Search results for ""author christopher""
Rutgers University Press State Crime: Current Perspectives
Current media and political discourse on crime has long ignored crimes committed by States themselves, despite their greater financial and human toll. For the past two decades, scholars have examined how and why States violate their own laws and international law and explored what can be done to reduce or prevent these injustices. Through a collection of essays by leading scholars in the field, State Crime offers a set of cases exemplifying state criminality along with various methods for controlling governmental transgressions. With topics ranging from crimes of aggression to nuclear weapons to the construction and implementation of social controls, this volume is an indispensable resource for those who examine the behavior of States and those who study crime in its varied forms.
Stanford University Press Typography: Mimesis, Philosophy, Politics
Philosopher, literary critic, translator (of Nietzsche and Benjamin), Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe is one of the leading intellectual figures in France. This volume of six essays deals with the relation between philosophy and aesthetics, particularly the role of mimesis in a metaphysics of representation. Comment [1997] "Typography is a book whose importance has not diminished since its first publication in French in 1979. On the contrary, I would say, it is only now that one can truly begin to appreciate the groundbreaking status of these essays. The points it makes, the way it approaches the questions of mimesis, fictionality, and figurality, is unique. There are no comparable books, or books that could supersede it." —Rudolphe Gasché, State University of New York, Buffalo "Lacoue-Labarthe's essays still set the standards for thinking through the problem of subjectivity without simply retreating behind insights already gained. But this book is much more than a collection of essays: it constitutes a philosophical project in its own right. Anybody interested in the problem of mimesis—whether from a psychoanalytic, platonic, or any other philosophical angle—cannot avoid an encounter with this book. Lacoue-Labarthe is a philosopher and a comparatist in the highest sense of the word, and the breadth of his knowledge and the rigor of his thought are exemplary." —Eva Geulen, New York University Review "In demonstrating how mimesis has determined philosophical thought, Lacoue-Labarthe provokes us into reconsidering our understanding of history and politics. . . . Together with the introduction, these essays are essential reading for anyone interested in Heidegger, postmodernism, and the history of mimesis in philosophy and literature." —The Review of Metaphysics
The Drachen Foundation Wings of Resistance: The Giant Kites of Guatemala
Every year in the highlands of Guatemala, the town of Sumpango celebrates Day of the Dead by flying kites. The kites are massive, the largest measuring 45 feet in diameter. Smaller kites, close 20 feet in height, are flown in a death-defying race down the side of a mountain. From a distance, the kites appear luminous and blissful, but the radiant colors of the kites mask an ominous subtext. On closer inspection, the images on the sails depict people in agony and torment: mutilated bodies, mass burials, kidnappings, and rivers of blood. In graphic illustration, the kites allude to the dark and painful history of Guatemala's 30-year civil war. Originally centered on remembering the dead, the kite festival has become a way for the indigenous community to heal itself from the trauma of the war. Wings of Resistance examines the politics and art of the giant kites, placing this Guatemalan tradition in the context of international kite cultures. The contributors include Alison Fujino, Christopher Ornelas, Jose Sainz, Scott Skinner, and Victorino Tejaxun.
Yale University Press Artists and the Rothko Chapel: 50 Years of Inspiration
A celebration of Houston’s Rothko Chapel on its fiftieth anniversary, featuring work by contemporary artists responding to its continuing impactArtists and the Rothko Chapel celebrates the legacy of the Rothko Chapel in Houston and globally, highlighting how it has inspired artists since its founding in 1971. The catalogue reflects on the Chapel’s past while looking toward its future, featuring recent work by four contemporary artists—Sam Gilliam, Sheila Hicks, Shirazeh Houshiary, and Byron Kim—as well as illustrating the 1975 exhibition Marden, Novros, Rothko: Painting in the Age of Actuality shown at Rice University. The volume includes interviews with Brice Marden and David Novros, statements from the artists about their work’s relationship to the Chapel, and testimonies by local figures reflecting on questions of spirituality, identity, and equality. With new photography of the installations and of the recently restored Chapel, this vividly illustrated catalogue is a testament to the enduring impact of the non-denominational space Mark Rothko created. Distributed for the Moody Center for the Arts, Rice UniversityExhibition Schedule:Moody Center for the Arts, Rice University (February 23–May 15, 2021)
University of Notre Dame Press Catholic Culture in Early Modern England
This collection of essays explores the survival of Catholic culture in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England—a time of Protestant domination and sometimes persecution. Contributors examine not only devotional, political, autobiographical, and other written texts, but also material objects such as church vestments, architecture, and symbolic spaces. Among the topics discussed in this volume are the influence of Latin culture on Catholic women, Marian devotion, the activities of Catholics in continental seminaries and convents, the international context of English Catholicism, and the influential role of women as maintainers of Catholic culture in a hostile religious and political environment. Catholic Culture in Early Modern England makes an important contribution to the ongoing project of historians and literary scholars to rewrite the cultural history of post-Reformation English Catholicism.
