Search results for ""Author Allen""
Houghton Mifflin How My Parents Learned to Eat
Penguin Putnam Inc Lincoln Speeches
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Teaching Health Economics: Best Practices
This Handbook features the best teaching practices in the Health Economics (HE) field over the past decade. HE is still considered a relatively new field in the world of economics. While most academic programs leading to HE specializations are housed in economics departments, many courses often reside elsewhere: in schools of public health, health professions, health sciences, nursing, pharmacy, business, or public/health administration. Teaching in these diverse, specialized curricula requires a customized subset of methods and materials developed for both the instructors and the students.The editors have sought to expand applicability beyond North America and Western Europe, and to address issues in both less developed health economies and more advanced ones. The chapters herein present new and innovative teaching methods.Instructors with or without professional training in HE will welcome the featured practical applications that encompass HE courses taught in various economics and non-economics undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs.
Stanford University Press Summer of Discontent, Seasons of Upheaval: Elite Politics and Rural Insurgency in Yucatán, 1876-1915
This book addresses a central problem often ignored by students of twentieth-century Mexico: the breakdown of the old order during the first years of the revolutionary era. That process was more contested and gradual in Yucatan than in any other Mexican region, and this close examination of the Yucatan experience sheds light on an issue of particular relevance to students of Central America, South America’s southern cone, and other postcolonial societies: the capacity of national oligarchies to “hang on” in the face of escalating social change, the outbreak of local rebellions, and the mobilization of multiclass coalitions. Latin American historiography has generally failed to integrate the study of popular movements and rebellions with examinations of the determined efforts of elite establishments to prevent, contain, crush, and, ultimately, ideologically appropriate such rebellions. Most often, these problems are treated separately. This volume seeks to redress this imbalance by probing a set of linkages that is central to the study of Mexico’s modern past: the complex, reciprocal relationship between modes of contestation and structures and discourses of power.
Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada Game Bird Breeders Handbook: Commercial and Ornamental
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Aluminium Toxicity In Infants' Health And Disease
Aluminium is the most abundant metal ion in the biosphere and we are continuously exposed to it in our everyday life through food, beverages, pharmaceutical products, etc. This book is a current and comprehensive review of the biochemistry, metabolism and toxicity of aluminium undertaken by an international group of authors, many of whom are outstanding authorities in their respective fields. In contrast with previous books on this topic, much of the subject matter is unique, in that it is primarily directed at aluminium nutrition and toxicity in infants and children. This book covers many aspects of aluminium toxicity in infants including for instance the embryo-fetal as well as the neurodevelopmental effects of this element, contamination of pharmaceutical products, and individual sensitivity through vaccines using aluminium as an adjuvant.This book will be especially useful to paediatricians, paediatric nephrologists & neurologists, nutritionists, toxicologists, biochemical toxicologists and postgraduate students.
SAGE Publications Inc Interdisciplinary Research: Process and Theory
Interdisciplinary Research: Process and Theory offers a comprehensive, systematic presentation of the interdisciplinary decision-making process by drawing on student and professional work from the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and applied fields. Designed for active learning and problem-based approaches, the Fourth Edition includes expanded discussion of epistemology, creativity within the interdisciplinary research process, confirmation bias and social media, the philosophy of integration, and student work patterns, mapping, and the importance of performing independent research while working through this book. An Instructor website for the book includes a test bank, PowerPoint slides, and tables and figures from the book.
University of Texas Press The Second Conquest of Latin America: Coffee, Henequen, and Oil during the Export Boom, 1850-1930
Between 1850 and 1930, Latin America's integration into the world economy through the export of raw materials transformed the region. This encounter was nearly as dramatic as the conquistadors' epic confrontation with Native American civilizations centuries before. An emphasis on foreign markets and capital replaced protectionism and self-sufficiency as the hemisphere's guiding principles. In many ways, the means employed during this period to tie Latin America more closely to western Europe and North America resemble strategies currently in vogue. Much can be learned from analyzing the first time that Latin Americans embraced export-led growth.This book focuses on the impact of three key export commodities: coffee, henequen, and petroleum. The authors concentrate on these rather than on national economies because they illustrate more concretely the interaction between the environment, natural and human resources, and the world economy. By analyzing how different products spun complex webs of relationships with their respective markets, the essays in this book illuminate the tensions and contradictions found in the often conflictive relationship between the local and the global, between agency and the not-so-invisible hand. Ultimately, the contributors argue that the results of the "second conquest" were not one-sided as Latin Americans and foreigners together forged a new economic order—one riddled with contradictions that Latin America is still attempting to resolve today.
