Search results for ""author jonathan"
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian: Finn Caspian and the Accidental Volcano
Koren Publishers Koren Shalem Siddur with Tabs, Compact, Green
Panini Publishing Ltd Secret Wars
Jessica Kingsley Publishers You Be You!: The Kid's Guide to Gender, Sexuality, and Family
Moonbeam Children's Book Awards Gold Medal WinnerThis is an illustrated children's book for ages 7-11 that makes gender identity, sexual orientation and family diversity easy to explain to children. Throughout the book kids learn that there are many kinds of people in the world and that diversity is something to be celebrated. It covers gender, romantic orientation, discrimination, intersectionality, privilege, and how to stand up for what's right. With charming illustrations, clear explanations, and short sections that can be dipped in and out of, this book helps children think about how to create a kinder, more tolerant world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Political Party Funding
Scrutinizing a relatively new field of study, the Handbook of Political Party Funding assesses the basic assumptions underlying the research, presenting an unequalled variety of case studies from diverse political finance systems. With contributions from both eminent international scholars and prominent representatives of the second generation of students in the field, this original and thought-provoking collection of current research updates our understanding of party funding regimes, while contributing to the re-examination of perennial and often problematic issues. It illustrates, using select empirical data, the range of alternative political finance structures, exposing both the limits of these regimes and their effects on parties, systems and on democratic competition. Offering diverse and detailed case studies, the chapters examine the stakes involved nationally, and the impact of financing on the political environment. At the same time, they present a picture of a field of study that is still establishing itself, offering direction for future research. Students and academics of political science, public law and comparative politics will find this an essential reference for studying party funding and its wider influence. Members of political institutions and those fighting political corruption will find this an incredibly useful Handbook for understanding the positives and negatives of party funding globally.Contributors include: M. Blumenberg, R. Boatright, L. Brenez, S.-H. Chang, B.A. Dworkin, N. Evertsson, J. Fischer, A. Francois, A. Gupta, F. Jimenez, M.A. Lopez Varas, E. Martins Paz, D. May, I. Mendez De Hoyos, J. Mendilow, A. Meyer, K.-H. Nassmacher, H. Onken, G. Orr, M. Pelletier, É. Phélippeau, D.R. Piccio, M. Pinto-Duschinsky, V.C. Reyes Jr., G. Sandri, S.E. Scarrow, V. Shale, V. Simral, J. Smulders, H. Soo Sim, S.U. Umoh, I. Van Biezen, M. Villoria, F.C. Von Nostitz, W. Wolfs
The New York Review of Books, Inc Notes On The Cinematograph
Simon & Schuster The Wishing Machine
Oge Mora’s Saturday meets Carmela Full of Wishes in this touching and whimsical picture book about a mother and child’s last trip to their local laundromat before moving away.Every Sunday after cereal, Sam and Mom walk to the laundromat, wash their clothes, and see their friends. But this Sunday is different. Today, doing laundry means packing clean clothes in boxes to move away. Sam doesn’t want to leave their neighborhood and friends. Maybe if they hope with all their might, they can turn a washing machine into a wishing machine! Sam’s imagination transforms the mundane into a series of wonders as they cope with change and learn the true meaning of home.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Alcoholic (10th Anniversary Expanded Edition)
Edinburgh University Press The Edinburgh History of Reading: Early Readers
Walker Books Ltd A Present for Rosy
A beautiful and heart-warming tale about the importance of friendship.Rosy and Rory are the unlikeliest of friends. They are as different as the sun and the rain. Rosy is a dainty, delicate little bird and Rory is a big, burly bear. They both love to explore together and between them they always find the most wonderful things. One day, Rosy doesn't feel like leaving her nest and Rory can't understand why. They stop exploring together but Rory never stops looking for wonderful things to share with his friend ... until he finds the perfect thing. A sensitive and timely book about the importance of friendship.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A European Television History
European Television History brings together television historians and media scholars to chart the development of television in Europe since its inception. The volume interrogates the history of the medium in divergent political, economic, cultural and ideological national contexts Taking a comparative approach to the topic, the volume is organized around a set of common questions, themes, and methodological reflections Deals with European television in the context of television historiography and transnational traditions Case study chapters written by scholars from different European countries to reflect their specific areas of expertise
