Search results for ""Author Valentina"
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Digital Technologies in the New Socio-Economic Reality
This book contains contributions from the IX International Scientific Conference “Digital Transformation of the Economy: Challenges, Trends and New Opportunities,” which was organized by Samara State University of Economics (SSEU, Samara, Russia), 2021, and devoted to the 90th anniversary of this higher education institution.Digital technologies became even more in demand during the pandemic, when companies, state authorities, and educational organizations were forced to switch to a remote format of work. The “forced” digitization of the usual ways of activity required rapid and decisive changes. Understanding the ongoing digital transformation implies the relevance of further in-depth research of this issue in the context of various socioeconomic systems, interdisciplinary interactions, and cooperation between scientists and practitioners. The book is an attempt to analyze these changes and consider them from the point of view of various scientific areas (economics, management, education, law, sociology, and others). This book addresses theoretical and practical aspects by studying the digital technology application in terms of the new socioeconomic reality development: big data in the digital economy, data collection and exchange, artificial intelligence, intelligent communications, digital platforms and strategies for the sustainable development of socioeconomic systems, and new requirements of professional and business education. It provides significant value for scientists, teachers, and students of higher educational institutions.
Hachette Children's Group We Are All Greta: Be Inspired to Save the World
Humans are very adaptable: We can still fix this. But the opportunity to do so will not last for long. We must start today. We have no more excuses' GRETA THUNBERG Follow in the footsteps of the Swedish teenage activist and Nobel Peace Prize candidate in We Are All Greta and join the global mission to save our planet from climate change. Greta Thunberg, author of No One is too Small to Make a Difference, has directed the attention of adults and her peers alike to issues crucial to the future of the planet, and the heads of even the youngest children have been filled with questions. GLOBAL WARMING, THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT, FOSSIL FUELS - what do they all mean? What are biodiversity and sustainable development? Who is studying the changes that are taking place here on Earth? Which sources are reliable? What action can I take? We Are All Greta sets out the basic ideas required to understand climate change, explained in a scientific and accessible way and drawn from the most authoritative sources. With a chapter on key words and sites to help you understand the climate challenge and a list of websites to visit for further information, this is a book for young people, for parents, for grandparents and anyone having to answer direct and urgent questions about what must be done to protect our world. WHAT EARLY READERS ARE SAYING ABOUT WE ARE ALL GRETA 'Will enable readers to understand the climate emergency and learn what can be done to help. Highly illustrated, and with clear, in-depth text and data, it will answer young readers' questions on what climate change means, what its consequences will be, and what must be done to protect our world' LOVEREADING4KIDS BOOK OF THE MONTH 'A must-read book for all the citizens of Earth! You want to save Earth and all in it, stop complaining and start saving' 'A really informative and helpful book that is suitable for both adults and older kids. It was the perfect length and took the time it needed to get the message across without bogging us down' 'Managed to explore a lot of issues in an accessible way, with a great glossary at the end, and also managed to make points without being too scary, preachy or didactic - no mean feat in this field'
Archaeopress Atlas of Ceramic Fabrics 1: Italy: North-East, Adriatic, Ionian. Bronze Age: Impasto
Atlas Of Ceramic Fabrics 1. Italy: North-East, Adriatic, Ionian. Bronze Age: Impasto presents and interprets the petrographic composition of Bronze Age Impasto pottery (23rd-10th centuries BCE) found in the eastern part of Italy. This is the first of a series of Atlases organised according to geographical areas, chronology and types of wares. In this book 935 samples from 63 sites are included, which comprise material obtained as a result of almost 30 years of interdisciplinary archaeological, technological and archaeometric research by the authors’ team. 73 petrographic fabrics (the potters’ ‘recipes’) are defined and presented, on their lithological character – a tool that can be used to compare the different components of the ceramic pastes and to check provenance of non-local pots. The volume is organised in chapters focused on methodology, fabric description and distribution, followed by the archaeological implications and the database, with contributions by Daniele Brunelli and Andrea Di Renzoni. Illustrations and descriptions of the fabrics and a complete list of the samples are included in order to provide a rigorous and transparent presentation of the data. The archaeological implications are discussed within the topics such as technology, variability, standardisation, chronology, function, social organisation, circulation, style, typology and cultural identity. It is hoped that this work will be considered as another stepping-stone in demostrating that, in archaeology, technological variability is as important as morphological and stylistic distinctions.
