Search results for ""Author Pierre""
Gräfe u. Unzer AutorenV Das Dukan Diät Kochbuch
Gräfe u. Unzer AutorenV Die Dukan Diät
BWV Berliner-Wissenschaft Der UkraineKonflikt als Herausforderung an das Völkerrecht das Verfassungsrecht und das Verwaltungsrecht
Vde Verlag GmbH Guideline Industrial Security
Emons Verlag 111 Schweizer Weine die man getrunken haben muss
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Schulleitung und Schulentwicklung in Frankreich: Fallstudien an collèges im Großraum Paris
Wie arbeiten Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter in Frankreich? Welche Herausforderungen erwarten sie im beruflichen Alltag? Wie ist ihr Verhältnis zur Schulentwicklung? Was können wir daraus für unseren Kontext lernen? Diesen Fragen widmet sich Pierre Tulowitzki in seiner Studie. Er untersucht, wie Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter ihre Arbeitszeit verbringen, wann und wie sie sich Schulentwicklung widmen und welche Phänomene sich in diesem Kontext manifestieren. Grundlage sind Fallstudien an fünf weiterführenden Schulen (collèges) eines Schulbezirks bei Paris.
FISCHER Scherz Trügerische Provence
FISCHER Scherz Finstere Provence
FISCHER Scherz Unheilvolle Provence
FISCHER Scherz Bedrohliche Provence
Klett-Cotta Verlag Drei Tage und ein Leben
FISCHER Taschenbuch Eiskalte Provence
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Valerian und Veronique Die Bewohner des Himmels erweiterte Neuausgabe
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Valerian und Veronique Gesamtausgabe 04
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Valerian und Veronique Gesamtausgabe 01 Sammelband
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Der Hafen der Geheimnisse 1 Das Monster aus dem Meer
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Homo academicus
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Die politische Ontologie Martin Heideggers
Piper Verlag GmbH Die kleine Kartäuserin
Heyne Taschenbuch Onkel Toms Htte Berlin Roman
btb Taschenbuch Die Farben des Feuers
Knaur Taschenbuch Madame le Commissaire und das geheime Dossier
Knaur Taschenbuch Monsieur le Comte und die Kunst der Täuschung
Knaur Taschenbuch Madame le Commissaire und der verschwundene Englnder
Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage Westermann Schroedel Diesterweg Schoningh Winklers GmbH Einfach Deutsch: Einfach Deutsch/Andersch/Fahrerflucht
Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage Westermann Schroedel Diesterweg Schoningh Winklers GmbH Einfach Deutsch: Einfach Deutsch/Anne Frank
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Point Process Calculus in Time and Space: An Introduction with Applications
This book provides an introduction to the theory and applications of point processes, both in time and in space. Presenting the two components of point process calculus, the martingale calculus and the Palm calculus, it aims to develop the computational skills needed for the study of stochastic models involving point processes, providing enough of the general theory for the reader to reach a technical level sufficient for most applications. Classical and not-so-classical models are examined in detail, including Poisson–Cox, renewal, cluster and branching (Kerstan–Hawkes) point processes.The applications covered in this text (queueing, information theory, stochastic geometry and signal analysis) have been chosen not only for their intrinsic interest but also because they illustrate the theory. Written in a rigorous but not overly abstract style, the book will be accessible to earnest beginners with a basic training in probability but will also interest upper graduate students and experienced researchers.
Gallimard Le Nageur
Cinebook Ltd Valerian: The Complete Collection Volume 2
In this book you will find volumes 3 to 5: The Land Without Stars, Welcome to Alflolol and Birds of the Master - three stories that introduce the societal criticism aspect of the series. Battle of the sexes, totalitarianism and extreme productivism are lambasted, but never at the expense of fantasy or of the action. And as they travel from world to distant world, Laureline becomes a truly equal partner, far from the stereotypical female sidekick roles of the time. Finally, the second part of the exclusive interview with the authors and director Luc Besson is followed by an in-depth portrait of Pierre Christin, the writer.
