Search results for ""author albert"
Pan Macmillan This Little Elf: A Christmas Twist on the Classic Nursery Rhyme!
Follow ten little elves as they dress up, explore and more in this fun preschool counting book based on the classic nursery rhyme This Little Piggy – the perfect Christmas gift for little ones!This little elf wraps presentsAnd this little elf has one for you!It's Christmas time! Ten excited children become Santa's cute and colourful elves and frolic together through a festive winter wonderland! Follow along with the little elves as they make magical treats in their workshop, waltz with enchanted snowmen, and go for a ride on Santa's sleigh . . . before skipping all the way home!With ten children to find and count as you turn the pages, lots to spot along the way, and a special surprise fold-out ending, this picture book is specially developed for imaginative little preschool elves everywhere. There is a bonus section at the end with reading tips for parents and carers, giving ideas for discussion and extra things for children to spot.This Little Elf is a joyous read-aloud preschool adventure – come and join in the fun! And for roarsome dinosaur fans, mischievous monsters and whimsical unicorns, look out for This Little Dinosaur, This Little Monster and This Little Unicorn too!
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Logics of Worlds: Being and Event II
Logics of Worlds is the sequel to Alain Badiou's masterpiece, Being and Event. Tackling the questions that had been left open by Being and Event, and answering many of his critics in the process, Badiou supplements his pioneering treatment of multiple being with a daring and complex theory of the worlds in which truths and subjects make their mark - what he calls a materialist dialectic. Drawing on his most ambitious philosophical predecessors - Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Lacan, Deleuze – Badiou ends this important later work with an impassioned call to 'live for an Idea'.
Turtle Point Press Blue Label
“One part Scheherazade, two parts Boccaccio, a twist of Bolaño, and a dash of bitters. Blue Label is intoxicating, hilarious, and the best novel on the calamity that is today’s Venezuela.”—Carmen Boullosa "This deftly and idiomatically translated novel . . . a quest of sorts, as a high school student in Chávez's Venezuela tries to make sense of love and life . . . packs a punch on many levels: personal, political, and even mythic." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review) Eugenia Blanc, a young Caraqueñan and quintessential teenager at war with the world around her, has one aim: after graduating from high school, to abandon Venezuela definitively. She embarks on a spontaneous road trip in a banged-up Fiat with her rebellious classmate Luis Tévez, in search of her grandfather, the one person who can provide her with the documents that would allow her to leave the country. While Eugenia and Luis’s tentative, troubled romance unfolds during the Chávez era, the story also looks back at Venezuela’s “lost decade” of the 1990s, a time of intractable violence, inequality, corruption, and instability that led to Chávez’s election. With an unvarnished fluidity that brings to mind Jack Kerouac and a crazy-ass playlist that ranges from REM to Bob Dylan to El Canto del Loco to Shakira, Blue Label is an audacious, dark novel with a gut-punch of an ending; the prize-winning first book by a writer who has cemented his reputation as a major young Latin American voice.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Taxation and the Green Growth Challenge
Taxation and the Green Growth Challenge addresses the pressing issue of how economic growth can be compatible with the fight against climate change, while protecting the environment as much as possible. The book shows how decision-makers must account for the legal value of the environment as being of benefit to future generations.With a broad approach, and a combination of legal and economic points of view, chapters discuss which tax instruments enable us to combine economic growth and environmental protection in a balanced way. This discerning book identifies the tax instruments that permit a comprehensive arrangement of underlying economic and political interests, with a view to pursuing the UN’s and EU’s ambitious environmental goals. The impressive selection of contributors also reflect on global initiatives and legislation as well as exploring new environmental strategies.This book will be of great interest to researchers and scholars who wish to analyse in-depth environmental and natural resource taxation issues, including energy taxation and carbon pricing, as well as the circular economy and green taxes in the context of wider tax reforms. It will also appeal to industry advisors, policymakers and government officials.
Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers Beihilfe Zum Suizid in Der Schweiz: Beitraege Aus Ethik, Recht Und Medizin
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Recent Progress On Reaction-diffusion Systems And Viscosity Solutions
This book consists of survey and research articles expanding on the theme of the “International Conference on Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Viscosity Solutions”, held at Providence University, Taiwan, during January 3-6, 2007. It is a carefully selected collection of articles representing the recent progress of some important areas of nonlinear partial differential equations. The book is aimed for researchers and postgraduate students who want to learn about or follow some of the current research topics in nonlinear partial differential equations. The contributors consist of international experts and some participants of the conference, including Nils Ackermann (Mexico), Chao-Nien Chen (Taiwan), Yihong Du (Australia), Alberto Farina (France), Hitoshi Ishii (Japan), N Ishimura (Japan), Shigeaki Koike (Japan), Chu-Pin Lo (Taiwan), Peter Polacik (USA), Kunimochi Sakamoto (Japan), Richard Tsai (USA), Mingxin Wang (China), Yoshio Yamada (Japan), Eiji Yanagida (Japan), and Xiao-Qiang Zhao (Canada).
