Search results for ""author gabriele""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Tiefenpsychologie trifft Systemtherapie: Eine besondere Begegnung
Joseph Rieforth und Gabriele Graf verschmelzen zwei anerkannte Verfahren, die Tiefenpsychologie und die systemische Therapie. Die Synthese, die psychodynamisch-systemische Therapie,betrachtet psychische Belastungen und Störungen im sozialen und biografischen Kontext;integriert bewusste und unbewusste Anteile;fördert die Autonomie des Patienten bzw. Klienten;ermöglicht die Anwendung verschiedenster Interventionsformen.Die Autoren zeigen, wie sich mit dieser neuen Kombination in einer Halt gebenden therapeutischen Beziehung die Basis fÃ"r ein verändertes FÃ"hlen und Handeln des Patienten bzw. Klienten schaffen lässt. Durch den Aufbau "narrativer Strukturen" entwickeln sich neue Geschichten, (Be-)Deutungen und Wirklichkeitsinterpretationen. Mit viel Kreativität und Wertschätzung wird Patienten und Klienten die Möglichkeit eröffnet, ihren aktuellen psychischen Konflikt zu verstehen und zu bearbeiten.
Thieme Publishing Group General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists
A key resource on internal medicine and general pathology written for physical therapists Written by physicians, General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists introduces the basic principles of general pathology and internal medicine clearly and comprehensively for physical therapy (PT) students and practitioners. With this user-friendly book at hand, they will have the knowledge to identify underlying medical conditions, develop individualized treatment plans that take these factors into account, achieve sound therapeutic goals, and refer patients to other resources where necessary. Special Features: The only book on general pathology and internal medicine for physical therapists written with the in-depth knowledge and experience of practicing MDs Organized in two logical sections: the first, General Pathology, provides a basic foundation in the origin and course of diseases, cardinal signs and symptoms, and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; the second, Internal Medicine, presents the main diseases of the different organ systems with a short physiological introduction, the pathomechanisms, the clinical pictures, and the diagnostic and therapeutic management Offers nearly 300 full-color, didactic illustrations that serve as a superb visual aid to learning Includes numerous tables, chapter summaries, a glossary of medical terminology, and case studies that make every concept clear and accessible Assists in exam preparation by providing over 160 study questions Now a major part of the curriculum in undergraduate and graduate physical therapy programs, internal medicine and general pathology are part of the basic equipment of the physical therapist. For PT students, this book will be a training guide throughout their studies and a valuable review as they prepare for examinations. For practitioners of physic
Birkhauser Landscape for Architects / Landschaft für Architekten / Paisaje para arquitectos: Landscape, Park, Building, Qualities, Use / Landschaft, Park, Haus, Qualitäten, Nutzung
Designing gardens, parks and landscapes requires a holistic approach. It also requires extensive specialist knowledge. In courses and manuals the generalist or in-depth levels are frequently under-represented, or the attempted comprehensive view becomes too complex. "Landscape for Architects" now offers a fundamental reference work which is as comprehensive as it is practical and as holistic as it is detailed. Created in cooperation with the Architecture Department of Braunschweig Technical University, Landscape for Architects addresses the aspects of landscape architecture: "questions" are raised with abstract schematic drawings, and possible "answers" are illustrated with analytical drawings of case studies from the 20th and 21st centuries in order to inspire the reader’s own creativity and to support the design process. The entire field of landscape design is dealt with in individual thematic volumes. The numbers of pages in the volumes differ, adding up to a total of more than 1,000 pages in five volumes, published with clear color marking as the "green block". Each volume fully covers the respective subject and can be used on its own—compact and user-friendly. The illustrations are uniformly structured, with the guiding idea on the left-hand side and the associated drawing on the right-hand side. The drawings demonstrate how design concepts can be illustrated, and the three-language format provides an international vocabulary of design.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regional Governance in the EU: Regions and the Future of Europe
The role of regions in the European Union has been frequently debated since the 1980s. This comprehensive book provides a thorough overview of the issue from a variety of perspectives, analysing regional governance and territorial dynamics in the EU and its member states. Focusing on the implications of the democratisation-regionalisation nexus, it argues that a 'Europe with the regions' may promote good governance and ameliorate the democratic deficits of the EU. The book's contributions offer a multidisciplinary approach to the study of governance in the EU and highlight the significance of regions and regionalisation for the EU's future. Through a combination of empirical, conceptual, theoretical and normative approaches, chapters address both intra-state and transnational developments to provide a fresh and exciting addition to the literature on new regionalism and democratic theory. Favouring a modest notion of a 'Europe with the regions' rather than the dominant maximalist vision, it embeds these developments in the ongoing debate about the future of the EU. Students and academics exploring regional governance and the EU will find this book's unique conclusions and crucial insights of great value. The book's distinct perspective on European governance will also be of benefit to policy-makers and EU think-tanks.
