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Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. LXXX - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015: Volume 6: The Classical or Christian Lactantius
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. LXXXI - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015: Volume 7: Health, Medicine, and Christianity in Late Antiquity
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. LXXVI - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015: Volume 2: El platonismo en los Padres de la Iglesia
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. LXXVIII - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015: Volume 4: Literature, Rhetoric, and Exegesis in Syriac Verse
The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford. These papers range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Subjekt und Wahrheit: Meister Eckharts dynamische Vermittlung von Philosophie, Offenbarungstheologie und Glaubenspraxis
Perhaps one of the most prominent features of Meister Eckhart's thought is the refusal to adopt a rigid compartimentalization between the different dimensions of human life. A first-class theologian and philosopher as well as a Dominican preacher, Eckhart does not content himself with pursuing his academic activities in parallel with his more humble pastoral tasks. Rather, he aims at integrating the different claims of revealed theology, philosophical speculation, and spiritual guidance into a dynamic conception of truth as an event that is ultimately rooted in the human subject. Eckhart's thesis that there is only one truth, albeit in different modes and forms, opens the path towards an existential mediation, not only between Scripture-based theology and Aristotelian philosophy, but also between theoretical knowledge as a whole and practical life-orientation. The papers contained in this volume were initially presented at a colloquium on 17 October 2014, in Vienna. The different contributions examine Eckhart's method of "translating truth" from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes theology, medieval and modern philosophy, medieval German literature studies, contemporary exegesis, and spirituality.
Peeters Publishers Het Leuvense Collegium Trilingue 1517-1797: Erasmus, humanistische onderwijspraktijk en het nieuwe taleninstituut Latijn-Grieks-Hebreeuws
Het Leuvense Collegium Trilingue: het is een verhaal van moed, visie en ongekend internationaal succes. Met het legaat van Hieronymus Busleyden, raadsheer in Mechelen, lanceerde Erasmus in 1517 Busleydens nieuwe collegestichting waar internationale top-experten gratis en publiek Latijn, Grieks en Hebreeuws zouden doceren en waar beursstudenten zouden samenleven met hun professoren. De stichting aan de Vismarkt kende tegenkanting en dramatische momenten in een tijd van politiek-religieuze spanningen, maar veroverde tegelijk op slag heel Europa. Honderden studenten stroomden er uit alle uithoeken samen, gerenommeerde lesgevers werkten en doceerden er tot het instituut tijdens de Franse Revolutie werd gesloten. Het geheime recept van het door Erasmus’ geïnspireerde taalonderwijs wordt in dit boek ontleed. Ook wordt snel duidelijk hoe een nieuwe didactiek van taal en literatuur een spraakmakende wetenschapsmethode in werking heeft gezet.
Peeters Publishers Dictionnaire du dadjo d'Eref (Tchad)
Sous les deux variantes linguistiques d'Eref et de Mongo, le dadjo de l'Abou Telfan est parlé au Tchad, dans la préfecture du Guéra. Les 'langues dadjo' (phylum nilo-saharien, groupe soudanique oriental) sont constituées d'un ensemble d'îlots linguistiques dispersés depuis les Monts Nuba (Soudan), en passant par la région de Goz Beïda (est du Tchad), jusqu'au nord du Guéra (centre du Tchad). Le dadjo de l'Abou Telfan en représente l'extension la plus occidentale. Le présent ouvrage, qui fait suite à la Grammaire du dadjo d'Eref, parue en 2011 dans la même collection (A&L 13), constitue le premier dictionnaire consacré à une langue de ce groupe. Il comporte environ 3600 entrées, illustrées de nombreux exemples et complétées par un index français-dadjo. Le Dictionnaire du dadjo d'Eref s'adresse en premier lieu aux spécialistes des langues et civilisations africaines, ainsi qu'à tous ceux qu'intéresse l'identité des langues et cultures minoritaires, confrontées aux bouleversements du monde actuel.
Peeters Publishers Metal Jewellery of the Southern Levant and its Western Neighbours: Cross-Cultural Influences in the Early Iron Age Eastern Mediterranean
The Early Iron Age period of the southern coastal plain of the Levant (ca. 1200-900 BCE) displays certain new features that suggest the appearance of the Philistines or other Sea Peoples. The early stages of this period represent a departure from Late Bronze Age traditions and evidence of cross-cultural influences within the eastern Mediterranean. This volume contributes to the discussion of the origin of the Sea Peoples by examining the role of adornment in the portrayal of cultural identity. Metal jewellery is assessed from 29 sites in the southern Levant, the Aegean, and Cyprus, resulting in the creation of the first multi-regional typology of metal jewellery for the Iron Age I-IIA eastern Mediterranean. By examining various categories of metal jewellery from the southern Levant and its western neighbours, this study contributes to the debate about the relations and exchanges that affected the region during this pivotal period in history. The formation, maintenance, and communication of group identification through physical appearance is assessed through a phenomenological view of cultural material to explain what is termed cultural intention.
