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Springer International Publishing AG AI and Big Data in Cardiology: A Practical Guide
This book provides a detailed technical overview of the use and applications of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and big data in cardiology. Recent technological advancements in these fields mean that there is significant gain to be had in applying these methodologies into day-to-day clinical practice. Chapters feature detailed technical reviews and highlight key current challenges and limitations, along with the available techniques to address them for each topic covered. Sample data sets are also included to provide hands-on tutorials for readers using Python-based Jupyter notebooks, and are based upon real-world examples to ensure the reader can develop their confidence in applying these techniques to solve everyday clinical problems.Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Cardiology systematically describes and technically reviews the latest applications of AI and big data within cardiology. It is ideal for use by the trainee and practicing cardiologist and informatician seeking an up-to-date resource on the topic with which to aid them in developing a thorough understanding of both basic concepts and recent advances in the field.
Fantom Films Limited Godfrey's Ghost: From Father to Son
Visor libros, S.L. Álbum de Venus seguido del Arte de putear de Moratín
Con el Álbum de Venus, seguido del Arte de putear de Moratín (Madrid?, ca. 1815-1820), curioso ejemplar decimonónico reaparecido en el año 2012, estamos ante un excelente representante de la literatura erótica clandestina escrita a caballo entre los últimos años del siglo XVIII y los primeros del XIX. Tras haber permanecido olvidado en las bibliotecas de algunos de nuestros más insignes bibliófilos durante casi dos siglos, se reproduce por primera vez en este volumen el texto íntegro del impreso original, actualizando únicamente los problemas textuales que pudieran suponer un escollo para el lector actual.El Álbum de Venus, que había permanecido inédito hasta la fecha, está constituido por una antología poética que reúne dieciocho poemas de tipo erótico pornográfico de diferente calidad y maestría. En esta miscelánea compilación, más allá de la mera descripción pornográfica, se nos invita a disfrutar del momento a través de unos poemas sensuales, atractivos y sugerentes que, lejos
Harvard University Press Fraud in the Lab: The High Stakes of Scientific Research
From a journalist and former lab researcher, a penetrating investigation of the explosion in cases of scientific fraud and the factors behind it.In the 1970s, a scientific scandal about painted mice hit the headlines. A cancer researcher was found to have deliberately falsified his experiments by coloring transplanted mouse skin with ink. This widely publicized case of scientific misconduct marked the beginning of an epidemic of fraud that plagues the scientific community today.From manipulated results and made-up data to retouched illustrations and plagiarism, cases of scientific fraud have skyrocketed in the past two decades, especially in the biomedical sciences. Fraud in the Lab examines cases of scientific misconduct around the world and asks why this behavior is so pervasive. Nicolas Chevassus-au-Louis points to large-scale trends that have led to an environment of heightened competition, extreme self-interest, and emphasis on short-term payoffs. Because of the move toward highly specialized research, fewer experts are qualified to verify experimental findings. And the pace of journal publishing has exacerbated the scientific rewards system—publish or perish holds sway more than ever. Even when instances of misconduct are discovered, researchers often face few consequences, and falsified data may continue to circulate after an article has been retracted.Sharp and damning, this exposé details the circumstances that have allowed scientific standards to decline. Fraud in the Lab reveals the intense social pressures that lead to fraud, documents the lasting impact it has had on the scientific community, and highlights recent initiatives and proposals to reduce the extent of misconduct in the future.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Electrocatalysis for Membrane Fuel Cells: Methods, Modeling, and Applications
Electrocatalysis for Membrane Fuel Cells Comprehensive resource covering hydrogen oxidation reaction, oxygen reduction reaction, classes of electrocatalytic materials, and characterization methods Electrocatalysis for Membrane Fuel Cells focuses on all aspects of electrocatalysis for energy applications, covering perspectives as well as the low-temperature fuel systems principles, with main emphasis on hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) and the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). Following an introduction to basic principles of electrochemistry for electrocatalysis with attention to the methods to obtain the parameters crucial to characterize these systems, Electrocatalysis for Membrane Fuel Cells covers sample topics such as: Electrocatalytic materials and electrode configurations, including precious versus non-precious metal centers, stability and the role of supports for catalytic nano-objects; Fundamentals on characterization techniques of materials and the various classes of electrocatalytic materials; Theoretical explanations of materials and systems using both Density Functional Theory (DFT) and molecular modelling; Principles and methods in the analysis of fuel cells systems, fuel cells integration and subsystem design. Electrocatalysis for Membrane Fuel Cells quickly and efficiently introduces the field of electrochemistry, along with synthesis and testing in prototypes of materials, to researchers and professionals interested in renewable energy and electrocatalysis for chemical energy conversion.
