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HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Teacher \ El Maestro (Spanish Edition)
Giorgio Nada Editore Gilles Villeneuve: Immagini di una Vita / A Life in Pictures
Six victories, two pole positions, eight fastest laps and 13 podium places - statistics that are anything but striking. In Formula 1 today, there are drivers who have won a great deal more, but Gilles Villeneuve cannot be evaluated by numbers alone - simply because there is no way of measuring the level of excitement that he brought to racing. Even though he has been dead for over 30 years, the legend of the Canadian, who was killed on 8 May 1982, is still imbued with strong emotion - Gilles the "Aviator" as Enzo Ferrari nick-named him, the driver for whom the expression "Villeneuve Fever" was coined. From his "crazy flight" at Fuji in 1977, his first GP win at home in Canada in 1978, the unforgettable 1979 season followed by a year of purgatory, his epic success at Monaco in 1981 and the in-house duel with Didier Pironi at Imola in 1982, to that last "crazy flight" at Zolder. "Gilles Villeneuve: Immagini di una vita/A life in pictures" relives the legend, with previously unpublished pictures and authoritative text by Mario Donnini.
Mgr. Mario Beky LEO Learning Organizer
Springer International Publishing AG What Is the Truth About the Great Recession and Increasing Inequality?: Dialogues on Disputed Issues and Conflicting Theories
Have you ever puzzled over the causes of the 2007–8 financial crisis and wondered how it will affect all our futures? If so, this book is for you. Using imagined dialogue between three economists with contrasting theoretical perspectives and a student who knows little about economics, different interpretations are compared in straightforward, jargon-free language. The book explores both the consequences of neoliberal economic policies based on the belief in efficient, self-regulating markets and the implications of alternative economic visions formulated in response to the Great Recession. In all, nine dialogues are presented, each of which focuses on a key theme: increasing inequality, the failure of economists to predict the crash, the reasons for fiscal austerity, the rolling back of the welfare state, the roles of the state and the market, the repercussions of the German trade surplus and the Eurozone crisis, policies to confront the crisis, environmental degradation, and the need for an industrial policy appropriate to the present day. The book will be ideal for both general readers and those embarking on the study of economics.
Springer International Publishing AG The Illusion of Control: Project Data, Computer Algorithms and Human Intuition for Project Management and Control
This book comprehensively assesses the growing importance of project data for project scheduling, risk analysis and control. It discusses the relevance of project data for both researchers and professionals, and illustrates why the collection, processing and use of such data is not as straightforward as most people think. The theme of this book is known in the literature as data-driven project management and includes the discussion of using computer algorithms, human intuition, and project data for managing projects under risk. The book reviews the basic components of data-driven project management by summarizing the current state-of-the-art methodologies, including the latest computer and machine learning algorithms and statistical methodologies, for project risk and control. It highlights the importance of artificial project data for academics, and describes the specific requirements such data must meet. In turn, the book discusses a wide variety of statistical methods available to generate these artificial data and shows how they have helped researchers to develop algorithms and tools to improve decision-making in project management. Moreover, it examines the relevance of project data from a professional standpoint and describes how professionals should collect empirical project data for better decision-making. Finally, the book introduces a new approach to data collection, generation, and analysis for creating project databases, making it relevant for academic researchers and professional project managers alike.
Ta Media +co Expressions
Blue Angel Gallery Healing Energy Oracle
Quercus Publishing Six Graves to Munich
In the final days of the Second World War, Michael Rogan, an American intelligence officer, is tortured by a group of seven senior Gestapo officers who need to discover the secrets he alone can give them. Ten years later, when he has recovered from the appalling injuries he suffered, and determined to revenge the death of his wife at the hands of the same men, he begins a quest to track down and kill each one of his tormentors. Dark, violent, and graphic, this is an addictive thriller about how far one man will go to exact his own justice. Written a year before Puzo completed The Godfather, published under a pseudonym and only very recently brought to light, Six Graves to Munich bears all the hallmarks of a master storyteller.
Cornerstone Omerta
Omertà, the Sicilian code of silence, has been the cornerstone of the Mafia's sense of honour for centuries. Born in the Sicilian hills, omertà carried the Mafia through a hundred years of change, but now at the century's end it is becoming a relic from a bygone age. Honour may be silent - but money talks. New York - a mob boss is assassinated. His nephew Astorre Viola and the head of the city's FBI both launch investigations into the murder. But this time silence spreads like a contagion: the silence of rival gangs, the silence of crooked bankers, even the silence of the courts. The world of the Mafia is riven with greed, and Viola knows that now is the time to claim his destiny...
