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Arkano Books Mensajes del espíritu el extraordinario poder de los oráculos los presagios y las señales
Muchas personas reciben mensajes del Espíritu todos los días.Sin embargo, esta no es una habilidad extraordinaria o inusual reservada a unos pocos: en realidad, todos estamos rodeados de un campo de inteligencia divina que se ofrece a guiarnos y ayudarnos siempre que se lo pidamos. Tan solo debemos aprender a iniciar una conversación con él y a entender el diálogo que resulte.Pero, cómo se formulan las preguntas? Y cómo se reciben e interpretan las respuestas?La reconocida consejera intuitiva Colette Baron-Reid desvela ancestrales métodos de conexión con la divinidad y propone divertidas técnicas mágicas que permiten dialogar con el Espíritu en un contexto moderno. De su mano te embarcarás en un viaje misterioso e iluminador que cambiará tu visión del mundo, despertará tu curiosidad y te animará a entablar una conversación personal con lo Divino.
Baker Publishing Group Love at Last 3–in–1
Three acclaimed Christian historical fiction authors' romantic and intriguing stories will delight inspirational readers. Romance and history across the years make this collection a perfect fit for fans of timeless love stories. Hunter's "A Search for Refuge" tells of solicitor Nash Banfield, hiding from society in a market town, and Lady Margaretta Fortescue, on the run from a mysterious threat and in desperate need of refuge. Camden's "Summer of Dreams" follows the whip-smart daughter of an army general, determined never to marry a man in uniform, and a charismatic West Point cadet just as determined to change her mind. Dykes's "Up from the Sea" follows the romance between the daughter of a Southern lumber baron who finds herself out of her element in coastal Maine and the humble local lobsterman and lumberjack far below her station.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux The Crofter and the Laird
When John McPhee returned to the island of his ancestorsColonsay, twenty-five miles west of the Scottish mainlanda hundred and thirty-eight people were living there. About eighty of these, crofters and farmers, had familial histories of unbroken residence on the island for two or three hundred years; the rest, including the English laird who owned Colonsay, were incomers. Donald McNeill, the crofter of the title, was working out his existence in this last domain of the feudal system; the laird, the fourth Baron Strathcona, lived in Bath, appeared on Colonsay mainly in the summer, and accepted with nonchalance the fact that he was the least popular man on the island he owned. While comparing crofter and laird, McPhee gives readers a deep and rich portrait of the terrain, the history, the legends, and the people of this fragment of the Hebrides.
WW Norton & Co The Planning Game: Lessons from Great Cities
The Planning Game: Lessons from Great Cities provides a focused, thorough, and sophisticated overview of how planning works, generously illustrated with 200 colorful photographs, diagrams, and maps created expressly for the book. It presents the public realm approach to planning—an approach that emphasizes the importance of public investments in what we own: streets, squares, parks, infrastructure, and public buildings. They are the fundamental elements in any community and are the way to determine our future. The book covers planning at every level, explaining the activities that go into successfully transforming a community as exemplified by four cities and their colorful motive forces: Paris (Baron Georges-Eugene Haussmann), New York (Robert Moses), Chicago (Daniel Burnham), and Philadelphia (Edmund Bacon). The Planning Game is an invaluable resource for planners, students, community leaders, and everybody involved with making better places to live.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd More Snoopy Collectibles
The character of Snoopy® is recognized by people around the world. From his joyous dance to his brave conflict with the Red Baron, he embodies what is best in the human spirit. It is easy to forget he is a beagle. The popularity of Snoopy is so widespread that his image has appeared on thousands of items in the half-century since he was created by Charles M. Schultz in 1950. Many of these items were included in Jan Lindberger's book The Unauthorized Guide to Snoopy Collectibles, but the number was so great that they have overflowed into this second, even larger volume. Here are household items, school supplies, books, clothing, sports products, games, electronics and more, all illustrated with over 710 color photographs. Concise captions and prices make this a perfect book for the collector.
University of Illinois Press The Financier: The Critical Edition
First published in 1912, Theodore Dreiser's third novel, The Financier, captures the ruthlessness and sparkle of the Gilded Age alongside the charismatic amorality of the power brokers and bankers of the mid-nineteenth century. This volume is the first modern edition of The Financier to draw on the uncorrected page proofs of the original 1912 version, which established Dreiser as a master of the American business novel. The novel was the first volume of Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire, also known as the Cowperwood Trilogy, which includes The Titan (1914) and The Stoic (1947).Dreiser laboriously researched the business practices and personal exploits of real-life robber baron Charles Yerkes to narrate Frank Algernon Cowperwood's early career in The Financier, which explores the unscrupulous world of finance from the Civil War through the panic incited by the 1871 Chicago fire. In 1927, the monumental novel reappeared in a radically revised version for which Dreiser, notorious for lengthy novels, agreed to cut more than two hundred and seventy pages. This revised version became the most familiar, reprinted by publishers and studied by scholars for decades.For this new edition, Roark Mulligan meticulously reviewed earlier versions of the novel and its publication history, including the last-minute removal of paragraphs, pages, and even whole chapters from the 1912 edition, cuts based mainly on the advice of H. L. Mencken. The restored text better matches Dreiser's original vision for the work. More than three hundred additional pages not available to modern readers--including those cut from the 1927 edition and more than seventy hastily removed from the manuscript just days before publication in 1912--more effectively establish characterization and motivation. Restored passages dedicated to the internal thoughts of major and minor characters bring a softer dimension to a novel primarily celebrated for its realistic attention to the cold external world of finance.Mulligan's historical commentary reveals new insights into Dreiser's creative practices and how his business knowledge shaped The Financier. This supplemental material considers the novel's place within the tradition of American business novels and its reflections on the scandalous business practices of the robber baron era.