Les Belles Lettres Le Theatre Du Monde. Une Histoire Des Masques
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Topics and Stochastic Models for Dependent Data with Applications
This book is a collective volume authored by leading scientists in the field of stochastic modelling, associated statistical topics and corresponding applications. The main classes of stochastic processes for dependent data investigated throughout this book are Markov, semi-Markov, autoregressive and piecewise deterministic Markov models. The material is divided into three parts corresponding to: (i) Markov and semi-Markov processes, (ii) autoregressive processes and (iii) techniques based on divergence measures and entropies. A special attention is payed to applications in reliability, survival analysis and related fields.
Africa World Press Young Africa: Realising the Rights of Children and Youth
University of Nebraska Press Dirty Words in Deadwood: Literature and the Postwestern
Dirty Words in “Deadwood” showcases literary analyses of the Deadwood television series by leading western American literary critics. Whereas previous reaction to the series has largely addressed the question of historical accuracy rather than intertextuality or literary complexity, Melody Graulich and Nicolas S. Witschi’s edited volume brings a much-needed perspective to Deadwood’s representation of the frontier West. As Graulich observes in her introduction: “With its emotional coherence, compelling characterizations, compressed structural brilliance, moral ambiguity, language experiments, interpretation of the past, relevance to the present, and engagement with its literary forebears, Deadwood is an aesthetic triumph as historical fiction and, like much great literature, makes a case for the humanistic value of storytelling.” From previously unpublished interviews with series creator David Milch to explorations of sexuality, disability, cinematic technique, and western narrative, this collection focuses on Deadwood as a series ultimately about the imagination, as a verbal and visual construct, and as a literary masterpiece that richly rewards close analysis and interpretation.
Dis Voir Adventures of Percival
Oxford University Press Is Einstein Still Right?: Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, and the Quest to Verify Einstein's Greatest Creation
Albert Einstein is often viewed as the icon of genius, and his theories are admired for their beauty and correctness. Yet the final judge of any theory is the rigorous test of experiment, not the fame of its inventor or the allure of its mathematics. For decades, general relativity has passed test after test with flying colors, including some remarkable new tests using the recently detected gravitational waves. Still, there are reasons for doubt. Einstein's theory of gravity, as beautiful as it is, seems to be in direct contradiction with another theory he helped create: quantum mechanics. Until recently, this was considered to be a purely academic affair. But as more and more data pour in from the most distant corners of the universe, hinting at bizarre stuff called "dark energy" and "dark matter," some scientists have begun to explore the possibility that Einstein's theory may not provide a complete picture of the cosmos. This book chronicles the latest adventures of scientists as they put Einstein's theory to the test in ever more precise and astonishing ways, and in ever more extreme situations, when gravity is unfathomably intense and rapidly churning. From the explosions of neutron stars and the collisions of black holes to the modern scientific process as a means to seek truth and understanding in the cosmos, this book takes the reader on a journey of learning and discovery that has been 100 years in the making.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Photosynthesis: Theory & Applications in Energy, Biotechnology & Nanotechnology
Hatje Cantz Loris Gréaud: The Unplayed Notes & The Underground Sculpture Park — 2012-2020
The works by the conceptual artist Loris Gréaud include installations, films, and architecture, as does his long-term project taking place around the world, The Unplayed Notes. Viewers encounter an experimental field of diverse media, all of which attempt to give form to temperature, light waves, or time. Gréaud is interested in the stages of artistic production. The process of searching per se becomes visible in his installations. This book reveals the development of his art, in accordance with the ideas of Karlheinz Stockhausen, which gave the book its name: the actual meaning of a work lies in its unplayed, unheard notes. It includes as well an introduction to his upcoming project The Underground Sculpture Park that will be inaugurated in the Oaxaca desert and two complementary essays by the artist’s long-time collaborator, outstanding theorist, and curator Nicolas Bourriaud.Bilingual: English and French.
