Search results for ""taylor francis ltd""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Early Christians and Animals
Early Christians and Animals presents a lively study of the significance of animals in early Christian thought, tradition, text and art.Robert M. Grant:* examines the diverse and often conflicting sources, from the pagan antecedents Aristotle and Pliny, to Biblical animal references and the Church fathers* provides fresh translations of key texts concerning animals - the Physiologus, Basils homilies and Isidores chapters.
Taylor & Francis Ltd City Worlds
For the first time in history, half of the worlds population is living in mega-cities. Never before have we confronted such a geography of the worlds people.Analysing cities through spatial understanding, City Worlds explores how different worlds within the city are brought into close proximity. The authors outline new ways to address the ambiguities of cities: their promise and potential, their problems and threats.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mourning Diana: Nation, Culture and the Performance of Grief
The death of Diana, Princess of Wales, on September 1 1997, prompted public demonstrations of grief on an almost unprecented global scale. But, while global media coverage of the events following her death appeared to create an international 'community of mourning', popular reacions in fact reflected the complexities of the princess's public image and the tensions surrounding the popular conception of royalty. Mourning Diana examines the events which followed the death of Diana as a series of cultural-political phenomena, from the immediate aftermath as crowds gathered in public spaces and royal palaces, to the state funeral in Westminister Abbey, examining the performance of grief and the involvement of the global media in the creation of narratives and spectacles relating to the commemoration of her life. Contributors investigate the complex iconic status of Diana, as a public figure able to sustain a host of alternative identifications, and trace the posthumous romanticisation of aspects of her life such as her charity activism and her relationship with Dodi al Fayed. The contributors argue that the events following the death of Diana dramatised a complex set of cultural tensions in which the boundaries dividing nationhood and citizenship, charity and activism, private feeling and public politics, were redrawn.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Introductory Remote Sensing Principles and Concepts
Taylor & Francis Ltd Taxation
Taxation, of one sort or another, can be traced back to the beginnings of civilization, indeed, it might be argued that taxes are the price of civilization. This set reprints classic articles on taxation such as Adam Smith''s Canons of Taxation, alongside more contemporary articles on modern developments. Taking into account the strong revisionist trend emergent in the study of economic issues, a new introduction by the editor puts the collected articles into context.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pacific Asia
Pacific Asia has witnessed arguably the most dynamic economic growth and social transformation in the world since 1945. Inspired by the example of Japan, a number of high performing economies have emerged in the region. Pacific Asia explores this extraordinary pace of development and explains the various factors that lie behind it. It introduces the complex politics of development and sets Pacific Asia in its geographical and socio-cultural context. As well as Japan, the role model of development, Pacific Asia examines the experiences of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Analytic Freud: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
This is a timely and stimulating collection of essays on the importance of Freudian thought for analytic philosophy, investigating its impact on mind, ethics, sexuality, religion and epistemology.Marking a clear departure from the long-standing debate over whether Freudian thought is scientific or not, The Analytic Freud expands the framework of philosophical inquiry, demonstrating how fertile and mutually enriching the relationship between philosophy and psychoanalysis can be.The essays are divided into four clear sections, addressing the implications of Freud for philosophy of mind, ethics, sexuality and civilisation. The authors discuss the problems psychoanalysis poses for contemporary philosophy as well as what philosophy can learn from Freud's legacy and undeniable influence. For instance, The Analytic Freud discusses the problems presented by pyschoanalytic theories of the mind for the philosophy of language; the issues which current theories of mind and meaning raise for psychoanalytic accounts of emotion, metaphor, the will and self-deception; the question whether psychoanalytic theory is essential in understanding sexuality, love, humour and the tensions which arise out of personal relationships.The Analytic Freud is a critical and thorough examination of Freudian and post-Freudian theory, adding a welcome and significant dimension to the debate between psychoanalysis and contemporary philosophy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Political Science: 1996 Volume 45
This bibliography lists the most important works in political science published in 1996. Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, IBSS provides researchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences. IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the word's leading social science institutions. Published annually, IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Changing Places?: Flexibility, Lifelong Learning and a Learning Society
