Search results for ""author manus"
Museum Tusculanum Press New Studies of the Autograph Manuscript of Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala's Neuva coronica y buen gobierno
Autorenhaus Verlag So lektorieren Sie Ihre Texte Texte berarbeiten Schritt fr Schritt von der Erstfassung zum fertigen Manuskript
Editorial Crítica El giro de cómo un manuscrito olvidado contribuyó a crear el mundo moderno
Hace cerca de seiscientos años, en 1417, un humanista italiano emprendió un viaje para visitar conventos alemanes en busca de manuscritos antiguos. En uno de ellos descubrió el único ejemplar que había sobrevivido de una obra escrita en el siglo primero antes de Cristo, De rerum natura, un poema filosófico de Tito Lucrecio Caro que desarrollaba una visión materialista del mundo, destinada a liberar al hombre del temor a los dioses. Lo copió y regresó con él a Italia, donde la difusión de sus peligrosas ideas fue una de las fuentes del giro cultural del Renacimiento, que iba a dar lugar al cambio ideológico del que surgió el mundo moderno. Aquel libro ignorado, que pudo haberse perdido, ejerció una considerable influencia sobre una línea de pensadores que va de Giordano Bruno o Montaigne hasta Freud o Einstein. Stephen Greenblatt, que a su calidad de investigador une la de ser un gran escritor, nos ofrece un apasionante relato de esta aventura de las ideas.
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe Parzival Im Manuskript: Profile Der Parzival-Uberlieferung Am Beispiel Von Funf Handschriften Des 13. Bis 15. Jahrhunderts
The American University in Cairo Press The Lost Manuscript of Frédéric Cailliaud: Arts and Crafts of the Ancient Egyptians, Nubians, and Ethiopians
The travel accounts, drawings, and collections of Fr d ric Cailliaud were an important early contribution to the birth of the new scientific discipline of Egyptology in the first half of the nineteenth century. But one of his major works--on the arts and crafts of ancient Egypt--was never published. For the first time here, his exquisite color plates are presented alongside a translation of his original French text describing them. Explanatory material by Andrew Bednarski and other scholars puts the work in context. Arriving in Egypt in 1815, Cailliaud embarked upon a series of explorations that included the rediscovery of the Roman emerald mines at Mount Zabora and ancient routes to the Red Sea, and expeditions in the Eastern and Western Deserts and the land we know today as Ethiopia. He made copious notes on the flora and fauna, people and antiquities he saw, and took a collection of over two thousand objects back to France. Cailliaud's beautifully rendered watercolors of scenes on ancient Egyptian tombs and temples (viewed before Champollion's deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs) show animated scenes of ancient daily life, with which he draws parallels to the nineteenth-century activities he observed around him. This is a work that will appeal not only to Egyptologists (professional and amateur), but also to historians, art historians, and readers interested in design. The original French text, never before published, is included in electronic form.
Aschendorff Verlag Colophons de Manuscrits Occidentaux Des Origines Au Xvie Siecle, Tome I: Tome 1 Colophons Signes A-D
Brepols N.V. Visualizing Justice in Burgundian Prose Romance: Text and Image in Manuscripts of the Wavrin Master (1450s-1460s)
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist V: Manuscripts in the Additional Collection 10001-14000, British Library, London
The great scholar and palaeographer Sir Frederic Madden (1801-73) was Keeper of Manuscripts at the British Museum (as it then was) when most of the items in this 'Handlist' were acquired. The manuscripts here represented, from the still expanding Additional collection, provide examples of almost every kind of Middle English prose composition. Many of the items in this 'Handlist' are well known, but some have been previously overlooked and a surprising number remain unedited.
Grolier Club of New York Grolier Club Collects II – Books, Manuscripts and Works on Paper from the Collections of Grolier Club Members
This catalogue of books, manuscripts, and works on paper was drawn from the international membership of the Grolier Club and accompanied an exhibition at the Club. Reflecting the breadth and quality of those members' varied collecting interests, the items encompass medieval manuscripts and early printed books, as well as contemporary literature; and rarities ranging from Old Master drawings and prints, to nineteenth- and twentieth-century posters, cartoons and ephemera to livres d'artiste, children's books, book objects, and photographs. These unique objects illuminate the remarkable range of subjects pursued by bibliophiles and provide proof that the collecting of books and prints in the age of the Internet is not only alive and well but thriving.
