Search results for ""author ink"
C & T Publishing krafttex TM Basics Bolt Black
Wait until you get your hands on this rugged paper that looks, feels, and wears like leather, but sews, cuts, and washes just like fabric. kraft*tex (TM) is supple, yet strong enough to use for projects that get tough wear. Use it to bring an exciting new texture to your craft-sewing projects, mixed-media arts, and bookmaking. * Play with it! Sew it, stamp it, draw on it, fold it, inkjet print it* Durable enough for totes, belts, wallets, book covers, luggage tags, and more* The fiber-based texture softens and crinkles with handling and washing. 19 x 10 yards bolt in black, unwashed colour.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Mitochondrienersatztherapie: Eine rechtliche und rechtspolitische Analyse zwischen PID, Eizellspende und Keimbahntherapie
Man entnehme der Eizelle einer Kinderwunschpatientin in vitro den Zellkern, transferiere ihn in die ebenfalls zuvor entkernte Eizellhülle einer fremden Frau und verwende die modifizierte Eizelle im Anschluss zur Befruchtung - so der Ansatz der Mitochondrienersatztherapie. Verhindert werden soll auf diese Weise eine über das mütterliche Eizellzytoplasma erfolgende Vererbung defekter Mitochondrien, die andernfalls eine u.U. schwere Erkrankung des Abkömmlings zur Folge haben könnte.Das 1991 als Strafgesetz in Kraft getretene Embryonenschutzgesetz verbietet den Austausch dieser Zellbestandteile dennoch - wenn auch nicht lückenlos. Maja Caroline Lehmann analysiert die bestehenden Strafbarkeitsrisiken und erarbeitet einen Reformvorschlag, der die aufgedeckte Inkonsistenz des geltenden Rechts beseitigt und eine einzelfallbezogene begrenzte Zulassung der Methode ermöglicht. Abschließend überprüft sie die sich dabei ergebenden grundrechtlichen Beschränkungen auf ihre verfassungsrechtliche Legitimation.
Random House USA Inc S****y Printers: A Humorous History of the Most Absurd Technology Ever Invented
We all hate printers. This book documents why. Maybe it's the behemoth copier at work. Or the one you use to print boarding passes at home. Or maybe it's the one that haunts your nightmares to this day, the one that never seemed to work, not since the first day you plugged it in. We all have a printer in our lives that we would love to see taken down a notch. From the first consumer inkjet to more modern monstrosities, Sh*tty Printers breaks down the worst offenders of our home offices. Featuring popular and exasperating home staples such as: • The HP Thinkjet 2225A • The Lexmark Z22 • The long forgotten Canon BJC-85 • and many more Each printer is beautifully photographed and ruthlessly torn to shreds as their individual strengths, weaknesses, and charisma are scored on sliding scales born from relatable frustration.
Design Originals FloraBunda Woodland: Super Simple Art Doodles: Color, Craft & Draw: Trees, Owls, Leaves & More
FloraBunda Woodland is a handy workbook that will enable you to practice the relaxing FloraBunda drawing method. With over 100 beautiful FloraBunda illustrations to choose from including owls, trees, branches, squirrels, nuts and more, you can begin drawing right away!Whether you are an experienced artist or a drawing novice, you'll enjoy expressing yourself with classic FloraBunda line art. The designs are printed on high-quality artist paper, encouraging you to add your own personal touch using felt-tips, colouring pencils, crayons, or other media.Building on the success of FloraBunda Style and based entirely on simple, nature-inspired doodles, FloraBunda Woodland is the perfect book to help you relax, unwind and de-stress. Let your creativity flow as you magically transform your inky doodles into exotic, vibrant art.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc To D-Day and Back: Adventures with the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment and Life as a World War II POW: a Memoir
In the predawn hours of D-Day, June 6, 1944, which would become immortalized as the Longest Day, Bob Bearden and his comrades in the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment jumped into the inky skies over Normandy. Their mission: defend the west bank of the Merderet River against German counterattack. After long months of training they were finally taking the war to the Germans. Bearden's time in combat proved shortlived, however, when he was captured on D+2, June 8. This was only the beginning of a new war for his very survival through multiple German POW camps and ultimately on an epic journey that would take him largely on foot all the way to Moscow on his journey home, all of which makes for exciting reading in this remarkable memoir.
