Search results for ""Author Charles""
Visor libros, S.L. El amor es un perro del infierno poesía 19741977
EL amor es un perro del infierno constituye una densa antología que abarca tres años de trabajo (1974-1977) de un Bukowski ya en plena madurez, el que conoce el aficionado y espera el neófito, bestialmente sincero, alérgico a los paisajes edulcorados, entregado sin concesiones a lo que le importa y siente, las mujeres, su escritura, el juego y la embriaguez, su mundo de perdedores en la ciudad de Los Ángeles. A menudo ácido, y casi siempre cínico, no todo es sucio realismo ni provocación individualista en sus versos; hay también una mirada existencial que desnuda el absurdo cotidiano, la condición humana, el alma del poeta. Este contraste se extiende al estilo, donde la vulgaridad prosaica convive con un refinado oficio poético, y se hace paradoja en el destino literario: marginal y solitario por vocación, acaba cosechando una adhesión multitudinaria con sus cantos íntimos de significación siempre universal.O también: desafortunado en el amor, sale al fin ganador en su opuesta estét
Libros del Zorro Rojo Las flores del mal
Alba Editorial La pequea Dorrit
Después de más de veinte años en China, Arthur Clennam vuelve a Londres convencido de haber desperdiciado su juventud y de que ya ha pasado para él el momento del amor. Su madre, una anciana inválida y siniestra, le recibe gélidamente en la habitación de la que lleva doce años sin salir, y en la que, al fondo, en la penumbra, cose una desventurada muchacha. Arthur cobra enseguida interés por ella, sospechando que puede guardar la clave de un vergonzoso secreto familiar que su madre tenazmente le oculta, y descubre que se trata de Amy Dorrit, nacida en la cárcel de deudores de Marshalsea, donde su padre, uno de los más antiguos presos, es toda una institución. La pequeña Dorrit (1855-1857), que presentamos en una nueva traducción de Carmen Francí e Ismael Attrache, es sin duda uno de los mejores Dickens, compendio monumental de su destreza narrativa, de su ingenio cómico y de su talento inigualable para crear ambientes y personajes.
Ediciones Mundi-Prensa Biopesticidas de origen vegetal Patologa Vegetal Spanish Edition
Los biopesticidas de origen vegetal pueden constituir una de las claves del futuro. En efecto, a lo largo de los últimos treinta años, los progresos obtenidos en las técnicas de química analítica y de biología molecular han permitido ampliar nuestros conocimientos sobre las interacciones entre las plantas y los depredadores vegetales o entre ellas mismas (alelopatía), los mecanismos de comunicación entre organismos y el descubrimiento de los genes de resistencia de las plantas. La transgenia aplicada a las plantas es, por otra parte, capaz de trastocar el equilibrio de las relaciones entre los vegetales y sus parásitos.
Editorial Renacimiento Las flores del mal
Encuadernación: Rústica con solapas.
Alba Editorial David Copperfield
Visor libros, S.L. Madrigales de la pensión
Tusquets Editores Venus En India LA Sonrisa Vertical
Cancin de Navidad
Una de las obras favoritas del autor y con la que Dickens obtuvo el más resonante éxito.Edición especial para conmemorar 150 aniversario de su fallecimiento. Incluye una felicitación navideña para enviar por correo postal.El título de la obra se refiere a un villancico navideño. Charles Dickens es un maestro en recoger ese ambiente en el que el espíritu de la Navidad lo invade todo. De la mano de tres espectros, los de las Navidades pasadas, presentes y porvenir, penetramos en las casas de la burguesía y de la clase humilde, paseamos por las calles de Londres y nos cruzamos con sus gentes. Entre todos los personajes de esta fábula moral, dos se han convertido en prototipos: el señor Scrooge, el protagonista, cuyo nombre ha pasado a ser sinónimo de gruñón y tacaño, y Tiny Tim, el pequeño enfermo y desvalido, y, como todos los niños pobres, el predilecto del autor.
Ucrona la utopa en la Historia
Una ucronía es una historia alternativa reconstruida lógicamente de unos hechos históricos que sufren una modificación que los harán discurrir por un camino distinto al que conocemos. El término fue acuñado por el filósofo Charles Renouvier, quien inauguró el género con esta novela, titulada precisamente Ucronía. En ella narra cómo el emperador romano Marco Aurelio dispone que su sucesor sea Avidio Casio. El reinado de este último lleva a un florecimiento de las artes y las ciencias que impedirá la expansión del cristianismo, de modo que toda la historia de Occidente se desarrolla por cauces distintos a los que conocemos. De eso, precisamente, trata la ucronía, de imaginar desarrollos alternativos de la historia, de crear historias paralelas.
