Search results for ""Author Valentina"
Skyhorse Publishing Great Adventure!
Turtle wants to go on an adventure! On a boring, ordinary day, Turtle worries his friends are having fun without him. Squirrel must be happily racing through the forest gathering nuts, Rabbit is probably riding on a giant red tractor and harvesting carrots, and Bee must be exploring dark and creepy caves. But Turtle is all alone. So Turtle goes on a hunt for his friends. Will he find his adventure?
Little Bee Books Inc. Where Is Owl's Scarf?: A Lift-The-Flap Book
Association for Scottish Literary Studies Gateway to the Modern: Resituating J. M. Barrie
Legendary Comics Tragic
Hachette Children's Group Reading Champion: No Ice Cream Left: Independent Reading Red 2
This story is part of Reading Champion, a series carefully linked to book bands to encourage independent reading skills, developed with Dr Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin of UCL Institute of Education (IOE)No Ice Cream Left sees a boy and his mum looking everywhere for ice cream, but no one has any left. Perhaps Dad will be able to help!Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure. Perfect for 4-5 year olds or those reading book band red 2.
Indiana University Press Where Rivers and Mountains Sing: Sound, Music, and Nomadism in Tuva and Beyond
Theodore Levin takes readers on a journey through the rich sonic world of inner Asia, where the elemental energies of wind, water, and echo; the ubiquitous presence of birds and animals; and the legendary feats of heroes have inspired a remarkable art and technology of sound-making among nomadic pastoralists. As performers from Tuva and other parts of inner Asia have responded to the growing worldwide popularity of their music, Levin follows them to the West, detailing their efforts to nourish global connections while preserving the power and poignancy of their music traditions.
HarperCollins Publishers Level 4 – Bea and the Dance Show (Collins Peapod Readers)
Inspire a love of reading with stories that are written from a child’s perspective and will encourage children to discover the world around them. With audio and activities, Peapod Readers are the perfect start to a child’s journey into learning English. Can Bea save the dance show? Includes: Before and after reading activities Picture dictionary Exam practice for Cambridge Pre A1 Starters, working towards A1 Movers Reading guide online
Editorial Edaf, S.L. La clave ilustrada del tarot
Sin duda, A. E. Waite revolucionó la mayoría de los conceptossobre el Tarot anteriores a él, y hoy no se concibe el estudiode esta materia sin su extraordinaria contribución. Esta aportaciónconsistió en presentar a los interesados en el ocultismo unanueva visión del Tarot basada en el simbolismo hermético, yque plasmó, por una parte, en un libro, y, por otra, en el diseño desu famosa baraja. Pero mientras el Tarot que él creó es hoy díadifundido y conocido en todo el mundo, el libro que conteníasu estudio es, sorprendentemente, mucho más desconocido.En este estuche se incluye dicho libro, publicado en 1910 enInglaterra bajo el título de La clave ilustrada del Tarot, junto a sufamosa baraja del Tarot.Con seguridad, este libro y la baraja constituyen en su conjuntola obra sobre Tarot más importante creada hasta la fecha y unreferente imprescindible para toda persona interesada en estadisciplina.
Saint Benedict Press An Exemplary Couple
University of Texas Press Quinceañera Style: Social Belonging and Latinx Consumer Identities
Winner of the Emily Toth Award for Best Single Work in Women's Studies, Popular Culture AssociationCo-winner of the Elli Kongas Maranda Prize, Women's Section of the American Folklore Society (AFS) A dynamic study of social negotiation and consumerism in the coming-of-age quinceañera celebration and the impact of normalizing spectacles of luxury. Quinceañera celebrations, which recognize a girl’s transition to young womanhood at age fifteen, are practiced in Latinx communities throughout the Americas. But in the consumer-driven United States, the ritual has evolved from a largely religious ceremony to an elaborate party where social status takes center stage. Examining the many facets of this contemporary debut experience, Quinceañera Style reports on ethnographic fieldwork in California, Texas, the Midwest, and Mexico City to reveal a complex, compelling story. Along the way, we meet a self-identified transwoman who uses the quinceañera as an intellectual space in her activist performance art. We explore the economic empowerment of women who own barrio boutiques specializing in the quinceañera’s many accessories and made-in-China gowns. And, of course, we meet teens themselves, including a vlogger whose quince-planning tips have made her an online sensation. Disrupting assumptions, such as the belief that Latino communities in the United States can’t desire upward mobility without abandoning ethnoracial cultural legacies, Quinceañera Style also underscores the performative nature of class and the process of constructing a self in the public, digital sphere.
