Search results for ""Inter-Varsity Press""
Inter-Varsity Press Exodus
Recounting the greatest event of divine salvation in the Old Testament, the book of Exodus is not merely a story about the Lord God rescuing enslaved Israelites from the power of a despotic and xenophobic dictator. More importantly, it highlights how a compassionate and justice-seeking God transforms the lives of victimized people so that they may experience life in all its fullness in his holy presence. The story of Exodus illustrates an all-important paradigm for understanding the nature and goal of divine salvation, anticipating an even greater exodus that will come through Jesus Christ. Desmond Alexander grapples with the varied complexities of the carefully constructed literary collage of Exodus. As an integral part of the longer narrative that runs from Genesis to 2 Kings, Exodus recounts a dramatic and unified story of how the Israelites come to a deeper and closer relationship with the Lord God. Narrating past events, Exodus speaks to contemporary society, revealing a God who passionately desires to draw people into an intimate and exclusive relationship with himself. This detailed commentary sheds light on one of the most influential books ever written.
Inter-Varsity Press A New Day: Moving On From Hunger, Anxiety, Control, Shame, Anger And Despair
* Can I break free from my eating disorder? * Why do I struggle with such anxiety? * Where can I go with my shame and despair? * Does my life have to be like this? 'I'm controlling and insecure and desperate to prove my own worth,' admits Emma Scrivener, and then goes on, 'I'm a Christian, but I don't always feel like it.' There are lots of how-to books out there. In terms of the practicalities of recovery, they're brilliant. What they don't address is the spiritual dimension. However, even when writing about 'spiritual recovery', the author confesses that it's tempting to offer some sort of programme or strategy. 'But I don't think I've got one,' she says. What she does offer are practical suggestions for how to apply core gospel truths to practical circumstances. With honesty and examples from real life (including her own), Emma connects with her reader. She shows how the gospel can speak to every heart and every addiction, equipping readers with confidence in Christ's sufficiency and the power of his Word and Spirit to bring change where change seems impossible.
Inter-Varsity Press A Scenic Route Through the Old Testament: New Edition
Many of us find the Old testament daunting. It seems long and very distant. If the Old Testament is unknown territory to you, here's just the book to get you into it. Alec Motyer leads us through six key themes of the Old Testament, history, religion, worship, prophecy, wisdom and God himself. Each chapter shows with simplicity and warmth how important these themes are to the Old Testament, and how relevant they are to our lives today. At the end of each chapter the are seven short daily readings with crisp, practical comments, designed to help you explore that chapter's theme for yourself. Read through this book with your Old Testament in front of you and you will be amazed how it speaks directly to us today in our situations and our needs. The Scenic Route is a journey well worth taking. "Alec Motyer proves again his faithfulness and reliability as a guide to the world of the Old Testament. The daily devotional Bible readings and notes make this useful for personal or group study and will provide readers not only with a good introduction to the Old Testament but also an opportunity to encounter the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." Chris Sinkinson
Inter-Varsity Press The Whole of Life for Christ: Becoming Everyday Disciples
Suppose for a moment that Jesus really is interested in every aspect of your life. Everything – the dishes and the dog and the day job and the drudgery of some of the stuff you just have to do, the TV programme you love, the staff in your local supermarket as well as the homeless in the local shelter, your boss as well as your vicar, helping a shopper find the ketchup as well as brewing the tea for the life group, the well-being of your town and the well-being of your neighbour ... Suppose the truth that every Christian is a new creature in Christ, empowered by the Spirit to do his will, means that Christ is with you everywhere you go, in every task you do, with every person you meet ... Suppose God wants to involve you in what he’s doing in the places you spend your time day by day ... Suppose your whole life is important to Christ ... He does. These seven studies will help you explore and live out the marvellous truth that the gospel is an invitation into whole-life discipleship, into a life following and imitating Jesus. This title is brought to you by Keswick Ministries and follows the theme of the 2015 Keswick Convention. Find out more at
Inter-Varsity Press Theology as Discipleship
For many people, the word 'theology' evokes something dry, academic, irrelevant and disconnected from the everyday concerns of life. We surely would not say that about God, so why is our talk about God any different? In this engaging and accessible introduction, Keith Johnson takes a fresh look at theology. He presents the discipline of theology as one of the ways we participate in the life of the triune God. Without suggesting it should be removed from the academy, Johnson argues that theology has to be integrally connected to the traditions and practices of the church. If academic theology is to be genuinely theological, then it has to be carried out in obedience to Jesus Christ and in service to the church. Unlike other introductions, Theology as Discipleship avoids the usual overview of doctrines according to the creed, which traditionally move from the Trinity to eschatology. Instead, Johnson explains the content of theology by describing the Christian life - being in Christ, hearing God's Word, sharing the mind of Christ. Theology not only leads to discipleship, but is itself a way of following after Christ in faith.