Usborne Publishing Ltd 1000 Things That Go
This stylishly illustrated reference book probably contains every type of vehicle you’ve ever seen – and lots that you haven’t. There’s everything from rockets, racing cars and planes to tanks, trucks and Roman chariots. Every picture is labelled with its name, and there’s an index of all the names at the back of the book.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Italian Colonial Troops 1882–1960
A complete illustrated study of the varied range of Italian colonial units who served in East and North Africa. Italy only unified as a nation in 1870 and was late, and therefore impatient, in the 'scramble' for Africa. An initial foothold in Eritrea/Somalia, north-east Africa, led to a disastrous defeat in Ethiopia in 1896 at the Battle of Adwa, but Italian Somaliland was later consolidated on the west coast of the Red Sea. During 1911, Italy also invaded Libya, securing the coast, however fighting continued throughout World War I and only ended in the early 1930s. A number of native colonial regiments were raised in both Italian East Africa and Libya (in the latter, even a pioneering paratroop unit), of which most fought sturdily for Italy against the Allies in 1940–43. These units had particularly colourful uniforms and insignia. Another small guard unit also served in the Italian concession at Tientsin, China in 1902–1943. After World War II, a remnant unit served on in Somalia under a UN mandate until 1960. This intriguing volume describes and illustrates the dress and equipment used by these forces and details how they were deployed to maintain a colonial empire for over half a century.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the Great Northern War 1700–1720
The Great Northern War was a long series of campaigns in which Russia, linked with several other countries in temporary alliances, confronted and eventually replaced Sweden as the predominant power in Northern Europe. While contemporary with the Duke of Marlborough's pivotal campaigns against France, the Great Northern War was in fact more decisive, since it reshaped the Northern European power balance up to the eve of the Napoleonic Wars. It began with a series of astonishing Swedish victories lead by King Charles XII, from Denmark to Poland and deep into Germany. But Peter the Great of Russia showed steadfast determination, and Charles overreached himself when he invaded Russia in 1708; the Russians adopted classic 'scorched earth' tactics until they could destroy the Swedish army at Poltava in 1709, one of the most overwhelming victories in history. Nevertheless, Sweden continued to fight, and frequently win, in Germany, Denmark and Norway, until Charles's death in battle in 1718, though the war itself did not conclude until 1721. This study explores, in detail, the numerous armies and complex alliances engaged in the war for Northern European dominance. Containing accurate full-colour artwork and unrivalled detail, Armies of the Great Northern War offers a vivid insight into the troops which battled for control of the North.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gender and the City before Modernity
Gender and the City before Modernity presents a series of multi-disciplinary readings that explore issues relating to the role of gender in a variety of cities of the ancient, medieval, and early modern worlds. Presents an inter-disciplinary collection of readings that reveal new insights into the intersection of gender, temporality, and urban space Features a wide geographical and methodological range Includes numerous illustrations to enhance clarity
Peter Lang AG «Geteilter» Deutscher Himmel?: Zum Literaturunterricht in Deutschland in Ost Und West Von 1945 Bis Zur Gegenwart
Pushkin Press Käsebier Takes Berlin
In Berlin, 1930, the name Käsebier is on everyone's lips. A literal combination of the German words for "cheese" and "beer," it's an unglamorous name for an unglamorous man - a small-time crooner who performs nightly on a shabby stage for labourers, secretaries, and shopkeepers. Until the press shows up. In the blink of an eye, this everyman is made a star: one who can sing songs for a troubled time. Margot Weissmann, the arts patron, hosts champagne breakfasts for Käsebier; Muschler the banker builds a theatre in his honour; Willi Frächter, a parvenu writer, makes a killing from Käsebier-themed business ventures and books. All the while, the journalists who catapulted Käsebier to fame watch the monstrous media machine churn in amazement - and are aghast at the demons they have unleashed.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Renaissance Armies in Italy 1450–1550