Peeters Publishers Inventaire des papiers conciliaires d'Emmanuel Lanne, O.S.B., moine du monastère de Chevetogne, membre du Secrétariat pour l'Unité des Chrétiens
Le Père Emmanuel Lanne, moine de Chevetogne, théologien compétent et ÷cuméniste renommé surtout pour les relations avec les Églises d’Orient, a joué un rôle important au Concile Vatican II. Comme interprète pour les observateurs non catholiques, comme membre du Secrétariat pour l’Unité et comme recteur du Collège grec à Rome, il a été un homme de contact et de liaison avec les Églises orthodoxes et orientales catholiques. Son rôle a été prépondérant dans la rédaction du chapitre 3 du Décret Unitatis redintegratio sur l’÷cuménisme et il fut particulièrement proche de Mgr Willebrands, du patriarche Maximos IV, de Christophe Dumont, de Mgr Edelby. Il a conservé soigneusement ses archives du Concile, non seulement les nombreux projets de texte mais aussi des notes personnelles et des études théologiques sur l’Église locale, la collégialité, la Nota Explicativa Praevia etc. Dans l’Inventaire ses papiers ont été classés chronologiquement selon les documents du concile. Un bref résumé des lettres de la correspondance a été rédigé. Un index onomastique complète le volume.
Peeters Publishers The Greek Future and its History. Le futur grec et son histoire
Le futur grec est attesté pendant plus de trente siècles dans de nombreux documents d’une grande diversité dialectale. Il a donc une histoire spécialement intéressante qu'explore cet ouvrage. Il débute par un Prélude qui montre l’évolution des idées philosophiques et grammaticales des Grecs sur la notion de futur. Sa première partie s’intéresse au Grec archaïque et classique. La deuxième partie étudie des Aspects diachroniques. Cet ouvrage se caractérise par une très grande variété des thématiques abordées et des outils théoriques utilisés. Si la sémantique du temps, de l’aspect et des modalités joue ici un rôle de premier plan, les points de vue sont très ouverts : grammaticalisation, grammaire cognitive, comparatisme, approches morphologiques ou syntaxiques, analyse contrastive, théories énonciatives ou pragmatiques…
Peeters Publishers Le Psautier. Cinquième livre (Ps 107-150)
Les commentaires classiques étudient chaque psaume de manière isolée. Toutefois, un mouvement s’affirme toujours davantage qui cherche à voir si le Psautier est composé. Le présent commentaire du cinquième et dernier « livre » des psaumes (Ps 107–150) conduit une analyse systématique de la composition de cet ensemble de quarante-quatre psaumes, à tous les niveaux de son organisation : chaque psaume en lui-même d’abord, puis chaque sous-séquence formée de plusieurs psaumes, ensuite chaque séquence, encore chacune des cinq sous-sections qui constituent le cinquième livre, et enfin l’ensemble de la section, c’est-à-dire du livre. Les cinq derniers psaumes (146–150) sont, pour ainsi dire, hors système, car ils constituent la doxologie qui conclut non seulement le cinquième livre mais aussi la totalité du Psautier. La composition se révèle extrêmement élaborée. Au centre de la construction, le Ps 119, qui est une longue méditation sur la Loi. Il est précédé par « le Hallel égyptien » qui célèbre l’exode du pays de l’esclavage (Ps 113–118) et suivi par « les Psaumes des montées » qui chantent et espèrent le retour de l’exil à Babylone (Ps 120–134). Aux extrémités enfin, deux sous-sections qui se correspondent : selon les mots même du psalmiste, « De la bouche d’imposture à l’action de grâce du juste » (Ps 107–112), « Du venin du serpent à la louange des justes » (Ps 135–145). L’interprétation de chaque groupe de psaumes permet d’atteindre un surcroit de sens, qui dépasse, évidemment, la somme des interprétations de chacune des unités qui le composent.
Peeters Publishers The Archive of the Architektones Kleon and Theodoros: (P. Petrie Kleon)
This book contains the edition of texts from the archive of Kleon and Theodoros, the engineers who were responsible for the upkeep of the large scale irrigation system in the Fayum during the reigns of Ptolemy II and III between 260 and 237 BC. The Kleon archive is contemporaneous with the famous Zenon archive and offers a window on the same society from a different angle. The edition contains the texts with translation and commentary of 124 Greek papyri, of which 37 are published here for the first time; for the others there are numerous new readings and interpretations. The former edition in the Petrie papyri was over a hundred years old, difficult to consult and in need of revision. In the new edition papyrological studies of the last century are incorporated, and the persons are situated in their historical context, including a royal visit to the province in 253 BC.
Peeters Publishers A Biblical Hebrew Reader: With an Outline Grammar
This book is meant for those eager to get a quick overview of the grammar of Biblical Hebrew and get on reading some Old Testament passages in Hebrew. The outline grammar should not take up more than ten class hours. The passages, a total of nine, are both in prose and verse. Each passage is annotated with constant references to appropriate sections of the outline grammar. This annotation goes far beyond a mere parsing of forms and glossing. The author wishes to believe that he has offered here and there some original ideas. A number of paradigms are attached and several simple exercises with keys. The book concludes with a simple glossary.
Peeters Publishers Texte et sommaires des « Antiquités » de Josèphe: Éditions multiples
Le texte des Antiquités juives de Flavius Josèphe (env. 37-96), son ÷uvre majeure, est malaisé à restituer du fait des nombreuses variantes des manuscrits. Celles-ci sont remarquablement présentées dans l’édition critique de B. Niese, vieille de plus d’un siècle, mais elles restaient à interpréter. Cette étude montre que cette confusion est due à ce que l’auteur a remanié son ÷uvre, alors même qu’elle était déjà diffusée. La première étape, apparemment oblique, est l’examen des sommaires qui précèdent chacun des vingt livres. Contrairement à une opinion diffuse, ce ne sont pas des tables des matières, mais bien des esquisses préliminaires dues à l’auteur, qui exposent et son idéologie et l’évolution de son travail. En complément, la seconde étape est l’établissement d’un mode d’emploi de l’apparat de Niese, sous forme de stemmes. Un résultat annexe est une réévaluation de l’Autobiographie de l’auteur, qui s’est développée en un livre complet lorsqu’il dut affronter des polémiques.
