Search results for ""birkhauser""
Birkhauser Building Simply: A guideline
Innovation by Reduction How can architecture create a pleasant indoor climate using construction techniques and as little technology as possible? Researchers from four different departments at the Technical University of Munich joined forces with the engineering firm Transsolar Energietechnik to explore integral strategies for simple, energy-efficient construction. The architecture firm Florian Nagler Architekten implemented the plans developed by the TUM project for three prototype buildings made of solid wood, masonry and lightweight concrete in monolithic construction. Using these apartment buildings as examples, the guide vividly elucidates the six core principles of simple construction. Analysis of three exemplary apartment buildings Monolithic structures in wood, lightweight concrete, and brick The result of an interdisciplinary research project at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Birkhauser C4 Architekten: Fohn + Pfanner + Sillaber + Wengler: Neues Bauen in Vorarlberg und Tirol 1960–1979
Das Kollektiv C4, bestehend aus Max Fohn, Helmut Pfanner, Karl Sillaber und Friedrich Wengler, gilt als Vorreiter des Neuen Bauens im Westen Österreichs. Die Volksschule Nüziders (1960–63) ist ein Schlüsselwerk des modernen Schulbaus in Vorarlberg. An der Volksschule Lustenau-Hasenfeld (1961–64), der HAK Bregenz (1960–65) und der Hauptschule Nenzing (1965–68) setzten sie ihr Konzept des modernen Schulbaus fort. In ihrer Schaffensperiode von 1960 bis 1979 entstanden in Vorarlberg und Tirol auch Ein- und Mehrfamilienwohnhäuser, Büro- und Gewerbegebäude sowie Frei- und Hallenbäder. Das vorarlberg museum zeigt in Kooperation mit dem Architekturzentrum Wien die erste monografische Ausstellung über diese wegweisende Arbeitsgruppe. Der Katalog zur Ausstellung dokumentiert erstmals das Werk von C4 Architekten.
Birkhauser The Built Work of Giuseppe Pizzigoni
Giuseppe Pizzigoni, architect of classical and postwar modernism in northern Italy, owes his reputation to his connections with the Novecento movement, his independence from fascism, and his interest in innovative residential floor plans. Using redrawn plans of some 60 realized buildings, the design achievements are systematically analyzed, supplemented by explanations on the historical background, a systematic catalog, and up-to-date photographic documentation.
Birkhauser Nonlinear Urbanism: Towards Multiple Urban Futures
The urban spaces of the future This book compiles speculative contributions on disruptive, nonlinear futures of urban agglomerations, based on research conducted on urban innovation at the Department of Special Topics in Architecture at the Institute of Architecture of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Students, alongside renowned experts, also comment on questions concerning our urban future. The novel reading structure, which is realized and suggested by the concept of the book, is also nonlinear: thematic, graphic cross-references enable contextual reading in addition to continuous reading. The enhancement of the printed book with digital augmented reality (AR) components offers networked, simultaneous reading on several levels and thus reflects the complexity of urban systems. New approaches in urbanism A spectrum of speculative glimpses into the urban future Contextual reading structure: enrichment of the printed book with AR components
Birkhauser Leberecht Migge Überall Gärten Für alle
Birkhauser Light, Nature, Architecture: A Guide to Holistic Lighting Design
In this planning guide, the renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi documents all her findings on the topics of lighting design, daylight, sustainability and healthy living spaces. It is a challenge to create holistic lighting design in times of advancing mechanization, but it is the right thing to do in terms of achieving sustainability in the use of light and energy. The renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi explains this attitude with the words, “It’s better to make the most of natural light from the start, rather than compensating with artificial light afterwards”. The guideline Light Nature Architecture proves how essential, but also simple, it is to integrate natural light into architectural planning and thus into the design of healthy and pleasant living and working environments. This richly illustrated handbook is structured based on natural light phenomena and combines Ulrike Brandi’s wealth of experience, theoretical principles, and design methods to create a reference work and source of inspiration. Richly illustrated basic work for holistic lighting design Insight into the extensive practical experience and the individual approach of the renowned lighting designer Ulrike Brandi Source of inspiration for professional planners, architects and laypeople Available in English and German (Licht Natur Architektur, ISBN 9783035624083)
Birkhauser Stadt vermitteln: Methoden und Werkzeuge für gemeinschaftliches Planen
Collective Urban Planning in Research, Teaching and Practice This practice orientated handbook aims at all urban actors wishing to develop and realise complex urban planning concepts. It sets out a series of techniques, methods and process models that range from analytical approaches and concept strategies to the creation of participatory projects. Creative open-ended experiments have been proven as effective academic practice driven methods within applied participatory urban mediation. The book proposes a method-catalogue of immediately realisable approaches for experimental urban research as part of a design and planning procedure within education and practice. Cross-disciplinary methods and working methods for urban planning Case studies from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Cologne, London, Madrid and Wuppertal Foreword Barbara-Ann Campbell-Lange and contributions by Theo Lorenz, Mohamed Fezazi, Alexia Radounikli and Vera San Payo de Lemos
