Search results for ""author anne""
Globe ABC Train
Globe Feel Good Train
GABAL Verlag GmbH Bahn frei für Übermorgengestalter
Gestalten Entdecke den Regenwald
KRAUTin Verlag meeting points and other areas
Becker Joest Volk Verlag Deftig vegetarisch Alpenküche
Becker Joest Volk Verlag Deftig Vegan Mediterran
Becker Joest Volk Verlag Deftig vegan schmoren rsten grillen gratinieren karamellisieren
Klotz Verlagshaus GmbH Momente. Gedichte
Philomagazin Verlag GmbH Philosophie Magazin Sonderausgabe Schlaf
Philomagazin Verlag GmbH Philosophie Magazin Sonderausgabe Der unendliche Kafka
Edition A.B.Fischer Schnee im Inneren
Hoelker Verlag Verliebt in Paris Rezepte und Geschichten
mareverlag GmbH Mein Gotland Erzhlungen von Wind Zeit und Einsamkeit
Adeo Verlag Im Einklang mit dem Jahreskreis
Transcript Verlag Ethnographie der Gehrlosen Kultur Kommunikation Gemeinschaft
Gerstenberg Verlag Mein groes Baustellenbuch
UTB GmbH Soziologie des Wertens und Bewertens
UTB GmbH Theory of Mind
Schulz-Kirchner Verlag Gm VED Verbale Entwicklungsdyspraxie Wenn Kinder nicht oder kaum verstndlich sprechen
Schuenemann C.E. Grammatik Konjunktiv I und II
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Beziehungen Zu Medienfiguren: Jugendmedienschutzrechtliche Implikationen
FISCHER Sauerländer Gefährten für immer
Rowohlt Berlin Die Frauen meines Lebens
Anaconda Verlag Schlaf gut Einschlafgeschichten für Erwachsene. Mit Entspannungsübungen und Tipps für einen gesunden Schlaf
Heyne Taschenbuch Jeder kann Mathe lernen
btb Taschenbuch Die letzte Reise meiner Mutter Roman
btb Taschenbuch Einsiedlerkrebse Roman Geschenkausgabe
Franckh-Kosmos Glücksschmiede für Pferde
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Konstruktivistische Psychotherapie ProzessHypnoSystemisch
De Gruyter Was ist zeitgenössische Kunst oder Wozu Kunstgeschichte?
Noch nie waren moderne und zeitgenössische Kunst medial so präsent wie heute: Das Wechselverhältnis von Kunst, Markt und Museum beschäftigt vor allem Feuilletons und neue Medien. Doch wer schreibt eigentlich die Kunstgeschichte der Moderne – seit wann und wozu? Diese Fragen ergründet vorliegender Essay. Die Autorin erinnert an die facettenreiche Ideen-, Wissens- und Institutionengeschichte der Kunst sowie an die sich ändernden Bedingungen ihrer Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption. Tradierte Vorstellungen werden infrage gestellt, neue Blicke auf vermeintlich Vertrautes riskiert. Anhand konkreter Fall- und Werkbeispiele gelingt eine Bilanz der gegenwärtigen Verfasstheit der Kunstwelt. Behandelt werden neben einschlägigen Namen wie Gerhard Richter, Marina Abramović, Damien Hirst oder Tino Sehgal viele noch unbekannte und jüngere Künstler*innen, beabsichtigt die Autorin doch auch zu zeigen, dass Relevanz nichts mit Marktwert zu tun hat.
Hueber Verlag GmbH Ditesmoi un peu
Autumn House Press She Heads into the Wilderness
The third poetry collection of Anne Marie Macari.