Flexibility has become a central concept in much policy and academic debate. Individuals, organizations and societies are all required to become more flexible so that they can participate in the ongoing processes of change involved in lifelong learning. This book explores how the notion of a learning society has developed over recent years: the changes that have given rise to the requirement for flexibility, and the changed discourses and practices that have emerged in the education and training of adults. With the growth in interest in adults as learners, (primarily to support economic competitiveness), the closed field of adult education has now been displaced by a more open discourse of lifelong learning. This involves not only changing practices such as moving towards open and distance-based learning, but also changing workplace identities. Learning settings are therefore changing places in a number of senses: they are places in which people change; they are subject to change; and they are changing to include the home and workplace as well as more formal settings. This book takes an unusually critical standpoint: it challenges contemporary trends, explores the uncertainties and ambivalences of the processes of change, and is suggestive of different forms of engagement with them. It will prove an important text for policy makers, workplace trainers and those working in the field of adult, further and higher education. Richard Edwards is currently a Senior Lecturer in post compulsory education at the Open University.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Irish Political Economy
This set collects together the most significant economic writings produced in nineteenth-century Ireland. It includes material by leading writers such as Cairnes, Whately and Torrens and also by more obscure figures who nonetheless made original contributions of great interest. Whilst much of this material lies within the mainstream of British political economy, other material represents a critique of this orthodoxy.The volumes are organized thematically and feature material from virtually all major fields of economics including monetary economics, labour economics and international trade. Drawing on a wide range of sources, this set will be the standard reference on this subject.
Taylor & Francis Ltd When Men Were Men: Masculinity, Power and Identity in Classical Antiquity
When Men Were Men questions the deep-set assumption that men's history speaks and has always spoken for all of us, by exploring the history of classical antiquity as an explicitly masculine story.With a preface by Sarah Pomeroy, this study employs different methodologies and focuses on a broad range of source materials, periods and places.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cultural Studies V10 Issue 2
First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Autism and Personality: Findings from the Tavistock Autism Workshop
Taking a psychoanalytic and developmental approach, Autism and Personality outlines in considerable detail the new developments in therapeutic techniques used by the Tavistock Autism Team and Workshop to treat autistic children. It also underlines the importance of support for parents and siblings, who are all too often ignored under considerable stress. The book presents fresh ideas about the importance of personality for the developmental course of the condition, and the implications for psychotherapeutic technique. Using case vignettes to illustrate the theoretical ideas emerging from the Workshop, coupled with case studies which highlight the patient's changing contact with the therapist, it gives a fascinating picture of the individuality of each child and of the sensitivity and skill required for each treatment. Accessible to professionals and also to parents, Autism and Personality is a valuable insight into the nature and course of this condition and its treatment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Revels History of Drama
This work provides a comprehensive account of drama written and performed in English from its roots in the medieval mystery plays to the progress of drama in Britain and America since 1945. The volumes, which are arranged chronologically, critically examine the drama, playwrights, actors and audiences of each period in their social and historical context.Key themes in The Revels History of Drama include:* the changing attitudes of audiences and public taste* the developing roles of actors, managers and directors* the evolution of acting stylesEach volume contains:* a chronological table containing historical, theatrical and other literary events* illustrations from contemporary sources* a substantial bibliography.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bibliotheca Britannica
The Bibliotheca Britannica is one of the most remarkable examples of bibliographical scholarship in the English Language. This scarce work of reference continues to be an invaluable resource for scholars and librarians who wish to identify early printed materials covering a wide range of disciplines. Routledge is pleased to make this important source of information more widely available. Published in 1824, it is estimated to include more than 200,000 books, pamphlets and periodicals printed from 1450 to the early nineteenth century.The Bibliotheca is divided into four large-format volumes which are presented as a boxed set. The first and second volumes contain an alphabetical listing of over 40,000 authors and their biographical details. Full length titles of works, date and place of publication, and information on translations and subsequent editions are provided for each author. The entries covering the earliest printed texts contain details of British and forei
Taylor & Francis Ltd Free Trade 17931886
Trade is the dominant subject in nineteenth century economics. During the course of the century, Britain was transformed from a protectionist power to an open economy, a change embodied by the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846. This is reflected in the economic literature of the period, with the qualified free trade advocacy of the early classical economists developing into more strident views of the Manchester School. However throughout the period free trade did not go unchallenged, and by the end of the century a fully developed protectionist position had emerged represented by, for example, the economic nationalism of Henry Carey in the United States and in the fair trade movement in Britain.Free Trade: 1793-1886 provides a comprehensive collection of materials relating to the major debates about external trade in the nineteenth century. It represents a wide range of opinions, and combines materials by leading figures, with some extremely rare but representative pieces fr
