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Taylor & Francis Ltd Social and Economic Life in Byzantium
Social and Economic Life in Byzantium is the third selection of papers by the late Nicolas Oikonomides to be published in the Variorum Collected Studies Series; a fourth, Society, Culture and Politics in Byzantium, will follow in 2005. The present volume is centred upon the period from the 9th to the 11th century, and a series of examinations into the society and economic activity of the Byzantine world. Other groups of studies investigate relations between state and church, monasteries in particular, aspects of the history of the Slavs in the Balkans, and topics in Byzantine epigraphy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Medieval Narbonne: A City at the Heart of the Troubadour World
This volume presents a series of studies by Jacqueline Caille, acknowledged as the leading expert on medieval Narbonne, which chart the development and history of the city from its Roman origins to its decline in the late Middle Ages. They focus on the period of Narbonne's heyday, from the mid-11th to the mid-14th centuries, and a central place is held by Ermengarde, viscountess for half the 12th century, and celebrated figure in the 'world of the troubadours'. The book opens with an important new introductory survey, in English, setting the context for the detailed studies which follow, several of which also appear in English for the first time, and all being updated with additional notes. These articles cover the physical growth of the great medieval centre, the relations and conflicts between its secular and ecclesiastical lords, its administrative and religious life, and its political and commercial connections with the areas around. Ce volume regroupe une série d'études de Jacqueline Caille, spécialiste reconnue de l'histoire de Narbonne au Moyen Age. L'antique cité y est présentée depuis ses origines romaines jusqu'à la fin du XVe siècle, en insistant particulièrement sur la période la plus brillante des siècles médiévaux, du milieu du XIe au milieu du XIVe siècle. Le recueil s'ouvre par un "long survol historique" inédit, en anglais, brossant le contexte général où s'insèrent les études spécialisées qui suivent, réactualisées par des notes additionnelles. Les principaux thèmes pouvant être dégagés des ces articles concernent le développement topographique de cette "grande ville médiévale", les relations et les conflits entre les seigneurs qui la dirigent (archevêques et vicomtes), la vie administrative et religieuse de l'agglomération ainsi que ses relations politiques et commerciales avec les régions environnantes. Enfin, une place de choix est faite à l'une des éminentes figures du "monde des troubadours", la victomtesse
Taylor & Francis Ltd Studies on the History of Late Antique and Christian Nubia
Gathered together here are the fruits of 60 years of research by the late Sir Laurence Kirwan into the history and archaeology of the mid 1st millennium AD in the Middle Nile Valley, papers previously scattered through a wide range of publications. Kirwan's fieldwork in the region, undertaken between 1929 and 1936, kindled a life-long interest in the transition from the pagan Kushite kingdom to the medieval Nubian states of Nobadia, Makuria and Alodia (Alwa) and of their conversion to Christianity in the 6th century AD. The 25 studies, one published here for the first time, were often of seminal importance when they first appeared, the author being exemplary in his use of the written sources to elucidate the archaeological data. As the preface by the editors shows, the views expressed remain fundamental to modern scholarship, offering valuable insights into this still relatively obscure period of transition from the ancient to the medieval world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Essays on Early Medieval Mathematics: The Latin Tradition
This book deals with the mathematics of the medieval West between ca. 500 and 1100, the period before the translations from Arabic and Greek had their impact. Four of the studies appear for the first time in English. Among the topics treated are: the Roman surveyors (agrimensores); recreational mathematics in the period of Bede and Alcuin; geometrical texts compiled in Corbie and Lorraine from Latin sources from late antiquity; the abacus at the time of Gerbert (pope Sylvester II.); and a board-game invented in the first half of the 11th century (the 'Rithmimachia') to help people to learn mathematics. Included in the volume are critical editions of several texts, e.g. that of Franco of Liège on squaring the circle, Bede and Alcuin on recreational mathematics, and part of Pseudo-Boethius' Geometry I. The book opens with a survey of mathematics in the Middle Ages, and ends with a history of Rithmimachia up to the 17th century, when the game fell into disuse.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Patronage in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century France
The dual themes of this volume are the characteristics of patronage relationships and their political uses in early modern France. The first essays provide an overview of the scholarly literature and suggest that the obligatory reciprocity of the patron-client exchange was a defining characteristic. The third and fourth essays compare patronage relationships with kinship and friendship, while the following two focus on the patronage role of noblewomen. Professor Kettering then looks at the role of brokerage in state formation in early modern France, comparing this with other early modern societies. In the final section she explores the role of patronage in the religious wars of the late 16th century and in the civil war of the Fronde a half century later, and the ways in which it was affected by the changing lifestyles of the great nobles during the late 17th century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Italian Humanism and Medieval Rhetoric
These essays are concerned with the nature of early renaissance political thought and the relationship between humanism and medieval rhetoric. One group traces the influence of medieval political thought on the rise of the modern conception of republicanism; others focus on the medieval art of letter writing and its place in the medieval cultural context; while still others analyse the often contradictory thought of the early humanist, Coluccio Salutati (1331-1406), who struggled to reconcile his classical learning with his medieval allegiances. In the collection as a whole humanism emerges as a literary movement drawing as heavily on patristic and medieval culture as on antiquity. Awareness of its various debts permits recognition of what humanism itself contributed to the development of western thought and ethics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Water-Supply and Public Health Engineering
This volume traces the evolution of the concept of Public Health and reveals the importance of political will and public spending in this field of civil engineering. Design, construction, operation and maintenance of water-supply and main drainage works are discussed. The period covered extends from Roman engineering through to the early 20th century, with examples from Europe, America and Japan.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Production and the Exploitation of Resources
This volume, together with its companion Manufacturing and Labour, examines the economic basis of the early Islamic world, looking at the organization of extractive and agricultural operations, manufacturing processes and labour relations. Mining, stock raising, agriculture and irrigation are the themes of this volume. The work is based on both literary sources and archaeology, and is concerned with the extraction of raw materials and production based on natural resources and domesticated animals. Some classic articles are included because they defined the issues and deserve to be available due to their continuing significance. These are balanced by state-of-the art studies, and by others translating and commenting on important texts in areas where analytic studies have yet to be carried out. This body of work provides a sense of the intensity of exploitation of natural resources in early Islamic times, of how labour and energy-intensive mining, agriculture and irrigation were, and of the interrelationship of different sectors of the economy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Private Fortunes and Company Profits in the India Trade in the 18th Century