Taschen GmbH Seba. Cabinet of Natural Curiosities
The Cabinet of Natural Curiosities is one of the 18th century’s greatest natural history achievements and remains one of the most prized natural history books of all time. Though scientists of his era often collected natural specimens for research purposes, Amsterdam-based pharmacist Albertus Seba (1665–1736) was unrivaled in his passion. His amazing collection of animals, plants, and insects from all around the world earned him international fame. In 1731, after decades of collecting, Seba commissioned careful and often scenic illustrations of every specimen. With these meticulous drawings, he arranged for the publication of a four-volume catalog, covering the entire collection from strange and exotic plants to snakes, frogs, crocodiles, shellfish, corals, birds, and butterflies, as well as creatures that are now extinct. Taken from a rare hand-colored original, the best-selling collection features an introduction that contextualizes the fascinating tradition of natural collections to which Seba’s curiosities belonged.
Ediciones Granica, S.A. Por Ejemplo: Diálogos sobre valores de liderazgo entre un padre y su hija de 15 años
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Il Villaggio Matteotti a Terni: Giancarlo de Carlo E Labitare Collettivo
Visor libros, S.L. Marinero en tierra 1924
Debolsillo El conformista
El retrato de un personaje de la Italia de Mussolini y de la sociedad en la que lucha por integrarse.El conformista , publicada por primera vez en 1951 es, en su superficie, el retrato de un personaje de la Italia de Mussolini y de la sociedad en la que lucha por integrarse. Pero bajo este trasfondo histórico que tanto influyó en Moravia y sus contemporáneos, subyace una idea más ambiciosa: intentar explicar un comportamiento moral característico de nuestro tiempo, el conformismo, un deseo deconfundirse en la masa y no destacar aun a costa de perder la libertad individual. Un fenómeno capaz de convertir a sociedades cultas y críticas en masas indeterminadas capaces de seguir los dictados de cualquier caudillo redentor. El viaje de novios de Marcello, su biografía y la descripción de su entorno, se transforman así en un alegato en contra de los mecanismos del Estado totalitario, y en una de las novelas más atrevidas y actuales del escritor romano. Quizá la más profunda, más madur
Calecha Ediciones, S.L. Parque Natural de Ponga 20 rutas a pie
Calecha Ediciones, S.L. Sierra Norte de Madrid mapa excursionista y turístico
Zut Ediciones S.L. Jan Morris
Laertes Editorial, S.L. Pesadillas de cenas indigestas
Es probable que una sensación de absurdidad onírica se apodere del lector cuando se adentre en la lectura de Pesadillas de cenas indigestas. También apostamos a que cuando finalice este alucinante viaje por las autopistas del subconsciente el lector deteste para siempre el queso fundido y no lo contemple como posible cena nunca más. Aprenderá a sospechar de los amigos que lo inviten a tomarlo, además. Aprenderá que el infierno está hecho de queso e insomnio.
Laertes Editorial, S.L. Historia ilustrada de las formas artisticas illustrated History of the Artistic Shapes Egipto 2
Sir Richard Burton, es sin lugar a dudas una de las figuras más fascinantes del S. XIX inglés. Militar de carrera, escritor y traductor por vocación, explorador y viajero por íntima necesidad, dejó tras de sí un importante número de libros de viajes.De todos sus libros de viajes, es su Relato personal de mi peregrinación a Medina y La Meca (título completo de la obra que aquí se ofrece), el más acabado y complejo de todos, superando ampliamente las habituales características del libro de viajes, para pasar a convertirse en casi una novela.
Visor libros, S.L. Romancero general de la guerra espaola
Anaya Educación Feliz Feroz
La Loba Feroz está preocupadísima: su hijo es bueno! Ayuda a las ancianitas a cruzar y prepara pasteles deliciosos. Horrible!Menos mal que su tío el Lobo va a enseñar al Lobito lo que es ser Feroz. Lo conseguirá?El éxito superventas de El Hematocrítico en edición especial.
Editorial Vicens Vives La Visita dun Inspector Ne Auxiliar educación secundaria
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La sombra del impostor / The Impostor's Shadow
Continuación del libro del mismo título dedicado al Imperio Antiguo y publicado igualmente en esta colección, que incluye textos del Reino Medio y del Imperio Nuevo, algunos de ellos aparecidos o editados en fechas muy recientes. además de dos apéndices, el primero con las listas reales y el segundo sobre las posibles menciones a Troya en algunos de estos textos.