DBQA Publishing Understanding Wine Technology: The Science of Wine Explained
Understanding Wine Technology has become the most favoured book of many students. This book is aimed at the person with no formal scientific training, yet who is interested in the science behind wine and wants to know the mechanism behind the complex transformations that take place. Scientific terminology has been kept to a minimum and an attempt has been made to use everyday words and phrases. Indeed, there are places where the scientist might raise the eyebrows, places where perhaps science has had to give way to an easy understanding of a complex principle. In this fourth edition Nicolas Quille, a well-qualified and widely-experienced French winemaker working in Oregon USA has brought the information up-to-date so that this book remains the mainstay for those who are studying for the Diploma of the WSET or for membership of the Institute of Masters of Wine. The text has also been expanded to include more information on the making of the major styles of the wines of the world, which should be of interest to those who are not engaged in study, but who have an enquiring mind and therefore want to know the mechanisms behind their production. Hugh Johnson writes in the Foreword: I'm not sure whether to call this book a primer, a memory-jogger or a lifesaver. Which it is depends on the reader. For WSET students it is essentially the first, then the second. For people like me it is the third- than rather belatedly the first. What we all need is a crisp exposition of how wine is made and why, easy to refer to when a funny smell appears, to cover the physics, natural history, legislation and finally the appreciation of wine. David's first edition has been my stand-by for years. I have my Peynaud, my Amerine & Joslyn, my Michael Schuster for going deeper in certain areas where necessary, but I wouldn't be without Bird in the hand. This fourth edition adds freshly-focused insight into the production of the principal styles of the wines of the world, making it equally interesting for those who are simply lovers of wine and for those who are serious students of the Master of Wine examination. New concepts such as Orange, organic, biodynamic and 'natural' wines have been added to the public's vocabulary - leaving many baffled and curious. Modern food legislation adds another obstacle course for the winemaker to negotiate. The detailed explanation of the mysteries of Hazard Analysis make this book particularly useful for wineries that are faced with the new problems of food safety legislation. Essentially, though, this is the classic Bird, much updated from the third edition and available once more to ease the pangs of students young and old.
Editorial CEP, S.L. Fisioterapeutas. Servicio Andaluz de Salud SAS. Temario Vol. I
FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓNviernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010PERFIL DEL CANDIDATO- Opositores de Fisioterapeutas del Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS)- Preparadores y academias.- Profesionales del Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS)CONTENIDOEl presente manual contiene el material adecuado para la preparación eficaz de las pruebas selectivas para el acceso a las plazas vacantes de Fisioterapeutas del Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS).En este primer volumen se desarrollan, de forma rigurosa y coherente con el nivel del puesto de trabajo, los temas 1 a 17 del programa oficial establecido en la anterior convocatoria.Elaborados por personal docente especializado con amplia experiencia en la formación de profesionales para los distintos servicios de salud, en cada uno de los temas encontrará:- Objetivos del tema a conseguir con el estudio de cada tema.- Referencias legislativas- Esquemas-resúmenes
Classiques Garnier Repenser l'Authenticite: Essai Sur Charles Taylor Et Charles Larmore
Les Belles Lettres Au Bout Du Monde: Oeuvre Poetique III
Pelican Publishing Co Warlord's Kites, The
Pelican Publishing Co Warlord's Puppeteers, The
Pelican Publishing Co Warlord's Fish, The
Penguin Putnam Inc A History of the Middle East: Fifth Edition
Edition Patrick Frey Nicolas Faure: The Order of Things
Kohlhammer Organisationspadagogik: Eine Einfuhrung
Mac Keith Press Management of Neuromuscular Disorders in Children: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Management
This book is the first to provide comprehensive information in one place on the management of neuromuscular disorders (NMDs) in children. Written by experts from the international NMD community, this volume describes the natural history of the most frequent NMDs, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy spinal muscular atrophy, hereditary neuropathies, congenital and metabolic neuropathies and myasthenic syndromes. Best practice management of key functions typically affected by NMDs, such as, cognition and mental health, respiratory function, gastrointestinal, nutritional and cardiology management is provided. Sexual issues and transition to adulthood are also discussed. The final part of the book provides a critical review of new evidenced-based management approaches to NMDs. The large number of healthcare professionals involved in managing children with NMDs will find this a useful one-stop reference resource
Maverick Arts Publishing The Spectre Inspectors / The Poltergeist's Problem