Peeters Publishers Réceptions de la théologie aristotélicienne: D'Aristote à Michel d'Ephèse
La conception aristotélicienne des principes divins est parcourue de tensions épistémologiques, archéologiques et proprement théologiques, qui constituent à la fois un défi pour Aristote lui-même et un ensemble de problèmes qu’il lègue à la tradition, qu’elle se revendique de lui, ou se fasse critique à son égard. Restituée au mouvement de la tradition, aux vicissitudes de ses relectures, la théologie aristotélicienne voit s’actualiser les potentialités qu’elle portait en son sein, et qu’Aristote lui-même, déjà, commençait d’explorer. Ce volume, sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité, souhaite, par la diversité de ses contributions, donner à lire quelques-unes de ces actualisations, qu’elles soient exégétiques ou polémiques, et tracer quelques linéaments de leurs effets historiques.
Peeters Publishers Verschieden - im Einssein: Eine interdisziplinäre Untersuchung zu Meister Eckharts Verständnis von Wirklichkeit
This volume argues that the on-going fascination for the middle-age mystic, philosopher and theologian Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) has to do with his understanding of reality as a complex relationship of plurality and unity: as such it defies one-dimensional views and guides to approach it from plural ways. The contributions from different scholarly perspectives (philosophy, theology, history, philology) take this complexity into account and, ipso facto, demonstrate a paradigmatic shift in recent Eckhart research: away from closed terminologies (and attempts to place Eckhart's thought therein) towards more process-oriented dynamic understandings of his work and the object of his work.
Peeters Publishers Habitus as Method: Revisiting a Scholastic Theory of Art
Rather than being an event of an aesthetic, sublime or revelatory character, art can be rather understood simply as a habitual productive activity, taking an equal part in the design of quotidian reality as any other tool. The habitual approach to art carries with it several consequences regarding the understanding of the history of art and the theory of artistic production. This habitual approach has its origins in the Scholastic conception of the habitus of art, leaning on the Aristotelian definition of Poiesis. But the habitual approach had also its long history, passing through French Spiritualism in the 19th century, and several other stations in the 20th century. The essay follows Erwin Panofsky’s concept of "mental habit" as a methodological instrument in the history of art. After exposing the principles of a habitual approach to the history of art, the essay continues to follow Panofsky’s essay Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism, trying to trace what was Panofsky in fact conceiving under this term. In the conclusion, the essay suggests some guiding principles for conceiving of a habitus-oriented theory of art, energized by the scholastic approach to the habitus of art and by the method of habitus in the science of history.
Peeters Publishers Le démonstratif en français: étude de sémantique grammaticale diachronique (9ème-15ème siècles)
Les démonstratifs font partie des catégories grammaticales qui évoluent le plus dans les langues du monde. C'est particulièrement vrai en français, où ils connaissent une série de changements affectant tous les niveaux linguistiques (morphologie, morphosyntaxe et sémantique). Des origines du français à aujourd'hui, le système des démonstratifs s'est complètement réorganisé. Il s'est structuré autour de deux paradigmes morphosyntaxiques opposés (les pronoms et les déterminants) et s'est partiellement vidé de sa sémantique première. Cet ouvrage porte sur l'évolution sémantique des démonstratifs en français. Il est centré sur la période médiévale (9ème-15ème siècle) et montre par quelles étapes la valeur personnelle héritée du latin laisse place à une valeur plus abstraite, qui distingue les démonstratifs du français de ceux de la majorité des autres langues (romanes ou non). On y insiste sur la dimension pragmatique et cognitive de cette évolution et on s'est fondé sur la méthodologie de corpus. Ce livre s'adresse aux linguistes, enseignants-chercheurs et étudiants, qui sont spécialistes de la linguistique diachronique et du changement sémantique, mais aussi à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la sémantique référentielle, aux processus anaphoriques et déictiques, et aux évolutions typologiques qui marquent l'histoire du français.
Peeters Publishers Studies in Ancient Egyptian Funerary Literature
Ancient Egyptian funerary literature encompasses a complex, dynamic, and open group of texts and images selected to be deposited in mortuary settings. Despite this shared final purpose, they derive from a variety of spheres of origin (ritual, apotropaic, medical, legal) and can be concurrently used in different contexts. They further exhibit a semantic density and were transmitted across the centuries, and subjected to modifications as they were incorporated into new social, religious, or functional environments. The twenty contributions assembled in this volume have the three-fold objective of: offering new theoretical and methodological perspectives to evaluate the structure, content, and history of these compositions; opening challenging avenues for new interpretations; or presenting novel textual and iconographic sources. With a wide chronological spectrum of topics addressed, the manifold approaches collected here aim to challenge traditional conceptions and procedures of analysis and to introduce new sets of ideas.