Archaeopress The Plague Cemetery of Alghero, Sardinia (1582-1583): The Bioarchaeological Study
The Plague Cemetery of Alghero (Sardinia, Italy, 1582-1583) presents a bioarchaeological analysis of the individuals exhumed from the cemetery of Alghero, which is associated with the plague outbreak that ravaged the city in 1582-1583. This cemetery revealed a particular burial typology, consisting of long and narrow trenches, each containing multiple inhumations, which attests to a catastrophic event, such as an epidemic with high mortality in a short period of time. Given the rarity of human remains from epidemic contexts buried in trenches, the skeletal sample from Alghero represents valuable material. In fact, no other Italian plague cemeteries have been examined through a detailed bioarchaeological analysis, and the study thus serves as a model for future research. The author examines a series of parameters, starting from the demographic profile of the sample –181 individuals from 15 trenches – and taphonomic analysis, and then analysing stature, dental pathologies, stress indicators, degenerative joint disease, entheseal changes and other pathologies. The study is intended to illuminate a cross section of 16th century Sardinian society in a coastal city through a holistic view, which interweaves the documentary evidence for plague, funerary responses and the health status of the population. The main objective is therefore to shed light on a population which lived during a period of plague, revealing lifestyles, activity patterns and illnesses and providing a significant contribution to the bioarchaeology, palaeopathology, and archaeology of the Italian territory.
Sassi Build the Titanic
ME - Fordham University Press Migrant Hearts and the Atlantic Return Transnationalism and the Roman Catholic Church
Through the rendering of Catholic Church migration’s debates this book shows how Latin American lay and religious migration in Rome is an Atlantic Return from the Americas challenging an Euro-centric Catholic identity and how multiple forms of being Catholic inform gender, labor and sexuality at the heart of Catholicism in Europe.
Viella Editrice Eleonora d'Aragona: Pratiche Di Potere E Modelli Culturali Nell'italia del Rinascimento
mtm Editores SL (Metafísica del Tercer Milenio SL) Yo pinto yo juego
Herder Editorial Psicoanálisis y familia
Schott Music Turkish Folk Tunes for Recorder
Classiques Garnier Jardins Romanesques Au Xviiie Siecle
Orange Hippo! Green Exploring Color in Art True Color
Design Originals Color Joy Coloring Book: Perfectly Portable Pages
Color Joy Coloring is a conveniently packaged, perfectly portable colouring book for adults designed to reduce stress and relax the mind. It contains a selection of amazing art activities that can be transported anywhere, making it ideal for use in waiting rooms, during your lunch break, or even as a form of therapy on a rainy weekend.Each illustration can be easily personalised with felt-tips, coloured pencils, crayons, gel pens or watercolours.As well as being the perfect product to support the largest craft trend since loom bands, this therapeutic colouring book is the ideal travel companion for commuters wishing to unwind after a stressful day at work, allowing them to exercise their creativity and unleash their inner artist.
Arca ABC of Russian Art from the State Tretyakov Gallery
Our publishing house presents the first ABC book of the Russian art from the 12th till the 20th centuries. You will find on these pages true masterpieces relating to a broad variety of genres: painting, icons, mosaic, sculpture, applied arts, all from the State Tretyakov Gallery collection. We are glad to offer this book to our young and adult readers along with our numerous “ABC books”.