Hay House UK Ltd Enneagram Made Easy
Deborah Egerton is one of the world's leading experts on the Enneagram, but more importantly she brings this information with such deep compassion and a fierce love for all of humanity.Colette Baron-Reid, spiritual medium, acclaimed oracle expert, and best-selling author of The MapThe Enneagram is an archetypal personality system that identifies nine distinct types, each with its own set of characteristics, motivations, and patterns of behavior. In this book, Dr. Deborah Threadgill Egerton, globally respected psychotherapist and president of the International Enneagram Association, will help you to explore all facets of the Enneagram and provide a deeper dive into each of the nine personality archetypes:The Idealist The Helper The Achiever The Individualist The Investigator The Loyalist The Enthusiast The Challenger The PeacemakerDr. E., as she is affectionately called, will guide you through the profound potential of the Enneagram as
Titan Books Ltd The Illuminati Ball
Cynthia von Buhler, acclaimed author and visual artist of Minky Woodcock, brings her immersive theater production The Illuminati Ball to Graphic Novel form. Acclaimed author and visual artist Cynthia von Buhler (Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini) brings her hit immersive theater production The Illuminati Ball to the page in an all-new graphic novel which merges the myth and mystery surrounding the secret organization of the rich and powerful who supposedly control the world with a story about human-animal hybrids who have escaped an experimental lab. Inspired by the legendary 1972 surrealist masquerade party that influenced Stanley Kubrick's film Eyes Wide Shut -- hosted by the Baron and Baroness de Rothschild at their mansion in Paris -- The Illuminati Ball combines elements of the fantastical with reality to tell an unforgettable story about power, cruelty, deceit, betrayal, and the insatiable hunger for freedom.
University of Toronto Press Harbin: A Cross-Cultural Biography
This book offers an intimate portrait of early twentieth-century Harbin, a city in Manchuria where Russian colonialists, and later refugees from the Revolution, met with Chinese migrants. The deep social and intellectual fissures between the Russian and Chinese worlds were matched by a multitude of small efforts to cross the divide as the city underwent a wide range of social and political changes. Using surviving letters, archival photographs, and rare publications, this book also tells the personal story of a forgotten city resident, Baron Roger Budberg, a physician who, being neither Russian nor Chinese, nevertheless stood at the very centre of the cross-cultural divide in Harbin. The biography of an important city, fleshing out its place in the global history of East-West contacts and twentieth-century diasporas, this book is also the history of an individual life and an original experiment in historical writing.
Headline Publishing Group Island of Bones
Cumbria, 1783. A broken heritage; a secret history...The tomb of the first Earl of Greta should have lain undisturbed on its island of bones for three hundred years. When idle curiosity opens the stone lid, however, inside is one body too many. Gabriel Crowther's family bought the Gretas' land long ago, and has suffered its own bloody history. His brother was hanged for murdering their father, the Baron of Keswick, and Crowther has chosen comfortable seclusion and anonymity over estate and title for thirty years. But the call of the mystery brings him home at last.Travelling with forthright Mrs Harriet Westerman, who is escaping her own tragedy, Crowther finds a little town caught between new horrors and old, where ancient ways challenge modern justice. And against the wild and beautiful backdrop of fells and water, Crowther discovers that his past will not stay buried.
Kensington Publishing Murder at the Elms
For fans of HBO’s The Gilded Age, the glorious mansions of Newport house many mysteries—murder, theft, scandal—and no one is more adept at solving them than reporter Emma Andrews . . .1901: Back from their honeymoon in Italy, Emma and Derrick are adapting to married life as they return to their duties at their jointly owned newspaper, the Newport Messenger. The Elms, coal baron Edward Berwind’s newly completed Bellevue Avenue estate, is newsworthy for two reasons: A modern mansion for the new century, it is one of the first homes in America to be wired for electricity with no backup power system, generated by coal from Berwind’s own mines. And their servants—with a single exception—have all gone on strike to protest their working conditions. Summarily dismissing and replacing his staff with cool and callous efficiency, Berwind throws a grand party to showcase the marvels of his new “cottage.”Emma
University of Toronto Press Harbin: A Cross-Cultural Biography
This book offers an intimate portrait of early twentieth-century Harbin, a city in Manchuria where Russian colonialists, and later refugees from the Revolution, met with Chinese migrants. The deep social and intellectual fissures between the Russian and Chinese worlds were matched by a multitude of small efforts to cross the divide as the city underwent a wide range of social and political changes. Using surviving letters, archival photographs, and rare publications, this book also tells the personal story of a forgotten city resident, Baron Roger Budberg, a physician who, being neither Russian nor Chinese, nevertheless stood at the very centre of the cross-cultural divide in Harbin. The biography of an important city, fleshing out its place in the global history of East-West contacts and twentieth-century diasporas, this book is also the history of an individual life and an original experiment in historical writing.