Taylor & Francis Ltd Archaeology in Latin America
This pioneering and comprehensive survey is the first overview of current themes in Latin American archaeology written solely by academics native to the region, and it makes their collected expertise available to an English-speaking audience for the first time. The contributors cover the most significant issues in the archaeology of Latin America, such as the domestication of camelids, the emergence of urban society in Mesoamerica, the frontier of the Inca empire, and the relatively little known archaeology of the Amazon basin. This book draws together key areas of research in Latin American archaeological thought into a coherent whole; no other volume on this area has ever dealt with such a diverse range of subjects, and some of the countries examined have never before been the subject of a regional study.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Material Concerns: Pollution, Profit and Quality of Life
Material Concerns offers new perspectives on key environmental issues - pollution prevention, ecological economics, limits to sustainability, consumer behaviour and government policy. The first non-technical introduction to preventative environmental management, Material Concerns offers realistic prospects for improving the quality of life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Econom 1957 Vol 6
First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Econom 1956 Vol 5
First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Pol Sc 1955 Vol 4
First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Quality Management Sourcebook: An International Guide to Materials and Resources
The concept of Quality Management began in the manufacturing sector, but a growing concern with quality in other areas of the economy has led to its wider application in service industries, government, education, and other not-for-profit agencies. A great quantity of material related to quality management has been produced in recent years, much of it by small presses, professional and trade associations, and consultants. The Quality Management Sourcebook is the first in-depth, international guide to the most useful material and sources of information.The book begins with the origins of quality management, explains how it evolved, examines its current situation, and explores the future. The book is divided into five main sections:* Introduction: General sources for information* Applications of total quality management* Focus on specific aspects of quality management* Quality in the future* Resource materialsThe Quality Management Sourcebook is an essential reference for everybody involved in either the theory or practice of quality management: in manufacturing, retail, banking, and insurance, the utilities industry, the transportation industry, health, education and other public services. Over 900 citations cover books, journal articles, technical reports, video training materials and software. Each is followed by a descriptive annotation. Resource materials include strategies for locating additional information; training materials; organizations; and consultants. The book concludes with a glossary of quality management terms, a name index, a title index, and a detailed subject index.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Three Pillars of Liberty: Political Rights and Freedoms in the United Kingdom
In this landmark study, a thorough audit of British compliance with international human rights standards is carried out. The book identifies 42 violations and 22 near-violationsor causes for concern. It provides an up-to-date description of law and practice withrespect to freedom of information; freedom of expression; freedom of assembly and publicprotest; freedom of association and trade unionism; state surveillance; the right to lifeand liberty; and the right to vote and stand in elections.This study measures political freedom in the United Kingdom specifically against aunique Human Rights Index, specially constructed from international human rightslaws and jurisprudence by the authors. The Index is an important new tool formonitoring human rights around the world. It is already being used to monitor newlegislation in the UK.The Three Pillars of Liberty is the first-ever analysis of both the political and legalsystems for securing political freedom in the UK as a whole. It is the most rigorous andsystematic review of those systems yet published—and finds them wanting. It strikes atthe heart of the historic traditions of government and the rule of law in this country.This book will be essential reading for all those interested in their rights and the rightsof others.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Sociology: 1992 Vol 42
This bibliography lists the most important works published in sociology in 1992. Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, the IBSS provides researchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences. The IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the world's leading social science institutions. Published annually, the IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dynamics of the Mixed Economy: Toward a Theory of Interventionism