Scholasticnc Cats Cradle
Liverpool University Press Jewish Politics in Spinoza's Amsterdam
Finalist for Jordan Schnitzer Book Award for Philosophy and Jewish Thought 2023. This book untangles a web of ideas about politics, religion, exile, and community that emerged at a key moment in Jewish history and left a lasting mark on Jewish ideas. In the shadow of their former member Baruch Spinoza’s notoriety, and amid the aftermath of the Sabbatian messianic movement, the Spanish and Portuguese Jews of seventeenth-century Amsterdam underwent a conceptual shift that led them to treat their self-governed diaspora community as a commonwealth. Preoccupied by the question of why and how Jews should rule themselves in the absence of a biblical or messianic sovereign state or king, they forged a creative synthesis of insights from early modern Christian politics and Jewish law and traditions to assess and argue over their formidable communal government. In so doing they shaped a proud new theopolitical self-understanding of their community as analogous to a Christian state. Through readings of rarely studied sermons, commentaries, polemics, administrative records, and architecture, Anne Albert shows that a concentrated period of public Jewish political discourse among the community’s leaders and thinkers led to the formation of a strong image of itself as a totalizing, state-like entity—an image that eventually came to define its portrayal by twentieth-century historians. Her study presents a new perspective on a Jewish population that has long fascinated readers, as well as new evidence of Jewish reactions to Spinoza and Sabbatianism, and analyses the first Jewish reckoning with modern western political concepts.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Embryogeny and Phylogeny of the Human Posture 1: A New Glance at the Future of our Species
The future of the human posture is in the spotlight. The 200-year-old locomotion paradigm can no longer resist the advancement of knowledge, yet 2,500 years of thinking on the place of verticalized human anatomy and its reflexive consciousness in the natural history of life and the Earth, is more relevant than ever.This book retraces these reflections from pre-Socratic philosophers, focusing on the link between verticality and the most complex and consciously reflexive nervous system on the top rung of the ladder of living beings. The origin of animated forms, or animals, was considered metaphysical until the 19th century but reflection on their inception, from fertilization, paved the way for mathematics of infinitesimal geometry and dynamics. The simian filiation was inconceivable until Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck bridged the gap in 1802 with the locomotion postulate to explain the transition from quadrupedal to bipedal posture, sustained by the hypothesis of inheritance of acquired characteristics. This doctrine was overturned in 1987 by the discovery of the embryonic origins of the straightening - specific dynamics linked to neurogenesis - confirming the natural place of human verticality and nervous system complexity with its psychomotor and cognitive consequences.Sapiens find themselves at the physical limit of the straightening while mechanisms of gametogenesis have never ceased in making neurogenesis exponentially more complex. Is the future exclusively terrestrial or does intrauterine hominization open up new perspectives for space exploration? Posturologists, occlusodontics, osteopaths, cognisciences - all anthropological sciences exposed to human verticality are concerned with this discovery, which allows Sapiens to face their natural destiny
Usborne Verlag Bunt erzählte Klassiker Ballettgeschichten
Oneworld Publications Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family
Longlisted for the Orwell Prize for Books 2016 Shortlisted for the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award 2015 When Anne-Marie Slaughter's Atlantic article, "Why Women Still Can't Have it All" first appeared, it immediately went viral, sparking a firestorm of debate across countries and continents. Within four days, it had become the most-read article in the history of the magazine. In the following months, Slaughter became a leading voice in the discussion on work-life balance and on women's changing role in the workplace. Now, Slaughter is here with her eagerly anticipated take on the problems we still face, and how we can finally get past them. In her pragmatic, down-to-earth style, Slaughter bursts the bubble on all the "half-truths" we tell young women about "having it all", and explains what is really necessary to get true gender equality, both in the workplace and at home. Deeply researched, and filled with all the warm, wise and funny anecdotes that first made her the most trusted and admired voice on the issue, Anne-Marie Slaughter's book is sure to change minds, ignite debate and be the topic of conversation.
Sasquatch Books This Life of Mine: A Legacy Journal
Share your life's stories and memories in this thoughtful and easy-to-use keepsake journal. This is a lovely gift to give to a cherished family member, friend, or even to yourself. This guided journal will inspire people to record the unique details and stories of their lives, both for themselves and for those they will one day leave behind. It includes a mix of fill-in-the-blanks, short answer questions, list-making prompts, and ideas for simple sketches or photos which are all designed to create a nuanced portrait of a person's life through reflections, memories, and stories. This gorgeously crafted journal features the whimsical work of papercut artist Sarah Trumbauer throughout.
Basic Books Sexing the Body (Revised): Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality
Is sexual identity biologically determined or a product of social convention? In this brilliant and provocative classic, the distinguished feminist scholar Anne Fausto-Sterling argues that even the most fundamental knowledge about sex and gender is shaped by the culture in which scientific knowledge is produced. Drawing on illuminating real-life cases and a probing analysis of centuries of scientific research, Fausto-Sterling demonstrates how scientists have historically politicized the body. In lively and impassioned prose, she breaks down three key dualisms -- sex/gender, nature/nurture, and real/constructed -- and asserts that intersex and other non-binary individuals should not be forced to fit flawed societal definitions of normality.Now with a new preface and final chapter considering the many scientific and political developments of the last two decades, Sexing the Body is an indispensable and revolutionary look at how biology, society, and history together determine sexual difference.
