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North Star Editions The Daytona 500
Press Room Editions Anaheim Ducks
Press Room Editions Sacramento Kings
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Computer Science Research. Volume 9
Nova Science Publishers Inc National Mediation Board: An Examination of the Rail & Airline Labor Relations Agency
Nova Science Publishers Inc Hydropower: Types, Development Strategies & Environmental Impacts
Nova Science Publishers Inc Health Risk Assessments on Potential Pathogens in Land-Applied Biosolids: Concepts & Analysis Considerations
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Perry Expedition and the "Opening of Japan to the West", 1853—1873: A Short History with Documents
By the time U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry's squadron of four ships sailed into Tokyo Bay on July 8, 1853, the Japanese Tokugawa government had already fended off similarly unwelcome intrusions by the French, the Russians, the Dutch, and the British. These Western imperialists had the power and the means to force Japan into the kinds of treaties that would effectively spell the end of Japan’s autonomy, maybe even its existence as an independent country. At the same moment, Japan was also grappling with a serious insurrection, the death of an emperor, and the death of a shogun—as well as with a series of natural disasters and associated famines. The Japanese response to this incredible series of catastrophes would permanently alter the balance of geopolitical power around the world. Drawing on the best recent scholarship, this short introductory volume examines the motivations and maneuvers of the major participants in the conflict and sets the "opening" of Japan in the context of broader global history. Selections from twenty-nine primary sources provide firsthand accounts of the event from a variety of perspectives. Several illustrations are also included, along with a note on historiographic interpretation.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Marcellus Shale Gas Resource: Development & Water Issues
Nova Science Publishers Inc Oak: Ecology, Types & Management
Nova Science Publishers Inc Distance Education
Nova Science Publishers Inc Child Exploitation Prevention & Interdiction
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Computer Science Research: Volume 3
Nova Science Publishers Inc Metacognition: New Research Developments
Nova Science Publishers Inc Psychology of Moods
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Computer Science Research: Volume 16
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Code for Geoscientific Fieldwork in Africa: Guidelines on Health and Safety Issues in Mapping, Mineral Exploration, Geoecological Research, and Geotourism
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Computer Science Research: Volume 14
McGraw-Hill Education Communication Intelligence: Leverage Your Strengths and Optimize Every Interaction to Work Best with Others
The founder of The Forté Institute shares his time-tested assessment and proven strategies to help you build your communication strengths and develop Communication Intelligence™ (CQ)Now more than ever, Communication Intelligence™ is essential for workers at all levels. The good news is that you can learn to develop and master this vital competency. If you’re interested in being your best through effective communication, that’s exactly what you will find in the pages of Communication Intelligence™.With more than four decades of study, research, and coaching in the field, C.D. “Hoop” Morgan III has built on the original premise of The Forté Institute: That assessing an individual’s communication style should start with a focus on their strengths—not their weaknesses. Communication Intelligence™ guides you to identify your unique strengths based on the Forté Communication Style Profile. You’ll also discover: Your personalized communication strengths—the first step on the road to Communication Intelligence™ mastery How you’re currently adapting in your workspace and how you’re “most likely” coming across to others How to understand others’ communication style preferences and strengths to communicate even more effectively, and more Through the pages of this book, you learn how to adapt and understand how others perceive you while being introduced to the 10 CQ essential attributes and dozens of strategies and tips to build on your strengths to enhance your Communication Intelligence™.
Cambridge University Press Fasti Romani
Published in two volumes in 1845 and 1850, Fasti Romani, Henry Fynes Clinton's chronological history of the Roman Empire, made an important contribution to the study of the ancient world. Clinton's strict methodological reading of the sources established high standards for historical research in classical studies.
McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company, US In the Footsteps of George Washington: A Guide to Sites Commemorating Our First President
University of Exeter Press Translating Apollinaire
Translating Apollinaire delves into Apollinaire’s poetry and poetics through the challenges and invitations it offers to the process of translation. Besides providing a new appraisal of Apollinaire, the most significant French poet of WWI, Translating Apollinaire aims to put the ordinary reader at the centre of the translational project. It proposes that translation’s primary task is to capture the responses of the reader to the poetic text, and to find ways of writing those responses into the act of translation. Every reader is invited to translate, and to translate with a creativity appropriate to the complexity of their own reading experiences. Throughout, Scott himself consistently uses the creative resource of photography, and more particularly photographic fragments, as a cross-media language used to help capture the activity of the reading consciousness.