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Rapid Prototyping Software for Avionics Systems: Model-oriented Approaches for Complex Systems Certification
The design, implementation and validation of avionics and aeronautical systems have become extremely complex tasks due to the increase of functionalities that are deployed in current avionics systems and the need to be able certify them before putting them into production. This book proposes a methodology to enable the rapid prototyping of such a system by considering from the start the certification aspects of the solution produced. This method takes advantage of the model-based design approaches as well as the use of formal methods for the validation of these systems. Furthermore, the use of automatic software code generation tools using models makes it possible to reduce the development phase as well as the final solution testing. This book presents, firstly, an overview of the model-based design approaches such as those used in the field of aeronautical software engineering. Secondly, an original methodology that is perfectly adapted to the field of aeronautical embedded systems is introduced. Finally, the authors illustrate the use of this method using a case study for the design, implementation and testing of a new generation aeronautical router.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Marketing Countries, Places, and Place-associated Brands: Identity and Image
This book integrates new thinking on the image, marketing, and branding of places at all levels, from town squares to cities and countries, and of the products and peoples associated with them, thereby bridging the ‘country’ and ‘place’ silos in place-related research and practice. Insightful contributions from top scholars reflect fresh theorizing and provide a critical appraisal of conventional wisdom by juxtaposing intriguing contexts, questioning commonplace practices, and challenging methodologies and theoretical assumptions.Chapters explore interdependencies among residents, visitors, brand managers, and consumers; image effects of place and social identity, cross-border acquisitions, popular culture exports, and sporting mega-events; country-of-origin research, cross-cultural consumer behaviour, international marketing, destination branding, and brand modelling; and cutting-edge methodological approaches and managerial best practices in place marketing. The book’s interdisciplinary know-how and approach makes it an invaluable and comprehensive reference for researchers, managers, consultants, and students alike, in areas from marketing, place management, international business, and tourism to communications, social psychology, urban geography, and regional economics.
ISTE Ltd Nuclear Economy 1: Nuclear Fuel Cycle Economic Analysis
This book presents the factual, precise, complete and accessible economic elements of nuclear energy in order to contribute to an informed and dispassionate debate. It begins with an in-depth analysis of the strategic policies relating to nuclear energy in France and around the world. The methodological aspects are presented exhaustively and illustrated with detailed examples and case studies. This book provides a relevant economic study of the fuel component of nuclear energy. In this context, aspects of the uranium market are presented, before describing in detail the technical and economic components upstream of the nuclear cycle.
Other Press LLC Struggle And Mutual Aid: The Age of Worker Solidarity
Canongate Books The Early Life of James McBey: An Autobiography
This book is an autobiographical account of the early years of James McBey, the self-taught boy from a humble north-east village who became one of Scotland's most successful and celebrated artists. Writing with charismatic frankness and realism, McBey describes his passionate desire to be an artist, from his first etchings (printed with the help of an old mangle) to the moment when he left a stultifying job to strike out for Holland to create a life of his own.McBey's journey was not an easy one. Poverty, ignorance, his family's indifference, the petty routines of an Aberdeen bank, his mother's suicide, all these are evoked with gravity, clarity and a lightness of touch - like the etchings themselves - which will long remain in the reader's mind.Introduced by Nicolas Barker, who edited the original manuscripts, this book offers a real-life portrait of the artist as a young man and establishes James McBey as a gifted prose stylist in his own right.
Seagull Books London Ltd In Search of Lost Time: Mahler after Proust
A twist on the French literary classic In Search of Lost Time told through Nicolas Mahler's distinctive graphic novel style. Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time is one of the most important works of French literature-if not the most important. Reading it can be life-changing. Nicolas Mahler's comic is not a retelling of this classic, nor a shortened version of Proust's monumental work. Rather, it is a surprisingly funny graphic novel, comically disrespectful of the celebrated work yet completely permeated by Proustian spirit. Complemented by his clear and sparse illustrations, Mahler's minimal nature of text use is easy on the eye, even for those uninitiated into graphic novels. For long-time fans of graphic novels, it is a perfect entry into a beloved literary classic. A compact picture stream through time and space, Mahler's In Search of Lost Time is a brilliantly complex house of mirrors replete with Proustian motives and perceptions.