Birkhauser Mid-Century Modern – Visionary Furniture Design from Vienna
Visionary furniture design from Vienna In 1938, Vienna lost its best and most creative minds. This rupture was manifested in all of the arts and sciences and its mark is felt to this day – not least in the field of furniture design. With inexhaustible creativity the Jewish furniture designers who were forced to flee Vienna continued to work while in exile. They taught at the best universities and spread their ideas and vision throughout the entire world. Their creations became classics of twentieth-century furniture design, the epitome of mid-century modern style. This book honors the memory of the exiled designers with a thorough overview of their work. It details their life stories and their visionary designs, which remain as relevant and contemporary as ever, and brings to light new aspects of the history of Viennese furniture design. A new history of Viennese furniture design, with 27 detailed biographies Numerous previously unpublished photographs and sketches Including works by Friedl Dicker-Brandeis, Martin Eisler, Josef Frank, Friedrich Kiesler, Richard Neutra, Bruno Pollak, Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, Franz Singer, Ernst Schwadron, among others
Birkhauser Der Fall Rucellai
Wie konnte es zu der faszinierenden Fassade des Palazzo Rucellai kommen? Und wer hat sie eigentlich entworfen? In einer investigativen Recherche versucht der Autor beide Rätsel endlich zu lösen. Wie ein Detektiv taucht er in das Florenz der Renaissance ein. Er untersucht das städtebauliche wie gesellschaftliche Umfeld und die Motive des Bauherrn und der anderen Akteure, allen voran der Medici. Im Zentrum aber steht das Tatgeschehen: das Bauwerk selbst. Durch die fundierte Analyse der entwurflichen Grundlagen rekonstruiert Günther Fischer die Genese der Grundrisse und der einzelnen Facetten des Bauwerks, und er ermittelt schließlich in einer überzeugenden Lösung des Falles die Identität des Täters: des Architekten dieser ikonisch gewordenen Palastfassade mit ihrer einzigartigen Gestaltqualität.
Birkhauser Designing Emotion: Methods and Strategies for Designers
Strategies for the design process considering emotions. How does design make the indestructible character of a drill tangible? Why does a brand become a trusted friend? And what emotions should intelligent gardening tools actually radiate? The accurate communication and design of emotional worlds remain one of the greatest challenges for companies and professional design. Designing Emotion offers practical support here. Based on current research from neuroscience and psychology, the book presents tools for systematically analysing emotions and controlling them through precise use of form, colour and material. In addition to case studies and interviews, this edition offers insights into the design practice of successful companies. Provides professional design instruments for influencing emotions Includes a folding poster for the use of “emotion grid” With exclusive interviews, practical examples and analyses Available in English and German (Emotion gestalten, ISBN 9783035623840)
Birkhauser Emotion gestalten: Strategie und Methodik für Designprozesse
Strategies for the design process considering emotions. How does design make the indestructible character of a drill tangible? Why does a brand become a trusted friend? And what emotions should intelligent gardening tools actually radiate? The accurate communication and design of emotional worlds remain one of the greatest challenges for companies and professional design. Designing Emotion offers practical support here. Based on current research from neuroscience and psychology, the book presents tools for systematically analysing emotions and controlling them through precise use of form, colour and material. In addition to case studies and interviews, this expanded edition offers insights into the design practice of successful companies. Basic knowledge of emotions and psychological models for the design process. Still unrivaled publication on strategic design and emotion Expanded third edition with exclusive interviews, practical examples and analyses Available in German and English (Designing Emotion, ISBN 9783035623857)
Birkhauser Drawing Climate: Visualising Invisible Elements of Architecture
Ephemeral phenomena like fire, precipitation, shade, and wind have emerged as important contemporary protagonists for environmental design due to their dynamic impact on buildings and cities. The importance of including these forces in architecture has gained rapid momentum in the global quest for sustainability. This book investigates the history, theory and applications of climatic design in the built environment examining architecture and landscapes from various time periods. Based on a collaboration between the University of Sydney and the National University of Singapore, the book brings together contributing authors from Australia, Singapore, and the United States. "Dry", "Wet", "Cool" and "Hot" divide the book into categories through which a wide array of representational topics are covered —from dust storms and clouds, to ice and bushfires. A concluding section presents project examples for exploratory application in the design of architecture.