Hogrefe Publishing Rorschachiana: Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach, Vol. 44 /2023
Unique contributions from the world of the Rorschach with articles on trauma-related imagery in first responders, the conceptual and practical implications of Rorschach complexity, the Zulliger Test as a means of describing posttherapy changes, and an extended Rorschach inquiry with a client from Togo. A special section focuses on the history and theory of the Rorschach, including an exploration of the historical influences on Rorschach's Psychodiagnostics and an examination of the relationship between Rorschach's inkblot test and C. G. Jung's Word Association Test.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Corpus Johanneum bei Irenäus von Lyon: Studien und Kommentar zum dritten Buch von 'Adversus Haereses'
Im dritten Band seines hauptsächlich gegen valentinianische "Erkenntnis" (Gnosis) und gegen Markion gerichteten Hauptwerkes - es ist zugleich die erste Dogmatik der Kirche - zeigt der südgallische Bischof von Lyon um 185 n.Chr., wie mit Hilfe des Corpus Johanneum wesentliche theologische Herausforderungen der Gnosis biblisch-theologisch beantwortet werden können. Dies betrifft hermeneutische Fragen nach Schrift und Tradition ebenso wie die zentralen Fragen nach Gott und nach Jesus Christus. Thematisch wird dies anhand der Einheit Gottes, seinem Schöpfersein, der Inkarnation und der Soteriologie aufgezeigt. Dabei ist Irenäus der erste Autor, der mit hoher Wortlautgenauigkeit und unter ausdrücklichem Hinweis auf die Quelle zitiert und so als erster eine biblisch-heilsgeschichtliche Theologie entwirft. Bernhard Mutschler untersucht Aufbau und Einheit des dritten Buches sowie die verschiedene Reihenfolge der Evangelien bei Irenäus. Er kommentiert alle bisher identifizierten sowie neu aufgefundenen Bezugnahmen auf das Evangelium nach Johannes, die Johannesbriefe und die Johannesapokalypse.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Schmerztherapie bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen
Eine adäquate Therapie von Schmerzen bei Kindern, egal welchen Alters, stellt die beste Prävention von chronischen Schmerzen dar. Lesen Sie in dem Standardwerk zum Thema nach, wie Sie gezielt die Therapie gestalten können: - Aktuelle Erkenntnisse zum Schmerzgeschehen bei Kindern, deren Schmerzwahrnehmung und -verarbeitung, - Möglichkeiten zur Schmerzanamnese, medikamentösen Therapie und psychologischen Intervention, - Hinweise zur speziellen Pflege inkl. alternativer Pflegemethoden, - Ambulante und stationäre multimodale Schmerztherapie.Die 5. Auflage erscheint komplett aktualisiert und fachlich erweitert. Neu sind die Themen Gesprächsführung bei chronisch schmerzkranken Kindern und Jugendlichen, Qualitätssicherung in der postoperativen Schmerztherapie, Therapie chronischer Schmerzen bei jungen Erwachsenen und mehr.Plus: Online-Zusatzmaterial u.a. mit zusätzlichen Informationen zur Fort- und Weiterbildung. Wissenschaftlich fundiert und praktisch anwendbar: Zahlreiche Tabellen, Fragebogen und Dokumentationshilfen zu Medikamentendosierungen, Überwachungsbogen, Adressen von Websites und Selbsthilfegruppen. Ein idealer Begleiter für alle Mitglieder im therapeutischen Team: Pädiater, Anästhesisten, Schmerztherapeuten, Physiologen, Psychologen und Kinderkrankenschwestern.
Little, Brown Book Group Excessively Obsessed
Modern and practical business lessons from Natasha Oakley, co-founder of Monday Swimwear and The Pilates Class. Do you have an idea for a business, but no clue where to start? Is there a product or service you're sure you could sell, if only you knew how to file the paperwork or fund the company or build the marketing plan? Do you have an inkling that you'll want to start a business one day - and you can't stop wondering if you have what it takes? Then you have come to the right place. In this empowering guide, Natasha gives an honest account of the blood, sweat and tears that goes into creating a successful business, from registering your company and opening a bank account, all the way to building your team and scaling for growth. Removing the glamour of #hustleculture and the illusion of how easy it might look on social media, Natasha will detail how she bartered jobs and co-founded Monday Swimwear in her living room with her best friend and
Galison Alpha Better Stamp Set
STAMP SET - This rubber stamp kit includes a series of geometric shaped stamps, a two-color stamp pad, and a guide explaining how to build a beautiful retro-inspired font. It’s perfect for marking envelopes, labeling gifts, or writing out that ransom letter that you’ve been putting off. VINTAGE INSPIRED - Set includes 24 stamps and a dual color inkpad (red and blue). The stamps come with a guide that explains how to make every letter, conveniently using the pangram 'Pack My Box With Five Dozen Liquor Jugs' and comes in a beautiful vintage style box so you can bring it with you anywhere you feel the need to express how you feel. GIFT IT UP - The Alpha Better Stamp Set by Brass Monkey is perfect for anyone who wants to add a touch of nostalgia to their work or personal life. Not to mention, the vintage inspired design adds an aesthetic charm to your otherwise dull and boring workspace or home. Brass Monkey - We’re the line between roa
HarperCollins Publishers The Light at the End of the Day
A family scattered. Lovers torn apart. A painting that unites them all. When Jozef is commissioned to paint a portrait of the younger daughter of Kraków’s grand Oderfeldt family, it is only his desperate need for money that drives him to accept. He has no wish to indulge a pampered child-princess or her haughty, condescending parents – and almost doesn’t notice Alicia’s bookish older sister, Karolina. But when he is ushered by a servant into their house on Kraków’s fashionable Bernadyńska street in the winter of 1937, he has no inkling of the way his life will become entangled with the Oderfeldts'. Or of the impact that the German invasion will have upon them all. As Poland is engulfed by war, and Jozef’s painting is caught up in the tides of history, Alicia, Karolina and their parents are forced to flee – their Jewish identity transformed into something dangerous, and their comfortable lives overturned … Spanning countries and decades The Light at the End of the Day is a heart-breaking novel of exile, survival and how we remember what is lost.
Capstone Global Library Ltd The Oldest Trick
A boy finds a strange book hidden away in an antique dresser. When he opens it, ancient symbols swirl off the pages. They form a floating, inky mass. The Oldest Trick has been freed from its book! Now the ancient evil has trapped the boy in a fake, nightmarish world. Can the powerful Librarian free the boy by helping him see through the Trick's lies? Experience the Library of Doom like never before in this gripping, full-colour graphic novel!
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Akteneinsichtsrecht der Verteidigung: Eine Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Einführung der elektronischen Akte im Strafverfahren und am besonderen Beispiel von Telekommunikationsüberwachungsdaten
Das Akteneinsichtsrecht gem. § 147 StPO ist seit Inkrafttreten der Reichsstrafprozessordnung am 01.10.1879 fester Bestandteil des Strafverfahrensrechts. Die Vorschrift sieht ein Akteneinsichts- und Beweisstückbesichtigungsrecht zur Verteidigung im Strafverfahren vor. Doch was ist von diesen Akten und Beweisstücken umfasst und inwieweit besteht ein Einsichts- sowie Besichtigungsrecht? Da Strafverfolgungsbehörden mit der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung jeglicher Lebensbereiche heutzutage deutlich mehr Informationsmaterial als zu früheren Zeiten erlangen, stellen sich derartige Fragen immer häufiger. Der Gesetzgeber hat jüngst die elektronische Akte im Strafverfahren eingeführt und Formvorgaben für die Akteneinsichtsgewährung implementiert. Die Reichweite von § 147 StPO ist jedoch ungeklärt geblieben. Saber Meglalu untersucht, was zu den Akten und Beweisstücken zählt und wie weit das Einsichts- sowie Besichtigungsrecht reicht. Hierbei geht er auch der Frage nach, wie digitales Ermittlungsmaterial, insbesondere solches aus Telekommunikationsüberwachungen, im Kontext von § 147 StPO einzuordnen ist.
