Search results for ""Lubbe""
Lübbe Der Todesknstler
Lübbe Der Nobelpreis
Lübbe Nachtschicht
Lübbe Be Useful
Lübbe Putins Helfer
Bastei Lübbe Wild Games Mit einem einzigen Kuss
Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH Das Sommerbuch
Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH Das Kalte Lacheln Des Meeres
Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH Die Welt unter der Lupe zu Lande Ausmalen und durchatmen
Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH Das Bild der Pyramide
Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH Noah
Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH Ein Konig Fur Deutschland
Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH Sturz der Titanen
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Der Lebenssinn der Industriegesellschaft: Über die moralische Verfassung der wissenschaftlich-technischen Zivilisation
Die Zukunft der modernen Industriegesellschaft hängt letztlich nicht von ökonomischen, vielmehr von kulturellen und politischen Faktoren ab. Das erfahren heute alle, die in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, in Politik und Wissenschaft für diese Zukunft einstehen. Im vorliegenden Buch wird zunächst die gewandelte Einstellung in der Bevölkerung zu ihren industriegesellschaftlichen Lebensgrundlagen untersucht; die Ursachen reichen weit über die uns bedrängenden ökologischen Probleme hinaus. Dennoch bringen sich Wohlfahrt und Freiheit unverändert als Lebensvorzüge der modernen Industriegesellschaft zur Geltung. Der Aufbruch im Bereich des ehemaligen Sozialismus demonstriert das eindrucksvoll. Als orientierungspraktisch-kulturelle Konsequenz ergibt sich: Verlangt ist nicht die Suche nach großen alternativen Gesellschaftsentwürfen, vielmehr politische, ökonomische und wissenschaftlich-technische Steuerungskunst unter den moralischen und kulturellen Zielvorgaben des Gemeinsinns.
Hirzel S. Verlag Ganz Unten Im System
FISCHER Sauerländer Pfotenteam
Lit Verlag Politischer Moralismus
Schroedel Verlag GmbH Seydlitz Erdkunde 1 Schlerband Differenzierende Ausgabe Ausgabe 2015
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Demophobie: Muss Man Die Direkte Demokratie Furchten?
Bonifatius GmbH Für ein gutes Ende
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Home affairs: Rethinking same-sex families and relationships in contemporary South Africa
Despite increasing visibility of same-sex relationships in South Africa, there remains a distinct lack of research and public discussion around same-sex family practices and related legislative and social issues. This new collection of essays, interviews and images seeks to address this critical information gap by both capturing recent scholarship and documenting the challenges and experiences of same-sex partnered families. By bringing together work from diverse academic and professional disciplines - as well as visual materials from two recent exhibitions - this unique collection will play a crucial role in promoting further research into LGBTI families in South Africa. Topics covered include the theory and context of LGBTI families in South Africa; the legislative framework; media representations of same-sex families; assisted reproduction technology - challenges, experiences and understandings; parenting practices; disclosure practices within families; and intimate partner violence.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Balanceakt für die Zukunft: Konservatismus als Haltung
Angesichts einer zunehmenden Globalisierung befinden sich Gesellschaften im Wandel, müssen Werte immer wieder neu verteidigt und ausgehandelt werden und wird gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt durch ein Aufreiben der politischen Mitte zwischen den Rändern bedroht. Orientierungsverlust ist die Folge. Während Populisten auf diese komplexen Problemlagen allzu einfache Lösungen formulieren, will ein zeitgemäßer Konservatismus Veränderungsprozesse für alle erträglich gestalten. Als Anwalt der Mitte versteht er sich als Moderator dieser Prozesse und richtet seinen Blick dabei stets nach vorne, ohne das Gewonnene aus den Augen zu verlieren. Mit Beiträgen von Herrmann Lübbe, Michael Stürmer, Jörg Baberowski, Werner J. Patzelt und vielen anderen unterbreitet dieses Buch Vorschläge, wie Konservatismus gegenwärtig neu vermessen werden kann.