CABI Publishing Economics of Organic Farming: An International Perspective
Organic (ecological ) farming, with its emphasis on sustainable agro-ecosystem management and the use of locally-derived, renewable resources, offers potential solutions to some of the key problems faced by the agricultural sectors of industrialized countries. Many European governments now provide direct financial support for organic farming in recognition of its contribution to current policy objectives, including environmental protection, conservation of non-renewable resources, controlling over-production and the reorientation of agriculture towards areas of market demand. Drawing on studies from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, this book provides the first comprehensive international review of the economics of organic farming. The factual information and empirical data from the studies reported make this book a valuable resource for researchers. Policy analysts, professional advisors and students in agricultural economics, management and agri-environmental policy.
Duke University Press Photography's Other Histories
Moving the critical debate about photography away from its current Euro-American center of gravity, Photography’s Other Histories breaks with the notion that photographic history is best seen as the explosion of a Western technology advanced by the work of singular individuals. This collection presents a radically different account, describing photography as a globally disseminated and locally appropriated medium. Essays firmly grounded in photographic practice—in the actual making of pictures—suggest the extraordinary diversity of nonwestern photography.Richly illustrated with over 100 images, Photography’s Other Histories explores from a variety of regional, cultural, and historical perspectives the role of photography in raising historical consciousness. It includes two first-person pieces by indigenous Australians and one by a Seminole/Muskogee/Dine' artist. Some of the essays analyze representations of colonial subjects—from the limited ways Westerners have depicted Navajos to Japanese photos recording the occupation of Manchuria to the changing "contract" between Aboriginal subjects and photographers. Other essays highlight the visionary quality of much popular photography. Case studies centered in early-twentieth-century Peru and contemporary India, Kenya, and Nigeria chronicle the diverse practices that have flourished in postcolonial societies. Photography’s Other Histories recasts popular photography around the world, as not simply reproducing culture but creating it.Contributors. Michael Aird, Heike Behrend, Jo-Anne Driessens, James Faris, Morris Low, Nicolas Peterson, Christopher Pinney, Roslyn Poignant, Deborah Poole, Stephen Sprague, Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie, Christopher Wright
John Wiley and Sons Ltd In Praise of Theatre
In Praise of Theatre is Alain Badiou’s latest work on the ‘most complete of the arts,’ the theatrical stage. This book, certain to be of great interest to scholars and theatre practitioners alike, elaborates the theory of the theatre developed by Badiou in works such as Rhapsody for the Theatre and the ‘Theses on Theatre’ and enquires into the status of a theatre that would be adequate to our 'contemporary, market-oriented chaos.' In a departure from his usual emphasis upon canonical figures of the stage such as Bertolt Brecht and Samuel Beckett, Badiou devotes In Praise of Theatre largely to a consideration of contemporary practitioners, including Jan Fabre, Brigitte Jacques and Romeo Castellucci. In addition, the book features an incisive analysis of the precarious status of the theatre today, in which Badiou describes not only the current threats to the theatre from the right, but the far more insidious threat from the left.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East
For decades, liberal democracy has been extolled as the best system of governance to have emerged out of the long experience of history. Today, such a confident assertion is far from self-evident. Democracy, in crisis across the West, must prove itself. In the West today, the authors argue, we no longer live in "industrial democracies," but "consumer democracies" in which the governing ethos has ended up drowning households and governments in debt and resulted in paralyzing partisanship. In contrast, the long-term focus of the decisive and unified leadership of China is boldly moving its nation into the future. But China also faces challenges arising from its meteoric rise. Its burgeoning middle class will increasingly demand more participation, accountability of government, curbing corruption and the rule of law. As the 21st Century unfolds, both of these core systems of the global order must contend with the same reality: a genuinely multi-polar world where no single power dominates and in which societies themselves are becoming increasingly diverse. The authors argue that a new system of "intelligent governance" is required to meet these new challenges. To cope, the authors argue that both East and West can benefit by adapting each other’s best practices. Examining this in relation to widely varying political and cultural contexts, the authors quip that while China must lighten up, the US must tighten up. This highly timely volume is both a conceptual and practical guide of impressive scope to the challenges of good governance as the world continues to undergo profound transformation in the coming decades.
