Search results for ""author thomas""
Arena Verlag GmbH Escape Natur. Rettungsmission Erde
Arena Verlag GmbH Evolution 2. Der Turm der Gefangenen
Evangelische Verlagsansta On Demand Kasualkultur der Gegenwart
Outlook Verlag Early Kings of Norway: in large print
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH Das langgestreckte Wunder
Penguin TB Verlag Die vergessenen Inseln
Haupt Verlag AG Heilkruter im Garten pflanzen ernten anwenden
Diogenes Verlag AG Rechnung ber meine Dukaten
Diogenes Verlag AG Zen
Styria Verlag Die Stadt von gestern
Kohlhammer Feuerwehrbedarfsplanung
Mohr Siebeck Freiheit vom Absoluten
Mohr Siebeck Datenschutz in der amtlichen Statistik
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Grundrechtsföderalismus: Eine vergleichende Studie zur Grundrechtsverwirklichung in Mehrebenen-Strukturen - Deutschland, USA und EU
Thomas Kleinlein analysiert die unterschiedlichen Potentiale für eine dialogische und pluralistische Grundrechtsjudikatur, die föderalen Grundrechtssystemen innewohnen. Gegenstand seiner Untersuchung sind Deutschland, die USA und die EU. Als Alternative zu einem verbreiteten staats- und souveränitätszentrierten Verständnis schlägt er eine föderale Theorie der Mehrebenen-Grundrechtsjudikatur vor. Mit einer solchen föderalen Sichtweise lassen sich dogmatische Figuren, über die Anwendungsbereiche, Kontrollmaßstäbe und -intensität definiert werden, als Ausdruck der institutionellen Strukturen und der Interaktion der beteiligten Gerichte begreifen. Praktischer Ertrag der Forschung sind Vorschläge, die Gerichten in Mehrebenen-Strukturen Orientierung bieten können, vor allem angesichts der aktuellen Herausforderungen, mit denen der Grundrechtsschutz in Europa konfrontiert ist.
Reclam Philipp Jun. Mittelalter. 100 Seiten
Reclam Philipp Jun. Reformation 100 Seiten
Reclam Philipp Jun. Augmented Intelligence Wie wir mit Daten und KI besser entscheiden Was bedeutet das alles
Westermann Schulbuch Medizinische Geographie
Schoeningh Verlag Mario und der Zauberer EinFach Deutsch verstehen
Thieme Publishing Group Current Concepts of Sleep Apnea Surgery
Klett Sprachen GmbH Am krzeren Ende der Sonnenallee Deutsche Lektre fr das GERNiveau B1
Klett Sprachen GmbH From Slavery to Freedom Lektren Englisch
Klett Sprachen GmbH Borders
FISCHER, S. Der Zauberberg
FISCHER, S. Briefe III 19241932 Groe kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe Text und Kommentar in zwei Bnden
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Dialog Neue Generation Band 12 Begleitgrammatik 12 Grammatikheft
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Muttersprache plus 9 Schuljahr Schlerbuch Allgemeine Ausgabe fr Berlin Brandenburg MecklenburgVorpommern SachsenAnhalt Thringen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fachwerk Naturwissenschaften 56 Schuljahr Schlerbuch BadenWrttemberg
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick inklusiv 56 Schuljahr Flchen und Krper Arbeitsheft 5
Hier und Jetzt Verlag Herwigs in Arosa
Hier und Jetzt Verlag Die Schweiz im Kalten Krieg 19451990
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Refugees in Canada: On the Loss of Social and Cultural Capital
The focus of this book is on the experiences of government-sponsored refugees in the early stages of integrating into Canadian society. Combining data gleaned from a longitudinal study of relatively recently arrived refugees in Calgary, Canada, with a close focus on the case of a physician from Colombia and his family, this volume illustrates how the cultural and social capital of refugees is marginalized and, in some cases, erased by the undervaluing of their education, training, credentials, and other knowledge. The findings presented in the book underscore the importance of addressing the challenge of integrating highly trained professionals into the professions for which they are credentialed.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Applied Statistics and Multivariate Data Analysis for Business and Economics: A Modern Approach Using SPSS, Stata, and Excel
This textbook will familiarize students in economics and business, as well as practitioners, with the basic principles, techniques, and applications of applied statistics, statistical testing, and multivariate data analysis. Drawing on practical examples from the business world, it demonstrates the methods of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistical analysis. The textbook covers a range of topics, from data collection and scaling to the presentation and simple univariate analysis of quantitative data, while also providing advanced analytical procedures for assessing multivariate relationships. Accordingly, it addresses all topics typically covered in university courses on statistics and advanced applied data analysis. In addition, it does not limit itself to presenting applied methods, but also discusses the related use of Excel, SPSS, and Stata.