State University of New York Press The Encounter Never Ends: A Return to the Field of Tamil Rituals
Schiffer Publishing Ltd A Legacy in Tramp Art
In over 600 color photos, this book presents historical images and introduces newly discovered artists of tramp art, complete with their known biographies. Made from society’s discards, primarily wooden cigar boxes and wooden crates, tramp art is the story of the common man, unschooled in the arts, taking a simple tool to carve a legacy from the heart for all of us to enjoy and celebrate. The engaging text tells the personal stories of the creators of tramp art, including Augustus “Gus” Wynn, Levi Fisher Ames, Adolph Vandertie, John Kozimor, Robert Louis Kosmerl, Carl Briston, Ernest Huber, and Charles Mikkelsen. Also discussed are the collectors who cherished and brought tramp art into their lives. Examples of this unique art form include boxes, picture frames, miniature houses, and carousels that are marvels of meticulous detail. For anyone with a passion for folk art, this book will be a much-treasured addition to their library.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Birds We Live With
In a remarkably fresh, sometimes humorous style, wildlife artist Catherine Clark captures the birds around us in her art. These are the avian creatures that populate our backyards, forests, and seashores, from coast to coast, bringing color and beauty into our lives. The artwork, reproduced in full color, shows her keen eye, skilled hand, and deep love of the natural world. Over 200 drawings and paintings are accompanied by observations about the birds and their habits, as well as reflections on the process of creating the paintings. The images represent the artist’s choice of her favorites among the hundreds she has created to illustrate articles on birds and wildlife. They demonstrate not only her unique artistic viewpoint, but commitment to the care and preservation of the world around her. They will bring enjoyment to the reader while inspiring them to take a look out their windows, to stroll in a field, wander in the woods, and, perhaps, to take some small action to save what they see.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Time for Halloween Decorations
These delightful Halloween decorations are eye-popping examples of the best made, including pristine pieces from the Beistle Company archives, shown in over 395 color photographs. The text presents comprehensive information for collectors, including detailed descriptions and little-known-facts, release and production dates, materials, makers' marks, and values. Party games, hats, and masks appear as well as lanterns, shades, and die-cuts. They seem to jump off the pages to excite you. Lots of wonderful suggestions are made throughtout the book for interesting uses for displaying the decorations today. Their artistic beauty will make you smile, remembering youthful Halloween stories, and want to add to your own collection.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd More Oil Cans for the Collector
There has been a steady growth of interest in collecting oil company and automobile advertising pieces. This big new volume, devoted exclusively to oil can containers features over 750 new full color photographs of diverse oil cans from the 1880s to the 1980s. Included are motor oil, aviation and marine oils as well as oils and lubricants for household use. From well known names like Esso, Gulf, Quaker State, and Shell, to regional brands like Kentucky Consumers, Lion Head, and Pittsburgh Penn Oil, over two hundred-fifty brands are clearly identified. A special section identifies the cans used by thirty-two Canadian oil companies. The book includes helpful information for collectors including how to identify, date, and grade the condition of a can, collectors' resources, and a list of oil can manufacturers. This valuable resource, featuring descriptions and estimated values of every item, is a must for the serious gas station collector so you can add to your collection with confidence.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collecting Oil Cans
At last, the most complete book devoted exclusively to oil cans, containing over 750 color photographs of cans spanning 120 years, and over 90 brands. The cans are presented alphabetically by company, and a detailed description and estimated value are included for each. Helpful information for collectors includes methods different oil companies used to date their cans, how to grade the condition of a can, collector resources, and a list of can manufacturers. This excellent guide is a must for the serious gas station collector, and a wonderful introduction for the beginner.
