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Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Black Diamond
Editorial CEP, S.L. Psicologa y niez
FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓNlunes, 09 de noviembre de 2009CONTENIDONos acercamos a ellos todos los días, trabajamos a favor de la infancia y tratamos de que comiencen a descubrir y conocer el mundo que los rodea. Tratamos de darles lo mejor.Siempre escuchamos decir que detrás de toda práctica hay una teoría, tengamos o no conciencia de ello.Esa teoría, algunas de esas teorías, nos ayudan a saber más acerca de cómo son, de cómo comprenderlos, de cómo, justamente, ofrecerles aquello que necesitan.Y no se trata ya del niño del libro, que -aislado de cualquier contexto- suma habilidades mes a mes; se trata del niño que tenemos en las salas, que vive en mejores o peores condiciones, que ha nacido en un contexto familiar y social, que tiene una historia -antes aun de haber nacido- y un futuro.Y no nos acercamos esta vez a la teoría didáctica sino a la psicológica, conscientes de que la función docente no será la de interpretar ni
Nórdica Libros Knut Hamsun soñador y conquistador
Ingar Sletten Kolloen se hizo famoso al encontrar, en 2002, el archivo privado de Knut Hamsun con 5.000 documentos que el escritor afirmaba haber destruido. Un verdadero tesoro se escondía debajo de unas tablas en el desván de Nørdholm, la finca de Knut y Marie Hamsun: manuscritos de novelas, cartas, notas y sus diarios... Un verdadero regalo del cielo, según la prensa internacional.Gracias a esta valiosísima documentación, el biógrafo consigue mostrarnos la verdadera personalidad de Hamsun: un escritor de raza, cuya principal obsesión es la escritura. En el libro están muy presentes las enormes contradicciones del premio Nobel noruego así como su personalidad autoritaria. Su lectura nos hace aún más conscientes de la genialidad de este escritor. También obtendremos una detallada información de su relación con el nazismo, gracias a la transcripción de sus conversaciones con Goebbels y Hitler.
Edicions Bellaterra Arqueología analítica
Anness Publishing French
France has a culinary tradition that is among the most renowned in the world - from the sun-drenched specialities of Provence, through the lusty, full-bodied dishes of Burgundy at the country's heart, to the classic seafoods found along the Atlantic coast. Each area has its own atmosphere and distinctive cooking style, based on the flavoursome provincial produce - pungent cheeses, aromatic herbs, delicate butters and creams, fresh fish and shellfish plus an array of game, poultry and meats of the highest quality. Influenced by geography and tradition, these regional dishes combined with the classic cuisine create a culinary heritage rich in variety and character. This book provides a comprehensive collection of the very best of France. There are recipes for every occasion and for every level of expertise, including rustic regional specialities such as Cassoulet and Moules Mariniere, extravagant classic dishes such as Lobster Thermidor and Pheasant Breast with Apples, as well as lighter, contemporary creations such as Grilled Goat's Cheese Salad. Over 900 step-by-step photographs clearly illustrate the recipe methods, ensuring perfect results, whether you are attempting a hot souffle, cooking crepes for the first time, or brushing up on your pastry skills. The informative introduction gives a fascinating insight into the background of this most revered of cuisines, while stunning photographs of every finished dish are sure to inspire you to perfect familiar dishes and try out new ones. The cooking techniques are clearly explained throughout and there are useful cook's tips and a comprehensive glossary of unfamiliar terms, so even if you are a beginner in the kitchen, you can easily recreate the authentic flavours of France in your own home.