Red Sea Press,U.S. Nigeria: Vocational And Technical Training, The Key To Industrial Development: Lessons from Japan, Germany, England and Wales
Little Press The Gorilla Picked Me!
Columbia University Press Rawls and Religion
John Rawls's influential theory of justice and public reason has often been thought to exclude religion from politics, out of fear of its illiberal and destabilizing potentials. It has therefore been criticized by defenders of religion for marginalizing and alienating the wealth of religious sensibilities, voices, and demands now present in contemporary liberal societies. In this anthology, established scholars of Rawls and the philosophy of religion reexamine and rearticulate the central tenets of Rawls's theory to show they in fact offer sophisticated resources for accommodating and responding to religions in liberal political life. The chapters reassert the subtlety, openness, and flexibility of his sense of liberal "respect" and "consensus," revealing their inclusive implications for religious citizens. They also explore the means he proposes for accommodating nonliberal religions in liberal politics, developing his conception of "public reason" into a novel account of the possibilities for rational engagement between liberal and religious ideas. And they reevaluate Rawls's liberalism from the "transcendent" perspectives of religions themselves, critically considering its normative and political value, as well as its own "religious" character. Rawls and Religion makes a unique and important contribution to contemporary debates over liberalism and its response to the proliferation of religions in contemporary political life.
Osservatorio Fotografico Perche Quel Fumo e Giallo? / Why is That Smoke Yellow?
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. Esther Didn't Dream of Being Queen
“A well-told Bible story of a strong, determined, persistent woman that will resonate with modern young readers.” -KIRKUS REVIEWS Esther (of the Purim story) would rather dig in her garden and spend time with her cousin Mordechai than live in a palace. So when the king chooses her as queen, her new life is far from a dream come true. And when danger comes, there is no fairy godmother to help out.Will she have the courage to stand up for what's right?
Orion Publishing Co The Women Who Changed Art Forever: Feminist Art – The Graphic Novel
These women changed art forever - told in colourful graphic novel form, this is the story of four pioneers of feminist art: Judy Chicago, Faith Ringold, Ana Mendieta, and the Guerilla Girls.Each made their mark in their own powerful way. Judy Chicago made us reassess the female body, Faith Ringold taught us that feminism is for everyone, Ana Mendieta was a martyr to violence against women, while the Guerilla Girls have taken the fight to the male-dominated museum. This graphic novel tells each of their stories in a unique style.
La Fragatina La Vuelta Al Mundo
Universitatsverlag Winter Deutsch ALS Zweitsprache - Daz
Maverick Arts Publishing It's a Jungle Out There
Hodder Education Reading Planet - The Stuck Ship - Red C: Rocket Phonics
A ship gets stuck. Can Big Tooth help? The Stuck Ship is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Hodder Education Reading Planet: Rocket Phonics – Target Practice – Pen the Hen – Pink B
Pen the Hen loses her hat in the mud. Will the rats help Pen to get her hat back? (Letter-sounds featured: ck e u r h) Pen the Hen is part of the Rocket Phonics teaching and learning programme from Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics ensures that every child achieves phonics success. This fully-decodable Target Practice reading book provides focused practice of a small group of letter-sounds. The book also includes useful notes and activities to support reading in school and at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5.