Peeters Publishers Colegio del Pilar: Excavations in Jerusalem, Christian Quarter
The archaeological sounding on the site of the Colegio del Pilar in the Old City of Jerusalem in 1996 was a salvage excavation, suspended for administrative reasons. The present publication offers the results of a rare archaeological investigation in the Christian Quarter. A stratigraphic survey showed Ayyubid (XII-XIIIth centuries) occupation on bedrock. Structural remains of the Mamluk period reflected the growth of the city in the XIV-XVth centuries, and a well-preserved stone-built cesspit of this period provided abundant pottery. Most of the volume describes the fully illustrated pottery, organized by stratigraphic context. The Mamluk pottery includes vessels imported from Italy. The analyses of faeces from the cesspit have provided important information on the health of the population at the time. There are reports on the glass, coins and animal bones up to the end of the Ottoman period. The del Pilar volume contributes to the renewed interest of archaeologists and historians in medieval Jerusalem.
Peeters Publishers Labor omnia uicit improbus: Miscellanea in honorem Ariel Shisha-Halevy
Ce recueil de vingt-huit études offertes à Ariel Shisha-Halevy par ses collègues et amis est représentatif des nombreux domaines où ce grand linguiste s'est illustré durant sa carrière à l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem. Part belle est faite à l'égyptien, dans toutes ses phases, et notamment au copte, dont le dédicataire se plaît à dire que nous n'en connaissons encore que l'écriture. On trouve ainsi dans la première partie, «Orient», des articles analysant toutes sortes d'aspects linguistiques de cette langue - constructions grammaticales, dialectes, lexicographie - et concernant divers types de textes, littéraires et documentaires, ainsi que deux études consacrées à l'arabe. L'irlandais et le gallois, autres domaines de prédilection d'A. Shisha-Halevy, sont représentés par quatre articles illustrant l'«Occident», tandis qu'une partie «Varia» clôt l'ensemble.
Peeters Publishers Commitments to Medieval Mysticism within Contemporary Contexts
Why do we, as contemporary scholars of Christian medieval mysticism, privilege the reading of medieval mystical texts as our focus? How can we define their ability to uniquely address relevant issues for readers today, without losing our attention to their historical integrity? These meta-questions encourage contributors of this volume to reflect critically on their own approaches to medieval mysticism from theology, philosophy of religion, hermeneutics in literature, and religious studies. Their diverse accounts for the meaningfulness of the study of medieval mysticism attest to the possibility of renewing a greater continuity of the heritage of medieval Christian spirituality in our time.
Peeters Publishers Egypt at its Origins 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Cairo, 13th-18th April 2014
This volume, publishing the proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt (Cairo, 2014), presents the results of the latest research and discoveries in the field, which are leading to a better understanding of the origins of the Ancient Egyptian civilization. The 39 articles are organised under five major headings: Settlements and Domestic Activities; Mortuary Archaeology; Technology: Pottery and Lithic Production; Iconography and Writing; Rock Art. Each contribution provides new insights into the variety of factors contributing to the rise of the distinct form of the early Egyptian state. Recent discoveries from major sites such as Hierakonpolis, Abydos, and Buto, are the subject of different articles, but also other sites, such as Abu Rawash and the Naqada region, are discussed.
Peeters Publishers Theologie als geloofsvertolking: Historische en theologische reflecties over het proefschrift van Piet Schoonenberg
In 1948 promoveerde Piet Schoonenberg tot doctor in de theologie op het proefschrift Theologie als geloofsvertolking. In deze studie gaf hij een indringende analyse van de discussies over het statuut en de methode van de theologie in de toenmalige Franstalige katholieke theologie. Zij hadden rechtstreeks te maken met de vernieuwing in de katholieke theologie die met het Tweede Vaticaans concilie ingang zou vinden. In het midden van de eeuw wekte die vernieuwing nog argwaan en kritiek, ook vanwege de hoogste kerkelijke instanties. Deze omstandigheden verhinderden de publicatie van de dissertatie. Pas zestig jaar later, in 2008, werd Theologie als geloofsvertolking gepubliceerd. Deze bundel bevat zeven theologische en historische essays over het boek, geschreven door Nederlandse en Vlaamse theologen en kerkhistorici, die aanzetten geven tot interpretatie en voortgezette reflectie over de problematiek die Schoonenberg behandelde. De auteurs verhelderen niet alleen de theologiehistorische context van het werk, zij laten ook zien hoe de dissertatie de basis vormde voor de latere ontwikkeling van het werk van een van de belangrijkste Nederlandse theologen uit de twintigste eeuw.
Peeters Publishers Vernacular Bible and Religious Reform in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era
The central focus of this book concerns vernacular Bibles in various regions of (late) medieval and early modern Europe, as well as the religious and cultural circumstances in which these books found their origin. The contributions represent a cross-section of several research traditions that show an interest in vernacular Bibles. The volume includes articles that demonstrate how vernacular Bibles were liable to censorship measures, viz. Francesca Tasca’s contribution on Peter Valdès of Lyons, and Gigliola Fragnito’s on post-Tridentine Catholic Europe. Other essays, in contrast, inspired by a social-historical approach, emphasize that laypeople in the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era found ways to read the Bible and other religious works `anyway’ and that they were hardly hindered by bans instituted by ecclesiastical or secular governments. Two authors who take this position are Andrew C. Gow and Margriet Hoogvliet, who also question the paradigm that the Protestant Reformation was the first to open the Bible to the laity. Suzan A. Folkerts brings this intuition into practice by studying printers’ choices as well as provenance data in books containing the Epistle and Gospel readings from Mass published between 1450 and 1550 in the Netherlands. This volume not only contains contributions focusing upon Western European vernacular Bibles but also pays attention to the Bible in Romania ( Emanual Conţac, Eugen and Lucia-Gabriela Munteanu) and Scandinavia (Jonatan Pettersson). In this regard, attention is paid to the (pre)confessional character and literary choices that are constitutive for the text. The confessional Era and its implications in the political field are central to Elizabeth Hodgson’s study of `David’s Psalms’ in Reformation England and France/Switzerland. The `post-confessional’ eighteenth century Enlightenment Bible – rooted in the Catholic tradition – by Isaac-Joseph Berruyer is the object of an essay by Daniel J. Watkins. Finally, Kees Schepers devotes a study to 33 drawings made by the Brussels canon regular Gielis vander Hecken.