Dynamics of the Mixed Economy applies the insights of modern Austrian political economy to examine economic policy in mixed economies. It compares and contrasts standard approaches to the growth of the state (including public choice) with that of modern Austrian political economy; examines in detail the nature and operation of the interventionist process in the context of nationalization, regulation and the welfare state; analyzes conditions that produce instability under laissez-faire capitalism; argues that the interventionist process is a 'spontaneous order'; and offers several 'pattern predictions' regarding the character and behaviour of really existing economies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Economics: 1992 Vol 41
This bibliography lists the most important works published in economics in 1992. Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, the IBSS provides researchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences. The IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the world's leading social science institutions. Published annually, the IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reconstructing Nature: Alienation, Emancipation and the Division of Labour
One of the main features of the contemporary environmental crisis is that no one has a clear idea of what is going on. The author uses an extension of Marx's theory of alienation to explain why people find it so difficult to relate their different knowledges of the natural and social world. He argues that nevertheless it is possible to relate these to the abstractions of ecological discourse. Emancipation can come only through embracing science and rationality rather than rejecting them and, in the process, humanity as well as the non-human world will benefit.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Political Science: 1990 Vol 39
This bibliography lists the most important works published in political science in 1990. Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, the IBSS provides researchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences. The IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the world's leading social science institutions. Published annually, the IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd John Maynard Keynes
First published in 1982. This collection is part of the Routledge Critical Assessments of Leading Economists series. John Maynard Keynes: Critical Assessments presents a detailed overview of the analytic writings on John Maynard Keynes from contemporary sources through to the present day. All aspects of Keynes' writings are considered from both their theoretical and practical applications. The volumes are arranged thematically under the following headings: 1. The Life of John Maynard Keynes and Perspectives on his Thought 2. Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money 3. Keynesian Economic Analysis (Volumes III & IV).
Taylor & Francis Ltd George Herbert Mead
George Herbert Mead (1863-1931) is widely seen as the father of symbolic interactionism. He is celebrated as probably the most original and important American sociologist of the twentieth century. This collection of critical assessments shows why Mead is important for symbolic interactionism. But it also traces Mead''s influence in social behaviourism and theories of the mind. The articles are gathered together in four sections: section one considers the Biography and Intellectual context of Mead''s work, special attention is paid to Mead''s links with Pragmatism, Social Reform, the `Chicago School'', social behavioursm and symbolic interactionism. Section two, is devoted to Mead and symbolic interactionism. Section three, focuses on the links between Mead and behaviourism. The final section contains articles exploring Mead''s theory of the mind, which many now see as the most important area of his work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dictionary of Inorganic Compounds, Supplement 4
A team of editors have selected important and interesting compounds which have appeared in the literature since publication of volume 8. Volume 9 contains approximately 1200 compounds which are mostly new entries, plus a selection of data on compounds already listed in volumes 1-8. This represents literature coverage to mid-1995 and extends the range of the "Dictionary of Inorganic Compounds" to over 50,000 compounds.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Phytochemical Dictionary of the Leguminosae
The "Phytochemical Dictionary of the Leguminosae" is the first of a new type of reference source giving phytochemical records for all legumes (plants in the Pea family - Leguminosae or Fabaceae). The precise chemical substances found, the organs in which they occur (eg the leaf or the seed) and the bibliographic citation are given for each plant species recorded. These are accompanied by extensive supporting botanical, chemical, geographical and bibliographic information for each plant and substance. Over 4,000 chemical substances occurring in 2,000 plant species are contained within 20,000 entries. The Leguminosae is one of the world's most economically important groups of plants, including peas, beans, soya and chickpeas, and provides the world's major source of nitrogen fixed from the atmosphere. As this book contains detailed, comprehensive and up-to-date phytochemical data on this family, available for the first time in a single source, it will prove invaluable to all those working in the food, pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, as well as in botanical, natural product and taxonomic research. This new work has been compiled as a joint project by two specialist organisations, the International Legume Database & Information Service (ILDIS) and the Chapman & Hall Chemical Database (CHCD). Coverage includes both wild and cultivated species from all over the world. The primary literature used is current to mid-1992. The book is divided into two volumes, the first containing the Plant Section and the second the Chemical Section. The two are linked by extensive cross-referencing and each section has its own indexes. Volume 1 of the dictionary is unique in that it lists not only all legume species from which chemical substances are reported, but also lists under each species what the substances are and in which organs they occur. The substances are