Indiana University Press The Arab Revolts: Dispatches on Militant Democracy in the Middle East
The 2011 eruptions of popular discontent across the Arab world, popularly dubbed the Arab Spring, were local manifestations of a regional mass movement for democracy, freedom, and human dignity. Authoritarian regimes were either overthrown or put on notice that the old ways of oppressing their subjects would no longer be tolerated. These essays from Middle East Report—the leading source of timely reporting and insightful analysis of the region—cover events in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Syria, and Yemen. Written for a broad audience of students, policymakers, media analysts, and general readers, the collection reveals the underlying causes of the revolts by identifying key trends during the last two decades leading up to the recent insurrections.
University of Illinois Press Writing Revolution: Hispanic Anarchism in the United States
In the late nineteenth through mid-twentieth centuries, the anarchist effort to promote free thought, individual liberty, and social equality relied upon an international Spanish-language print network. These channels for journalism and literature promoted anarchist ideas and practices while fostering transnational solidarity and activism from Buenos Aires to Los Angeles to Barcelona. Christopher J. Castañeda and Montse Feu edit a collection that examines many facets of Spanish-language anarchist history. Arranged chronologically and thematically, the essays investigate anarchist print culture's transatlantic origins; Latina/o labor-oriented anarchism in the United States; the anarchist print presence in locales like Mexico's borderlands and Steubenville, Ohio; the history of essential publications and the individuals behind them; and the circulation of anarchist writing from the Spanish-American War to the twenty-first century.Contributors: Jon Bekken, Christopher Castañeda, Jesse Cohn, Sergio Sánchez Collantes, María José Domínguez, Antonio Herrería Fernández, Montse Feu, Sonia Hernández, Jorell A. Meléndez-Badillo, Javier Navarro Navarro, Michel Otayek, Mario Martín Revellado, Susana Sueiro Seoane, Kirwin R. Shaffer, Alejandro de la Torre, and David Watson
Columbia University Press The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar
The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar, a novel by Yury Tynyanov, one of the leading figures of the Russian formalist school, describes the final year in the life of Alexander Griboedov, the author of the comedy Woe from Wit. As ambassador to Persia, Griboedov was murdered in 1829 by a Tehrani mob during the sacking of the Russian embassy.One of the central texts of Russian formalist literary production, the novel is a brilliant meditation on the nature of historical and poetic consciousness and of artistic creation. It is a complex and fascinating work that explores the relationships among individual memory, historical fact, and the literary imagination. The result is a hybrid text, containing elements of various genres—historical, biographical, existential, and adventure novels—and a deeply personal, almost confessional testament to the writer’s relationship to his generation and the state. Completed in 1927, almost a century after the events it depicts, The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar marks the watershed between revolution and reaction. At a time when the Soviet regime was becoming increasingly restrictive of freedom of expression and conscience, Tynyanov grappled with the themes of disillusionment, betrayal, and unrealized potential. Unabashedly intellectual yet filled with intrigue and suspense, The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar is a great historical novel of Russian modernism.