Stauffenburg Verlag La lingua italiana dal fiorentino allinternazionalizzazione
Tulipan Verlag Super so ein Umzug
Schwager und Steinlein Wo ist bloß der Frosch
Dietz Verlag J.H.W. Nachf Schleichender Blackout
Midas Management Nein zu Rassismus
Anness Publishing Food and Cooking of Milan and Bologna
This title presents classic dishes from the North-west of Italy. Discover the secrets of the world-famous cuisines of Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Liguria and Aosta Valley, in a collection of 65 mouthwatering recipes. This is an insightful guide to the geography, climate and culinary history of each region, exploring the similarities and differences that bind the North-west of Italy together. This fascinating exploration of the typical ingredients of the area includes wonderful foods such as Parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar, fresh egg pasta, risotto rice, Parma ham and exquisite white truffles. It is illustrated with over 370 beautiful photographs by the award-winning food photographer Martin Brigdale. Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, Liguria and Aosta Valley comprise the diverse North-western corner of Italy. This fabulous new book opens with an exploration into each region of this part of Italy, focussing on their geography, history and food culture. It includes fascinating information about the festivals and celebrations that take place, as well as the typical foods that accompany them. The recipe section contains 65 authentic dishes from antipasto, through the primo and secondo, to dessert. Famous classics are included, such as Minestrone Soup, Barolo Risotto, Salsa Verde and Panna Cotta. Each dish is beautifully photographed and complete nutritional breakdowns are provided throughout. Cook's tips and variations provide extra help and ideas to help you make the most out of each recipe. A celebration of the distinctive tastes and traditions that have shaped the Italian menu, this book is ideal for anyone wanting to learn how to prepare the classics of North-west Italy.
Archaeopress Il sito della Rocca di Oratino: dieci anni di ricerche: Un’area funzionale all’aperto nell’età del Bronzo
Il sito della Rocca di Oratino: dieci anni di ricerche presenta i risultati delle ricerche condotte a partire dal 2005 nel sito dell’età del Bronzo di Oratino – La Rocca (Campobasso), posto sull’alta valle del fiume Biferno, in posizione strategica lungo un’importante via di penetrazione che dalla costa adriatica permette di risalire verso le zone interne verso il massiccio del Matese, ai piedi di un alto sperone roccioso che caratterizza ancora oggi il paesaggio. Con questo volume vengono presentati i dati relativi agli ultimi livelli di frequentazione dell’insediamento, da porsi in un momento avanzato del Subappenninico (XII sec. a.C.). Questi sono caratterizzati dalla presenza di una serie di piastre di cottura e focolari, legati ad attività connesse con l’uso del fuoco, orientate alla preparazione e al consumo degli alimenti. Sono inclusi gli studi sulle diverse categorie di manufatti rinvenuti, tra cui le ceramiche, i concotti e i manufatti in litica scheggiata, oltre ai resti bioarcheologici, in particolare paelobotanici, che possono oggi confluire in una ricerca multidisciplinare. L’analisi integrata dei dati a disposizione (dati di scavo, studio funzionale delle ceramiche, determinazione dei resti bioarcheologici e distribuzione spaziale di questi e di altri manufatti) permette di formulare alcune ipotesi legate al funzionamento delle strutture di fuoco e alla gestione dello spazio, in un’area aperta posta in una zona marginale del sito.
Sassi Build a Locomotive 3D
Sassi Cinderella
Cinderella is beautiful, gentle and kind, and because of this her step-sisters and stepmother envy her. The stepmother, in fact, forces Cinderella to a life of hard work, but all is not lost! Thanks to the magic touch of her fairy godmother, Cinderella will meet the prince...and her every dream will come true!
Sassi Who Lives in the Woods
Press and listen to the sounds of the animals in the woods!
Peter Lang AG Trauma Studies and Literature: Martin Amis’s "Time’s Arrow" As Trauma Fiction
Starting from an interdisciplinary theoretical investigation of trauma, the book analyzes the relationship between Trauma Studies and literature. In particular, it focuses on Martin Amis’s novel Time’s Arrow, where the breakdown of chronology, coherence and predictability mimics the collapse of temporality and the crisis of truth caused by trauma in the individual’s mind. Amis’s novel reproduces the shocking force of trauma through a shocking narrative form in order to avoid indifference and favour an empathetic and ethically committed reaction on the part of readers. For these reasons, Time’s Arrow represents a significant example of trauma fiction.
Sassi Build an Airplane 3D
Classiques Garnier Les Mille Et Un Visages de la Virago: Marphise Et Bradamante, Entre Continuation Et Variation
Anness Publishing Food and Cooking of Sicily
This book opens with an evocative introduction to the history, geography and traditions that have shaped the culinary culture of these regions, as well as an intriguing commentary on the local festivals and their accompanying foods. This is followed by an essential guide to the classic ingredients. There follows a collection of 65 regional recipes, with chapters covering all the traditional courses including Antipasti, Soups and Breads; Pasta, Gnocchi and Rice; Fish and Shellfish; Poultry, Meat and Game; Vegetables, Eggs and Cheese; and Desserts and Baking. Authentic dishes are included from each region, such as Sicilian Rice Fritters, Pasta with Potenza Ragu, Trapani Fish Couscous, Lucanian Chicken Pie, Pugliese Beef Rolls, Calabrian Sweetmeats and Sicilian Cassata.