Cinebook Ltd Valerian 18 - In Uncertain Times
The (false?) gods of Hypsis are once again interfering with Human history. Tired of their lower status among their peers, the trinity in charge of planet Earth opens communications with megacorporation Vivaxis at the end of the 20th century - an occurrence Valerian and Laureline's allies report to the two ex-agents. But to what end did the Hypsians initiate such a contact? And who is the mysterious Sat who, from the depths of Point Central, also endeavours to meddle with Human affairs?
Cinebook Ltd Valerian 6 - Ambassador of the Shadows Deluxe Edition
Point Central is a multicultural space station that serves as a sort of United Nations to the galaxy. Tasked with protecting the new ambassador from Earth, Valerian is kidnapped alongside his charge in a lightning commando attack. It's up to Laureline to do all the heavy lifting and slog through the seedy bowels of the station as she tries to locate and rescue themand figure out who kidnapped them and why.
Cinebook Ltd Valerian 14 - The Living Weapons
Valerian and Laureline, no longer members of any organization, are down to doing space deliveries. With Galaxity gone and money getting scarce, their aging spaceship is becoming a hazard, which is pushing Valerian into accepting questionable cargo. After a somewhat rough landing, our two ex-agents, on their way to deliver their goods, meet some individuals with very surprising gifts who claim to be itinerant artists. But is that really all they are?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ethics in Social Networking and Business 2: The Future and Changing Paradigms
This book, the second of two volumes dedicated to ethics in social networking and business, presents the future and changing paradigms related to ethics, and morality in our interconnected society. This volume analyzes advanced topics, including new technologies, transhumanism and uberization, to provide a more complex, shared and collective environment into why business ethics is essential for managing risks and uncertainties. The Ethics in Social Networking and Business series is the result of a cross-integration of real experiences (from IBM, society and the Rotary Club), transdisciplinary works in decision making, and advances at the boundaries of several scientific fields.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Electronics 3: Discrete-time Signals and Systems, and Quantized Level Systems
Over the last 60 years, electronics has undergone important and rapid developments. This has generated a large range of theoretical and practical notions. This book presents a comprehensive treatise on the evolution of electronics and allows the reader to grasp both the fundamental concepts and the associated practical applications through examples and exercises. Following on from Volume 1, which studied elementary devices, their electrical models and basic functions, Volume 2 was devoted to linear and stationary systems in the continuous-time regime. This third volume deals with the properties of discrete-time and quantized level systems over two chapters. The first presents an analysis of sampled signals and systems, with applications on switched capacitors circuits, analog and digital phase locked loops, frequency synthesis and filters characterized by either finite or infinite impulse response. Most tools are useful to elucidate the properties of both analog and digital systems. The second chapter focuses on the properties of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters. Various principles that are used to perform these conversions are described. Finally, a large section is devoted to sigma-delta converters. Throughout this whole chapter, the signal-to-noise ratio, which is a central issue in these quantized level systems, is analyzed and discussed. Both chapters are followed by useful exercises which illustrate the general principles addressed. The exercises further build on the material covered in the chapters, particularly that which may not have been covered in detail.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Electronics 1: Electronic Components and Elementary Functions
Electronics has undergone important and rapid developments over the last 60 years, which have generated a large range of theoretical and practical notions. This book presents a comprehensive treatise of the evolution of electronics for the reader to grasp both fundamental concepts and the associated practical applications through examples and exercises. This first volume of the Fundamentals of Electronics series comprises four chapters devoted to elementary devices, i.e. diodes, bipolar junction transistors and related devices, field effect transistors and amplifiers, their electrical models and the basic functions they can achieve. Volumes to come will deal with systems in the continuous time regime, the various aspects of sampling signals and systems using analog (A) and digital (D) treatments, quantized level systems, as well as DA and AD converter principles and realizations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Management of Chronic Diseases: Organizational Innovation and Efficiency
This book aims to redefine the requirements of an effective care for the chronic diseases, and their difficulties of implementation; to analyze the processes allowing to reinforce quality and to contain the costs and the expenditure related to this care; and to release the dynamic processes of development of an efficient care, the organisational forms and the corresponding strategies.
University of Minnesota Press Cyberculture
John Wiley and Sons Ltd On the State: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1989 - 1992
What is the nature of the modern state? How did it come into being and what are the characteristics of this distinctive field of power that has come to play such a central role in the shaping of all spheres of social, political and economic life? In this major work the great sociologist Pierre Bourdieu addresses these fundamental questions. Modifying Max Weber’s famous definition, Bourdieu defines the state in terms of the monopoly of legitimate physical and symbolic violence, where the monopoly of symbolic violence is the condition for the possession and exercise of physical violence. The state can be reduced neither to an apparatus of power in the service of dominant groups nor to a neutral site where conflicting interests are played out: rather, it constitutes the form of collective belief that structures the whole of social life. The ‘collective fiction’ of the state Ð a fiction with very real effects - is at the same time the product of all struggles between different interests, what is at stake in these struggles, and their very foundation. While the question of the state runs through the whole of Bourdieu’s work, it was never the subject of a book designed to offer a unified theory. The lecture course presented here, to which Bourdieu devoted three years of his teaching at the Collège de France, fills this gap and provides the key that brings together the whole of his research in this field. This text also shows ‘another Bourdieu’, both more concrete and more pedagogic in that he presents his thinking in the process of its development. While revealing the illusions of ‘state thought’ designed to maintain belief in government being oriented in principle to the common good, he shows himself equally critical of an ‘anti-institutional mood’ that is all too ready to reduce the construction of the bureaucratic apparatus to the function of maintaining social order. At a time when financial crisis is facilitating the hasty dismantling of public services, with little regard for any notion of popular sovereignty, this book offers the critical instruments needed for a more lucid understanding of the wellsprings of domination.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Social Structures of the Economy
Much orthodox economic theory is based on assumptions which are treated as self-evident: supply and demand are regarded as independent entities, the individual is assumed to be a rational agent who knows his interests and how to make decisions corresponding to them, and so on. But one has only to examine an economic transaction closely, as Pierre Bourdieu does here for the buying and selling of houses, to see that these abstract assumptions cannot explain what happens in reality. As Bourdieu shows, the market is constructed by the state, which can decide, for example, whether to promote private housing or collective provision. And the individuals involved in the transaction are immersed in symbolic constructions which constitute, in a strong sense, the value of houses, neighbourhoods and towns. The abstract and illusory nature of the assumptions of orthodox economic theory has been criticised by some economists, but Bourdieu argues that we must go further. Supply, demand, the market and even the buyer and seller are products of a process of social construction, and so-called ‘economic' processes can be adequately described only by calling on sociological methods. Instead of seeing the two disciplines in antagonistic terms, it is time to recognize that sociology and economics are in fact part of a single discipline, the object of which is the analysis of social facts, of which economic transactions are in the end merely one aspect. This brilliant study by the most original sociologist of post-war France will be essential reading for students and scholars of sociology, economics, anthropology and related disciplines.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Masculine Domination
Masculine domination is so deeply ingrained in our unconscious that we hardly perceive all of its dimensions. It is so much in line with our expectations that we struggle to call it fully into question. Pierre Bourdieu's ethnographic analysis of gender divisions in Kabyle society, as a living reservoir of the Mediterranean cultural tradition, provides a potent instrument for disclosing the symbolic structures of the androcentric unconscious which survives in the men and women of our own societies. Bourdieu analyses masculine domination as a paradigmatic form of symbolic violence - the kind of gentle, invisible, pervasive violence which is exercised through cognition and misrecognition, knowledge and sentiment, often with the unwitting consent of the dominated. To understand this form of domination we must analyse both its invariant features and the historical work of dehistoricization through which social institutions - family, school, church, state - eternalize the arbitrary at the root of men's power. This analysis leads directly to the political question: can we neutralize the mechanisms through which history is continuously turned into nature, thereby freeing the forces of change and accelerating the incipient transformations of the relations between the sexes? This new book by Pierre Bourdieu - which has been a bestseller in France - will be essential reading for students and scholars across the social sciences and humanities and for anyone concerned with questions of gender, sexuality and power.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The State Nobility: Elite Schools in the Field of Power
