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Herder & Herder El Autismo
Manual de psicoterapias Teora y tcnicas BIBLIOTECA DE PSICOLOGA Band 0
Este nuevo manual de psicoterapias expone más de treinta y cinco influyentes modelos de psicoterapia, desde los más clásicos hasta los más modernos. Todos ellos son explicados desde un mismo esquema común -historia, visión de la persona, patología y trat
Editorial Fundamentos Canciones
Ofelia del flower power en los 60's, yegua del caballo en los 70's, fanática del alcohol, el sexo, el glamour y la decadencia, MARIANNE FAITHFULL pudo haber acabado como el otro fantasma de la era psicodélica: Nico, pero, en 1979, protagonizó uno de los más brillantes y sorprendentes comebacks en la historia del rock: Broken English, una obra inquitamente brutal, emocional y genuinamente extrema.Tras dos nuevos discos introspectivos en el escabroso filo del drama personal ?Dangerous Acquaintances y A Child's Adventure?, MARIANNE grabó, bajo el mecenazgo del productor Hal Wilner ?Mingus, Monk, Weill?, una soberbia colección de blues bajo el título genérico de Strange Weather, rescatando temas de Billie Holiday, Marlene Dietrich, Dinah Washington, Leadbelly, Bob Dylan, Dr. John y Tom Waits.Su participación en las bandas sonoras de Thelma & Louise y Trouble in Mind ?Inquietudes?, así como su devocional live Blazing Away, forman las últimas piezas de un cicatrizado crisol artístico,
Ediciones Destino La gran estafa quién es el ladrón y quién el robado en esta película
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Imago Mundi
Alianza Editorial La cruzada de 1936 The Crusade of 1936 Mito y memoria Myth and Memory Alianza Ensayo
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial ¡Vamos!: 7 ideas audaces para una América Latina más próspera, justa y feliz / L e ts Do This! 7 Bold Ideas for a More Prosperous, More Equitable, and Happi
Guerra Cultural Enemigos Internos De EspaA Y Occidente
Occidente vive probablemente la peor crisis de su historia y España corre el riesgo de desaparecer como nación. Estos dos procesos no coinciden en el espacio-tiempo por casualidad sino que comparten causas comunes. Vivimos dentro de una guerra cultural que pasa a menudo desapercibida. Esta guerra tiene por supuesto una dimensión externa, que no conviene despreciar, pero si España y Occidente están hoy en peligro de continuar debilitándose en una crisis multipolar y permanente, es principalmente debido a factores internos: los adversarios más peligrosos los tenemos en casa. Este libro descubre y analiza quiénes son esos enemigos internos, reconociendo que aunque no están todos los que son, sí son todos los que están.No ha sido una tarea fácil pues hoy asistimos a un bloqueo del debate social fundamentado sobre verdades contradictorias tenidas ambas por indiscutibles. Para superar dicho bloqueo intelectual, frente al habitual análisis dicotómico (blanco-negro) o sectario de ?la políti
Editorial Almuzara La leyenda negra historia del odio a España el relato hispanófobo externo e interno
Hacía falta analizar las razones y los métodos empleados (entre otros, la doble vara de medir) para construir la leyenda negra más agresiva y duradera de la Historia. Hacía falta estudiar cómo y por qué la propaganda antiespañola ?externa? se instaló en
Sar Alejandria Ediciones EL NIO QUE JUGABA SOLO
Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza Curso de astronomía
ESTE LIBRO SE NUTRE DE LA DILATADA EXPERIENCIA COMO profesores de Astronomía de los autores. Inicialmente dirigido a estudiantes universitarios de Matemáticas, Física e Ingeniería, su contenido es de gran interés para quien necesite conceptos rigurosos de Astronomía Fundamental o, simplemente, sienta atracción por esta interesante ciencia y desee adquirir sólidos conocimientos o ampliar los que ya tiene. Se abordan temas como coordenadas astronómicas y su corrección, medida del tiempo, movimientos de cuerpos celestes, cálculo de eclipses y órbitas de estrellas binarias y exoplanetas.En la segunda edición se han revisado algunos temas de la primera y se han modificado otros al amparo de las recomendaciones de la Unión Astronómica Internacional (IAU) posteriores a dicha edición. En consecuencia, se han redistribuido y reordenado varios temas y se ha añadido un capítulo dedicado a los nuevos modelos de precisión y nutación terrestre. Así mismo, el capítulo de estrellas dobles se ha re
Ediciones Antígona, S.L. Los días de la nieve
Una costurera está a punto de terminar el trabajo del que se siente más orgullosa: un vestido azul de mar. La persona que se lo encargó presencia estos últimos retoques. Entre puntada y puntada, la costurera rememora su vida, la evoca, la vuelve a vivir. Recuerdos de poemas, de ausencias, de días amor y días de sufrimiento. Un padre guardia civil asesinado en los primeros meses de la guerra, un marido muerto en las cárceles franquistas. Esa costurera se llama Josefina Manresa y su amor fue el poeta Miguel Hernández. Entre alfileres, acericos y retales descubriremos la voz de una mujer que resistió los días de la nieve. Pero quién espera el vestido?
