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Guilford Publications Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with Eating Disorders
This state-of-the-art guide provides a powerful transdiagnostic approach for treating adolescent eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and others) in either outpatient or inpatient settings. It describes how enhanced cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E)--the gold-standard treatment for adult eating disorders--has been systematically adapted and tested with younger patients. With a strong motivational focus, CBT-E gives the adolescent a key role in decision making. The book presents session-by-session guidelines for assessing patients, determining whether CBT-E is appropriate, developing case conceptualizations, conducting individualized interventions, addressing medical issues, and involving parents. User-friendly features include case vignettes and reproducible forms; purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. CBT-E is recognized as a best practice for the treatment of adolescent eating disorders by the U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Groups, Second Edition
The leading guide to group-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has now been significantly revised with 70% new material, reflecting over 15 years of research and clinical advances. Too often, CBT training resources treat groups as simply an extension of individual therapy. Filling an important need, this text helps students and practitioners build essential skills for leveraging group process to optimize outcomes. Featuring sample dialogues, clinical pointers, and troubleshooting tips, the book provides practical answers to group leaders' most pressing questions. Effective protocols for treating specific disorders are presented, with a focus on CBT techniques and group process factors unique to each type of group. New to This Edition *Chapters on inpatient groups and mindfulness-based CBT. *Chapters on additional disorders: posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder. *Fully rewritten chapters on anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and psychosis. *Discussions of timely topics, such as conducting virtual groups and the growth of transdiagnostic approaches. *Even more clinician friendly; streamlined chapters highlight "what to do when."
Guilford Publications Evidence-Based Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
From an experienced clinician and a prominent psychotherapy researcher, this book synthesizes the evidence base for cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and translates it into practical clinical guidelines. Therapists and students learn how to implement core CBT techniques, why and how they work, and what to do when faced with gaps in scientific knowledge. Vivid case examples illustrate what evidence-based strategies look like in action with real-world clients who may have multiple presenting problems. The authors also separate CBT myths from facts and discuss ways to manage common treatment challenges. New to This Edition *Revised throughout to incorporate the latest research, including key meta-analytic studies. *Chapters on clinical techniques have been restructured to be more concise and digestible. *New content on sleep difficulties, reducing avoidance, and motivational interviewing. *A new extended case example runs throughout the book.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders
This book provides the first comprehensive guide to enhanced cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E), the leading empirically supported treatment for eating disorders in adults. Written with the practitioner in mind, the book demonstrates how this transdiagnostic approach can be used with the full range of eating disorders seen in clinical practice. Christopher Fairburn and colleagues describe in detail how to tailor CBT-E to the needs of individual patients, and how to adapt it for patients who require hospitalization. Also addressed are frequently encountered co-occurring disorders and how to manage them. Reproducible appendices feature the Eating Disorder Examination interview and questionnaire. CBT-E is recognized as a best practice for the treatment of adult eating disorders by the U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
American Psychological Association Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques and Strategies
Featuring illustrative hypothetical cases and discussion of cutting-edge research, this volume will give therapists a rich understanding of the various methods, approaches, and ideas that drive modern CBT. Intended as a stand-alone companion to the APA video series of the same title, this volume brings together three esteemed leaders and trainers in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to elucidate the key principles, frameworks, and therapeutic processes that are practiced by effective cognitive behavior therapists. In engaging language, this slim and approachable volume follows the typical sequence of delivering CBT to a client, with chapters focusing on assessment, case conceptualization, core beliefs, behavioral strategies, problem-solving strategies, cultural responsiveness, and techniques to address distorted thinking.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Groups, Second Edition
The leading guide to group-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has now been significantly revised with 70% new material, reflecting over 15 years of research and clinical advances. Too often, CBT training resources treat groups as simply an extension of individual therapy. Filling an important need, this text helps students and practitioners build essential skills for leveraging group process to optimize outcomes. Featuring sample dialogues, clinical pointers, and troubleshooting tips, the book provides practical answers to group leaders' most pressing questions. Effective protocols for treating specific disorders are presented, with a focus on CBT techniques and group process factors unique to each type of group. New to This Edition *Chapters on inpatient groups and mindfulness-based CBT. *Chapters on additional disorders: posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder. *Fully rewritten chapters on anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and psychosis. *Discussions of timely topics, such as conducting virtual groups and the growth of transdiagnostic approaches. *Even more clinician friendly; streamlined chapters highlight "what to do when."