Medieval Institute Publications Studies in the Harley Manuscript: The Scribes, Contents, and Social Contexts of British Library MS Harley 2253
Studies in the Harley Manuscript is the first comprehensive examination of a manuscript that is of supreme value to literary scholars of medieval English literature. In an Introduction and fifteen essays a team of scholars considers many aspects of the 140 folios of this trilingual miscellany that preserves 121 items (or 122 depending on how one counts) from which we get a strange and privileged glimpse into the rich literary heritage that existed in England prior to the flourishing of vernacular poetry in the Richardian era. As the Contents indicates, the history and composition of the manuscript are considered, as are the Anglo-Norman, English, and Latin compositions that it preserves. This is a companion volume to the three volume complete edition of Harley 2253.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose: Handlist XX: Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Handlist to the rich collection of manuscripts contained in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, with full indices. The majority of the medieval manuscripts in Corpus Christi which contain Middle English prose came to the College as part of the bequest of Matthew Parker (1504-75), archbishop of Canterbury, who in 1568 had been given authority by the Privy Council to collect "auncient recordes and monumentes written" for "perusyng of the same". These manuscripts came from all over the south of England, having mainly originated in monastic libraries. Some were subsequently returned to their owners, but the majority appear to have remained with Parker and to have been considered his personal property, to dispose of as he wished. The majority went to Corpus Christi, where he had been Master from 1544-53. Of the 433 Parker manuscripts in the College, 48 are indexed in this Handlist. A further four manuscripts, derived from other sources, containing Middle English are also included. The texts range in length from jottings in the margin of the Bury Bible (MS 2) to a complete Wycliffite sermon cycle (MS 336). The great majority are religious texts; among those are the Ancrene Wisse, The Compendyous Treatise, Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ, Richard Rolle's English Psalter, A Treatise of Goostely Batayle, Walter Hilton's Scale of Perfection, Beniamyn minor and the Treatise on the Seven Points of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom. There are also a large collection of fourteenth-century medical recipes, Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe, Trevisa's translation of Higden's Polychronicon and William Worcester's Itineraries. Kari Anne Rand is Professor of Older English Language at the University of Oslo.
Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library Collector’s Choice: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts Given by Harrison D. Horblit to the Harvard College Library
This is the catalogue of an exhibition, held in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of the Class of 1933, featuring items given by Harrison Horblit ’33, one of Houghton Library’s most distinguished donors. The exhibition includes materials covering Manuscripts and the Cradle of Printing, Early Arithmetics, Early English Printing, the Scientific Renaissance, Printing and Bibliography, Interesting Bindings, and Early Photography.
Paperblanks Michelangelo Handwriting Embellished Manuscripts Collection Ultra Lined Softcover Flexi Journal Elastic Band Closure
Michelangelo Buonarroti’s (1475–1564) mind was an incessant battlefield. The opposing forces of religious faith and pagan beauty warred across his consciousness. They also helped spur him to create a pantheon of artistic masterpieces. Considered one of the masters of the Italian Renaissance, over the course of his lifetime he produced the finest frescoes and many of the most revered sculptures in the world. Michelangelo possessed a genius as severe and uncompromising as it was fertile. He was renowned for his fierce solitude, yet was one of the great chroniclers of the human form. His anatomical studies are haunting in their expressiveness and precision, while his tombs, such as those designed for Julius II and the Medicis, inspire wordless awe and perhaps even dread. This letter, written in Michelangelo’s own hand, demonstrates with every stroke of the pen the refinement and passion of one of the greatest artists humanity has produced. And with the Sistine Chapel&rsq
Peeters Publishers Le Commentaire Sur Genese-Exode 9, 32 Du Manuscrit (olim) Diyarbakir 22: T.
Scottish Text Society The Buke of the Chess: Edited from the Asloan Manuscript (NLS MS 16500)
Published by Boydell & Brewer Inc.