Penguin Publishing Group Conquest of the Useless
Newly repackaged as a Penguin paperback, Conquest of the Useless, the legendary filmmaker Werner Herzog's diary of the making of Fitzcarraldo, one of his most revered and classic filmsIn 1982, the visionary directory Werner Herzog released Fitzcarraldo, a lavish film about a would-be rubber baron who pulls a 320-ton steamship over a mountain. It was hailed instantly by critics around the globe as a masterpiece and won Herzog the 1982 Outstanding Director Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, affirming Herzog’s reputation as one of the most revered and enigmatic filmmakers of his time.Conquest of the Useless is the diary Herzog kept during the making of Fitzcarraldo, compiled from June 1979 to November 1981. Emerging as if out of an Amazonian fever dream during filming, Herzog’s writings are an extraordinary documentary unto themselves. Strange and otherworldly events are recounted by the filmmaker. The crew's
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Cribbage Boards: 1863-1998
Enjoyed since Sir John Suckling invented this popular card game in the early 1600s, cribbage is examined here in full-color photos and engaging text. Over 350 color photographs enliven the discussion, displaying many appealing styles and variations. Cribbage boards of war and peace, with 61 and 121 point scoring, and on which pegs follow the straight and narrow or meander across the board in innovative street designs all are featured here. Also a history of the game and of the American companies that have produced cribbage boards such as H. Baron Co., E.S. Lowe, Milton Bradley, and Whitman Publishing is provided. Pictured and discussed are boards created from exotic materials including ivory and bone, and methods for determining the age of heirloom boards. Rounding out the presentation are cribbage board values and an extensive bibliography. A must for card game lovers, gamblers, and collectors alike.
Acantilado Ardiente secreto
Se encontraba en esa edad decisiva en la que una mujer empieza a lamentar el hecho de haberse mantenido fiel a un marido al que al fin y al cabo nunca ha querido, y en la que el purpúreo crepúsculo de su belleza le concede una última y apremiante elección entre lo maternal y lo femenino. La vida, a la que hace tiempo parece que se le han dado ya todas las respuestas, se convierte una vez más en pregunta, por última vez tiembla la mágica aguja del deseo, oscilando entre la esperanza de una experiencia erótica y la resignación definitiva. Una mujer tiene entonces que decidir entre vivir su propio destino o el de sus hijos, entre comportarse como una mujer o como una madre. Y el barón, perspicaz en esas cuestiones, creyó notar en ella aquella peligrosa vacilación entre la pasión de vivir y el sacrificio.
Valdemar El deseo y la búsqueda del todo
Tras la historia oficial de la literatura se esconde otra historia, secreta, pequeña, pero mucho más interesante. Dentro de esta ficticia historia secreta de la literatura, los británicos han destacado, quizá más que ningún otro pueblo, con un número sin igual de escritores extravagantes, absurdos y singulares, especies tan raras como William Beckford, Lewis Carroll, Montague Summers, Ronald Firbank, Aleister Crowley... o Frederick William Rolfe, más conocido como el misterioso Barón Corvo (1860-1913).Como ocurre con muchos de los autores citados, Frederick William Rolfe unía a sus aptitudes literarias una sexualidad no ya ambigua, sino francamente à rebours y una sensibilidad excesiva y barroca que le llevó al catolicismo como visión artística, moral, estética y mística; visión a la que unía una arraigada creencia en la astrología, una auténtica pasión por la mitología clásica e incluso ciertas prácticas de magia ritual.El deseo y la búsqueda del t
Oni Press,US Soggy Landing
Antifa meets Richard Scarry in this epic fantasy story of a perma-stoned wizard bear’s quest to save their beloved magical island from evil robber baron cults. Not very long ago, Soggy Landing was an island paradise. Now, it’s a brutal settler city ruled by a group of wealthy, cultists called “The 13” who are immune to a leafy plague ransacking their community. As a battle between the haves and the have-nots comes to a head, a free-spirited wizard bear named Otso and her friend, Slipper, join The Broken Wheel in an uprising against colonial forces controlling the magical island they love. A hallucinatory journey to the center of the island leads them to a series of discoveries more jarring than the last in this magical fantasy adventure that explores a post-global war community pitted against thieving barons and diabolical cults.