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice
Learn and apply the 14 core principles of cognitive behavior therapy In this invaluable guide, clinicians will findidentified and summarized by leading researchers and cliniciansfourteen core principles that subsume the more than 400 cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment protocols currently in use, so they may apply them to their everyday practice. This unique contribution to the field provides practitioners with a balance of history, theory, and evidence-based applications. Edited by renowned experts in the field, Cognitive Behavior Therapy explores the core principles behind all CBT protocols including: Clinical functional analysis Skills training Exposure Relaxation Cognitive restructuring Problem solving Self-regulation A straightforward introduction to CBT principles with guidance for all mental health professionals seeking to improve the lives of clients spanning a range of psychological problems, Cognitive Behavior Therapy is designed for both new and experienced clinicians alike who want to deepen and broaden their understanding of CBT principles.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy of Addictive Disorders
*Authoritative work on applying CBT to addictions; Beck is the founder of CBT and Liese is a leading practitioner and addictions expert. *Clinical, complete, and contemporary--perfect for practitioner use or as a graduate-level text. *For all types of addictions, from alcohol and drugs to gambling and binge eating. *Covers both individual and group therapy, and deals with critical issues including stigma and shame.
Guilford Publications Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents: The Nuts and Bolts
Widely regarded as the definitive practitioner reference and teaching text, this book provides a complete introduction to doing cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with 6- to 18-year-olds. The authors offer a blueprint for formulating cases and tailoring treatment to each child's or adolescent's unique developmental and clinical needs. Coverage includes how to orient children and families to cognitive therapy, structure each session, and implement a wide range of CBT techniques. Rich case material illustrates ways that CBT can help children struggling with specific emotional and behavioral problems. Reproducible forms and handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Incorporates the latest advances in CBT with youth and gives increased attention to cultural issues, including new case examples. *Chapter on working with patients with autism spectrum disorder. *Chapter on cognitive-behavioral family therapy. *Pull-out boxes throughout that summarize key points. *Epilogue on developing clinical wisdom. See also the authors' Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Children and Adolescents: Tools for Enhancing Practice, which presents creative ways to address challenging problems.
Guilford Publications Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents: The Nuts and Bolts
Widely regarded as the definitive practitioner reference and teaching text, this book provides a complete introduction to doing cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with 6- to 18-year-olds. The authors offer a blueprint for formulating cases and tailoring treatment to each child's or adolescent's unique developmental and clinical needs. Coverage includes how to orient children and families to cognitive therapy, structure each session, and implement a wide range of CBT techniques. Rich case material illustrates ways that CBT can help children struggling with specific emotional and behavioral problems. Reproducible forms and handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Incorporates the latest advances in CBT with youth and gives increased attention to cultural issues, including new case examples. *Chapter on working with patients with autism spectrum disorder. *Chapter on cognitive-behavioral family therapy. *Pull-out boxes throughout that summarize key points. *Epilogue on developing clinical wisdom. See also the authors' Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Children and Adolescents: Tools for Enhancing Practice, which presents creative ways to address challenging problems.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Chronic Medical Problems: A Guide to Assessment and Treatment in Practice
This title offers a unique general introduction to methods andclinical experience of CBT for a wide range of medical conditions,specifically focusing on chronic illness. A concise, accessibleclinical text which assumes basic knowledge of CBT using clinicalexamples and vignettes to illustrate assessment and therapy. ? Includes a range of typical and important medical conditions thatrequire long-term management ? Fills a gap in this growing area of professional work andtraining
Plural Publishing Inc Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Tinnitus
For many individuals afflicted with tinnitus, the condition causes substantial distress. While there is no known cure for tinnitus, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can offer an effective strategy for managing the symptoms and side effects of chronic tinnitus. Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Tinnitus is the first book to provide comprehensive CBT counseling materials specifically developed for the management of tinnitus. This valuable professional book has two primary purposes: to provide clinical guidelines for audiologists who are offering CBT-based counseling for tinnitus and self-help materials for individuals with tinnitus. In addition, these materials may be of interest to researchers developing evidence-based therapies for tinnitus. The book is structured into three sections. Section A provides background information about the theoretical aspects of CBT and some practical tips on how to use this book. Section B provides the CBT counseling, or self-help, materials, which can be used by both audiologists and tinnitus sufferers. Finally, Section C provides some supplementary materials for clinicians that can aid monitoring and engagement of tinnitus suffers during the course of intervention. Key Features: The CBT materials contained in this text have been tested in numerous clinical trials across the globe (Australia, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States) both as self-help book chapters and self-help materials delivered via the Internet. The counseling materials are presented at minimum reading grade level (U.S. 6th grade level) to maximize reader engagement. The authors of this book have extensive experience in the management of tinnitus, offering useful insights for clinicians and tinnitus sufferers. Access to a PluralPlus companion website with various ancillaries such as expert advice videos for each chapter to facilitate its adoption to clinical practice.
