public management.Contributors include: D. Alexander, R. Andrews, S. Baines, J. Barlow, C. Barton-Sweeney, V. Bekkers, G.A. Boyne, J.M. Bryson, K. Brown, M. Carter, C. Chew, B.C. Crosby, M. Considine, I. Cunningham, J. Edler, M. Farr, S. Goldfinch, T. Greenhalgh, J. Hartley, G. Harvey, B. Head, B. Jæger, A. Johnston, P. Joyce, R. Keast, T. Kinder, J.M Lewis, C. Longley, L.E. Lynn, Jr., F. Lyon, K. McLaughlin, M.P. Mandell, M. Macaulay, F. Macfarlane, M. Martin, V. Mele, I. Miles, D. Nickson, H. Noke, D. Norris, Z. Radnor, M.L. Rhodes, N.C. Roberts, K. Strokosch, J.M Svara, J. Torfing, E. Uyarra, R.M. Walker, J. Wallis, J. Waterhouse, R. Wilson, P. Windrum
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Interpretation and Enforcement of Intellectual Property under WTO Rules: Intellectual Property in the WTO Volume II
This concise and detailed Handbook addresses some of the most complex issues raised by the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement globally. Among other themes, the Handbook explores the applicability of GATT jurisprudence for the interpretation of the Agreement’s provisions. It also considers key issues relating to the enforcement of intellectual property rights, such as border measures and injunctive relief. Teamed with the first volume –- Research Handbook on the Protection of Intellectual Property under WTO Rules - – this analysis is supplemented by a thorough review of the most important cases on TRIPS decided under the WTO dispute settlement mechanism.This accessible Handbook will be invaluable not only for academics, policymakers, and professionals in the area of intellectual property, but for all those interested in or working with the intricacies of the WTO system.