Uncivilized Books Unended
What prevents you from finishing your life's work?Josh Bayer finds a manuscript of an unfinished play inside his deceased father's desk. The play tells the story of Josh's mother's early death (age 37) and his father's struggle with single parenthood. When he attempts to adapt the play into comics, it triggers a series of personal crises. Bayer's limitations and futile ambitions are brought into sharp relief as he grapples with an estranged, unknowable parent and the play's frustrating lack of resolution.Humans worship lore, myth, and fables, but many people's creative dreams become abandoned. Why?Bayer's inky line, tangled textures, and kaleidoscopic color boldly fuse on the page into comic book semiotics, flights of grandeur, and tangents inside tangents. Josh Bayer stitches scattered memories into surrealistic episodes permeated with dream logic. Unended is a Promethean quest to excavate the creative fire hidden inside us.
Nick Hern Books The Flea
'We'll start with the flea, because that's as good a place as any...' July 1889, London. A flea bites a rat. A rat spooks a horse. A horse kicks a man. As the chain reaction continues, a boy and his mother find themselves swept up in a national scandal that will reshape both their lives – and the country. James Fritz's play The Flea is a retelling of the Cleveland Street Scandal that shook England – from the streets of Bermondsey to the halls of Buckingham Palace – and features a flea, a horse, a detective, a queen, a pimp, a god, and Charlie, the telegraph boy who knelt before the Crown. This anarchic and affecting play was first performed at The Yard Theatre, London, in October 2023, directed by Artistic Director Jay Miller. 'There are few playwrights working in Britain today whose work is as slick and unsettling as James Fritz's' Exeunt 'Fritz's work pairs structural playfulness with emotional intelligence and inky wit... his plays are contained and compassionate, and frequently find reservoirs of humour in places you wouldn't expect' The Stage
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Wiederholungs- und Vertiefungskurs Strafrecht: Besonderer Teil - Vermögensdelikte
Im Band zu den Vermögensdelikten sind 13 „große Fälle“ abgedruckt, die sich an aktuellen und klassischen Entscheidungen der höchsten Gerichte orientieren. Entsprechend den Anforderungen im Ersten Juristischen Staatsexamen werden so zum einen das examensrelevante Wissen im strafrechtlichen Pflichtfachbereich als auch die Technik der Falllösung wiederholt und vertieft. Klausurtypische Querverbindungen von Allgemeinem Teil und Besonderem Teil kommen dabei nicht zu kurz. Neben vollständig ausformulierten Lösungsvorschlägen enthält das Werk wertvolle Tipps zur Klausurtaktik und zur Vertiefung des materiellen Strafrechts, insbesondere anhand der Rechtsprechung. Der Band zu den Vermögensdelikten wird ergänzt durch einen zum „Allgemeinen Teil“ und einen zum „Besonderen Teil - Nichtvermögensdelikte“. Die Gesamtreihe befähigt zu einer vollständigen, eigenverantwortlichen Examensvorbereitung im materiellen Strafrecht. Sie erscheint nunmehr in vollständig durchgesehener und überarbeiteter Neuauflage inklusive examensorientierter Verarbeitung jüngster höchstrichterlicher Rechtsprechung sowie Studienliteratur.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tod und Opfer Jesu im Hebräerbrief
Eine der zentralen Fragen der Hebräerbriefexegese ist die nach der Bedeutung des Todes Jesu. Einerseits misst der Verfasser Jesu Tod entscheidende soteriologische Wirksamkeit bei, andererseits betont er Christi Unvergänglichkeit. Beides, Tod und Unsterblichkeit, ist für den Autor zugleich Voraussetzung für das Inkrafttreten der Neuen Diatheke. Christian Lustig zeigt, dass Hintergrund und Kern seiner Todesdeutung dabei eine Abendmahlsparadosis markinisch-matthäischer Provenienz ist. Christus opfert Leib und Blut. Sein Pneuma hingegen ist nach Hebr 9,14 ewig. So bleibt er auch über den Tod hinaus Agens dieser Opferdarbringung. Durch sie vollzieht er Reinigung, Weihe und Inauguration des himmlischen Zeltes wie auch der Glaubenden. Der kultische Dienst des himmlischen Hohepriesters ereignet sich auf Erden am Kreuz und zugleich in pneumatischer Sphäre an Gottes eigenem Heiligtum.
The History Press Ltd Oxfordshire Folk Tales
Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross and listen to the tales of this ancient county. Hear how a King and his knights were turned to stone at the mysterious Rollright Stones; how Dragon Hill got its name; take the Devil's Highway to the End of the World - if you dare; or spend a night on the weird Ot Moor; listen in on the Boar's Head Carol; walk the oldest trackway in Europe in the footsteps of a Neolithic pilgrim; pause to try the Blowing Stone; leave a coin for the enigmatic blacksmith to shoe your horse at Wayland's Smithy; eavesdrop upon the Inklings in the Eagle and Child; and meet that early fabulist, Geoffrey of Monmouth in the city of dreaming spires. This collection will take you on an oral tour across the county - on the way you'll meet gypsies, highwaymen, cavaliers, a prime minister and a devilish mason.