Little, Brown Book Group Release Your Worries - A Guide to Letting Go of Stress & Anxiety
Release Your Worries examines the nature of stress and anxiety and helps you master a range of strategies and approaches for dealing with them.Among the topics explored in this essential self-help guide you will find:- case studies- the issue of medication- the importance of an healthy lifestyle- CBT, IPT and ACT approachesRelease Your Worries draws on the clinical, research and teaching experience of the authors and makes use of the most up-to-date psychological approaches, including CBT, Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), Narrative and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT).
American Psychological Association Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Volume 2: Applications
Volume 2 of this two-volume handbook of contemporary cognitive behavioral scholarship evaluates the application of CBT to specific clinical conditions, modalities and settings, and diverse populations.
Guilford Publications Treatment Plans and Interventions for Insomnia: A Case Formulation Approach
From leading authorities, this treatment planner outlines cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and shows how to tailor the treatment to individual clients' needs. Clinicians get a solid understanding of how sleep is regulated and the factors that promote or hinder optimal sleep. The book describes CBT-I components and discusses how to select and sequence them for particular clients, including those with psychiatric comorbidities such as anxiety or depressive disorders. Two chapter-length case examples illustrate the use of a comprehensive case conceptualization as the basis for effective intervention. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes reproducible assessment tools, planning forms, and handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. The American College of Physicians recommends CBT-I as the initial treatment for all adult patients with chronic insomnia disorder.
Little, Brown Book Group An Introduction to Improving Your SelfEsteem
A great introduction to coping with low self-esteem using CBT from the UK's leading experts on its treatment.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing High-Yield Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Brief Sessions: An Illustrated Guide
High-Yield Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Brief Sessions: An Illustrated Guide breaks entirely new ground in explaining how to weave together the powerful tools of CBT with pharmacotherapy in sessions shorter than the traditional "50-minute hour." Written for psychiatrists, therapists, and other clinicians, the book details ways to enrich brief sessions with practical CBT interventions that work to relieve symptoms and promote wellness. An engaging and instructive resource of video illustrations included with the book demonstrates how to successfully implement brief CBT sessions for some of the most common and important problems seen in clinical practice—depression, anxiety, psychotic symptoms, suicidality, sleep disturbances, substance abuse, and coping with physical health issues. Written by practicing clinicians with extensive experience in combining CBT and pharmacotherapy, this volume builds on the constructs and techniques described in the authors' earlier best-selling illustrated guides, Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Severe Mental Illness. The authors describe in detail the general features of CBT that can be applied in less time than the 50-minute hour • The therapist and patient function as an investigative team; the power of this collaborative empiricism can be evident in even the shortest of clinical encounters.• Clinicians teach patients how to rapidly set agendas, focus on specific problems, pace sessions, and give and receive feedback on progress; this structuring approach is especially well-suited to brief sessions.• A basic tenet of CBT, psychoeducation can effectively be delivered in sessions shorter than 45-60 minutes and, in fact, may become a more dominant aspect of treatment during briefer time frames.• Patients can learn practical, high-yield methods for decreasing symptoms fairly quickly, making these methods highly suitable for application in shorter sessions.• Homework extends learning beyond the confines of the session and encourages self-help in the treatment process, effectively increasing the value of shortened clinician-patient time. When sessions are brief, clinicians must be able to generate succinct and targeted formulations that include key pieces of information that allow for full understanding of the patient, while honing in on specific problems where positive results can be collaboratively pursued. This book, with its video illustrations and learning exercises, was designed to help readers achieve incisive formulations while they sharpen their basic CBT techniques and successfully apply this knowledge in the stimulating and rewarding domain of brief sessions. A must-read for working clinicians as well as trainees, this book offers pragmatic solutions for the challenge of providing effective psychotherapy in brief treatment sessions.