Greenhill Books The Reichstag Fire: The Case Against the Nazi Conspiracy
When the German Reichstag went up in flames on the evening of 27 February 1933, Hitler used the incident to seize power, claiming it was the work of Communists planning a violent uprising. But who really started the fire? Were the Nazis to blame, or was it the work of lone arsonist Marinus van der Lubbe? This debate has been raging for more than eighty years. The Reichstag Fire seeks to shed light on this pivotal event that changed the course of world history. Through a thorough and unbiased analysis of original source material, award-winning journalist Sven Felix Kellerhoff charts the outbreak of the fire, the Reich Cabinet's response to the event, Marinus van der Lubbe's repeated confession to the crime, and the far-reaching consequences of the fire.
Princeton University Press Conservatism: An Anthology of Social and Political Thought from David Hume to the Present
At a time when the label "conservative" is indiscriminately applied to fundamentalists, populists, libertarians, fascists, and the advocates of one or another orthodoxy, this volume offers a nuanced and historically informed presentation of what is distinctive about conservative social and political thought. It is an anthology with an argument, locating the origins of modern conservatism within the Enlightenment and distinguishing between conservatism and orthodoxy. Bringing together important specimens of European and American conservative social and political analysis from the mid-eighteenth century through our own day, Conservatism demonstrates that while the particular institutions that conservatives have sought to conserve have varied, there are characteristic features of conservative argument that recur over time and across national borders. The book proceeds chronologically through the following sections: Enlightenment Conservatism (David Hume, Edmund Burke, and Justus Moser), The Critique of Revolution (Burke, Louis de Bonald, Joseph de Maistre, James Madison, and Rufus Choate), Authority (Matthew Arnold, James Fitzjames Stephen), Inequality (W. H. Mallock, Joseph A. Schumpeter), The Critique of Good Intentions (William Graham Sumner), War (T. E. Hulme), Democracy (Carl Schmitt, Schumpeter), The Limits of Rationalism (Winston Churchill, Michael Oakeshott, Friedrich Hayek, Edward Banfield), The Critique of Social and Cultural Emancipation (Irving Kristol, Peter Berger and Richard John Neuhaus, Hermann Lubbe), and Between Social Science and Cultural Criticism (Arnold Gehlen, Philip Rieff). The book contains an afterword on recurrent tensions and dilemmas of conservative thought.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Second Edition
Containing newly updated versions of existing entries and adding several important new entries, this second edition of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law takes stock of present-day comparative law scholarship. Written by leading authorities in their respective fields, the contributions in this accessible book cover and combine not only questions regarding the methodology of comparative law, but also specific areas of law (such as administrative law and criminal law) and specific topics (such as accident compensation and consideration). In addition, the Encyclopedia contains reports on a selected set of countries' legal systems and, as a whole, presents an overview of the current state of affairs. Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, this volume is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in comparative law, especially academics, students and practitioners. Contributors: M. Abe, D. Bradley, W. Bull, W.E. Butler, R. Caterina, M. Claes, H. Cousy, E. Dacoronia, G.-R. de Groot, M.J. de Waal, H. Dedek, M. Deturbide, R. Dotevall, J.E. du Plessis, M.G. Faure, B. Fauvarque-Cosson, J. Fedtke, F. Ferrari, A. Fournier, J. Fu, D. Geradin, H.P. Glenn, M. Gondek, J. Gordley, J. Hage, B. Havel, J.H. Herbots, V. Heutger, G. Howells, E.J. Hughes, M. Hunter-Henin, J. Husa, N. Jansen, M.T. Kamminga, A.J. Kanning, S.M. Kroll, P. Letto-Vanamo, S.D. Lindenbergh, G. Lubbe, B. Lurger, L. Macgregor, H.L. MacQueen, U. Magnus, K. Mayer, R. Michaels, J.M. Milo, H. Muir Watt, J. Neethling, H.P. Nehl, D. Nelken, L. Nottage, C. O'Cinneide, A.E. Orucu, V.V. Palmer, F. Pennings, P. Pichonnaz, B. Pozzo, L. Rademacher, G. Samuel, M.J. Schermaier, M. Schmidt-Kessel, E. Schrage, G. Shalev, L. Slepaite, D. Smith, J.M. Smits, Z.D. Tarman, V. Thuronyi, M. Torsello, J.H.M. van Erp, N. Van Leuven, C.H. van Rhee, L. van Vliet, A. Vaquer, R. Verhagen, R. Verkerk, D. Visser, S. Vogenauer, M. Vranken, S. Weatherill, T. Weigend, B. Wessels, C.A. Williams, J. Ziller, P. Zumbansen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regional Environmental Law: Transregional Comparative Lessons in Pursuit of Sustainable Development