This collection of essays, two of which appear in print for the first time, documents the late Holden Furber’s discovery that private ventures, most manifestly deployed in the ’country trade’ between Asian ports, played a major role in the European expansion in India before the age of empire. Furber vividly describes how individual entrepreneurs used their positions with East India Companies to build personal fortunes, and how these private endeavours, for which the English East India Company gave more latitude, ultimately worked to the benefit of British power in India. One of the continuing strengths of his work remains its use of archival sources, not only British, but also other archival records, in particular those of The Netherlands and Scandinavia. The essays also highlight important connections, between chartered and ’clandestine’ trade, and piracy; of multinational private investments in the increasingly dominant East India Company; and between the trade of the Indian Ocean and Pacific worlds.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Financial Models and Tools for Managing Lean Manufacturing
The effect Lean Manufacturing programs have on profit and loss statements during the early months of their implementation often causes them to be viewed as failures. The length of time it will take traditional financial reports to reflect lean manufacturing improvements depends upon how poorly the operation was doing in terms of inventory management prior to the initiation of the lean effort. As yet, no one has put forth a set of methods for dealing with the finances and financial reporting issues dynamically during the implementation of lean practices, until now.Financial Models and Tools for Managing Lean Manufacturing provides an understanding of the impact that traditional accounting practices have on operational improvement programs. The book shows managers of supply chains how to prepare for and present the impact of Lean Manufacturing to top management and stakeholders. To illustrate the impact of lean manufacturing on the income statement, the authors present a multi-month, Excel™ and Pro-Model™ based manufacturing operation environment that incorporates actual sales, sales forecasts, and production results. Their text gives supply chain managers the financial skills they need to successfully manage Lean Manufacturing and its impacts. In short, the book explains how existing accounting practices have a tendency to report the results of operational improvement programs in a negative light. Other books have identified this issue but have not attempted to quantify the impact to a firm’s profit and loss nor have they shown the impact over a series of reporting periods. As a consequence, although Lean Manufacturing practices are being adopted at an ever-increasing rate, they have not been eagerly embraced by manufacturers and supply chain managers. Identifying the effects of past poor manufacturing practices that are being cleaned up by the operational improvements brought by the lean program, the book arms you with the knowledge you need to defend the lean program through the months when income statements indicate a decline in profitability.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Millimeter Wave Technology in Wireless PAN, LAN, and MAN
Driven by the demand for high-data-rate, millimeter wave technologies with broad bandwidth are being explored in high-speed wireless communications. These technologies include gigabit wireless personal area networks (WPAN), high-speed wireless local area networks (WLAN), and high-speed wireless metropolitan area networks (WMAN). As a result of this technological push, standard organizations are actively calling for specifications of millimeter wave applications in the above wireless systems.Providing the guidance needed to help you navigate through these new technologies, Millimeter Wave Technology in Wireless PAN, LAN, and MAN covers the fundamental concepts, recent advances, and potential that these millimeter wave technologies will offer with respect to circuits design, system architecture, protocol development, and standardization activities. The book presents essential challenges and solutions related to topics that include millimeter wave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC), packaging technology of millimeter wave system and circuits, and millimeter wave channel models. With numerous figures, tables and references, this text allows speedy access to the fundamental problems, key challenges, open issues, future directions, and further readings on millimeter wave technologies in relation to WPAN, WLAN, and WMAN.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Enhancing the Performance of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Smart Antennas
A large portion of the network capacity of an ad hoc network can be wasted by the medium access mechanisms of omni-directional antennas. To overcome this problem, researchers propose the use of directional or adaptive antennas that largely reduce radio interference, improving the utilization of wireless medium and the resulting network throughput.Enhancing the Performance of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Smart Antennas discusses these issues and challenges. Following an introduction to ad hoc networks, it presents an overview of basic Media Access Control (MAC) and routing protocols in ad hoc networks with omni-directional antennas. The book then focuses on the use of smart antennas in ad hoc networks and reviews the strategies used in designing MAC and routing protocols for improved medium utilization and improved routing performance with effective load balancing. Finally, it analyzes the design issues related to priority based quality-of-service (QoS) routing protocols, illustrating the potential of these antennas in comparison to omni directional antennas. The book concludes with an examination of open problems and challenges for ad hoc networks.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Performance Assurance for IT Systems
Performance Assurance for IT Systems emphasizes the importance of addressing performance and technology-related issues from the beginning of the planning process, at the feasibility and bid stages. It promotes the concept of Performance Assurance throughout the entire system lifecycle, covering technology, relevant processes, and people-related topics. This accessible, jargon-free book shows how to meet the increasing pressure to deliver proposals and systems in shorter timescales, emphasizing pragmatic, cost-effective, and well-designed systems. The book consists of two major parts: Part I covers the processes deployed throughout the system lifecycle, including the choice of technologies, client requirements, sizing, stress testing, and capacity management; Part II provides a technology foundation made up of brief primers on hardware and software technologies, discussing key factors that influence performance and helping management make informed decisions on technical risk. The author includes references to problems encountered on "real life" projects, and provides insight valuable to a variety of IT professionals, from technical architects and developers to IT management.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mobile WiMAX: Toward Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks
The Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WirelessMAN) is a promising Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technology that provides high-speed, high-bandwidth efficiency and high-capacity multimedia services for both residential and enterprise applications. Mobile WiMAX: Toward Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks examines the basic concepts, recent advances, and latest standard specifications pertinent to WirelessMANs, placing emphasis on IEEE 802.16-based WiMAX. After introducing the basics of WirelessMAN, the book addresses topics in three accessible parts. The first part focuses on radio frequency (RF), signal processing, multiple in-multiple out (MIMO) technology, and identifying challenges and possible solutions in the physical layer. An examination of protocol issues follows, including those involving medium access control (MAC), quality of service (QoS) in point-to-multi-point (PMP) and mesh networks, cross layer optimization, mobility management, handoff in heterogeneous networks, energy management, and link adaptation mechanisms. The final part considers issues regarding security, economy, and system capacity in the WiMAX.Mobile WiMAX: Toward Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks is an important resource for those interested in understanding all aspects relevant to the technical, practical, economic, and policy issues concerning WirelessMANs. It offers comprehensive practical and technical guidance on the fundamentals and recent advances in general WirelessMAN, as well as the latest standard specifications in IEEE 802.16a/c/d/e families.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Windows Serial Port Programming Handbook
The popularity of serial communications demands that additional serial port interfaces be developed to meet the expanding requirements of users. The Windows Serial Port Programming Handbook illustrates the principles and methods of developing various serial port interfaces using multiple languages. This comprehensive, hands-on, and practical guide to serial interface programming enables you to develop sophisticated interfaces and apply them in real-world applications.Each chapter addresses a language and how it can be applied in the development of serial port interfaces. The seven languages discussed are:ANSI C Visual C++ Visual Basic LabVIEW MATLAB Smalltalk JavaStep by step and line by line, the Handbook clearly explains the interfacing techniques used for each different language in the serial port communication. Examples from actual systems have been compiled and debugged, with detailed source code for each included on an accompanying CD-ROM.
Taylor & Francis Ltd MPLS for Metropolitan Area Networks
Metro Service Providers are increasingly turning to Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) to converge disparate networks and services into a unified core, maintain quality, and deliver additional value-added capabilities. MPLS for Metropolitan Area Networks addresses service providers' challenges by demonstrating solutions provided by MPLS features such as traffic engineering (TE), fast reroute, VPNs, virtual private LAN services (VPLS), and QoS. The text opens with an overview of metro networks and MPLS, describing business opportunities and challenges and how mission-critical applications can be deployed within Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). It then examines traffic engineering issues, focusing on fundamental TE concepts, network control, trunk attributes, constraint-based routing (CBR), Resource Reservation Protocol with TE extensions (RSVP-TE), and resource optimization.Following a discussion on how MPLS can bring increased reliability to MANs, the author then concludes the book with a detailed analysis of the service aspect of MANs. Topics reviewed include L3 and L2 MPLS VPNs, geographically dispersed Ethernet multipoint services, virtual private LAN services (VPLS), and the integrated services (IntServ) and differentiated services (DiffServ) QoS models with respect to MPLS.The entire book adopts a simplify-and-exemplify approach, containing a series of real-life case studies and using representative topologies as a basis for illustrating the concepts discussed in each chapter. This learning-by-example approach helps you to remember and understand the complex MPLS concepts and technologies. You can then apply what you have learned from these examples and scenarios to your specific networking environments.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Software Engineering Handbook
Unfortunately, much of what has been written about software engineering comes from an academic perspective which does not always address the everyday concerns that software developers and managers face. With decreasing software budgets and increasing demands from users and senior management, technology directors need a complete guide to the subject of software engineering. The successor to the bestselling Software Engineering Productivity Handbook, this book fulfills that need.Written by an expert with over 25 years of practical experience in building systems, The Software Engineering Handbook covers the full spectrum of software engineering methodologies, techniques, and tools and provides details on how to reach the goals of quality management in a software-engineering environment. It includes a wide variety of information, from the guidelines for the Malcom Baldridge Quality Award to the IEEE measures for reliable software. 65 field-tested how-to chapters provide techniques, guidelines, and philosophies that will assist developers in implementing quality and productivity programs. The author provides readers with a wealth of information and advice in a multitude of areas including management of resources, methods, quality, and metrics. The book concludes with 19 appendices filled with guides, templates, forms, and examples that illustrate important software engineering techniques such as: software requirement specification, software design specification, and a complete test plan including use of automated estimation tools.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Securing Windows NT/2000: From Policies to Firewalls
In today's business environment it is no longer safe to conduct any business on the Internet without first protecting it. Small, medium, and large corporations require a massive dose of security to protect themselves and their digital assets from unwanted intruders. A managerial guide and practical technical tutorial, Securing Windows NT/2000: From Policies to Firewalls provides viable security solutions for your organization. The author presents in-depth knowledge on how, why, and where these operating systems must be tuned in order to use them securely to connect to the Internet. The book includes the steps required to define a corporate security policy, how to implement that policy, and how to structure the project plan. Tables, charts, and work templates provide a starting point to begin assessing and implementing a solution that will fit the unique needs of your organization. Part two provides the reader with practical hands-on applications for the preparation, installation, and tuning of Windows NT/2000 operating systems. Securing Windows NT/2000 provides step-by-step instructions that guide you through performing a secure installation and in preparing the system for secure operation on the Internet. Although a multitude of firewall application software can be used in conjunction with the sections detailing the securing of the operating system, Check Point FireWall-1/VPN-1 is used as it best demonstrates the effectiveness of translating the corporate security policy into a practical reality.About the Author:Michael Simonyi ( is an IT professional working for private sector enterprise organizations. He has over 12 years of practical and theoretical experience, from mainframe systems to PC client/server networks. His areas of expertise center on practical systems management, networking, databases, and application architecture, with emphasis on quality.