New Harbinger Publications The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook
Have you been struggling with sadness, worry, stress, or even insomnia? You certainly aren''t alone. As our world becomes an increasingly uncertain place, many people are discovering that they need help managing depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the gold standard treatment for these conditions. This comprehensive workbook distils the very latest CBT research into an easy-to-use guide you can use to start feeling better now.In The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook, you''ll find proven-effective techniques to help you build resilience, deal effectively with life''s challenges, work through difficult thoughts and feelings, and improve your overall well-being. You''ll also discover cutting-edge CBT practices that target rumination, self-compassion, self-esteem, and chronic anger. By practicing each skill outlined in this workbook, you''ll build your own mental wellness toolkit to draw from when you need it
David & Charles Your Dog and You
Your dog and you ...understanding the canine psyche examines the relationship between people and dogs from a psychological perspective, incorporating Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to facilitate this: uniquely, the first time that CBT has been used to help owners relate to their dogs. A dog's behaviour can be a reflection of the emotions an owner may be experiencing; it follows that insight into our behaviour using CBT to reduce emotional unrest will, in turn, be reflected in a dog's behaviour. Dogs have had to become experts at reading people in order to live with us. By understanding our dog and how he responds to us, we can comprehend more about our world and how our dog sees us. Dogs are naturally expert psychologists, and have, over centuries, been bred and domesticated to live harmoniously with us. That they have - in the main - achieved this so well reflects this amazing animal's ingenuity.
Little, Brown Book Group Overcoming Body Image Problems including Body Dysmorphic Disorder
A Books on Prescription title to help you stop worrying about your self-image and overcome Body Dysmorphic Disorder with CBT.Praise for the Overcoming series:'The best consumer-friendly CBT-based books.' ObserverMany people occasionally suffer from a negative body self-image but, for an increasing number of people, this can turn into a more serious preoccupation. One per cent of the population will develop Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), a condition characterised by severe preoccupation with a perceived physical defect. Body image problems can cause significant distress and can lead to further problems such as anxiety, eating disorders and social phobia. It has long been recognised that negative body image problems are a factor in the onset and maintenance of many eating disorders. However, they can be successfully treated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Anxiety Recovery Journal
The Anxiety Recovery Journal is designed to support you in managing your feelings of anxiety. Drawing on evidence-based techniques, such as CBT, and on the authors'' professional and lived experience, it features helpful journaling prompts, creative activities, beautiful colouring pages and motivational quote pages to help you calm your anxious mind.This uplifting journal will help you better understand your experiences of anxiety and motivate you in your recovery journey. Created by CBT therapist Cara Lisette and mental health advocate Anneli Roberts, the activities in this journal will help you to take positive steps towards living a full life beyond your anxiety.
American Psychological Association Treating Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Ethnic and Racial Groups: Cognitive Behavioral Approaches
Depression, anxiety, and stress are responsible for an overwhelming number of mental health care visits, and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) offers the most popular, empirically supported approach to treating these conditions. Yet little is known about the effectiveness of CBT with African American, Latino, Asian American, and Native American populations – ethnic and racial groups that make up nearly half the population of the United States. This volume shows therapists how to adapt cognitive behavioral treatments for use with racial and ethnic minority clients. Contributors demonstrate how a client’s particular sociocultural background contextualizes her experience and understanding of mental health issues. They examine the influence of sociocultural context on experiences of social anxiety among Asian-Americans, the role of racial identity in the way stress and anxiety are experienced by African-American clients, and much more. They propose adaptations of standard CBT treatments to maximize their effectiveness for all clients, regardless of race or ethnicity.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The OCD Recovery Journal
The OCD Recovery Journal is designed to help you better understand and manage your OCD. Drawing on evidence-based techniques, such as CBT and Exposure and Response Prevention, and on the authors'' professional and lived experience, it provides helpful journaling prompts, creative activities, colouring pages and motivational quote pages to help you take control of your OCD.This journal will support you in understanding and challenging your OCD and motivate you in your recovery journey. Created by CBT therapist Cara Lisette and peer support worker Phoebe Webb, it will help you to build your own toolkit of recovery resources and to take positive steps towards living a full and happy life.
Guilford Publications Making Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Work, Third Edition: Clinical Process for New Practitioners
"What should I do when a client asks me personal questions?" "How do my client's multiple problems fit together, and which ones should we focus on in treatment?" This engaging text--now revised and updated--has helped tens of thousands of students and novice cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) practitioners build skills and confidence for real-world clinical practice. Hands-on guidance is provided for developing strong therapeutic relationships and navigating each stage of treatment; vivid case material illustrates what CBT looks like in action. Aided by sample dialogues, questions to ask, and helpful checklists, readers learn how to conduct assessments, create strong case conceptualizations, deliver carefully planned interventions, comply with record-keeping requirements, and overcome frequently encountered challenges all along the way. New to This Edition *Chapter with advice on new CBT practitioners' most common anxieties. *All-new case examples, now with a more complex extended case that runs throughout the book. *Chapter on working with special populations (culturally diverse clients, children and families). *Special attention to clinical and ethical implications of new technologies and social media. *Updated throughout to reflect current research and the authors' ongoing clinical and teaching experience.
