Search results for ""University of Wales Press""
University of Wales Press Kant and the Theory and Practice of International Right
This book argues that Kant’s theory of international relations should be interpreted as an attempt to apply the principles of reason to history in general, and in particular to political conditions of the late eighteenth century. It demonstrates how Kant attempts to mediate between a priori theory and practice, and how this works in the field of international law and international relations. Kant appreciates how the precepts of theory have to be tested against the facts, before the theory is enriched to deal with the complexities of their application. In the central chapters of this book, the starting points are apparent contradictions in Kant’s writings; assuming that Kant is a systematic and profound thinker, Cavallar seeks to use these contradictions to discover Kant’s ‘deep structure’, a dynamic and evolutionary theory that tries to anticipate a world where the idea of international justice might be more fully realized.
University of Wales Press Reason, Normativity and the Law: New Essays in Kantian Philosophy
How should we act? How should the world be organised? This new anthology on Kant's practical philosophy guides the reader from the general question of the nature of reasons and rationality in Kant's philosophical system to the Kantian task of promoting justice and peace at the global level. Contributions in this volume show how the Kantian idea of reason as a source of normativity is grounded, and which implications and applications the Kantian approach might bring about. The volume covers three areas: meta-ethics, political thought and theory, and applied politics. Although these are different spheres of thought, they are interconnected in an fundamental way through Kant's account of normativity as derived from reason. The volume provides an overview of recent debates in Kant scholarship and ground-breaking new applications of Kant's theory to current affairs.
University of Wales Press Remembering the Crusades in Medieval Texts and Songs
Exploring Latin texts, as well as Old French, Castilian and Occitan songs and lyrics, Remembering the Crusades in Medieval Texts and Songs takes inspiration from the new ways scholars are looking to trace the dissemination and influence of the memories and narratives surrounding the crusading past in medieval Europe. It contributes to these new directions in crusade studies by offering a more nuanced understanding of the diverse ways in which medieval authors presented events, people and places central to the crusading movement. This volume investigates how the transmission of stories related to suffering, heroism, the miraculous and ideals of masculinity helped to shape ideas of crusading presented in narratives produced in both the Latin East and the West, as well as the importance of Jerusalem in the lyric cultures of southern France, and how the narrative arc of the First Crusade developed from the earliest written and oral responses to the venture.
University of Wales Press Yr Anymwybod Cymreig: Freud, Dirfodaeth a’r Seice Cenedlaethol
Mae’r gyfrol hon yn rhoi cipolwg ar gyfoeth hanes syniadau yng Nghymru dros hanner canrif cynhyrfus rhwng diwedd y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf a marwolaeth yr athronydd disglair J. R. Jones ym 1970. Bu Jones yn rhan ganolog o’r ymgais a wnaed yn y cyfnod i gyflwyno syniadau newydd, heriol a chwyldroadol o feysydd fel seicdreiddiad a dirfodaeth i’r diwylliant Cymraeg. Adeiladodd meddylwyr ac ysgolheigion tebyg iddo ddarlun o’r anymwybod Cymreig mewn gwaith sydd o gymorth parhaol i ddeall ein profiadau hanesyddol a gwleidyddol fel cenedl. Trwy ddadansoddi sut yr ymatebodd awduron Cymraeg i syniadau Freud, Jung, Sartre, de Beauvoir ac eraill, lleolir hanes deallusol y Gymru Gymraeg mewn cyd-destun rhyngwladol eang. Ceisir ymhellach ddangos perthnasedd a phwysigrwydd y dehongliad Cymraeg o rhai o’r syniadau hyn i ddadleuon cyfoes ynglˆyn ag iechyd meddwl, gwleidyddiaeth ac hunaniaeth yng Nghymru. Ymatebodd cenhedlaeth o awduron i’r argyfwng dirfodol a wynebai’r diwylliant Cymraeg yn y cyfnod dan sylw trwy ddangos ymrwymiad a phenderfyniad i gymhwyso ac addasu’r datblygiadau deallusol mwyaf modern er mwyn ceisio goresgyn yr argyfwng mewn modd sy’n parhau’n ysbrydoliaeth heddiw, yng nghysgod Brexit a thwf awdurdodaeth.
University of Wales Press Revisiting the Medieval North of England: Interdisciplinary Approaches
The medieval north of England has been underexplored to date, and this volume may be seen as an invitation for further exploration. It brings together scholars with shared interests in language, literature, culture, history and manuscript studies, viewed from different disciplinary perspectives such as English philology, historical linguistics and medieval literature. While many scholars have thus far been debating the dividing lines between north and south as well as between north, Midlands and south, the contributors to this volume are interested in texts produced in the north, the providence of which has been determined by way of affiliation to religious and civic writing centres including the important monastic houses in the north (such as Durham, York and the Yorkshire Cistercian houses). Most of the contributions grow out of recent and ongoing research projects that touch upon different aspects of the north of England in the medieval period. Concentrating on the north as a centre of manuscript production, dissemination and reception, this volume aims also at illustrating the fluidity of boundaries and communication, and the resulting links to different geographical regions.
University of Wales Press Dissonant Neighbours: Narrative Progress in Early Welsh and English Poetry
Dissonant Neighbours compares early Welsh and English poetry up to c.1250, investigating why these two neighbouring literatures describe similar events in markedly different ways. Medieval Welsh and English texts were subject to many of the same Latin and French influences, and we see this in the stories told in the poetic traditions; comparing and contrasting the different approaches of Welsh and English poetry offers insight to the core narrative trends of both. How, where and why did early Welsh and English poets deploy narrative? These are key questions that this book seeks to answer, providing a groundbreaking new study which treats the Welsh and English poetry in an equal and balanced manner. It contributes to ongoing debates concerning multilingualism and the relationship between Welsh and English literature, dividing into four comparative chapters that contrast a wide range of early Welsh and English material, yielding incisive new readings in poetic tradition.