Simon & Schuster Not Funny
For fans of the perceptive comedy of Hannah Gadsby, Lindy West, and Sarah Silverman, Academy Award-nominated and acclaimed stand-up comedian Jena Friedman presents a “smart and thoughtful and even a little offensive” (Sacha Baron Cohen) collection of essays on the cultural flashpoints of today.Growing up, Jena Friedman didn’t care about being likable. And she never wanted to be a comedian, either. She wouldn’t discover her knack for the funny business until research for her college thesis led her to take an improv class in Chicago. That anthropology paper, written on race, class, and gender in the city’s comedy scene, was, in Jena’s own words, “just as funny as it sounds.” But it did lay the groundwork for a career that has seen her write and produce for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the Late Show with David Letterman, and the Oscar-nominated Borat Subsequent Moviefilm. Friedman&rsquo
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reassessing New Labour: Market, State and Society under Blair and Brown
An authoritative evaluation of the long-term legacy of New Labour. The first book-length retrospective assessment of New Labour in government which ranges across academic commentary and political debate Features brand-new essays from political figures associated with the Labour party, senior commentators and leading academics, all reflecting upon key policy areas and themes in relation to the New Labour administrations Includes a Foreword from Baron Neil Kinnock, former leader of the Labour Party; an edited conversation regarding the prospects for social democracy between Baroness Shirley Williams, leading Lib Dem politician, and Tony Wright (former Labour MP); and fresh evaluations of the Labour government's record and failings from the Shadow Minister John Denham MP Raises highly topical and important questions about the purpose and future of the Labour Party, and is designed to stimulate debate about the political challenges facing the centre-left in Britain
Abrams Chateau Clarke
A delicious invitation into one of the largest Médoc vineyards owned by the Rothschild family Château Clarke, a vast estate of Bordeaux wine, has maintained a winemaking tradition for over two centuries. Named after the Irish family that owned the property in the 18th century, the vineyard was later acquired by Baron Edmond de Rothschild in 1973. With a vision and love for wine, Rothschild transformed Château Clarke into the icon it is today—one of the largest Médoc vineyards on a 145-hectare estate where wines and gardens bloom in harmony. Unfolding across four sections—Roots, Leaves, Flowers, and Fruits—Château Clarke tells the story of this estate, from Rothschild’s restoration and redesign of the entire vineyard to the aromatic brilliance of the wine. While the Edmond de Rothschild family continues to carry on this legacy, their archival materials grace the pages, in addition to an a
The University of Chicago Press Insurgent Identities: Class, Community, and Protest in Paris from 1848 to the Commune
By focusing on the less turbulent years in between the social upheavals of the Paris Commune of 1871 and the 1848 Revolution, Gould reveals that while class played a pivotal role in 1848, it was neighbourhood solidarity that was a decisive organizing force in 1871. Baron Haussmann's massive urban renovation projects between 1852 and 1868 dispersed workers from Paris' centre to newly annexed districts on the outskirts of the city. Residence rather than occupation quickly became the new basis of social solidarity. Drawing on evidence derived from trial documents, marriage certificates, reports of police spies and the popular press, Gould demonstrates that this fundamental rearrangement in the patterns of social life made possible a neighbourhood insurgent movement; whereas the insurgents of 1848 fought and died in defence of their status as workers, those of 1871 did so as members of a besieged urban community.
Red Lemonade Happy Talk: A Novel
Gun-slinging American student nurses and boozy New York--playwrights-turned-educational-filmmakers find themselves stuck in the Haiti of 1955 as part of a government plan to pump up tourism and turn the Magic Island into the next Hawaii. The story follows the travels of Culprit Clutch, who appears mostly through rumor and innuendo, and his strange encounters with a plane-hopping British spy, Haitian street magicians, and a Scandinavian zombie. Josie, Culprit's ghostly paramour with a morphine habit, may or may not have voodoo spirits flowing through her, but the power-mad doctor channeling Baron Samedi is sure as hell bent on Culprit's destruction. The novel's cascading epilogues include a legendary car race down the length of Mexico; street theatre in Golden Gate Park, circa 1968; a Skylab mutiny; origins of the musical comedy Godspell; and cameos by the Nation of Islam and early followers of Jim Jones.
University of New Mexico Press Whither the Waters: Mapping the Great Basin from Bernardo de Miera to John C. Frémont
Bernardo de Miera y Pacheco (1713–1785) is remembered today not only as colonial New Mexico’s preeminent religious artist, but also as the cartographer who drew some of the most important early maps of the American West. His “Plano Geographico” of the Colorado Plateau and Great Basin, revised by his hand in 1778, influenced other mapmakers for almost a century. This book places the man and the map in historical context, reminding readers of the enduring significance of Miera y Pacheco. Later Spanish cartographers, as well as Baron Alexander von Humboldt, Captain Zebulon Montgomery Pike, and Henry Schenck Tanner, projected or expanded upon the Santa Fe cartographer’s imagery. By so doing, they perpetuated Miera y Pacheco’s most notable hydrographic misinterpretations. Not until almost seventy years after Miera did John Charles Frémont take the field and see for himself whither the waters ran and whither they didn’t.
University of Virginia Press The Papers of George Washington Volume 31: 7 March-5 May 1781
In March 1781, General Washington anticipated a campaign to drive the British from New York City, but difficulties mandating enlistments and outfitting recruits forestalled this opportunity. Meanwhile, a storm damaged British ships and provided an opening for the French to sail from Newport to the Chesapeake Bay to help trap British forces commanded by Brig. Gen. Benedict Arnold in Virginia. To Washington's disappointment, however, the British fleet recovered in time to fight the French at the Battle of Cape Henry, prompting Captain Destouches to withdraw and leaving the British to control the bay. Undeterred, Washington encouraged major generals Nathanael Greene and Baron von Steuben in the southern states, where Continental forces bloodied the British at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. His mounting personal frustrations regarding Mount Vernon and his mother's efforts to secure financial relief from the Virginia legislature were lightened by Martha Washington's presence at the winter encampment.