John Murray Press Retrain Your Brain: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in 7 Weeks: A Workbook for Managing Anxiety and Depression
MANAGE YOUR ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION IN JUST 7 WEEKS WITH YOUR NEW CBT WORKBOOKGetting through depression and anxiety requires changing the way you think. Retrain Your Brain: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in 7 Weeks does just that. Offering a simple and practical plan that anyone can follow, this interactive workbook teaches you cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)- an extremely effective approach to managing anxiety and depression.This workbook gives you the tools to work through your current problems and future challenges. Each lesson builds off the last, allowing you to build your cognitive behavioural therapy skills without getting overwhelmed.Retrain Your Brain: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in 7 Weeks includes:- A Complete Guide to CBT: Learn what cognitive behavioural therapy is, how it can help you, and how to apply it to your life in just a few weeks.- Practical Lessons: Simple, directed writing exercises make it easy to apply cognitive behavioural therapy to your life.- True Relief: Discover how cognitive behavioural therapy can make a real, tangible difference by providing well-needed, long-lasting relief.Conquer your depression and anxiety with Retrain Your Brain: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in 7 Weeks.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Children and Adolescents: Tools for Enhancing Practice
Providing a wealth of practical interventions and activities--all organized within a state-of-the-art modular framework--this invaluable book helps child clinicians expand their cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) toolkits. Going beyond the basics, the authors provide effective ways to engage hard-to-reach clients, address challenging problems, and target particular cognitive and behavioral skills. Fun and productive games, crafts, and other activities are described in step-by-step detail. More than 30 reproducible forms and handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. See also the authors' authoritative introduction to CBT with young patients, Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Second Edition: The Nuts and Bolts.
Guilford Publications Psychotherapy for Psychosis: Integrating Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Treatment
In this innovative book, master clinician Michael Garrett shows how to weave together cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy to support the recovery of persons suffering from psychosis. This integrated framework builds on the strengths of both methods to achieve lasting gains, even for patients with severe, chronic mental illness. The therapist is guided to use CBT to help the patient recognize the literal falsity of delusions, while employing psychodynamic strategies to explore the figurative truth and personal meaning of psychotic symptoms. Extended case presentations and numerous clinical vignettes illustrate Garrett’s compassionate, empowering approach. Winner (Second Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Category
John Murray Press Mindful Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: A Simple Path to Healing, Hope, and Peace
A practicing psychologist - one of the top popularizers of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - offers a fresh, welcome approach for treating mental health issues that speaks to our times, blending mindfulness and spirituality with CBT to effectively overcome negative thinking, achieve deep healing, and truly attain lasting peace.Mental health professionals have numerous tools and techniques to help their patients battle depression and illness. But while these methods can alleviate the pain, they are often only temporary. Based on his extensive knowledge of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and his personal experience with depression and illness, Dr. Seth J. Gillihan believes we need to do more than relieve our symptoms to become healthy and whole. To achieve long-lasting wellness and good health, we must embrace the spiritual in our healing.By incorporating insights from both Christianity and Buddhism and mindfulness into the therapeutic process, we can exponentially magnify the healing CBT provides. Gillihan calls his method Mindful Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and shows how it can be used successfully to master negative thoughts and behaviours and choose the right actions to become fully present and at peace in our daily lives.This extraordinary guide shows how to banish the stubborn lies we tell ourselves - that we're unlovable, stupid, unworthy, defective - and adapt new healthful and spiritual practices that can help us retrain our minds to focus on the deep truths of our existence - that we are perfect in our imperfections, and most important, that we are beings deserving of love.