The Italian Renaissance marked a period of political and military turmoil. Many regional wars were fought between the states ruled by Milan, Venice, Genoa, Florence, the Papacy, Siena and Naples. For more than 50 years starting in 1494, major foreign powers also exploited these divisions to invade Italy; both France and Spain made temporary alliances with city states to further their ambitions, and early in the 16th century the Emperor Charles V sent armies from his German realms to support the Spanish. These wars coincided with the growth of disciplined infantry – carrying not only polearms and crossbows but also handguns – which proved capable of challenging the previously dominant armoured knights. The widespread use of mercenaries ushered in the early development of the 'pike and shot' era that succeeded the 'High Middle Ages'. During this period costumes, armour and weapons varied greatly due to their national origins and to the evolution of tactics and technology. This masterfully illustrated study offers a fascinating insight into the many armies which fought in Italy during this turbulent period, explaining not only their arms and equipment, but also their structure and successes and failures on the battlefield.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Paraguayan War 1864–70: The Triple Alliance at stake in La Plata
The Paraguayan War, also known as the War of the Triple Alliance, was the largest and most important military conflict in the history of South America, after the Wars of Independence, and its only true 'continental' war. It involved four countries and lasted for more than five years, during which Paraguay fought alone against a powerful alliance formed by Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. This conflict was remarkable in its huge scale and its terrible cost in lives, with the catastrophic human price paid by Paraguay amounting to more than 300,000 men, a loss of some 70% of the country’s total population. The war was a real revolution for the armies of South America, and the first truly modern conflict of the continent. When the war began in 1864, the armies were small, poorly trained and badly equipped semi-professional forces. However, by the time the war ended, most of them had adopted percussion rifles employing the Minié system and new weapons like breech-loading rifles and Gatling machine guns were being tested on the continent for the first time. This title covers the whole span of the war, from the early days when the conflict primarily involved small columns of a few thousand men seeking each other out in rugged and sparsely inhabited territory, through to the later Napoleonic-style positional battles fought at points of strategic importance. It also explores the unique challenges presented by the humid, subtropical climate, including the devastating impact of disease on the troops.
Gabriele Verlag Vegane FitnessKüche
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Spruch Von Den Sibnen: Die Altesten Konstanzer Baugerichtsprotokolle (1452-1470)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Was uns nicht umbringt: Wie es Menschen gelingt, aus Schicksalsschlägen und traumatischen Erfahrungen gestärkt hervorzugehen
Ein Buch, das Mut macht: Die neue Psychologie des posttraumatischen Wachstums Schicksalsschläge müssen uns nicht aus der Bahn werfen. Sie können vielmehr neue Stärken und Lebensperspektiven eröffnen und einen Reifungsprozess anstoßen. Dieses hoffnungsvolle Fazit zieht Stephen Joseph, einer der Wegbereiter der Psychotraumatologie, aus seiner jahrzehntelangen Arbeit mit traumatisierten Menschen. Sein Buch schlägt einen weiten Bogen: Es schildert Fallgeschichten, macht psychologische Studien nachvollziehbar, zeigt, welche Spuren erschütternde Erlebnisse im Gehirn hinterlassen, und beleuchtet, wie es Menschen gelingt – und wie man sie therapeutisch dabei unterstützen kann –, gestärkt aus emotionalen Katastrophen hervorzugehen. Tsunamis, Gewaltverbrechen, tragische Verkehrsunfälle – solche Erfahrungen, so heißt es, zeichnen die Betroffenen fürs Leben und bürden ihnen posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen auf. Doch der Psychologe Stephen Joseph kommt nach 20 Jahren Forschung zu einem anderen Schluss: Derartige Traumata können zu „Motoren der inneren Veränderung“ werden. Auf Fallstudien gestützt schildert er den emotionalen Tribut traumatischer Erlebnisse, die zugrunde liegende Biologie, die Erscheinungsformen der Resilienz und die große Bandbreite der verfügbaren Therapien … Dies ist ein weitgefasster und plausibler Blick auf die Psychologie des Überlebens. Nature _____Warum im Leid auch eine Chance liegen kann Was geschieht, wenn wir mit dem Schlimmsten konfrontiert sind? Gemeinhin herrscht die Vorstellung, ein Trauma zeichne uns für das restliche Leben – mit oft verheerenden Folgen für fast alle Aspekte unseres Alltags, von unserem Schlafzyklus über unsere sozialen Beziehungen bis hin zu unserem Lebenswillen. Doch wie der international renommierte Psychologe und Psychotherapeut Stephen Joseph in diesem Buch zeigt, setzen traumatische Erfahrungen oft auch positive Entwicklungen in Gang und liefern Anstöße zu einer Verbesserung des Lebens: Die Betroffenen erleben gefestigte persönliche Beziehungen, lernen das Leben stärker wertzuschätzen und gelangen zu neuer