St Martin's Press Llama Rocks the Cradle of Chaos
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Architecture of Transgression
Transgression suggests operating beyond accepted norms and radically reinterpreting practice by pushing at the boundaries of both what architecture is, and what it could or even should be. The current economic crisis and accompanying political/social unrest has exacerbated the difficulty into which architecture has long been sliding: challenged by other professions and a culture of conservatism, architecture is in danger of losing its prized status as one of the pre-eminent visual arts. Transgression opens up new possibilities for practice. It highlights the positive impact that working on the architectural periphery can make on the mainstream, as transgressive practices have the potential to reinvent and reposition the architectural profession: whether they are subverting notions of progress; questioning roles and mechanisms of production; aligning with political activism; pioneering urban interventions; advocating informal or incomplete development; actively destabilising environments or breaking barriers of taste. In this new dispersed and expanded field of operation, the balance of architectural endeavour is shifted from object to process, from service to speculation, and from formal to informal in a way that provides both critical and political impetus to proactively affect change. Contributors: Can Altay, Edward Denison and Guangyu Ren, Kim Dovey, Chris Jenks, David Littlefield, Silvia Loeffler, Alistair Parvin, Louis Rice, Patrik Schumacher and Robin Wilson Featured architects: atelier d’architecture autogérée, Lina Bo Bardi, Construire/La Machine, EXYZT, Didier Faustino/Bureau des Mésarchitectures, Lacaton & Vassal, N55, Catie Newell/*Alibi Studio, Wang Shu, Superflex and Bernard Tschumi
Seagull Books London Ltd Necklace/Choker: then, meanwhile, now./a small novel in fragments/
An engrossing novel about the lives in a small Slovak town during the tumultuous twentieth century. In this highly acclaimed novel, Jana Bodnárová offers an engrossing portrayal of a small Slovak town and its inhabitants in the north of the country against the backdrop of the tumultuous history of the twentieth century. As Sara, the protagonist of Necklace/Choker, returns to her native town after many years in exile to sell the old family house and garden, she begins to piece together her family’s history from snippets and fragments of her own memory and the diaries of her artist father, Imro. A talented painter, he survived the Holocaust only to be crushed by the constraints imposed on his art by Stalinist censorship, and Sara herself was later driven into exile after dreams of socialism with a human face were shattered by the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Through their stories, and that of Sara’s friend, Iboja, the daughter of a hotelier, readers will be immersed in key moments of Slovak history and their bearing on the people in this less familiar part of Central Europe.
University of Minnesota Press Powers Of Diaspora: Two Essays On The Relevance Of Jewish Culture
New York University Press Civil Rights Since 1787: A Reader on the Black Struggle
Winner of the 2001 Gustavus Myers Program Book Award. Traces the black struggle for civil rights back to 1787 Contrary to simple textbook tales, the civil rights movement did not arise spontaneously in 1954 with the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision. The black struggle for civil rights can be traced back to the arrival of the first Africans, and to their work in the plantations, manufacturies, and homes of the Americas. Civil rights was thus born as labor history. Civil Rights Since 1787 tells the story of that struggle in its full context, dividing the struggle into six major periods, from slavery to Reconstruction, from segregation to the Second Reconstruction, and from the current backlash to the future prospects for a Third Reconstruction. The "prize" that the movement has sought has often been reduced to a quest for the vote in the South. But all involved in the struggle have always known that the prize is much more than the vote, that the goal is economic as well as political. Further, in distinction from other work, Civil Rights Since 1787 establishes the links between racial repression and the repression of labor and the left, and emphasizes the North as a region of civil rights struggle. Featuring the voices and philosophies of orators, activists, and politicians, this anthology emphasizes the role of those ignored by history, as well as the part that education and religion have played in the movement. Civil Rights Since 1787 serves up an informative mix of primary documents and secondary analysis and includes the work of such figures as Ella Baker, Mary Frances Berry, Clayborne Carson, Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. DuBois, Eric Foner, Herb Gutman, Fannie Lou Hamer, A. Leon Higginbotham, Darlene Clark Hine, Jesse Jackson, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Manning Marable, Nell Painter, Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward, A. Philip Randolph, Mary Church Terrell, and Howard Zinn.