Guilford Publications Making Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Work, Third Edition: Clinical Process for New Practitioners
"What should I do when a client asks me personal questions?" "How do my client's multiple problems fit together, and which ones should we focus on in treatment?" This engaging text--now revised and updated--has helped tens of thousands of students and novice cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) practitioners build skills and confidence for real-world clinical practice. Hands-on guidance is provided for developing strong therapeutic relationships and navigating each stage of treatment; vivid case material illustrates what CBT looks like in action. Aided by sample dialogues, questions to ask, and helpful checklists, readers learn how to conduct assessments, create strong case conceptualizations, deliver carefully planned interventions, comply with record-keeping requirements, and overcome frequently encountered challenges all along the way. New to This Edition *Chapter with advice on new CBT practitioners' most common anxieties. *All-new case examples, now with a more complex extended case that runs throughout the book. *Chapter on working with special populations (culturally diverse clients, children and families). *Special attention to clinical and ethical implications of new technologies and social media. *Updated throughout to reflect current research and the authors' ongoing clinical and teaching experience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Psychobiological Approaches for Anxiety Disorders: Treatment Combination Strategies
Psychobiological Approaches for Anxiety Disorders presents a comprehensive overview of the latest empirical evidence and research results on combining pharmacological agents and CBT techniques for the treatment of anxiety disorders. The first book to focus on the issue of enhancing CBT with pharmacological agents Features chapters from leading authors in the fields of psychiatry, pharmacology, clinical psychology, neuroscience, and emotion research Contributes significantly to the field by summarizing the contemporary research in combination treatments in anxiety disorders A valuable resource for clinicians in training, as well as experienced clinicians seeking to help patients with anxiety disorders
Guilford Publications Treatment Plans and Interventions in Couple Therapy
Filled with rich case examples, this pragmatic book provides a complete toolkit for couple-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The book presents guidelines for planning and implementing evidence-based treatment for diverse couples.
American Psychological Association Treating PTSD With Cognitive–Behavioral Therapies: Interventions That Work
This compact, clinician-friendly resource walks readers through cognitive–behavioral techniques and treatment packages for clients with PTSD, using case studies to illustrate how to troubleshoot common problems. Research over the past three decades has confirmed that cognitive–behavioral therapies (CBTs) are among the most effective treatments for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This book introduces clinicians to cognitive–behavioral techniques for PTSD and guides them in adopting treatment protocols. Because myths about CBT for PTSD have been barriers to use, the book offers a clear view of the facts about the evidence-based therapies that offer such promise in helping clients to heal from their traumas. The goal of this clinician-friendly book is clear: to make CBT available to suffering clients.
Guilford Publications Buddhist Psychology and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Clinician's Guide
This user-friendly guide to the basics of Buddhist psychology presents a roadmap specifically designed for cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) practitioners. It explains central Buddhist concepts and how they can be applied to clinical work, and features numerous experiential exercises and meditations. Downloadable audio recordings of the guided meditations are provided at the companion website. Essential topics include the relationship between suffering and psychopathology, the role of compassion in understanding and treating psychological problems, and how mindfulness fits into evidence-based psychotherapy practice. The book describes an innovative case conceptualization method, grounded in Buddhist thinking, that facilitates the targeted delivery of specific CBT interventions.
American Psychological Association Alternative Therapies for PTSD
This book surveys promising alternatives to CBT and prolonged exposure therapy that are easier for trauma survivors to tolerate. It explores their strengths and limitations and provides practical guidelines for implementation.
Guilford Publications Buddhist Psychology and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Clinician's Guide
This user-friendly guide to the basics of Buddhist psychology presents a roadmap specifically designed for cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) practitioners. It explains central Buddhist concepts and how they can be applied to clinical work, and features numerous experiential exercises and meditations. Downloadable audio recordings of the guided meditations are provided at the companion website. Essential topics include the relationship between suffering and psychopathology, the role of compassion in understanding and treating psychological problems, and how mindfulness fits into evidence-based psychotherapy practice. The book describes an innovative case conceptualization method, grounded in Buddhist thinking, that facilitates the targeted delivery of specific CBT interventions.
New Harbinger Publications Learning Process-Based Therapy: A Skills Training Manual for Targeting the Core Processes of Psychological Change in Clinical Practice
The future of psychology is process-based. This groundbreaking workbook offers concrete strategies for utilizing the core competencies of process-based therapy, and provides step-by-step guidance for formulating effective treatment plans.For decades, evidence-based mental health treatments have been defined in terms of scientifically validated protocols focused on syndromes. Many therapies-including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-have historically been identified with that approach, but this is rapidly changing. A process focus is now emerging for a number of methods within the family of CBT, as the era of "protocols for syndromes" passes away.Written by renowned psychologists Steven C. Hayes and Stefan G. Hofmann, The Process-Based Therapy Workbookwill show you how to utilize the core competencies of process-based therapy (PBT) in a way that honors the behavioral, cognitive, and acceptance and mindfulness wings of CBT. In the workbook, you'll find a comprehensive road map to the theoretical foundations of PBT, as well as step-by-step guidance to help you formulate treatment plans that address the unique needs of each client-leading to better therapeutic outcomes.Whether you are a clinician or a student of the behavioral sciences, this workbook offers everything you need tounderstand and implement PBT in your work.