innerer Stärke. Sie machen eine Erfahrung, die die Psychologen als posttraumatisches Wachstum bezeichnen. Josephs breit angelegtes Buch führt die Weisheit antiker Philosophen, die Einsichten von Evolutionsbiologen, den Optimismus der positiven Psychologen und seine eigenen bahnbrechenden Studien zusammen, um Wege aufzuzeigen, wie Menschen angesichts dramatischer Veränderungen und Widrigkeiten neuen Lebenssinn und neue Lebensziele finden können. Durch das Buch ziehen sich bewegende Geschichten von Menschen, die trotz großen Leids und schmerzlicher Verluste nicht aufgaben … Joseph verleiht den Berühmten und den Unbekannten gleichermaßen eine Stimme, wenn er Geschichten vom Überleben und Aufblühen in persönlichen wie globalen Krisen erzählt. Dabei vermittelt das Buch tiefe Kenntnisse über die Dynamik des posttraumatischen Wachstums und verwandter Theorien. Es stellt eine seltene Meisterleistung dar, ein Buch zu schreiben, das sowohl für die allgemeine Leserschaft als auch für Fachleute und Praktiker reizvoll und nützlich ist. Joseph ist es gelungen. John Harvey, Professor emeritus für Psychologie, University of Iowa
Winged Hussar Publishing Armies of the American Revolution: Part I - George Washington's Armies 1775 - 1783
Vintage Publishing Hail, Claudio!: The Manager Behind the Miracle
Leicester City's Premier League victory was the 5,000-1 triumph that delighted the world. But how did Claudio Ranieri pull off one of the greatest achievements in sport? This is the inside story of the rise and rise of the butcher’s son from Rome, whose hard work, passion for the game and ability to learn from his mistakes have earned him the respect of players, fans and owners worldwide. Gabriele Marcotti and Alberto Polverosi have known Claudio Ranieri since his early days as a professional footballer. They have closely followed his successes and his failures as he navigated the often topsy-turvy world of football and developed as a player and manager. Hail, Claudio! takes an in-depth look into what sets Ranieri apart as a manager, into precisely how the Premier League was won, and what went wrong following that golden season.
Springer International Publishing AG Intelligent Hydrogels
This volume of Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science assembles original contributions and invited reviews from the priority research program "Intelligent Hydrogels", funded by the German Science Foundation DFG since 2006, with about 25 contributing research groups. In the center of interest of this program and the present book are responsive hydrogels, i.e. hydrophilic polymer or polyelectrolyte networks that are able to respond to environmental stimuli such as changes in temperature, pH, additive concentration or electrical field. The activities focus on different aspects: on hydrogel synthesis, on the modeling and simulation of thermophysical hydrogel properties, as well as on innovative new hydrogel applications as smart materials. The present book summarizes the highlights in the results of the priority program in original contributions and invited reviews.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the Italian-Turkish War: Conquest of Libya, 1911–1912
In the early 1900s, the decaying Ottoman Turkish Empire had lost some of its Balkan territories, but still nominally ruled all of North Africa between British Egypt in the east and French Algeria in the west. Libya had fertile coastal territory, and was the last North African (almost, the last African) region not yet conquered by a European colonialist power. Italy was a young country, ambitious for colonies, but had been defeated in Ethiopia in the 1890s. The Italian government of Giovanni Giolitti was keen to overwrite the memory of that failure, and to gain a strategic grip over the central Mediterranean by seizing Libya, just across the narrows from Sicily. The Italian expeditionary force that landed in October 1911 easily defeated the Ottoman division based in the coastal cities, incurring few losses. However, the Libyan inland tribes reacted furiously to the Italian conquest, and their insurgency cost the Italians thousands of casualties, locking them into the coastal enclaves during a winter stalemate which diminished Italian public enthusiasm for the war. To retrieve Italian prestige the government launched a naval campaign in the Dardanelles and the Dodecanese – the last Turkish held archipelago in the Aegean – in April–May 1912, and landed troops to capture Rhodes. The army finally pushed inland in Libya in July– October (using systematic air reconnaissance, for the first time), and after brutal fighting the war ended in a treaty that brought Italy all it wanted, although though the Libyan tribes would not finally be quelled until after World War I. Containing accurate full-colour artwork and unrivalled detail, Armies of the Italian-Turkish War offers a vivid insight into the troops involved in this pivotal campaign, including the tribal insurgents and the navies of both sides.