Johns Hopkins University Press Consequences of Theory: Selected Papers from the English Institute, 1987-88
"Highly articulate, sophisticated, and tightly imbricated essays. This volume will make exceptionally fine reading for those well-acquainted with the rigorous techniques of theory."--'English Language Notes.
Cornell University Press The Future of the Dollar
For half a century, the United States has garnered substantial political and economic benefits as a result of the dollar's de facto role as a global currency. In recent years, however, the dollar's preponderant position in world markets has come under challenge. The dollar has been more volatile than ever against foreign currencies, and various nations have switched to non-dollar instruments in their transactions. China and the Arab Gulf states continue to hold massive amounts of U.S. government obligations, in effect subsidizing U.S. current account deficits, and those holdings are a point of potential vulnerability for American policy. What is the future of the U.S. dollar as an international currency? Will predictions of its demise end up just as inaccurate as those that have accompanied major international financial crises since the early 1970s? Analysts disagree, often profoundly, in their answers to these questions. In The Future of the Dollar, leading scholars of dollar's international role bring multidisciplinary perspectives and a range of contrasting predictions to the question of the dollar's future. This timely book provides readers with a clear sense of why such disagreements exist and it outlines a variety of future scenarios and the possible political implications for the United States and the world.
Kogan Page Ltd Top Business Psychology Models: 50 Transforming Ideas for Leaders, Consultants and Coaches
Top Business Psychology Models is a quick, accessible overview to the fundamental theories and frameworks that will help you understand human behaviour, emotions and cognition at work. Each model is presented in a short and crisply written summary, which could be easily converted into materials for use in training or in coaching conversations. Clear, succinct and well-referenced chapters also offer routes into accessing further information. Free of academic jargon, Top Business Psychology Models explains all the main theories and models used by psychologists, giving you all the essential information to immediately implement business psychology techniques in your organization.
Edinburgh University Press Drawn from Life: Issues and Themes in Animated Documentary Cinema
Drawn from Life, a multidisciplinary anthology, introduces readers to a diverse range of filmmakers past and present who use the animated image as a documentary tool. In doing so, it explores a range of questions that preoccupy twenty-first-century film artists and audiences alike: Why use animation to document? How do such images reflect and influence our understanding and experience of'reality'? From early cinema to present-day scientific research, military uses, digital art and gaming, Drawn from Life casts new light on the capacity of the moving image to act as a record of the world around us.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Queer Wars
The claim that �LGBT rights are human rights� encounters fierce opposition in many parts of the world, as governments and religious leaders have used resistance to �LGBT rights� to cast themselves as defenders of traditional values against neo-colonial interference and western decadence. Queer Wars explores the growing international polarization over sexual rights, and the creative responses from social movements and activists, some of whom face murder, imprisonment or rape because of their perceived sexuality or gender expression. This book asks why sexuality and gender identity have become so vexed an issue between and within nations, and how we can best advocate for change.
Princeton University Press Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Revised Edition
This widely acclaimed introduction to N = 1 supersymmetry and supergravity is aimed at readers familiar with relativistic quantum field theory who wish to learn about the supersymmetry algebra. In this new volume Supersymmetry and Supergravity has been greatly expanded to include a detailed derivation of the most general coupling of super-symmetric gauge theory to supergravity. The final result is the starting point for phenomenological studies of supersymmetric theories. The book is distinguished by its pedagogical approach to supersymmetry. It develops several topics in advanced field theory as the need arises. It emphasizes the logical coherence of the subject and should appeal to physicists whose interests range from the mathematical to the phenomenological. In praise of the first edition: "A beautiful exposition of the original ideas of Wess and Zumino in formulating N = 1 supersymmetry and supergravity theories, couched in the language of superfields introduced by Strathdee and the reviewer...[All] serious students of particle physics would do well to acquire a copy."--Abdus Salam, Nature "An excellent introduction to this exciting area of theoretical physics."--C. J. Isham, Physics Bulletin
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Health and the Sociology of Emotions
Health and the Sociology of Emotions offers an appraisal of the current lively debates which challenge the contribution of the sociology of emotion to health, and of sociology of health and illness to a sociological understanding of emotion.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology, Volume 1: Global Perspectives on Research and Practice
Published in association with the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EAOHP) and the Society for Occupational Health Psychology (SOHP), Contemporary Issues in Occupational Health Psychology is a definitive new series presenting state-of-the-art work by leading academics and practitioners in the field. Topics include workplace health intervention evaluation, economic stress and employee well-being, work-family positive spillover, psychological flexibility, and health at work. Contributors to this first volume include Arnold Bakker, Frank Bond, Maureen Dollard, Leslie Hammer, Robert Karasek, Michiel Kompier, Tahira Probst, Wilmar Schaufeli, Arie Shirom, Robert Sinclair, Toon Taris and Töres Theorell.