Regional legal action to environmental problems has become increasingly important for national and international approaches. This important new study provides profound discussions of the state of affairs of regional approaches across the world and points at many remaining challenges regarding not only regulatory approaches, particularly in the field of transboundary waters and climate change, but also human rights instruments. It should be required reading by all interested in the further development of environmental law from a sustainable development perspective.'- Marjan Peeters, University of Maastricht, the NetherlandsThis perceptive work presents a unique comparative legal analysis, ascertaining how regional environmental law can contribute to the prevailing pursuit of global sustainable development. The book provides an introduction to and analysis of the environmental law adhered to by each regional organization in an accessible and discerning discussion.Regional Environmental Law analyzes the manner in which four distinct regional organizations the European Union (EU), Organization of American States (OAS), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the African Union (AU) facilitate cooperation concerning regional environmental law in order to promote sustainable development. The fundamental environmental issues that require regional cooperation are considered: human rights and the environment, climate change and shared watercourses. Leading scholars critically analyze how states may pool sovereignty, pursuant to finding solutions to these salient environmental problems. The book puts forward conclusive thoughts about how to work towards the sustainable development agenda through both specific regional action and collaborative efforts.Researchers and students interested in international and environmental law will benefit from the comparative analysis of the respective regional organisations and their contribution to the sustainable development commitment. Practitioners and policy makers will find practical insight from the conclusions drawn.Contributors: M. Barnard, L. Bhullar, B. Boer, J.T. Calasans, J. de Cendra de Larragán, C.S. de Windt, B. Garcia, K. Kheng-Lian, L. Krämer, W.D. Lubbe, O. McIntyre, A. Meijknecht, M.A. Orellana, D.M. Pallangyo, W. Scholtz, H. Strydom, J. Verschuuren
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Second Edition
Containing newly updated versions of existing entries and adding several important new entries, this second edition of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law takes stock of present-day comparative law scholarship. Written by leading authorities in their respective fields, the contributions in this accessible book cover and combine not only questions regarding the methodology of comparative law, but also specific areas of law (such as administrative law and criminal law) and specific topics (such as accident compensation and consideration). In addition, the Encyclopedia contains reports on a selected set of countries' legal systems and, as a whole, presents an overview of the current state of affairs. Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, this volume is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in comparative law, especially academics, students and practitioners. Contributors: M. Abe, D. Bradley, W. Bull, W.E. Butler, R. Caterina, M. Claes, H. Cousy, E. Dacoronia, G.-R. de Groot, M.J. de Waal, H. Dedek, M. Deturbide, R. Dotevall, J.E. du Plessis, M.G. Faure, B. Fauvarque-Cosson, J. Fedtke, F. Ferrari, A. Fournier, J. Fu, D. Geradin, H.P. Glenn, M. Gondek, J. Gordley, J. Hage, B. Havel, J.H. Herbots, V. Heutger, G. Howells, E.J. Hughes, M. Hunter-Henin, J. Husa, N. Jansen, M.T. Kamminga, A.J. Kanning, S.M. Kroll, P. Letto-Vanamo, S.D. Lindenbergh, G. Lubbe, B. Lurger, L. Macgregor, H.L. MacQueen, U. Magnus, K. Mayer, R. Michaels, J.M. Milo, H. Muir Watt, J. Neethling, H.P. Nehl, D. Nelken, L. Nottage, C. O'Cinneide, A.E. Orucu, V.V. Palmer, F. Pennings, P. Pichonnaz, B. Pozzo, L. Rademacher, G. Samuel, M.J. Schermaier, M. Schmidt-Kessel, E. Schrage, G. Shalev, L. Slepaite, D. Smith, J.M. Smits, Z.D. Tarman, V. Thuronyi, M. Torsello, J.H.M. van Erp, N. Van Leuven, C.H. van Rhee, L. van Vliet, A. Vaquer, R. Verhagen, R. Verkerk, D. Visser, S. Vogenauer, M. Vranken, S. Weatherill, T. Weigend, B. Wessels, C.A. Williams, J. Ziller, P. Zumbansen