Peeters Publishers Buddhist Nonduality, Paschal Paradox: A Christian Commentary on The Teaching of Vimalakirti (Vimalakirtinirdesa)
The Teaching of Vimalakirti, treasured in China and Japan and best known in the West in Canon Étienne Lamotte's classic translation from the Tibetan and Chinese, has now surfaced in its original language, Sanskrit, after two thousand years. Centered on a lay bodhisattva, a master of paradox, who has no equal in debate except the Buddha and Manjusri, the embodiment of wisdom, Vimalakirti is the most humorous and engaging of the major Buddhist scriptures, comparable to the Book of Job in its dramatic format. In the first commentary on the recovered text, an Irish theologian reads Vimalakirti and the Gospels in light of each other, and finds resonances between the Buddhist wisdom of nonduality and the Christian dynamic of incarnation and paschal transformation.
Peeters Publishers "What Mean these Stones?" (Joshua 4:6, 21): Essays on Texts, Philology, and Archaeology in Honour of Anthony J. Frendo
This volume is dedicated to Anthony J. Frendo, professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and Hebrew Bible at the University of Malta, and it contains papers presented by his colleagues, students, and friends. Frendo has dedicated the largest part of his academic career - in print as well as in class - to exploring the relationship between text and artefact. Appropriately, therefore, many of the collected essays operate at this interface between disciplines while focusing on a diverse array of material, such as Hebrew, Aramaic, and Punic epigraphy, Phoenician/Punic textual and material culture, ancient Near Eastern archaeology, biblical texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as elements from Maltese archaeology, including a cuneiform inscription found at a local sanctuary at Tas-Silg.
Peeters Publishers Context and Connection: Studies on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Honour of Antonio Sagona
Dedicated to Professor Antonio Sagona on the occasion of his 60th birthday, this Festschrift commemorates his many contributions to the archaeology of the ancient Near East. Featuring 64 chapters, Context and Connection is focused largely but not exclusively on work conducted in eastern Anatolia and the southern Caucasus, those regions to which Professor Sagona has devoted his career. With contributions from his colleagues, students and mentors - and much collaboration between them - the volume is divided into six sections: Reflections, Cultural connections, Landscape studies, Artefacts and architecture, Scientific partnerships and Retrospectives and overviews. Containing reports on recent archaeological studies, as well as expositions of long-researched materials and sites, the chapters are intended to be of use to the specialist scholar and student alike. Comprehensively illustrated, and with abstracts in both Turkish and Georgian, this book addresses established and emerging questions facing Near Eastern archaeologists today.
Peeters Publishers Pesher: L'interpretazione della Parola per la fine dei giorni ispirata alla tradizione
Questo libro affronta un tema più volte dibattuto dagli studiosi negli ultimi 60 anni: la natura e il genere letterario del pesher. Di fatto, la sua natura è stata spesso definita in rapporto a quella del midrash rabbinico, sia per la sua strategia interpretativa ed espositiva, sia per la presenza del termine midrash nel pesher 4QFlor. Il presente libro analizza gli elementi primari e secondari del genere letterario del pesher, il quale implica l’esercizio dell’intelligenza (binah) delle Scritture. Al contempo esso si propone come latore di una rivelazione, della quale l’autore si appropria attraverso la tradizione ermeneutica e storiografica della sua comunità. Il principio ermeneutico del pesher, in relazione agli avvenimenti della comunità, realizza la sintesi tra interpretazione e rivelazione, come dimostra la formula più volte attestata: “interpretazione della Parola per la fine dei giorni”. Il principio ermeneutico e la tradizione della comunità sono pertanto i due elementi che più caratterizzano la natura del pesher come genere letterario indipendente, distinto dal midrash e da altre forme di interpretazione. The topic of this book has often been a subject of scholarly debate in the last sixty years: the nature and literary genre of pesher. In fact, pesher has regularly been defined in relation to midrash, not only on account of the interpretative and explanatory approaches supposedly shared but also because the term midrash is found in pesher 4QFlor. The present volume analyses the primary and secondary characteristics of the literary genre of pesher. This type of literature involves a specific understanding (binah) of the Scriptures, while at the same time offering itself as a channel of a certain revelation, which the writer makes his own by means of the hermeneutical and historiographical traditions of the community. The interpretative principle of pesher, in dealing with contemporary reality, achieves that synthesis of interpretation and revelation, illustrated by the frequently used formula “the interpretation of the Word for the end of days.” We may say, therefore, that this interpretative principle and the community tradition are two key characteristics that more than other elements set pesher apart as an independent literary genre, to be distinguished from midrash and from other forms of interpretation.