University Press of Kansas Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign
Carl von Clausewitz (1780–1831) is best known for his masterpiece of military theory On War, yet that work formed only the first three of ten volumes of his published writings. The others, historical analyses of the wars that roiled Europe from 1789 through 1815, informed and shaped Clausewitz’s military thought, so they offer invaluable insight into his dialectical, often difficult theoretical masterwork.Among these historical works, perhaps the most important is Napoleon’s 1796 Italian Campaign, which covers a crucial period in the French Revolutionary Wars. During this campaign the young, largely unknown Corsican, in his first command, led the French Army to triumph over the superior forces of the Austrian and Sardinian Armies. Moving from strategy to battle scene to analysis, this first English translation nimbly conveys the character of Clausewitz’s writing in all its registers: the brisk, often powerful description of events as they unfolded; the critical reflections on strategic theory and its implications; and, most bracing, the dissection and sharp judgment of the actions of the French and Austrian commanders.From the thrill of the Battle of Montenotte—the youthful Bonaparte’s first offensive—to the remorseless logic of Clausewitz’s assessments, Napoleon’s 1796 Italian Campaign will expand readers’ experience and understanding of not only this critical moment in European history but also the thought and writings of the modern master of military philosophy.
Liverpool University Press Radiocarbon Dates: From Samples Funded by English Heritage Under the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund 2002-4
Plough Publishing House Plough Quarterly No. 31 – Why We Make Music
Communal music has the power to shape a soul and a society.In many places today, a culture of singing and making music remains robust, despite pressure from the commercial music industry. Or it was until the Covid pandemic hit and we glimpsed what a world without communal music-making could be like. According to Plato, virtuous music is vital for building a virtuous community. Jewish and Christian traditions take this insight even further: good communal music shapes and builds up the people of God. So how can we choose good music and avoid the bad? The sheer ubiquity of music available for consumption – its presence as a near-constant soundtrack to our daily lives – poses a hazard. Digital music on tap is a temptation to chronic distraction of the soul, to a habit of superficiality and non-attention. Fortunately, the remedy is straightforward: spend less time consuming prepackaged tunes and more time making music. This will be doubly rewarding if done with others – singing with one’s family, singing in church, playing in a string quartet, starting a regular jam session. If personal media players tend to cut us off from the physical presence of others, sharing in good music together breaks the spell of isolation and disembodiment. It builds friendship and community.On this theme:- Maureen Swinger’s amateur choir sings Bach’s Saint Matthew Passion.- Stephen Michael Newby says Black spirituals aren’t just for Black people. - Mary Townsend finds Dolly Parton magnificent, but would Aristotle? - Phil Christman finds catharsis in the YouTube comments of eighties songs. - Ben Crosby says congregational singing should be unabashedly weird to visitors.- Joseph Julián González draws on ancient Nahua poets in his music.- Christopher Tin explains why he weaves so many historical influences into his music. - Seven musicians talk about making your own music in schools, churches, prisons, backyards, or children’s bedrooms: Nathan Schram, Esther Keiderling, Norann Voll, Chaka Watch Ngwenya, Eileen Maendel, Adora Wong, and Brittany Petruzzi.Also in the issue: Exclusive excerpts from forthcoming books by Eugene Vodolazkin and Esther Maria Magnis- Thoughts on music from Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa, Hildegard of Bingen, Martin Luther, and Eberhard Arnold- Catholics and Anabaptists unite to commemorate the Radical Reformation- New poems by Jacqueline Saphra- A profile of Argentinian singer Mercedes Sosa.- Reviews of Kate Clifford Larson’s Walk with Me, Rowan Williams’s Shakeshafte, and Sam Quinones’s The Least of UsPlough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to apply their faith to the challenges we face. Each issue includes in-depth articles, interviews, poetry, book reviews, and art.
AltaMira Press,U.S. Handbook of Archaeological Methods
This handbook gathers original, authoritative articles from leading archaeologists to compile in a single place the latest thinking about archaeological methods. Topics range from theoretical models undergirding research to concrete strategies for field work and laboratory analysis. Public archaeology topics such as curation, collaboration, funding, and publication are also included among the 34 chapters in the book. Chapters are authored by well-known scholars on both sides of the Atlantic including Fagan, Hodder, Chippindale, Kvamme, McManamon, and many others. An extensive bibliography accompanies each chapter. As a single reference for current information on contemporary archaeological field methods, this volume is unmatched.