University of Wales Press Pacifism, Peace and Modern Welsh Writing
This book introduces the contribution of modern Welsh literature to our understanding of peace and pacifism – an important and much overlooked subject in Welsh studies. Taking a literary-historical approach to the subject, it reveals how modern Welsh writing opens up history in ways in which historical discourse alone sometimes fails to do. It argues that the concepts of peace, peacefulness and pacifism have played a broader and more complex role in Welsh life than has been recognised, primarily through an influential Welsh-language pacifist intelligentsia. The author reminds us that Welsh pacifism is distinguished from English pacifism by the Welsh language itself, its links with Welsh nationalism and by the fact that it faced challenges and pressures never encountered by English pacifism. Authors discussed in this study include Tony Curtis, George M. Ll. Davies, Pennar Davies, John Eilian, Emyr Humphreys, Glyn Jones, D. Gwenallt Jones, T. Gwynn Jones, T. E. Nicholas, Iorwerth C. Peate, Angharad Price, Ned Thomas, Lily Tobas and Waldo Williams.
University of Wales Press Carmen Martín Gaite: Poetics, Visual Elements and Space
This book reconstructs the poetics of Carmen Martín Gaite by viewing the concept of journey as a fundamental principle upon which she bases and elaborates her narrative writing of the 1990s. Five novels published in this period receive critical attention, all of which coincide with the last trips taken by the writer to New York: Caperucita en Manhattan (1990), Nubosidad variable (1992), La reina de las nieves (1994), Lo raro es vivir (1996) and Irse de casa (1998). To the extent that the journey is the essence of the narrative under consideration, the concept is analysed as an aesthetic practice and an attempt to identify a series of actions, which allow us to link the writer’s novels with two areas that have previously received only scant critical scrutiny: geography and the visual dimension. This book presents a comparative and interdisciplinary analysis of space in Martín Gaite’s narrative as well as in her collages, drawings and paintings.
University of Wales Press Having a Go at the Kaiser: A Welsh Family at War
This book is based on more than a hundred letters sent home by three Swansea brothers during the First World War, almost all of which relate to the period 1916–18 when Richard, Gabriel and Ivor Eustis were serving in different theatres. The run of letters written to different members of the family allow us to build a picture of what the brothers thought about a range of different issues as the war was being waged, and of how their beliefs and ideas evolved as situations changed. In common with other soldiers’ letters to their families, information on the battles fought is scarce – they are rather concerned with keeping the family bonds strong during the men’s absence. The dynamics of the family are revealed in letters full of sibling rivalry and affection.
University of Wales Press Re-envisaging the First Age of Cinematic Horror, 1896-1934: Quanta of Fear
This is a ground-breaking exploration that runs generally against the critical grain in identifying a burgeoning production of films of fear and horror before the admission of the horror film genre per se. It is a study that reveals and emphasises the formative and innovative power of film, from Georges Méliès’s Le Manoir du Diable (1896) to Edgar G. Ulmer’s superbly reflexive The Black Cat (1934). With its focus on twenty-one key films, and referencing other relevant productions, the present study involves an inclusive and sensitive approach. It reveals an awareness of the heterogeneity of horror production with the discussion spanning the period of the invention of movies, the expansion from single-reelers to longer and continuous productions, and the advent of talkies. Stepping beyond the bounds of Anglo-American studios, in its seven chapters the book involves the work of directors from France, Spain, England, Moravia, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Mexico and the USA, to consider and compare films that have not previously received serious attention.
University of Wales Press Literary Illumination: The Evolution of Artificial Light in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Literary Illumination examines the relationship between literature and artificial illumination, demonstrating that developments of lighting technology during the nineteenth century definitively altered the treatment of light as symbol, metaphor and textual motif. Correspondingly, the book also engages with the changing nature of darkness, and how the influence of artificial light altered both public perceptions of, and behaviour within, darkness, as well as examining literary chiaroscuros. Within each of four main chapters dedicated to the analysis of a single dominant light source in the long nineteenth-century – firelight, candlelight, gaslight, and electric light – the author considers the phenomenological properties of the light sources, and where their presence would be felt most strongly in the nineteenth century, before collating a corpus of texts for each light source and environment.
University of Wales Press The World of the Newport Medieval Ship: Trade, Politics and Shipping in the Mid-Fifteenth Century
The Newport Medieval Ship is the most important late-medieval merchant vessel yet recovered. Built c.1450 in northern Spain, it foundered at Newport twenty years later while undergoing repairs. Since its discovery in 2002, further investigations have transformed historians’ understanding of fifteenth-century ship technology. With plans in place to make the ship the centrepiece for a permanent exhibition in Newport, this volume interprets the vessel, to enable visitors, students and researchers to understand the ship and the world from which it came. The volume contains eleven chapters, written by leading maritime archaeologists and historians. Together, they consider its significance and locate the vessel within its commercial, political and social environment.
University of Wales Press Comparative Stylistics of Welsh and English: Arddulleg y Gymraeg
The comparative analysis of Welsh and English found in this book is based on a translation corpus consisting of just over thirty novels and autobiographies from the late nineteenth century up to the early twenty-first century. Many of the original Welsh texts contain stylistic features which, in a context of intense bilingualism with English, benefit from the deliberate discussion and analysis in this volume. However, the work is intentionally descriptive rather than prescriptive, laying out patterns that are observed in the corpus, and making them available to Welsh writers and translators to adopt if or as required. As similarly the classic work in the field by Vinay and Darbelnet, this book examines its topics through the lens of translation techniques such as transposition, modulation and adaptation.