Inter-Varsity Press Revelation: An Introduction And Commentary
The book of Revelation is the most developed example of a scriptural writer wrestling with the ideological implications of the gospel, and engaging with an opposing system in the light of what God has done in Jesus. It is an apocalypse, a letter and a prophecy. Ian Paul gives disciplined attention to the text, examines how John draws on the Old Testament, indicates how his message would have communicated and been understood in its first-century context, and makes connections with our contemporary world.
Inter-Varsity Press New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic
Since its first publication in 1988, the New Dictionary of Theology has been widely appreciated by students and readers as a trustworthy and informative guide. After almost thirty years, however, there are many new writers, issues and themes on the agenda, for theology does not stand still. Hence, this completely revised second edition includes over 400 new articles in the full set of over 800. Many of the original articles have been expanded and updated, and almost all have additional bibliographical references. Since material on biblical theology is now covered at length in IVP's New Dictionary of Biblical Theology, this volume is therefore more specifically a dictionary of historical and systematic theology. The New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic has an international team of contributors, and many are acknowledged experts in their fields. The Dictionary combines excellence in scholarship with a high standard of clarity and insight into current theological issues, yet it avoids being unduly technical. Students, teachers and ministers, as well as scholars and everyone seeking a better understanding of theology, will value it as an indispensable reference work. The volume is enhanced by a spacious and clear design, an extensive and easy-to-use cross-reference system and bibliographies which feature the best and most readily available works in English.
Inter-Varsity Press The Plausibility Problem: The Church And Same-Sex Attraction
Can you be gay and Christian? Does the Bible really require celibacy outside of heterosexual marriage? Isn't it unrealistic and unfair, imposing loneliness and the loss of basic human satisfactions like sex and marriage? Is what the church teaches about homosexuality a plausible way of life? In this honest book, Ed Shaw shares his pain in dealing with same-sex attraction - and yet he is committed to what the Bible says and what the church has always taught about marriage and sex. He shows us that obedience to Jesus is ultimately the only way to experience life to the full. He also challenges missteps that the church has often made in its understanding of the Christian life and of sexuality. We have been shaped by the world around us, and urgently need to re-examine the values that drive our discipleship in the light of the Bible. Only by reclaiming the reality of gospel discipleship, can we truly appreciate that life in Christ is the best way for all of us to flourish - whoever we are attracted to.
Inter-Varsity Press Psalms
The book of Psalms is the heart of the Old Testament, the libretto of the most vibrant worship imaginable. It informs our intellect, stimulates our imagination, arouses our emotions and stirs us to holy thoughts and actions. It is also a pivotal witness to, and anticipation of, Jesus Christ. Tremper Longman's commentary interprets each psalm in its Old Testament setting, summarizes its message and reflects on its significance from a New Testament perspective, noting any citation and also providing a Christological reading.
Inter-Varsity Press The Song of Songs
These commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties. In the new Old Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment and Meaning. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain. THE SONG OF SONGS This Old Testament book, 'the best of songs', has fascinated and perplexed interpreters for centuries. We hear the passionate melody of romantic love, and are confronted by erotic imagery - but whose love is described? Is it a couple's love for each other, God's love for his people, or a poem that speaks to love in all its dimensions? Iain Duguid's commentary explains how the Song is designed to show us an idealized picture of married love, in the context of a fallen and broken world. It also convicts us of how far short of this perfection we fall, both as humans and as lovers, and drives us repeatedly into the arms of our true heavenly husband, Jesus Christ.