Jonglez Soul of Berlin
Books on Demand Le Triomphe de la Foi Justifiante
Scribe Publications Listen, Liberal: or, what ever happened to the party of the people?
Scribe Publications Nature Culture and Inequality
A Guardian book to look out for in 2024An insightful exploration of the nature of inequality by the internationally bestselling author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century. In his newest work, Thomas Piketty explores how social inequality manifests itself very differently depending on the society and epoch in which it arises. History and culture play a central role, inequality being strongly linked to various socio-economic, political, civilisational, and religious developments. So it is culture in the broadest sense that makes it possible to explain the diversity, extent, and structure of the social inequality that we observe every day. Piketty briefly and concisely presents a lively synthesis of his work, taking up such diverse topics as education, inheritance, taxes, and the climate crisis, and provides exciting food for thought for a highly topical debate: Does natural inequality exist?
Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art The Hidden Mod in Modern Art: London, 1957-1969
An investigation of the outsized influence of the Mod subculture on key figures of the 1960s London art scene Bonding over matters of taste and style, the ‘Mods’ of late 1950s London recognised in one another shared affinities for Italian-style suits, tidy haircuts, espresso bars, Vespa scooters and the latest American jazz. In this groundbreaking book, leading art historian Thomas Crow argues that the figure of the Mod exerted an influence beyond its assumed social boundaries by exemplifying the postwar metropolis in all of its excitement and complexity. Crow examines the works of key figures in the London art scene of the 1960s, including Robyn Denny, David Hockney, Pauline Boty, Bridget Riley and Bruce McLean, who shared and heightened aspects of this new and youthful urbanity. The triumphant arrival of the international counterculture forced both young Mods and established artists to reassess and regroup in novel, revealing formations. Understanding the London Mod brings with it a needed, up-to-date reckoning with the legacies of Situationism, Social Art History and Cultural Studies.Distributed for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Goethe Yearbook 6
The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, which was founded in 1980 to promote the study of Goethe and his contemporaries. Originally conceived as a vehicle for Goethe criticism in English during the Cold War political tensions, when the most prestigious Goethe publication, the Goethe Jahrbuch, was not available to most Western scholars, the Yearbook subsequently gained the respect of the international community, and has published articles, in both English and German, by scholars from around the world; it is unique among other periodicals devoted to the 'Goethezeit' for its extensive book review section.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Unemployment in Theory and Practice
Unemployment in Theory and Practice examines the effectiveness of current policies in the battle against unemployment. It uses a variety of country case studies to analyse the range of potential causes of and cures for unemployment and analyses the complex nature of labour markets. This volume surveys the policy options and prescribes a mix of both macro and microeconomic policies to combat unemployment effectively. The contributors address the issue of policy targeted groups, including self-employed and older workers, and offer a comprehensive survey of key empirical findings. Issues considered include the rising number of self-employed in Australia and the labour market prospects for the aged in Germany. Particular labour market policies are discussed including the role of training and concerted international action through social democratic and trade union collaboration. The nature of unemployment in countries characterized by economic and social transformation, such as Bulgaria and Poland, is also analysed in detail. The final section of the book is dedicated to wage policy and compensatory pay for the unemployed. It challenges the conventional neoclassical wisdom that wage constraints and limited trade union power will necessarily lead to labour market improvements and reduced unemployment. Evidence from Germany and South Africa is used to argue that collective action is a promising policy alternative. International in scope, the book will be essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of economics, political economy, industrial relations and international economics. It will also appeal to professional economists, sociologists, political scientists, trade unionists and policy advisors.
Nick Hern Books A Chaste Maid in Cheapside
Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price A delightfully lewd city comedy written in 1613 by the co-author of The Changeling. Thomas Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside is an intricately plotted play about unscrupulous people in search of wealth, marriage, or sex - and sometimes all three. Unpublished until 1630 and long-neglected afterwards, it is now considered among the best and most characteristic Jacobean comedies. This edition of the play in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series is edited and introduced by Emma French.