Cornerstone The Godfather: The classic bestseller that inspired the legendary film
_________________________________The classic novel that inspired 'the greatest crime film of all time'Tyrant, blackmailer, racketeer, murderer - his influence reaches every level of American society. Meet Don Corleone, a friendly man, a just man, a reasonable man. The deadliest lord of the Cosa Nostra. The Godfather.But no man can stay on top forever, not when he has enemies on both sides of the law. As the ageing Vito Corleone nears the end of a long life of crime, his sons must step up to manage the family business. Sonny Corleone is an old hand, while World War II veteran Michael Corleone is unused to the world of crime and reluctant to plunge into the business.Both the police and ruthless rival crime lords scent blood in the water. If the Corleone family is to survive, it needs a ruthless new don. But the price of success in a violent life may be too high to bear..._________________________________A modern masterpiece, The Godfather is a searing portrayal of the 1940s criminal underworld. Still shocking long after its initial publication, this compelling tale of blackmail, murder and family values is a true classic.
Anaya Touring Austria
" La mejor y más actual información sobre Austria, organizada según el esquema habitual de las Guías Total, en seis secciones.La primera consiste en una serie de Itinerarios que constituyen otras tantas propuestas de viaje y que posibilitan la visita a las ciudades y lugares de mayor interés a través de las vías de comunicación por carretera que reúnen mayor número de atractivos.Las siguientes dos secciones proporciona información acerca de Viena y las localidades más importantes de Austria, presentadas en orden alfabético y describiendo sus monumentos y otros atractivos de diverso orden. Junto a ellas se describen otras localidades de menor interés que se encuentran en sus alrededores.En la cuarta, denominada A vista de pájaro, se ofrece un recorrido panorámico a lo largo de la geografía, la historia, la economía, la organización política y el arte del país.A todo ello se añaden, al final, las secciones dedicadas a Informaciones prácticas y el directorio de Guía de ser
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Cartas a un joven novelista / Letters to a Young Novelist
Prh Grupo Editorial La utopía arcaica José María Arguedas y las ficciones del indigenismo The Arc haic Utopia. José Maria Arguedas and the Indigenists Fiction
Curso de desarrollo Web HTML CSS y JavaScript Edicin 2021 Spanish Edition
HTML, CSS y JavaScript son las tres tecnologías básicas en las que se sustenta el desarrollo de páginas web. Este libro le servirá de ayuda a la hora de adentrarse en el uso y aprendizaje de estas tecnologías.Con este libro aprenderá a usar HTML para generar contenido en su sitio web, agregando bloques de texto, párrafos, tablas, listas, formularios, imágenes o cualquier elemento multimedia de forma sencilla. Del mismo modo, comprenderá cómo el uso de CSS le permitirá gestionar el aspecto de todo el contenido adaptándolo a sus necesidades o preferencias personales. Y, finalmente, aprenderá a programar funcionalidades básicas con JavaScript para proveer a su sitio web del nivel de interactividad adecuado.En lo que al proceso de aprendizaje se refiere, partiremos de cero para estudiar los conceptos básicos de cada tecnología y seguidamente, de forma progresiva, iremos profundizando en las diferentes funcionalidades y características que cada tecnología nos ofrece.<
Prh Grupo Editorial Travesuras de la Niña Mala 60 Aniversario de Alfaguara The Bad Girl
Presentaciones de impacto cómo hacer fácil lo difícil comunicación visual infografía y narrativa
Una obra magníficamente ilustrada para sacar todo el partido a diferentes elementos gráficos a la hora de comunicar ideas y hacer presentaciones, en cualquier ámbito. Mario Tascón y sus compañeros en la empresa Prodigioso Volcán, con largos años de experiencia asesorando a empresas de alto nivel, tienen la clave para mejorar la manera de comunicarnos con los demás a través de las presentaciones que diseñamos con herramientas tan habituales como Prezi, KeyNote o PowerPoint.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology: Conditions of the Skin, Hair, and Nails in Cancer Patients
The first book focusing specifically on frequent and frequently disabling side effects involving the skin, hair and nails in cancer patients According to the World Health Organization, there are approximately thirty million people living with a diagnosis of cancer – the majority of whom will receive surgery, systemic therapy, and/or radiation, and who will suffer from dermatologic adverse events. Dermatologists and oncologists are only beginning to grapple with these events, which pose serious quality-of-life issues with so many patients, and will become more prevalent as survival rates improve, thanks in part to new cancer treatments and drug regimens. Concentrating on a topic that has only been briefly touched upon by other texts, this book offers a focused perspective on the clinical presentation, underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms, and management of skin, hair, and nail conditions for oncologists, dermatologists, and allied practitioners. Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology: Conditions of the Skin, Hair, and Nails in Cancer Patients: • Covers in detail the dermatologic adverse events of oncologic therapies, clinical presentations, and treatment recommendations • Enables dermatologists and other practitioners to significantly improve the care of patients with cancer • Addresses the dermatologic adverse events of cancer therapies used globally, of which a large number are found in developing countries • Emphasizes prophylactic measures – based on treatments used and type of cancer – to prevent the appearance of adverse events • Provides built-in discussions on patient education for practical counseling during therapies • Offers rapid-reference sections on topical dermatology drugs The first book to present dermatologic conditions in cancer patients and survivors in a uniform and in-depth manner, Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology is ideal for oncologists, oncology nurses, and dermatologists who wish to take better care of those with adverse skin, hair, and nail conditions.