Inter-Varsity Press Bound for the Promised Land: The Land Promise In God's Redemptive Plan
Just as the Old Testament book of Genesis begins with creation, where humans live in the presence of their Lord, so the New Testament book of Revelation ends with an even more glorious new creation where all of the redeemed dwell with the Lord and his Christ. The historical development between the beginning and the end is crucial, for the journey from Eden to the new Jerusalem proceeds through the land promised to Abraham. The Promised Land is the place where God's people will once again live under his lordship and experience his blessed presence. In this stimulating study, Oren Martin demonstrates how, within the redemptive-historical framework of God's unfolding plan, the land promise advances the place of the kingdom that was lost in Eden and serves as a type throughout Israel's history that anticipates the even greater land, prepared for all of God's people, that will result from the person and work of Christ - and that will be enjoyed in the new creation for eternity.
Inter-Varsity Press Challenges of Christian Leadership: Practical Wisdom For Leaders, Interwoven With The Author'S Advice
All Christian leaders face challenges. But God works in us, with us and through us to accomplish his eternal purposes. Here is practical wisdom from a much-respected leader speaking personally on: discouragement - how to persevere under pressure self-discipline - how to maintain spiritual freshness relationships - how to treat people with respect youth - how to lead when still comparatively young. Complementing the above are two examples of 'Timothys', in the form of personal tributes from former study assistants who worked side by side with the author.
Inter-Varsity Press Revival sent from God: What The Bible Teaches For The Church Today
Revival yearnings are widespread in the church today, but Raymond Ortlund Jr. believes that we still need to give more attention to the Bible itself in the matter of authentic revival. One reason for this is that we need the discernment which only the Bible can give, to enable us to tell the difference between what's valuable and what's cheap. Otherwise we may squander our heavenly Father's good gifts. Another reason is that our expectations of God may be too small, our desires too shallow. The biblical vision of our God is breathtaking. We need to enlarge and deepen our grasp of what God can do - and what we must do. Dr Ortlund's ultimate aim is to persuade us that revival is a valid biblical expectation, and so to motivate us to pray that God will rend the heavens and come down in our generation. Above all, he wants us to be encouraged in God: we need never give up or give in, because he remains committed to the glory of his own holy name in this world.
Inter-Varsity Press Original Sin: Illuminating The Riddle
The twentieth century witnessed human cruelty on a scale never before imagined. Paradoxically, in recent years the doctrine of original sin has suffered neglect and ridicule. In this philosophically sophisticated treatment of the biblical evidence for original sin, Henri Blocher offers a robust response. Interacting with the best theological thinking on the subject, he shows that while the nature of original sin is a mystery - a riddle even - only belief in it makes sense of evil and wrong-doing. After a general survey of the biblical evidence, Professor Blocher moves on to discuss the two key texts. First, he considers the relation of the Eden story of Genesis 2 - 3 to modern scientific, literary and theological thinking. Then he offers a new and ground-breaking interpretation of Romans 5, where the apostle Paul discusses Christ and Adam. From this exegetical foundation, he goes on to show how the doctrine of original sin makes sense of the paradoxes of human existence. In the final chapter, he discusses the intellectual difficulties that some feel remain with the doctrine itself.
Inter-Varsity Press Resurrection and Moral Order: An Outline Of Evangelical Ethics
In this truly seminal work, the Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology at Oxford University illuminates the distinctive nature of Christian ethics with profound thought and massive learning. By grounding Christian ethics in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he avoids both a revealed ethics that has no contact with the created order and one that is purely naturalistic. For this second edition Professor O'Donovan has added a prologue in which he enters into dialogue with John Finnis, Martin Honecker, Karl Barth and Stanley Hauerwas. Essential reading for advanced students of theology and ethics and their teachers.
Inter-Varsity Press Way To Go: Thirty Readings On A Journey With Jesus
The Gospels record how Jesus approached an extraordinary collection of individuals and treated each with great dignity and respect. No-one loved like him or saw so deeply and clearly into the soul of each person he encountered. Thirty readings to help us learn who he is and how to share his good news. With contemporary meditations by Brian Draper.