Taylor & Francis Ltd High-Performance Web Databases: Design, Development, and Deployment
As Web-based systems and e-commerce carry businesses into the 21st century, databases are becoming workhorses that shoulder each and every online transaction. For organizations to have effective 24/7 Web operations, they need powerhouse databases that deliver at peak performance-all the time. High Performance Web Databases: Design, Development, and Deployment arms you with every essential technique from design and modeling to advanced topics such as data conversion, performance tuning, Web access and interfacing legacy systems, and security
Taylor & Francis Ltd Generalized Functions, Operator Theory, and Dynamical Systems
Nobel prize winner Ilya Prigogine writes in his preface: "Irreversibility is a challenge to mathematics...[which] leads to generalized functions and to an extension of spectral analysis beyond the conventional Hilbert space theory." Meeting this challenge required new mathematical formulations-obstacles met and largely overcome thanks primarily to the contributors to this volume." This compilation of works grew out of material presented at the "Hyperfunctions, Operator Theory and Dynamical Systems" symposium at the International Solvay Institutes for Physics and Chemistry in 1997. The result is a coherently organized collective work that moves from general, widely applicable mathematical methods to ever more specialized physical applications. Presented in two sections, part one describes Generalized Functions and Operator Theory, part two addresses Operator Theory and Dynamical Systems. The interplay between mathematics and physics is now more necessary than ever-and more difficult than ever, given the increasing complexity of theories and methods. Here the topics include:
Taylor & Francis Ltd The American History Highway: A Guide to Internet Resources on U.S., Canadian, and Latin American History: A Guide to Internet Resources on U.S., Canadian, and Latin American History
This brand new addition to the acclaimed "History Highway" series is essential for anyone conducting historical research on North, Central, or South America. Complete with a CD with live links to sites, it directs users to the best and broadest, most current information on U.S., Canadian, and Latin American history available on the Internet. "The American History Highway": provides detailed, easy-to-use information on more than 1,700 websites; covers all periods of U.S., Canadian, and Latin American History; features new coverage of Hispanic American and Asian American History; includes chapters on environmental history, immigration history, and document collections; all site information is current and up-to-date; includes a CD of the entire contents with live links to sites - just install the disc, go online, and link directly to the sites; and, also provides a practical introduction to web-based research for students and history buffs of all ages.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Ashgate Research Companion to Modern Theory, Modern Power, World Politics: Critical Investigations
Deliberately eschewing disciplinary and temporal boundaries, this volume makes a major contribution to the de-traditionalization of political thinking within the discourses of international relations. Collecting the works of twenty-five theorists, this Ashgate Research Companion engages some of the most pressing aspects of political thinking in world politics today. The authors explore theoretical constitutions, critiques, and affirmations of uniquely modern forms of power, past and present. Among the themes and dynamics examined are textual appropriation and representation, materiality and capital formation, geopolitical dimensions of ecological crises, connections between representations of violence and securitization, subjectivity and genderization, counter-globalization politics, constructivism, biopolitics, post-colonial politics and theory, as well as the political prospects of emerging civic and cosmopolitan orders in a time of national, religious, and secular polarization. Radically different in their approaches, the authors critically assess the discourses of IR as interpretive frames that are indebted to the historical formation of concepts, and to particular negotiations of power that inform the main methodological practices usually granted primacy in the field. Students as well as seasoned scholars seeking to challenge accepted theoretical frameworks will find in these chapters fresh insights into contemporary world-political problems and new resources for their critical interrogation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935) is one of the most important women contributors to classical sociology, primarily because of the originality and significance of her theoretical work. Although well known to her contemporaries in both the United States and Europe, Gilman’s legacy was not fully acknowledged by sociologists until her work was recently rediscovered under the impetus of second wave feminist scholarship. Gilman's overarching accomplishment as a sociologist was to formulate a still unparalleled conception of gender. She was both the first theorist to separate gender, as socially constructed behavior, from biological sex and to treat it as a significant variable in social analysis, and the first to create a general theory of society in which gender stratification serves as the foundational principle. She also offered important ideas for the sociological subfields of economy, work, culture and family, presenting her arguments in a variety of forms: formal theory, verse, essays, public lectures, novels and short stories. The essays selected for this volume feature essays of interest to sociologists from across a spectrum of disciplines: economics, literature, women's studies, philosophy and history as well as sociology. The essays are arranged thematically with sections on: gender and society; economy and society; methodology; the public role of the sociologist; towards a sociology of women; and race, class and gender.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Karl Marx
Marx's approach to analyzing society and especially his critique of capitalist society, continues to influence the work of a large number of scholars world-wide. Unfortunately, there are relatively few clear accounts of what this approach is and how to put it to use. And, despite the many attempts to use Marx's method to study a variety of subjects, there are relatively few that can serve as useful models. In the present volume, the internationally renowned Marxist scholar, Bertell Ollman, and the social theorist Kevin B. Anderson, have brought together a sampling of the best writings of the past hundred years that illustrate and critique Marx's method as well as explain what it is and how to put it to work. Anyone wishing to understand better Marx's dialectical method (along, of course, with the theories created with its help), or to revise this method or to criticize it, or to use it in their own work will find this collection invaluable.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Ashgate Research Companion to Anthropology