St. Martin's Press The King's Shadow: Obsession, Betrayal, and the Deadly Quest for the Lost City of Alexandria
Buchschmiede KOMMST DU MIT Briefe an die beste Freundin
Lukas Verlag Adam von Trott zu Solz Eine Lebensbeschreibung
Fischer, Karin Verlag Interview mit Gott
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Wste
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Fisch aus Gold
Editions Flammarion La ronde et autres faits divers
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Squeegee Art Revolution
Learn the hottest new painting technique in 22 step-by-step projects! Use an art squeegee and acrylic paint to scrape and swipe your way to gorgeous abstract art. Clara Cristina de Souza Rego (@aclaracris) first went viral for a squeegee painting video that she posted on social media. Her hundreds of thousands of followers frequently ask for her for tips and techniques. In Squeegee Art Revolution, Clara offers them in abundance so you can learn to make abstract art in her signature style. Complete instructions for making 22 finished pieces are included in the book, as well as tips throughout, suggestions for creating a balanced artwork, ideas for what to do with leftover paint to reduce waste and cost, how to know when you’re done painting, and much more. Each project can be done in minutes using affordable, accessible materials and makes perfect gifts and home decor. Clara’s pieces are beautifully photographed and s
Little, Brown & Company The Wild Robot Escapes: Volume 2
Despedida Poema en tiempos del virus Visor de Poesa Band 1109
CEES NOOTEBOOM (La Haya, 1933) es considerado uno de los escritores europeos más notables. Por su polifacética obra ha merecido diversas distinciones, entre ellas, el Premio Austriaco de Literatura Europa (2003), el P. C. Hooft (2004) y el Premio de las Letras Neerlandesas (2009). Recientemente le ha sido concedido en España el prestigioso Premio Formentor de las Letras (2020). Su jurado ha destacado que Cees Noteeboom es un escritor viajero que ha hecho del nomadismo una actitud filosófica, estética y espiritual que trasciende las fronteras y revela la naturaleza expansiva de los horizontes humanos.Despedida (Afscheid), su nuevo poemario, empezó en un jardín con la descripción de unas plantas mediterráneas, y lo que afloraron fueron recuerdos de la guerra, imágenes de un pasado lejano nunca superado. Más adelante el libro tomó otro giro cuando, inesperadamente, un misterioso virus se apoderó del mundo y trastocó la vida. Una colección de poemas que se lee como un solo poema, en la
El rayo de Zeus
Aprende un montón de cosas sobre mitología con esta divertida historia sobre los dioses del Olimpo.Una broma muy pesada siembra el caos en el Olimpo. Los dioses griegos han olvidado sus nombres! Y, además, confunden a Mara con Zeus, el padre de los dioses. Lut, el mago de las palabras, tendrá que viajar al Olimpo para ayudarla y devolver a cada cual su memoria y su identidad. Quién se esconde detrás de todo este lío?Además de disfrutar de la lectura, los niños aprenderán sobre la mitología griega y sus personajes principales.
Storytelling con datos Ejemplos prcticos Spanish Edition
Influye en la acción a través de los datos!Esto no es un libro, es una experiencia de aprendizaje inmersiva, única en su tipo, a través de la cual puedes convertirte en un poderoso narrador de historias con datos o enseñar a otros a serlo.Storytelling con datos. Vamos a practicar! genera la confianza que necesitamos para crear gráficos y visualizaciones convincentes para facilitar historias atractivas que inspiren a la acción. Este nuevo libro de Storytelling con datos ahonda en las lecciones del anterior superventas, a la par que ofrece contenido nuevo, gran cantidad de ejemplos y más de cien ejercicios prácticos. La autora y experta en storytelling, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, nos guía en el desarrollo de habilidades básicas para convertirnos en unos comunicadores de datos bien entrenados.Cada capítulo incluye:* Practica con Cole: donde plantea ejercicios basados en ejemplos de la vida real, a continuación, ilustra detalladamente su solución paso a paso
Excel 2019
Microsoft Excel, la más potente hoja de cálculo del mercado, permite realizar cálculos y análisis de datos y representar los resultados de forma gráfica.El Manual Imprescindible de Excel 2019 es una completa guía que lo llevará a través de las nuevas características y capacidades de la aplicación para aprovechar al máximo las novedades de esta versión. Con lecciones sencillas y numerosas capturas de pantalla que muestran con detalle los pasos a seguir, este libro enseña a crear y editar hojas de trabajo, aplicar formatos atractivos, trabajar con fórmulas y funciones, importar datos, generar tablas dinámicas y escenarios hipotéticos, utilizar funciones de bases de datos y mucho más.Gracias a su estructura, este manual explica en capítulos bien definidos todo lo necesario para ponerse a trabajar desde el primer momento, buscar solo determinadas tareas y lecciones o utilizar el libro en modo aprendizaje: como un tutorial paso a paso.Aprender Excel con este manual es una tarea sen
Anaya Multimedia Taller de Hooponopono
Este libro-taller de Ho ' oponopono tiene como objetivo la interiorización de la filosofía que subyace en esta técnica hawaiana de resolución de problemas hasta que esta se convierta en una forma de vida, porque Hooponopono es mucho más que la repetición de unos mantras.Para ello, durante 48 días seguidos, por orden, tendrás que leer una de las tarjetas: despacio, una carta por día o, lo que es lo mismo, un concepto del libro por día. De esta forma, podrás integrar poco a poco cada punto de este libro-taller. Esa es la clave: integrar despacio los conceptos y llevarlos a la experiencia, porque no hay integración real si no experimentas Hooponopono en tu día a día.Toma conciencia de cómo piensas, sientes y te comportas actualmente, con total honestidad, porque de ello depende lo que estés atrayendo a tu vida. Así comienza un camino de sanación imparable.