Prh Grupo Editorial El Hablador The Storyteller
FISCHER Taschenbuch Erziehung zum Menschen MontessoriPdagogik heute
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Das bse Mdchen Roman Geschenkausgabe
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Das Fest des Ziegenbocks
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Tod in den Anden
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Der Krieg am Ende der Welt
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Der Hauptmann und sein Frauenbataillon
St Augustine's Press Apocalypse Of Being
Heidegger intended to replace metaphysics by a new kind of thought about that which he called 'Sein', but in his works this noun is very far from meaning the act of being such as it has been traditionally conceived by Western philosophy. His explanations as to what he does mean by 'Sein' underline his departure from traditional metaphysics. 'Sein' is no longer to be understood as the act of the things that exist in the eternal world, but as something revealed to the human mind in an esoteric way. The association of this esoteric revelation of 'Sein' With Holderlin's theosophy led Heidegger to put forward a new gnosis organized as a substitute of metaphysics and of Christian theology as well.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Medio siglo con Borges / Half a Century with Borges
Cornell University Press The Eccentric Realist: Henry Kissinger and the Shaping of American Foreign Policy
During the 2008 election season, the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates both aspired to be understood as foreign policy "realists" in the mold of Henry Kissinger. Kissinger, who is distrusted on the neoconservative right for his skepticism about American exceptionalism and on the liberal left for his amoral, realpolitik approach, once again stood as the sage of foreign relations and the wise man who rises above partisan politics. In The Eccentric Realist, Mario Del Pero questions this depiction of Kissinger. Lauded as the foreign policy realist par excellence, Kissinger, as Del Pero shows, has been far more ideological and inconsistent in his policy formulations than is commonly realized.Del Pero considers the rise and fall of Kissinger's foreign policy doctrine over the course of the 1970s—beginning with his role as National Security Advisor to Nixon and ending with the collapse of détente with the Soviet Union after Kissinger left the scene as Ford's outgoing Secretary of State. Del Pero shows that realism then (not unlike realism now) was as much a response to domestic politics as it was a cold, hard assessment of the facts of international relations. In the early 1970s, Americans were weary of ideological forays abroad; Kissinger provided them with a doctrine that translated that political weariness into foreign policy. Del Pero argues that Kissinger was keenly aware that realism could win elections and generate consensus. Moreover, over the course of the 1970s it became clear that realism, as practiced by Kissinger, was as rigid as the neoconservativism that came to replace it.In the end, the failure of the détente forged by the realists was not the defeat of cool reason at the hands of ideologically motivated and politically savvy neoconservatives. Rather, the force of American exceptionalism, the touchstone of the neocons, overcame Kissinger's political skills and ideological commitments. The fate of realism in the 1970s raises interesting questions regarding its prospects in the early years of the twenty-first century.
Prometheus Books Philosophical Dictionary
This lexicon of modern Western philosophical concepts, problems, principles, and theories may well be the shortest dictionary of philosophy in the English language, but one of the most useful. Organized by internationally recognized philosopher Mario Bunge, this indispensable volume, directed to general and university audiences, elucidates and evaluates many contemporary philosophical ideas from a humanist and scientifically oriented perspective. From A to Z, most entries are brief and nontechnical in nature, highlighting useful philosophical terms rather than trendy ones. Placing emphasis on "living" philosophy, Bunge has deliberately excluded many of the archaic terms and philosophical curios of other dictionaries. He has incorporated a number of "minipapers," or longer definitions of some terms, and he critically analyzes such influential doctrines as existentialism, phenomenology, idealism, materialism, pragmatism, deontological ethics, utilitarianism, and many others. Constructive alternatives are offered to all philosophical approaches criticized. This is a superb reference work for both students and professional philosophers.