Columbia University Press The Aesthetics of Everyday Life
The aesthetics of everyday life, originally developed by Henri Lefebvre and other modernist theorists, is an extension of traditional aesthetics, usually confined to works of art. It is not limited to the study of humble objects but is rather concerned with all of the undeniably aesthetic experiences that arise when one contemplates objects or performs acts that are outside the traditional realm of aesthetics. It is concerned with the nature of the relationship between subject and object. One significant aspect of everyday aesthetics is environmental aesthetics, whether constructed, as a building, or manipulated, as a landscape. Others, also discussed in the book, include sport, weather, smell and taste, and food.
Parragon Plus Froggy Gets Dressed
HarperCollins Publishers Failures of State: The Inside Story of Britain’s Battle with Coronavirus
*THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER* A GUARDIAN AND SUNDAY TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR ‘An astonishing book’ James O’Brien ‘A gripping, devastating read’ Sunday Times The inside story of the UK’s response to the pandemic from the Insight investigations unit at The Sunday Times Failures of State recounts the extraordinary political decisions taken at the heart of Boris Johnson’s government during the global pandemic. Fully updated and corroborated by hundreds of sources, this is the insider’s account of how the government sleepwalked into disaster and tried to cover up its role in the tragedy. Thrillingly told, it exposes one of the most scandalous failures of political leadership in British history. ‘A damning indictment’ Alan Johnson, Observer ‘A devastating piece of journalism’ Andrew Marr ‘This is a scandal’ Piers Morgan
Pearson Education Limited Real Life Global Upper Intermediate Class CDs 1-4
Contains all the listening activities in the Students’ Book. • Recordings of the reading texts.• Recordings of the Words2know and Phrases2know.
Atlantic Books Azazeel
Set in the 5th century AD, Azazeel is the exquisitely crafted tale of a Coptic monk's journey from Upper Egypt to Alexandria and then Syria during a time of massive upheaval in the early Church. Winner of the Arab Booker Prize, Azazeel highlights how the history of our civilization has been warped by greed and avarice since its very beginnings and how one man's beliefs are challenged not only by the malice of the devil, but by the corruption with the early Church. In sparse and often sparkling prose that reflects the arid beauty of the Syrian landscape, Azazeel is a novel that forces us to re-think many of our long-held beliefs and invites us to rediscover a lost history.
Sheldrake Press Logomotive: Railroad Graphics and the American Dream
In Logomotive Ian Logan's photographs are assembled into chapters and picture essays recalling the great days of lines such as the Santa Fe, the Union Pacific, and the Kansas City Southern. Some of his journeys are presented as travelogues in which he meets the Fat Controller, gets to sound the horn, and wanders into freight yards to see the last generation of streamline locomotives rusting amid the weeds. Animal motifs, Native American allusions, advertising slogans, names of famous trains such as the Super Chief and the Wabash Cannonball provide the subject matter for other picture features.
Sage Publications Ltd Inclusive Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Inclusive practice is a crucial component of professional practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector. This accessible text includes comprehensive coverage of key areas and explores what inclusive practice means for teachers and learners in the sector. The book begins by examining definitions of inclusion and goes on to cover specific educational needs. Chapters covering the learning environment, college-level planning and teaching and learning practices offer the reader practical advice on how to anticipate the diverse needs of their learners. Guidance on inclusive planning and assessment is given alongside detailed coverage of the legislation surrounding inclusion.
Rizzoli International Publications Hiking America's National Parks
America s sixty-three national parks are made up of the greatest geographical, geological, and ecological wonders on the planet, and some of their treasures are only available to those willing to walk past the trailhead for just a mile or two. Featuring spectacular photography and information, this book allows you to experience each park up close. Hikes range from half-mile nature walks on accessible boardwalks to strenuous full-day hikes to multiday backpacking trips. Each hike is chosen to showcase what is possible: long and short, hard and easy trails featuring mountains, canyons, waterfalls, wildlife meadows, forests, wildflowers, deserts, glaciers, volcanoes, beaches, and more. The national parks have more trails than any one person can hike in a lifetime. Hiking America s National Parks will inspire and inform hikers, walkers, and nature lovers to get out past that trailhead.