Pan Macmillan Guernica
An extraordinary epic of love, family, and war set in the Basque town of Guernica before, during, and after its destruction by the German Luftwaffe during the Spanish Civil War. In 1935, Miguel Navarro finds himself in conflict with the Spanish Civil Guard and flees the Basque fishing village of Lekeitio to make a new start in Guernica, the centre of Basque culture and tradition. Once there, he finds more than just a new life – he finds someone to live for. Miren Ansotegui is the charismatic and graceful dancer he meets and the two discover a love they believe nothing can destroy . . . Rich in the history of the region, the Red Baron, the Luftwaffe and even Picasso make appearances in Guernica as the fate of the Navarro family is traced through the early decades of the twentieth century. 'A heart-rending yet life-affirming story' Daily Mail
Circe Ediciones, S.L.U. Pannonica
Biografía de la baronesa Nica Rothschild contada por su sobrina-nietaNacida Kathleen Annie Pannonica Rothschild (1913-1988), Nica pertenecía a uno de los clanes más poderosos del mundo. Se crió en un ambiente de lujos materiales y desatención personal; una jaula de oro con joyas incrustadas cuya única salida era el matrimonio. Muy joven, se casó con el barón Von Koenigswarter con quien tuvo cinco hijos; juntos vivieron en una magnífica mansión de Normandía, donde frecuentaban la alta sociedad y se codeaban con magnates, miembros de la realeza, políticos, intelectuales y playboys. Pero a raíz de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Nica descubrió otra vida donde las opciones más íntimas eran posibles, y poco después, a un músico genial, Thelonious Monk, al que dedicaría casi treinta años de su existencia. Un buen día de 1950, sin previo aviso, lo dejó todo, se marchó a Nueva York y allí cambió sus amistades cosmopolitas por un brillante grupo de músicos de jazz.Hannah Rothschild, sobrina-n
Los enciclopedistas
París, 1750. Un grupo de intelectuales se reúne todos los jueves en el salón de uno de ellos. Allí están Diderot, Hume, D?Alembert, el barón d?Holbach y una joven y talentosa ilustradora llamada Marie. Juntos ultiman su gran obra, un compendio del saber mundial titulado 'L?Encyclopédie'.La vida no es fácil para ellos. Las opiniones antirreligiosas y antimonárquicas son castigadas con la cárcel, el exilio o la muerte. Pero no es esta la única amenaza que los sobrevuela. Ni la más peligrosa. Desde hace unos meses, una sociedad secreta denominada los Cruzados ha empezado a desafiarlos. Hasta ahora lo hacía sólo con pintadas y panfletos. Todo cambiará, sin embargo, cuando uno de los intelectuales aparezca misteriosamente asesinado...En 'Los enciclopedistas' confluye una estética francobelga con un relato de aventuras e intriga dentro de un marco histórico en el que se dan cita grandes referentes de la cultura y el pensamiento occidentales. Su realización se vio impulsada como consecu
Historias insólitas de los Juegos Olímpicos
Los Juegos Olímpicos son el acontecimiento deportivo por excelencia. Desde su resurrección a finales del siglo XIX, de la mano del barón francés Pierre de Coubertin, las Olimpiadas ofrecen cada cuatro años una catarata de emociones y hazañas que a veces se convierten en mito. Al mismo tiempo, en el backstage de las contiendas, los deportistas muestran su lado más humano. Es lejos de la mirada del público que estos modernos dioses del Olimpo se despojan de su estado de semidivina perfección para hacerse comunes mortales que lidian con los reveses de la suerte, sufren percances desde los más esperpénticos hasta los más trágicos, enlazan el deporte con la política, sucumben al poder o a la presión del dinero, venden el honor o sacrifican por ello su carrera.Este libro recoge minuciosamente las más extraordinarias anécdotas deportivas y humanas de los protagonistas de los Juegos Olímpicos modernos, muchas de ellas tan sorprendentes que parecen concebidas por guionistas de Hollywood: un
El eminente historiador militar sir Max Hastings escoge en este estimulante e inspirador relato las vidas de dieciséis guerreros de diferente extracción social y nacionalidad de los últimos tres siglos, desde las Guerras Napoleónicas a los Altos del Golán, pasando por las guerras mundiales o Vietnam, seleccionados por su coraje o su extraordinaria experiencia bélica.En el curso de cuatro décadas escribiendo sobre la guerra, Max Hastings ha desarrollado una fascinación por las hazañas en los campos de batalla (en tierra, mar o aire) y, por supuesto, por los militares que las protagonizaron. Para ello aborda las biografías de soldados icónicos como el general y escritor napoleónico barón Marcellin de Marbot (inspiración del brigadier Gerard de Conan Doyle); de sir Harry Smith, cuya esposa española, Juana, se convirtió en su compañera militar en más de una campaña; del teniente John Chard, un modesto ingeniero convertido en el héroe insospechado de Rorke?s Drift durante la guerra anglo
Scholastic US Captain America: the Ghost Army (Marvel)
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Alan Gratz (Refugee, Ground Zero) comes an all-new, original Captain America graphic novel! In this thrilling historical adventure set during World War II, Steve Rogers (AKA Captain America) and his young sidekick, Bucky Barnes, encounter a threat like they've never seen — a Ghost Army. The dead of this war and wars past are coming back to life, impervious to bullets, flames or anything else the Allies can throw at them. The armies rise from the ground in the night and seem to disappear without a trace. How can Cap and Buck fight something that's already dead? And just what does the mysterious Baron Mordo—sitting in his castle atop nearby Wundagore Mountain—have to do with this? Alan Gratz merges the worlds of historical fiction and super hero comics in this one-of-a-kind graphic novel that is sure to be met with major enthusiasm from fans of all ages.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Wallflower Gone Wild
In the second in Maya Rodale's delightful Wallflower series, London's Least Likely to Cause a Scandal is taking Society by storm ...Being good has worked out very badly for Lady Olivia Archer. All she has to show for four seasons on the marriage mart is the nickname Prissy Missy. Her prospects are so bleak that her parents have betrothed her to a stranger with a dire reputation. If Phinneas Cole-aka The Mad Baron- wants a biddable bride, perhaps Olivia can frighten him off by breaking every ladylike rule. Phinn has admired Olivia's poise and refinement from afar ...qualities that appear to have vanished now that they are officially engaged. This Olivia is flirtatious, provocative, and wickedly irresistible. She's not at all the woman he bargained for, yet she's the only one he wants. He's determined to woo her. She's determined to resist. But Olivia is discovering there's nothing so appealing as a fiance who's mad, bad, and dangerously seductive ...