Birkhauser Temple and Teahouse in Japan
After a trip to Japan in 1953, Werner Blaser published his landmark book on classical Japanese architecture. His studies of 17th- and 18th-century wooden buildings document minimalist, grid-based structures using stark black-and-white photographs, some color photographs and numerous line drawings. His book, highly prized in terms of design and content, contributed significantly to introducing Japanese aesthetics to Western architecture, art and graphics. Mies van der Rohe, for example, gave it to many of his friends. The reprint is enriched by a text on the history of the book by Christian Blaser, Werner Blaser's son, a contribution by Inge Andritz on Mies van der Rohe and Japanese architecture, and a personal afterword by Tadao Ando.
Birkhauser 250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know
What knowledge is indispensable for the landscape architect? The answers to this question are as diverse as landscape architecture itself.In this book 50 landscape architects from Europe, North and South America, Asia and Australia each give five responses. These include practitioners and teachers, young start-ups as well as internationally established firms. The publication illustrates the complex and dynamic nature of the discipline, and presents a diverse cross-section of the core expertise of this field. At the same time, it allows the reader to trace the individual attitudes into which geographical conditions, social contexts and political circumstances flow.Each of the 250 statements is presented on a double page and illustrated by a picture.
Birkhauser Temple and Teahouse in Japan
After a trip to Japan in 1953, Werner Blaser published his landmark book on classical Japanese architecture. His studies of 17th- and 18th-century wooden buildings document minimalist, grid-based structures using stark black-and-white photographs, some color photographs and numerous line drawings. His book, highly prized in terms of design and content, contributed significantly to introducing Japanese aesthetics to Western architecture, art and graphics. Mies van der Rohe, for example, gave it to many of his friends. The reprint is enriched by a text on the history of the book by Christian Blaser, Werner Blaser's son, a contribution by Inge Andritz on Mies van der Rohe and Japanese architecture, and a personal afterword by Tadao Ando.
Birkhauser Flachdach
Dem exponierten Bauteil Flachdach kommt mit seinen speziellen konstruktiven Anforderungen eine besondere planerische Aufmerksamkeit zu. Der Band gibt eine fundierte Darstellung dieses Aufgabenfelds, indem er systematisch den Aufbau von Flachdächern aus Konstruktionsschichten und Materialien, nicht belüftete und zweischalige Dächer sowie die Nutzung von Dachflächen und die Dachentwässerung behandelt. Besonderes Augenmerk richten die Autoren auf die Ausbildung von Durchdringungen und Anschlüssen. Den klimatisch wichtigen und immer beliebter werdenden begrünten Dächern ist ein eigener Abschnitt gewidmet. Die zweite Auflage wurde rundum aktualisiert: Beispiele, Normen und Berechnungen sind auf dem neuesten Stand.
Birkhauser Basics Baukonstruktion
Each type of construction has its special characteristics which cannot be compared with those of other building materials. The first building construction designs in the architectural curriculum are planned as masonry or timber buildings. On the basis of these two traditional and elementary building materials, students familiarize themselves with construction details and structural principles, which are also the basis of construction with "modern" materials such as steel, concrete and glass. Basics Building Construction is clearly structured and focused, and explains the characteristics of these important construction materials. The book familiarizes the reader with the most common construction systems, their rules and applications, and enables architectural students to contemplate creative solutions that may also be outside the standardized solutions offered by the construction industry.This compendium combines the successful individual volumes Timber Construction, Masonry Construction and Glass Construction of the BASICS series in one book, which has been expanded by the two new, hitherto unpublished, Steel Construction and Concrete Construction volumes.