Pearson Education Intermediate Algebra For College Students
About our authors Allen Angel received his BS and MS in mathematics from SUNY at New Paltz. He completed additional graduate work at Rutgers University. He taught at Sullivan County Community College and Monroe Community College, where he served as chairperson of the Mathematics Department. He served as Assistant Director of the National Science Foundation at Rutgers University for the summers of 1967 - 1970. He was President of The New York State Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges (NYSMATYC). He also served as Northeast Vice President of the American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC). Allen lives in Palm Harbor, Florida but spends his summers in Penfield, New York. He enjoys playing tennis and watching sports. He also enjoys traveling with his wife Kathy. Dennis Runde received his BS and MS in mathematics from the University of Wisconsin - Platteville and Milwaukee, respectively. He has a PhD in Mathema
Stone Arch Books Operation Copycat
Taylor & Francis Inc Succeeding in Graduate School: The Career Guide for Psychology Students
Psychology students who want to continue their education today are confronted by a bewildering variety of possibilities. Succeeding in Graduate School offers them much needed practical help. Written by experienced mentors, this book: *explains the options provided by a bachelor's degree, describes what each of the many available programs at the master's and doctoral levels prepares one to do, helps in selecting the most appropriate program, and enhances one's chances of being admitted; *gives reader-friendly tutorials in teaching, research, and clinical/consulting skills; *describes the stresses of life as a graduate student; *suggests ways to cope with the management of difficult professors, the search for the optimal advisor-mentor match, and other political and emotional problems that can make or break a graduate career; *offers advice on overcoming obstacles to completing a thesis or dissertation; and *provides guidance on navigating beyond graduate school: maintaining one's ethical focus, getting into and completing the internship that is a requirement of many programs, obtaining a license for those requiring one to work, and in general, building a career beyond the degree. Clear, crisp, and comprehensive--with extensive references for further exploration--Succeeding in Graduate School is must reading for undergraduates and graduate students alike.
Stanford University Press The Evolution of Human Societies: From Foraging Group to Agrarian State, Second Edition
By combining an original thesis and a representative body of ethnographic data, this ambitious work seeks to describe and explain the growth in complexity of human societies. Its emphasis is on the causes, mechanisms, and patterns of cultural evolution, which the authors explain in terms of a coherent theory of political economy—defined as the mobilization and exchange of goods and services between families. The authors show that the interconnected processes of technological change and population growth are the motor of social change, resulting in three related processes—intensification, integration, and stratification—that transform human societies over time. The validity of their theory rests on evidence drawn from 19 case studies that range widely over time and space. For this new edition, the authors have thoroughly rewritten the theoretical argument for greater clarity, updated the case materials to incorporate new research, and added a new chapter that applies their theoretical perspective to the problems of change since the industrial revolution and the globalization of trade and political influence. Reviews of the First Edition "In a book full of perceptive observations and persuasive arguments . . . Johnson and Earle show in masterly detail how societies articulate to their environments and . . . how they evolve." —Ethnohistory "A major contribution. . . . The book is a marvelous synthesis of ethnographic and historical data." —American Journal of Sociology "A large amount of research and thought has produced sensible and illuminating specific analyses of the mechanisms of evolutionary change. Another plus is that the writing is clear and the argument is neatly conceived." —American Anthropologist
Little, Brown & Company Dark Waters
Booklocker Inc.,US Mule: True Life Tall Tales About The Life And Times Of A Country Boy From Smith County, Tennessee
Nova Science Publishers Inc Labor Relations: Major Laws & a Guide to the National Labor Relations Act
McFarland & Co Inc Abraham Lincoln and His Times: A Sourcebook on His Life, His Presidency, Slavery and Civil War
Lincoln's significance in the history of slavery and emancipation, the Union's preservation and the formation of a new national vision is unquestionably crucial to comprehending the antebellum and Civil War periods in American history. This is a one-of-a-kind hybrid reference work that combines chronology with almost 400 primary source papers to contextualize Lincoln's life within his historical era.These written materials serve as the foundation upon which historians can construct a picture of Lincoln's America. In addition to important chronology and documents, this work includes introductory essays that summarize the topics of each chapter, a biographical section that includes brief biographies of those referenced in the book, and a source bibliography. Historical records are the heart of this work, which is intended for both expert and novice historians. Documents illustrate different viewpoints, to provide a full grasp of the time and place, as well as Lincoln's significance during this era.