This companion provides an indispensable overview of contemporary and classical issues in social and cultural anthropology. Although anthropology has expanded greatly over time in terms of the diversity of topics in which its practitioners engage, many of the broad themes and topics at the heart of anthropological thought remain perennially vital, such as understanding order and change, diversity and continuity, and conflict and co-operation in the reproduction of social life. Bringing together leading scholars in the field, the contributors to this volume provide us with thoughtful and fruitful ways of thinking about a number of contemporary and long-standing arenas of work where both established and more recent researchers are engaged. The companion begins by exploring classic topics such as Religion; Rituals; Language and Culture; Violence; and Gender. This is followed by a focus on current developments within the discipline including Human Rights; Globalization; and Diasporas and Cosmopolitanism. It provides an interesting and challenging look at the state of current thinking in anthropology, serving as a rich resource for scholars and students alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New Wealth of Cities: City Dynamics and the Fifth Wave
Over the past two decades, city economies have restructured in response to the decline of older industries. This has involved new forms of planning and urban economic development, a return to traditional concerns of city building and a focus on urban design. During this period, there has also been a marked rise in our understanding of cultural development and its role in the design, economy and life of cities. In this book, John Montgomery argues that this amounts to a shift in urban development. He provides a long overdue look at the dynamics of the city, that is, how cities work in relation to the long cycles of economic development and suggests that a new wave of prosperity, built on new technologies and new industries, is just getting underway in the Western world. The New Wealth of Cities focuses on what effect this will have on cities and city regions and how they should react. Original and wide-ranging, this book will be a definitive resource on city economies and urban planning, explaining why it is that cities develop over time in periods of propulsive growth and bouts of decline.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Knowledge-in-Practice in the Caring Professions: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Knowledge-in-Practice in the Caring Professions explores the nature and role of knowledge in the practical work of the caring professions. It focuses on knowledge of the practical over the theoretical, looking at the application of theory and the implementation of skill, judgment and discretion. Containing contributions from experts in a variety of fields, the research within this book offers a unique perspective on professional practice as multi-disciplinary, illustrating shared and overlapping understandings in knowledge-in-practice between the different professions as well as understandings that are distinctive to each discipline. It underlines that in order to effectively address the range of social, psychological and health problems facing contemporary societies, professionals need to engage in cooperative models of practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Islam Beyond Conflict: Indonesian Islam and Western Political Theory
Politically, Islam in Indonesia is part of a rich multi-cultural mix. Religious tolerance is seen as the cornerstone of relations between different faiths - and moderation is built into the country's constitutional framework. However, the advent of democracy coupled with the impact of the South-East Asian economic collapse in 1997, and the arrival of a tough new breed of Middle Eastern Islamic preachers, sowed the seeds of the current challenge to Indonesia's traditionally moderate form of Islam. This volume explores the extent to which moderate Indonesian Islam is able to assimilate leading concepts from Western political theory. The essays in the collection explore how concepts from Western political theory are compatible with a liberal interpretation of Islamic universals and how such universals can form the basis for a contemporary approach to the protection of human rights and the articulation of a modern Islamic civil society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Legal Symbolism: On Law, Time and European Identity
Jirà Pribán's book contributes to the field of systems theory of law in the context of European legal and political integration and constitution-making. It puts recent European legislative efforts and policies, especially the EU enlargement process, in the context of legal theory and philosophy. Furthermore, the author shows that the system of positive law has a symbolic meaning, reflecting how it also contributes to the semantics of political identity, democratic power and moral values, as well as the complex relations between law, politics and morality.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Clement Bible at the Medieval Courts of Naples and Avignon: A Story of Papal Power, Royal Prestige, and Patronage
As a 'biography' of the fourteenth-century illustrated Bible of Clement VII, an opposition pope in Avignon from 1378-94, this social history traces the Bible's production in Naples (c. 1330) through its changing ownership and meaning in Avignon (c. 1340-1405) to its presentation as a gift to Alfonso, King of Aragon (c. 1424). The author's novel approach, based on solid art historical and anthropological methodologies, allows her to assess the object's evolving significance and the use of such a Bible to enhance the power and prestige of its princely and papal owners. Through archival sources, the author pinpoints the physical location and privileged treatment of the Clement Bible over a century. The author considers how the Bible's contexts in the collection of a bishop, several popes, and a king demonstrate the value of the Bible as an exchange commodity. The Bible was undoubtedly valued for the aesthetic quality of its 200+ luxurious images. Additionally, the author argues that its iconography, especially Jerusalem and visionary scenes, augments its worth as a reflection of contemporary political and religious issues. Its images offered biblical precedents, its style represented associations with certain artists and regions in Italy, and its past provided links to important collections. Fleck's examination of the art production around the Bible in Naples and Avignon further illuminates the manuscript's role as a reflection of the court cultures in those cities. Adding to recent art historical scholarship focusing on the taste and signature styles in late medieval and Renaissance courts, this study provides new information about workshop practices and techniques. In these two court cities, the author analyzes styles associated with different artists, different patrons, and even with different rooms of the rulers' palaces, offering new findings relevant to current scholarship, not only in art history but also in court and collection studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Charles Dickens's Our Mutual Friend: A Publishing History