Birkhauser JOSEF HOFFMANN 1870–1956: Fortschritt durch Schönheit: Das Handbuch zum Werk
Das Buch dokumentiert erstmals umfassend das Gesamtwerk Josef Hoffmanns. Als Wagner-Schüler, Gründungsmitglied der Wiener Secession (1897), Professor an der Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule (1899–1936), Mitbegründer der Wiener Werkstätte (1903), des Deutschen Werkbundes (1907) sowie des Österreichischen Werkbundes (1912) kultivierte er ein Modell moderner Lebensweisen auf der Basis einer handwerklich geprägten, künstlerisch ambitionierten und gestalterisch avancierten Bau- und Produktkultur. Über 40 illustrierte Essays namhafter ExpertInnen zu den wichtigsten Bauten, Interieurs, Ausstellungen, kunstgewerblichen Entwürfen und Produkten stellen alle Sparten seines großen Œuvres dar. Großzügige Bildstrecken, eine detaillierte Biografie und ein umfassender Dokumentationsteil runden das Buch zu einem neuen Standardwerk ab.
Birkhauser Urban Agricultural Heritage
Urban gardening and agriculture have become important elements of sustainable urban planning in the context of persistent urbanization amid limited resources. However, a consideration of the cultural-historical dimension has been lacking up to now. The editors present the first comprehensive outline of traditional forms of food production in cities to help preserve this valuable knowledge. On the basis of current research findings, they develop new perspectives and guidelines for recognizing traditional food production systems as an aspect of cultural heritage and for dealing with urban agriculture worldwide.
Birkhauser Stadtbaustein Schule: Dichte Nutzung, urbane Vernetzung
In wachsenden Städten haben Schulstandorte das Potenzial, polyvalente Anlagen sowie lebendige Quartierszentren zu werden. UMBAU 31 untersucht sowohl theoretische als auch praktische Aspekte der Mehrfach- und Umnutzung von Bildungsbauten. Im Zentrum stehen Fragen des Schulumfelds und der Übergangsräume zwischen Schule und Stadt im Sinne eines gegenseitigen Lernens.
Birkhauser Architecture and Naturing Affairs
In this anthology with contributions about architecture, media, and infrastructure technology, the authors investigate in what multifaceted way architecture and information is in tune with contemporary technology, and in what way we live with them. The book is divided into following parts: BREEDING (medialising matter), BREATHING (transcending language), and INHABITING (making things inhabitable). The compilation of various text contributions creates a lexicon of ‘naturing affairs’ and is written for readers who look for an inspiring overview of our medialised environments.
Birkhauser Tools for Ideas: Introduction to Architectural Design
This reference work on the core competence of architects and designers provides a thorough and considered overview of the tools and theories, means and methods and practices and possibilities of creative design. In this substantially expanded edition, a review of recent developments since the first edition has been added, the chapters on digital tools have been updated, and a new, extensive practice section describes the foundations of digital, research-based processes and social agendas in design. The author "demonstrates compellingly that design is a synthesis of creative, technical and architectural skills coupled with academic research and reflection. Enlightening!" (Christian Thomas on the first edition). "Insight into the craft of design. Light in the darkness of how ideas take shape." (Jesko Fezer).
Birkhauser Modern Environmental Design: A Project Primer for Complex Forms
Well-being in a building depends on a number of factors. Visuals, ventilation, heat, cooling, and acoustics are all key. Its efficiency relates not only to the design of a building; it can also be optimized and automated using the latest technologies and innovative environmentally friendly low-tech solutions. To build upon and add to the successful Modern Construction Handbook, Andrew Watts details innovative and established examples of interior design in Modern Environmental Design. These are presented with the aid of texts, drawings and 3D renderings.
Birkhauser Basics Timber Construction
Timber is one of the most elementary and oldest building materials used by mankind, and has still not lost any of its attractiveness and topicality. In many cultural spheres and climate zones, the primary construction methods of domestic architecture include both masonry construction and timber construction. However, this living, lightweight, and easy-to-work material has specific characteristics that impact on the way it is used in construction in different ways compared to other building materials. In order to develop high-quality designs that suit the material, architects need to be familiar with the specific characteristics of this building material and with the rules governing timber construction. The new edition of the successful Basics Timber Construction volume lists the most common solid timber construction systems, including that using solid timber wall elements, as well as the rules, applications, and the relevant details.
Birkhauser Basics Construire en bois
Timber is one of the most elementary and oldest building materials used by mankind, and has still not lost any of its attractiveness and topicality. In many cultural spheres and climate zones, the primary construction methods of domestic architecture include both masonry construction and timber construction. However, this living, lightweight, and easy-to-work material has specific characteristics that impact on the way it is used in construction in different ways compared to other building materials. In order to develop high-quality designs that suit the material, architects need to be familiar with the specific characteristics of this building material and with the rules governing timber construction. The new edition of the successful Basics Timber Construction volume lists the most common solid timber construction systems, including that using solid timber wall elements, as well as the rules, applications, and the relevant details.