Peeters Publishers Theology Made in Dignity: On the Precarious Role of Theology in Religious Education
In a post-secular society contemporaries are challenged to raise and face existential questions in the midst of a plurality of (religious and non-religious) worldviews. Children, adolescents and young adults are especially eager for orientation in negotiating this plurality. Religious Education in European schools can provide them with solid insights and a safe space to accept this challenge. In this book the narrative, communicative and spiritual dimensions of religious education are discussed. In the act of theologizing with children, adolescents and young adults, “in each other’s presence” and with a view to wisdom traditions, they are empowered to patiently engage in new ways. Alternative patterns of framing identity and community, experience and interpretation, transcendence and immanence, can then emerge. The book is rooted in the teaching praxis of the author and reaches out to the centers of initial teacher education, where future leaders learn to discover the theological dignity of religious education.
Peeters Publishers Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay
For more than half a century, William J. Courtenay has been opening up new avenues in the exploration of later-medieval intellectual and university history. He has also trained several generations of scholars who are themselves active researchers, and some of his students have had students of their own. The present volume collects thirteen contributions authored by Courtenay's students and "grand-students". From early thirteenth-century manuscripts to fourteenth-century atomism and the eternity of the world; from the theology of the resurrection to that of the incarnation; from Paris to Oxford and Regensburg, the studies and the critical editions of texts gathered here are eloquent witness to the range of William J. Courtenay's influence in medieval studies.
Peeters Publishers Catholic Approaches in Practical Theology International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives 286 Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium
Peeters Publishers Coelé-Syrie: Palestine, Judée, Pérée
La C÷lé-Syrie a eu une définition mouvante, coïncidant ou s'opposant à la Palestine / Philistie, Phénicie / Canaan, Syrie / Assyrie, Transeuphratène et Pérée du Jourdain. L'épithète koilè, «creuse», s'explique par la manière grecque de désigner un pays vallonné - le couloir de l'Oronte, du Litani et du Jourdain. Aux IIIe et IIe siècles, la C÷lé-Syrie fur restreinte à la zone côtière disputée entre Lagides et Séleucides. Suite aux expansions asmonéenne et hérodienne de la Judée, l'appellation s'est retrouvée refoulée au-delà du Jourdain, couvrant la Décapole. Au IIIe siècle apr. J.-C., la Syria Coele désigne la province romaine d'Antioche. Les perceptions variables des chaînes du Liban et de l'Antiliban justifient ces déplacements et marquent la différence inéluctable entre les espaces fluides des Anciens et les territoires figés des Modernes.
Peeters Publishers The Books of Samuel: Stories - History - Reception History
The Books of Samuel are an important source for the history of ancient Israel and a treasure not only of Biblical literature, but of world literature. They deal with the first kings of Israel and the history of the 10th century BCE in Palestine, and they narrate of this time in an outstandingly artful way. In addition they set standards in the Biblical Jewish and Christian system of values, concerning the relationship between men and God, nation and people, power and law, war and peace, man and woman. The Books of Samuel have left their impact upon the arts over the centuries so that their reception history is exceptionally rich. Both early interpreters and modern scholars have discussed nearly every aspect of them. This volume contains contributions of leading scholars in the field as well as those of a new generation of exegetes. Questions are raised concerning the value of the Books of Samuel as historical source, the nature of their historical narrative, their literary composition, their literary-historical growth, their textual development (in the Masoretic text, in the Greek Septuagint, and in the writings of Qumran) and their reception history (in novels, music and arts). The volume embraces a wide range of approaches and methods and sheds light on a great number of texts and themes. Thus it represents the current state of inquiry and also raises new questions and views.
Peeters Publishers Te lea faka'uvea / Le wallisien
Cette grammaire se veut un compromis entre le respect des spécificités du faka'uvea/wallisien, langue polynésienne parlée à 'Uvea/Wallis et en Nouvelle-Calédonie par environ 20000 locuteurs, et le désir de la voir enseignée aux côtés du français, langue du système éducatif. Le faka'uvea est l'une des 75 langues appartenant au patrimoine linguistique de la France, elle doit être sauvegardée afin d'assurer la transmission des traditions culturelles wallisiennes. Parmi les caractéristiques qui distinguent le faka'uvea du français, citons une grande flexibilité fonctionnelle (omniprédicativité et omnisubstantivité) malgré de nombreux procédés de dérivation, l'absence de verbes «être» et «avoir», l'existence de différents types de possession, de classificateurs nominaux et numéraux, une structure actancielle scindée (accusative et ergative) selon les classes de verbes, un système pronominal très riche, l'emploi fréquent de constructions nominalisées, etc. Au cours de son histoire, le faka'uvea a été influencé par le tongien dont il partage l'accent dit de «définitude» et le maintien d'un registre honorifique, lié à une structure sociale très hiérarchisée avec à sa tête le Lavelua, porteur du titre le plus élevé.
Peeters Publishers Values in Dialogue: Ethics in Care
Values in Dialogue offers a practical and theoretical model for ethics in care, that has grown from experience and research. The foundation of this ethical model is laid in the care relationship and in relational personalism. It consists of three pillars: values, dialogue, and attitudes. On this basis, a practical model for ethical reflection is developed. The aim is to empower professionals in their own ethical reflection and responsibility in concrete care situations. The model is applied on several topics, such as collaboration between professionals, collaboration with clients and significant others, restriction of freedom and use of coercion, and exchange of information and confidentiality. Values in Dialogue is written for care professionals in their daily practice and in ethics commitees, but also for teachers and students in ethics courses. It focuses in particular on mental healthcare, support for people with mental disabilities, and care for elderly persons.