The American University in Cairo Press The Final Bet: An Arabic Detective Novel
When young and handsome Othman married Sofia-sophisticated, French, rich, and forty years his senior-he found his ticket out of a life of desperate poverty in the slums of Casablanca. But when Sofia is brutally murdered, the police quickly zero in on Othman as the prime suspect. With his mistress, the love of his life, waiting in the wings he certainly has motive. But is he guilty? Or has he been framed by an overzealous, corrupt police force?
Bookstorm Song for Sarah: Lessons from my mother
In this, Jansen's most personal and intimate book to date, South Africa's beloved Professor contemplates the stereotypes and stigma so readily applied to Cape Flats mothers as bawdy, lusty and gap-toothed - and offers this endearing antidote as a praise song to mothers everywhere who raise families and build communities in difficult places. As a young man, Jansen questioned how mothers managed to raise children in trying circumstances - and then realised that the answer was right in front of him in the form of Sarah Jansen, his own mother. Tracing her early life in Montagu and the consequences of apartheid's forced removals, Jansen unpacks how strong women managed to not only keep families together, but raise them with integrity. With his trademark delicacy, humour and frankness, Jansen follows his mother's life story as a young nurse and mother to five children, and shows how mothers dealt with their pasts, organised their homes, made sense of politics, managed affection, communicated core values - how they led their lives. As a balance to his own recollections, Jansen has called on his sister, Naomi, to offer her own insights and memories, adding special value to this touching personal memoir.
National Maritime Museum Polly Plum: Brave Adventurer
Polly Plum dreams of being a brave adventurer. But her father has other ideas - he wants her to settle down and become Mrs Smellbad Frown. That won't stop Polly though! Join her as she sets sail from Greenwich in search of adventure. You'll meet singing pirates, a boastful ghost, and a very, very hungry walrus along the way. Watch out, adventure, here comes Polly!
University of Hertfordshire Press Refiguring Mimesis: Representation in Early Modern Literature
Focusing squarely on the strength of mimesis as a philosophical idea, this collection of essays considers aspects of mimesis ranging from Shakespeare to colonialism. As the philosophical agenda of major thinkers and writers responds to representational crises like post-structuralism and postmodernism, attention is turning away from artistic expressivity and back towards uses of mimesis. The nine included essays present a varied set of theoretical ideas and challenge the ingrained concept that mimesis is only a transparent reflection of reality. This fresh assessment of an ancient and much-cited practice brings new attention to the ways in which the early modern period made use of such representation.
Image Comics East of West Volume 7
The final year of the apocalypse begins! Armies rage! Nations at War! A family fights to be reunited. Collects EAST OF WEST #30-34.
Pearson Education Limited Study Skills Book, The
Is there a secret to successful study? The answer is ‘Yes!' The Study Skills Book is an indispensable resource for university students at any level or ability who want to build confidence, improve performance, and succeed in their studies and beyond… Clear and comprehensive, The Study Skills Book covers all types of academic writing, independent learning, research, revision and exam sitting. Using tried and tested tools and techniques to help students find an individual learning style that works best for their needs, this book is every student's essential guide to the evolving university. This new edition has been thoroughly updated and includes new approaches to ensure students can succeed in any circumstance. New and updated topics include: Blended and online learning – how to use these methods effectively Lectures and tutorials – what is expected and how to prepare Essays and dissertations – the best way to plan well-structured coursework Writing and research techniques – developing the skills to meet academic standards Exam revision – performing well under pressure Time management – meeting deadlines and managing focus Well-being, stress and mental health – increasing mindfulness and a growth mindset Development and career planning – how to strengthen employability chances Dr Kathleen McMillan's career as an academic spans a lifetime of helping students to succeed at every level and in a wide range of topics. She has a deep understanding of the learning and study challenges that students meet at university, whether they are UK or international students at undergraduate or postgraduate level. She uses this experience to provide practical solutions and examples for most common problems in an accessible and engaging no-nonsense style. With smart tips, information, and query boxes, as well as practical tips at the end of each section, students will find answers to every question they have about learning, researching, writing, and revising. Study smarter with The Study Skills Book.