grouped together under types of compounds and the original sources are cited. This part is organized alphabetically by genus and species name, followed by a Plant Name Index and Plant Constituent Index. This part of the dictionary may be used in two ways. By selecting a plant species of interest, the reader will see the precise listing of substances reported and the organs in which they occur. Alternatively, by using the Plant Constituent Index, the reader should find a full listing of all legume species from which a particular substance is reported, and from which the main entries for these plant species can be located. Each species entry is annotated with the plant's geographical distribution, its taxonomic details (common name, synonyms used in the phytochemical literature, etc.), botanical data on, for example, life form and economic uses, and reference citations. The problems of nomenclature and synonymy have been overcome for both plant names and substance names. Plant names and classification have been verified using the ILDIS plant taxonomic database: records for the same species originally published under different names are united in the dictionary. Similarly, substance names and classes have been verified using the Chapman & Hall Chemical Database: records for the same substance under different names in the literature are likewise united in the dictionary. Volume 2 is a Chemical Dictionary giving key chemical data on all substances occurring in the Leguminosae, matching those reported in Part 1. This part is taken from the Chapman & Hall Chemical Database and its layout and format is uniform with the renowned Dictionary of Organic Compounds. Each substance has (where appropriate): alternative names, structure diagram, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number, molecular formula and weight and Type of Compound. These substances are indexed by Chemical Name, Molecular Formula and CAS Registry Number to allow rapid location of the information required.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Statistical Methods for SPC and TQM
Statistical Methods for SPC and TQM sets out to fill the gap for those in statistical process control (SPC) and total quality management (TQM) who need a practical guide to the logical basis of data presentation, control charting, and capability indices.Statistical theory is introduced in a practical context, usually by way of numerical examples. Several methods familiar to statisticians have been simplified to make them more accessible. Suitable tabulations of these functions are included; in several cases, effective and simple approximations are offered.ContentsData Collection and Graphical SummariesNumerical Data Summaries-Location and DispersionProbability and DistributionSampling, Estimation, and ConfidenceSample Tests of Hypothesis; "Significance Tests"Control Charts for Process Management and ImprovementControl Charts for Average and VariationControl Charts for "Single-Valued" ObservationsControl Charts for Attributes and EventsControl Charts: Problems and Special CasesCusum MethodsProcess Capability-Attributes, Events, and Normally Distributed DataCapability; Non-Normal DistributionsEvaluating the Precision of a Measurement System (Gauge Capability)Getting More from Control Chart DataSPC in "Non-Product" ApplicationsAppendices
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dictionary of Terpenoids
Terpenoids are an important class of natural products which exhibit an exceptionally wide range of structures. They are extremely widespread in nature and are important in the food and pharmaceutical industries and in botanical and taxonomic research. This "Dictionary of Terpenoids" is a useful reference for all those working in these fields The structures, bibliographies and physical properties of over 20,000 terpenoids are presented in 9,000 entries - represent the vast majority of all known natural terpenoids together with the most important semisynthetic terpenoids. The bibliographic and occurrence data is comprehensive for rare terpenoids and extensive for the common terpenoids. The coverage includes biosynthetic nor-, homo- and other modified terpenoids; also documented are closely related synthetic compounds of importance in the perfumery and flavouring industries. The data has been derived from the current literature (to 1991). The contents of the "Dictionary" are founded on the "Dictionary of Organic Compounds" with the addition of many new compounds. Every entry has been re-edited and enhanced by standardization of structures, nomenclature and data and by the addition of very large amounts of material. The entries are organized according to the structural class of terpenoid in approximately 350 groups, in order of increasing complexity, and within each category bringing together closely related substances within the same entry to allow a rapid overview, and allowing ready comparisons and generalizations to be made. Data in each entry includes accurately drawn structure diagrams, biological and physical properties and stereoisomers and derivatives. An labelled bibliography leads the user to the primary literature. Data is indexed by Name, Molecular Formula, Species and CAS Registry Number. The Species Index is particularly useful in allowing immediate access to the contents by the biological route. All indexes are computer-generated and are free of indexing errors. This book should be of interest to researchers and librarians in organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, pharmacology, taxonomy, biology and food science.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sustaining Depth and Meaning in School Leadership: Keeping Your Head