Evaluación de la aptitud física para el rendimiento deportivo 50 pruebas exhaustivas de la condición física para deportistas
Esencial para el trabajo del entrenadorMuchos de los recursos científicos de evaluación deportiva son difíciles de entender: puede llevar mucho tiempo ponerlos en práctica y que proporcionen datos excesivamente complejos para analizarlos. Este libro, en forma de guía práctica para valorar el rendimiento y fácil de utilizar, resuelve eficazmente esos problemas. Es un recurso perfecto para entrenadores y profesionales de la forma física, y es una guía que coordina los procesos de identificación de las pruebas apropiadas para individuos o equipos; utiliza equipamiento habitual de bajo coste para ejecutar las pruebas, interpreta los datos, ajusta los programas de entrenamiento basándose en los resultados y monitoriza de modo continuado el entrenamiento.En cada evaluación propuesta, el texto guía paso a paso para asegurar que las 50 pruebas se realicen correctamente, y presenta los datos normativos en modernas y simples figuras en las que poder evaluar rápidamente los resultados y mon
Editorial Elearning Autocad iniciación 2007
Madrid gastrola nueva movida
Si en los años 80 la Movida madrileña hizo de Madrid la capital cultural de España, el siglo XXI ha convertido a la ciudad en uno de los destinos gastronómicos más importantes del mundo. La nueva movida madrileña es gastronómica. Desde restaurantes centenarios que han sabido reinventarse para alcanzar el estrellato a cocineros que han creado una cocina propia basada en la casquería, pasando por humildes tabernas de barrio convertidas en barras de culto donde el producto reina en todo su esplendor. Les contamos la historia de la gastronomía madrileña en lo que va de siglo a través de sus protagonistas.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Cura Et Tutela: Le Origini del Potere Imperiale Sulle Province Proconsolari
Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner Epitre Aux Colossiens Et Soufisme Anatolien: Corps Mystique Et Mystique Du Corps Essai Comparatiste
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La mujer del Coronel / The Colonel's Wife
Temple University Press,U.S. Surviving Mexico's Dirty War: A Political Prisoner's Memoir
A riveting memoir of Mexico's "dirty wars"
Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Special Education
This book introduces readers to key concepts and issues in the evolving field of special education. Arguably, over the past thirty years, no other area of education has been as radically transformed as the provision of services to children with disabilities. Since the mid 1970s, special education has steadily grown to reach fully 12% of the U.S. student population in grades K-12, and millions of children from birth to age five. Despite its promise of equal access, special education has become a controversial field in many respects. Critics point to its high cost, questionable pedagogical effectiveness, and differential outcomes across localities, family income levels, and ethnicities. The more typical approach in the literature highlights the legal and procedural mandates that dominate the discourse on educating the disabled student, but fails to explore the underlying assumptions and inconsistencies that make this area of education a controversial and still unsettled enterprise. This handbook departs from the traditional books in this field by focusing on the ways that special education policies and practices are enacted, rather than highlighting only their intended outcomes. Contributors to this text focus on defining commonly used terms and professional jargon in order to give interested readers access and insight into the field of special education and its associated practices. Some of the subjects included in this volume are the history of special education, disability and society, law and special education, pedagogy, policies and practices, and research in special education.
Columbia University Press Landscape Aesthetics Toward an Engaged Ecology
Hirmer Verlag GmbH Matthew Wong Vincent van Gogh
C.H. Beck Das Auswärtige Amt und die Kolonien
Diogenes Verlag AG Segnungen
Hueber Verlag GmbH Chiaro B1 Nuova edizione. Sprachtrainer mit Audios online
Pluto Press Culture and Well-Being: Anthropological Approaches to Freedom and Political Ethics
The concept of well-being has emerged as a key category of social and political thought, especially in the fields of moral and political philosophy, development studies and economics. This book takes a critical look at the notion of well-being by examining what well-being means, or could mean, to people living in a number of different regions including Sudan, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, India, Sierra Leone and the UK. The contributors take issue with some of the assumptions behind Western concepts of well-being. They explore what characterises a 'good life' and how this idea has been affected by globalisation and neoliberalism. The book makes a major contribution to social theory by presenting new analytical models that make sense of the changing shapes of people's life and ethical values.