Birkhauser Besser - Weniger - Anders Bauen: Kreislaufgerechtes Bauen und Kreislaufwirtschaft: Grundlagen - Fallbeispiele - Strategien
Sustainability is to become the guiding principle of social action and economic activity. At the same time, its ways and means are far from clear. As a holistic praxis, sustainability must combine technical and material as well as social, economic, ecological and also ethical strategies, which have multiple complex interactions and all too often also conflicting goals and priorities. In no other field can these be better observed, addressed and influenced than in architecture and building. Each volume of "Building Better – Less – Different" details two fundamental areas of sustainability and explores their specific dynamics and interactions. After introductory overviews, innovative methods and current developments are described and analysed in in-depth essays, international case studies and pointed commentaries. The sustainability criteria of efficiency ("better"), sufficiency ("less") and consistency ("different") form the framework for each book. The first volume presents concepts, methods and examples of circularity in construction and the economy. Urban mining and circular construction are two approaches to the challenges that architecture and urban design are facing, using techniques such as mono-material construction and design for disassembly, and tools such as materials passports and databases. The circular economy is not solely about recycling but encompasses a wide range of strategies from local community projects to new ownership and service models and steering mechanisms such as carbon fees and dividends.
Birkhauser Universal Singular: Public Space Design of the Early 21st Century
A critical introduction to the design of public spaces The way public spaces are designed reflects the period in which they were created. However, in our globalized world of experience and images the desire for uniqueness tends to achieve the opposite: increasingly, designers of open spaces resort to the same devices and thereby distance themselves from the urban context. The author analyzes ten outstanding contemporary designs of public spaces in Europe in terms of their function in the urban context and what materials are used for their implementation. In interviews with the designers she retraces the changes of the concepts during the design stage of the projects, underpinning her findings with numerous sketches. In addition, her research focuses on how the projects were received in the community. Learning from designers of outstanding public spaces in Europe Numerous unpublished design sketches A clear guide to urban design Also available in a French edition
Birkhauser Ein kleines Haus
Die Villa le Lac, die seit 2016 zum Weltkulturerbe zählt, hat Le Corbusier 1925 am Genfer See für seine Eltern projektiert und gebaut. Aufgrund seiner sparsamen Raumdisposition bezeichnete er es selbst als „Wohnmaschine“. Bis heute ist es der moderne Prototyp des „kleinen Hauses“ geblieben, das mit einem Minimum an Grundfläche und ineinander übergehenden Räumen alle Funktionen des Wohnens erfüllt. Das Buch erscheint erstmals in drei getrennten Sprachausgaben und folgt der Originalausgabe, in der Le Corbusier die Geschichte des Gebäudes dokumentiert hat: mit Fotos, Skizzen und einem poetischen Text. Sie greift dabei aber auch auf die Originalfotografien zurück und bietet so eine maßgeblich verbesserte Abbildungsqualität; zudem enthält sie ein Nachwort der Architekturhistorikerin Guillemette Morel-Journel.
Birkhauser Landesgalerie Niederösterreich / State Gallery of Lower Austria: Der Museumsneubau der Marte.Marte Architekten am Tor zur Wachau / The New Museum Building by Marte.Marte Architects at the Gate to the Wachau
Like a dancing cube shimmering in titanium, the new State Gallery of Lower Austria is placed between the picturesque inner cities of Krems and Stein, and links these with the surrounding natural and river landscape. The spherical curvature and the strongly outward-projecting external walls presented a challenge: titanium shingles and glass panes were individually produced, having been calculated in 3D. Inside, light-flooded areas alternate with daylight-free levels that can be used as required. The project is a strong illustration of the capabilities of the Vorarlberg architectural practice of Marte.Marte. The book documents these Figura Serpentina in numbers, data, and facts – supplemented by statements, drawings for publication, and generous picture galleries, in this way conveying a comprehensive understanding of the new State Gallery.