Ediciones Cátedra Videojuegos y mundos de ficción de Super Mario a Portal
Los videojuegos son una de las industrias culturales y de ocio más importantes del mundo. Lejos de ser meros juguetes infantiles, los actuales juegos digitales se asemejan al cine y a la literatura en su capacidad para evocar mundos de ficción complejos e inmersivos. De esta manera, los mundos ficcionales de los medios tradicionales se transforman en el videojuego en mundos ludoficcionales, espacios ricos en personajes y emociones que se ven especialmente afectados por la intervención de un jugador.A partir de juegos tan significativos como " Portal 2 " o " Alan Wake " , este libro analiza cómo se crean estos mundos, desde su estructura hasta el diseño de personajes, sin olvidar la relevancia de las acciones ni la eclosión de las emociones para mostrar la complejidad y los límites del diseño de los videojuegos contemporáneos. De este modo, los mundos ludoficcionales consiguen transportarnos a otras realidades virtuales que superan la mera narración lineal de una historia.
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. El cerebro lo neurológico y lo trascendental
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: AstrolabioDescripción: 144 p. 18x11 cmLas técnicas de neuroimagen nos han permitido acceder donde nunca antes habíamos podido ver. Qué pasa en el cerebro de la persona que reza o tiene una experiencia mística? Qué fenómenos neurobiológicos pueden ocurrir en el cerebro cuando alguien se convierte? Estas no son preguntas retóricas, sino algunas de las cuestiones que han motivado a una serie de investigadores a realizar estudios en relación a estos aspectos.Se analizan sus resultados y se critican sus conclusiones. Aunque conocemos muchas facetas sobre el cerebro, todavía nos queda mucho por saber y mucho más sabremos en los próximos años.
Prh Grupo Editorial Perderte para encontrarme Supera una ruptura y vuelve a enamorarte de ti Lose You to Find Me
Ediciones Rodio S. Coop. And. BomberoConductor Ayuntamiento de Dos Hermanas. Temario y test materias especficas
ALHULIA unknown
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La muerte es un día que vale la pena vivir / Death is a Day Worth Living
Duncker & Humblot Youth and Violence in Brazil: An Ethnographical Study on Youth Street Violence Related to Drugs and Social Order in Brazil's Violent City of Maceio
de Gruyter Literaturwissenschaft
Casemate Publishers Derricks' Bridgehead: 597th Field Artillery Battalion, 92nd Division, and the Leadership Legacy of Col. Wendell T. Derricks
The 597th Field Artillery Battalion, 92nd Division, was the first, last, and only all-black officered direct support field artillery battalion committed to combat in the history of the U.S. Army. It was the first all-black unit in a combat division and, together with the 600th Field Artillery Battalion, constituted the only all-black units in any combat division. Alongside impressive achievements on the battlefield in Italy in 1944–45, the unit provided more key command and staff positions exclusively for black field artillery officers than any other U.S. Army unit in combat, giving combat training and experience to more senior black field artillery officers than any of the other 16 black field artillery battalions during World War II.Colonel Wendell Derricks worked to shelter his troops from the worst of the racism exhibited during the war and, due to his ability to envision an integrated post-war army, he provided unique leadership opportunities for his senior officers. The alumni of the 597th Field Artillery Battalion have an impressive record of success; many of them were inducted into the Field Artillery Hall of Fame, some served at the Pentagon, including Lieutenant Colonel Clark, and others forged successful career in the civilian world.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Disturbed Children: Assessment Through Team Process (The Master Work Series)
This volume provides therapists with a guide to producing complete child evaluations. The role of the therapist in the collaborative effort of team-based diagnoses and how to work within this group approach is covered. Case studies are also provided which demonstrate this approach.
