Search results for ""author roy""
MU - University of Texas Press The Fifth Sun Aztec Gods Aztec World
A study of Aztec religion and mythology.
American Bar Association Clean Air Act Essentials, Third Edition
One of the country's most challenging environmental statutes, the Clean Air Act has generated a multitude of regulatory requirements. This volume provides a basic overview of the key concepts and provisions of the CAA as well as highlights of the critical precedential cases interpreting the requirements of the Act. It also includes a discussion of some of the fundamental regulations implementing the CAA and some of the ways that EPA and states work together to protect air quality through cooperative federalism. Now completely updated and considerably expanded to include new developments, Clean Air Act Essentials covers the most critical areas of the statute, including: State implementation plans Nonattainment and regional transport Prevention and significant deterioration and nonattainment New Source Review New source performance standards and emission guidelines Control of hazardous air pollutants Visibility patrol Acid rain control Title V operating permit program Mobile sources and the regulation of fuels Greenhouse gas emissions Stratospheric ozone Enforcement and judicial review Clean Air Act Essentials includes useful appendices to help navigate through the multiple requirements of the Clean Air Act. Both the seasoned and the newer lawyer will find this book to be a quick resource for understanding the legal fundamentals of these areas.
Skyhorse Publishing Smith & Wesson Hand Guns
“The story of Smith & Wesson handguns and their evolution is one of the hallowed tales of American firearms’ history,” according to the firearms writer Jim Casada. Anyone who collects Smith & Wessons or is simply interested in their backstory will cherish this book.Though originally published in 1945, more than half a century ago, Smith & Wesson Hand Guns remains the source for Smith & Wesson enthusiasts. It is an authoritative reference and has remained, for over five decades, the cornerstone upon which Smith & Wesson research rests. This work is foundational, supported by sixty-three detailed illustrations showing the handguns, the unique hammer mechanism, and facsimile reproductions of vintage advertising copy.The first twenty-four chapters of the book, which tell the story of Smith and Wesson and the development of Smith & Wesson handguns, are very informative. After the reader becomes familiar with Smith and Wesson’s history together, as well as their creation of a business, illustrations exhibiting Smith & Wesson handguns will show rather than tell of their magnificence. Finally, descriptions of different caliber guns are given, where readers will gain invaluable information regarding Smith & Wesson handguns. For any Smith & Wesson enthusiast or collector, this work is impossible to put down.
Scarecrow Press Industrial Relations Theory: Its Nature, Scope, and Pedagogy
One of the major purposes of this book is to help clarify the term "industrial relations" and thus to assist meaningful discussion about the strengths and deficiencies of the body of thought to which it refers. The editors' premise is that industrial relations is a multinational field whose disciples should be seeking principles that apply over the broadest span of time and space. Contributors include Roy J. Adams, Jack Barbash, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Braham Dabscheck, John Godard, Steve M. Hills, Kevin Hince, Thomas Kochan, Viateur Larouche and Michel Audet, Craig R. Littler, Noah M. Meltz, Michael Poole, Paula Voos, and Hoyt Wheeler, with an introduction by Roy J. Adams.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book: A Low-Fat Diet for the Treatment of M.S., Revised and Expanded Edition
Abrams Marvel Big Book of Fun and Games
The ULTIMATE, fun-filled, full-color Marvel activity book for the whole family, featuring legendary Super Heroes & Villains!Can you solve riddles with the genius of Iron Man? Spot the Invisible Woman before she disappears? Crack Nick Fury’s secret codes?Hulk-smash through every challenge and help your favorite Marvel characters conquer the most head-scratching, pulse-pounding puzzles and games in the Multiverse. Journey through Doctor Strange’s mystic maze, unscramble Spider-Man’s word webs, weather Storm’s seek-and-find, fly through word searches faster than Falcon, and learn to conjure the Scarlet Witch—all you need is a pencil. Featuring crosswords, mazes, word searches, trivia, drawing tutorials, connect-the-dots, and more from Marvel’s Fun and Games magazine, this a-maze-ing compendium is a throwback to classic comics and an activity-packed adventure perfect for Marvel fans young and old.