Oxford University Press Emerald and the Lost Treasure
Meet Isadora Moon''s mermaid friend, Emerald! Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but there are just so many rules! She loves having fun with her friends and exploring her underwater world with her pet octopus, Inkibelle, she doesn''t want to be stuck in the palace with everyone looking at her and checking that she''s doing things the proper, royal way.Emerald''s class are spending the day sea combing-picking up human rubbish that ends up on the ocean floor. When Emerald finds a precious teddy lying in a clump of seaweed, she''s tempted to keep it for herself, but the tag says it belongs to a human called Jack. Emerald asks her land-loving friend, Isadora Moon, and Isadora''s cousin, Mirabelle, to help her return it and together they embark on an exciting adventure across the land and sea!
DC Comics Absolute Wonder Woman: Gods and Mortals
More than four decades after making her debut in ALL STAR COMICS #8, the World s Greatest Heroine was comprehensively reimagined in 1986 by legendary comics creator George Perez and this new incarnation of DC Comics fabled Amazon Princess quickly rose to unprecedented levels of popular and critical acclaim. In collaboration with co-writer Len Wein and inker Bruce Patterson, Perez sent on to craft Wonder Woman s adventures for years, and his masterful stories ranged from heart-stopping battles with the Titans of myth to heart-warming interludes with Diana s trusted network of friends. Now, for the first time ever, these treasured tales from the 1980s are receiving the absolute treatment with larger pages to showcase Perez s magnificent artwork. Collects Wonder Woman #1-14; Who s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #26; Who s Who Update 1987 #1-3.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Soziale Diagnostik: Verfahren fÃ"r die Praxis Sozialer Arbeit
Was ist im Rahmen der praktischen Sozialen Arbeit unter einer Situation, einem Problem und einem Fall zu verstehen? Was bedeutet Soziale Diagnostik und welche Verfahren sind wie und wann sinnvoll einsetzbar?Soziale Diagnostik ist ein zentraler Bestandteil der Praxis Sozialer Arbeit. Peter Pantucek-Eisenbacher stellt in der 4., aktualisierten Auflage bewährte sowie weiterentwickelte Verfahren dar. Das Inklusions-Chart liegt in der 4. Version vor. Grundlagen zur Diagnostik des Sozialen und zahlreiche Features, wie Softwarelösungen, Gesprächshinweise und Interpretationsleitfäden fÃ"r z. B. die Netzwerkkarte oder den Biografischen Zeitbalken werden vorgestellt. Der Band bietet grundlegende Erörterungen sowie wertvolle Hilfsmittel fÃ"r die Praxis und ermöglicht somit einen einfachen Einstieg in die Soziale Diagnostik.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Handrehabilitation: Für Ergotherapeuten und Physiotherapeuten, Band 3: Manuelle Therapie, Physikalische Maßnahmen, Schienen
Das Standardwerk für Therapeuten behandelt Erkrankungen und Verletzungen der Hände. Für die 2. Auflage wurden die Inhalte komplett überarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert, so dass das Werk nun drei Bände umfasst. In Band 3 behandelt die Autorin die Themen manuelle Therapie, physikalische Maßnahmen sowie Schienen. Sie hat u. a. Abschnitte zu physiotherapeutischen Therapieansätzen inklusive detaillierter Anleitungen (funktioneller Befund, manuelle Therapie, Arm-Schulterbehandlung, Überlastungssyndrome) ergänzt.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Critical Muslim 27: Beauty
How do we identify and judge beauty? Does it distract us from more pressing questions and issues? Is beauty the handmaiden of privilege? Or can it be found in everyday, ordinary things? Whatever happened to beauty in contemporary Islam? Do Muslims have a inkling of what beauty is and why is it significant? This issue of Critical Muslim looks at beauty from a number of perspectives -- from beauty in the Qur’an and the Beautiful Divine Names to racism and the beauty industry, politics of fashion, calligraphy, plastic surgery, female wrestling, Muslim beauty contests and the male and female gaze.
Chronicle Books I Have an Idea!
From one of the true creative geniuses of this generation comes a unique meditation on and celebration of the magic of the birth of a simple idea. Sparkling with visual wit and bubbling with imagination, this is a richly emotional exploration of the creative process: from an initial tentative inkling, to the frustration of chasing the wrong notion, to finally the exhilaration of capturing—and nurturing—just the right idea. I Have an Idea! is a scrumptious cloth-spined package of color and inspiration equally at home on a child's bookshelf, in a new graduate's backpack, or atop a creative's desk.
Arnoldsche Aus der Fläche in den Raum: Kunst am Bau – Annelies und Fred Stelzig
Appreciation of the works by the German artist couple Annelies and Fred Stelzig from Besigheim in the discipline of art made for architecture has been a long time coming. To mark the 100th anniversary of them both, the town of Besigheim has made this its task. For the large retrospective, a publication is launched that focuses on the incredible breadth of their production for the very first time. Waiting to be discovered alongside wall ceramics and carpets are works in wood, glass, and enamel. Numerous contributions by authoritative experts present the personal backgrounds of the couple, trace lines of development, and highlight the material specificities of their works. Over 300 illustrations additionally provide a lively impression of the couple’s ability to be versatile yet at the same time retain continuity during their long creative period, from the 1950s to their last work in 2006. With contributions by Christian Behrer, Dieter Büchner, Christiane Fülscher, Sabine Gärttling, Inken Gaukel, Regina Ille-Kopp, Andreas Janssen, Cornelia Marinowitz, Martha Pflug-Grunenberg, and Sandy Richter. Text in German.
Penguin Books Ltd The Magical Christmas: A Colouring Book
Filled with fantastically festive and wonderfully wintery scenes, this is the perfect colouring book to cosy up with Whether you've got your perfectly sharpened crayons at the ready, desperate to return to your favourite childhood activity, or looking for the perfect gift, The Magical Christmas will make your Christmas, well, magical.Join celebrations across the world and throughout the years, from skating at the Rockefeller Center to surfing in Sydney and frost fairs on the Thames to Victorian toy shops.Travel with the wise men following a star, spot Santa's sleigh skimming over the rooftops and discover dazzling gingerbread houses with Lizzie's intricate inky illustrations.A whole world of festive mindfulness is waiting for you inside. . .