Skyhorse Publishing The Big Book of "Why" for Parents: 75 Tips and Tricks for New Parents
Winner of the 2021 Independent Press Award for Parenting & Family!Most new parents approach their upcoming adventure with mixed feelings of excitement and trepidation. There are so many questions that seem to be unanswered about their newborns and toddlers.Wouldn’t it be great to have a book that helps answer those questions—especially the medically-based ones—by a board-certified pediatrician in a unique question-and-answer format?In The Big Book of “Why” for Parents, Dr. Clifford James does just that. Some of the most common parenting questions he addresses include:· Why isn't my breastmilk coming in?· Why is my baby constipated?· Why can't I give my baby honey?· Why shouldn't I strive to be the perfect parent?· Why does my child have night terrors?· Why won't my doctor just call in an antibiotic when my child is sick?· Why do I need to take away the bottle or pacifier?· And many more!
Cambridge University Press North American Cambridge Latin Course Unit 2 Student's Book
Developed by the University of Cambridge School Classics Project, this bestselling Latin program provides an enjoyable and carefully paced introduction to the Latin language, complemented by background information on Roman culture and civilization. Following in the footsteps of two fugitives from the destruction of Pompeii, Unit 2 captures the drama of the daily lives of the inhabitants of two very different provinces at opposite ends of the Roman empire, Britain and Egypt.
Arcadia Publishing Fenn College
Random House USA Inc Ride the Wind: A Novel
Klett Sprachen GmbH The Halloween Secret. Book App
Klett Sprachen GmbH The Lighthouse Ghost. Book App
Klett Sprachen GmbH Halloween Horror Buch CDROM Englische Lektre fr das 1 und 2 Lernjahr
Emerald - ICE Publishing Intelligent Buildings and Infrastructure with Sustainable and Social Values
University of Texas Press The Vanishing Frame: Latin American Culture and Theory in the Postdictatorial Era
In the postdictatorial era, Latin American cultural production and criticism have been defined by a series of assumptions about politics and art—expecially the claim that political freedom can be achieved by promoting a more direct experience between the textual subject (often a victim) and the reader by eliminating the division between art and life. The Vanishing Frame argues against this conception of freedom, demonstrating how it is based on a politics of human rights complicit with economic injustices. Presenting a provocative counternarrative, Eugenio Claudio Di Stefano examines literary, visual, and interdisciplinary artists who insist on the autonomy of the work of art in order to think beyond the politics of human rights and neoliberalism in Latin American theory and culture.Di Stefano demonstrates that while artists such as Diamela Eltit, Ariel Dorfman, and Albertina Carri develop a concept of justice premised on recognizing victims’ experiences of torture or disappearance, they also ignore the injustice of economic inequality and exploitation. By examining how artists such as Roberto Bolaño, Alejandro Zambra, and Fernando Botero not only reject an aesthetics of experience (and the politics it entails) but also insist on the work of art as a point of departure for an anticapitalist politics, this new reading of Latin American cultural production offers an alternative understanding of recent developments in Latin American aesthetics and politics that puts art at its center and the postdictatorship at its end.
University of Nebraska Press Queering Kansas City Jazz: Gender, Performance, and the History of a Scene
The Jazz Age, a phenomenon that shaped American leisure culture in the early twentieth century, coincided with the growth of Kansas City, Missouri, from frontier town to metropolitan city. Though Kansas City’s music, culture, and stars are well covered, Queering Kansas City Jazz supplements the grand narrative of jazz history by including queer identities in the city’s history while framing the jazz-scene experience in terms of identity and space. Cabarets, gender impressionism clubs, and sites of sex tourism in Kansas City served as world-making spaces for those whose performance of identity transgressed hegemonic notions of gender, sexuality, race, and class. Amber R. Clifford-Napoleone takes an interdisciplinary approach to provide a critical deconstruction of how the jazz scene offered a space for nonnormative gender practice and performance and acted as a site of contested identity and spatial territory. Few books examine the changing ideas about gender in the turn-of-the-century Great Plains, under the false assumption that people in middle-American places experienced cultural shifts only as an aftershock of events on the coasts. This approach overlooks the region’s contested territories, identities, and memories and fails to adequately explain the social and cultural disruptions experienced on the plains. Clifford-Napoleone rectifies this oversight and shows how Kansas City represents the complexity of the jazz scene in America as a microcosm of all the other people who made the culture, clubs, music, and cabarets of the age possible.