Taylor & Francis Ltd France’s Political Institutions at 50
Fifty years after the creation of the Fifth Republic, French politics is undergoing profound changes. The election of Nicolas Sarkozy has announced a general review of the French political system. A special committee – the comité constitutionnel – is currently drafting a catalogue of potential reforms. Debates focus on issues like presidentialization, parliamentary scrutiny of the executive or the creation of a popular initiative to trigger constitutional review of given legislative texts.These discussions reflect long-standing trends in the Fifth Republic. This volume aims at analysing those trends and at outlining the major perspectives for future development. In particular it puts the French political system in comparative perspectives and provides in-depth analysis of the evolution of the major political institutions and their relations. The volume argues that substantial reforms have helped to partially reshape French politics. Yet, it also shows that the fundamental characteristics of semi-presidential government have stood firm. The question is whether current debates and subsequent reforms are likely to alter the current pattern.This book was published as a special issue of West European Politics.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd QGIS et applications en agriculture et forêt
Bryn Mawr Commentaries Antigone
Titan Books Ltd Showman Killer: The Invisible Woman
A GENETICALLY ENGINEERED MERCENARY ASSASSIN IN OUTER SPACE...Showman Killer discovers his true parentage; he was born of a union between the half-sister of the queen and the Omnimonarch! Realizing that he is the uncle of Non, the two set out for the grand finale of their family feud, all the while fighting their cannibalistic brothers to save humanity from extinction!"
University of California Press Renovating Democracy: Governing in the Age of Globalization and Digital Capitalism
The rise of populism in the West and the rise of China in the East have stirred a rethinking of how democratic systems work—and how they fail. The impact of globalism and digital capitalism is forcing worldwide attention to the starker divide between the “haves” and the “have-nots,” challenging how we think about the social contract. With fierce clarity and conviction, Renovating Democracy tears down our basic structures and challenges us to conceive of an alternative framework for governance. To truly renovate our global systems, the authors argue for empowering participation without populism by integrating social networks and direct democracy into the system with new mediating institutions that complement representative government. They outline steps to reconfigure the social contract to protect workers instead of jobs, shifting from a “redistribution” after wealth to “pre-distribution” with the aim to enhance the skills and assets of those less well-off. Lastly, they argue for harnessing globalization through “positive nationalism” at home while advocating for global cooperation—specifically with a partnership with China—to create a viable rules-based world order. Thought provoking and persuasive, Renovating Democracy serves as a point of departure that deepens and expands the discourse for positive change in governance.
Quercus Publishing The Ingredients of Love
The day begins like any other Saturday for beautiful Parisian restaurateur Aurélie Bredin, until she wakes up to find her apartment empty - her boyfriend gone off with another woman. Heartbroken, Aurélie walks the streets of Paris in the rain, finally seeking refuge in a little bookshop in the Île Saint-Louis, where she's drawn to a novel titled The Smiles of Women by obscure English author Robert Miller. She buys it and takes it home, but when she begins to read she's astonished: The Smiles of Women can't possibly be about her restaurant, about her. Except, it is. Flattered and curious to know more, Aurélie attempts to get in touch with the reclusive Mr Miller, but it proves to be a daunting task. His French publishers seem determined to keep his identity secret, and while the Editor-in-Chief André Chabanais is happy to give Aurélie his time, he seems mysteriously unwilling to help her find her author. Is Robert Miller really so shy, or is there something that André isn't telling Aurélie?
Hodder & Stoughton Of Fangs and Talons
THE FIRST NOVEL BY NICOLAS MATHIEU, WINNER OF THE 2018 PRIX GONCOURTNicolas Mathieu's gripping first novel is the story of a world that has come to an end. With a girl, a gun and acres of snow.When a factory that employs most of a small town is scheduled to close - to the despair of the workers and disdain of the overlords - things start to fall apart. The disenfranchised factory workers have nothing left to lose. Martel, the trade union rep with innumerable tattoos and Bruce, the body-builder addicted to steroids resort to desperate measures. A bungled kidnapping on the streets of Strasbourg goes horribly wrong and they find themselves falling prey to the machinations of the criminal underworld. "[An] uncompromising portrait of a working class eaten up by the frustration and resentment of having been abandoned, and sinking into alcoholism and racism". -- Paris Match
Tramuntana Mi Hermanito Es Un Monstruo
Hmh Publications Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet: Aircraft in Detail
Hmh Publications Siai-Marchetti Sf-260: Aircraft in Detail
Classiques Garnier Cioran Et Valery: L'Attention Soutenue
Les Belles Lettres Balance Des Discours: Traites Philosophiques