David Zwirner Richard Serra: 2022
A studious view of Richard Serra’s recently premiered forged steel sculpture and new drawings using his trademark paintstick technique. ---------- “Enigmatic, arresting, audacious: Richard Serra now and forever” — The Brooklyn Rail ---------- Richard Serra’s hugely successful body of work consistently explores the possibilities of form and matter. Serra’s steel sculptures are held in major collections internationally, and his drawings assert themselves as abstract victories. Through the use of black paintstick—a combination of oil paint, wax, and pigment, which he has used since 1971—Serra’s drawings convey a strong sense of optical weight, acutely similar to the physical presence of his sculptures. 2022, the artist’s largest single forged round to date, investigates properties of weight and scale. While the exhibition allowed viewers to encounter Serra’s immense forged round and inky drawings in relation to their own space and bodies, the catalogue is an opportunity for intimate engagement with Serra’s works through stunning reproductions.
F&W Publications Inc The Mandala Guidebook: How to Draw, Paint and Color Expressive Mandala Art
The mandala is a design motif that has intrigued people throughout cultures around the world. Mandalas in Mixed Media features a fresh and unique approach to making these motifs in a variety of mediums (watercolor, Inktense pencils, collage . . .) and modern techniques (using decorative papers with acrylic paint; combining markers and charcoal; painting on rocks, maps and other surfaces . . .), all delivered to the reader in clear step-by-step instruction. But this book doesn’t stop at the mechanics of making these beautiful designs; mandala work is also incredibly useful and the reader will see how to use mandalas to solve problems, let go of fear, lean into love and gain clarity and insight—powerful results for such a fun and relaxing activity! Finally, inspiring gallery pieces from artists all over the world (including well-known names such as Alisa Burke, Tiffany Lovering, Anahata Katkin, Jane LaFazio and Louise Gale) further illustrate the possibilities of this sacred circle.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Thames Torso Murders
Dismembered corpses are discovered scattered along the banks of the river Thames, a calculating clinical multiple murderer is on the loose, and the London police have no inkling of the killers identity and, more than a century later, they still don't. In this, M.J. Trows latest re-investigation of a bizarre and brutal serial killing, he delves deep into the appalling facts of the case, into the futile police investigations, and into the dark history of late Victorian London. The incredible criminal career of the Thames torso murderer has gripped readers and historians ever since he committed his crimes in the 1870's and 1880's. The case poses as many questions as the even more notorious killings of Jack the Ripper. How, over a period of fifteen years, did the Thames murderer get away with a succession of monstrous and sensational misdeeds? And what sort of perverted character was he, why did he take such risks, why did he kill again and again?
The University of Chicago Press Caribbeana: An Anthology of English Literature of the West Indies, 1657-1777
Although the colonies in the West Indies were as important to the expanding British empire as those in North America, writings from the British West Indies have been conspicuously absent from anthologies of 17th- and 18th-century British literature. In this literary anthology dedicated to the region, Thomas W. Krise gathers descriptions, poems, narratives, satires and essays written in and about this culturally rich and politically tempestuous region. The text offers period commentaries on slavery, colonialism, gender relations, African and European history, natural history, agriculture and medicine. Highlights include several of the earliest protests against slavery; an ode by the Cambridge-educated Afro-Jamaican poet Francis Williams; James Grainger's extended georgic poem, "The Sugar Cane"; Frances Seymour's poignant tale of the Englishman Inkle who sells his Indian saviour-lover Yarico into slavery; and several descriptions of the West Indies during the early years of settlement.
Kerber Verlag Anything goes?: Berlin Architectures of the 1980s
In 1987, Berlin as a whole became a laboratory for architecture. A wide range of notable buildings with a unique density was created in the East and the West in connection with the city’s 750th anniversary. While the buildings were vilified at the time, they now appear as important witnesses to a “postmodern” era of building, which called the traditional architecture of the modern living environment into question. Today, the buildings have disappeared, been modified, or are threatened with demolition. For the first time, the exhibition and publication examine the significance of the architectural visions developed in East and West Berlin in the final decade before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Architects included: Hinrich and Inken Baller, Christian Enzmann and Bernd Ettel, John Hejduk with Moritz Müller, Josef Paul Kleihues, Michael Kny and Thomas Weber, Hans Kollhoff, Dorothea Krause, Rob Krier, Peter Meyer, Frei Otto with Hermann Kendel, Martin Küenzlen and Günther Ludewig, Manfred Prasser, Günter Stahn, Helmut Stingl, James Stirling and Michael Wilford, Peter Stürzebecher, Kjell Nylund and Christof Puttfarken, Oswald Mathias Ungers, Solweig Steller-Wendland, and many more.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Religiosität als Qualität des Säkularen: Die Religionstheorie John Deweys
Im Diskurs über die legitime Rolle der Religion in der demokratischen Öffentlichkeit wird vielfach unterstellt, religiöse und säkulare Denkformen ließen sich anhand ihrer metaphysischen Vorannahmen einschlägig gegeneinander abgrenzen. Das dabei angewandte Kriterium - die Frage, inwieweit eine transzendente Realität vorausgesetzt wird - wird dabei oftmals zugleich als Indiz der Inkompatibilität des religiösen und des säkularen Denkens gedeutet.Der Pragmatist John Dewey hat in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts eine Religionstheorie vorgelegt, die angesichts dieser Tendenz zur Dichotomisierung von der Leitdifferenz zwischen Transzendenz und Immanenz absieht. Auf diese Weise beansprucht er zu zeigen, dass Religiosität - recht verstanden - auf Voraussetzungen beruht, die ebenso allgemein zugänglich sind wie die Prämissen säkularen Lebens. Annette Pitschmann erschließt Deweys Religionstheorie vor dem Hintergrund seiner Wirklichkeitskonzeption und prüft ihre Plausibilität im Horizont von Deweys Wissenschafts- und Handlungstheorie sowie seiner Ästhetik.