Guilford Publications Creating Winning Grant Proposals: A Step-by-Step Guide
Providing clear-cut steps for producing each section of a competitive grant proposal, this hands-on book is filled with examples from actual RFPs and proposals, practical tools, and writing tips. Prominent educator and successful proposal writer Anne L. Rothstein shares a systematic process created over decades of experience in the field. She details how to: achieve group consensus around a project; identify likely funding sources; establish need; develop objectives; assemble a Master Project Table and other needed tables, figures, and charts; create an effective logic model; prepare an evaluation; put together a budget; tailor the proposal to meet the requirements of funders; and avoid common errors. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the book's 14 reproducible templates in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
David & Charles Listen to the Universe: A Beginner's Guide to Synchronicity
A practical guide to synchronicity and being in tune with the universe. Philosophy and self-help blend seamlessly in Listen to the Universe to give the reader a well-rounded understanding of the concept of synchronicity alongside suggestions for how to incorporate the lessons into everyday life and make listening to the universe as natural as breathing. Arranged over the course of 24 hours, life coach Anne-Sophie Casper shares what she has learned by letting go of the illusion of control she felt she had over her life - an illusion that was ultimately making her miserable. Instead, she turned her energies to trusting in the power of "synchronicities" as supplied by the universe. Written in an engaging tone, the book introduces the concept of synchronicity, exploring the meaning of the word and its genesis, and providing examples of what a synchronicity may be. It then goes on to explore ways that listening to and noticing the messages from the universe - the synchronicities we experience everyday - can ultimately lead us to greater contentment and connection. Guiding the reader through the course of a day, Listen to the Universe unpacks the moments where our senses are most in tune with the wider world, and shows the reader how to embrace and encourage this connection - as well as how to incorporate the lessons this heightened awareness can teach us. Throughout the book are moments for the reader to pause and engage with questionnaires and quizzes to help unpack the lessons and concepts outlined. Rooted firmly in the personal experience of the universe, it is the ultimate practical toolkit and guide for personal self-development and how to live a better life.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Joy of My Heart: Meditating Daily on God's Word
Known for her remarkable gift for weaving spiritual truths into everyday life, Anne Graham Lotz offers insightful meditations on Scripture in this yearlong collection of daily devotions. The Joy of My Heart includes a beautiful ribbon marker and notes section for deeper reflection.Each of the 365 devotions include: a meaningful Scripture verse from the NKJV Bible reflections and meditations from Anne Graham Lotz on topics such as eternity, grief, and faith With a presentation page for thoughtful gifting, The Joy of My Heart is a beautiful present for: men and women looking for a concise collection of daily devotions and Bible verses birthdays, Mother’s Day, and the holidays Called "the best preacher in the family" by her father, Billy Graham, Anne will draw you to a deeper relationship with Jesus. She asks us to join with her in "life-changing discovery as, day by day, we learn more about God." The Joy of My Heart invites us to engage with Scripture as we meditate on our heavenly Father's relentless love and grace.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Towards Friendship-Shaped Communities: A Practical Theology of Friendship
A unique and incisive exploration of the place and nature of friendship in both its personal and civic dimensions In Towards Friendship-Shaped Communities: A Practical Theology of Friendship, distinguished theological researcher Anne-Marie Ellithorpe delivers a constructive and insightful exploration of the place and nature of friendship as innate to being human, to the human vocation, and to life within the broader community. Of particular interest to members and leaders of faith communities, this book responds to contemporary concerns regarding relationality and offers a comprehensive theology of friendship. The author provides an inclusive and interdisciplinary study that brings previous traditions and texts into dialogue with contemporary contexts and concerns, including examples from Indigenous and Euro-Western cultures. Readers will reflect on the theology of friendship and the interrelationship between friendship and community, think critically about their own social and theological imagination, and develop an integrative approach to theological reflection that draws on Don Browning’s Fundamental Practical Theology. Integrating philosophical, anthropological, and theological perspectives on the study of friendship, this book presents: A thorough introduction to contemporary questions on friendship and discussions of co-existing friendship worlds Comprehensive explorations of friendship in first and second testament writings, as well as friendship within classical and Christian traditions Practical discussions of theology, friendship, and the social imagination, including explorations of mutuality and spirit-shaped friendships Considerations for outworking friendship ideals within communities of practice, from the perspective of strategic (or fully) practical theology Perfect for graduate and advanced undergraduate students taking courses on friendship or practical theology, Towards Friendship-Shaped Communities: A Practical Theology of Friendship will also earn a place in the libraries of scholars of practical theology and community practitioners, including ministers, priests, pastors, spiritual advisors, and counselors.