Vagabond Voices Indrek: Volume II of the TRUTH AND JUSTICE pentalogy
This second volume of A.H. Tammsaare's monumental pentalogy portrays the education of Indrek who emerges here as the protagonist and will remain so throughout the next three volumes. This is a story of moving to the polyglot city and abandoning the countryside which at that time was the heartland of the Estonian language. This new environment is a vortex of prejudices and national rivalries nevertheless held together in practice by a strange and very human tolerance. Here Tammsaare writes with his trademark wit and deep understanding of human nature, and we find ourselves in the company of a vast gallery of larger-than-life characters who jostle, scheme and argue over both trivialities and the great issues of the human condition. They may do the latter out of their own intellectual narcissism or simply for the joy of debate, but the ensuing dialogues rival those of the great Russian novelists. The boarding school is as dysfunctional as any Dickensian one, but it is a great deal more benevolent. Russians, Germans, Poles, Latvians and Caucasians mix with the Estonian majority, speaking in a mix of Russian, German and Estonian, and somehow compromises are nearly always arrived at in spite of, or possibly because of some extraordinary theatrics, in which Mr Maurus must outperform not only all the other characters in the book but very probably all other celebrated headmasters created by European literature over the centuries. Indrek not only has to come to terms with this world so utterly unsuited to his shy and innocent rural upbringing, but he also has to deal with his first encounters with love and death.
Sounds True Inc Alphabreaths Too: More ABCs of Mindful Breathing
In Alphabreaths Too, children learn the alphabet through playful breathing exercises and colourful illustrations. Each letter of the alphabet has a simple mindfulness or compassion-based practice to help kids relax, focus their thoughts, hold positive feelings for others, express gratitude, and more. It’s as easy as A-B-C! Children will pose like a statue in Museum Breath, shake like an earthquake in Quake Breath, and roar like a dinosaur in Jurassic Breath. With Kite Breath and Gift Breath, they will send out good wishes to others and fill their hearts with gratitude.
Glitterati Inc Puppies Behind Bars: Training Puppies to Change Lives
A unique look at the dogs, trainers, and dog recipients whose lives have been changed by a program where 8 week old puppies are companioned with prison inmates and trained there by them for 18 months, until they are released as service or aid dogs for individuals and governments. Includes 150 original and compelling photographs by renowned photographers Christopher Makos and Paul Solberg and an introduction and narrative by Gloria Gilbert Stoga, the organisation's creator. With moving images, this book serves as a testament to the many lives that have been positively affected by Puppies Behind Bars. From the moments these puppies and inmates bond, to one trained puppy's first-class flight to his new home and life in rural Texas, Makos and Solberg capture the moments these extraordinary dogs and their dedicated trainers share as they each work hard to give to those in need. With the photographer's unprecedented access to both a correctional facility for men as well as a correctional facility for women taking part in the program, Puppies Behind Bars is much more than an appealing look at these courageous canines, it is the wide-ranging story of these dogs' journeys and their extensive impact on society. Puppies Behind Bars is also a unique look at the dogs, inmate trainers, and dog recipients whose lives have been changed by this groundbreaking program. The experience is a win-win-win for all involved - the dogs are loved, nurtured, trained and given structure 24/7; the convicted felon has the opportunity to contribute to society and in return receives and gives love, which may be a life-changing experience for him or her; and ultimately, the recipient and community benefit when the trained dog lands in his new home as a life-long companion.
Free Association Books Ego Ideal: Psychoanalytic Essay on the Malady of the Ideal
Once the ego-ideal is distinguished from the super-ego, it becomes possible to make sense of much that formerly remained obscure in psychoanalytic theory. Chasseguet-Smirgel illuminates not only the psychology of narcissism in individuals but many of the connections between psychic life and society.
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Piano Prep Test: revised 2016
The Piano Prep Test is an ideal introduction to the ABRSM exam experience: it gives students a goal to work towards and a certificate on the day - something to be really proud of. The test covers many elements that beginner pianists will be working on, including pitch, time, tone and performance. Our Piano Prep Test book has exciting new pieces, easy to follow instructions, listening games and entertaining illustrations. For the first time it includes duets as well as solo pieces. Preparing for your Piano Prep Test has never been more fun!