Prh Grupo Editorial Cuentos de Navidad A Christmas Carol
Ediciones Ctedra Historia De Dos Ciudades A Tale of Two Cities 327 Letras Universales Universal Writings
Editorial Juventud, S.A. Oliver Twist
Alianza Editorial Las Sonatas Para Piano De BeethovenThe Piano Sonatas of Beethoven Alianza Musica Am
Las sonatas para piano de Beethoven constituyen una de las colecciones de obras más importantes de la historia de la música. Compuestas a lo largo de varias décadas de la vida del artista, no tardaron en ser consideradas el primer corpus de música importante para piano adecuada para ser interpretada en grandes salas de conciertos. En esta guía práctica tanto para el intérprete como para el oyente, Rosen comienza situando las sonatas en su contexto y explica los principios formales de su interpretación, incluidos aspectos como la forma sonata, el fraseo y el tempo, el uso del pedal y los trinos, para, a continuación, analizar las sonatas individualmente. El CD que acompaña al libro, con interpretaciones del propio Rosen, va ejemplificando lo expuesto en el libro.
Un gato, un par de botas y un saco pueden cambiar tu fortuna?Tres niveles de lectura: El texto original de 1697 de Charles Perrault entero, sin embellecer ni censurar, para leer en voz alta. Una sencilla y cuidada adaptación en letra de palo para los más pequeños. Palabras clave en mayúscula para seguir la historia.Los Clásicos Flamboyant están pensados para que compartáis la experiencia de la lectura, reconectéis con la tradición oral y con las historias que han conformado el imaginario de generaciones y generaciones.
Nocturna Ediciones La tienda de antigüedades
La pequeña Nell Trent es huérfana y vive con su abuelo en una mísera tienda de antigüedades. Abrumado por las deudas, el anciano recurre al malvado prestamista Daniel Quilp, un enano deforme y jorobado, y será a partir de que él entre en escena cuando la niña y su abuelo emprendan un viaje por Inglaterra. Recorrerán pueblecitos, ciudades ennegrecidas por el hollín, lugares llenos de miseria. Y en su peregrinaje, en la más pura tradición cervantina, alternarán con una variopinta galería de personajes: feriantes, carboneros que leen el fuego, maestros, domadores de perros, dueñas de museos ambulantes, dandis con un sentimiento trágico de la vida y ponis obstinados.Editada por entregas entre 1840 y 1841, La tienda de antigüedades encumbró a Dickens. Tras la publicación del último capítulo, los lectores estadounidenses irrumpieron en los muelles de Nueva York para pedir noticias acerca del final a los marineros que volvían de Inglaterra y, recientemente, la prensa norteamericana compar
Planeta Publishing Canción de Navidad Y Otros Cuentos
Maro Verlag Alle reden zu viel und andere Gedichte
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Der Rarittenladen
Panini Verlags GmbH Star Wars Marvel ComicsKollektion
Editions Heimdal La Ss-Division "Nord"
Rares sont les photographies en couleur de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et encore plus rares lorsqu’elles montrent une unité de la Waffen-SS. Le SS-Kriegsberichter Mitschke a pu bénéficier de cette technologie, encore peu répandue à l’époque, pour un reportage d’une quarantaine de clichés montrant la SS-Gebirgs-Division «Nord» sur le front de Finlande. Il s’agit donc d’un document exceptionnel que nous avons le privilège de vous présenter. Les photographies offrent un panorama des plus variés sur la vie de cette division dans le cadre spectaculaire de la forêt de Carélie. Cet ouvrage est aussi l’occasion d’apporter des éléments nouveaux sur cette unité par rapport au texte que nous avions publié dans le Dictionnaire de la Waffen-SS. Historique illustré.