Canongate Books The Complete Peanuts 1965-1966: Volume 8
In The Complete Peanuts 1965-66: We are now in the mid-1960s, one of Schulz's peak periods of creativity (and one third of the way through the strip's life!). Snoopy has become the strip's dominant personality, and this volume marks two milestones for the character: the first of many "dogfights" with the nefarious Red Baron, and the launch of his writing career ("It was a dark and stormy night..."). Two new characters-the first two from outside the strip's regular little neighborhood-make their bows. Roy (who befriends Charlie Brown and then Linus at summer camp) won't have a lasting impact, but upon his return from camp he regales a friend of his with tales of the strange kids he met, and she has to go check them out for herself. Her name? Peppermint Patty. The Complete Peanuts 1965-66 features a new introduction by Hal Hartley, writer/director of acclaimed independent films Trust, Henry Fool, Kimono, Simple Men, The Unbelievable Truth, and Fay Grim.
Canongate Books Gilliamesque: A Pre-posthumous Memoir
GILLIAMESQUE LIMITED EDITION£250To celebrate Terry Gilliam's 75th birthday, Canongate are releasing an exceptional limited edition of Gilliamesque. As well as a signed copy of Gilliam's 'pre-posthumous' memoir, this limited edition features an exclusive signed and numbered print, 'Book Worms', by Terry Gilliam, created exclusively for this volume. The book and print are cased in a beautiful cloth-bound collector's box. Only 75 copies are available.More on GILLIAMESQUE, the book:Telling his story for the first time, the director of Time Bandits, Brazil, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The Fisher King, 12 Monkeys and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - not to mention co-founder of Monty Python's Flying Circus - recalls his life so far. Packed with never-before-seen artwork, photographs and commentary, Gilliamesque blends the visual and the verbal with scabrous wit and fascinating insights.This book is an unrestrained look into a unique creative mind and an incomparable portrait of late twentieth-century popular culture.
University of Illinois Press Behind the Search Box: Google and the Global Internet Industry
Once seen as a harbinger of a new enlightened capitalism, Google has become a model of robber baron rapaciousness thanks to its ruthless monetizing of private data, obsession with monopoly, and pervasive systems of labor discrimination and exploitation. Using the company as a jumping-off point, ShinJoung Yeo explores the political economy of the search engine industry against the backdrop of the relationship between information and capitalism’s developmental processes. Yeo’s critical analysis draws on in-depth discussions of essential issues like how the search engine evolved into a ubiquitous commercial service, it’s place in a global information business that is restructuring the information industry and our very social lives, who exactly designs and uses search technology, what kinds of workers labor behind the scenes, and the influence of geopolitics. An incisive look at a pervasive presence in our lives, Behind the Search Box places the search engine industry’s rise and ongoing success within an original political economy of digital capitalism.
University of Illinois Press Cultural Sustainabilities: Music, Media, Language, Advocacy
Environmental sustainability and human cultural sustainability are inextricably linked. Reversing damaging human impact on the global environment is ultimately a cultural question, and as with politics, the answers are often profoundly local. Cultural Sustainabilities presents twenty-three essays by musicologists and ethnomusicologists, anthropologists, folklorists, ethnographers, documentary filmmakers, musicians, artists, and activists, each asking a particular question or presenting a specific local case study about cultural and environmental sustainability. Contributing to the environmental humanities, the authors embrace and even celebrate human engagement with ecosystems, though with a profound sense of collective responsibility created by the emergence of the Anthropocene. Contributors: Aaron S. Allen, Michael B. Bakan, Robert Baron, Daniel Cavicchi, Timothy J. Cooley, Mark F. DeWitt, Barry Dornfeld, Thomas Faux, Burt Feintuch, Nancy Guy, Mary Hufford, Susan Hurley-Glowa, Patrick Hutchinson, Michelle Kisliuk, Pauleena M. MacDougall, Margarita Mazo, Dotan Nitzberg, Jennifer C. Post, Tom Rankin, Roshan Samtani, Jeffrey A. Summit, Jeff Todd Titon, Joshua Tucker, Rory Turner, Denise Von Glahn, and Thomas Walker
Lannoo Publishers Haute-a-Porter: Haute-Couture in Ready-to-Wear Fashion
Haute couture often dazzles us with its precision, craftsmanship and the extravaganza inherent in it. Clothing items are made out of proportion; unique materials are used and everything is hand-finished. But, the Pret-a-porter collections of today comply with the classic principles of Haute Couture. The items shown on the catwalk should theoretically be wearable, but often in reality this is not entirely the case. Includes conversations with Angelo Flaccavento, Antonio Mancinelli, Alexander Fury, Colin McDowell, Farida Khelfa, Irene Silvagni, Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni, Nicole Phelps, Pierre Hardy, Robin Schulie, Rick Owens, Stephen Jones, Thom Browne, Tim Blanks, Vivienne Westwood, Yohji Yamamoto, Zandra Rhodes, Viktor & Rolf and many more Photographs and artworks by Ali Mahdavi, Anthony Maule, Brian Griffin, Daniel Jackson, Erik Madigan Heck, Fabien Baron, Francois Berthoud, Giampaolo Sgura, Jackie Nickerson, Kevin Tachman, Luigi & Iango, Michal Pudelka, Mikael Jansson, Miles Aldridge, Peter Lindbergh, Rene Habermacher, Txema Yeste, Sebastian Kim, Sheila Metzner and others.