Orange Hippo! Yellow Exploring Color in Art True Color
Orange Hippo! Blue Exploring Color in Art True Color
States Academic Press Grammaticalization Scenarios: Cross-Linguistic Variation and Universal Tendencies
Odd Dot Counting on Mom
A beautifully illustrated picture book that encourages readers to count and celebrate all the moms around them!1 mom waking, 2 moms eating, 3 moms walking . . .Moms are all around us! This simple counting book encourages readers to count and celebrate all the amazing moms around them--the heroes kids count on everyday! Moms playing; moms relaxing; moms helping each other and their kids. It''s a joyful opportunity to celebrate all that moms are and do! With sweet animal characters and charming art, this is the perfect gift book for new moms and at Mother''s Day and all year long.
GABAL Verlag GmbH Generation Money
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Gertrude Stein und ihr Salon der Künste
Tulipan Verlag Bulettenbande
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Adieu Atlantis
Gräfe u. Unzer AutorenV Generation Z
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Blitzrezepte fr HundeSmoothies Liquid Snacks gemixt gekocht in Tuben
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Still searching for you
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Still wanting you
Penguin TB Verlag Himbeerzeit
Midas Collection Mein Name ist Greta Das Manifest einer neuen Generation
Quercus Publishing The Dark: a wildly addictive thriller perfect for crime fiction fans
The critically acclaimed, breathtaking thriller: perfect for fans of Angela Marsons, CL Taylor and Kathryn Croft.Seattle Homicide Detective Alice Madison is bound to jailed murderer John Cameron and attorney Nathan Quinn by a debt that cannot be repaid, by a nightmare that changed their lives forever. When the remains of Quinn's younger brother - murdered as a boy - are discovered in a shallow grave, Madison vows to follow the trail of brutal deaths to discover the sinister truth. A sadistic killer stalks the investigation as demons from Madison's own past are unearthed and darkness closes in. How far is Madison prepared to go to save a life?Discover more Detective Alice Madison with the other books in the critically acclaimed series - The Gift of Darkness and Blood and Bone.
Fordham University Press Migrant Hearts and the Atlantic Return: Transnationalism and the Roman Catholic Church
Migrant Hearts and the Atlantic Return examines contemporary migration in the context of a Roman Catholic Church eager to both comprehend and act upon the movements of peoples. Combining extensive fieldwork with lay and religious Latin American migrants in Rome and analysis of the Catholic Church’s historical desires and anxieties around conversion since the period of colonization, Napolitano sketches the dynamics of a return to a faith’s putative center. Against a Eurocentric notion of Catholic identity, Napolitano shows how the Americas reorient Europe. Napolitano examines both popular and institutional Catholicism in the celebrations of the Virgin of Guadalupe and El Senor de los Milagros, papal encyclicals, the Latin American Catholic Mission, and the order of the Legionaries of Christ. Tracing the affective contours of documented and undocumented immigrants’ experiences and the Church’s multiple postures toward transnational migration, she shows how different ways of being Catholic inform constructions of gender, labor, and sexuality whose fault lines intersect across contemporary Europe.
Silvana Adrian Paci: Lights to Serve the Night
Dark room. The frame of a boat hangs, suspended. A cascade of light fibres flows downwards and the wires are arranged on the ground, like the tentacles of a motionless Medusa, beyond time's limits. Among the protagonists of the international art scene, Adrian Paci uses a straight-forward language - lacking rhetoric to investigate the human condition with refined formal synthesis. In his works, migration, which he experienced in the first person, is sublimated into universal research on the indefinite nature of the human being, and on the complexity of social, political and cultural dynamics intrinsic to contemporary life. The project Di queste luci si serviraÌ la notte (Lights to Serve the Night) underlines his ability to narrate our times and describe the perpetual transit of man, assimilated to the continuous flow of water and its cathartic power.