Guilford Publications Treatment Plans and Interventions in Couple Therapy
Filled with rich case examples, this pragmatic book provides a complete toolkit for couple-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The book presents guidelines for planning and implementing evidence-based treatment for diverse couples.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Neuroscience-based Cognitive Therapy: New Methods for Assessment, Treatment, and Self-Regulation
A pioneer of CBT explores recent advances in neuroscience, showing how they can be applied in practice to improve the effectiveness of cognitive therapy for clients with a wide range of diagnoses including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and schizophrenia Utilizes the latest advances in neuroscience to introduce tools that allow clinicians, for the first time, to directly ‘measure' the effectiveness of cognitive therapy interventions Rigorously based in neuroscientific research, yet designed to be readable and jargon-free for a professional market of CBT practitioners Covers theory, assessment, and the treatment of a wide range of specific disorders including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, eating disorders, addictions and schizophrenia Written by a respected pioneer in the field
Guilford Publications Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Fourth Edition
Now revised and expanded with over 50% new material, this definitive clinical reference is the text of choice for graduate-level courses in evidence-based psychotherapy. Foremost authorities describe the conceptual and scientific foundations of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and provide a framework for assessment and case formulation. Major approaches are reviewed in detail, including emotion-centered problem-solving therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, schema therapy, mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Applications to specific populations are discussed, including children and adolescents, couples, culturally diverse clients, and more. New to This Edition *Chapter on clinical assessment. *Chapter on DBT. *Chapters on transdiagnostic treatments, CBT-based prevention models, and improving dissemination and implementation. *Existing chapters extensively revised or rewritten to reflect important research and clinical advances.
Guilford Publications Treating OCD in Children and Adolescents: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
From foremost experts, this authoritative work offers a framework for helping children overcome obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) using the proven techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Therapists gain knowledge and tools to engage 6- to 18-year-olds and their parents and implement individualized CBT interventions, with a focus on exposure and response prevention. In a user-friendly, conversational style, the authors provide real-world clinical guidance illustrated with vivid case examples. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the volume's reproducible handouts in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Building on the earlier OCD in Children and Adolescents: A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Manual (by John March and Karen Mulle), this book reflects two decades of advances in the field; most of the content is completely new.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Fourth Edition
Now revised and expanded with over 50% new material, this definitive clinical reference is the text of choice for graduate-level courses in evidence-based psychotherapy. Foremost authorities describe the conceptual and scientific foundations of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and provide a framework for assessment and case formulation. Major approaches are reviewed in detail, including emotion-centered problem-solving therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, schema therapy, mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Applications to specific populations are discussed, including children and adolescents, couples, culturally diverse clients, and more. New to This Edition *Chapter on clinical assessment. *Chapter on DBT. *Chapters on transdiagnostic treatments, CBT-based prevention models, and improving dissemination and implementation. *Existing chapters extensively revised or rewritten to reflect important research and clinical advances.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Children and Adolescents: Tools for Enhancing Practice
Providing a wealth of practical interventions and activities--all organized within a state-of-the-art modular framework--this invaluable book helps child clinicians expand their cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) toolkits. Going beyond the basics, the authors provide effective ways to engage hard-to-reach clients, address challenging problems, and target particular cognitive and behavioral skills. Fun and productive games, crafts, and other activities are described in step-by-step detail. More than 30 reproducible forms and handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. See also the authors' authoritative introduction to CBT with young patients, Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Second Edition: The Nuts and Bolts.
Headline Publishing Group Mood Diary: A 4-week plan to track your emotions and lifestyle
This easy-to-use 28-day write-in journal is founded on CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and self-development techniques to help people understand and manage their moods and emotions. The daily tracker helps the reader chart their feelings alongside daily energy levels, sleep patterns, exercise, food and drink, and even medication they are taking. Throughout there are free-writing pages to encourage self-reflective journalling, CBT worksheets to delve deep into emotions and patterns of thinking and weekly assessments.This enlightening, informative and motivating book will help readers take control and make positive changes to lead a healthier, happier life, improve self-esteem and build personal relationships as they work towards their goals.