Editions Heimdal La 1st Marine Division Dans l'Enfer Du Pacifique: The Old Breed
This book covers the exploits of the 1st Marine Division. It show how they fought alone on the Guadalcanal front against the Japanese under particularly difficult circumstances, defeated the Japanese garrisons at Cape Gloucester and Peleliu, and played a key role in the Battle of Okinawa. It tells of how twenty-two of their men were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (when divisions which have been the subject of dozens of publications, such as the 82nd and 101st Airborne have won three each), the most famous of whom was undoubtedly John Basilone. Each of their battles ended in victory and it is no exaggeration to describe them as the best combat division during the Second World War. This book therefore fills an incredible gap in the historical record and a forms a tribute, through 800 mostly unpublished photographs to this elite unit. Charles Trang invites us once again to dive into the terrible battles of the war in the Pacific and guides us through these sometimes brutal but nonetheless indispensable documents. A magnificently produced volume of 420 pages and nearly 800 photos. French Language
Peeters Publishers The Chinese Udanavarga. A Collection of Important Odes of the Law (Fa Chi Yao Sung Ching)
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Descartes Promesses Et Paradoxes
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Persona. l'Elaboration d'Une Notion Rhetorique Au Ier Siecle Av. J.-C.: Volume II: Theorisation Ciceronienne de la Persona Oratoire
Encre Marine Shobogenzo: Uji / Je Suis Temps
Penguin Putnam Inc Soldiers Don't Go Mad: A Story of Brotherhood, Poetry, and Mental Illness During the First World War
Baen Books Into the Vortex
A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing . . . but knowing the full truth might get you killed.Druadaen, Outrider for the once-mighty Dunarran Consentium, has proven that there are irreconcilable contradictions between magic and physics on Arrdanc, the world of his birth. And what is his reward for this important discovery, made against all odds and at considerable personal risk? Exileorganized and compelled by nervous temple hierarchs.However, Druadaen remains determined to uncover what several ancient persons and beings have urged him to seek: the truth of the worldwhich might only be gained by traveling beyond it. Indeed, the mysterious Lady of the Mirror speculates that he might find the answers by journeying to the other side of her unusual looking glass: a reflective, ethereal portal that she calls a shimmer.But there's a catch: because the mysterious portal only allows a single person to pass through, Druadaen must leave his companions behind. Unfortunately, once he ha
Skyhorse Publishing A Stranger Here Below: A Gideon Stoltz Mystery
For fans of C.J. Box's Joe Pickett series, a fabulous historical mystery series set in early America.Set in 1835 in the Pennsylvania town of Adamant, Fergus's first novel in a new mystery series introduces Sheriff Gideon Stoltz, who, as a young deputy, is thrust into his position by the death of the previous sheriff. Gideon faces his first real challenge as death rocks the small town again when the respected judge Hiram Biddle commits suicide. No one is more distraught than Gideon, whom the old judge had befriended as a mentor and hunting partner. Gideon is regarded with suspicion as an outsider: he's new to town, and Pennsylvania Dutch in the back-country Scotch-Irish settlement. And he found the judge's body.Making things even tougher is the way the judge's death stirs up vivid memories of Gideon's mother's murder, the trauma that drove him west from his home in the settled Dutch country of eastern Pennsylvania. He had also discovered her body.At first Gideon simply wants to learn why Judge Biddle killed himself. But as he finds out more about the judge's past, he realizes that his friend's suicide was spurred by much more than the man's despair. Gideon's quest soon becomes more complex as it takes him down a dangerous path into the past.A Stranger Here Below is so atmospheric, so compelling and convincing, that readers will taste the grit of the dirt roads, cringe at the unsanitary conditions and medical superstitions that inflame a flu epidemic, and marvel at the immensely arduous task of carrying out an investigation using the primitive tools of the early 1800s. Fergus leaves us breathlessly waiting for the next Gideon Stoltz mystery.
Central Recovery Press Our Wisdom Years: Growing Older with Joy, Fulfillment, Resilience, and No Regrets
Some of the most profound growth of our lives can happen in the home stretch, the years after age sixty or so. It’s a time when we can finally crystallize the meaning of what we’ve been and done so far and fully expand into the self we’ve always intended to be, guided by the voice of the soul. But, says psychologist Charles Garfield, that can only happen if we first loosen the grip of the life we’ve led so far, the one that’s been focused outwardly - on activity, achievement, and the idea of success - and let our souls lead the way.In Our Wisdom Years, he skillfully and practically guides readers through nine tasks that can transform the struggles of aging, bringing fulfillment, joy, and serenity. Drawing on the understandings that come from both his work as acclaimed “success guru” in the 1980s and the truths distilled from long-term work with those at the end of life, Garfield offers a fresh, uplifting vision of the wholeness that awaits us in our wisdom years.Our Wisdom Years is unique among books in the “conscious aging” genre in its understanding of how challenging it can be to make the shift from the ubiquitous values of drive and achievement that infuse our contemporary “success culture” to the inner orientation that gives richness to later life. Because of that, Garfield is well positioned to offer considerable expertise on retirement, its inner challenges for people leaving the work force, and the promise of transformation that can come with a turn from a focus on achievement to a focus on satisfaction.Filled with the author’s insights and life experiences, the reader is taken through the nine tasks of transformation. Dr. Garfield shares how we can gracefully let go of the younger selves we’ve been and walk through the opening that keeps beckoning toward this soul-driven version of later life. He encourages us to take the risk of being fully alive as our years pass. This is no small task - aging is not for the faint of heart! The beautiful paradox of growing older is that none of the gifts of age are available without the kind of loss that forces us to confront mortality in a way we can’t deny. In the face of loss, we’re changed and expanded by truths that come from the heart, not the mind. We learn that we’re more than our bodies, part of something much larger than we are; that love and kindness matter most of all.