Nueva lectura de las bienaventuranzasel almendro
Una interpretación poco acertada del texto ha distorsionado su mensaje evangélico: las bienaventuranzas proclamadas por Mateo 5,1-12 no son una letanía para consolar a los atribulados del mundo, como se ha creído hasta entonces, sino una invitación a los
Herder Editorial Sobre el poder
En relación con el concepto de poder, sigue reinando el caos teórico. Frente a todo lo que el fenómeno tiene de obvio tenemos todo lo que el concepto tiene de oscuro. Para unos, poder significa opresión; para otros, es un elemento constructivo de l
Herder Editorial Es posible un mundo sin guerras
Es posible un mundo sin guerras? Arno Gruen así lo cree y plantea es este libro la tesis luminosa, ilustrada con ejemplos y casos extraídos de su experiencia como psicoanalista: no hay maldad en la naturaleza humana, sino que la violencia es el fruto de una cultura cuya socialización engendra autotraición, odio y guerras... La mejor respuesta a la violencia, propone Gruen, consiste en recuperar la bondad que naturalmente poseen los niños y en protegerse de las imposiciones externas de la autoridad y de los modos sociales. Este libro nos anima a desarrollar nuestra propia individualidad y a recuperar la confianza en que un mundo más compasivo y solidario es posible. Si nos aferramos a la bondad que reside en el hombre, dice el autor, y comprendemos que todos estamos vinculados, que dependemos los unos de los otros, la violencia resultará inconcebible.
Editorial Fundamentos Cuando las mujeres no podían votar El crepúsculo del paganismo romano
Almuzara Seneca
Athenaica Ediciones Universitarias Teatro completo 1
Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL Una Vuelta al Mundo Bajo Cero
Plan B Records 100 genios del balón / 100 Soccer Geniuses
Planeta La Visitante
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Toward the Protection of Biodiversity and Ecological Connectivity in Multi-Layered Systems
Universitatsverlag Winter Ovid's 'metamorphoses' in Twentieth Century Italian Literature
Harrassowitz The Transmission of the Avesta
Theologischer Verlag Handeln in Einer Mehrdeutigen Welt: Theologische Ethik Mit Einem Beitrag Von Thomas Wallimann-Sasaki Zu Kriterien, Methode Und Themen Angewandter Christlicher Ethik
Archaeopress Disponibilidad y explotación de materias primas líticas en la costa de Norpatagonia (Argentina): Un enfoque regional
The present book aims to study the use of lithic raw materials on the coast of the San Matías gulf (Río Negro, Argentina) during the middle and late Holocene. The understanding of this aspect of human group technology is of fundamental importance as the main archaeological materials recovered at the surface sites of the study area are lithic artefacts made from different types of rock. Thus, understanding how these were selected, reduced and finally discarded will contribute to the understanding of the way of life of the hunter-gatherer groups that inhabited the area during this period. Spanish description: El presente libro tiene como objetivo estudiar el uso de las materias primas líticas en la costa del golfo San Matías (Río Negro, Argentina) durante el Holoceno medio y tardío. El entendimiento de este aspecto de la tecnología de los grupos humanos es de fundamental importancia ya que los principales materiales arqueológicos recuperados en los sitios de superficie del área de estudio son los artefactos líticos fabricados a partir de diferentes tipos de rocas. Así, entender la forma en que éstas fueron seleccionadas, reducidas y finalmente descartadas aportará a la comprensión del modo de vida de los grupos cazadores-recolectores que habitaron el área en el período mencionado.
Boosey & Hawkes, Inc Danzas Argentinas op. 2
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology: Visual Perception of Shape, Space and Appearance
While the scientific study of vision is well-advanced, a universal theory of qualitative visual appearances (texture, shape, colour and so on) is still lacking. This interdisciplinary handbook presents the work of leading researchers around the world who have taken up the challenge of defining and formalizing the field of ‘experimental phenomenology'. Presents and discusses a new perspective in vision science, and formalizes a field of study that will become increasingly significant to researchers in visual science and beyond The contributors are outstanding scholars in their fields with impeccable academic credentials, including Jan J. Koenderink, Irving Biederman, Donald Hoffmann, Steven Zucker and Nikos Logothetis Divided into five parts: Linking Psychophysics and Qualities; Qualities in Space, Time and Motion; Appearances; Measurement and Qualities; Science and Aesthetics of Appearances Each chapter will have the same structure consisting of: topic overview; historical roots; debate; new perspective; methods; results and recent developments
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Homer's the Iliad and the Odyssey
Turtleback Books Upside of Unrequited
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Kate in Waiting
Athesia Tappeiner Verlag Wunderbares Trentino