Search results for ""transcript verlag""
Transcript Verlag Chronotopes of the Uncanny: Time and Space in Postmodern New York Novels. Paul Auster's City of Glass and Toni Morrison's Jazz
Using the theoretical frameworks of Freud, Todorov, and Bahktin, this book explores how American writers of the late 20th century have translated the psychoanalytical concept of "the uncanny" into their novelistic discourses. The two texts under scrutiny - Paul Auster's "City of Glass" and Toni Morrison's "Jazz" - show that the uncanny has developed into a crucial trope to delineate personal and collective fears that are often grounded on the postmodern disruption of spatio-temporal continuities and coherences.
Transcript Verlag Mind and Matter: Comparative Approaches Towards Complexity
The terms "mind" and "matter" appear to signify two concepts irreplaceable and permanent in nature. The increasing challenges and modes of reflection of digital life and cultural creation have contributed to a productive doubting of said dichotomy. Net culture has exposed the causality of the two only superficially contradictory systems and translated these into new technological realities. This publication, using an interdisciplinary approach, strives to investigate the entanglement of cultural, artistic and technical praxis, to document the developments, to clarify the status quo of the scientific community in a practical and exemplary fashion and to enable glimpses of potential future developments.
Transcript Verlag Doing Identity in Luxembourg: Subjective Appropriations -- Institutional Attributions -- Socio-Cultural Milieus
Luxembourg - international financial center, European administrative center, destination country for immigration? This empirical study provides insights about a society that has hitherto largely eluded scientific investigation and observes the processes of identity construction in globalised conditions. The interdisciplinary team of authors exposes the processes of subjective appropriations and institutional attributions at work in the fields of languages, spaces, perceptions of self and others as well as everyday cultures, and identifies for the first time socio-cultural milieus in the Grand Duchy. The findings of the three-year research project uncover the ambivalences and dynamics of a multicultural and multilingual society.
Transcript Verlag A New Thoughtfulness in Contemporary China – Critical Voices in Art and Aesthetics
Globalization euphoria and enthusiasm for the West are on the decline in contemporary China. Critical voices make themselves heard in artistic and cultural circles, turning towards their personal everyday lives to take stock. Their questions revolve around concrete experiences in the radical upheaval of lifeworlds, the continued significance of traditions after many of them have been thoroughly uprooted, and the paradoxes produced by the predominance of neo-liberalism. The 17 positions assembled in this volume provide a vivid illustration of such a "new thoughtfulness" in a wide variety of aspects ranging from aesthetics and art to theatre and photography.
Transcript Verlag Humanism in Intercultural Perspective: Experiences and Expectations
This book is a breakthrough in illuminating humanism. For the first time it is presented in an intercultural perspective. It introduces Chinese, Indian, African, Islamic, and Western traditions into the intercultural discussion about basic issues of understanding the human world. By this means it recognizes different disciplinary perspectives: history, philosophy as well as religious, literary and gender studies. Special emphasis is put on the controversial relationship between humanism and religion. This complex network of argumentations is an answer to the challenge of cultural orientation at the age of globalization. Humanism is brought to life as a synthesis of transcultural values and a mutual and critical recognition of cultural differences.
Transcript Verlag Real Wars on Virtual Battlefields: The Convergence of Programmable Media at the Military-Civilian Margin
The book analyzes the multifarious exchange of algorithmic technologies and concepts between the military and the media industry from the early 1990s until now. Unlike most related scholarly work which focuses on digital games, it drafts a model of programmable media which is grounded in a close-reading of the key technologies, most notably the paradigm of object-oriented programming, and reconsiders technical disciplines from a humanities perspective. This model is then applied to analyze the effects of algorithmic logic on the military-civilian continuum, including economic practices, patterns of media usage and military decision-making.
Transcript Verlag Represented Reporters: Images of War Correspondents in Memoirs and Fiction
War correspondents are prominent actors in the media world. They took hold in the cultural imaginary soon after their profession had been created in the mid-19th century. With a particular focus on Britain, this study investigates the representation of war correspondents from Victorian times to the present, in memoirs, novels and films. Such representations react to prevailing notions that exist about war reporters and participate in their further construction. With its cultural approach, this book complements studies of war correspondents in media and communication studies, history and ethnology.
Transcript Verlag Political Campaigning on the Web
Drawing upon a common conceptual framework of political webcampaigning the book offers theoretical reflections on Internet-based campaign politics. It provides a comparative overview on the use of the Internet as a campaigning instrument by diverse intermediary political actors. Taking the empirical findings of Internet appropriations into consideration, the book discusses the impact of political webcampaigning on (transnational) democracy and the transformation of public spheres.