Taylor & Francis Ltd HR Futures 2030: A Design for Future-Ready Human Resources
This design for future-ready human resources is a futurist guide to the challenges and changes lying ahead in the world of work and offers a way forward. The world of work is evolving at an exponential rate, and significant shifts are expected. COVID-19 was a warm-up lap and an accelerator of changes, but many still lie ahead. Those changes are rarely addressed in current general HR thinking. At the same time, the growing complexity is making employees and employers alike anxious about the future of work.This is an academic-grade book backed up by evidence-based trends and signals and offers pragmatic upskilling pathways. It is priceless in such an environment for forward-looking scholars and present-oriented, pragmatic industry captains and HR leaders compelled to find answers for their inevitably obsolescing, inorganically morphing workforce. The book was written by the former Director of HEC Lausanne’s Executive MBA and founder of Executive Education of HEC Lausanne, with 12 years’ experience in leading and designing educational programs, together with a NATO- and U.S.-awarded futurist with experience in academic teaching and executives training. This volume offers metaphors to help convey the messages, a clear structure to plan for the decade to come, and several guidelines to follow.
Silvana Overtaking: When Italy Hit the Accelerator 1946-1961
A fine but resilient thread links in Italy the privation and hardship of the post-war period with the economic boom that would burst forth throughout the sixties. Overtaking is not only a reference to the 1962 film The Easy Life (originally released as Il sorpasso, literally "overtaking"), now firmly embedded in popular culture. It evokes the idea of a country that accelerates, vying for a position - not without some show of aggression, vulgarity, and swagger - one that somehow overtakes itself, managing to forge ahead despite the social problems it often leaves unsolved or are created by the rapid development itself. Text in English and Italian.
Marsilio Art, Faith and Medicine in Tintoretto's Venice
Bodies in ecstasy, bodies in tortuous pain, bodies devoid of life and bodies rising to the afterlife: the subject of the human is central to the work Tintoretto (1519–94) accomplished at the Scuola Grande di San Marco, home to the monumental library and medical museum of Venice's Ospedale Civile, and thus a fitting backdrop to Art, Faith and Medicine in Tintoretto's Venice, a volume that explores the representation of the human body in artistic and medical traditions in an effort to understand the role of idealized and nonidealized bodies in Renaissance culture. This book draws on archival documents, illuminated manuscripts, rare books, prints, medals, drawings and paintings to examine the interconnection between art and medicine, anatomical studies and devotional belief. Special topics such as medical care for the monks of the Scuola further enliven this central theme.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Chaos and Complexity in the Arts and Architecture: Research in Progress
The New York Review of Books, Inc Käsebier Takes Berlin
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the Medieval Italian Wars 1125–1325
The great powers of medieval Europe fought continuously in the Italian peninsula between the 12th and 14th centuries as they sought to expand their territory. Invading armies from Germany – the Holy Roman Empire – saw the creation of the defensive Lombard League of northern Italian city-states. These struggles resulted in conflicts between rival confederacies, which in turn proved to be the catalysts for developments in organisation and tactics. Italian urban militias became better organised and equipped, the Imperial armies went from being mostly German to multi-national forces, and both sides became reliant on mercenary forces to prosecute their wars. After the 1260s, France, relying mainly on armoured cavalry, and Spain, with their innovative light infantry, vied for control of southern Italy. On the seas, the great naval powers of Genoa, Pisa and Venice became fierce rivals, as they created great trading empires, bringing the treasures of the east into feudal Europe. Using detailed colour plates, this beautifully illustrated book describes the myriad of armies and navies that fought for control of Italy in the Middle Ages.