Inter-Varsity Press Science, Life And Christian Belief: A Survey And Assessment
An overview of the 'two books' of God - nature and Scripture - showing that they give complementary descriptions of one single reality. It grapples with key contemporary issues like the nature of consciousness and care of the environment. The book argues strongly against the idea of 'a God of the gaps' and against a conflict view of science and Christian belief. It demonstrates the essential role of faith in shaping and nurturing the enterprise of science. The book provides an essential perspective for a society dominated by science and its consequences. Key features: o Brings together Christian thought and the natural scientific disciplines. o There is no other overall treatment at a scholarly level o Includes a discussion of the important debates and interpretations in the last 25 years.
Inter-Varsity Press Power and Poverty: Divine And Human Rule In A World Of Need
Dewi Hughes' conviction is that the suffering through poverty of such a vast number of people in our day is overwhelmingly the result of the misuse of power by others. Hence, the underlying theme of this wide-ranging, challenging study is that poverty has to do with the way in which we human beings use and abuse the power God gave us when he created us.
Inter-Varsity Press Proverbs (Lifebuilder Study Guides): Learning to Live Wisely
The book of Proverbs is the Bible's how-to manual. The proverbs teach us how to be successful and prosperous in our work, our dealings with family and friends, and our relationship with God. The direction and guidance they give us is practical, concrete, reasonable and fruitful. By reading Proverbs we discover the vital importance of learning to live wisely. 10 studies for individuals or groups. This revised Lifebuilder Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra "Now or Later" section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press Faiths in Conflict?: Christian Integrity In A Multicultural World
A web of criss-crossing influences covers our planet, producing hybrids like Tandoori pizzas and ninja ballets, Silicon valleys in Bangalore and Zen monasteries in California. This mixing of cultures is also fraught with tension and conflict. Far from blending and mingling together, new barriers are emerging between peoples. And at the heart of this conflict is religious belief. In this fascinating and ground-breaking study, Vinoth Ramachandra examines the complex interaction of four major world faiths. He looks at the distinctiveness of the Christian message in a world of many faiths, and asks if a truly tolerant and pluralistic society can ever emerge from a rejection of universal truth claims.
Inter-Varsity Press The Transforming Trinity - Study Guide: Rediscovering The Heart Of Our Faith
Does believing in the Trinity make any difference in real life? These seven studies will help you grow in your understanding of the inexhaustible riches of the Trinity. Find out why the Trinity is central to our beliefs and fundamental to the working out of our faith. Learn to worship him more fully, reflect his image more clearly, and experience his transforming power in your life. Learn to better know the Father, follow the Son, and walk in the Spirit. Because the Trinity is at the heart of Christian faith and life. This title is brought to you by Keswick Ministries. Find out more at
Inter-Varsity Press Undivided: Closing The Faith-Life Gap
Let's be honest: there are gaps everywhere in life - the gap between who we are and who we would like to be; the gap between the Christianity we profess and the Christianity we practise; the gap between us and those we love; the gap between the world as it is and the world as it should be. We feel disconnected from God, from one another and from ourselves. How do we close those gaps? How is God working to make us whole? This book brings the gospel to bear on the gaps in our lives. Drawing on a highly unusual lifetime's experience living out the Christian faith in more than twenty countries, Graham Hooper shows how we can be made whole in the struggles and joys of everyday life - work and relationships, success and failure, service and weakness.
Inter-Varsity Press Paul's Missionary Methods: In His Time And In Ours
Veteran scholar-missionaries Robert L. Plummer and John Mark Terry edit this collection of entry points into the missionary methods of the Apostle Paul. With contributions from Michael Bird, Eckhard Schnabel and Craig Keener, this volume examines Paul's missionary methods from the perspective of Paul's activities in the first century and the perspective of his ongoing impact on missions today. The first part of the book examines Paul's environment, activity and teaching. The second portion investigates the application of Paul's methods and principles to modern missionary work. The occasion for this book is the centennial of Roland Allen's Missionary Methods: Saint Paul's or Ours? a classic in the field which Paul's Missionary Methods enthusiastically engages with.
Inter-Varsity Press What Kind of Hope?: How Jesus Changes Everything
* What does the Bible say about the future?* What evidence do I have that this is true?* If my beliefs influence my actions, then what difference does the Bible’s teaching make in my life? There is something wrong with our world. Everyone knows that - clearly, things shouldn’t be the way they are. The Bible makes many claims about the future, a future in which we can have real hope. Michael Ots helps us unpack these claims, showing why real and radical hope doesn’t have to be beyond our grasp.