Leapfrog Press Memento Mori: Poems
Mandel Vilar Press Immigration Reform: The Corpse That Will Not Die
Winner of 2020 International Latino Book Awards in the category “ Best Political/Current Affairs Book – English”2019 Finalist for INDIES Book of the YearThis book is an insider's history and memoir of the battle for The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: its evolution, passage, impact, and its legacies for the future of immigration reform. Charles Kamasaki has spent most of his life working for UnidosUS, formerly the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the nation's largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization. He was a direct participant in the many meetings, hearings, mark-ups, debates, and other developments that led to the passage of the last major immigration reform legislation, The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA). He reveals the roles of key lawmakers and a coalition of public interest lobbyists that played a role in opposing, shaping, and then implementing IRCA. His account underscores the centrality of racial issues in the immigration reform debate and why it has become a near-perpetual topic of political debate.
Central Recovery Press Lifes Last Gift Giving and Receiving Peace When a Loved One Is Dying
Nivel Uno Cómo superar la adversidad
Tin House Books Loitering New and Collected Essays
Sophia Institute Press End of the Present World and the Mysteries of Future Life
J Ross Publishing FAST Creativity & Innovation: Rapidly Improving Processes, Product Development & Solving Problems
Schott Music Ltd Signs of the Zodiac Elena Duran Collection
Carcanet Press Ltd Metamorphoses: Essays
Emerging from the practice, art, and magic of translation, this essay collection concerns itself with the way certain fables of metamorphosis have captured the poetic imagination and how translation--literary metamorphosis--extends this process. The syntax and diction of the prose of John Ruskin, so important to the evolution of Proust's prose style, is offered as an example of the way visual experience can suggest certain methods of approach to the poet. Demonstrated is how, with a wealth of examples and close readings, poetry itself is a form of metamorphosis, raw materials being transformed and realized though literary expression and technique. In these essays a major poet reflects on the core and timeless elements of the poetic craft.
Sovereign Christmas Stories
Guernica Editions,Canada Sufferance
From the author of the international bestseller The Quincunx When his nation is invaded and occupied by a brutal enemy, a man persuades his wife that they should give temporary shelter to a young girl who is at school with their daughter. He has no idea that the girl belongs to a community against whom the invader intends to commit genocide. Days stretch into weeks and then months while the enemy's pitiless hatred of the girl's community puts all of the family in danger. Nobody outside the family can be trusted with the dangerous secret and the threat from outside creates internal conflicts that put the family's unity at risk.
Silver Dolphin Books Animal Planet: Strange, Unusual, Gross, & Cool Animals
Graywolf Press,U.S. Wonderlands: Essays on the Life of Literature
Charles Baxter's new collection of essays, Wonderlands, joins his other works of nonfiction, Burning Down the House and The Art of Subtext. In the mold of those books, Baxter shares years of wisdom and reflection on what makes fiction work, including essays that were first given as craft talks at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. The essays here range from brilliant thinking on the nature of wonderlands in the fiction of Haruki Murakami and other fabulist writers, to how request moments function in a story. Baxter is equally at home tackling a thorny matter such as charisma (which intersects with political figures like the disastrous forty-fifth US president) as he is bringing new interest to subjects such as list-making in fiction. Amid these craft essays, an interlude of two personal essays-the story of a horrifying car crash and an introspective "letter to a young poet"-add to the intimate nature of the book. The final essay reflects on a lifetime of writing, and closes with a memorable image of Baxter as a boy, waiting at the window for a parent who never arrives and filling that absence with stories. Wonderlands will stand alongside his prior work as an insightful and lasting work of criticism.
Emancipation Books Race Crazy: Blm, 1619, and the Progressive Racism Movement