University of Wales Press The Tlatelolco Massacre, Mexico 1968, and the Emotional Triangle of Anger, Grief and Shame: Discourses of Truth(s)
In the aftermath of major violent events that affect many, we seek to know the ‘truth’ of what happened. Whatever ‘truth’ emerges relies heavily on the extent to which any text about a given event can stir our emotions – whether such texts are official sources or the ‘voice of the people’, we are more inclined to believe them if their words make us feel angry, sad or ashamed. If they fail to stir emotion, however, we will often discount them even when the reported information is the same. Victoria Carpenter analyses texts by the Mexican government, media and populace published after the Tlatelolco massacre of 2 October 1968, demonstrating how there is no strict division between their accounts of what happened and that, in fact, different sides in the conflict used similar and sometimes the same images and language to rouse emotions in the reader.
University of Wales Press The Postsecular Political Philosophy of Jurgen Habermas: Translating the Sacred
Jurgen Habermas is arguably the world's most influential living philosopher - by introducing ideas such as the public sphere, constitutional patriotism, and the discourse theory of law and democracy, he has transformed modern political philosophy. But since 2001, Habermas's thought has taken an unexpected turn. This book is the first full-length treatment of Habermas's postsecular political philosophy, and critically analyses his new direction of thought. The author places the postsecular turn in the context of Habermas's long-standing commitment to developing a postmetaphysical account of morality, politics and human communication. The tension between secular liberal democracy and religious freedom is real, but there may be losses as well as gains to Habermas's quest to translate the sacred.
University of Wales Press South African Gothic: Anxiety and Creative Dissent in the Post-apartheid Imagination and Beyond
The term ‘Gothic’ has rarely been brought to bear on contemporary South African fictions, appearing too fanciful for the often overtly political writing of apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa. As the first book-length exploration of Gothic impulses in South African literature, this volume accounts for the Gothic currents that run through South African imaginaries from the late-nineteenth century onwards. South African Gothic identifies an intensification in Gothic production that begins with the nascent decline of the apartheid state, and relates this to real anxieties that arise with the unfolding of social and political change. In the context of a South Africa unmaking and reshaping itself, Gothic emerges as a language for long-suppressed histories of violence, and for ongoing experiences at odds with utopian images of the new democracy. Its function is interrogative and ultimately creative: South African Gothic challenges narrow conceptions of the status quo to drive at alternative, less exclusionary visions.
University of Wales Press The Darkening Nation: Race, Neoliberalism and Crisis in Argentina
At the turn of the twenty-first century, Argentina was in the midst of its worst economic crisis in decades, the result of years of drastic neoliberal reforms. This book looks at the way ideas about race and nationhood were conveyed during this period of financial meltdown and national emergency, examining in particular how the neoliberal crisis led to the critical self-questioning of the dominant imaginary of Argentina as homogenously white - allegedly the result of European immigration and the extinction of most indigenous and black people in the nation building age. The Darkening Nation focuses on how the self-examination of racial and national identity triggered by this crisis was expressed in culture, through the analysis of literary texts, films, artworks and music styles. By considering a wide range of artistic and cultural products, and different forms of racial identity and difference (white, indigenous, Afro-descendant, immigrant and negro as it is understood in local contexts), this study constitutes a timely addition from a literary and cultural studies perspective to recent academic enquiry into race and nation in Argentina.
University of Wales Press Rhodri: A Political Life in Wales and Westminster
Rhodri: A Political Life in Wales and Westminster is the political autobiography of Rhodri Morgan. This posthumously published account of the political life of the father of Welsh devolution is delivered with the fluency and wit that was so characteristic of the man himself. The first First Minister of Wales and Welsh Labour leader revisits the early influences that shaped him politically and which led him to Westminster, and his relationship with the New Labour project and the party establishment’s campaign to prevent him becoming Labour leader in Wales – before ‘the people’s choice’ eventually prevailed. As First Minister of Wales from 2000, he led three terms of Labour Government in Cardiff Bay (with the political, as well as health, challenges of two coalition arrangements), and navigated his own path into clear red water to present a distinct alternative policy agenda to the New Labour Government in London. Written with his typical lack of ostentation, this book allows us to read the final reflections by Rhodri Morgan on political life in Wales, in Westminster and beyond, with unique insight into the first ten years in the history of the National Assembly of Wales.
University of Wales Press The Communist Party of Great Britain and the National Question in Wales, 1920-1991
While electorally weak, the Communist Party of Great Britain and its Welsh Committee was a constant feature of twentieth century Welsh politics, in particular through its influence in the trade union movement. Based on original archival research, the present volume offers the first in-depth study of the Communist Party’s attitude to devolution in Wales, to Welsh nationhood and Welsh identity, as well as examining the party’s relationship with the Labour Party, Plaid Cymru and the labour and nationalist movements in relation to these issues. Placing the party’s engagement of these issues within the context of the rapid changes in twentieth century Welsh society, debates on devolution and identity on the British left, the role of nationalism within the communist movement, and the interplay of international and domestic factors, the volume provides new insight into the development of ideas by the political left on devolution and identity in Wales during the twentieth century. It also offers a broad outline of the party’s policy in relation to Wales during the twentieth century, and an assessment of the role played by leading figures in the Welsh party in developing its policy on Wales and devolution.