Guilford Publications Breaking Hearts: The Two Sides of Unrequited Love
Throughout history, unrequited love has inspired ballads, arias, poetry, drama, and literature. Almost always, however, the tale of the star-crossed lovers has been told from the point of view of the heartbroken pursuer. This illuminating new work explores unrequited love from both sides--that of the aspiring and eventually brokenhearted lover, and more unusually, that of the beloved, unwilling rejector. Based on systematically collected first-person accounts, BREAKING HEARTS shows how radically different and often contradictory the two experiences actually are.
The History Press Ltd The Flight of Rudolf Hess: Myths and Reality
On 10 May 1941, Rudolf Hess - Deputy Fuhrer of the Third Reich - embarked on his astonishing flight from Augsburg to Scotland. At dusk the same day, he parachuted on to a Scottish moor and was taken into custody. His arrival provoked widespread curiosity and speculation, which has continued to this day. Why did Hess fly to Scotland? Had Hitler authorized him to attempt to negotiate peace? Was British Intelligence involved? What was his state of mind at the time? Drawing on a variety of reliable archive and eyewitness sources in Britain, Germany and the USA, authors Roy Conyers Nesbit and Georges van Acker have written what must be the most objective assessment of the Hess' story yet to be published. Their compelling narrative not only dispels many of the extraordinary conspiracy theories, but also uncovers some intriguing new facts.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Atmospheric Particles
The IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems provides the scientific community with a critical evaluation of the state of the art on physicochemical structures and reactions in environmental systems, as well as on the analytical techniques required to study and monitor these systems. The series is aimed at promoting rigorous analysis and understanding of physicochemical functioning of environmental systems. The last few years have seen a spectacular growth of interest in the field of aerosol science, and particularly in the properties and consequences of atmospheric aerosols. Research in this field has focused on the role of aerosols in such topical areas as heavy metal pollution, acid rain, photochemical smog and global warming. Atmospheric Particles examines the fundamental aspects of aerosol science relating to particles in the atmosphere, including the sources and size distribution of airborne particles, the means of sampling and chemical analysis, and the serious health implications of particles in the urban atmosphere. Atmospheric Particles * The first book to deal with aerosol particles in the atmosphere, their properties and significance. * Leading scientists review and evaluate the latest knowledge on sampling; characterisation and properties of atmospheric particles. * Excellent overview of current research and forthcoming developments in this rapidly expanding area. Atmospheric Particles brings together the state-of-the-art knowledge of aerosol science relating to airborne particulate matter which will be of interest to graduate students and researchers working in atmospheric science, environmental analysis, pollution chemistry and global change.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Deutsche Grammatik V4 V8
First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Deutsche Grammatik Ed1 V3
First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
WorldView Publications Football Africa!