Inter-Varsity Press The Perfect Saviour
Too often, valuable New Testament scholarship never finds its way to the preacher's or pastor's study because it is presented in a form that is not practically digestible in the time available for sermon preparation. The motivation for this volume is the desire to bridge the gap between the work of evangelical scholars in universities and colleges and the world of the busy preacher and Bible teacher. Specifically, it offers a theological introduction to the New Testament book of Hebrews, by way of a set of expositions of some significant themes and difficult questions, by some well-known scholars. Topics covered are: the new covenant (Peter O'Brien); the word of God (Jonathan Griffiths); the priesthood of Christ (Richard Gaffin, Jr); the tabernacle (David Gooding); warning and assurance (Thomas Schreiner); access and arrival (Peter Walker); perfection (David Peterson); and suffering (Bruce Winter). These studies are accessible to all serious students of the Bible. The contributors share the conviction that theological research is ultimately only valuable insofar as it aids the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Inter-Varsity Press A New Name
The face of anorexia is not a glossy model in a perfume ad. It's a starving animal, circling the empty cupboards, blank-eyed and vacant. It's a face frozen in a rictus grin, mouthing lies. 'I'm fine,' it says. 'Everything is under control.' 'I have always felt hungry,’ says Emma Scrivener. ‘Not just for food, but for everything: from money to recognition. I’m a human chasm, a vortex of insatiable longing.’ Rescued from a disorder that nearly killed her, Emma is now passionate about warning others about the dark and hidden world she inhabited for too long. Harrowing, heart-breaking, human and humourous, this book will grip you from start to finish.
Inter-Varsity Press Atheism's New Clothes: Exloring And Exposing The Claims Of The New Atheists
In recent years, the publication of best-selling books by Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens has given rise to the New Atheism. For the New Atheists, belief in God is a delusion because it is based on faith rather than evidence, and because science has removed the need for God; and it is a dangerous delusion because it is responsible for much of the suffering throughout the world. These characteristics distinguish New Atheism from other forms of atheism. Drawing on recent work in the philosophy of religion, David Glass addresses the issues raised by the New Atheists, responds to their objections, and presents a positive case for Christian theism. He shows that the New Atheists fail to engage seriously with the best theistic arguments, and that science, far from undermining belief in God, provides some of the best reasons for such belief. His valuable analysis also explores how faith and reason interact; miracles; the relationship between religion, morality and evil; the possibility of revelation from God; and the historical value of the Gospels and the reality of the resurrection of Jesus.
Inter-Varsity Press Going for Growth: Learning From Peter
Volatile. Cowardly. Slow on the uptake. As a follower of Jesus, Peter didn't have a lot going for him. Yet he became a passionate preacher and an extraordinary leader, and the rock on which Christ built his church. Bishop Ken Clarke believes that Jesus works the same kind of transformation in his followers today. In this warm-hearted and deeply encouraging book, he draws out lessons from Peter's life for us today. He equips enthusiastic disciples and growing leaders to keep their focus, handle failure and fulfil their potential in God's service.
Inter-Varsity Press Remember: ..The Things That Matter When Hope Is Hard To Find
Rhonda Watson models how to remember God during times of physical suffering. Packed full of poetry, songs and Bible quotes, this beautiful devotional guide helps readers face failing physical powers with honesty, and focus on the character of God, the source of our hope. 'My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you.' Diagnosed in 2008 with Motor Neurone Disease (MND), Rhonda Watson is rapidly losing her speech, mobility and other physical functions. In desperation she turned to the only true source of hope and comfort - God. This honest and powerful book helps fellow-sufferers recall in times of trouble the character of God - who walks with us along the path of suffering and holds us in our pain. Choosing not to focus on her own debilitating condition, Rhonda provides devotions and reflections which have helped her, and will encourage the reader to hold on to trust in Jesus. With space for journaling, this book is ideal for anyone coping with disability and failing physical powers.