Sustaining Depth and Meaning in School Leadership: Keeping Your Head concerns the emotional and psychological experience of school leadership—in particular, the felt experience of life as a headteacher. It describes the pressures and rewards of the role, together with some of the ways that school leaders successfully sustain and develop themselves and their teams in what has become an increasingly complex, challenging, and highly accountable role. This book explores the personal experience of leading schools. Part I provides an overview and analysis of current and historical trends in school leadership and offers some theoretical frameworks for making sense of these. Part II then offers psychodynamic approaches to supporting and developing school leaders and the impact that trends in executive education continue to have on this. Part III looks at approaches to school leadership development more generally, including team development; influences from the business world; the growth of mentoring and coaching as a leadership intervention; the design and evaluation of leadership development programmes; and a case study on whole-system development. The final word is given to ten serving headteachers and deputies and their leadership journeys. This range of chapters, concepts, and perspectives will support school leaders to maintain an emotional equilibrium while navigating the multilayered tightrope of intrapsychic, interpersonal, and organizational dynamics inherent in school life. Rooted in Jackson and Berkeley’s belief that school leaders are likely to be at their best when they find their own unique and authentic way of taking up their leadership role, this book is an accessible, supportive, and developmental contribution for all those involved in education leadership.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Making Sense of World History
Making Sense of World History is a comprehensive and accessible textbook that helps students understand the key themes of world history within a chronological framework stretching from ancient times to the present day.To lend coherence to its narrative, the book employs a set of organizing devices that connect times, places, and/or themes. This narrative is supported by: Flowcharts that show how phenomena within diverse broad themes interact in generating key processes and events in world history. A discussion of the common challenges faced by different types of agent, including rulers, merchants, farmers, and parents, and a comparison of how these challenges were addressed in different times and places. An exhaustive and balanced treatment of themes such as culture, politics, and economy, with an emphasis on interaction. Explicit attention to skill acquisition in organizing information, cultural sensitivity, comparison, visual literacy, integration, interrogating primary sources, and critical thinking. A focus on historical “episodes” that are carefully related to each other. Through the use of such devices, the book shows the cumulative effect of thematic interactions through time, communicates the many ways in which societies have influenced each other through history, and allows us to compare and contrast how they have reacted to similar challenges. They also allow the reader to transcend historical controversies and can be used to stimulate class discussions and guide student assignments.With a unified authorial voice and offering a narrative from the ancient to the present, this is the go-to textbook for World History courses and students.The Open Access version of this book has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Making Sense of World History
Making Sense of World History is a comprehensive and accessible textbook that helps students understand the key themes of world history within a chronological framework stretching from ancient times to the present day.To lend coherence to its narrative, the book employs a set of organizing devices that connect times, places, and/or themes. This narrative is supported by: Flowcharts that show how phenomena within diverse broad themes interact in generating key processes and events in world history. A discussion of the common challenges faced by different types of agent, including rulers, merchants, farmers, and parents, and a comparison of how these challenges were addressed in different times and places. An exhaustive and balanced treatment of themes such as culture, politics, and economy, with an emphasis on interaction. Explicit attention to skill acquisition in organizing information, cultural sensitivity, comparison, visual literacy, integration, interrogating primary sources, and critical thinking. A focus on historical “episodes” that are carefully related to each other. Through the use of such devices, the book shows the cumulative effect of thematic interactions through time, communicates the many ways in which societies have influenced each other through history, and allows us to compare and contrast how they have reacted to similar challenges. They also allow the reader to transcend historical controversies and can be used to stimulate class discussions and guide student assignments.With a unified authorial voice and offering a narrative from the ancient to the present, this is the go-to textbook for World History courses and students.The Open Access version of this book has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Supporting Children with Fun Rules for Tricky Spellings: An Illustrated Workbook
*This workbook should be used alongside the storybook, Who Put the Spell into Spelling?*This illustrated workbook has been created to support learners who, after acquiring the basics of reading and writing, have struggled to organically grasp the rules that govern spelling in the English language. Each photocopiable worksheet is designed to support a key spelling rule, explored in the colourful storybook Who Put the Spell into Spelling? This activity workbook is designed to be used alongside the storybook.Key features include: Twenty-two activity worksheets designed to help learners understand and practise key spelling rules Activities designed to support skills in reading, spelling and writing Quirky illustrations designed to make the rules come to life Developed with feedback from teachers and students, this is an invaluable resource for teachers and parents looking to support learners who find spelling a challenge, or who are learning English as an additional language.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Corneal Infection and Inflammation: A Colour Atlas