Peeters Publishers Manuscripta Graeca et Orientalia: Mélanges monastiques et patristiques en l'honneur de Paul Géhin
Ce volume de mélanges rassemble 27 contributions en l'honneur de Paul Géhin, directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS, qui fut pendant 15 ans directeur de la Section grecque et de l'Orient chrétien de l'IRHT (1997-2011). Spécialiste d'Évagre le Pontique et de manière plus large de la transmission de la littérature patristique et ascétique dans les domaines byzantin et oriental (syriaque et arabe), P. Géhin, membre du Comité international de Paléographie grecque, est également un grand connaisseur des manuscrits tant grecs que syriaques et arabes. Les contributions qui lui sont offertes reflètent ces divers intérêts et proposent des éditions de textes, des études de manuscrits et de copistes, des enquêtes sur les textes et les pratiques ascétiques et monastiques; plusieurs d'entre elles concernent des livres ou des hommes en lien direct avec le Sinaï.
Peeters Publishers Performing Bodies: Time and Space in Meister Eckhart and Taery Kim
What is time, what is space and how do they relate to each other? Even to pose these questions is to presume their existence, says Meister Eckhart in his Commentary on Exodus, from where he then develops his own view on the subject. Although far from having become mainstream, his definition of time as presentiality and space as non-categorical creativity had an enormous influence throughout history, particularly in the arts. In this thematic volume the contributors explore the concepts of time and space in Eckhart's thought, situating these historically, philosophically, theologically, and culturally, whilst focusing on their interpretation in art works, particularly by the American-Korean performance and video artist Taery Kim (b. 1988) who refers explicitely to Eckhart. Kim advances the questions 'what is time?' and 'what is space?' as embodied questions in her performances and video installations, thus exploring Eckhart and inquiring into the ways we can think about our relationships, as embodied subjects, to the vagrancies and bindings of time and space now. Drawing together artists, art historians, theologians, and philosophers, as well as building on existing scholarship, this volume provides the first lengthy discussion of spatio-temporality in Eckhart's writings, highlighting Eckhart's relationship to performance art, and the works of Kim.
Peeters Publishers Symbolic Interpretations in Ethiopic and Early Syriac Literature
The palimpsest of Ethiopian Christianity reveals the possible impact and influence of several hands: Judaic, Egyptian, and Syrian. This book investigates the influence of Syrian Christianity upon the trajectory of Ethiopian Christianity, proposing that many of the so-called 'Judaic' practices may have arisen through interaction with Judeo-Christian Syriac Christianity, rather than from an Old Testament context, exploring Ethiopic and Syrian literary links using Ge'ez, Amharic and Syriac sources to show how Syrian and Ethiopic traditions relate. The symbolic motifs of the Ark and the Cross, as well as the perception of Paradise are explored in Ethiopic hymnody or Deggwa of St Yared, the andemta Bible commentaries, and the national epic, the Kebrä Nägäst, compared with Syriac works of the fourth century Syriac theologian-poet Ephrem, his later devotee Jacob of Serugh, and the earlier Syriac Odes to Solomon. The material common to Ethiopic and Syriac literature demonstrates the complexity of the Judeo-Christian thought-worlds from which they derived, implying more nuanced influences than have previously been postulated.
Peeters Publishers Traditions épiques et poésie épigrammatique: Actes du colloque des 7, 8 et 9 novembre 2012 à Aix-en-Provence
La poésie épigrammatique constitue l’un des genres poétiques les plus productifs et les plus inventifs des littératures grecque et latine. Favorisant une esthétique de la concision, elle puise pourtant une part de sa matière dans l’Iliade, dans l’Odyssée ou dans les Hymnes homériques, dont elle reprend, réinvente, détourne et parfois parodie tel épisode, tel vers, tel mot, voire tel jeu de sonorités… Le colloque international qui s’est tenu à Aix-en-Provence en 2012, Traditions épiques et poésie épigrammatique, a mis à l’honneur la difficile question des interactions entre ces genres poétiques d’esthétiques a priori très diverses. Au confluent de deux grands champs d’études – réception des épopées homériques et poésie épigrammatique – ce colloque a contribué à une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes à l’÷uvre dans le jeu subtil de l’allusion littéraire.
Peeters Publishers A Syntax of Septuagint Greek
This is the first ever comprehensive analysis of the morphosyntax and syntax of Septuagint Greek. The work is based on the most up-to-date editions of the Septuagint. The so-called Antiochene version of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles as well as Judges has been studied. Though this is a synchronic grammar, and though not systematic, comparison with Classical Greek, the Greek of contemporary literature of the Hellenistic-Roman period, papyri and epigraphical data, and New Testament Greek has often been undertaken. Even when analysing translated documents of the Septuagint, the perspective is basically that of its readers. However, attempts were made to determine in what ways and to what extent the structure of the Semitic source languages may have influenced the selection of this or that particular construction by translators. At many places it is demonstrated and illustrated how an analysis of the morphosyntax and syntax can illuminate our general interpretation of the Septuagint text.