Inter-Varsity Press Excellence in Preaching
What makes some preaching gripping - unforgettable even? What can we learn from the best preachers? How can we appreciate great preaching, often at the click of a mouse, without devaluing the role of the local church minister? 'Without creating a guru mentality, I focus on one positive aspect from each preacher and offer hints on how other preachers might emulate them.' says author Simon Vibert. He also looks at the Bible's own take on good preaching, and focuses on the exemplary models of Jesus and Paul. This is not a how-to manual, nor a biblical theology of preaching, nor even a critique of the subjects. Rather, it is a focus on modern-day practitioners, from whom all preachers can form a composite picture of excellence, and from whom all preachers would do well to learn.
Inter-Varsity Press Salvation Belongs to Our God: Celebrating The Bible'S Central Story
After this, I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no-one could count ... And they cried out in a loud voice: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb"' (Revelation 7:10). Christopher Wright uses this verse as a lens through which he surveys the Bible's teaching on 'salvation'. Every phrase in the verse resonates with significant themes in the Old and New Testaments, all of which combine to show that the Bible tells the story of God's salvation very broadly indeed, in relation to the character and purposes of God, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the redemption of all creation, the joy of Christian experience and the responsibility of Christian mission. This clear, deep and warm-hearted exposition enriches our grasp of the Bible's multi-faceted teaching about salvation.
Inter-Varsity Press Snatched from the fire: Life With A Purpose
As a firefighter, Mitch (Keith Mitchell) is trained to snatch people from flames. As a Christian, he sees sin as a real fire to be fought in people's lives - hence the title: snatched from the fire. Don't read this book if you want religion, answers to life's great mysteries or the secret of winning the lottery. Do read it if you are willing to lose your prejudice and meet someone more important than the three above put together - Jesus. Meeting Jesus results in real living, life with freedom and purpose. And you'll find a happy eternity thrown in as well.
Inter-Varsity Press Discovering Jesus: Four Gospels - One Person
If asked how Matthew's Gospel differs from Luke's, or what aspects of Jesus' personhood and ministry the Gospel of Mark focuses on compared with those of John, how would you answer? In Discovering Jesus, T. Desmond Alexander helps readers understand how each Gospel account is uniquely written and why all four Gospels are important in their different, but complementary pictures of the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. Alexander shows how the Gospels display Jesus as the Son of David who establishes the kingdom of God, the Son of God who suffers to ransom others, the Saviour of the world who seeks the lost, and the Lamb of God who brings eternal life through a new exodus. Each chapter ends with discussion questions for individual or group study.
Inter-Varsity Press Preacher, Keep Yourself from Idols
Guidance and wisdom for maintaining good practice and avoiding temptation in preaching. With insight and wisdom, Derek Tidball reviews a selection of idols to which preachers are particularly vulnerable, under four headings: the self, the age, the task and the ministry. His aim is not to condemn, but to alert.
Inter-Varsity Press God's New Community: New Testament Patterns For Today's Church
When someone uses the word 'church', what comes into your mind - A building where a congregation meets - A room inside such a building - The main Sunday meeting - A denomination? Graham Beynon shows that when the Bible talks about 'church', it is always only referring to people, and a particular sort of people at that. From a range of key passages in the New Testament, he explains what church is, what it is for, how it is to work, how it is to be led, and what it means to belong to God's new community in Christ. Many Christians are hard-pushed to give good answers to these questions. This clear, simple, biblical and practical guide will deepen your understanding and enrich your experience of church. Few things could be more important for Christians than that.'
Inter-Varsity Press Joshua: An Introduction And Survey
The book of Joshua presents a number of interpretative problems. On the basis of literary studies and archaeology, some have claimed that the book is a product of a much later age than the one it portrays and does not reflect actual events. Another important issue is how it should be read as Christian Scripture, given that it describes at least a partial annihilation of indigenous people groups. Related to this today is the ongoing struggle over essentially the same piece of land that is described in Joshua. To address these and other issues, Pekka Pitkänen reads Joshua in its Ancient Near Eastern context. He makes extensive comparisons with relevant contemporary literature and includes an archaeological survey of all places mentioned in the Masoretic text. He argues that Joshua helps conclude the pentateuchal tradition and is best understood as a conquest document originating from the Late Bronze-Early Iron Age that helps define Israelite identity in Yahwistic terms and promulgates Yahwism in Israel as the exclusive religious ideology. In application, he engages with genocide studies and reflects on theodicy and the use and abuse of power.