Princeton University Press Commemorative Landscape Painting in China
When is a landscape more than a landscape? This is a richly illustrated study of an important genre of Ming-dynasty Chinese painting in which landscapes are actually disguised portraits that celebrate an individual and his achievements, ambitions, and tastes in an open effort to win recognition, support, and social status. In this unique study, Anne de Coursey Clapp presents a broad view of these commemorative landscape paintings, including antecedents in the Song and Yuan dynasties. The book traces how in commemorative landscape painting members of the literati address their peers in a deeply familiar language of values, just as they had for centuries through literary biography. Although the setting for such pictures is always natural landscape, it is secondary to the man, and its true function is to mirror him as the humanistic ideal of the recluse-scholar. The book shows how the literary associations attached to the new landscape increased during the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), when the first commemorative paintings appeared, and flourished through the Ming (1368-1644), producing an art form that was simultaneously pictorial and verbal. In the course of exploring the sources and meaning of these paintings, the book examines several varieties of dedicatory paintings, including departure paintings, and the interesting subgenre of "biehao," in which portrait subjects are symbolized through pictorial representations of their literary names.
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Latin Course Book 5 Student's Book 4th Edition
The leading Latin course worldwide Book V is set in and around the court of the Emperor Domitan and the stories explore the tensions and effects of living under a tyranny. Topics covered include town and country life, the emperor's council, the senatorial career and marriage. Verse by Martial and Ovid is integrated with the stories and themes, and the language notes include a systematic introduction to verse word order. Book V is full colour throughout, with a clear layout of stories and language notes. Featuring a glossary for quick reference and comprehension questions, the book also includes a full explanation of language points and grammar practice exercises.
University of California Press Mediterraneans: North Africa and Europe in an Age of Migration, c. 1800–1900
Today labor migrants mostly move south to north across the Mediterranean. Yet in the nineteenth century thousands of Europeans and others moved south to North Africa, Egypt, and the Levant. This study of a dynamic borderland, the Tunis region, offers the fullest picture to date of the Mediterranean before, and during, French colonialism. In a vibrant examination of people in motion, Julia A. Clancy-Smith tells the story of countless migrants, travelers, and adventurers who traversed the Mediterranean, changing it forever. Who were they? Why did they leave home? What awaited them in North Africa? And most importantly, how did an Arab-Muslim state and society make room for the newcomers? Combining fleeting facts, tales of success and failure, and vivid cameos, the book gives a groundbreaking view of one of the principal ways that the Mediterranean became modern.
Penguin Random House SEA Sudden Superstar
What happens when one goes from obscurity to celebrity, overnight?Thirty-year-old Arya Alvarez is a travel manager at Isle Z, a luxury travel company in Singapore where she creates bespoke trips for celebrities and influencers. Discretion is her specialty at work and personal life: Few people know that she’s fled her home city, Manila, to get away from the scene of a devastating break-up.When she travels to Svaneti, in the Republic of Georgia, Arya briefly encounters the mysterious Dave in a remote village high up the Caucasus mountains. Intrigued, she posts his photos on Instagram—which goes viral the very next day. Turns out, Dave is Davit Nadibaidze, a famous yet reclusive artist who’d retreated from the public five years ago and Arya is the first person to see him since he disappeared.In less than twenty-four hours, Arya gains hundreds of thousands of followers. She’s deluged with invitations to talk shows, influencer parties, and celebrity junkets, all as her social media apps overflow with DMs, tags, and comments, both nice and nasty. Men are suddenly vying for her attention, including her ex, Jake.