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who - The Eleventh Chronicles - Volume 2
Four stories set in the Eleventh Doctor era, starring Jacob Dudman: 2.1 The Evolving Dead by Doris V Sutherland. The dead stalk the corridors of research station Romeo. For a technician (dead) and her ex-boyfriend (also dead), the Doctor’s their only chance to escape. For the rest of the crew, he’s their only chance to feed. 2.2 The Day Before They Came by Daniel Blythe. In the shabby seaside town of Bayview, Kayla Worthington is sitting on the beach waiting for an alien invasion. Her patience is rewarded when an alien arrives, although he doesn’t seem to be invading. He’s called the Doctor, and he wants to buy her a cup of tea. 2.3 The Melting Pot by Christopher Cooper. Arriving on Piir to sample the local cuisine, the Doctor finds a society wildly different from the one he remembers. With violence brewing on the streets, the Doctor will have to get to the bottom of what has gone wrong on Piir, before the world tears itself apart. 2.4 A Tragical History by Tessa North. To most of the inmates in Hythe Prison, life is miserable. However, some are living out their idealised lives within its walls. Amongst the dank conditions, the Doctor is about to uncover the key to everything he could ever desire. Cast: Jacob Dudman (The Doctor), Laura Aikman (Sarah Ellison), Tom Alexander (Maxwell/Headshot), Ayesha Antoine (Babs), Nicholas Asbury (Preacher Stem), Joe Barnes (Ray), Nicholas Briggs (Spongiform), Jacob Daniels (Lee), Bethan Dixon Bate (Lady Dora Swift), Joe Jameson (Arvin), Avita Jay (Evo/Eleanor Pearce), Jenny Lee (Eliza Smith), Paul Panting (Ilyani/Bailiff), Jeany Spark (Gonch/Piir Mother), Milly Thomas (Elix), Venice Van Someren (Mary Wainwright), Jo Woodcock (Kayla Worthington). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Johns Hopkins University Press Authoritarianism Goes Global: The Challenge to Democracy
Over the past decade, illiberal powers have become emboldened and gained influence within the global arena. Leading authoritarian countries-including China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela-have developed new tools and strategies to contain the spread of democracy and challenge the liberal international political order. Meanwhile, the advanced democracies have retreated, failing to respond to the threat posed by the authoritarians. As undemocratic regimes become more assertive, they are working together to repress civil society while tightening their grip on cyberspace and expanding their reach in international media. These political changes have fostered the emergence of new counternorms-such as the authoritarian subversion of credible election monitoring-that threaten to further erode the global standing of liberal democracy. In Authoritarianism Goes Global, a distinguished group of contributors present fresh insights on the complicated issues surrounding the authoritarian resurgence and the implications of these systemic shifts for the international order. This collection of essays is critical for advancing our understanding of the emerging challenges to democratic development. Contributors: Anne Applebaum, Anne-Marie Brady, Alexander Cooley, Javier Corrales, Ron Deibert, Larry Diamond, Patrick Merloe, Abbas Milani, Andrew Nathan, Marc F. Plattner, Peter Pomerantsev, Douglas Rutzen, Lilia Shevtsova, Alex Vatanka, Christopher Walker, and Frederic Wehrey
HarperCollins Publishers The Collins Garden Birdwatcher’s Bible: A Practical Guide to Identifying and Understanding Garden Birds
Combining practical birdwatching tips, the insights of internationally renowned ornithologists and the science, nature, art and history of birds, The Collins Garden Birdwatcher’s Bible is a glorious celebration of the stunning world of birds. Brimming with lavish photographs, The Collins Garden Birdwatcher’s Bible offers handy tips on identifying and attracting British garden birds, as well as discovering more about the evolution, history and art of birds of the world. With detailed visual profiles of the key birds of the region, readers will learn how to identify birds by their colours, calls and behaviour, the best equipment and resources to use, as well as learning to create bird-friendly gardens and bird houses, choosing the ideal food for bird types by season and how we can become better bird advocates. Full of stunning illustrations and packed with practical advice and hands-on projects, The Collins Garden Birdwatcher’s Bible is the ultimate guide for budding birdwatchers, eager ornithologists, nature-lovers, gardeners, botanists and anyone seeking to learn more about these majestic creatures that rule the skies. CONTENTS:THE HISTORY OF BIRDS • PRACTICAL BIRDWATCHING &IDENTIFICATION • UNDERSTANDING & ATTRACTING BIRDS •BIRD-FRIENDLY GARDENS & BIRD-INSPIRED ART
MH - Indiana University Press Cultural Critique and the Global Corporation
Examines the stories that corporations tell about themselves - and explores the powerful influence of corporations in the transformation of cultural and social life.