Peeters Publishers Studia Hierosolymitana
Prof. Em. Dr. Luc Dequeker (KU Leuven, Faculties of Arts and Theology) presents in this volume previously published articles and three new contributions concerning Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. The first part concerns the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the restoration of the Temple after the Babylonian Exile. The second part deals with the cultural split in Jerusalem's temple milieu during the 'Maccabean' period. Two studies here deal with the site of the Syrian Aqra near the Temple and the site of the Royal Necropolis in the newly created 'City of David' on the Western Hill. The third part discusses the presentation in Jewish visual arts of the hoped for restoration of the Temple by the Messiah. The fourth part concerns the expectation of the New Jerusalem in Christian belief as reflected in the Book of Revelation and on the Ghent Altarpiece of Jan van Eyck.
Peeters Publishers Introduction à la littérature berbère. 3. Le conte merveilleux
Ce livre a pour ambition de décrire la subjectivité berbère à travers le conte merveilleux. Après une problématisation théorique et historique de trois concepts que sont l'oralité, l'écriture et la vocalité pour débarasser la littérature berbère des vues folkloristes et en faire un domaine de la pensée pour ses producteurs, sont abordés trois grandes questions à travers plusieurs contes. La première concerne la parenté, principalement les rapports entre les parents et leurs enfants. Certaines figures maternelles et paternelles y sont examinées. La seconde question est relative à ce qui fonde une société et le pouvoir politique de point de vue de cette subjectivité. On sera surpris de voir que le conte rencontre la théorie khaldounienne du pouvoir et de l'État. La troisième est relative à un thème bien connu dans le domaine de l'anthropologie. En effet, le rapport culture-nature et la question du symbolique y est revisité et il y est montré le mode berbère de dire et de symboliser.
Peeters Publishers Arabic and Islamic Studies in Europe and Beyond. Études arabes et islamiques en Europe et au-delà: Proceedings of the 26th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Basel 2012
This volume presents the proceedings of the 26th Conference of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants that took place in Basel, Switzerland, in September 2012. The theme of the volume, "Arabic and Islamic Studies in Europe and Beyond", indicates that research in Arabic and Islamic Studies is not only carried out in Europe but also in many non-European regions of the world. Furthermore, it expresses that Muslim history no longer represents an exclusive field of research remote from public attention. Nevertheless, the focus of Arabic and Islamic Studies is still highly specialized, calling on researchers to devote their academic lives to learning and practicing the major (and minor) languages of Islamic history and culture. In this regard, Arabic and Islamic Studies need to find an equilibrium, again and again, between disciplinary immersion and intellectual openness. The present collection contributes to these endeavors and struggles while reflecting the highly variegated nature of research in Islamic and Arabic Studies.
Peeters Publishers Structure and Performance in the Roman Economy: Models, Methods and Case Studies
History is a reality that can be observed only through the traces it has left. Some are words and images (on parchment, papyrus, stone or any other bearer) conveying us the emotions and reflections of people in the past. Others are the scars and leftovers of human lives and actions, scattered in the landscape, buried or sunk under water. Historians and archaeologists are experts in restoring the damage done to a body of evidence by time or human manipulation. We are trained empiricists, wont to look down and think bottom-up. Economic history, however, requires us to do more: we need to look up. Economics is about explaining patterns in human interaction by detecting its causes and effects. However good our restored data are, the patterns they reveal will always be too fragmented and have too many loose ends to unveil reality. Economic history is always an act of imagination. The challenge is to ensure that it does not become an insubstantial pageant. Theories, models and comparative history help us to do that. They are explanatory frames and tools, showing the consequences of our assumptions and suggesting solutions to fill in the gaps. They do not diminish the need for empirical research methods. The output of any model depends on the reliability of its input data. This book discusses theories and models we believe are useful in economic history, but it also invites the reader to look at methods (both new and traditional) to ensure that input data are reliable, and offers case studies showing what can be done.
Peeters Publishers Gods, Kings, and Merchants in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia
Gods, kings and merchants, a way of designating religion, politics and the economy: three spheres which in the modern world are quite distinct, even if they do interact constantly. The aim of this book is to show that their boundaries were far more fluid in the Mesopotamian civilisation: gods could act as money lenders, kings could invoke divine will to refuse extradiction, the dead could serve as a reference for how the living should behave, and wealthy merchants could live in residences modelled on those of kings... This civilisation preceded the "Greek miracle" which Jean-Pierre Vernant has quite correctly defined as a "process of change which led to the emergence, as distinct areas, of the blueprints for the economy, politics, law, art, science, ethics, and philosophy". In a direct continuation of his earlier book published in 2010, Writing, Law, and Kingship in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia, D. Charpin here examines in greater depth the situation which existed in Mesopotamia in the first half of the second millennium BC, using texts discovered in numerous archives throughout the entire Near East, especially those found at Mari eighty years ago.
Peeters Publishers The New Judas: The Case of Nestorius in Ecclesiastical Politics, 428-451 CE
The New Judas is a new account of the life of Nestorius (ca. 386 to 451 CE), the Christological controversy that engulfed him, as well as the critical imperial interventions into ecclesiastical politics during the period from the First Council of Ephesus to the Council of Chalcedon. This work endeavours to use both Nestorius' own Liber Heraclidis, preserved only in Syriac, as well as the unprecedented abundance of primary documents in Greek and Latin from Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum, to answer a question of fundamental historical importance: How could the teaching of Christ's two natures, one so closely identified with Nestorius, deposed in 431, be vindicated in all its essentials at the Council of Chalcedon in twenty years later? The answer requires not only a reconsideration of the role of the supposedly timid emperor Theodosius II, but also a new understanding of the evolving position of Nestorius' chief opponent, Cyril of Alexandria.