Peeters Publishers Eastern Christians and Their Written Heritage: Manuscripts, Scribes and Context
This volume gives the text of the contributions presented at the Second International Congress on Eastern Christianity organised in Madrid in April 2008. The focus of the conference was on the written heritage ("manuscripts, scribes and context") of Eastern Christians in different periods and from different confessional backgrounds, but it was thought appropriate to include some contributions on the Jewish written heritage as well. Part I of the volume is devoted to manuscript collections and archives in Spain, Portugal, Alexandria and St Petersburg. Part II deals with Christian Arabic, Coptic, Greek and Slavonic manuscripts written by members of different religious communities. Part III discusses a variety of contextual issues such as the Egyptian monastic environment (book binding and manuscript illumination, women readers), schools (school texts on papyri) and Christian sources in Ibn Giqatela's psalm commentary.
Brepols N.V. Preaching the Word in Manuscript and Print in Late Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Susan Powell
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose: Handlist XXIV: Manuscripts in New York City Libraries
Handlist to the rich collection of manuscripts contained in five major libraries across New York, giving a full account of their provenance. This volume provides detailed descriptions of Middle English prose materials found in the Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscripts Library, The Pierpont Morgan Library, The New York Public Library, The New York Academy of Medicine Library, and New York University Bobst Library (Special Collections). The manuscripts tend to be less well known than those in English libraries, with overlooked texts such as the Pseudo-Hildegard Anti-Mendicant Prophecy; The Book of Palmistry; a subject index of legal statutes; culinary and medical recipes; and English instructions to Latin prayers in Books of Hours. Other manuscripts of note include Trevisa's translation of De proprietatibus rerum by Bartholomaeus Anglicus, used as a copy-text for Wynkyn de Worde's first edition printed ca. 1495; and deluxe illustrated manuscripts of The Pilgrimage of the Soul and Ordinances of Chivalry. The introduction to the volume highlights the particular interests of the various collectors and the influences and characteristics underpinning their acquisitions. All but one of the manuscripts described from Columbia University were acquired by George A. Plimpton (1855-1936), whose firm, Ginn and Co., published spelling books. His collection records an interest in the history of education, with MS 258, a primer probably compiled for an English schoolchild, being a highlight. John Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913) specialized in expensive, illustrated manuscripts, aided in his purchases by Belle da Costa Greene, who became the first director of the Morgan Library as a public institution under J.P. Morgan, Jr. Curt F. Bühler became the Keeper of Printed Books at the Morgan in 1934, bequeathing to the Library the manuscripts that he had bought over the years. James Lenox and John Jacob Astor established the New York Public Library, with Lenox donating two Wycliffite Bibles and Astor a third. The New York Academy of Medicine owns two manuscripts relating to the work of the French surgeon Guy de Chauliac.
Pontificio Istituto Biblico The Syriac Version of Ezra-nehemiah : Manuscripts and Editions, Translation Technique and its Use in Textual Criticism
Harrassowitz Functional Differentiation in Hittite Festival Texts: An Analysis of the Old Manuscripts of the Ki.Lam Great Assembly
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin L'Estime Des Apparences: 21 Manuscrits de Leibniz Sur Les Probabilites, La Theorie Des Jeux, l'Esperance de Vie
Medieval Institute Publications Anglo-Saxon Books and Their Readers: Essays in Celebration of Helmut Gneuss's Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts
The collection opens with Gneuss's Rawlinson Center lecture, delivered just a few months prior to the Handlist's publication. The lecture is followed by essays by Donald Scragg and Thomas N. Hall that examine the scribes, contents, circumstances of production, and intended uses of selected manuscripts from the late Anglo-Saxon period. Four essays follow, by Kees Dekker, Rebecca Brackmann, Aaron J Kleist, and Rolf H. Bremmer Jr., investigating the fates of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts at the hands of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century antiquaries. The resulting collection addresses the concerns of Anglo-Saxon manuscript studies today, which have been given new energy by the publication of the Handlist.
Peeters Publishers Catalogue of Coptic and Arabic Manuscripts in Dayr al-Suryan. Volume 3: Arabic Theology
A catalogue of the Coptic and Arabic collections at Dayr al-Suryan in Wadi al-Natrun, Egypt, to be published in multiple volumes, covering the following genre categories: Biblical Texts, along with Coptic Grammars and Lexica; Commentaries and Canons; Theology; Ascetic Discourses; Saints’ Lives and Sermons; and Liturgical Texts. In addition to introducing readers to the history and contents of the monastic library, this series collects data on approximately 1000 manuscripts, recording information on manuscript number and genre, works and contents, date, language, script, and material, scribes, patrons, and restorers, colophons and endowments, pages and numbering systems, dimensions, area of writing, and lines per page, cover and condition, and other details related to scribal practice and readers’ insertions. The result will serve as a foundation for further research on Coptic and Christian Arabic literature and on the monastery and its important library.