Birkhauser Basics Entwurfselement Wasser
Wasser ist ein besonderes Gestaltungselement in der Freiraumplanung mit einem ausgeprägt repräsentativen Charakter. Doch geht es nicht allein darum, im Entwurf an geeigneter Stelle Wasserbecken oder Brunnen einzuzeichnen. Bereits beim Entwerfen muss der Planer sich Gedanken darüber machen, wo das Wasser herkommt, wo es abgeführt wird oder wie es gereinigt wird.Themen: Typologie (fließendes Wasser, stehendes Wasser, natürliches Wasser Teich, See, Meer geplantes Wasser Becken, Brunnen, Rinne etc.) Entwurfsparameter (Ort, Funktion, Wirkung) Grundsätzliches zur gestalterischen Konzeption, zu Größe, sinnliche Erfahrbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit Übersicht zu den technisch-konstruktiven Rahmenbedingungen (Herkunft, Einfassung, Bepflanzung, Wasserqualität etc.) Hinweise zur Planung Wirtschaftliche Aspekte
Birkhauser Positions: Unfolding Architectural Endeavors
Over the last ten years, the SLIVER series of lectures has gained international recognition as a forum where young and established designers, artists, and theorists can present and exchange new ideas. In the context of the 150-year anniversary of the University for Applied Arts, SLIVER presented as "positions" the works and ideas of graduates from the Institute for Architecture created in the course of the last three decades. This publication presents these as a cross-section through time and as a pulsating exchange covering the challenges faced by the teaching and practice of architecture, research, and design culture in the past, present, and future.
Birkhauser Das Rote Wien 1919–1934: Ideen, Debatten, Praxis.
Die ersten freien Wahlen zum Wiener Gemeinderat bringen 1919 der Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei die absolute Mehrheit. So beginnt ein international beachtetes Reformprojekt, das auf eine tiefgreifende Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen in der Stadt und eine weitreichende Demokratisierung der Gesellschaft zielt. Zentrales Handlungsfeld wird die Wohnungsfrage. Auf der Grundlage von „Luxussteuern" werden bis 1934 mehr als 60.000 Wohnungen sowie zahlreiche Sozial-, Freizeit- und Kultureinrichtungen geschaffen. Die umfangreich illustrierte Publikation fragt nach historischen Voraussetzungen und Wirkungen, den internationalen Einflüssen und der Ausstrahlung nach Außen, nach dem Verhältnis von Ideologie und Pragmatismus sowie nach dem aktuellen Potenzial dieser dynamischen Stadtentwicklung im Zeichen der Moderne.
Birkhauser Basics Dachkonstruktion
A roof over one’s head is a basic need – it provides shelter from rain, wind and the cold. In addition to these requirements, the structure must be load bearing and stable. Out of traditional craftsmanship, roof shapes and typologies have developed that fulfill these tasks and endure to this day. Basics Roof Construction describes the different kinds of roofs and which advantages and disadvantages each of them has. It explains which tasks are performed by the structural elements and layers and how to account for these in planning construction. The objective is to provide students with the principles, properties and technical terms of construction so that they can implement this knowledge in concrete design plans: from building, to insulation and sealing, all the way to the basics of drainage.
Birkhauser Teaching Architecture: A Dialogue
What are the pressing questions in architecture – in teaching, research and practice? Based on their many years of experience, professors Inès Lamunière and Laurent Stalder come together in five meetings to search for answers. They describe an approach to architecture that is based on intellect as well as intuition and is both strict and pragmatic. And they sketch out creative processes that are indispensable in the development of projects with all their constraints in order to master the future challenges faced by the art of building.
Birkhauser The City as Architecture
Architecture creates complex spatial situations that are the subject of urban design. Design uses a repertoire of specific architectural means in a creative way, resulting in cities that can be lived in and perceived in their three-dimensional experience. The current book, an extended new edition of Architecture of the City (2016), describes the repertoire with which architecture and design regain an entry to urbanistics. It pleads for an "architectonic turn" in urbanistics – a demand to finally comprehend the city architecturally: the issue is not just about buildings in the city, but about architecture of the city as a whole, as is clearly expressed in the new title of City as Architecture.
Birkhauser Brückner & Brückner Architekten: Wurzeln und Flügel
Das Buch ist keine klassische Werkschau, sondern eine Annäherung an das architektonische Denken und Handeln, vor allem aber an die Emotionen, die das Werk von Brückner & Brückner Architekten transportiert. Am Anfang steht die Heimat und damit das Wissen darum, wie wichtig die Wurzeln sind, um auf Neues zugehen zu können. Dem folgt der Weg in die Herzkammer der Architektur von Christian und Peter Brückner, die ihr architektonisches Denken und Handeln auf wenige Begriffe herunterbrechen: Mensch, Ort, Raum und Material. Nicht die konkrete Architektur, sondern diese Essenzen des Bauens werden in den Mittelpunkt gerückt. Danach werden 36 ausgewählte Projekte präsentiert. Dabei werden Geschichten erzählt, die anekdotisch verdeutlichen, wie Brückner & Brückner bauen.