Even within the context of Charles Dickens's history as a publishing innovator, Our Mutual Friend is notable for what it reveals about Dickens as an author and about Victorian publishing. Marking Dickens's return to the monthly number format after nearly a decade of writing fiction designed for weekly publication in All the Year Round, Our Mutual Friend emerged against the backdrop of his failing health, troubled relationship with Ellen Ternan, and declining reputation among contemporary critics. In his subtly argued publishing history, Sean Grass shows how these difficulties combined to make Our Mutual Friend an extraordinarily odd novel, no less in its contents and unusually heavy revisions than in its marketing by Chapman and Hall, its transformation from a serial into British and U.S. book editions, its contemporary reception by readers and reviewers, and its delightfully uneven reputation among critics in the 150 years since Dickens’s death. Enhanced by four appendices that offer contemporary accounts of the Staplehurst railway accident, information on archival materials, transcripts of all of the contemporary reviews, and a select bibliography of editions, Grass’s book shows why this last of Dickens’s finished novels continues to intrigue its readers and critics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Considering Medieval Women and Gender
Professor Stuard collects here a set of her articles on women and gender in the Middle Ages, beginning with her first, published in 1975. The first section, on marriage, opens with an exploration of the Ragusa/Dubrovnik archives, reaches out to consider patterns of gift-giving at marriage and of consumption. The second section focuses on slavery, specifically women destined for domestic service. The final parts contain historiographical surveys of the field of women and gender studies, and three biographical studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Interior Portraiture and Masculine Identity in France, 1789–1914
Focusing specifically on portraiture as a genre, this volume challenges scholarly assumptions that regard interior spaces as uniquely feminine. Contributors analyze portraits of men in domestic and studio spaces in France during the long nineteenth century; the preponderance of such portraits alone supports the book's premise that the alignment of men with public life is oversimplified and more myth than reality. The volume offers analysis of works by a mix of artists, from familiar names such as David, Delacroix, Courbet, Manet, Rodin, and Matisse to less well-known image makers including Dominique Doncre, Constance Mayer, Anders Zorn and Lucien-Etienne Melingue. The essays cover a range of media from paintings and prints to photographs and sculpture that allows exploration of the relation between masculinity and interiority across the visual culture of the period. The home and other interior spaces emerge from these studies as rich and complex locations for both masculine self-expression and artistic creativity. Interior Portraiture and Masculine Identity in France, 1789-1914 provides a much-needed rethinking of modern masculinity in this period.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Medieval Account Books of the Mercers of London An Edition and Translation
As the premier livery company, the Mercers Company in medieval England enjoyed a prominent role in London''s governance and exercised much influence over England''s overseas trade and political interests. This substantial two-volume set provides a comprehensive edition of the surviving Mercers'' accounts from 1347 to 1464, and opens a unique window into the day-to-day workings of one of England''s most powerful institutions at the height of its influence. The accounts list income, derived from fees for apprentices and entry fees, from fines (whose cause is usually given, sometimes with many details), from gifts and bequests, from property rents, and from other sources, and then list expenditures: on salaries to priests and chaplains, to the beadle, the rent-collector, and to scribes and scriveners; on alms payments; on quit-rents due on their properties; on repairs to properties; and on a whole host of other costs, differing from year to year, and including court cases, special furn
Taylor & Francis Ltd Negotiating Secular and Sacred in Medieval Art: Christian, Islamic, and Buddhist
Offering original analysis of the convergence between 'sacred' and 'secular' in medieval works of art and architecture, this collection explores both the usefulness and limitations of these terms for describing medieval attitudes. The modern concepts of 'sacred' and 'secular' are shown to be effective as scholarly tools, but also to risk imposing false dichotomies. The authors consider medieval material culture from a broad perspective, addressing works of art and architecture from England to Japan, and from the seventh to the fifteenth century. Although the essays take a variety of methodological approaches they are unified in their emphasis on the continuing and necessary dialectic between sacred and secular. The contributors consciously frame their interpretations in terms and perspectives derived from the Middle Ages, thereby demonstrating how the present art-historical terminology and conceptual frameworks can obscure the complexity of medieval life and material culture. The resonance among essays opens possibilities for productive cross-cultural study of an issue that is relevant to a diversity of cultures and sub-periods. Introducing an innovative approach to the literature of the field, this volume complicates and enriches our understanding of social realities across a broad spectrum of medieval worlds.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England, 1550-1700: Volume 1: Early Tudor Women Writers
This volume includes leading scholarship on five writers active in the first half of the sixteenth century: Margaret More Roper, Katherine Parr, Anne Askew, Mildred Cooke Cecil and Anne Cooke Bacon. The essays represent a range of theoretical approaches and provide valuable insights into the religious, social, economic and political contexts essential for understanding these writers' texts. Scholars examine the significance of Margaret More Roper's translations and letters in the contexts of humanism, family relationships and changing cultural forces; the contributions of Katherine Parr and Anne Askew to Reformation discourses and debates; and the material presence of Mildred Cooke Cecil and Anne Cooke Bacon in the intellectual, religious and political life of their time. The introduction surveys the development of the field as an interdisciplinary project involving literature, history, classics, religion and cultural studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ashgate Critical Essays on Women Writers in England, 1550-1700: Volume 6: Elizabeth Cary
Elizabeth Cary's Tragedy of Mariam, the first original drama written in English by a woman, has been a touchstone for feminist scholarship in the period for several decades and is now one of the most anthologized works by a Renaissance woman writer. Her History of ... Edward II has provided fertile ground for questions about authorship and historical form. The essays included in this volume highlight the many evolving debates about Cary's works, from their complicated generic characteristics, to the social and political contexts they reflect, to the ways in which Cary's writing enters into dialogue with texts by male writers of her time. In its critical introduction, the volume offers a thorough analysis of where Cary criticism has been and where it might venture in the future.