Peeters Publishers Gothic Manuscript Illumination in the Diocese of Liege (c.1250 - C.1330). Volume 1: (low Countries Series 2)
Brepols N.V. The Making of the Vernon Manuscript: the Production and Contexts of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Eng.Poet.a.1
Hal Leonard Corporation 60 Sonatas, Books 1 and 2: Edited in Chronological Order from the Manuscript and Earliest Printed Sources
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose: Handlist XIV: Manuscripts in The National Library of Wales (Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru), Aberystwyth
`The Index of Middle English Prose when completed will be a monumental achievement.' REVIEW OF ENGLISH STUDIES This is the first volume in the series to deal with a national library. Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, the National Library of Wales, was founded with the expressed purpose of preserving the material of the literary culture and history of Wales. The number of medieval English language manuscripts, while substantial, does not form as great a proportion of the holdings as in other libraries in Britain, and a special feature of the collection is that the manuscript context for some English texts is one in which Welsh is the main language. The collection is thus relatively unexplored for its Middle English holdings, and of the manuscripts indexed here fewer than half are listed in the Index of Printed Middle English Prose; they contain awealth of materials, most notably in historical writings, scientific texts, and prophecies. The introduction sets the wider context for the manuscripts by discussing the history of the Library and the way in which its major collections were brought together. WILLIAM MARXis Senior Lecturer in the Department of English, University of Wales, Lampeter.
Editorial Trotta, S.A. El Mesías antes de Jesús el siervo sufriente de los manuscritos del Mar Muerto
Cuestionando ideas que han dominado la investigación del Nuevo Testamento durante más de cien años, Israel Knohl, reconocido especialista en estudios bíblicos, presenta en este libro a un precursor mesiánico de Jesús, descrito como el Siervo sufriente en algunos fragmentos, recientemente publicados, de los manuscritos del Mar Muerto.El mesías antes de Jesús aclara muchos aspectos hasta ahora incomprensibles de la vida de Jesús y confirma la conciencia que éste tenía de su misión mesiánica, tal como es relatada en el Nuevo Testamento.Según intenta demostrar Knohl, en el tiempo del nacimiento de Jesús surge la visión de un mesianismo catastrófico que contempla el sufrimiento, la humillación y la muerte del mesías como un momento esencial de la redención.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist VI: Manuscripts containing Middle English Prose in Yorkshire Libraries and Archives
This volume contains indexes to a university library, a monastic library, two cathedral libraries, a diocesan library and three record offices. Outstanding among the manuscripts are two Wycliffite New Testaments and John Mirk's popular sermon collection 'The Festial'.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose: Handlist XVII: Manuscripts in the Library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
Fifty-five catalogued manuscripts include major religious works and medical writing - on uroscopy, surgery, bloodletting and pestilence. Major religious works among the fifty-five manuscripts indexed in this handlist include a thirteenth-century copy of the Ancrene Riwle, Rolle's Forme of Living and the English translation of his Emendatio vitae, the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ, Mirk's Festial, the Pilgrimage of the Soul, the Seven Points of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom and the apparently unique English translation of the Wycliffite Rosarium theologie. Medical writing is also well represented, with a number of extensive compilations which also contain medical recipes. Uroscopy texts include the Practica urinarum and the shorter and the longer versionsof Henry Daniel's Liber uricrisiarum; other important medical texts are the first book of Guy de Chauliac's Chirurgia magna, the shorter English version of John of Burgundy's treatise on pestilence and two versionsof the bloodletting treatise attributed to Henry of Winchester. KARI ANNE RAND SCHMIDT is Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Oslo.
Les Belles Lettres Le Feu Des Manuscrits: Lecteurs Et Scribes Des Textes Medievaux
Hal Leonard Corporation Hal Leonard Ukulele Manuscript Paper: Includes Standard Notation and Tablature
Paperblanks Frederick Douglass, Letter for Civil Rights (Embellished Manuscripts Collection) Midi 12-month Dayplanner 2024
Frederick Douglass (1818–1895) was a former slave who became a leading abolitionist and social reformer. When too ill to continue his speaking engagements, he wrote letters of support for the anti-lynching activist and investigative journalist Ida B. Wells (1862–1931) to take his place. With the letter reproduced here, we celebrate the legacies of Douglass and Wells – two of the most revered leaders in African American history.