Studienverlag GesmbH Subnational Parliaments in the Eu Multi-Level Parliamentary System: Taking Stock of the Post-Lisbon Era
Curiosity Ink Media How the Gherkins Stole Christmas
Yale University Press The Horn
A rich and fascinating account of one of music history’s most ancient, varied, and distinctive instruments From its origins in animal horn instruments in classical antiquity to the emergence of the modern horn in the seventeenth century, the horn appears wherever and whenever humans have made music. Its haunting, timeless presence endures in jazz and film music, as well as orchestral settings, to this day. In this welcome addition to the Yale Musical Instrument Series, Renato Meucci and Gabriele Rocchetti trace the origins of the modern horn in all its variety. From its emergence in Turin and its development of political and diplomatic functions across European courts, to the revolutionary invention of valves, the horn has presented in innumerable guises and forms. Aided by musical examples and newly discovered sources, Meucci and Rocchetti’s book offers a comprehensive account of an instrument whose history is as complex and fascinating as its music.
Universitatsverlag Winter Rhetoric and Representation: The British at War
Duncker & Humblot Gesamtstaat Und Provinz: Regionale Identitaten in Einer Zusammengesetzten Monarchie (17. Bis 2. Jahrhundert)
Classiques Garnier Anglo-Francais: Philologie Et Linguistique
Hirmer Verlag Hello World: Revising a Collection
What could the primarily Western collection of the Nationalgalerie look like today if a global understanding of art had informed its development? Looking at artworks from non-European centres of Modernism and their activities, untold stories and overlooked connections are picked up and developed. The Nationalgalerie Berlin subjects its collection to a critical revision, focusing on those areas of the collection which are not central to a Western understanding of art. Starting points include Heinrich Vogeler’s turn to the Soviet Union, the Dadaist Tomoyoshi Murayama’s sojourn in 1920s Berlin, and Joseph Beuys’ collaborations with Nicolás García Uriburu. The result is a narrative of art from 1900 to the present which, from a global perspective, selectively takes up and explores historical, international, and transregional connections between artists and cultural contexts.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Botanisches Grundpraktikum
Diese einmalige Kombination aus Lehrbuchtext und Praktikumsanleitung bietet sowohl einen theoretischen Hintergrund als auch eine praktische Anleitung, um die Histologie von Pflanzen kennenzulernen – ideal für Bachelor-Studierende. Ohne diese Grundlagen ist ein Verständnis von komplexen pflanzlichen Entwicklungsprozessen, die durch unterschiedliche Zelltypen und Gewebe mit verschiedenen Aufgaben geprägt sind, nicht möglich.In der 3. Auflage sind einige Objekte hinzugekommen, um das Spektrum des Praktikums zu erweitern. Verschiedene Präparate, die den Niederen Pflanzen zuzurechnen sind, wurden aufgenommen, um durch einfach gebaute Organismen das Verständnis für die Funktionsweise vielzelliger Pflanzen zu entwickeln. Das Kapitel Methoden haben die Autoren um die Bedienung des Lichtmikroskops, die Objektpräparation und Färbemethoden erweitert. Das Botanische Grundpraktikum ist vom Umfang her besonders für Bachelorstudierende geeignet.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Geschichte studieren: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung für Historiker von der Immatrikulation bis zum Berufseinstieg
Dieses Buch bietet für Studierende im Haupt- und Nebenfach der Geschichtswissenschaft eine praktische Einführung und Hilfe für das Studium und für den Berufseinstieg.
Bohlau Verlag Zur Geschichte und Aktualität des Studium Generale: Past and Present of Liberal Education
Boydell & Brewer Ltd From A Good Family
First English translation of the famous German novel about a woman's struggle against Victorian social conventions, now in paperback for classroom use. Upon publication in 1895, Gabriele Reuter's From a Good Family (Aus guter Familie) became something of a cultural event, making its author one of Germany's most talked-about women of letters. Set in the first two decades of the Second German Reich, this story of a Prussian bureaucrat's daughter caught between conformity and rebellion struck at the core of the class that upheld the empire, revealing the hypocrisy and misery at the very heart of the bourgeois family. It recorded the conflicted and ultimately interminable adolescence of a middle-class girl who failed to fulfill the destiny prescribed for her by her gender and class, a young woman who, despite an incipient high-spiritedness and independence of mind, internalized the attitudes of her culture to the point of lethal self-censorship. Gabriele Reuter (1859-1941) began writing in her teens but did not experience a literary and commercial breakthrough until the publication of From a Good Family in 1895. This success enabled her finally to live as a freelance writer. In addition to a string of popular novels she wrote essays and sketches for German and Austrian newspapers; in the 1920s and 1930s she regularly reviewed German books for the New York Times. Lynne Tatlock is Hortense and Tobias Lewin Distinguished Professor in the Humanitiesat Washington University in St. Louis.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Hotel Rem
Edinburgh University Press Research Methods for Creating and Curating Data in the Digital Humanities
The first volume to focus on digitising and curating data online as research methods for Digital Humanities. In presenting their own creative research, the writers in this volume offer examples of practice that will be of use to anyone interested in learning more about contemporary Digital Humanities scholarship and its implications.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Noisy Diggers
This chunky board book is full of big diggers making lots of noise for little children to discover. Little hands won’t be able to resist pressing the sound buttons to accompany each colourful page. Picture and sounds include a rumbling bulldozer, a thudding rock-breaker, an excavator digging a hole and a tipper truck unloading rocks.