Dalkey Archive Press Losing Is What Matters
When his marriage and career fall apart, a young lawyer sets out on a desperate mission to recapture the promise of his youth. His attempt leaves him stranded between a past he no longer recognizes and a life that’s no longer his—and he soon begins to suspect that the surest path to happiness lies in simply giving up. A moving, tragicomic novel about defeat, memory, and the seductive prospect of losing it all.
Yale University Press Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals: With an Updated Translation, Introduction, and Notes
Now in a new, affordable edition with updated notes, a superbly readable translation of Kant’s classic work This work, one of the most important texts in the history of ethics, presents Immanuel Kant’s conception of moral self-government based on pure reason. It has been a source of controversy and an object of reinterpretation for over two centuries. This new edition of Kant’s work provides a fresh translation that is uniquely faithful to the German original and more fully annotated than any previous translation. The editor and translator, Allen Wood, has written a new introduction.
Three Rooms Press Don't Hide the Madness: William S. Burroughs in Conversation with Allen Ginsberg
Two seminal figures of the Beat movement, Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs, discuss literary influences and personal history in a never-before-published three-day conversation following the release of the David Cronenberg film of Burroughs’ classic novel Naked Lunch. The visit coincided with the shamanic exorcism of the demon that Burroughs believed had caused him to fatally shoot his common law wife, Joan Vollmer Burroughs, in 1951—the event that Burroughs believed had driven his work as a writer. The conversation is interspersed with photographs by Ginsberg revealing Burroughs’s daily activities from his painting studio to the shooting range. DON'T HIDE THE MADNESS presents an important, hitherto unpublished primary document of the Beat Generation.
University of Exeter Press Cornish Studies Volume 10
The tenth volume in the acclaimed paperback series . . . the only county series that can legitimately claim to represent the past and present of a nation.
Stanford University Press Rethinking Security in East Asia: Identity, Power, and Efficiency
Is East Asia heading toward war? Throughout the 1990s, conventional wisdom among U.S. scholars of international relations held that institutionalized cooperation in Europe fosters peace, while its absence from East Asia portends conflict. Developments in Europe and Asia in the 1990s contradict the conventional wisdom without discrediting it. Explanations that derive from only one paradigm or research program have shortcomings beyond their inability to recognize important empirical anomalies. International relations research is better served by combining explanatory approaches from different research traditions. This book makes a case for a new theoretical approach (called “analytical eclecticism” by the authors) to the study of Asian security. It informs the analysis in subsequent chapters of central topics in East Asian security, with specific reference to China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. The authors conclude that the prospects for peace in East Asia look less dire than conventional—in many cases Eurocentric—theories of international relations suggest. At the same time, they point to a number of potentially destabilizing political developments.