Taylor & Francis Ltd War and Religion after Westphalia, 1648–1713
Many historians consider the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648, to mark a watershed in European international relations. It is generally agreed that Westphalia brought to an end more than a century of religious conflicts and marked the beginning of a new era in which secular power politics was the prime motivating factor in international relations and warfare. The purpose of this volume is to question this assumption and reconceptualise the relationship between war, foreign policy and religion during the period 1648 to 1713. Some of the contributions to the volume directly challenge the idea that religion ceased to play a role in war and foreign policy. Others confirm the traditional view that religion did not play a dominant role after 1648, but seek to re-evaluate its significance and thereby redefine religious influences on policy in this period. By exploring this issue from various perspectives, the volume offers a unique opportunity to reassess the influence of religion in international politics. It also yields deeper insights into concepts of secularisation, and complements the research of many social and cultural historians who have begun to challenge the idea of a decline in the influence of religion in domestic politics and society. By matching the relationship between conflict and religion with this scholarship a more nuanced appreciation of the European situation begins to emerge.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Brittany in the Early Middle Ages: Texts and Societies
This volume focuses on Wendy Davies's work on early medieval Breton texts and their implications. Beginning with core analyses of the Redon and Landévennec cartularies, it continues with papers that tease out some of the key social implications of the 9th-century Redon material - on the nature of political power, on rural communities, on the settlement of disputes, and on transmission of property. While the Redon charters have long been known as a source of fundamental importance for Breton history, the author's database (established in the 1980s) allowed much greater understanding of the role of individuals - at all social levels, and particularly peasant level - than had previously been possible. Attention to the detail of the east Breton past also includes papers on some of the results of her fieldwork, on building stone in particular. Early medieval Brittany is not merely interesting in itself (and it is certainly not some Celtic backwater): Breton evidence can usefully be differentiated from the evidence of other Celtic areas and has a significant role in wider issues of European history. As well as papers on the familiar themes of kingship, rulership, cult sites and cemeteries, the final section highlights the distinctive quality of the Breton evidence for the protection of sacred and personal space, for slavery and serfdom and for village-level courts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crusaders and Settlers in the Latin East
The studies here reflect Jonathan Riley-Smith's work as a historian, which began with research on the history of the military orders, the specific focus of the third section here. Out of this grew the concerns covered in the previous sections: an interest in the political and constitutional history of the kingdom of Jerusalem and the relations of the western settlers with the indigenous population of Palestine and Syria; the theory of crusading, involving research on theology and canon law, and the rôle of the popes as preachers, and at the same time detailed consideration of the responses of lay men and women to the ideas that were being presented to them. The two final papers explore some of the implications of crusading ideology and mythology in the modern world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The canzone villanesca alla napolitana: Social, Cultural and Historical Contexts
The printed debut of the canzone villanesca alla napolitana occurred on 24 October 1537, in Naples. Fifteen anonymous 'rustic songs' were published by Johannes de Colonia in a pocket-sized anthology with a cover featuring three women with hoes tilling the soil. The adjective villanesca (from villano or peasant) in the strict sense of the word means rustic or crude, but in this new context it also intimates that Neapolitan poet-musicians had been affected by the instinctive lyrical traditions of everyday people. The articles in this volume trace the Neapolitan origins of this song form, and its subsequent development as it spread quickly throughout Italy in a succession of editions published in Venice and Rome, providing a diverse repertory of lively songs to amuse the privileged that held and attended academies. Several studies focus on key figures in this process, notably Ferrante Sanseverino, Prince of Salerno, and Orlando di Lasso. At the same time the author relates these developments to the contemporary political context, notably the rivalry of Spain and France for control of the Kingdom of Naples.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pionniers du droit occidental au Moyen Age
'Pioneers' seems fitting to Professor Gouron to describe the jurists (civilists) of the 12th-century Latin West, that were the bearers of a new science, born in Bologna about 1100. Away from Bologna these pioneers were isolated, scattered from Scotland to Styria or Catalonia, and no more than one hundred can now be identified. These people, and their manuscripts and the relationships between them, are the subject of this collection, the fifth in the Variorum series by André Gouron, himself to be regarded as a pioneer in this field of research. This volume brings together twenty-two studies which have appeared since 1997 in widely scattered publications, often hard to access, along with additional notes and indexes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Music and Musicians in 16th-Century Florence
This second selection of studies by Frank D’Accone, again based principally on the documentary evidence, follows the development through the mid 16th century of musical chapels at the Cathedral and the Baptistery of Florence and of musical establishments at the Santissima Annunziata and San Lorenzo. The lives, careers and works of composers associated with these churches are illustrated and their works analyzed, particularly the theoretical treatise by Fra Mauro, the madrigals of Mauro Matti and the ambitiously conceived canzone cycle of Mattia Rampollini. The final studies, moving into the 17th century, look at the music for Holy Week, and the unprecedented programme of performances at Santa Maria Novella.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities: Essays on the Importance of Alternative Possibilities