This book is a comprehensive treatise on infective and inflammatory pathologies of the cornea with corresponding clinical images and diagrammatic illustrations. Corneal infections and inflammations are a major cause of ocular morbidity and visual impairment. Early diagnosis and treatment can lead to improved visual outcome and quality of life. Both infectious (bacterial, fungal, viral and protozoan) and non-infectious keratitis that cause corneal vascularisation, scarring and vision loss are covered extensively. The illustrated clinical findings presented in the form of diagrams, photographs, cases and videos aim to serve as a practical teaching tool for fellows, trainees and practising ophthalmologists.KEY FEATURES Focuses on clinically relevant parts of corneal diseases, using illustrations with arrows indicating different pathologies and signs Serves as a ready clinical compendium for trainees, fellows and ophthalmologists Explores various corneal pathologies through a wealth of accompanying illustrations and teaching videos
Taylor & Francis Ltd Disruptive Technologies, Climate Change and Shipping
This book analyses the impact of two vital and contemporary developments on shipping law and practice: disruptive technologies and climate change.It considers the impact of these new technologies, honing in on likely emerging issues and unresolved questions, especially about existing and potential private law liabilities and concentrates, from the point of view of English, EU and international law, on the legal implications of climate change and associated environmental risks in the shipping sector.Written by a contributor team drawn from the most experienced and knowledgeable academics and practitioners in shipping law, this treatment of these growing areas of practice will be of great use to lawyers and administrators across the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Understanding Architecture
The widely acclaimed and beautifully illustrated Understanding Architecture is now revised and expanded in its fourth edition, vividly examining the structure, function, history, and meaning of architecture, from prehistory to the present, in ways that are both accessible and engaging.Significant features of the fourth edition include: Expanded global essays outlining the encounters and interchanges, conflicts and accommodations, between disparate global communities A brand-new final chapter addressing the twenty-first century during which Western and global architectural developments have increasingly become one broad, interwoven expression. This chapter includes sections on CAD, Contemporary Architecture of the Twenty-First Century, Starchitects, Contemporary Architectural Prizes, Architecture and Energy Consumption, and Architecture Integrated with Nature New sections on Frank Lloyd Wright and Late Twentieth-Century Expressionism T
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Step-by-Step Guide to Exploratory Factor Analysis with Stata
This is a concise, easy to use, step-by-step guide for applied researchers conducting exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using Stata. In this book, Dr. Watkins systematically reviews each decision step in EFA with screen shots of Stata code and recommends evidence-based best practice procedures. This is an eminently applied, practical approach with few or no formulas and is aimed at readers with little to no mathematical background. Dr. Watkins maintains an accessible tone throughout and uses minimal jargon and formula to help facilitate grasp of the key issues users will face when applying EFA, along with how to implement, interpret, and report results. Copious scholarly references and quotations are included to support the reader in responding to editorial reviews.This is a valuable resource for upper level undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as for more experienced researchers undertaking multivariate or structure equation modeling courses across the behavioral, medical, and social sciences.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Understanding Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Guidebook for Survivors and Practitioners
This accessible guidebook has been created to be used alongside the picture book, Our House: Making Sense of Dissociative Identity Disorder, as a broad introduction to childhood trauma and its legacies, with a focus on dissociation and DID. This clear and easy-to-read resource offers an insight into trauma, its continuing effects and the continuum of dissociation. Practical exercises and opportunities for reflective discussion are included throughout to encourage personal engagement either individually or through treatment. Written with clinical accuracy, warmth and compassion, it will expand the reader’s knowledge of DID and deepen the understanding, application and usefulness of the picture book.Key features include: Photocopiable and downloadable resources and activities designed to develop a richer and more personal understanding of the development of DID A page-by-page insight into images from the picture book Further reading suggestions and information about treatment and support for survivors, as well as for the family, friends and professionals who journey with them Bringing clarity to a complex issue, this is an invaluable resource for survivors of trauma and for those who support them, counsellors, psychologists, social care workers and other professionals, as well as family and friends.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Iconic Works of Art by Feminists and Gender Activists: Mistress-Pieces