Westminster/John Knox Press,U.S. Ephesians
Historical-critical approaches to Scripture rule out some readings and commend others, but they rarely offer much help to either theological reflection or the preaching of the Word. They do not point the church forward in the life of discipleship.These commentaries have learned from tradition, but they are most importantly commentaries for today. The authors share the conviction that their work will be more contemporary, more faithful, and more radical, to the extent that it is more biblical, honestly wrestling with the texts of the Scriptures.--from the series introductionThe volumes in Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible from Westminster John Knox Press offer a fresh and invigorating approach to all the books of the Bible. Building on a wide range of sources from biblical studies, the history of theology, the church's liturgical and musical traditions, contemporary culture, and the Christian tradition, noted scholars focus less on traditional historical and literary angles in favor of a theologically focused commentary that considers the contemporary relevance of the texts. This series is an invaluable resource for those who want to probe beyond the backgrounds and words of biblical texts to their deep theological and ethical meanings for the church today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Information Networks
Towards location aware mobile ad hoc sensorsA Systems Engineering Approach to Wireless Information NetworksThe Second Edition of this internationally respected textbook brings readers fully up to date with the myriad of developments in wireless communications. When first published in 1995, wireless communications was synonymous with cellular telephones. Now wireless information networks are the most important technology in all branches of telecommunications. Readers can learn about the latest applications in such areas as ad hoc sensor networks, home networking, and wireless positioning.Wireless Information Networks takes a systems engineering approach: technical topics are presented in the context of how they fit into the ongoing development of new systems and services, as well as the recent developments in national and international spectrum allocations and standards. The authors have organized the myriad of current and emerging wireless technologies into logical categories:* Introduction to Wireless Networks presents an up-to-the-moment discussion of the evolution of the cellular industry from analog cellular technology to 2G, 3G, and 4G, as well as the emergence of WLAN and WPAN as broadband ad hoc networks* Characteristics of Radio Propagation includes new coverage of channel modeling for space-time, MIMO, and UWB communications and wireless geolocation networks* Modem Design offers new descriptions of space-time coding, MIMO antenna systems, UWB communications, and multi-user detection and interference cancellation techniques used in CDMA networks* Network Access and System Aspects incorporates new chapters on UWB systems and RF geolocations, with a thorough revision of wireless access techniques and wireless systems and standardsExercises that focus on real-world problems are provided at the end of each chapter. The mix of assignments, which includes computer projects and questionnaires in addition to traditional problem sets, helps readers focus on key issues and develop the skills they need to solve actual engineering problems. Extensive references are provided for those readers who would like to explore particular topics in greater depth.With its emphasis on knowledge-building to solve problems, this is an excellent graduate-level textbook. Like the previous edition, this latest edition will also be a standard reference for the telecommunications industry.
Harvard University Press Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals: A Commentary
A defining work of moral philosophy, Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals has been influential to an extent far beyond what its modest length (roughly 75 pages) might suggest. It is also a famously difficult work, concerned with propounding universal principles rather than answering practical questions. As even professional philosophers will admit, first-time readers are not alone in finding some of its arguments perplexing.Offering an introduction that is accessible to students and relevant to specialized scholars, Dieter Schönecker and Allen Wood make luminously clear the ways the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals forms the basis of our modern moral outlook: that all human beings have equal dignity as ends in themselves; that every rational being is a self-governing agent whose morality freely derives from his or her own will; and that all rational beings constitute an ideal community, bound only by the moral laws they have agreed upon. Schönecker and Wood explain key Kantian concepts of duty, the good will, and moral worth, as well as the propositions Kant uses to derive his conception of the moral law. How the law relates to freedom, and the significance of the free will within Kant’s overall philosophy are rigorously interrogated. Where differing interpretations of Kant’s claims are possible, the authors provide alternative options, giving arguments for each. This critical introduction will help readers of the Groundwork gain an informed understanding of Kant’s challenging but central philosophical work.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications
This edition is fully revised to reflect the current state off the field. Significant additions include ultramicroelectrodes, modified electrodes, and scanning probe methods. Many chapters have been modified and improved, including electrode kinetics, voltammetric methods, and mechanisms of coupled chemical reactions.