University of Wales Press The Arthur of the Italians: The Arthurian Legend in Medieval Italian Literature and Culture
This is the first comprehensive book on the Arthurian legend in medieval and Renaissance Italy since Edmund Gardner’s 1930 The Arthurian Legend in Italian Literature. Arthurian material reached all levels of Italian society, from princely courts with their luxury books and frescoed palaces, to the merchant classes and even popular audiences in the piazza, which enjoyed shorter retellings in verse and prose. Unique assemblages emerge on Italian soil, such as the Compilation of Rustichello da Pisa or the innovative Tavola Ritonda, in versions made for both Tuscany and the Po Valley. Chapters examine the transmission of the French romances across Italy; reworkings in various Italian regional dialects; the textual relations of the prose Tristan; narrative structures employed by Italian writers; later ottava rima poetic versions in the new medium of printed books; the Arthurian-themed art of the Middle Ages and Renaissance; and more. The Arthur of the Italians offers a rich corpus of new criticism by scholars who have brought the Italian Arthurian material back into critical conversation.
University of Wales Press Le Bone Florence of Rome: A Critical Edition and Facing Translation of a Middle English Romance Analogous to Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale
Le Bone Florence of Rome is a Middle English tail-rhyme romance whose unique copy dates to the late fifteenth century. An analogue of Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale, it follows the adventures of a heroine who survives multiple exiles, sexual harassments and false accusations. At the same time, it explores such issues as the abuse of power, the stakes of global conflict, women’s place in society and their control over their destiny, all of which are treated in significantly different ways from the Constance story and other medieval tales of calumniated women. This fresh edition is accompanied by a complete line-by-line translation, which makes this text accessible to readers at all levels. Its introduction offers a comprehensive analysis of the themes, ideologies and literary relationships of the romance, together with new insights into its local connections and a detailed description of its manuscript context.
University of Wales Press Le Bone Florence of Rome: A Critical Edition and Facing Translation of a Middle English Romance Analogous to Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale
Le Bone Florence of Rome is a Middle English tail-rhyme romance whose unique copy dates to the late fifteenth century. An analogue of Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale, it follows the adventures of a heroine who survives multiple exiles, sexual harassments and false accusations. At the same time, it explores such issues as the abuse of power, the stakes of global conflict, women’s place in society and their control over their destiny, all of which are treated in significantly different ways from the Constance story and other medieval tales of calumniated women. This fresh edition is accompanied by a complete line-by-line translation, which makes this text accessible to readers at all levels. Its introduction offers a comprehensive analysis of the themes, ideologies and literary relationships of the romance, together with new insights into its local connections and a detailed description of its manuscript context.
University of Wales Press Perfformio'r Genedl: Ar Drywydd Hywel Teifi Edwards
Mae Perfformio'r Genedl yn gyfrol sy'n cloriannu a chydnabod cyfraniad Hywel Teifi Edwards i'r broses bwysig o ddiffinio anian ac athrylith perfformiadol cenedl y Cymry. Dyma ymgais arloesol i ddathlu cyfraniad Edwards i faes nas cloriannir yn benodol mewn un cyfraniad canolog ganddo, ond sydd yn brigo i'r wyneb drwyddi draw mewn ystod eang o'i weithiau unigol. Archwilir nifer o agweddau gwahanol ar waith y gellid ei uno o dan bennawd cyffredinol - sef astudiaeth o'r perfformiadol yng nghyd-destun twf cysyniad o hunaniaeth genedlaethol Cymru, o'r ddeunawfed ganrif hyd at y presennol. Mae'r gyfrol yn canoli ar themau amrywiol yng ngwaith Edwards, megis Pasiant Cenedlaethol Cymru, yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, traddodiadau'r Orsedd, y drafodaeth o ddramau cynnar y mudiad drama, a'r dogfennu ar weithgaredd cwmniau drama amatur. Dadleuir bod modd cysylltu'r amryw themau yn ei waith a'u trafod yng nghyd-destun astudiaeth o'r anian perfformiadol yng nghyfansoddiad y Cymry.
University of Wales Press Graciliano Ramos and the Making of Modern Brazil: Memory, Politics and Identities
Graciliano Ramos and the Making of Modern Brazil brings updated criticism in English on the work of the prominent Brazilian writer Graciliano Ramos (1892–1953), a key figure in understanding the making of modern Brazil. Building on existing literature, this book innovates through chapters that consider issues such as Ramos’s dialogue with literary tradition, his cultural legacy for contemporary writers, and his treatment of racial discrimination and gender inequality through the multifarious, provocative and enduringly fascinating characters he created. The volume also addresses the question of Ramos’s political involvement during the years of the Getulio Vargas government (1930–45), to revisit established readings of the author’s politics. Through close reading of individual works as well as comparative analyses, this volume takes readers into the complexities of modernisation in Brazil, and highlights the writer’s significance for our understanding of Brazil today.
University of Wales Press The Elect Methodists: Calvinistic Methodism in England and Wales, 1735-1811
The Elect Methodists is the first full-length academic study of Calvinistic Methodism, a movement that emerged in the eighteenth century as an alternative to the better known Wesleyan grouping. While the branch of Methodism led by John Wesley has received significant historical attention, Calvinistic Methodism, especially in England, has not. The book charts the sources of the eighteenth-century Methodist revival in the context of Protestant evangelicalism emerging in continental Europe and colonial North America, and then proceeds to follow the fortunes in both England and Wales of the Calvinistic branch, to the establishing of formal denominations in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
University of Wales Press Science Fiction, New Space Opera, and Neoliberal Globalism: Nostalgia for Infinity
One of the few points critics and readers can agree upon when discussing the fiction popularly known as New Space Opera – a recent subgenre movement of science fiction – is its canny engagement with contemporary cultural politics in the age of globalisation. This book avers that the complex political allegories of New Space Opera respond to the recent cultural phenomenon known as neoliberalism, which entails the championing of the deregulation and privatisation of social services and programmes in the service of global free-market expansion. Providing close readings of the evolving New Space Opera canon and cultural histories and theoretical contexts of neoliberalism as a regnant ideology of our times, this book conceptualises a means to appreciate this thriving movement of popular literature.