Wave Books Sunny Wednesday
Often breathtaking ...this latest collection from Kocot intersperses frantic images with hauntingly simple and loss-laden outcries. Throughout, there is the poet's thwarted longing for an understanding that cannot come: "all poets and poetry elude me,/ especially myself and my own"; Kocot's speaker--a voice simultaneously adorable, helpless and deeply brave--is both obsessed with and frustrated by process: "See, in a poem, things actually/ have to be doing things,/ not just floating around." ...Kocot's most lucid moments achieve a kind of visionary clarity ("The waters are very simple today./ Hospital blue, in error of twilight"), a beautiful refusal to accept the inevitable ("Listen, I said it before, die/ and come back as fire") and inklings of the kind of loss that could yield such a powerful, almost overflowing book: "I wait to go to you,/ smoking and breaking curses under/ the Jackson Pollock fuck you moon." --Publishers Weekly
Oxford University Press Emerald and the Sea Sprites
Meet Isadora Moon's mermaid friend, Emerald! Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but there are just so many rules! She loves having fun with her friends and exploring her underwater world with her pet octopus, Inkibelle, she doesn't want to be stuck in the palace with everyone looking at her and checking that she's doing things the proper, royal way. When Emerald and her stepsister, Delphina, sneak out of the palace in search of sea sprites they know it isn't strictly 'perfect mermaid princess' behaviour, but they can't resist! Far from Scallop City they discover a glimmering coral reef. And nestled in the reef are three little shimmering sea sprites . . . Emerald and Delphina are about to learn that being a mermaid princess is about more than just following the rules - it's also about following your heart.
Lannoo Publishers Bas Meeuws. Flower Pieces
His photographs are of an old-fashioned beauty and at the same time radically contemporary. Flower by flower Bas Meeuws composes his floral still lifes, but digitally: the basis for Meeuws' monumental works are digital photographs of individual flowers. They allude to the Dutch masters of the seventeenth century with their sense of luxury and their eye for the ephemeral. Meeuws strikes a chord in the art world with his flower still lifes. He is represented by Dutch, American, Taiwanese and Indian galleries and exhibits from Amsterdam to New Delhi. "Flowers represent the circle of life for me as well as the short time of real beauty - Carpe Diem" - Bas Meeuws. "Meeuws' assortment of flowers, seem to emerge yet elapse into their inky black backdrops, reveling in sharpness, flaunting texture, pore and vein." - Newspaper The Hindu. Text in English and Chinese.
Flame Tree Publishing Learning to Be Human Short Stories
Machine learning, AI and large language models tell us that the future is with us now. This thrilling collection of science fiction stories gathers the fears and opportunities prompted by responsive chatbots to reveal the struggles of the Machine Age, affecting both humanity and artificial intelligence. With stories from open submissions and classic tales we examine the interplay between automation, humankind, and what it is to be human. The stories encourage us to think of human and machine development in the same terms. What is it like to emerge from childhood as an adult? What was it like to be at the mercy of elemental forces in ancient times? Are we truly in control of our climate now? Are machines the future, or a dangerous distraction? Are thinking machines inevitable? There's so much to explore in this fascinating new book. New, contemporary and notable writers featured are: Rachel Aukes, Stewart C. Baker, Hal Bodner, Kushal Chatterjee, Vivian Chou, Matthew Chrulew and Stelarc’s Prosthetic Head, P.A. Cornell, Yelena Crane, E.J. Delaney, Derek Des Anges, Louis Evans, Paige E. Ewing, Shannon Fay, Sydney Paige Guerrero, K. Lynn Harrison, Emily Inkpen, Akis Linardos, Mary Liu, K.G. McAbee, Corbett McKinney, Adam Mitchell, Jason Sabbagh, M.C. St. John, Antonia Rachel Ward, Nemma Wollenfang, and Ramez Yoakeim. These appear alongside classic work by Karel Čapek, E.T.A. Hoffman, Franz Kafka, Damon Knight, Mary Shelley, H.G. Wells, and more. The gorgeous editions of Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore and modern short fiction. Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories, the books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure.
Rowman & Littlefield Green House: Eco-Friendly Disposal and Recycling at Home
The realities of climate change can be overwhelming, but the good news is that-with your help-global warming can be slowed and ultimately stopped. You may already recycle those newspapers and milk cartons, and perhaps you have a compost pile in the backyard. But what about that old inkjet cartridge? Or that scratched CD? Green House: Eco-Friendly Disposal and Recycling at Home is an A to Z guide to disposing and recycling all varieties of common household trash, from broken appliances to spent smoke detectors and cell phones to pet waste. With a sense of humor and an eye towards modern-day practicalities, Norm Crampton discusses the most environmentally-friendly methods of dealing with household waste, and when there are multiple disposal options, he describes the ins and outs of each alternative. Crampton also points out that some trash may be someone else's treasure-some recyclers may pay you for your old cell phone and your cooking grease can become bio-fuel! For homeowners and apartment dwellers alike, Green House is a handy little reference book and the first step towards reducing your ecological footprint.