In this book, contributors identify and explore a range of iconic works – "Mistress-Pieces" – that have been made by feminists and gender activists since the 1970s. The first volume for which the defining of iconic feminist art is the raison d’être, its contributors interpret a "Mistress-Piece" as a work that has proved influential in a particular context because of its distinctiveness and relevance.Reinterpreting iconic art by Alice Neel, Hannah Wilke and Ana Mendieta, the authors also offer important insights about works that may be less well known – those by Natalia LL, Tanja Ostojić, Swoon, Clara Menéres, Diane Victor, Usha Seejarim, Ilse Fusková, Phaptawan Suwannakudt □and Tracey Moffatt, among others. While in some instances revealing cross influences between artists working in different frameworks, the publication simultaneously makes evident how social and political factors specific to particular countries had significant impact on the making and reception of art focused on gender.The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, visual studies and gender studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Spanish and Portuguese Conflict in the Spice Islands: The Loaysa Expedition to the Moluccas 1525-1535: From Book XX of The General and Natural History of the Indies by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés
Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, (1478–1557), warden of the fortress and port of Santo Domingo of the Island of Hispaniola, also served his emperor, Charles V, as the official chronicler of the first half-century of the Spanish presence in the New World. His monumental General y Natural Historia de las Indias, consisting of three parts, with fifty books, hundreds of chapters and thousands of pages, is still a major primary source for researchers of the period 1492–1548. Part One, consisting of 19 books, was first published in 1535, then reprinted and augmented in 1547, with a third edition, including Book XX, the first book of Part II, appearing in Valladolid in 1557. Book XX, which was printed separately in Valladolid in 1557 (the year of Oviedo’s death), concerns the first three Spanish voyages to the East Indies. While it might be expected that the narrative of Magellan’s voyage would predominate in Book XX, Oviedo devoted only the first four chapters to this monumental voyage. The remaining thirty–one concern the two subsequent and little-known Spanish follow-up expeditions to the Moluccas 1525-35. The first, initially led by García Jofre de Loaysa, set out from Coruña to follow Magellan’s route through the Strait and across the Pacific. A second relief expedition under Alvaro Saavedra was sent out in search of Loaysa’s company from the Pacific coast of New Spain in 1527. In each venture only one vessel reached the Spice Islands. Oviedo’s narrative offers many details of the 10 years of hardships and conflict with the Portuguese, endured by the stoic Spanish, and of the growing unrest it provoked among their indigenous hosts. The news that Charles V had pawned his claim to the King João III of Portugal allowed a very few of the Spaniards to negotiate a passage back to Spain via Lisbon, while others remained in Portuguese settlements in the East Indies. The reports made by the returnees to the Consejo de Indias were integrated by Oviedo into his narrative, expanded and enriched by personal interviews. His chronicle includes much information about the indigenous culture, commerce, geography and of the exotic fauna and flora of the Spice Islands.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Zedie and Zoola’s Playful Universe: A Practical Guide to Supporting Children with Different Communication Styles at Playtime
Playtime is essential for children’s wellbeing and provides key opportunities to make friends. Yet for some children, unstructured play can present real challenges.This beautifully illustrated guide is designed to be used alongside: Zedie & Zoola’s Playtime Cards – a pack of 25 cards containing ideas for fun playground games that draw from Zedie & Zoola’s Playful Universe and encourage children with different communication styles to play together. Zedie & Zoola Light Up the Night – a colourful storybook, which draws on themes relating to friendships, neurodiversity, participation, and advocacy. The cards and storybook explore the topic of communication differences through engaging characters and games. This accompanying guide offers additional advice for adults to use the cards effectively, with helpful contextual information to assist in making playtimes more accessible for children with communication conditions. This is an essential resource for parents, primary school teachers, and speech and language therapists, as well as anyone looking for new ways to foster an inclusive environment to help children aged 6-9 with different communication styles engage and play with their peers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Catch That Chicken!: Targeting the ch Sound
Archie has stolen Charlie’s prize hat – the race is on to get it back. Catch that chicken!This picture book targets the /ch/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2, a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story.The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy, for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder, or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents, teachers or caregivers.Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness.Picture books are sold individually, or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Zack the Buzzy Bee: Targeting the z Sound
Zack just wants to find other bees that look like him – and he meets some interesting and different kinds of bees along the way.This picture book targets the /z/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2, a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story.The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy, for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder, or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents, teachers or caregivers.Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness.Picture books are sold individually, or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds.