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Grin Publishing Mme de Graffigny Lettres d'une Péruvienne: Amour et amitié dans le roman épistolaire
Luchterhand Literaturvlg. Teich
Klett-Cotta Verlag Handbuch der Progressiven Muskelentspannung für Kinder Leben lernen Bd. 232
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Spirou und Fantasio Gesamtausgabe 10 19721975
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Die Liebe zur Zeit des Mahlstdter Kindes Erzhlungen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Strukturale Anthropologie II
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Drei Nchte drei Tage
Heyne Taschenbuch Du bist in meiner Hand Thriller
Heyne Taschenbuch Schlafe fr immer Thriller
Heyne Taschenbuch In einer Winternacht Roman
Heyne Taschenbuch Wenn du noch lebst Thriller
Heyne Taschenbuch Gebrochen ist dein Herz
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH So still in meinen Armen
Heyne Taschenbuch In der Stunde deines Todes Thriller
Hanser Fachbuchverlag Fabrikplanung
Ehrenwirth Verlag In Zukunft selbstversorgt
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Weihnachten 1945 Ein Buch der Erinnerungen
Unionsverlag Solea
Unionsverlag Die Sonne der Sterbenden
Diogenes Verlag AG Ein Jahr voller Wunder Klassische Musik fr jeden Tag
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die Kunst des Komponierens
Georg Thieme Verlag Ergotherapie Vom Behandeln zum Handeln Lehrbuch fr Ausbildung und Praxis
Klett Sprachen GmbH Una estrella en peligro Buch AudioCD Spanische Lektre fr das 2 und 3 Lernjahr
Scheidegger & Spiess Train Zug Treno Tren
AT Verlag a casa
AT Verlag al forno
Compendium Inc. Mom, I Wrote a Book about You
Based on our bestselling title I Wrote a Book About You, we ve added two new options that offer charming, personalized ways to delight Mom and Dad. With fun yet meaningful prompts for you to complete (in under an hour!), Mom, I Wrote a Book About You lets you create a heartfelt gift as unique as your mother. Fill this lighthearted gift book with your favorite moments and shared experiences to remind Mom what she means to you.
The Secret Book Company Animals
Eyewear Publishing Illicit Sonnets: 2nd edition 2016
Bodleian Library Museum Miscellany, A
Which are the oldest museums in the world? What is a cabinet of curiosities? Who haunts Hampton Court? What is on the FBI’s list of stolen art? 'A Museum Miscellany' celebrates the intriguing world of galleries and museums, from national institutions such as the Musée du Louvre, the British Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art to niche collections such as the Lawnmower Museum and the Museum of Barbed Wire. Here you will find a cornucopia of museum-related facts, statistics and lists, covering everything from museum ghosts, dangerous museum objects and conservation beetles to treasure troves, museum heists and the Museum of London’s fatberg. Bursting with quirky facts, intriguing statistics and legendary curators, this is the perfect gift for all those who love to visit museums and galleries.
Cinebook Ltd Insiders Vol.3: The Afghan Trap
Captured by neo-Taliban tribesmen along with French businessman Cordez, Najah is taken to Pashtun territory. Sam Nachez is looking for her, and French Intelligence are looking for Cordez, but none of them know precisely who took her or why. Nor do they know that Najah isn't one to miss an opportunity to escape. Chance encounters, tribal politics, international finance - The justifications for Project Insider keep piling up-as do the threats to its only agent.
Cinebook Ltd Insiders Vol.2: Missiles for Islama
Najah Cruz has infiltrated the entourage of Sam Nachez, head of the international organised-crime ring known as the High Council. She's an insider, working directly for the White House. And she's been cut off from her bosses. While corrupt forces in Washington are trying to identify her and kill Project Insiders, Najah goes to Pakistan with Nachez to arrange the sale of French cruise missiles to the Pakistani Air Force. But not everyone in Nachez's inner circle is convinced of her loyalty, and Pakistan is a troubled country in its own right.
Nick Hern Books Journal of the Plague Year
A truthful, personal and insightful exploration of the state of arts funding and carrying on in the face of adversity, by the renowned founder of Out of Joint. One March morning, out of the blue, Max Stafford-Clark learned that the Arts Council had drastically cut their grant to his theatre company, Out of Joint, leaving it in danger of imminent collapse. Journal of the Plague Year is his account of what happened next, as he sets out to contest the cut, make the case for public funding of the arts, and continue producing the work for which he and his company are renowned. Max's journal often takes on an autobiographical flavour, including the unexpectedly moving story of his two fathers, his surreal encounter with the New York theatre world, and the shocking details of what it is to suffer a massively debilitating stroke. By turns funny, alarming and deeply personal, Journal of the Plague Year offers a fascinating exposé of the often Kafkaesque workings of arts subsidy in England, and the financial and artistic manoeuvrings which are a fact of life for every arts organisation today. It is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the state of our arts, from students to theatregoers, and from struggling arts workers right up to the Secretary of State for Culture.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Development Studies
The Elgar Companion to Development Studies is an innovative and unique reference book that includes original contributions covering development economics as well as development studies broadly defined. This major new Companion brings together an international panel of experts from varying backgrounds who discuss theoretical, ethical and practical issues relating to economic, social, cultural, institutional, political and human aspects of development in poor countries. It also includes a selection of intellectual biographies of leading development thinkers. While the Companion is organised along the lines of an encyclopaedia, each of its 136 entries provide more depth and discussion than the average reference book. Its entries are also extremely diverse: they draw on different social science disciplines, incorporate various mixes of theoretical and applied work, embrace a variety of methodologies and represent different views of the world. The Elgar Companion to Development Studies will therefore appeal to students, scholars, researchers, policymakers and practitioners in the filed of development as well as the interested layman.