Chicken House Ltd The Map of Leaves
Set in a world where plants talk, friendship is hard-won and adventure is around the bend of every river ... 'Townsend has crafted an uncannily rich and tactile atmosphere, grounding the reader in the setting so successfully that I could almost feel the river mist settling in my hair.' SARAH DRIVER 'Just finished this breathless marvel and there's so much to love about it. Wild and imaginative storytelling, it introduces us to talking oaks, poisonous rock and a central character with a lot to prove.' FLEUR HITCHCOCK Orla has lived on her own since Ma died, with only her beloved garden for company. When sickness comes and nature is blamed, Orla knows she must find a cure. Armed with her mother's book of plants and remedies, she steals away on a river boat with two other stowaways, Idris and Ariana. Soon the trio must navigate the rapids of the Inkwater to a poisonous place from which they may never return ... The debut novel from an astonishingly talented new writer A wild rapids-ride of a story, suffused at every turn with authentic details of the natural world A gorgeous gifty book: a flapped paperback with illustration by Marie-Alice Harel.
Troubador Publishing The Hourglass: The Turning
Manifested out of ancient folklore, the Hourglass must be turned to keep the balance between Order and Chaos. Should the Turning fail, the Alternate Prophesies decree Chaos would rule, hastening an inevitable Armageddon. The Turning can only be implemented by the Foundling and this is where the story begins. Raif, a boy with a passion for clocks and no inkling of his future has a recurring vision of colossal waterspouts unaware this vision is shared by the villainous Darke. He is chosen as the Foundling Elect to succeed Canatu who is mysteriously murdered. Darke, having been instrumental in this murder, desires power absolute and to achieve this has to prevent the Turning but where is the Hourglass hidden? And will it be found in time? Drawn in by a gilded clock gifted to him, Raif is flung into the adventure of a lifetime while being hunted relentlessly by Darke and his evil forces. He has cause to call into question the improbability of coincidence as he’s catapulted from the Dorset countryside to the terrifying catacombs below Paris and finally to the barren shores of the Arrid Sea and a spectacular showdown. But is this the end or just the beginning…
Penguin Random House Children's UK Penguins Egg
On a frozen sea, where the snow falls fast, and the whirlwinds rage and storm,A rockhopper egg, in a stony nest, was lying safe and warm.Dad watched and waited, waited, watched, the night grew inky black, Then he fell into a sleep so deep, he didn''t hear the . . . CRACKDaddy Penguin finds himself adrift in an unfamiliar world, and he must get home for his egg!From train to helicopter, hot-air balloon to limousine, Daddy Penguin hitches lifts with kindly folk - but will he be home in time?A race against time for Daddy Penguin in this rhyming delight
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Europarechtsordnung als Rahmenordnung: Versuch einer Überwindung der dualistischen Konstruktion von staatlichen und überstaatlichen Rechtsordnungen
Shu-Perng Hwang setzt sich kritisch mit der dualistischen Position auseinander, die sowohl der herrschenden deutschen Lehre als auch der Rechtsprechung der europäischen Gerichte zugrundeliegt. Dabei zeigt sie deren rechtsmethodologische sowie -ideologische Probleme auf. Demgegenüber vertritt sie eine rahmenorientierte, entmaterialisierte und in diesem Sinne monistische Auffassung des europäischen Mehrebenensystems. Diese zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass sie das nationale Recht und das Europarecht nicht ohne Weiteres als heterogene und inkompatible Rechtsordnungen, sondern als gemeinsame Bestandteile der gesamteuropäischen Rechtsordnung ansieht. Die hier vertretene monistische Konstruktion zielt dabei weder auf die substantielle Rechtsvereinheitlichung noch auf die Einrichtung einer zentralisierten Rechtsordnung, sondern vielmehr darauf, ein friedliches und gleichberechtigtes Nebeneinander von einzelstaatlichen Rechtsordnungen zu ermöglichen und zu gewährleisten.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Relationale Ontologie bei Paulus: Die ontische Wirksamkeit der Christusbezogenheit im Denken des Heidenapostels
Im Zentrum der Frömmigkeit und des theologischen Denkens des "Heidenapostels aus Israel" (K.-W. Niebuhr) steht eine Person: Paulus zufolge entscheidet sich alles an der Relation zu Jesus Christus. Dieses durchaus ungewöhnliche Denken schlägt sich in der Sprache des Apostels nieder - besonders prägnant in seiner Formel vom "Sein in Christus", dem "Kennwort seines Christentums" (Adolf Deißmann). Emmanuel L. Rehfeld untersucht den Sachgehalt dieser Formel und die mit ihr verbundenen anthropologischen, hamartiologischen, soteriologischen und eschatologischen Anschauungen des Apostels, die nur im Rahmen relational-ontologischen Denkens widerspruchsfrei zu verstehen sind. Wird diese Einsicht nicht konsequent genug beachtet, kann dies zu inkonsistenten Deutungen führen, die der Tatsache geschuldet sind, dass man sich mit unangemessenen Sprach- und Denkkategorien den paulinischen Schriftzeugnissen nähert.