Park Books Werkgruppe Graz 1959–1989 – Architecture at the Turn of Late Modernism
The Werkgruppe Graz played a major role in post-war Austrian architecture. All four of its members were educated at the Technical University in Graz and began their collaboration in the late 1959, with the first building completed in 1963. The group was an important precursor of what became known as the Graz School in Austrian architecture. Socially progressive, with a participatory as well as scientific approach they created projects that remain significant milestones until the present day. Werkgruppe Graz 1959-1989 is the first comprehensive documentation of the group's work; putting it in historical and international context. With comprehensive details of 30 building projects, it is a complete catalogue of their work.
Transcript Verlag Emerging Bodies: The Performance of Worldmaking in Dance and Choreography
The concept of "worldmaking" is based on the idea that "the world" is not given, but rather produced through language, actions, ideas and perception. This collection of essays takes a closer look at various hybrid and disparate worlds related to dance and choreography. Coming from a broad range of different backgrounds and disciplines, the authors inquire into the ways of producing "dance worlds": through artistic practice, discourse and media, choreographic form and dance material.The essays in this volume critically reflect the predominant topos of dance as something fleeting and ephemeral - an embodiment of the Other in modernity. Moreover, they demonstrate that there is more than just one universal "world of dance", but rather a multitude of interrelated dance worlds with more emerging every day.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Quality of Parallel & Distributed Programs & Systems
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Japanese Armies 1868–1877: The Boshin War and Satsuma Rebellion
The restoration of the Meiji Imperial dynasty in 1868, after 250 years of the Tokugawa Shogunate, decisively opened Japan to the outside world and the monarchy embraced modernization, including the creation of a new Westernized army. However, this modernization process was resisted by the traditional Samurai feudal nobility, leading to a series of battles. The first clash between the two cultures came swiftly. During the Boshin War of 1868–69, a French military adviser, Jules Brunet, changed sides to join the insurgents. They won several engagements before the final crushing of the rebel Ezo Republic. After this point, the Imperial Army continued to modernize along French lines, and social changes began to impoverish Samurai noblemen, who lost their social and political role and their associated privileges. During 1876, the powerful Satsuma Domain, around Kagoshima in south-west Kyushu, became a focus for discontent. Its leader Saigo Takamori effectively ignored the central government, and in January 1877, increasing unrest broke out into open rebellion. The Imperial forces were now much stronger, and the Navy could land troops and bombard Kagoshima. The bitter Satsuma siege and attempted capture of Kumamoto Castle finally failed in April, and the Samurai made a last stand at Shiroyama on 24 September, choosing to go down fighting. This marked the final defeat and displacement of the Samurai class. This fully illustrated title explores the fall of the Samurai in detail, examining the arms, tactics, key figures of both sides, and charting the increasing Westernization of the Imperial forces.
Taschen GmbH Architecture in the 20th Century
The architecture of the 20th century is distinguished by an astonishing diversity. Just as the clash of aesthetic and commercial ambitions nevertheless produced many a happy symbiosis, so the purist and the expressive, the monumental and the picturesque came face to face. From lofty “starchitects” to lesser-known names around the world, this chronological overview takes you to the heart of the ideas, trends, and transitions that defined the 1900s. From Frank Lloyd Wright to Antoni Gaudí, Frank O. Gehry to Shigeru Ban and all the best stuff in-between, it’s all here. Organized chronologically, the 31 chapters put it all into perspective, illustrated by hundreds of large-format photos as well as a plenitude of drawings and floor plans. The biographical appendix covers all of the century’s greatest architects while celebrating today’s new talents, and the lavish illustrations include some of the best architectural photography in the modern era. For anyone interested in the zeitgeist and building design of the 20th century, this is your be-all-end-all reference work. The collection covers not only the architects but also the groups, the movements, and the styles that defined an era of construction. A must for all lovers of architecture!