Nova Science Publishers Inc Fractional Calculus: Applications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Ethanol: Production, Cellular Mechanisms & Health Impact
Manning Publications Art of Unit Testing, The
The Art of Unit Testing, Third Edition updates an international bestseller to reflect modern development tools and practices. This expanded edition teaches you to write unit tests for async and observable code, as well as methods of faking functions, modules and refactorings. You'll explore test patterns and organization, working with legacy code, and even "untestable" code. The many tool-agnostic examples are presented in JavaScript, and are carefully designed so that they apply to code written in any language. about the technology Unit testing is a universally-adopted practice on dev teams of all sizes. Great developers will tell you that testing is as much a state of mind as a collection of tools and practices. The Art of Unit Testing, Third Edition takes you below the surface and understand how unit testing can transform the way you deliver and maintain software. Now with examples in JavaScript, this new edition has been updated to reflect the characteristics of a modern codebase, including async and modularized, distributed services. The practices and patterns you'll learn can also be easily applied to other languages, including C#, Java, and Python. about the book The Art of Unit Testing, Third Edition guides you step by step from your first simple unit tests to building complete test sets that are maintainable, readable, and trustworthy. Now with examples using JavaScript and Node, this expanded third edition teaches you to write unit tests for async and observable code, as well as methods of faking functions, modules and refactorings. You'll get to grips with complex subjects such as mocks and stubs, explore how to handle tricky legacy codebases, and save yourself time with tests that function for both frontend and backend applications. The Art of Unit Testing, Third Edition is an essential guide for any unit tester who wants to feel confident writing code that's easier to create, maintain, and adapt.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Ladybird Classics: The Complete Audio Collection
Ladybird Classics are sensitively retold versions of the most-loved children's classic stories, and are specially designed to appeal to a younger audience. Told in a warm and accessible style and accompanied by fun and vibrant music, this CD collection is a perfect introduction to the classics for young children.Stories included are:Gulliver's Travels Oliver Twist Treasure Island A Christmas Carol Heidi The Secret GardenLittle WomenAlice In WonderlandBlack BeautyPeter PanThe Railway ChildrenThe Jungle BookThe Three MusketeersThe Wind In The WillowsApproximately 8hr running time
Kohlhammer Verbrennen Und Loschen
Random House USA Inc ¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza! (Ten Apples Up on Top! Spanish Edition)
¡Edición en español y rimada del clásico de Dr. Seuss sobre el concepto básico de contar! Tres amigos cuentan a la vez que se divierten en este simpático libro de la colección Beginner Books de Dr. Seuss, con ilustraciones de Roy McKie. Cuando un león, un perro y un tigre se juntan, pronto descubren que cada uno es capaz de hacer otras cosas mientras mantienen en equilibrio manzanas en la cabeza. Ya sea bebiendo leche, saltando a la cuerda o patinando, pueden hacer muchas cosas ¡sin que se les caigan las manzanas de la cabeza! Los divertidos personajes de Dr. Seuss y sus actos de equilibrio ¡harán que los pequeños lean, cuenten y se rían a la vez! Creada por Dr. Seuss, los libros para primeros lectores de la colección Beginner Books estimulan a los niños a leer ellos solos con palabras sencillas y divertidos dibujos que dan sentido a la lectura.Las ediciones rimadas, en español, de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); y Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's classic concept book about counting!Three friends balance counting and fun in this silly Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss with illustrations by Roy McKie. When a lion, a dog, and a tiger meet up, they soon discover that they can each do different things while balancing apples on their heads. Whether drinking milk, jumping rope, or roller-skating, they can do a lot with ten apples up on top! Seuss's apple-balancing characters will have youngsters reading, counting, and giggling!Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning.Random House's rhymed, Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); and Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos).
Derrydale Press Winous Point: 150 Years of Waterfowling and Conservation
Founded in 1856 on the shores of Lake Erie's Sandusky Bay, Winous Point Shooting Club is the oldest continuously operated duck hunting club in America. It has, in that respect, seen a lot of history. Among its early members were Jay Cooke, chief financier of the Union during the Civil War; John Hay, secretary to Abraham Lincoln and secretary of state under three U.S. presidents; Charles F. Brush, a pioneer in the commercial development of electricity; and many other notable historical figures. Each of these men forged separate legacies in industry, science, and government. But together, as sportsmen, they helped build a legacy of habitat and wildlife conservation that has been even longer lasting, and continues to have a greater positive impact on the life of the nation. Winous Point: 150 Years of Waterfowling and Conservation tells the story of the birth and growth not only of an Ohio duck hunting club, but of the modern wetland conservation movement. From its founding by amateur naturalists with a hunger for collecting, categorizing, and understanding the region's flora and fauna to its battles over market hunting, spring shooting, baiting, and more, Winous has made history in its own right. It was the first duck hunting club in the nation to ban spring shooting of waterfowl, the first to appoint a wildlife biologist to manage its 5,000-acre property, and the first to launch major wetland research and educational programs to advance the study of wetland and waterfowl management. More recently, it became the first hunting club to establish a nonprofit land conservancy, which it did on the cusp of its 150th anniversary, securing its precious wetlands-and its legacy-for generations to come. Deluxe clamshell edition also available.