Peeters Publishers «Cum adulescens litteris Graecis operam darem»: El manuscrito latino de Giovanni Bartolomeo Marliano de Hesiodo, Opera et dies. Edicion critica del ms. Ang. lat. 240 (Roma, Biblioteca Angelica)
El anticuario y humanista lombardo Giovanni Bartolomeo Marliano (1488-1566) legó al convento de Sant’Agostino en Roma – actual Biblioteca Angelica – una rica colección de manuscritos, recopilada durante años de estudio de los clásicos grecolatinos. Entre ellos se encuentra una selecta colección de traducciones latinas de autores griegos que, plausiblemente, Marliano había empleado en su formación humanística. El objeto de este trabajo es una de estas versiones: Hesíodo, Opera et dies (ms. Ang. lat. 420, fols. 66r-83v). El estudio preliminar indaga sobre la génesis y posible autoría de esta traducción ad uerbum – ricamente ilustrada de elementos paratextuales que configuran un auténtico comentario a la obra – así como sobre los modelos griegos seguidos en su elaboración. Se ofrece, finalmente, la edición crítica de la traducción hesiódica y de sus copiosas notas marginales, ejemplo de la labor didáctica y exegética del Humanismo renacentista sobre el poema de Hesíodo. L'antiquaire et humaniste lombard Giovanni Bartolomeo Marliano (1488-1566) légua une riche collection de manuscrits, compilée pendant des années d'étude des classiques gréco-latins, au couvent de Sant'Agostino à Rome – aujourd'hui Biblioteca Angelica. Parmi eux se trouve un sélect recueil de traductions latines d'auteurs grecs que, vraisemblablement, Marliano avait utilisées dans sa formation humaniste. L'objet de cet ouvrage est l'une de ces versions: Hésiode, Opera et dies (ms. Ang. lat. 420, fols. 66r-83v). L'étude préliminaire examine la genèse et la paternité de cette traduction ad uerbum – illustrée richement d'éléments paratextuels qui constituent un authentique commentaire de l'ouvrage – ainsi que les modèles grecs suivis dans son élaboration. On propose, enfin, l'édition critique de la traduction hésiodique et ses copieuses notes marginales, qui illustrent le travail didactique et exégétique de l'humanisme de la Renaissance sur le poème d'Hésiode. The Lombard antiquarian and humanist Giovanni Bartolomeo Marliano (1488-1566) bequeathed to the convent of Sant'Agostino in Rome – now the Biblioteca Angelica – a rich collection of manuscripts, compiled during years of study of the Greco-Latin classics. Among them is a select collection of Latin translations of Greek authors that, plausibly, Marliano had used in his humanistic training. The object of this work is one of these versions: Hesiod, Opera et dies (ms. Ang. lat. 420, fols. 66r-83v). The preliminary study investigates the genesis and possible authorship of this ad uerbum translation – richly illustrated with paratextual elements that make up an authentic commentary to the work – as well as the Greek models followed in its elaboration. Finally, a critical edition of the Hesiodic translation and its copious marginal notes is offered, which exemplifies the didactic and exegetical work of Renaissance Humanism on Hesiod's poem.
Classiques Garnier a la Lumiere Des Manuscrits Le Viste, Famille de la Dame a la Licorne
University of Toronto Press Reading and Variant in Petronius: Studies in the French Humanists and their Manuscript Sources
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose: Handlist XIII: Manuscripts in Lambeth Palace Library, including those formerly in Sion College
Handlist to manuscripts in one of Britain's major medieval repositories. Lambeth Palace Library, which dates from a bequest by Archbishop Bancroft in 1610, is one of England's major repositories of medieval manuscripts. More than half of the ninety-six manuscripts and documents containing items of Middle English prose were already present when the library was temporarily transferred to Cambridge in 1647. In the succeeding centuries further manuscript materials have continually been added, and within the last few years the library has become home to the older part of Sion College Library, an event that has added a further seven manuscripts to the present handlist. The collection at Lambeth is large enough to be fully representative of the corpus of Middle English prose: the Brut, the Wycliffite Bible, and Love's Mirror, for example, are all present, in some cases in multiple copies, as are writings by Hilton and Rolle. There are sermon cycles (including an almost complete set of Wycliffite sermons), medical recipes, historical works, and anthologies of religious treatises. Altogether the current handlist indexes almost 800 separate items, ranging from the veterinary to the liturgical. O.S. PICKERINGis Senior Assistant Librarian and Associate Lecturer in English at the University of Leeds; V.M. O'MARAis Lecturer in English at the University of Hull.