Orion Publishing Co Autism
''Offers real-world advice while also highlighting the twin truths that autism is not a tragedy, and that adaptation and acceptance are not resignation'' David Mitchell, bestselling author and co-translator of The Reason I Jump''A must-read for anyone with an autistic child in their life'' Laura James, author of Odd Girl OutWritten by Jessie Hewitson, an award-winning journalist at The Times, Autism is the book she wishes she had read when her son was first given the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.It combines her own experiences with tips from autistic adults, other parents - including author David Mitchell - as well as advice from autism professionals and academics such as Professor Simon Baron-Cohen. Autism looks at the condition as a difference rather than a disorder and includes guidance on: What to do if you think your child is autistic How to understand and support your child at schoo
Little, Brown Book Group A Brief History of the First World War: Eyewitness Accounts of the War to End All Wars, 1914–18
Even 100 years on from the First World War it haunts us still. No other conflict has revealed so dramatically the senselessness of war, and none has shaped the modern world to the same extent, from its impact on the Russian Revolution and the rise of Hitler to the final break-up of the British Empire and the supremacy of America. These compelling eyewitness accounts - over 180 of them - of the War to End All Wars cover every facet of the war, from the Flanders trenches to the staffrooms of the Imperial German Army, from T. E. Lawrence ('Lawrence of Arabia') in the desert to German figher ace the Red Baron in the air, and from English Land Girls to German U-boat crews in the North Atlantic. There are contributions from all combatant nations, including the UK, USA, France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Australia, Russia, Serbia, and India and the book includes a detailed timeline and maps.
Baker Publishing Group A Tapestry of Light
Calcutta, 1886. Ottilie Russell is adrift between two cultures, British and Indian, belonging to both and neither. In order to support her little brother, Thaddeus, and her grandmother, she relies upon her skills in beetle-wing embroidery that have been passed down to her through generations of Indian women. When a stranger appears with the news that Thaddeus is now Baron Sunderson and must travel to England to take his place as a nobleman, Ottilie is shattered by the secrets that come to light. Despite her growing friendship with Everett Scott, friend to Ottilie's English grandmother and aunt, she refuses to give up her brother. Then tragedy strikes, and she is forced to make a decision that will take Thaddeus far from death and herself far from home. But betrayal and loss lurk in England, too, and soon Ottilie must fight to ensure Thaddeus doesn't forget who he is, as well as find a way to stitch a place for herself in this foreign land.
El tiempo vencido
Una Mallorca llena de secretos, amores perdidos y un legado manchado por la sombra del pasado.A los 34 años, Leopoldo Salinas irrumpe en la novela con una calidad de escritura espectacular y la experiencia que da haberse leído casi todo. El resultado sólo puede ser un tsunami literario.Tras haber luchado en la Primera Guerra Mundial en el bando de los perdedores, Felipe Neudorf, hijo bastardo y nunca reconocido del archiduque Luis Salvador de Austria, regresa a su Mallorca natal, donde le espera la herencia de su padrino y protector, el barón Babenberg.Sin embargo, al poco de llegar a la isla, descubrirá que sus asuntos pendientes son muchos más de los que él creía: para empezar, la indómita Carmen Feliú, su amor adolescente, sigue ejerciendo sobre él un poderoso hechizo; después, la carta que dejó para él su padrino desaparece al mismo tiempo que se desata un incendio en la masía que era su herencia. Y, sobre todo ello, la memoria
Alianza Editorial Effi Briest
Thomas Mann dijo que si alguien se veía obligado a reducir su biblioteca y a poder conservar solo seis novelas, una de ellas debía ser EFFI BRIEST. Basada en un hecho real, EFFI BRIEST se enmarca dentro de la narrativa que gira en torno a los conflictos morales y sociales desencadenados por un adulterio. La existencia cotidiana de la protagonista, Effi, se halla dominada por el severo código de conducta, valores y tabúes de la aristocracia prusiana. Su espontaneidad y sus ansias de vivir desbordarán esas coercitivas fronteras y los estrechos límites fijados por las convenciones; si bien, solo alcanzará la serenidad de ánimo a costa de perder toda esperanza de felicidad. En contraste con Effi, su marido, el barón Von Innstetten, no se siente motivado por los celos o los sentimientos de ofensa personal que podría generar la actitud de su esposa, sino por la presión de unas normas sociales que sustituyen, con sus ciegos e implacables mandatos, la ausencia de creencias y sentimientos perso
Trine Day School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education
For more than twenty years, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt has been warning the American people of the New World Order stratagem to overthrow democratically elected school boards with public-private partnerships between the federal government and globalist corporations. In this volume, John Klyczek expounds on Iserbyt’s theories by tracing her work to the present moment as a last ditch effort to stop the corporatization of education. Klyczek explores how the infamous Yale Secret Society, Skull and Bones, utilized Robber Baron philanthropy and stimulus-response psychological conditioning to institute a corporatist system of workforce training for a fascistically planned economy. He then explains how this system is being upgraded to a technocratic education system of corporatist “school choice” through virtual education technologies that program students for a globally planned economy. School World Order will teach you the ulterior agenda behind the ed-tech movement: data-mining students for research and development into artificial intelligence and transhumanist biotechnologies for the establishment of an authoritarian, post-human society.