University of Wales Press Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant: The Archaeology and History of the Latin East
Written to celebrate the prestigious career of Professor Denys Pringle, this collection of articles produced by many of the leading archaeologists and historians in the field of crusades studies offers a compilation of pioneering scholarship on recent studies on the Latin East. The geographical breadth of topics discussed in each chapter reflects both Pringle’s international collaborations and research interests, and the wide development of scholarly interest in the subject. With a concentration on the areas corresponding to the crusader states during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the articles also offer research into the neighbouring areas of Cyprus, Anatolia, Greece and the West, and the legacy of the crusader period there, with results from recent archaeological fieldwork in the Middle East.
University of Wales Press The Spanish Golden Age Sonnet
The sonnets written during the Spanish Golden Age of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are among the finest poems written in the Spanish language. This book presents over one hundred of the best and most representative sonnets of that period, together with translations into English sonnets and detailed critical commentaries. Garcilaso de la Vega, Góngora and Quevedo receive particular attention, but other poets such as Aldana, Lope de Vega and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz are also well represented. A substantial introduction provides accounts of the sonnet genre, of the historical and literary background, and of the problems faced by the translator of sonnets. The aim of this volume is to provide semantically accurate translations that bring the original sonnets to life in modern English as true sonnets: not just aids to the comprehension of the originals but also lively and enjoyable poems in their own right.
University of Wales Press The Customs and Traditions of Wales: With an Introduction by Emma Lile
Trefor M. Owen’s seminal work educates, enlightens and entertains with a far-reaching yet accessible text, which paints a colourful and comprehensive portrait of a nation’s rich folk culture. The Customs and Traditions of Wales is an illuminating and engrossing insight into a subject that continues to unfold and develop in contemporary life. Despite an increasingly globalised society that has transformed local communities, folk customs are still practised and enjoyed the world over as people combine modern-day and historical rituals and embrace opportunities to learn about their past, and Owen’s influential study has maintained its relevance as customs change and evolve.
University of Wales Press The Arthur of the North: The Arthurian Legend in the Norse and Rus' Realms
The Arthur of the North is the first book-length study of the Arthurian literature that was translated from French and Latin into Old Norse-Icelandic in the thirteenth century, which has been preserved mostly in Icelandic manuscripts, and which in early modern times inspired the composition of narrative poems and chapbooks in Denmark, Iceland and Norway, chiefly of the Tristan legend. The importation of Arthurian literature in the North, primarily French romances and lais, is indebted largely to the efforts of King Hákon Hákonarson (r. 1217–63) of Norway, who commissioned the translation of Thomas de Bretagne’s Tristan in 1226, and subsequently several Arthurian romances by Chrétien de Troyes and a number of Breton lais. The translations are unique in that the French metrical narratives were rendered in prose, the traditional form of narrative in the North. The book concludes with a chapter on Arthurian literature in the Rus’ area, precisely East Slavic, with a focus on the Belarusian Trysčan. Contents 1. The Introduction of the Arthurian Legend in Scandinavia, Marianne E. Kalinke 2. Sources, Translations, Redactions, Manuscript Transmission, Marianne E. Kalinke 3. Breta sögur and Merlínússpá, Stefanie Gropper 4 The Tristan Legend, Geraldine Barnes 5. The Translated Lais, Carolyne Larrington 6 The Old Norse-Icelandic Transmission of Chrétien de Troyes’s Romances: Ívens saga, Erex saga, Parcevals saga with Valvens þáttr, Claudia Bornholdt 7. The Old Swedish Hærra Ivan Leons riddare, William Layher 8. Arthurian Echoes in Indigenous Icelandic Sagas, Marianne E. Kalinke 9. Arthurian Ballads, rímur, Chapbooks and Folktales, M. J. Driscoll 10. Arthurian Literature in East Slavic, Susana Torres Prieto
University of Wales Press Crime Fiction in German: Der Krimi
Crime Fiction in German is the first volume in English to offer a comprehensive overview of German-language crime fiction from its origins in the early nineteenth century to its vibrant growth in the new millennium. As well as introducing readers to crime fiction from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the former East Germany, the volume expands the notion of a German crime-writing tradition by investigating Nazi crime fiction, Jewish-German crime fiction, Turkish-German crime fiction and the Afrika-Krimi. Other key areas, including the West German social crime novel, women’s crime writing, regional crime fiction, historical crime fiction and the Fernsehkrimi (TV crime drama) are also explored, highlighting the genre’s distinctive features in German-language contexts. The volume includes a map of German-speaking Europe, a chronology of crime publishing milestones, extracts from primary texts, and an annotated bibliography of print and online resources in English and German. Contents Map of German-speaking areas in Europe Crime Fiction in German Chronology 1. Crime Fiction in German: Key Concepts, Developments and Trends, Katharina Hall: Der Krimi; The pioneers (1828–1933); Crime fiction under National Socialism (1933–45); Post-war crime narratives (1945–59) and East German crime fiction (1949–70); The West German Soziokrimi (1960–) and further East German crime fiction (1971–89); Turkish-German crime fiction and the Frauenkrimi (1980–); Historical crime fiction, regional crime fiction and the rise of the Afrika-Krimi (1989–); Crime fiction of the new millennium and the lacuna of Jewish-German crime fiction (available Open Access at Swansea University) 2. The Emergence of Crime Fiction in German: An Early Maturity, Mary Tannert 3. Austrian Crime Fiction: Experimentation, Critical Memory and Humour, Marieke Krajenbrink 4. Swiss Crime Fiction: Loosli, Glauser, Dürrenmatt and Beyond, Martin Rosenstock 5. Der Afrika-Krimi: German Crime Fiction in Africa, Julia Augart 6. Der Frauenkrimi: Women's Crime Writing in German, Faye Stewart 7. Historical Crime Fiction in German: The Turbulent Twentieth Century, Katharina Hall 8. Der Fernsehkrimi: A Short History of Television Crime Drama in German, Katharina Hall Annotated Bibliography of Resources on German-language Crime Fiction, Katharina Hall ‘Katharina Hall’s knowledge of and enthusiasm for crime fiction in translation is prodigious, but (crucially) it is matched by her nonpareil analytic skills. This combination, when focused on her particular speciality of genre fiction from Germany, makes her the perfect editor for and contributor to Crime Fiction in German: Der Krimi. The book becomes at a stroke the definitive modern guide to the subject – scholarly, lively and accessible.’ Barry Forshaw, author of Euro Noir and Nordic Noir