Alfaguara Pantaleón y las visitadoras
En esta novela, el premio Nobel Mario Vargas Llosa subraya el eterno debate entre verdad y mentira, entre necesidad y virtud, y las perniciosas consecuencias que depara a veces la observancia rigurosa del deber.Pantaleón Pantoja, un capitán del Ejército recientemente ascendido, recibe la misión de establecer un servicio de prostitución para las Fuerzas Armadas del Perú en el más absoluto secreto militar. Estricto cumplidor del deber, se traslada a Iquitos, en plena selva, para llevar a cabo su cometido, al que se entrega con tal obcecación que termina por poner en peligro el engranaje que él mismo ha puesto en movimiento.Concebida y ensamblada con pericia de maestro, Pantaleón y las visitadoras supone un giro en la obra narrativa de Mario Vargas Llosa. El realismo social presente en sus primeras obras da paso a una precisa dosificación del sentido del humor, la sátira y la ironía que enriquecen sin mesura el desarrollo de su peculiar universo literario.Intenté
Nova Science Publishers Inc Neuroinflammation: An Important Role in the Pathogenic Pathways of Cerebral Ischemia
Cambridge University Press The Cerebellum and its Disorders
Editorial Kairos La Cábala: La Psicología del Misticismo Judío
Faber & Faber The Discreet Hero
Felicito Yanaque has raised himself from poverty to ownership of a trucking business. His two sons work for him. He receives a threatening letter demanding protection money. The police don't take him seriously, Felicito refuses to pay up and gets sucked into a nightmare. He becomes a reluctant public hero. Then his mistress is kidnapped, and matters become seriously complicated. And he finds that his troubles have begun very close to home. His fate is interwoven with the story of Rigoberto, a wealthy Lima insurance executive. His boss and old friend, Ismael, suddenly announces that he is marrying his housekeeper, a chola from Piura, to the consternation of his twin sons, a pair of brutal wasters. Ismael escapes to Europe with his new bride, leaving Rigoberto to face the twins' threats, and their claims that he connived with a scheming woman to rob an old man of his fortune. Rigoberto is hounded by the press and TV. Meanwhile, his only son is having visions of a mysterious stranger who may or may not be the devil...
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire? Vol. 4
When Natsuki opens up about her traumatic past, Yuuna wants to help her fellow competitor. But is Yuuna just getting played? With the competition growing even more intense, people are starting to crack under the pressure - including the bachelor himself! The masks are off in the latest volume of the erotic thriller, Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire?
Nova Science Publishers Inc Comparative Genomics in Neglected Human Parasites
Con la Viva Express, todo lo que hace falta saber sobre Oslo se ha comprimido en volumen súper reducido en el que se encontrará la información más actualizada para viajeros independientes que quieren sacar lo mejor de su presupuesto.En Los imprescindibles se desarrollan siete puntos claves de la ciudad que entraman un especial interés para el viajero.Los Datos prácticos ofrecen información de transportes, documentación, trámites de entrada, acontecimientos culturales, sanidad, idioma, horarios, calendario de fiestas, etc.La Visita a la ciudad supone la descripción monumental de la misma junto con datos sobre compras y fiestas. Asimismo se incluyen también los alrededores, con información sobre espacios de interés que pueden visitarse fácilmente desde el núcleo descrito.Comer y dormir en Oslo es una guía fundamental de locales para el viajero. Se da información detallada de los distintos hoteles y restaurantes que hemos seleccionado siguiendo un riguroso criterio de cali
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire? Vol. 2
THIS EROTIC THRILLER HAS DEADLY STAKESYuuna is in too deep. She thought she’d signed on to a standard reality dating show, but there’s more at stake than money and status now as the battle royale gets bloody! The girls are whisked away to a villa on a private beach, determined to use swimsuits and cunning to bag the billionaire bachelor. Who will be eliminated first, and will she be sent home in a plane or a coffin?!
Bookmundo Direct Happy Projektmanagement mit Scrum
Nova Science Publishers Inc Optical Fibers: Technology, Communications & Recent Advances
Die Gestalten Verlag Designing Brands: A Collaborative Approach to Creating Meaningful Identities
Gregorian & Biblical Press La Parola Nel Dinamismo Ignaziano LIspirazione Biblica Degli Esercizi 7 Spiritualita