Oldcastle Books Ltd Death at Daisy's Folly: A Victorian Mystery (3)
Sir Charles Sheridan is many things - an amateur scientist, a renowned photographer, and a skilled detective. And due to Victorian customs, he will soon become a baron, making Irish-American penny-dreadful writer Kate Ardleigh an unsuitable candidate for a wife. But even as custom keeps them apart, murder seems to bring them together . . . The Countess of Warwick, Lady Frances Brooke (known to all as Daisy), is the subject of endless gossip about her fiery temperament, willful ways, and decidely unladylike behavior. But what happens during a weekend house party at her Easton estate is uglier than any rumor - especially because Bertie, the Prince of Wales and Daisy's current lover, has joined the party. First, a stableboy is killed. Then a nobleman is murdered at the Easton folly, the small, decorative garden building that is Daisy's well-known trysting spot. Anxious to avoid scandal, the Prince of Wales asks Sir Charles to identify the killer - and Charles finds himself in need of the talents of Miss Ardleigh.
Quercus Publishing The First Man: A Commandant Michel de Palma Investigation
Commandant Michel de Palma, known by his colleagues as 'the Baron', has chosen early retirement and plans to travel the world. But he is dragged back into the force when a case that has haunted him for a decade erupts once more. Resurfacing from Le Guen's Cave, a prehistoric grotto thirty-eight metres below sea level outside Marseilles, France, an experienced diver mysteriously gets into difficulties. Meanwhile, Thomas Autran, a serial killer with a peculiar interest in the supernatural, suffering from a dangerous form of schizophrenia, is once again on the run. Ancient cave paintings, savage murders committed according to a precise ritual: a return to the first ages of humanity, the era of the great Palaeolithic hunters. And despite the gory trail left at each crime scene, de Palma must first understand the child, the secrets of a family, a story of exploitation - and revenge - before he can track down the First Man.
University of Nebraska Press Modernity and Its Other: The Encounter with North American Indians in the Eighteenth Century
In Modernity and Its Other Robert Woods Sayre examines eighteenth-century North America through discussion of texts drawn from the period. He focuses on this unique historical moment when early capitalist civilization (modernity) in colonial societies, especially the British, interacted closely with Indigenous communities (the “Other”) before the balance of power shifted definitively toward the colonizers. Sayre considers a variety of French perspectives as a counterpoint to the Anglo-American lens, including J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur and Philip Freneau, as well as both Anglo-American and French or French Canadian travelers in “Indian territory,” including William Bartram, Jonathan Carver, John Lawson, Alexander Mackenzie, Baron de Lahontan, Pierre Charlevoix, and Jean-Baptiste Trudeau. Modernity and Its Other is an important addition to any North American historian’s bookshelf, for it brings together the social history of the European colonies and the ethnohistory of the American Indian peoples who interacted with the colonizers.
Indiana University Press Introduction to Documentary Fourth Edition
The fourth edition of Bill Nichols's best-selling text, Introduction to Documentary, has been vastly altered in its entirety to bring this indispensable textbook up to date and reconceptualize aspects of its treatment of documentaries past and present. Here Nichols, with Jaimie Baron, has edited each chapter for clarity and ease of use and expanded the book with updates and new ideas. Featuring abundant examples and images, Introduction to Documentary, Fourth Edition is designed to facilitate a rich understanding of how cinema can be used to document the historical world as it is seen by a wide variety of filmmakers. Subjectivity, expressivity, persuasiveness, and credibility are crucial factors that move documentary film away from objective documentation and toward the thought-provoking realm of arguments, perceptions, and perspectives that draw from a filmmaker's unique sensibility to help us see the world as we have not seen it before. Exploring ethics, history, different modes of
Marvel Comics Daredevil Epic Collection Fall From Grace New Printing
Elektra returns to life in this thrilling saga taken from one of Daredevil''s most thrilling eras! It''s the epic saga that reintroduced Elektra to the Marvel Universe! The Hand ninja clan unleashes a super-virus on New York, and only Daredevil can stop them - but not without some unexpected help from a long-lost love and a new, armoured costume! Can the Man Without Fear come to terms with his past with Elektra in time to halt the Hand''s terror plot, even if it means the end of his secret identity? And when Baron Strucker assembles a team of cyber-terrorists to plunge the world''s computer systems into global anarchy, will even Captain America''s aid be enough to defeat them? Guest-starring Nick Fury, Black Widow and more! Plus: 15 rare, new story pages from the original 1995 Fall From Grace trade paperback! Collecting: Daredevil (1964) #319-332 and Annual #10
Scholastic Captain America: The Ghost Army
In this thrilling historical adventure, 18-year-old Steve Rogers (AKA Captain America) and his young sidekick, Bucky Barnes, encounter a threat like none they've ever seen - a Ghost Army! The dead of this war and wars past are coming back to life, impervious to bullets, flames, or anything else the Allies can throw at them. The armies rise from the ground in the night and seem to disappear without a trace. How can Cap and Buck fight something that's already dead? And just what does the mysterious Baron Mordo, sitting in his castle atop nearby Wundagore Mountain have to do with this? Award-winning, New York Times bestselling author Alan Gratz merges the worlds of historical fiction and comics in this one-of-a-kind graphic novel that is sure to be met with major enthusiasm from fans of all age. From New York Times' bestselling author, Alan Gratz Beautiful artwork Perfect for fans of all ages