Edinburgh University Press Sultan Qaboos and Modern Oman, 1970-2020
Nova Science Publishers Inc Emergency Communications: Policy, Technology & Funding Considerations
Harvard University Press Jewish Antiquities, Volume VII: Books 16–17
Greco-Roman antiquity’s premier Jewish historian.Josephus, soldier, statesman, historian, was a Jew born at Jerusalem about AD 37. A man of high descent, he early became learned in Jewish law and Greek literature and was a Pharisee. After pleading in Rome the cause of some Jewish priests he returned to Jerusalem and in 66 tried to prevent revolt against Rome, managing for the Jews the affairs of Galilee. In the troubles that followed he made his peace with Vespasian. Present at the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, he received favors from these two as emperors and from Domitian, and assumed their family name Flavius. He died after 97. As a historical source Josephus is invaluable. His major works are: History of the Jewish War, in seven books, from 170 BC to his own time, first written in Aramaic but translated by himself into the Greek we now have; and Jewish Antiquities, in twenty books, from the creation of the world to AD 66. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the works of Josephus, which is in thirteen volumes, also includes the autobiographical Life and his treatise Against Apion.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sexual and Gender Minority Health
Research concerning sexual and gender minority (SGM) health has flourished in recent years in conjunction with a period of intense social, political, and legal discourse about SGM persons. While this attention has increased understanding and recognition of SGM experiences, recent advances have often been met with resistance and backlash rooted in social stigma and long histories of discrimination. This volume of Advances in Medical Sociology showcases rich theoretical and empirical contributions on SGM health and wellbeing. The chapters address a variety of topics, drawing from classic and contemporary sociological frameworks and constructs, and reflecting intersecting interdisciplinary approaches to SGM health. Research presented in this volume provides an in-depth focus on sexual and/or gender minority populations, as well as the diverse sub-populations within them; theoretical and empirical explanations for SGM health disparities and resilience; aging and life course perspectives on the health experiences of SGM persons; health in the context of critical relationships in the lives of SGM persons; and the experiences of seeking general and specialized health care among SGM. The time is ripe for deeper examinations of the social determinants of SGM health, and this volume seeks to begin filling existing gaps in the literature.
Taylor & Francis Inc Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances: Volume 26
This book continues the series Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances, designed to provide authoritative reviews on recent developments and applications of well-established techniques in the field of electroanalytical chemistry. Electroanalytical techniques are used in a wide range of studies, including electro-organic synthesis, fuel cell studies, and radical ion formation.Each chapter in this volume provides comprehensive coverage of a subject area, including detailed descriptions of techniques, derivations of fundamental equations, and discussions of important related articles. The primary topics include: Nanoscale scanning electrochemical microscopy Electrochemical applications of scanning ion conductance microscopy Electrode surface modification using diazonium salts Each volume in the series provides the necessary background and a starting point for graduate students undertaking related research projects. They are also of particular interest to practicing analytical chemists concerned with learning and applying electroanalytical techniques and the fundamental theoretical principles upon which these techniques are based.
Edinburgh University Press Sultan Qaboos and Modern Oman, 1970 2020
This book provides multiple perspectives on the modern history of Oman during the reign of Sultan Qaboos (1970 2020). It examines the theme of rebirth: of the connections between the past and the future pursued by Sultan Qaboos and his government in fields as diverse as health, religion, law, economy, heritage and diplomacy. Not overlooking the many challenges faced during Sultan Qaboos' reign and still faced by Oman the contributors engage various theories and perspectives about the country's remarkable economic, religious, educational and cultural transformations.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Peoples of Philadelphia: A History of Ethnic Groups and Lower-Class Life, 1790-1940
Although much has been written about elite Philadelphians, only in recent decades have historians paid attention to the Jews and working-class blacks, the immigrant Irish, Italians, and Poles who settled in the city and gave such sections as Moyamensing, Southwark, South Philadelphia, and Kensington their vitality. In this classic of social and ethnic history, the authors draw on census schedules, court records, city directories, and tax records as well as newspaper files and other sources to give a picture of the ways in which these less-privileged groups of Philadelphians lived. What emerges is a picture of Philadelphia radically different from the conventional portrait of a staid old city.
Stanford University Press Oedipus Ubiquitous: The Family Complex in World Folk Literature
A Stanford University Press classic.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Evolving Practices in Human Resource Management: Responses to a Changing World of Work
Written for non-experts in jargon-free language, this work shows how to create systems within organizations that preempt the monetary, strategic, and emotional costs associated with on-the-job conflict. Its clear and simple approach translates advanced concepts into practical how-tos and provides readers with four guiding principles they can follow to create conflict control systems of their own. Amply illustrated with real-world examples, it details the policies, procedures, and practices that make for successful control systems and tells precisely how to implement them.
Five Continents Editions Luba: Visions of Africa
This image-filled book features outstanding works of Luba art from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Major themes addressed include the role of visual and performance arts in Luba traditional politics; the symbolism of the female image and why 'the king is a woman' for Luba; the instrumentality of royal insignia in politics, problem-solving, and healing; and the use of art objects in the creation and transmission of historical knowledge in both the Luba heartland and its peripheries. Case studies from the authors' long research among Luba, Tabwa, and related peoples of Congo will illuminate the complex philosophical underpinnings of Luba through visual expression.
Solution Tree Press Power Struggles: Successful Techniques for Educators
Hal Leonard Corporation Standing in the Shadows of Motown: The Life and Music of Legendary Bassist James Jamerson
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mobile Devices: Privacy Risks & Protections
John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise China: Adopting a Competitive Strategy for Business Success
How to adapt your firm’s competitive strategy to the modern reality of Chinese enterprise Enterprise China: Adopting a Competitive Strategy for Business Success delivers a roadmap for business executives competing in and with China. Prepared by a team of renowned management researchers and strategists, the book examines the often-misunderstood interconnectedness of the Chinese state and Chinese businesses, demonstrating that individual firms and companies are often just the tip of the iceberg. The authors explain how the overarching vision, ambition, and strategy of the State impact and guide key commercial enterprises and how this affects Western business interests. In the book, you’ll also find: Explorations of the competitive strategy and associated tactics of Chinese enterprise Strategies and tactical options for Western business executives as they compete in and with the Chinese state Descriptions of the key factors business executives must assess as they do business in and with China An essential discussion of one of the great economic powerhouses of contemporary history, Enterprise China belongs in the libraries of business executives, policy makers, and thought leaders seeking perspective on an unavoidable and determined competitor.
Fowler Museum At Ucla Striking Iron: The Art of African Blacksmiths
For more than two millennia, African blacksmiths have transformed one of Earth’s most basic natural resources into objects of life-changing utility, empowerment, prestige, spiritual potency, and astonishing artistry—shaping African cultures in the most fundamental ways. Striking Iron combines interdisciplinary scholarship with vivid illustrations to offer the most comprehensive treatment to date of the blacksmith’s art in sub-Saharan Africa. Interspersed throughout are photographs of more than 250 diverse works from over 100 ethnic groups—including tools, blades, currencies, wood sculptures studded with iron, musical instruments, and accoutrements—with field photographs documenting blacksmiths at work and objects in use. Seventeen contributors write from the disciplinary perspectives of art history, art, anthropology, archaeology, history, and astronomy, examining how the blacksmiths’ virtuosity can harness powers of the natural and spiritual worlds, effect change and ensure protection, assist with life’s challenges and transitions, and enhance the efficacies of sacred acts. Exhibition dates: Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, Paris, November 19, 2019, to March 29, 2020
Georgetown University Press Rationing Sanity: Ethical Issues in Managed Mental Health Care
Mental illness is the poor, and somehow "damaged," cousin to physical ailments in the eyes of too many in our society. Compare the difference in how people would respond to someone who had fallen and broken their leg on the street, to how most react to those mentally ill among us, on those same streets, who spend their winters on steam grates and forage for food in dumpsters. "Rationing Sanity" is a provocative analysis of the mental health care system in the United States, dealing with issues of justice and access to mental health care. How should a decent society, affluent but facing many serious calls on its resources, best care for citizens afflicted with severe and persistent mental illnesses? James Lindemann Nelson brings together, for the first time, scholars of the ethics of mental health care and top managed care policy analysts to address this crucial problem. "Rationing Sanity" integrates those perspectives with the thoughtful practice-based experience of physicians well versed in the actual care of people with emotional and behavioral problems. Over a period of years, the contributors met face-to-face to engage each other on the ethics of managed mental health care - the result is a unique, collaborative effort that provides a wealth of important new insights on not only how Americans can readjust their attitudes toward the mentally ill - but also how we may find more just and humane treatment for those afflicted.
Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library “From the Great Desire of Promoting Learning”: Thomas Hollis’s Gifts to the Harvard College Library
This checklist of Thomas Hollis’s gifts to Harvard College Library documents the generosity and the motives of one of the earliest and one of the greatest donors to Harvard University. Promoting civil and religious liberty, Hollis distributed books in his distinctive binding across Britain, Europe, and the American colonies. Hollis’s aims for Harvard College have received careful attention from historians and bookmen, but the full extent of his donations has not been clear until now.Thomas Hollis and his books were the subject of William Bond’s 1982 Sandars Lectures in Bibliography at Cambridge University.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Computed Tomography for Geomaterials: GeoX 2010
This title discusses a broad range of issues related to the use of computed tomography in geomaterials and geomechanics. The contributions cover a wide range of topics, including deformation and strain localization in soils, rocks and sediments; fracture and damage assessment in rocks, asphalt and concrete; transport in porous media; oil and gas exploration and production; neutron tomography and other novel experimental and analytical techniques; image-based computational modeling; and software and visualization tools. As such, this will be valuable reading for anyone interested in the application of computed tomography to geomaterials from both fundamental and applied perspectives.
Fordham University Press Lincoln and Leadership: Military, Political, and Religious Decision Making
Lincoln and Leadership offers fresh perspectives on the 16th president—making novel contributions to the scholarship of one of the more studied figures of American history. The book explores Lincoln’s leadership through essays focused, respectively, on Lincoln as commander-in-chief, deft political operator, and powerful theologian. Taken together, the essays suggest the interplay of military, political, and religious factors informing Lincoln’s thought and action and guiding the dynamics of his leadership. The contributors, all respected scholars of the Civil War era, focus on several critical moments in Lincoln’s presidency to understand the ways Lincoln understood and dealt with such issues and concerns as emancipation, military strategy, relations with his generals, the use of black troops, party politics and his own re-election, the morality of the war, the place of America in God’s design, and the meaning and obligations of sustaining the Union. Overall, they argue that Lincoln was simultaneously consistent regarding his commitments to freedom, democratic government, and Union but flexible, and sometimes contradictory, in the means to preserve and extend them. They further point to the ways that Lincoln’s decision making defined the presidency and recast understandings of American “exceptionalism.” They emphasize that the “real” Lincoln was an unabashed party man and shrewd politician, a self-taught commander-in-chief, and a deeply religious man who was self-confident in his ability to judge men and to persuade them with words but unsure of what God demanded from America for its collective sins of slavery. Randall Miller’s Introduction in particular provides essential weight to the notion that Lincoln’s presidential leadership must be seen as a series of interlocking stories. In the end, the contributors collectively remind readers that the Lincoln enshrined as the “Great Emancipator” and “savior of the Union” was in life and practice a work-in-progress. And they insist that “getting right with Lincoln” requires seeing the intersections of his—and America’s—military, political, and religious interests and identities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Error-Control Techniques for Digital Communication
This practical handbook provides communication systems engineers with guidance in the application of error-control coding. It emphasizes the fundamental concepts of coding theory while minimizing the use of mathematical tools...demonstrates the role of coding in communication system design...shows the performance gains achievable with coding...illustrates how codes should be used and how to select the right code parameters...discusses the decoding techniques that should be considered and how they are implemented...and examines how detailed performance results are obtained.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Stem Cell Applications
Little, Brown Book Group Micro-Resilience: Minor Shifts for Major Boosts in Focus, Drive and Energy
'Micro-Resilience is a powerful book that will help you rethink the drive-until-you-drop approach to work. By re-framing your thinking, you can learn to learn bounce back from setbacks and create a life of power and meaning' Daniel Pink, author of Drive and To Sell is HumanAs leadership consultants and executive trainers, Bonnie St. John and Allen Haines have heard the same complaints from clients for years; periodic burnout, lack of focus and low energy. So they dug into the latest research on neuroscience, psychology and physiology looking for big answers. Instead they found small answers; proof that small adjustments in daily routines, including thought patterns, food and drink, rest and movement can fight the forces that sap our energy and store focus and drive. They call these amazing efficient restorative techniques 'micro-resilience.'Thousands of men and women from all walks of life have already found effortless ways to incorporate these little changes into the busiest of schedules. Dozens of entertaining anecdotes from real people using micro-resilience demonstrate that when our brains fire faster, our energy increases and we can cope with almost any surprise, pressure or crisis, no matter how big or small.