In this major work, Bourdieu examines the distinctive forms of power - political, intellectual, bureaucratic and economic - by means of which contemporary societies are governed. What kinds of competence are claimed by the bureaucrats and technocrats who administer our societies? And how do those who govern come to gain the recognition of those who are governed by them? Bourdieu examines in detail the work of consecration which is carried out by the educational system - and especially in France by the grandes écoles. The work of consecration can be seen in operation in different historical periods, whenever a nobility is produced. Today the socially recognized groups function according to a logic similar to that which characterized the divisions between high and low in the ancien régime. Today this state nobility is the heir - structural and sometimes even genealogical - of the noblesse de robe which, in order to consolidate its position in relation to other forms of power, had to construct the modern state and the republican myths, meritocracy and civil service which went along with it. Bourdieu examines the mechanisms which produce the kind of nobility displayed by those who govern, and the recognition granted to them by those who are governed by them.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Weight of the World: Social Suffering in Contemporary Society
This book can be read like a series of short stories - the story of a steel worker who was laid off after twenty years in the same factory and who now struggles to support his family on unemployment benefits and a part-time job; the story of a trade unionist who finds his goals undermined by the changing nature of work; the story of a family from Algeria living in a housing estate in the outskirts of Paris whose members have to cope with pervasive, everyday forms of racism; the story of a school teacher confronted with urban violence; and many others as well. Reading these stories enables one to understand these people's lives and the forms of social suffering which are part of them. And the reader will see that this book offers not only a distinctive method for analysing social life, but also another way of practising politics.
Yale University Press Sunday. Pierre Droulers Choreographer
This book celebrates 40 years of work by Pierre Droulers (b. 1951), a pioneer of contemporary dance and choreographer of more than 30 works. A key figure in France and Belgium since the 1970s, Droulers was one of the first students to graduate from the Mundra School. In tune with the zeitgeist since the beginning of his career, Droulers has collaborated with singular and forward-thinking musicians, from jazz saxophonist Steve Lacy and beat poet Brion Gysin to Isreali group Minimal Compact and performance artist Winston Tong. In later years Droulers has developed fruitful artistic exchanges with visual artists, particularly Michel François and Ann Veronica Janssens. Drawing on archives for images and text, along with personal recollections and quotations, this monograph presents a three-dimensional narrative: the collisions of faces, landscapes, and words revealing Droulers’s artistic world as one of obsessions and fantasies, of light and darkness. Distributed for Mercatorfonds
Hachette Livre - BNF de Recuperatione Terre Sancte: Traité de Politique Générale (Éd.1891)
Grub Street Publishing Vegan Pastry
World-renowned pastry chef Pierre Herme has been revolutionizing the world of patisserie since 1998 with his famous creations. Today, Herme offers a new story of gourmet patisserie created with vegetal products. This is his first vegan book co-written with chef Linda Vongdara.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Photography: A Middle-Brow Art
The everyday practice of photography by millions of amateur photographers - the family snapshots, the holiday prints, the wedding portraits - may seem to be a spontaneous and highly personal activity. But Bourdieu and his associates show that few cultural activities are more structured and systematic than the social uses of this ordinary art. This perceptive and wide-ranging analysis of the practice of photography brings out the logic implicit in this cultural field. The norms which define the occasions and the objects of photography serve to display the socially differentiated functions of, and attitudes towards, the photographic image and act. For some social groups, photography is primarily a means of preserving the present and reproducing the euphoric moments of collective celebration, whereas for other groups it is the occasion of an aesthetic judgement, in which photos are endowed with the dignity of works of art.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Pierre Reverdy