Inter-Varsity Press Mark
The Gospel of Mark is widely regarded today as the first Gospel to be written. Until recent decades, its fast-paced, seemingly straightforward presentation led most readers to overlook its subtle theological sophistication. Probing its depths, Ronald Kernaghan invites readers into a fascinating exploration of Mark's Gospel as a parable, an open-ended story that invites us on a lifelong journey of discipleship. Throughout, Kernaghan explains what the gospel meant to its original hearers and its application for us today.
Inter-Varsity Press Keeping God's Earth: The Global Environment In Biblical Perspective
Diversity of life. Water resources. Global climate change. Cities and global environmental issues. We all know being a Christian involves ethical responsibility. But what exactly are our environmental obligations? This unique volume edited by Wheaton professors Noah J. Toly and Daniel I. Block teams up scientists with biblical scholars to help us discern just that question. What does the Lord require of us? Here you'll find informed essays from Christian teachers in a variety of fields, ranging from New Testament, Old Testament, Christian theology and ethics to geology, biology, atmospheric physics and environmental science. Their biblical insight combined with scientific expertise will provide you with a deeper understanding and clear guidance on the most important environmental issues facing us today. Contributors: M. Daniel Carroll R., Fred van Dyke, Michael Guebert, David Gushee, Sir John Houghton, Douglas J. Moo, David Toshio Tsumura and Christopher J. H. Wright
Inter-Varsity Press Lifted: Experiencing The Resurrection Life
For many the resurrection is a nice thing to believe, the 'happy' ending to the gospel, as though after the darkness of the cross Spielberg was brought in to do the finish. But 'Lifted' shows that it's far more. The resurrection has overwhelmingly positive implications for our daily lives. Through it we can have real assurance of forgiveness and salvation. We are raised and empowered to live new, transformed lives. We have hope after death for our bodies and this physical world. We see the urgency of reaching all nations with the message of the risen Jesus. Life is now different: we have been lifted. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not just for Easter. It's for all of life.
Inter-Varsity Press Last Things First: Living In The Light Of The Future
Why think about the future? After all, 'what will happen will happen', it only leads to controversy and argument, and it's irrelevant to life now. However, Graham Beynon shows that the real danger is that we don't think about the future. God in his Word puts last things first - the whole gospel is shaped around what is to come. God has a plan for where he is taking this world, and his people are called to live in the light of that future. Christians are to be those who look back - to the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. All that happened then shapes our life now. However, they are also to look forward - at what God will do in finishing his plans for his creation through Jesus. The Bible teaches Christians to store up treasure in heaven; to wait faithfully for the return of their Master; to think of this world as temporary and passing; and to think of the world to come as their inheritance. Graham Beynon takes a fresh look at this teaching and shows how what is to come should shape practical Christian living now, with regard to godliness, handling of money, service of others, speaking about Jesus, faithfulness to him, response to hardship, and more.
Inter-Varsity Press Inside Story: The Life Of John Stott
Integrity matters. We expect it of leaders in all walks of life. But why is integrity so rare? Jonathan Lamb looks at the example of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians and offers us a model of integrity in leadership that spans the centuries.
Inter-Varsity Press God the Peacemaker: How Atonement Brings Shalom
In the midst of a troubled world, Christians believe in a good God who, as the Creator, has never lost interest in his broken creation. The key evidence for, and the chief symbol of, this divine commitment is the cross of Christ. This God, revealed Scripture, has a project; and central to the divine strategy is Christ, his coming and his cross. The troubles and calamities will end. The cross â€" which has been scandalous from the start â€" touches the individual, the church and the wider creation. The cross makes peace, and brings shalom. The canon of Scripture presents a 'divine comedy', where the story of Jesus, his cross and empty tomb are set in the framework of God's grand plan to restore the created order. Graham Cole's excellent study takes the broad approach, but not in a way that masks 'the cruciality of the cross'. He examines who God is and what humanity has become, then focuses on the divine provision for humanity in its plight. He explores how the 'peace dividend' of the cross works itself out at the personal, corporate and cosmic levels, and asks how we are to live if these things are really so. Finally, he discusses God's grand purpose, reviews the journey, and addresses the question of how God the peacemaker brings shalom through atonement in both the broad and narrow senses of the term. An appendix deals with a range of controversial aspects of the cross.