Hodder & Stoughton The Bewitching
'A literary page-turner . . . compulsive and thought-provoking' Paula HawkinsA dazzling, shocking novel that speaks to our times, drawing on the 16th-century case of the witches of Warboys.Alice Samuel might be old and sharp-tongued, but she's no fool. Visiting her new neighbours in her Fenland village, she suspects Squire Throckmorton's household is not as God-fearing as it seems and finds the children troubled. Yet when one of the daughters accuses her of witchcraft, Alice has no inkling of how quickly matters will escalate.The Throckmortons' maid Martha, uncomfortably aware of strange goings-on in the household herself, is reluctant to believe that Alice is a witch. But as evidence mounts and the entire village is swept up in the frenzied persecution of one of their own, she struggles to find a voice.Drawing on the 16th-century case of the witches of Warboys, this is a novel of searing imagination that vividly conveys the way fear can turn into paranoia and victims be made to believe in their own wickedness, especially when those in power hold all the cards.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Wiedergutmachung immaterieller Schäden im Privatrecht
Die Ersatzfähigkeit immaterieller Schäden wurde seit dem Inkrafttreten des BGB erheblich erweitert. Die Kompensation ideeller Schäden bei Körper- und Gesundheitsverletzungen, bei Verletzungen des allgemeinen Persönlichkeitsrechts und Benachteiligungen entwickelte sich in jeweils eigenständiger Weise. Daher lag der Entschädigung ideeller Einbußen kein einheitliches Konzept zugrunde. Claudia Schubert legt eine umfassende Analyse des Ausgleichs immaterieller Schäden im Privatrecht vor und bezieht neben der Rechtsvergleichung die Vorgaben des Unionsrechts, der EMRK sowie den Entwurf eines Gemeinsamen Referenzrahmens ein. Sie richtet den Begriff des immateriellen Schadens neu aus, um die ersatzfähigen Schäden vollständig zu erfassen. Sie führt die einzelnen Teilbereiche konzeptionell zusammen und schlägt punktuelle Erweiterung für die Kompensation von Nichtvermögensschäden vor. Die Funktion der Entschädigung beschreibt sie als Schadenswiedergutmachung. Eine selbständige Genugtuungs- oder Präventionsfunktion lehnt die Autorin ab und spricht sich stattdessen für die Regelung von Privatstrafen aus, um das Schadensersatzrecht partiell zu ergänzen.
Troubador Publishing The Royal Road to the Stars
When Oliver rescues Pierre, a small puppy, he has no inkling that this small act of kindness will trigger the start of a great cosmic drama. For far out in space, higher powers are about to assess human dominance on planet Earth. Oliver unexpectedly finds himself as the chosen representative of humanity at the upcoming cosmic enquiry that will judge humans against artificial Intelligence. To gather his evidence he sets off, with Pierre in tow, transiting first to the Shadow-side (Earth’s twin) to meet Lord Sebastian – an advocate for humanity – and Galactic controller Ovoid – who is most certainly not. Encounters with angry centaurs, a Were-cat, a trans-avian falcon and a shrub spirit are only some of the unusual characters he encounters, as he moves ever closer to the final countdown… The Royal Road to the Stars is the story of a man facing a task chosen for him – to undertake the greatest earthly journey ever made, with the future of humanity at stake.
Oxford University Press Emerald and the Ocean Parade
Beautifully illustrated in two colour, this new series from the world of Isadora Moon introduces Isadora's mermaid friend, Emerald! Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but she doesn't feel like one at all. She's not very good at waving to crowds and royal headdresses just aren't her thing - her hair is too spiky and wild. Emerald's wriggly pet octopus, Inkibelle, doesn't much like living at the royal palace either. The annual Ocean Parade is coming up. Will Emerald be brave enough to be a mermaid princess but do it her own, special way? Beautiful gift edition packed with extra activities and things to make and do.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Verzahnung der Brüssel Ia-VO mit der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit bei Parallelverfahren
Das Verhältnis des Europäischen Zivilprozessrechts zur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit ist seit jeher umstritten. Doch gerade während des siebenjährigen Revisionsprozesses bis zum Inkrafttreten der Brüssel Ia-VO hat sich eine Debatte entwickelt, die an Umfang und Intensität kaum zu übertreffen ist. Das schwierigste und relevanteste Szenario betrifft grenzüberschreitende Parallelverfahren vor staatlichen Gerichten und Schiedsgerichten. Sebastian Breder durchleuchtet die möglichen Mechanismen zur Unterbindung des jeweils anderen Parallelverfahrens, insbesondere den Erlass von Prozessführungsverboten, die Berufung auf die materielle Rechtskraft und die Geltendmachung von Schadensersatz wegen der Verletzung der Schiedsabrede. Zudem untersucht er, wie der Konflikt der Hauptsacheentscheidungen aufgelöst werden kann, wenn beide Parallelverfahren mit widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen zu Ende geführt wurden. Dabei fächert er aus Sicht deutscher, englischer und französischer Gerichte die verschiedenen Fallkonstellationen präzise auf. Das macht die Arbeit zu einer wertvollen Quelle - für Akademiker und Praktiker gleichermaßen. Die Arbeit wurde mit dem Förderpreis (1. Platz) der Deutschen Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (DIS) für die Jahre 2021/2022 ausgezeichnet.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geriatrische Urologie: für die Praxis
Tipps für eine abgestimmte Behandlung von geriatrisch urologischen PatientenDas Praxisbuch zur Urogeriatrie. Als erster Professor für Urogeriatrie Deutschlands schafft der Autor den Transfer von hilfreichen Erkenntnissen aus der Geriatrie in die Urologie und umgekehrt. Die Zunahme älterer, multimorbider Patienten ist in der Urologie besonders stark. Inkontinenz ist eines der führenden Leiden im höheren Lebensalter. Fachübergreifend, auf der Basis der aktuellen Wissenschaft und einer jahrelangen Erfahrung aus Klinikpraxis und Forschung, werden relevante Aspekte der Geriatrie, die bei der Behandlung multimorbider, urologischer Patienten berücksichtigt werden sollten, übersichtlich und praxisnah erläutert. Dazu zählen Themen wie: Einbinden geriatrischer Assessments in die urologische Diagnostik Einbeziehung der geistigen und körperlichen Ressourcen in die Therapieentscheidung Nebenwirkungen und Wechselwirkungen urologischer Präparate Polypharmazie Demenz und andere Komorbiditäten Kognitive Veränderungen nach einer urologischen Operation Jedes Kapitel enthält Tabellen und Entscheidungshilfen, die es dem Leser erlauben, schnell die wichtigsten Punkte für den geriatrischen Patienten zu prüfen. Für alle Urologen, aber auch Allgemeinmediziner, Internisten, Geriater, die diese Patientengruppe, die eine ganzheitliche Behandlung verfolgen.Das Buch entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arbeitskreis Geriatrische Urologie. Es möchte durch den fachübergreifenden, interdisziplinären Blick, ein Überdenken standardisierter Therapien anregen.