Free Association Books Helping Children Cope Revised
Oxford University Press AQA GCSE French Higher Grammar Vocabulary Translation Workbook for the 2016 specification Pack of 8
Our bestselling AQA GCSE French course has been updated for GCSE 9-1. This Grammar, Vocabulary & Translation Workbook (Pack of 8) is suitable for students following the AQA GCSE 9-1 French specification and provides additional support for homework and revision. Engaging activities help students to apply the grammar and vocabulary they have learned in a wide variety of contexts, with targeted translation practice developing their understanding of the links between word choice, structure and accuracy.
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd Flamingo
"Graceful, elegant and dressed in colorful plumage, these birds are the protagonists of the book Flamingo (teNeues Publishers), which offers a vision of the behavior and life of a colony of flamingos as never seen before." —María Casbas, Conde Nast Traveler Spain "In this fabulous and informative book, Claudio Contreras Koob combines his passions as a biologist and photographer to capture the fabulous flamingo in all its glory." —Lilly Subbotin, Daily Mail "Combining a deep subject knowledge and artistic eye, he [Contreras Koob] has produced a superb collection of images that play with colour, light, form and movement." —Outdoor Photography "If you are looking for great examples of wildlife and bird photography, this is a beautiful collection and a worthy addition to your shelf for fans of the genre." —Live Preston & Fylde Rarely does a bird mesmerise us as much as the flamingo: Graceful, elegant and decked out in colourful plumage, it has evolved into a trendy bird with a cult following in recent years. And no one can give us a better understanding of this animal than Claudio Contreras Koob: A biologist and photographer, he has had a special relationship with the flamingos of his native Mexico since childhood. At a young age, he would disappear for hours into the swamps and mangrove forests of the Yucatan Peninsula to discover the local flora and fauna, where he encountered for the first time the breathtaking display a flamingo colony presents during mating season. Since that day, his love for nature, and especially flamingos, has been unwavering. With over 120 spectacular photographs, this book offers a glimpse into the behaviour and life of a flamingo colony as never seen before. It is the result of over 20 years of a passion that combines biology and photography. Text in English, German and Spanish.
Taschen GmbH Paris. Portrait of a City
A city built on two millennia of history, Paris is entering the third century of its love story with photography. It was on the banks of the Seine that Niépce and Daguerre officially gave birth to this new art that has flourished ever since, developing a distinctive language and becoming a vital tool of knowledge.Paris: Portrait of a City leads us through what Goethe described as a “universal city where every step upon a bridge or a square recalls a great past, where a fragment of history is unrolled at the corner of every street.” The history of Paris is recounted in photographs ranging from Daguerre’s early incunabula to the most recent images—an almost complete record of over a century and a half of transformations and a vast panorama spanning more than 600 pages and 500 photographs. This book brings together the past and the present, the monumental and the everyday, objects and people. Images captured by the most illustrious photographers—Daguerre, Marville, Atget, Lartigue, Brassaï, Kertész, Ronis, Doisneau, Cartier-Bresson, and many more—but also by many unknown photographers, attempt to bottle just a little of that “Parisian air,” something of that particular poetry given out by the stones and inhabitants of a constantly changing city that has inspired untold numbers of writers and artists over the ages. Presenting an exciting patchwork of images from past and present, Paris: Portrait of a City is a huge and unique photographic study that, in a way, is the true family album of all Parisians. It is to them, and to all lovers of this capital city, that this vibrant, loving, and tender testimony is dedicated.
Compendium Inc. Tiny, Perfect Things
The whole world is a treasure waiting to be found. Open your eyes and see the wonderful things all around. This is the story of a child and a grandfather whose walk around the neighborhood leads to a day of shared wonder as they discover all sorts of tiny, perfect things together. With rhythmic storytelling and detailed and intricate illustrations, this is a book about how childlike curiosity can transform ordinary days into extraordinary adventures.
Compendium Inc. Dad, I Wrote a Book about You
Through simple, creative, and honoring prompts, Dad, I Wrote a Book about You is an enjoyable way for you to create a heartfelt gift as unique as your father. Fill it with your favorite moments and remind Dad that he's the greatest.