University of Wales Press Crime Fiction in German: Der Krimi
Crime Fiction in German is the first volume in English to offer a comprehensive overview of German-language crime fiction from its origins in the early nineteenth century to its vibrant growth in the new millennium. As well as introducing readers to crime fiction from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the former East Germany, the volume expands the notion of a German crime-writing tradition by investigating Nazi crime fiction, Jewish-German crime fiction, Turkish-German crime fiction and the Afrika-Krimi. Other key areas, including the West German social crime novel, women’s crime writing, regional crime fiction, historical crime fiction and the Fernsehkrimi (TV crime drama) are also explored, highlighting the genre’s distinctive features in German-language contexts. The volume includes a map of German-speaking Europe, a chronology of crime publishing milestones, extracts from primary texts, and an annotated bibliography of print and online resources in English and German. Contents Map of German-speaking areas in Europe Crime Fiction in German Chronology 1. Crime Fiction in German: Key Concepts, Developments and Trends, Katharina Hall: Der Krimi; The pioneers (1828–1933); Crime fiction under National Socialism (1933–45); Post-war crime narratives (1945–59) and East German crime fiction (1949–70); The West German Soziokrimi (1960–) and further East German crime fiction (1971–89); Turkish-German crime fiction and the Frauenkrimi (1980–); Historical crime fiction, regional crime fiction and the rise of the Afrika-Krimi (1989–); Crime fiction of the new millennium and the lacuna of Jewish-German crime fiction (available Open Access at Swansea University) 2. The Emergence of Crime Fiction in German: An Early Maturity, Mary Tannert 3. Austrian Crime Fiction: Experimentation, Critical Memory and Humour, Marieke Krajenbrink 4. Swiss Crime Fiction: Loosli, Glauser, Dürrenmatt and Beyond, Martin Rosenstock 5. Der Afrika-Krimi: German Crime Fiction in Africa, Julia Augart 6. Der Frauenkrimi: Women's Crime Writing in German, Faye Stewart 7. Historical Crime Fiction in German: The Turbulent Twentieth Century, Katharina Hall 8. Der Fernsehkrimi: A Short History of Television Crime Drama in German, Katharina Hall Annotated Bibliography of Resources on German-language Crime Fiction, Katharina Hall ‘Katharina Hall’s knowledge of and enthusiasm for crime fiction in translation is prodigious, but (crucially) it is matched by her nonpareil analytic skills. This combination, when focused on her particular speciality of genre fiction from Germany, makes her the perfect editor for and contributor to Crime Fiction in German: Der Krimi. The book becomes at a stroke the definitive modern guide to the subject – scholarly, lively and accessible.’ Barry Forshaw, author of Euro Noir and Nordic Noir
University of Wales Press Count Us In: How to Make Maths Real for All of Us
Mathematics, like language, is a universal experience. Every society counts and is empowered by its ability to count and to measure. The mathematical processes developed within various cultures differ widely, and Count Us In explores these cultural links, drawing examples from the author’s personal experiences. The process of counting, like the process of communicating with words, is common to all societies worldwide but, just as there is a rich variety of languages, so too is there a rich variety in methods of counting and of recording numbers – methods that have developed over centuries to meet the needs of various groups of people. The narrative of this book takes the form of a collection of short stories based on the author’s personal experience, linked together by a number of sub-themes. As a popular book on mathematics and on the personalities who created that mathematics, there are no prerequisites beyond the reader’s rudimentary and possibly hazy recollection of primary-school mathematics and a curiosity to know more.
University of Wales Press Baroque Spain and the Writing of Visual and Material Culture
By examining the pictorial episodes in the Spanish baroque novella, this book elucidates how writers create pictorial texts, how audiences visualise their words, what consequences they exert on cognition and what actions this process inspires. To interrogate characters’ mental activity, internalisation of text and the effects on memory, this book applies methodologies from cognitive cultural studies, Classical memory treatises and techniques of spiritual visualisation. It breaks new ground by investigating how artistic genres and material culture help us grasp the audience’s aural, material, visual and textual literacies, which equipped the public with cognitive mechanisms to face restrictions in post-Counter-Reformation Spain. The writers examined include prominent representatives of Spanish prose —Cervantes, Lope de Vega, María de Zayas and Luis Vélez de Guevara— as well as Alonso de Castillo Solórzano, Gonzalo de Céspedes y Meneses and an anonymous group in Córdoba.
University of Wales Press Richard Marsh
‘Richard Marsh’ (Richard Bernard Heldmann, 1857–1915) was a bestselling, versatile and prolific author of gothic, crime, adventure, romantic and comic fiction. This book, the first on Marsh, establishes his credentials as a significant agent within the fin de siècle gothic revival. Marsh’s work spans a range of gothic modes, including the canonical fin de siècle subgenres of urban and imperial gothic and gothic-inflected sensation and supernatural fiction, but also rarer hybrid genres such as the comic gothic and the occult romance. His greatest success came in 1897 when he published his bestselling invasion narrative The Beetle: A Mystery, a novel that articulated many of the key themes of fin de siècle urban gothic and outsold its close rival, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, well into the twentieth century. The present work extends studies of Marsh’s literary production beyond The Beetle, contending that, in addition to his undoubted interest in non-normative gender and ethnic identities, Marsh was a writer with an acute sense of spatiality, whose fiction can be read productively through the lens of spatial theory.