Penguin Putnam Inc Ramon And Julieta
Alma Edizioni Chiaro
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mars: Evolution, Geology & Exploration
Nova Science Publishers Inc Polymer Degradation & Stability: Research Developments
Nova Science Publishers Inc Genome Research Advances
John Murray Press The Hummingbird's Daughter
'Extraordinary . . . deeply felt and beautifully told' ObserverIt is 1889. Civil war is brewing in Mexico, and sixteen-year-old Teresita has just woken from the strangest dream - a dream that she has died. Only it was not a dream. This passionate and rebellious young woman has arisen from death with a power to heal - but it will take all her faith to endure the trials that await her and her family now that she has become the Saint of Cabora.The Hummingbird's Daughter is the story of a girl and a country grappling with their destiny. Two decades in the writing, the result is an epic, dazzling novel of love and loss, joy and sacrifice.
McGill-Queen's University Press The River Returns: An Environmental History of the Bow
Alberta's iconic river has been dammed and plumbed, made to spin hydro-electric turbines, and used to cleanse Calgary. Artificial lakes in the mountains rearrange its flow; downstream weirs and ditches divert it to irrigate the parched prairie. Far from being wild, the Bow is now very much a human product: its fish are as manufactured as its altered flow, changed water quality, and newly stabilized and forested banks. The River Returns brings the story of the Bow River's transformation full circle through an exploration of the recent revolution in environmental thinking and regulation that has led to new limits on what might be done with and to the river. Rivers have been studied from many perspectives, but too often the relationship between nature and people, between rivers and the cultures that have grown up beside them, have been separated. The River Returns illuminates the ways in which humans, both inadvertently and consciously, have interacted with nature to make the Bow.
Emerald Publishing Limited How Institutions Matter!
This double volume presents a collection of 23 papers on how institutions matter to socio-economic life. The effort was seeded by the 2015 Alberta Institutions Conference, which brought together 108 participants from 14 countries and 51 different institutions. The resulting papers delve deeply into the practical impact an institutional approach enables, as well as how such research has the potential to influence policies relevant to critical institutional changes unfolding in the world today. In Volume 48A, the focus is on the micro foundations of institutional impacts. In Volume 48B, the focus is on the macro consequences of institutional arrangements. Looking across the two volumes, there are multiple theoretical, conceptual, methodological and practical points of convergence and divergence. Overall, the volumes highlight the many ways in which institutional processes and institutional researchers can contribute to our understanding of the micro foundations and macro consequences of institutions and their impacts on a wide variety of globally pressing issues, while also identifying a variety of fruitful directions for knowledge accumulation and development.
De Gruyter Symphonie in Schwarz: Eine Spurensuche zwischen Lebensreform, Frauenbewegung und Bohème
In 1904, Saxon artist Oskar Zwintscher painted the portrait of a lady smoking a cigarette. Today, the work has cult status at the Albertinum in Dresden. Her hair loose, a burning cigarette held casually in her hand, the sitter in a black reform dress is sitting in front of a black curtain. But who is behind the young woman who looks out of the picture so confidently? Andreas Dehmer and Susanna Partsch embark on a fascinating search for clues to the identity of the lady smoking. They find emancipated women who earned their living as artists, actors or writers, preferred reform dress to the corset, and regarded smoking as a symbol of independence. They follow them to metropolises like Berlin, Dresden or Munich, where they lived as part of the bohemian scene. A captivating picture of the way art and life intertwined around 1900 emerges in this search for the unknown.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia The Afterlives of Animals A Museum Menagerie
University Press of America Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress: Current Continental Research
This volume of invited papers includes contributions from Douglas P. Dryer, Gerhard Funke, Stephan Korner, Gerold Prauss, Nicholas Rescher, Manfred Riedel, Alberto Rosales, Nathan Rotenstreich, John R. Silber, Jules Vuillemin, and Josef Simon. There is also a selected Kant bibliography for 1981 to 1985 prepared by Rudolf Malter in cooperation with Achim Koddermann. Co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.