Grand Central Publishing Blink of an Eye
Grand Central Publishing Killer View
Grand Central Publishing More Than Meets the Eye
Grand Central Publishing Killer View
Alfred Music The Magnificent Seven: Conductor Score
ACU Press/Leafwood Publishers Dark Journey, Deep Grace: Jeffrey Dahmer's Story of Faith
Talonbooks Meanwhile: The Critical Writings of bpNichol
British Museum Press Late Glacial Long Llade Sites in the Kennet Valley: Excavations and Fieldwork at Avington VI, Wawcott XII and Crown Acres
10,000 years ago, late Ice Age and early post-glacial communities moved through the Kennet Valley to the Thames, following game and taking advantage of sheltered positions to make their camps. Favourable geological conditions in the neighbourhood of Newbury have preserved several of these camp sites in situ. One of these, Avington VI, has revealed evidence of structures which are, so far, unique in Britain. The remarkable concentrations of Long Blade artefacts provide insights into the daily activities of the hunters who lived there. Other sites fill in the details about ecological conditions during this period of climate change and how humans adapted to them.
Faber Music Ltd Play Showtime Book 2 (Clarinet)
Faber Music Ltd Play Showtime Book 2 (Trumpet)
The Glamourous world of the musical has a unique and irresistible appeal. Play Showtime Book 2 (Trumpet) comprises 10 great hits from Broadway and London's West End, including songs from Me and My girl, Half a Sixpence, Oklahoma!, Fiddler on the Roof, Evita and A little Night Music. These famous songs by the world's finest show writers are arranged here with piano accompaniment by Fred Glover and Roy Stratford.
John Catt Educational Ltd Must do better: How to improve the image of teaching and why it matters
We have a serious problem with the image of teaching in this country. In the eyes of many, teaching is not truly a profession akin to other professions. In the popular imagination, it is not on a par with medicine, law or accountancy, engineering, architecture or business. It is not held in the same esteem as careers which are of equivalent importance to society. Must do better challenges this damaging and pernicious status quo. It examines the origins of our problem with teaching, it shines a light on the exciting reality of teaching in the 21st century, and it charts a new course for the image of the modern teaching profession. The book is written to be easily read by the general reader, because ultimately it is with the general reader – the parent, the employer, the politician – that lies the power to effect the change that society needs. We can and we must change the image of teaching for the better.
ConJelCo LLC Cooke's Rules Of Real Poker
Taylor & Francis Ltd Making Sense of Risk Management: A Workbook for Primary Care, Second Edition
What you really need to know about risk management, clinical governance, law and ethics… Now completely revised and updated Making Sense of Risk Management: a workbook for primary care breaks down complex issues and presents them in an easily comprehensible manner. Addressing current issues such as the new GP Contract and the rapid rise in litigation, this new edition takes on a more rigorous approach but maintains the same light-hearted style with more detailed and definitive guidance. The format makes use of tips, warnings, tables, exercises and think boxes providing an informative, interesting and engaging read. All primary care staff including General Practitioners, managers, nurses, health visitors, administrative staff and receptionists will find this book invaluable.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cost–Benefit Analysis and Water Resources Management
How are the economic values of water and water quality accounted for in policy and project appraisal? This important book gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) in water resources management throughout Europe and North America, along with an examination of current applications. The distinguished authors highlight problems and challenges encountered in the use of CBA in 15 country-specific case studies. Based on these case studies, the value and limits of CBA in water resources management are assessed and special attention is paid to the institutional and policy context in which CBA is carried out.Cost-Benefit Analysis and Water Resources Management is written for both academics and policymakers interested in the use and usefulness of CBA in water resources management.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Slakki
Slakki is Old Norse for a shallow depression among hills: 'Not much of a valley. A Slack,' writes Roy Fisher, with typical self effacement. But appearances are deceptive where this Slakki is concerned. Opening with new poems written during his 80s - since his Costa-shortlisted collection Standard Midland (2010) - the book's second section is a gathering of uncollected poems mainly written during the 1960s, though occasionally foreshadowed later in the previous decade, while the third part contains poems, similarly uncollected, written in the 1950s. 'I describe the poems in sections two and three of this book as neglected,' Roy Fisher writes in an afterword. 'I must emphasise that these poems have not been passed over or slighted by publishers, editors or reviewers: indeed my work always seems to me to have had as much attention as it deserved or was likely to get. The neglect has been entirely mine.' Fisher's Collected Poems 1968 from Fulcrum was a carefully constructed volume whose cut down selection was carried over into later retrospectives: 'The cut material was left to lie more or less unexamined again until now.That turn of events furnishes the majority of the neglected items in the present volume. There's an element of what could better be called habitual negligence that also has a bearing.' Peter Robinson produced and ordered the texts of Slakki in response to instructions and advice from Roy Fisher. Derek Slade contributed substantially to composing the notes on sources and earlier appearances of the works gathered here.