Granta Books Battleborn
The stories in Battleborn all unfold in Watkins's home state of Nevada, from down south in Nye County and Las Vegas, to Reno, Lake Tahoe, and the Blackrock Desert, the site of Burning Man. We are introduced to a very specific small town America, to those homes and lives off the highway - the ones travellers and writers usually drive past on their way to somewhere else. While the locations are ordinary, the characters and Watkins' telling of their lives are anything but. There is the man who finds a cache of letters, pills and a photograph abandoned by the side of the road and as he writes to the man he imagines left them behind, reveals moving truths about himself ('The Last Thing We Need'); the man in late middle age who finds a troubled, pregnant teen dying in the desert and, through her, begins to dream of regaining the family he lost ('Man-O-War'); the brothers caught in the early days of the gold rush ('The Diggings'); and the sisters unable to comfort each other following their mother's suicide ('Graceland'). And there is the first story ('Ghosts, Cowboys'), a semi-autobiographical account of a troubled - and famous - family history.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Charlemagne in Medieval German and Dutch Literature
Comprehensive survey of the legend of Charlemagne in the medieval German-speaking world. The legend of the Frankish emperor Charlemagne is widespread through the literature of the European Middle Ages. This book offers a detailed and critical analysis of how this myth emerged and developed in medieval German and Dutch literatures, bringing to light the vast array of narratives either idealizing, if not glorifying, Charlemagne as a political and religious leader, or, at times, criticizing or even ridiculing him as a pompous and ineffectual ruler. The motif is traced from its earliest origins in chronicles, in the Kaiserchronik, through the Rolandslied and Der Stricker's Karl der Große, to his recasting as a saint in the Zürcher Buch vom Heiligen Karl.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Medievalist Traditions in Nineteenth-Century British Culture: Celebrating the Calendar Year
A survey of the rituals of the year in Victorian England, showing the influence of the Middle Ages. What does a maypole represent? Why eat hot cross buns? Did Dick Whittington have a cat? All these questions are related to a larger one that nineteenth-century Britons asked themselves: which was more fun: living in their own time, or living in the Middle Ages? While Britain was becoming the most industrially-advanced nation in the world, many vaunted the superiority of the present to the past-yet others felt that if shadows of past ways of life haunted the present, they were friendly ghosts. This book explores such ghosts and how real or imagined remnants of medieval celebration in a variety of forms created a cultural idea of the Middle Ages. As Britons found, or thought that they found, traces of the medieval in traditions tied to times of the year, medievalism became not only the justification but also the inspiration for community festivity, from Christmas and Boxing Day through Maytime rituals to Hallowe'en, as show in the writings of amongst many others Keats, Browning and Dickens.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Developments in Financial Reporting by Multinationals
This volume is concerned with financial reporting issues resulting from the growth and spread of multinational corporations.The book consists of up-to-date readings from a broad range of international journals which look at, and evaluate, the financial accounting techniques adopted in different parts of the world for dealing with issues such as segment reporting, disclosure standards, financial reporting and stock markets. The final part deals with the reporting practices of individual companies over time.This insightful volume will be of value to researchers and practitioners alike.
BookLife Publishing World Community
Open Book Publishers Destins de femmes
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Arbitration of Trust Disputes
As the arbitration of internal trust disputes has attracted significant attention amongst the arbitration and trust law communities in recent years, this book provides a timely and comprehensive examination of the ways of overcoming challenges associated with trust arbitration. Rebutting arguments made against the enforceability of trust arbitration clauses, it highlights key traps for the unwary when drafting such clauses, and thereby provides readers with the necessary knowledge to enter by the narrow gate of trust arbitration, rather than by the broad gate of trust litigation.Key features include: Guidance for the drafting of trust arbitration clauses In-depth analysis of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and natural justice issues posed by trust arbitration Comparisons between several commonwealth jurisdictions to determine how trust arbitration could work in each system Analysis and commentary on multiple common law trust arbitration statutes, as well as relevant international treaties, including the Hague Trust Convention and the New York Convention Arbitrators, private client lawyers, trust professionals and scholars will greatly benefit from the detailed analysis and commentary in this book. Accessible in style, it will also prove invaluable to students of arbitration or trust law.