University of Wales Press Kenneth O. Morgan: My Histories
This is the story of the life, professional achievements and personal background, challenges and achievements of Wales’s leading historian. During his long career, Kenneth O. Morgan has been a prolific writer and, through his pioneering work, has become a leading authority on Welsh History, British History and Labour History. This autobiography also details Morgan’s often entertaining and unconventional personal experiences, and the eminent people he has met along the way – from his work in television, radio and the press as election commentator and book reviewer, to his involvement in the Labour Party from the late 1950s onwards and the close relations he developed with such Labour leaders as James Callaghan, Michael Foot, Douglas Jay and Neil Kinnock. In addition to being a respected author, Morgan has held the position of University Vice-Chancellor in Wales, is an active Labour peer, and continues to lecture at universities around the world – all achieved while juggling his life as a husband and father. In this revealing memoir, published in the year of his eightieth birthday, Morgan reflects on marriage and bereavement, on re-marriage, parenthood, friendship, religion and morality, his reactions to the historical changes he has witnessed, from attending a village school in rural Wales and wartime air-raids, through school in Hampstead and study in Oxford University and in Wales, down to entry into the House of Lords. Despite past traumas, this memoir still conveys invigoratingly a senior scholar’s idealism, abiding sense of optimism and belief in progress. Contents. List of Illustrations Foreword Chapter 1 A Divided Consciousness Chapter 2 Education, Education, Education Chapter 3 History-Making: A Welsh Historian Chapter 4 History-Making: A British Historian Chapter 5 History-Making; A Labour Historian Chapter 6 History-Making: A Contemporary Historian Chapter 7: History-Making: A Biographer Chapter 8: Experiences: The House of Lords Chapter 9: Experiences: Travelling Chapter 10: Experiences: Old and New Labour Chapter 11 My History
University of Wales Press The ‘War on Terror’: Post-9/11 Television Drama, Docudrama and Documentary
This book explores the ways in which television has engaged directly and indirectly with the new realities of the post-9/11 world. It offers detailed analysis of a number of key programmes and series that engage with, or are haunted by, the aftermath of the events of September 11 in the USA and what is unavoidably through problematically and contentiously referred to as the resulting ‘war on terror’. The substantive part of the book is a series of independent chapters, each written on a different topic and considering different programmes. It includes series and single dramas representing the invasion of Iraq (The Mark of Cain, Occupation and Generation Kill), comedic representations (Gary, Tank Commander), documentary (the BBC Panorama’s coverage of 9/11), ‘what if’ docudramas (Dirty War), 9/11 in popular series (CSI:NY) and representations of Tony Blair in drama and docudrama. The book concludes with an extended reflection on contemporary docudrama and an interview with filmmaker and docudramatist Peter Kosminsky.
University of Wales Press Wales Unchained: Literature, Politics and Identity in the American Century
In Wales Unchained Daniel G. Williams explores how Welsh writers, politicians and intellectuals have defined themselves – and have been defined by others – since the early twentieth century. Whether by exploring ideas of race in the 1930s or reflecting on the metaphoric uses of boxing, asking what it means to inhabit the ‘American century’ or probing the linguistic bases of cultural identity, Williams writes with a rare blend of theoretical sophistication and accessible clarity. This book discusses Rhys Davies in relation to D. H. Lawrence, explores the simultaneous impact that Dylan Thomas and saxophonist Charlie Parker had on the Beat Generation in 1950s America, and juxtaposes the uses made of class and ethnicity in the thought of Aneurin Bevan and Paul Robeson. Transatlantic in scope and comparative in method, this book will engage readers interested in literature, politics, history and contemporary cultural debate.
University of Wales Press Abbeys and Priories of Medieval Wales
Abbeys and Priories of Medieval Wales is the first comprehensive, illustrated guide to the religious houses of Wales from the twelfth to sixteenth centuries. It offers a thorough introduction to the history of the monastic orders in Wales (the Benedictines, Cluniacs, Augustinians, Premonstratensians, Cistercians, the military orders and the friars), and to life inside medieval Welsh monasteries and nunneries, in addition to providing the histories of almost sixty communities of religious men and women, with descriptions of the standing remains of their buildings. As well as a being a scholarly book, a number of maps, ground plans and practical information make this an indispensable guide for visitors to Wales’s monastic heritage.
University of Wales Press American Gothic Art and Architecture in the Age of Romantic Literature
American Gothic Art and Architecture in the Age of Romantic Literature analyses the influence of British Gothic novels and historical romances on American art and architecture in the Romantic era. American artists and architects were among the most avid readers of Gothic fiction, which in turn informed their artistic output. In a period of increasing nationalism, the Gothic Revival architectural style in particular served to legitimise the American landscape with the materiality of European culture. At the core of this book is an analysis of American architecture in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, an understudied era. Key figures include Thomas Jefferson, Washington Allston, Alexander Jackson Davis, James Fenimore Cooper, Washington Irving, Thomas Cole, Edwin Forrest, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne articulated the subject of this book when he wrote that he could understand Sir Walter Scott's romances better after viewing Scott's Gothic Revival house Abbotsford, and he understood the house better for having read the romances. From the very beginning, the Gothic Revival has been a phenomenon that crosses modern disciplinary boundaries.The groundwork in Gothic literary scholarship allows us to move beyond literature to examine how the Gothic seeps into other forms of artistic creation. This interdisciplinary book investigates the symbiotic relationship between the arts and Gothic literature to reveal new interpretative possibilities.