Arc Publications Boy Thing
“Boy Thing is a thing of wonder. These are poems that negotiate anew the tender, hurt territory of a boy abruptly unfathered with every fresh reading; and that travel into the wonderment of becoming a father of boys. We are given a boy’s-eye-view of 1970s Cornwall with a music and detail so meticulous that we yearn with Clarke for its lost territories. But these are not just poems of archive or archaeology; they are revelatory, dynamic and raw. Clarke is crucially attuned to the secret messages received in boyhood – its preoccupations and awakenings, epiphanies and abuses, and its shames. This book is unmissable: human and humane, grimy and sublime.” - Fiona Benson “Boy Thing is a beautiful book – sensual, atmospheric, full of nature and ritual. These poems while formally precise, possess a rawness that is startling and utterly compelling.” - Ella Frears
Templar Publishing Wall
This spectacular book follows one boy's struggle to reunite his family from the two sides of the Berlin Wall. Although based around true stories, the wall is symbolic of separations around the world, whether it be between whole communities or two individuals. Powerful illustrations teamed with an emotive storyline makes this an impressive picture book.
Atlantic Books Be Frank with Me
A funny, poignant and unforgettable novel about Frank - one of the most lovable and unusual characters you'll ever meet.For some boys fitting in means standing outMeet Frank - he isn't like other kids. Intrepid explorer, sartorial connoisseur; he's as strange as he is brilliant. But Frank discovers the hard way that people don't like brilliant and they hate strange. What Frank longs for - aside from a father - is a friend. Meet Mimi - a reclusive literary legend and mother to Frank. Mimi has been holed up in her Bel Air mansion for years, keeping her secrets and hiding Frank from a cruel world. Until Alice.Meet Alice - the level-headed young woman charged with looking after Mimi's unusual son. In so doing, Alice discovers what it really means to love someone. And she finds a part of herself she never knew was missing. Funny, poignant and unforgettable, this novel - like Frank - is a one-off creation you'll fall in love with.
Sourcebooks, Inc A Touch of Ruin
Sourcebooks, Inc A Game of Fate
Hazelden Information & Educational Services Growing Up Again
Pan Macmillan The Luckiest Guy Alive
'The godfather of British performance poetry' - Daily TelegraphThe Luckiest Guy Alive is the first new book of poetry from Dr John Cooper Clarke for several decades – and a brilliant, scabrous, hilarious collection from one of our most beloved and influential writers and performers. From the ‘Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman’ to a hymn to the seductive properties of the pie – by way of hand-grenade haikus, machine-gun ballads and a meditation on the loss of Bono’s leather pants – The Luckiest Guy Alive collects stunning set pieces and tried-and-tested audience favourites to show Cooper Clarke still effortlessly at the top of his game. Cooper Clarke’s status as the ‘Emperor of Punk Poetry’ is certainly confirmed here, but so is his reputation as a brilliant versifier, a poet of vicious wit and a razor-sharp social satirist. Effortlessly immediate and contemporary, full of hard-won wisdom and expert blindsidings, it’s easy to see why the good Doctor has continued to inspire several new generations of performers from Alex Turner to Plan B: The Luckiest Guy Alive shows one of the most compelling poets of the age on truly exceptional form.'John Cooper Clarke is one of Britain’s outstanding poets. His anarchic punk poetry has thrilled people for decades . . . long may his slender frame and spiky top produce words and deeds that keep us on our toes and alive to the wonders of the world.' – Sir Paul McCartney
Pan Macmillan Diet for the Mind: The Latest Science on What to Eat to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline
Trials have shown that following the MIND diet could cut your risk of dementia by as much as 53%.In Diet for the MIND, Dr Martha Clare Morris, lead creator of the MIND diet, presents the foods with the most compelling scientific evidence for prevention of cognitive decline. Emphasizing whole grains, leafy greens, lean proteins, beans, and vegetables, and also flagging the foods you should avoid, Diet for the MIND reveals the groundbreaking nutritional science behind the diet and includes dozens of recipes to help you follow it. With accessible science, recipes and vital information about vitamins, dietary fats, alcohol, caffeine, and more, Diet for the MIND is your roadmap to weight loss, vitality, and a lifetime of optimal cognitive function.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd After the Caliphate: The Islamic State & the Future Terrorist Diaspora
In 2014, the declaration of the Islamic State caliphate was hailed as a major victory by the global jihadist movement. But it was short-lived. Three years on, the caliphate was destroyed, leaving its surviving fighters – many of whom were foreign recruits – to retreat and scatter across the globe. So what happens now? Is this the beginning of the end of IS? Or can it adapt and regroup after the physical fall of the caliphate? In this timely analysis, terrorism expert Colin P. Clarke takes stock of IS – its roots, its evolution, and its monumental setbacks – to assess the road ahead. The caliphate, he argues, was an anomaly. The future of the global jihadist movement will look very much like its past – with peripatetic and divided groups of militants dispersing to new battlefields, from North Africa to Southeast Asia, where they will join existing civil wars, establish safe havens and sanctuaries, and seek ways of conducting spectacular attacks in the West that inspire new followers. In this fragmented and atomized form, Clarke cautions, IS could become even more dangerous and challenging for counterterrorism forces, as its splinter groups threaten renewed and heightened violence across the globe.