Hirmer Verlag Katharina Grosse: Why Three Tones Do Not Form a Triangle
Katharina Grosse (b. 1961) has created walkable artworks in three historical spaces within the Albertina in Vienna. The shimmering colour fields extends across the walls, ceiling and floor, crossing spatial and conceptual boundaries. Their power, intensity and sheer size is overwhelming. The catalogue documents the three-dimensional image world with detailed photos of the installations and pictures from the studio. Expansion and permanent boundary-crossing, freedom and autonomy form the basis of Grosse’s oeuvre. Her creative work is experimental and unpredictable, like untamed thoughts. Numerous photos from the artist’s personal archive provide an insight into her working methods and sources of inspiration, as well as the processes by which she develops her ideas.
Hot Key Books Boy Kills Man
Nothing is more unsettling in this world than a kid with a gun . . Like most kids of their age, Shorty and Alberto work for their local cartel. They run cigarettes, offer protection . . . A gangster's life is cheap, and when revenge can be bought for only a few pesos, everyone has their price . .
Autumn House Press Darling Nova
Winner of the 2017 Autumn House Poetry Contest, selected by Alberto Rios
Los Libros de la Catarata La reforma electoral perfecta
Editorial CCS Cómo animar el grupo de catequesis estrategias técnicas dinámicas
Este libro puede ser una ayuda para catequistas y animadores. Les ayudará a conocer el funcionamiento del grupo y lo más elemental de las leyes de un grupo. Además, encontrarán dinámicas que no son propiamente catequesis, pero que les ayudarán a crear un clima en el que se pueda realizar mejor el acto catequístico.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dilemmas in Abdominal Surgery: A Case-Based Approach
This book covers the management of surgical diseases "through the eyes" of a clinician by providing an evidence-based approach to specific clinical dilemmas. The chapters take the reader through a step-by-step "decision-making" approach to commonly encountered, but difficult to manage, situations where the editors share their rationale behind the process. Emphasis is placed on the use of tables and algorithms to simplify understanding. They aim to empower the readers with the ability to manage complex abdominal surgery scenarios in a streamlined manner, thus improving the care and outcome of patients.Key Features Targets specific, difficult to manage scenarios Provides expert opinion/advice on how to tackle tricky situations Covers both benign and malignant cases Examines surgical dilemmas through illustrations
WW Norton & Co In Search of Lost Time: In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower
In what renowned translator Arthur Goldhammer called “a piano reduction of an orchestral score,” the first volume of Stéphane Heuet’s adaptation of In Search of Lost Time electrified the graphic community like no other—re-presenting the novel for anyone who has always dreamed of reading Proust but was put off by the sheer magnitude of the undertaking. Whereas the first volume described the narrator’s childhood in the pastoral town of Combray, the second volume portrays the narrator’s foray into adolescence, set in the opulent seaside resort of Balbec. Preserving Proust’s original dissection of the spontaneity of youth, translator Laura Marris captures the narrator’s infatuation with his playmates—his memories of their intoxicating afternoons together unfolding as if in a dream. Featuring some of Proust’s most memorable characters—from mysterious Charlus to beguiling young Albertine—this second volume becomes a necessary companion piece for any lover of modern literature.
Rowman & Littlefield Women And Literary History: For There She Was
These essays by internationally renowned feminist scholars re-think the methods and content of contemporary feminist history. The vibrant work of feminist literary historians in the last three decades has produced a new archive of knowledge on women's writing and new narratives of the cultrual past. But, these essays ask, where has this revisioning taken us? Examining the legacy of both traditional literay history and second-wave history of women's writing, the essays collected in Women and Literary History answer that question by querying received ideas about chronolgy and nationality as foundations for literary history, by challenging the standard form of reading women's writing in isolation from men's, and by contesting the project of recovering 'lost' women writers. Katherine Binhammer is an Assistant Professor Of English at the University of Alberta. Jeanne Wood has a Ph.D. in English from York University.
Vehicule Press I Am Not Guilty
Set in and around post-war Toronto, I Am Not Guilty first appeared in a condensed form in the February 1954 Ladies’ Home Journal. That same year, it was published in full by Doubleday as M’Lord, I Am Not Guilty. Helen Graham has been acquitted in the murder of her wealthy husband, Alberta oil baron Steven Graham, but the eyes of the public continue to view her with suspicion. Worried for her future, and that of her young son, she sets out to find the true killer. The trail leads to the apartment of another woman—and revelations about her dead husband’s secret life—then continues to a growing bedroom community in suburban Toronto. What the widow doesn’t realize is that she is not alone in her pursuit of the murderer or how ready that murderer is to kill again.