Inter-Varsity Press Christ's Victory Over Evil: Biblical Theology And Pastoral Ministry
The Lord Jesus Christ has won the victory: this is the objective reality that should inform Christian thinking about every aspect of human life. Even as we contemplate the presence of evil and the demonic in our world, the gospel whispers in our ears the greatest victory this world has ever seen, and ever will: 'Christ is risen!' However, the presence of evil, or our fear of the demonic, can stifle the gospel whisper. Throughout Christian history, the relationship between Christians and the forces of evil has been examined from a variety of perspectives; and recent missional studies and pastoral practices have stimulated further discussion. This volume, based on the 2008 Moore College School of Theology, seeks to listen below the present clamour drawing attention to the demonic, in order to hear the whisper of the gospel message more clearly, and to explore the power and victory it promises - even in the face of evil powers. The contributors are Tony Payne, Peter Bolt, Bill Salier, Matthew Jensen, Mark Thompson, Constantine Campbell, Greg Anderson, Jonathan Lilley and Donald West.
Inter-Varsity Press The Letters of John: Tyndale New Testament Commentary
John's affection for the recipients of his letters is clear: 'They are his "dear children", his "dear friends",' as John Stott points out. He continues, '[John] longs to protect them from both error and evil, and to see them firmly established in faith, love and holiness. He has no new doctrine for them. On the contrary, he appeals to them to remember what they already know, have and are. Whenever innovators trouble the church, and ridicule whatever is old or traditional, we need to hear and heed John's exhortation, to continue in what we have learnt and received, and to let it continue in us.'
Inter-Varsity Press Pathway to Jesus: Crossing The Thresholds Of Faith
In today's postmodern culture, people come to Jesus in a wide variety of ways. If conversion ever was a mechanical, linear process, it is so no longer. Yet neither is it a nebulous spiritual wandering that never culminates in decision and commitment. Don Everts and Doug Schaupp have listened to the stories of two thousand postmodern people who have come to follow Jesus. While their stories are very different, certain common themes emerge. Postmodern evangelism may be a mysterious and organic process, but it also goes through common and discernible phases, as people cross thresholds from distrust to trust, from complacency to curiosity and from meandering to seeking. The authors describe the factors that influence how people change their perspectives and become open to the gospel. They provide practical tools for helping people enter the kingdom, and guidelines for how new believers can live out their Christian faith.
Inter-Varsity Press Mend the gap: Can The Church Reconnect The Generations?
Pop music, piercings and peers. The familiar issues that create conflict between parents and children belie the rapid rate of cultural change surrounding family life. As society alters beyond recognition, the gap between young and old threatens to become a deep fracture in the heart of families, communities - and churches. Urgent surgery is required to mend the gap. Resisting simplistic solutions, Jason Gardner deftly analyses the reasons for the growing generation gap, including the role of the church. He provides practical steps forward for church leaders, youthworkers and parents. Underpinning this hopeful book is an unshaking belief in Christ's burning ability to inspire a 'whole big bad beautiful mix of people to follow him, regardless of their age'.
Inter-Varsity Press 1 Chronicles: Tyndale Old Testament Commentary
The Chronicler addressed an Israel separated from its former days of blessing by a season of judgment. The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles bring a divine word of healing and reaffirm the hope of restoration. The Chronicler's theme is straightforward - the promises of God revealed in the Davidic covenant are as trustworthy and as effective as the God who first uttered them.
Inter-Varsity Press A Bird's eye view of Paul: The Man, His Mission And His Message
As Christians, we all know the apostle Paul, don't we? He is our theological master, our pastoral mentor, our spiritual advisor and our missionary hero. Yet just when we think we have him in our grasp, we find he slips through our fingers. At the point where we suppose we have finally understood him, Paul again confounds us and stirs our hearts and minds further. So how well do we really know him? If the Paul we claim to know looks and sounds a lot like us, then that is probably a good indication that we don't know him as well as we think we do. However, all is not lost. If we let Paul be Paul, letting him speak for himself in his language, on his terms and for his purposes, then we stand a chance of meeting him anew. Mike Bird offers a lively, accessible new survey of the apostle Paul's life and teaching. His aim is to get us excited about reading Paul's letters, preaching his gospel, and living the Christian life.