This book explores an important issue within the free will debate: the relation between free will and moral responsibility. In his seminal article 'Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility', Harry Frankfurt launched a vigorous attack on the standard conception of that relation, questioning the claim that a person is morally responsible for what she has done only if she could have done otherwise. Since then, Frankfurt's thesis has been at the center of philosophical discussions on free will and moral responsibility. Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities, edited by David Widerker and Michael McKenna, draws together the most recent work on Frankfurt's thesis by leading theorists in the area of free will and responsibility. As the majority of the essays appear here for the first time, Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities offers the newest developments in this important debate.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Cult of Saint Catherine of Siena: A Study in Civil Religion
This book examines the origins, development and history of the cult of Saint Catherine of Siena. Gerald Parsons argues that the cult of Catherine of Siena constitutes a remarkable example of the cult of a particular saint which, across more than six centuries, has been the vehicle for an evolving sequence of civil religious rituals and meanings. He shows how the cult of this particular saint developed, firstly, as an expression of Sienese civil religion; secondly, as a focus for Italian civil religion; and finally into an expression of European civil religion. Instead of the predominantly devotional - and frequently essentially hagiographical - approach of much of the literature on Catherine of Siena, Parsons examines the significance of her cult from the perspective of civil religion and the social history of religion.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cambridge Theology in the Nineteenth Century: Enquiry, Controversy and Truth
Many books have been written about nineteenth-century Oxford theology, but what was happening in Cambridge? This book provides the first continuous account of what might be called 'the Cambridge theological tradition', by discussing its leading figures from Richard Watson and William Paley, through Herbert Marsh and Julius Hare, to the trio of Lightfoot, Westcott and Hort. It also includes a chapter on nonconformists such as Robertson Smith, P.T. Forsyth and T.R. Glover. The analysis is organised around the defences that were offered for the credibility of Christianity in response to hostile and friendly critics. In this period the study of theology was not yet divided into its modern self-contained areas. A critical approach to scripture was taken for granted, and its implications for ecclesiology, the understanding of salvation and the social implications of the Gospel were teased out (in Hort's phrase) through enquiry and controversy as a way to discover truth. Cambridge both engaged with German theology and responded positively to the nineteenth-century 'crisis of faith'.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Byzantine Orthodoxies: Papers from the Thirty-sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Durham, 23–25 March 2002
The Byzantine Empire - the Christianized Roman Empire - very soon defined itself in terms of correct theological belief, 'orthodoxy'. The terms of this belief were hammered out, for the most part, by bishops, but doctrinal decisions were made in councils called by the Emperors, many of whom involved themselves directly in the definition of 'orthodoxy'. Iconoclasm was an example of such imperial involvement, as was the final overthrow of iconoclasm. That controversy ensured that questions of Christian art were also seen by Byzantines as implicated in the question of orthodoxy. The papers gathered in this volume derive from those presented at the 36th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Durham, March 2002. They discuss how orthodoxy was defined, and the different interests that it represented; how orthodoxy was expressed in art and the music of the liturgy; and how orthodoxy helped shape the Byzantine Empire's sense of its own identity, an identity defined against the 'other' - Jews, heretics and, especially from the turn of the first millennium, the Latin West. These considerations raise wider questions about the way in which societies and groups use world-views and issues of belief to express and articulate identity. At a time when, with the enlargement of the European Union, questions of identity within Europe are once again becoming pressing, there is much in these essays of topical relevance.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Expert Consumer: Associations and Professionals in Consumer Society
Recent work has focused on the politics of consumption and its manifestation in a number of situations. This volume extends these debates, providing a tighter focus and contributing to a noticeable gap in the field that numerous scholars are beginning to turn towards: that is, organizations of consumers themselves who have chosen to speak for all consumers and similar such bodies of experts which act on behalf of consumers. The volume is fortunate in drawing upon a number of scholars who are about to publish major works on the subject, but who are happy to provide summary versions of their work for the volume. The book pays particular attention to specific moments in consumer mobilization and expertise, capturing the range of types of expert consumers across the twentieth century, from ethical consumer groups at the beginning, to intellectuals, housewives, economists and public officials. It addresses questions on the nature of consumer organizing, which bodies can speak for consumers, whether one consumer voice can ever be identified and the relationship between consumption and citizenship. Overview pieces demonstrate the larger narratives involved in the study of the expert consumer, whilst more comparative essays set out the nature of transatlantic exchanges. Other contributions point to the similarities across seemingly different consumption regimes, while case studies of specific organisations and key historical moments draw out the particularities of consumer expertise.