Birkhauser Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe gehörte zu den führenden Persönlichkeiten in der Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts und ist für Architekten und viele andere, die sich der Tradition der Moderne verpflichtet haben, eine Schlüsselfigur. Mit wissenschaftlich fundierten Texten und opulentem Plan- und Fotomaterial zeichnet das Buch die facettenreiche Entwicklung seines Werkes nach: Die ersten Berliner Bauten, seine Villenprojekte und Tätigkeit am Bauhaus in den dreißiger Jahren sowie die amerikanischen Projekte der Nachkriegszeit. Jean-Louis Cohen, bis 2003 Direktor des Institut français d’architecture und zur Zeit Professor an der New York University, hat einen etablierten Ruf als international führender Architekturhistoriker. Seine umfassende Perspektive macht das Buch zu einer verlässlichen Einführung in das Werk Mies van der Rohes.
Birkhauser Vernacular Architecture: Atlas for Living Throughout the World
A comprehensive reference work on vernacular architecture Traditional building methods – such as those used in pueblos, timbered houses, or the Japanese minka – exist in fascinating diversity and create the face of a region. However, as a result of globalization they have been marginalized in many places. In the fastest developing countries in particular, a wealth of experience that goes back hundreds of years is being irretrievably lost, even though valuable insights can be gained for modern building. Using the examples of selected domestic buildings from all continents, 30 international experts demonstrate why we can still learn from vernacular architecture; they analyze the cultural context and the adaptation to topographic/climactic conditions, and focus on the local materials used as well as on the construction, the building process, and the necessary maintenance. A comprehensive reference work covering traditional building methods Numerous examples of vernacular domestic architecture from all five continents More than 1000 impressive color photographs and detailed drawings Also available in German
Birkhauser Frederick Kiesler: Face to Face with the Avant-Garde: Essays on Network and Impact
Frederick Kiesler was a committed networker and communicated regularly with the who’s who of the avant-garde. He was an important intermediary between the visionary ideas of the European Moderne movement and the up-and-coming New York art scene. About 20 contributions portray his colorful life and his multifaceted oeuvre in various contexts, and place Kiesler in a dialog with the most important artists and architects of his time. The publication on the occasion of the 20 year anniversary of the Friedrich Kiesler Foundation deals with his relationship with the Bauhaus, surrealism, and the New York School, as well as with personalities such as Richard Buckminster Fuller, Marcel Duchamp, Arshile Gorky, Theo van Doesburg, Piet Mondrian, Hans Arp, Sigfried Giedion, and others.
Birkhauser Gion A. Caminada. On the path to building: A conversation about architecture with Florian Aicher
Gion Caminada is well-known far beyond Switzerland’s borders: as an architect, whose work is developed out of – and gives new life to – its context. The award-winning renewal of his native community of Vrin, the renaissance of the village of Valendas with its inn and village hall, the buildings in and around Disentis Abbey that contributed to the abbey’s revival, and many more. He passes on his experience in his role as a professor of architecture and design at the ETH. His contribution to architecture is being presented at the 2018 Venice Biennale. In this illustrated interview Gion Caminada tells of his path to building, of old villages, of working together with engaged citizens, and of the ideas that drive him forward in life.
Birkhauser Gion A. Caminada. Unterwegs zum Bauen: Ein Gespräch über Architektur mit Florian Aicher
Gion Caminada ist weit über die Grenzen der Schweiz hinaus bekannt: als Architekt, der sein Schaffen aus dem Kontext entwickelt und diesem neue Impulse gibt – in der preisgekrönten Erneuerung seiner Heimatgemeinde Vrin, durch die Renaissance des Dorfes Valendas mit Gasthof und Gemeindesaal, mit den Bauten um das Kloster Disentis, die zu dessen Erneuerung beitrugen, oder durch vieles mehr. Seine Erfahrung gibt er als Professor für Architektur und Entwurf an der ETH weiter. Die Biennale Venedig 2018 präsentiert seinen Beitrag zur Architektur. In diesem illustrierten Interview erzählt er von seinem Weg zum Bauen, von alten Dörfern, vom Zusammenspiel mit engagierten Bürgern, und von den Ideen, die ihn in seinem Leben antreiben.