Transcript Verlag Music in Motion: Diversity and Dialogue in Europe. Study in the frame of the "ExTra! Exchange Traditions" project
Diverse musical cultures of migrant and minority communities have existed in Europe for centuries and shaped its countries significantly. As part of an EU-funded project this volume deals with the musical activities of minorities and their impact on musical traditions in Europe. It also raises questions such as: How are musical traditions of minorities integrated in education and the public music life? Can music facilitate transcultural dialogue? And to what extent do musical practice and performance reassert the own cultural tradition in a foreign environment? Answers to those and similar questions as well as a review on what can be observed in the 21st century Europe are gathered in various thematic approaches. The book also provides model projects with a practical insight into the life and work with music of migrant and minority cultures across Europe.
Transcript Verlag Gesundheit und Krankheit im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
Transcript Verlag Writing Together
Transcript Verlag Bauherren und Architekten
Transcript Verlag Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik – 2014/2
Das Themenheft 2014 der ?Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik?, herausgegeben von Irina Wutsdorff (Tübingen) und Stepan Zbytovsky (Prag), ist dem Thema ?Übersetzen. Praktiken kulturellen Transfers am Beispiel Prags? gewidmet.Das Prag der Jahrhundertwende und des beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts war ein Ort mehrerer Sprachen, Ethnien und kultureller Orientierungen. Die Beiträge zeigen: Dem Übersetzen nicht nur als Akt der Vermittlung oder Adaption, sondern auch der Transformation, möglicherweise der Usurpation, schlie??lich der Verfremdung oder gar Ablehnung kommt in einer derartigen Konstellation eine entscheidende Rolle zu. Denn jede kulturelle Positionierung innerhalb dieses polyvalenten Geflechts erfolgt geradezu zwangsläufig in Aneignung oder Abgrenzung von anderen Optionen. Übersetzen wird deshalb neueren kulturwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen entsprechend in einem breiten Sinn als Praxis kulturellen Transfers verstanden.
Transcript Verlag Das partizipative Museum Zwischen Teilhabe und User Generated Content Neue Anforderungen an kulturhistorische Ausstellungen
Transcript Verlag Tanzimprovisation Geschichte Theorie Verfahren Vermittlung
Transcript Verlag Film als Theorie Bildforschung bei Harun Farocki und JeanLuc Godard
Transcript Verlag Die Banalitt des Rassismus Migranten zweiter Generation entwickeln eine neue Perspektive
Transcript Verlag Situierte Subjekte
Transcript Verlag Art Intelligence
Artists always react to the times in which they live. They may celebrate them or criticize them, often trying to change them. But this is the first time in history that technology controlled by private companies is offering to replace the work of writers, musicians, illustrators and visual artists. What impact will generative AI have on how we create art and how we understand what art is for? How will it affect the role of the artist in the future and the conditions under which artists will work? Jan Svenungsson tackles these questions, investigating what AI might do for art, and what it might change, circling the core issue of what it is in human art-making that cannot be replaced.
Transcript Verlag Die Entkolonialisierung Tunesiens
Transcript Verlag Virtual Ecologies Digitalitäten und Ökologien im Tanz
Transcript Verlag Friedensgutachten 2024
Transcript Verlag Sinn in der Klimakrise
Transcript Verlag Nachverdichtung im Städtebau
Transcript Verlag Forschendes Entwerfen
Transcript Verlag Die Komposition der Hysterie
transcript Verlag Entangled Future Immobilities
Transcript Verlag Klangwelten digitaler Spiele
transcript Verlag Social Entrepreneurship in Germany
Transcript Verlag Innere Erfahrung und Ritual
Transcript Verlag Der demokratische Konföderalismus
Transcript Verlag Choreografischer Baukasten. Das Buch 3. Aufl.
Transcript Verlag Männerparadies
Transcript Verlag Diskurse über Krankheit
Transcript Verlag Recht im Exil
Transcript Verlag Die Augen der Avantgarden
Transcript Verlag Grüne Öffentlichkeiten
Transcript Verlag Wissen über Arbeit in Krisenzeiten
Transcript Verlag Hass teilen
Transcript Verlag Theater Terror Tod
Transcript Verlag Protestkleider
Transcript Verlag Die bedrohte Ordnung der Vielfalt
Transcript Verlag Bühne und Möglichkeitsraum
Transcript Verlag Reise ins bekannte Fremde
Transcript Verlag Starker Liberalismus
Transcript Verlag Strategien der Moderne
Transcript Verlag Verpackungen der Literatur
Transcript Verlag Die Kunst der Universität