Peeters Publishers Le Manuscrit Trouve a Saragosse Et Ses Intertextes: Actes Du Colloque International, Louvain-Anvers, 30 Mars-1 Avril 2000
Que le manuscrit trouve a Saragosse, tout a la fois recit initiatique, roman picaresque, gothique, fantastique ...soit une anthologie de tous les genres narratifs du XVIIIe siecle et qu'il porte de nombreuses traces des grands modeles que sont le Decameron, les Mille et une Nuits, le Don Quichotte, etc. qui en doutera? Mais, au-dela de cette intertextualite visible, le roman de Jean Potocki semble reserver plus d'une surprise, il semble cacher plus d'un emprunt inattendu, plus d'une parodie, sans parler des plagiats auxquels il s'est prete. La narration du Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse est a l'image du Guadalquivir qui traverse le site oA' se deroule le recit, disparaissant sous terre, refaisant surface et enrichissant ses rives du depot ininterrompu de sediments anciens charries par le fleuve depuis sa source. Remonter le fleuve, fouiller les terrains alluviaux du recit, etudier les differentes formes de copresence de deux ou de plusieurs textes dans le Manuscrit, tel etait l'objectif du Colloque International Jean Potocki qui s'est tenu a Louvain et a Anvers, du 30 mars au 1er avril 2000. La demarche entendait combiner les approches historique et typologique, l'etude detaillee de cas et les survols plus panoramiques, sans oublier le defi theorique que pose l'intertextualite potockienne au lecteur.
Peeters Publishers Gothic Manuscript Illumination in the Diocese of Liege (c.1250 - C.1330). Volume 2: (low Countries Series 3)
Princeton University Press Greek Manuscripts at Princeton, Sixth to Nineteenth Century: A Descriptive Catalogue
This is the first comprehensive scholarly publication of the rich holdings of Greek manuscripts and miniatures in Princeton, New Jersey, housed in the Firestone Library and the art museum of Princeton University, in the Scheide Library, and in Princeton Theological Seminary. This important material represents both a broad range of time--from the early Byzantine period through the mid-nineteenth century--and a broad range of content, from Byzantine copies of classical texts to Gospel books, Lectionaries and patristic homilies, hymns and texts of the liturgy, medical books, and Holy Land pilgrimage guides. Among the manuscripts are some spectacularly illustrated works, key monuments in the history of Byzantine illumination: an eleventh-century codex of John Klimax's Heavenly Ladder with vivid and unusual depictions of monastic life; evangelist portraits from a number of artistic periods and centers; extraordinary pages of pure ornament; and fine examples of post-Byzantine liturgical illustration of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Among the most significant texts are a sixth-century palimpsest with Greek hymns in an extremely early form of musical notation, and a thirteenth-century copy of Aristotle's Organon, heavily annotated by the renowned Byzantine scholar and teacher John Chortasmenos (ca. 1370-1430). The collection also includes a fascinating eighteenth-century genealogical chronicle--a 45-foot-long roll with 562 illustrations of biblical events and personalities from the Creation to the Ascension of Christ, a work that was probably produced in the area of present-day Romania. This collection offers insight into many aspects of the artistic and intellectual life--theological, monastic, scholarly, ecclesiastical--of the Byzantine and post-Byzantine world. It also contributes to the history of Greek philology and the development of the Greek book over more than a millennium, from the earliest centuries of manuscript production down to the period when, long after the appearance of printing, liturgical texts continued to be copied by hand and lavishly illuminated. The catalogue provides codicological and art-historical analysis of all 64 manuscripts and leaves, along with detailed information on their content, provenance, and bindings; extensive bibliographies; and ample plates, almost all of them in color.