Errant Bodies Surface Tension Supplement No. 5 - Beyond Utopia
Little Tiger Press Group Architecture for Babies
Brainy babies will love learning all about different types of buildings and how they are made! This engaging, tongue-in-cheek board book also features a surprise lift-the-flap ending!
Granta Books The New Granta Book of Travel
Granta has long been known for the quality of its travel writing. The 1980s were the culmination of a golden age, when writers including Paul Theroux and Bruce Chatwin, James Hamilton-Paterson and James Fenton set out to document life in largely unfamiliar territory, bringing back tales of the beautiful, the extraordinary and the unexpected. By the mid 1990s, travel writing seemed to change, as a younger generation of writers that appeared in the magazine made journeys for more complex and often personal reasons. Decca Aitkenhead reported on sex tourism in Thailand, and Wendell Steavenson moved to Iraq as foreign correspondent. What all these pieces have in common is a sense of engagement with the places they describe, and a belief that whether we are in Birmingham or Belarus, there is always something new to be discovered.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Understanding 10-11-Year-Olds
Understanding 10-11-Year-Olds introduces the challenges that face children as they start to make their transition from childhood into adolescence.Children at this age begin to express independence and confidence in their capability that may extend beyond their direct experience. Adults caring for their well-being need to monitor the new dimensions in the child's life, such as competitiveness and its impact on relationships at school and at home. Rebecca Bergese guides the reader through the broad range of emotional and social challenges experienced by children as they are encouraged to take on greater responsibility.This book is essential reading for parents, carers and professionals who are seeking to understand and support a child at this vulnerable stage of development.
Phaidon Press Ltd The ECAL Manual of Style: How to best teach design today?
The story and teachings of one of the world’s most creative design schools, as told by its teachers, alumni, and student projects – the ideal book for educators and students alike, posing the question 'How should design be taught today?'Swiss university ECAL is widely considered to be among the leading art and design institutions of the past two decades. Here, for the first time, ECAL’s teaching methods are revealed to a wider readership. The book poses the question ‘How should design be taught today?’ to select designers, critics, and writers, and the answers highlight the school’s unique approach to design pedagogy: encouraging individual and personal styles, and rigorously pushing them to develop into their most coherent forms. This is the only book to explain ECAL's innovative teaching methods, which encourage students to be business minded as well as creative.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Literary Form, Philosophical Content
This is a wide-ranging anthology that examines, in chronological order, several genres that have been prominent in the history of Western philosophy. The programmatic introduction outlines the diverse range of genres used by philosophers (dialogue, commentary, biography, etc.) and explains how genre-based exegesis can enrich our analysis and interpretation of philosophical texts. The remaining essays examine individual texts from this perspective.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure
British Museum Press Cuneiform
Cuneiform script on tablets of clay is, as far as we know, the oldest form of writing in the world. The choice of clay as writing medium in ancient Mesopotamia meant that records of all kinds could survive down to modern times, preserving fascinating documents from ancient civilization, written by a variety of people and societies. From reading these tablets we can understand not only the history and economics of the time but also the beliefs, ideas and superstitions. This fascinating book will bring the world in which the cuneiform was written to life for the non-expert reader, revealing how ancient inscriptions can lead to a new way of thinking about the past. It will explain how this pre-alphabetic writing really worked and how it was possible to use cuneiform signs to record so many different languages so long ago. Richly illustrated with a wealth of fresh examples ranging from elementary school exercises to revealing private letters or beautifully calligraphic literature for the royal library, we will meet people that aren’t so very different from ourselves. We will read the work of many scribes – from mundane record keepers to state fortune tellers, using tricks from puns to cryptography. For the first time cuneiform tablets and their messages are not remote and inaccessible, but wonderfully human documents that resonate today.
Pearson Education Limited How to Write Essays & Assignments
Fully updated since publication in 2007, and with extended and revised sections in key areas such as plagiarism & Copyright, and Citing & Referencing, How to write Essays & Assignments will allow a student to assess and address their particular weaknesses in planning and writing great academic essays and delivers detailed tips, techniques and strategies to enable them to significantly improve their abilities and performance in time to make a difference.