Square Enix By The Grace Of The Gods (manga) 09
University of Nebraska Press Produce Wagon: New and Selected Poems
The poems in Produce Wagon explore the vast and varied circumstances of the human experience. Roy Scheele delves into his love for his wife in “Remembrances,” the opening poem from his first chapbook, and “Driving after Dark”; his fascination with the natural world in poems such as “How the Fox Got Away” and “Late Autumn Woods”; his appreciation of his family in “A Kitchen Memory” and “The Long Rise”; and his fondness for stories in “The Carny Circuit” and “In the Clear.” In these and the other poems in the collection, Scheele uses a variety of traditional verse forms as well as free verse and syllabics, carefully fitting the form of each poem to his subject matter. Though most of the poems are set in Nebraska and neighboring states, there is a universality to the subjects Scheele addresses. In these poems anywhere is everywhere.
Hodder Education CCEA GCSE Physics Third Edition
Exam Board: CCEALevel: GCSESubject: ScienceFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2018Build your students' scientific thinking and practical skills with this Third Edition textbook, developed specifically for the 2017 GCSE specifications, from the No. 1 publisher for CCEA GCSE Science.- Develop understanding with clear Examples, Tips and Practical activities.- Prepare students for assessment with Test Yourself questions, Maths practice and Exam-style questions throughout. - Provides everything you need for GCSE Physics and the Physics content of GCSE Double Award Science.- Supports Foundation and Higher-tier students in one book.
Duke University Press Roy Cape: A Life on the Calypso and Soca Bandstand
Roy Cape is a Trinidadian saxophonist active as a band musician for more than fifty years and as a bandleader for more than thirty. He is known throughout the islands and the Caribbean diasporas in North America and Europe. Part ethnography, part biography, and part Caribbean music history, Roy Cape is about the making of reputation and circulation, and about the meaning of labor and work ethics. An experiment in storytelling, it joins Roy's voice with that of ethnomusicologist Jocelyne Guilbault. The idea for the book emerged from an exchange they had while discussing Roy's journey as a performer and bandleader. In conversation, they began experimenting with voice, with who takes the lead, who says what, when, to whom, and why. Their book reflects that dynamic, combining first-person narrative, dialogue, and the polyphony of Roy's bandmates' voices. Listening to recordings and looking at old photographs elicited more recollections, which allowed Roy to expand on recurring themes and motifs. This congenial, candid book offers different ways of knowing Roy's labor of love—his sound and work through sound, his reputation and circulation as a renowned musician and bandleader in the world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Language, Self and Society: A Social History of Language
This important book examines the role of written and spoken language in shaping our sense of reality, in exchanges of social life, and in fashioning our sense of self. It develops a distinctive, socio-historical approach to these issues, offering a range of illuminating studies in the social history of language. The first section discusses the history of specially charged languages (Latin, Hebrew, and the speech-forms of the Quakers). The second section examines the politics of language, paying special attention to dialect and the relations between the language of conquerors and the conquered. In the third section, the relation between forms of expression and the development of personal self-definition is discussed. This key work will make a major contribution to the interdisciplinary study of language. It will be of interest to students and researchers in social history, linguistics, and the history and sociology of language.