University of Wales Press The History of Wales
This is an engaging, best-selling volume reproduced with text panels that provide brief biographies of historical figures and descriptions of major historical sites in Wales. As the only concise history of Wales currently available in print, this book is an ideal introductory study for the general reader. From primitive Stone Age cave-dwellers who were the earliest recorded inhabitants of Wales, through settlement by the Celts before the Roman and Norman invasions, this book leads the reader through the age of the native Welsh princes that culminated with the eventual conquest of Wales by Edward I in 1282. Later seminal themes include the passage of the so-called Union legislations of 1536 and 1543, the impact of successive religious changes, the agrarian and industrial revolutions, and the severe interwar depression of the twentieth century. This new edition concludes with a discussion of the far-reaching political, social and economic changes covering the momentous period from the close of the twentieth century to the present day.
University of Wales Press 'Let's Do Our Best for the Ancient Tongue': The Welsh Language in the Twentieth Century
This is an authoritative and thorough analysis of the fortunes of the Welsh language in the most tumultuous period of its history. Twenty-one chapters discuss not only the numerical and territorial decline of Welsh but also its struggle for official recognition and its role in a wide variety of social domains. Of all the memorable phrases coined in the twentieth century, none has had greater resonance for the Welsh speaker than ‘Tynged yr Iaith’ (The Fate of the Language), and this volume provides a stimulating commentary on the processes of linguistic change, decay and revival experienced by the oldest spoken language in Britain. The fruit of the second major research project of the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies of the University of Wales, this volume will interest and intrigue the general public as well as specialists in the field and help readers to familiarize themselves with the history of a language which, over the centuries, has been an integral part of the everyday life of the Welsh people and their sense of nationhood.
University of Wales Press Hegel and Marx: After the Fall of Communism
The Second Edition of Hegel and Marx After the Fall of Communism surveys Hegel’s close connection with world-famed economist Friedrich List, the declared enemy of Karl Marx. Illuminating the mysterious nature of Hegel’s relationship with Marx and Friedrich List may help us to comprehend the extraordinary geopolitical transformations that have occurred in the last 15 years since the original publication in 1998. The Afterword to this Edition looks at Russia’s revival as a world power under Vladimir Putin, and China’s ambitious economic development efforts that bring to mind Sun Yat-sen’s vision of The International Development of China.
University of Wales Press The Last Rising: The Newport Chartist Insurrection of 1839
The Chartist movement is a core area of study in many history syllabuses. This new edition of a book first published in 1999, details the last of the Chartist insurrections in 1839. It looks at the full story of the rising, its origins and its aftermath, and analyzes the profound impact of armed insurrection on the social and political climate of the period. When the people of the coalfield took up the banner of Chartism, that movement became a political crusade. The text reveals that several revolutionary schemes were considered in the valleys, and establishes links with militants in other parts of Britain. It considers the response of the government and propertied classes - from the Special Commission that condemned three of the leaders to death, to the new interest in paternalism and the political concessions that were designed to prevent its recurrence. The author concludes that contemporaries were right to regard the rising as one of the most important turning points in Welsh and British social history.
University of Wales Press Scientific Americans: The Making of Popular Science and Evolution in Early-twentieth-century U.S. Literature and Culture
Demonstrating the timely relevance of Theodore Dreiser, Edith Wharton, Jack London and Henry Adams, this book shows how debates about evolution, identity, and a shifting world picture have uncanny parallels with the emerging global systems that shape our own lives. Tracing these systems' take-off point in the early twentieth century through the lens of popular science journalism, John Bruni makes a valuable contribution to the study of how biopolitical control over life created boundaries among races, classes, genders and species. Rather than accept that these writers get their scientific ideas about evolution second-hand, filtered through a social Darwinist ideology, this study argues that they actively determine what evolution means. Furthermore, the book, examines the ecological concerns that naturalist narratives reflect - such as land and water use, waste management, and environmental pollution - previously unaddressed in a book-length study.
University of Wales Press Spiritual Pilgrim: A Reassessment of the Life of the Countess of Huntingdon
Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, was the only woman to take an active and independent part in the Methodist Revival of the 18th century. She was converted in 1739, at the age of 32, and became a close friend of Charles Wesley - a friendship which continued despite her conversion to Calvinistic Methodism in 1748. During the last 23 years of her life, she founded a college for training evangelical ministers, supported an orphanage in Savannah, Georgia, encouraged the building of Calvinistic Methodist chapels in England and Wales, and established her own denomination. Based on extensive original manuscript sources, including letters and papers, Welch traces Selina's story from a genteel but impoverished upbringing and the separation of her parents, her love-match with Lord Huntingdon, her long widowhood during which she managed the family estates, her clashes with John Wesley, through to the culmination of her work for the Methodists and the conclusion of her pilgrimage towards spiritual fulfilment.
University of Wales Press The Jews of South Wales
The book focuses on the Jewish communities in Cardiff, Swansea and the South Wales valleys in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, looking at their everyday lives and also more dramatic and sensational events such as the Tredegar Riots in 1911 and the “Jewess Abduction Case” of 1867-8. A new introduction by Paul O’Leary considers scholarship on the subject which has been published since the book was first published and also discusses the polarised views about the Tredegar Riots of 1911: were the riots the result of ant-semitism, or was South Wales a philosemitic place, where the Welsh and Jewish communities had much in common?
University of Wales Press Henry Richard: Heddychwr a Gwladgarwr
In the present era of warring and debate relating to Britain's intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq, this volume highlights how contemporary are the arguments of Henry Richard in the 19th century, and how progressive were his efforts for Wales, for education and for the Welsh language.