American Psychological Association Deliberate Practice in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Deliberate practice exercises help students and trainees rehearse fundamental cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) skills to develop basic competence and hone their own personal therapeutic style.Each book in the Essentials of Deliberate Practice series contain customized exercises consisting of role-playing scenarios in which two trainees act as a client and a therapist, switching back and forth under the guidance of a supervisor. The trainee playing the therapist improvises appropriate and authentic responses to a series of client statements organized into three difficulty levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—that reflect common problems and concerns encountered by CBT practitioners. The first 10 exercises each focus on a single skill, such as establishing goals for treatment; assigning and reviewing between-session exercises; working with various client cognitions, behaviors, and emotions; and addressing relationship ruptures and client resistance. These are followed by two comprehensive exercises—an annotated transcript and free-form mock therapy sessions—in which trainees integrate these essential skills into a single CBT session.Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for mastering each skill, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.
Oxford University Press Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: A Very Short Introduction
Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological therapy. It is not a unitary approach, but instead has evolved through a range of approaches that share a common underpinning model of cognition (thought) and behaviour being important in understanding and alleviating psychological distress. While the earliest approaches focused on modifying observable behaviour, later versions emphasized cognitive processes. Most recently, the third wave approaches in CBT have moved the focus away from the content of an individual's thoughts to their relationship with their thoughts, and the processes underlying thinking. This Very Short Introduction gives an overview of what CBT is, where it came from, what it does, and when it can be used. It explores how one of the driving forces behind CBT's success and continued adaptation has been its basis in empiricism, and analyses how it must continue to evolve to meet future challenges. Looking to the future, Freda McManus also discusses how the scale of mental health problems and relative costs of traditional therapy formats have prompted investigations into alternative formats of CBT that have the potential to reach broader audiences, globally. She also considers the challenges of scale in training the workforce required to roll out such interventions, as well as those of determining the best ways of monitoring their competence and effectiveness. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Older People: Interventions for Those With and Without Dementia
The development of 'ageless' mental health services means that an increasing number of clinicians are now required to work with older people. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is recognised by all recent meta-analyses as the most effective therapy, yet few clinicians are trained specifically in its usage with the elderly. This book is a detailed guide to using CBT with older people both with and without cognitive difficulties. Reviewing its use in different settings, it covers both conceptual and practical perspectives, and details everything from causes and initial assessment to case formulation and change techniques. Case studies in both depression and dementia are used to illustrate how CBT should work and how positive effects can manifest themselves. Suitable both for trainees and experienced therapists, this book will be essential for anybody using cognitive behavioural therapy in their work with older people, regardless of their clients' levels of cognitive ability.
WW Norton & Co Sleep Reimagined: The Fast Track to a Revitalized Life
Insomnia looks different for everyone. Whether it’s caused by stress, a traumatic life event or even a snoring partner, poor sleep can affect the quality of your waking life. But Dr Pedram Navab wants readers to know that it’s not a lost cause—falling asleep can be just as easy as waking up. With his cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT-I) programme, paired with relatable case studies of different sleep disorders, readers are guided to new and improved sleep in as little as four weeks. In Sleep Reimagined, the six-step CBT-I programme teaches readers how to understand sleep, rewire their arousal system through therapeutic relaxation, practise sleep restriction and stimulus control, restructure attitudes towards sleep, use mindfulness intervention to continue cognitive components and prevent insomnia relapse through planning. Both comprehensive and entertaining, this book is the perfect bedside companion to discover better sleep and better life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook For Dummies
Dozens of practical exercises and easy to perform techniques for banishing negative thoughts before they take hold Whether you're trying to overcome anxiety and depression, boost self-esteem, beat addiction, lose weight, or simply improve your outlook, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) offers a practical, sensible approach to mastering your thoughts and thinking constructively. In this updated and expanded edition of the companion workbook to their bestselling Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies, professional therapists Rhena Branch and Rob Wilson show you, step-by-step, how to put the lessons provided in their book into practice. Inside you'll find a huge number of hands-on exercises and techniques to help you remove roadblocks to change and regain control over your life. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook For Dummies, Second Edition: Develops the ideas and concepts that presented in the bestselling Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies, Second Edition and provides exercises to put those ideas into practice Features a range of hands-on CBT exercises and techniques for beating anxiety or depression, boosting your self-esteem, losing weight, or simply improving your outlook on life Rhena Branch and Rob Willson are CBT therapists at the Priory Clinic in London, and the authors of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Dummies.