Adams Media Corporation DIY Beauty
Treat yourself to a DIY spa day with these simple, natural, and affordable recipes to replicate your favorite beauty products—from bath bombs to face masks!—from Lush, the Body Shop, and more. Do you love indulging in self-care with fun beauty products, but want to save some money? Or maybe you take comfort in knowing exactly what you’re using on your skin. Or maybe you just love do-it-yourself projects! With DIY Beauty, you can learn to make your favorite beauty products from some of today’s most popular brands. Try making face scrubs inspired by Sephora, a homage to The Body Shop’s Body Butter, or a homemade version of Burt’s Bees ever-popular lip balm. From bath bombs to rival Lush to skin care products like e.l.f.’s blemish treatments, these inexpensive imitation recipes include easy step-by-step instructions to help you customize your beauty product routine. Find products that suit your unique skincare needs,
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 50 Fantastic Ideas for Celebrations and Festivals
The 50 Fantastic Ideas series is packed full of fun, original, skills-based activities for Early Years practitioners to use with children aged 0-5. Each activity features step-by-step guidance, a list of resources, and a detailed explanation of the skills children will learn. Creative, simple, and highly effective, this series is a must-have for every Early Years setting. Important dates and occasions are often marked with a variety of celebrations and festivals. These occasions are also important markers for children in the passing of time and repeated experience. In Early Years education the best time to talk about a celebration or festival is often after it has occurred rather than before it happens. This is because many young children don’t have a strong memory or understanding of something that occurred a year ago. So the closer they are to the experience, the richer their learning can be. In this colourful new book by Alistair Bryce-Clegg there are activities that cover: Christmas Diwali Easter Hanukkah Chinese New Year Halloween Bonfire Night Each activity encourages the children to learn about a particular celebration or festival and also to acquire new skills or techniques. Each of these skills and techniques can be taught on their own, or linked to other activity ideas that you (or the children) might have. The list of celebrations and festivals that are covered is by no means exhaustive, but the activities are flexible enough to allow practitioners to keep their core content and apply a different theme. They are limited only by your imagination…!
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Frozen Chosen: The 1st Marine Division and the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir
In November 1950 The US 1st Marine Division was trapped in the Chosin Reservoir following the intervention of Red China in the Korean War. Fought during the worst blizzard in a century, the ensuing battle is considered by the United States Marine Corps to be 'the Corps' Finest Hour.' The soldiers who fought there would later become known as the ‘Frozen Chosen’. Published now in paperback, this incredible story is based on first hand interviews from surviving veterans, telling of heroism and bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, as a handful of Marines fought desperately against wave after wave of Chinese forces. Sometimes forced into desperate hand to hand combat, the fighting retreat from Chosin marked one of the darkest moments for Western forces in Korea, but would go on to resonate with generations of Marines as a symbol of the Marine Corps' dogged determination, fighting skill, and never-say-die attitude on the battlefield.