Birkhauser A Genius Planet: Energy: From Scarcity to Abundance – a Radical Pathway
Imagine a world where the power is always on, where there is not just enough energy, but an abundance of it. Such a world is no Utopia, it is a possible reality. Using indefinitely available sources of energy – especially photovoltaic solar, in combination with others – and networking this energy, much in the way that we have networked information, we can get beyond our current energy ‘crisis’ and resolve it. The world we then find ourselves in is not a world without problems – we will face new challenges on the way – but in terms of energy it is a world of plenty. Rooted in sound theory and based on technology that is available now, A Genius Planet offers an accessible but detailed and insightful perspective on how we can free ourselves from our dependency on natural resources and generate, trade, and use energy in ways that open up the genuine potential that we have at our disposal today.
Birkhauser Form Follows Energy: Using natural forces to maximize performance
Architecture is energy. Lines drawn on paper to represent architectural intentions also imply decades and sometimes centuries of associated energy and material flows. Form Follows Energy is about the relationship between energy and the form of our built environment. It examines the optimisation of energy flows in building and urban design and the implications for form and configuration. It speaks to both architectural and engineering audiences and offers for the first time a truly interdisciplinary overview on the subject, explaining the complex relationships between energy and architecture in an easy to follow manner and using simple diagrams to show how energy design strategies can be used to maximize the energy performance of our built environment, while at the same time leading to new aesthetic qualities and radically new forms in architecture and urban design. Case studies are used to illustrate the theory. The books philosophy is based on the guiding principles underlying nearly 30 years work in practice, research and teaching. It is relatively easy to make something simple seem complicated. To make a complex topic seem simple and easily understandable is far more of a challenge and this is the aim of this book.
Birkhauser Emotion gestalten: Methodik und Strategie für Designer
Marken, Produkte und der komplette Unternehmensauftritt kommunizieren ein ganzes Spektrum an Emotionen. Deren gezielte Kommunikation und Gestaltung stellt eine besondere Herausforderung für Unternehmen und Designer dar.Emotion gestalten gibt in dem breiten und für die meisten noch unsicheren Feld praktische Hilfestellung. Das Buch stützt sich auf die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse, insbesondere aus den Neurowissenschaften und der Psychologie, und setzt die grundlegenden Komponenten der Gestaltung – Form, Farbe, Material – mit Hilfe der Tools „Emotion Grid“ und „Design Elements“ in einen praxisnahen Bezug.Dieses Praxis-Handbuch macht Emotionen für die Gestaltung systematisch analysierbar und damit steuerbar. Es wird so zu einem wichtigen Instrument im Designprozess.
Birkhauser Die unbesetzte Stadt: Postfundamentalistisches Denken und das urbanistische Feld
Die Prämisse der `postfundamentalistischen Überlegung´ ist es, dass es kein eindeutiges Fundament gibt, auf dem alles andere aufbaut: keinen Gott, keine städtebauliche Wahrheit, keinen Markt und auch sonst kein Prinzip, das den Lauf der Dinge notwendig und vorhersagbar bestimmt. Nikolai Roskamm nimmt diesen Gedanken zum Ausgangspunkt für einen Durchgang durch die Theorien von Marx, Lefebvre, Laclau, Foucault, Arendt, Derrida, Harvey u.a. Er zeigt die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten der dort zu findenden postfundamentalistischen Ansätze und untersucht, welche Rolle der Begriff der Stadt in diesem Denken jeweils spielt. Mit seiner These von der `unbesetzten Stadt´ konfrontiert er eingefahrene Denkroutinen auf dem urbanistischen Feld und unternimmt den Versuch einer kritischen Stadttheorie.
Birkhauser Das Design digitaler Produkte: Entwicklungen, Anwendungen, Perspektiven
Die Digitalisierung und die tiefe Integration von Computern in unseren Alltag verändern die Entwicklung von Produkten und damit auch das Produktdesign selbst: An der Entwicklung digitaler Produkte sind mittlerweile Disziplinen wie Design, Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, Informatik oder die Ingenieurswissenschaften beteiligt. Mit Beiträgen von Autoren aus diesen Bereichen greift das Buch aktuelle Positionen auf und stellt exemplrasich deren Vorgehensweisen und Methoden dar. Beispiele aus der Praxis ergänzen die Essays. So entsteht eine aktuelle Einführung in das Design digitaler Produkte und damit ein Bild, das das Design in seinen Intentionen neu verortet.