Mimesis International Just in Time / Giusto in tempo: Theorising the Contemporary / Pensare il contemporaneo
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Nougé Et Magritte: Les Objets Bouleversants
Sounds True Inc Sloth Wasn't Sleepy
One night at bedtime, Sloth wasn’t sleepy. “What if I worry when I try to fall asleep?” Sloth said. “Ah . . . worries,” Mama said. “We will have to let them go.” A stressful day, a bad dream, a scary movie . . . these are just a few things that can keep kids wide awake and frightened after dark. But Mama Sloth knows the secret for calming worried minds - and as she shares them with her daughter, young readers will learn valuable relaxation skills that last a lifetime. Sloth Wasn’t Sleepy does more than provide a sweet bedtime story - kids will join Sloth to learn mindfulness practices such as “shrinking down” fears in their mind and calming their body through breath and simple visualisations.
Gräfe und Unzer Edition Ich werde Eltern
University of Texas Press Quinceañera Style: Social Belonging and Latinx Consumer Identities
Winner of the Emily Toth Award for Best Single Work in Women's Studies, Popular Culture AssociationCo-winner of the Elli Kongas Maranda Prize, Women's Section of the American Folklore Society (AFS) A dynamic study of social negotiation and consumerism in the coming-of-age quinceañera celebration and the impact of normalizing spectacles of luxury. Quinceañera celebrations, which recognize a girl’s transition to young womanhood at age fifteen, are practiced in Latinx communities throughout the Americas. But in the consumer-driven United States, the ritual has evolved from a largely religious ceremony to an elaborate party where social status takes center stage. Examining the many facets of this contemporary debut experience, Quinceañera Style reports on ethnographic fieldwork in California, Texas, the Midwest, and Mexico City to reveal a complex, compelling story. Along the way, we meet a self-identified transwoman who uses the quinceañera as an intellectual space in her activist performance art. We explore the economic empowerment of women who own barrio boutiques specializing in the quinceañera’s many accessories and made-in-China gowns. And, of course, we meet teens themselves, including a vlogger whose quince-planning tips have made her an online sensation. Disrupting assumptions, such as the belief that Latino communities in the United States can’t desire upward mobility without abandoning ethnoracial cultural legacies, Quinceañera Style also underscores the performative nature of class and the process of constructing a self in the public, digital sphere.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Porti Medioadriatici: Politiche Marittime, Infrastrutture E Traffici in Eta Romana (Ancona, Rimini, Ravenna)
Fun Readers, CB Supertommy Crece
Planeta Publishing Mi Monstruo Y Yo
Orange Hippo! White Exploring Color in Art True Color
Orange Hippo! Red
Histria LLC Inside Gina
Explore the captivating world of Gina Gerson through her latest photo album, a visually stunning collection that complements her memoir, Gina Gerson: Success through Inner Power and Sexuality. In this artistic album, Gina invites you to witness her journey through a series of intimate and thought-provoking photographs. Each image is paired with a quote from her memoir, offering a glimpse into the life of one of the most successful adult performers of the 21st century.It's a celebration of self-expression, empowerment, and sexuality. Whether you're a fan of Gina's work, an admirer of artistic photography, or simply curious about the story behind the persona, this album offers a unique and visually captivating experience.
Design Originals Strong, Brilliant, Beautiful: A Coloring Book to Celebrate and Empower Women.
Celebrate the beauty and strength of women through coloring! This energizing coloring book for adults is filled with 32 designs of encouraging and inspirational sentiments that exude female empowerment. With introductory tips on coloring techniques and an inspirational gallery of completed examples to motivate you and stir your own original creativity before you begin, Strong, Brilliant, Beautiful is an impactful coloring experience that will build confidence, pride, and compassion.
Design Originals Mandalas and More Coloring Book Treasury: Beautiful Designs for Relaxation and Focus
Tulipan Verlag Kakao und Fischbrtchen
ONE Eliza Moore
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Snacks for Cats Blitzrezepte fr Katzenleckerlis
Piper Verlag GmbH Kristallsterne Das Geheimnis der Gldensteins
Penguin TB Verlag Kirschblütensommer
Penguin TB Verlag Die Blütenmädchen
Rotpunktverlag X