Harvard University Press Letters, Volume II: Letters 59–185
Correspondence of a Cappadocian Father.Basil the Great was born ca. AD 330 at Caesarea in Cappadocia into a family noted for piety. He was at Constantinople and Athens for several years as a student with Gregory of Nazianzus and was much influenced by Origen. For a short time he held a chair of rhetoric at Caesarea, and was then baptized. He visited monasteries in Egypt and Palestine and sought out the most famous hermits in Syria and elsewhere to learn how to lead a pious and ascetic life; but he decided that communal monastic life and work were best. About 360 he founded in Pontus a convent to which his sister and widowed mother belonged. Ordained a presbyter in 365, in 370 he succeeded Eusebius in the archbishopric of Caesarea, which included authority over all Pontus. He died in 379. Even today his reform of monastic life in the east is the basis of modern Greek and Slavonic monasteries. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Basil’s Letters is in four volumes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Men in the Lives of Young Children: An international perspective
This book presents an international perspective on the involvement of men in the lives of young children across a range of differing contexts and from a number of disciplinary perspectives. It takes as a starting point the importance of positive male engagement with young children so as to ensure their optimal development. Past research has revealed however the complexity of studying these relationships and the barriers that exist in families & society which impede the implementation of positive relationships. This book is developed to use new research and educational thinking in order to explore the lived experiences of both fathers and men in edu-care and in addition to considers what it is to be a man in the 21st century. As such this work is pertinent, timely and responsive to issues of concern to all those professionals, policy makers and practitioners within education and family services and also to the public in general. The central purpose of the book is to contribute to the debate around key issues connected to the ways in which men can develop secure professional and familial attachments to young children for whom they have a responsibility.This book was published as a special issue of Early Child Development and Care.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Undersogelse Gamie Nordiske V2
First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Random House USA Inc My Book About Me By ME Myself
HarperCollins Publishers In a People House
Join Mr. Bird and Mouse in this witty introduction to all the everyday things you can find in a “People House”, perfect for young readers! When Mouse and Mr. Bird find their way into a “People House”, they are thrilled with how much there is to see! From chairs and stairs to hooks and books, balls of string and bells to ring, these two chaotic creatures quickly cause mischief in every room. But are those footsteps they can suddenly hear? Easy to read and full of familiar words for early readers, this story brings Dr. Seuss’s unique blend of rhyme, rhythm, repetition and classic humour to the home environment.
HarperCollins Publishers Ten Apples Up on Top
Learn to count with a dog, a lion and a tiger, as they show off and have fun! Following the crazy antics of a lion, a dog and a tiger as they show off how many apples they can balance on their heads – and learn to count at the same time!A classic Dr. Seuss title, illustrated by the wonderful Roy McKie. A perfect book for early readers, the new look and style across the Dr. Seuss range brings worldwide favourites to a whole new generation. With his unique combination of hilarious stories, zany pictures and riotous rhymes, Dr. Seuss has been delighting young children and helping them learn to read for over fifty years. Creator of the wonderfully anarchic Cat in the Hat, and ranking among the UK’s top ten favourite children’s authors, Seuss is firmly established as a global best-seller, with over 600 million books sold worldwide. As part of a major rebrand programme, HarperCollins is relaunching Dr. Seuss’s bestselling books, including such perennial favourites as The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks. In response to consumer demand, the bright new cover designs incorporate much needed guidance on reading levels, with the standard paperbacks divided into three reading strands – Blue Back Books for parents to share with young children, Green Back Books for budding readers to tackle on their own, and Yellow Back Books for older, more fluent readers to enjoy. ‘Ten Apples Up on Top’ belongs to the Green Back Book range.