Peeters Publishers Q4: 1-13,16. the Temptations of Jesus - Nazara
Universitatsverlag Winter Theatralisierung: Kulturelle Dynamiken/Cultural Dynamics
Universitatsverlag Winter Memorialisation: Kulturelle Dynamiken / Cultural Dynamics
Vault Comics Test Vol. 1
Aleph Null is a lot of things: An orphan, a human guinea pig undergoing medical tests for cash, a bodyhacker, a hardcore future junkie, and a corporate asset. But now, Aleph is on the run from their old life, in search of a mythical, Midwestern town named Laurelwood-where they're test-marketing the future with tech that can't possibly exist yet, and won't for decades. From Eisner-nominated Chris Sebela (Crowded, High Crimes) and Jen Hickman (Moth & Whisper) comes the story of a town out of time, full of mysteries, and populated by guinea pigs in need of liberation by the misfit least likely to be their savior.
Britannica Books Britannica All New Kids' Encyclopedia: What We Know & What We Don't
Oxford University School of Archaeology Longbridge Deverill Cow Down: An Early Iron Age Settlement in West Wiltshire
The early Iron Age settlement at Longbridge Deverill Cow Down, Wiltshire is justly regarded as one of the type sites of the British Iron Age. During four brief seasons of excavation between 1956 and 1960 Sonia Chadwick Hawkes investigated three enclosures and revealed the well-preserved remains of four impressive timber roundhouses. The Longbridge settlement lay within a landscape of contemporary Iron Age communities on the northern periphery of Salisbury Plain, and its particular role and place in this complex of settlements, field systems, routeways and middens remains tantalisingly obscure. A remarkable collection of pottery associated with the fiery destruction of the roundhouses, perhaps immolation in the true sense, offers a wealth of new material to consider in the light of other important collections from the region. The release of Hawkes' archaeological data marks a major contribution to the pursuit of insight into this intriguing phase of British prehistory. 301p, b/w illus,
Skyhorse Publishing Mormon Wisdom: Inspirational Sayings from the Church of Latter-Day Saints
Mormonism has only been around for less than two hundred years, but it has a large following in the United States. While their practices may be slightly different from mainstream Christianity, their fundamental desire to live as close to the life of Christ and preach faith is the same. Mormon Wisdom is a collection of inspiration quotes from prominent leaders of the Church of Latter-day Saints, designed to enlighten, inspire, and motivate the reader.Mormon Wisdom is a treasure for spiritual seekers or anyone who needs a bit of inspiration every now and then. Here are a few examples:The earth is a living creature and breathes as much as you and I do.God rarely moves the mountains in front of us but He always helps us climb them.By becoming the answer to someone’s prayer, we often find the answers to our own.To be cheerful when others are in despair, to keep the faith when others falter, to be true even when we feel forsakenall of these are deeply desired outcomes during the deliberate, divine tutorials which God gives to usbecause He loves us.
Capstone Press Rebellious Colonists and Causes of American Revolution
Johns Hopkins University Press The Poems of T. S. Eliot: Practical Cats and Further Verses
This critical edition of T. S. Eliot's Poems establishes a new text of the Collected Poems 1909-1962, rectifying accidental omissions and errors that have crept in during the century since Eliot's astonishing debut, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." As well as the masterpieces, the edition contains the poems of Eliot's youth, which were rediscovered only decades later, others that circulated privately during his lifetime, and love poems from his final years, written for his wife Valerie Eliot. Christopher Ricks and Jim McCue have provided a commentary that illuminates the imaginative life of each poem. Calling upon Eliot's critical writings, as well as his drafts, letters, and other original materials, they illustrate not only the breadth of Eliot's interests and the range of his writings, but how it was that the author of "Gerontion" came to write "Triumphal March" and then Four Quartets. Thanks to the family and friends who recognized Eliot's genius and preserved his writings from an early age, the archival record is exceptionally complete, enabling us to follow in unique detail the progress of a mind that never ceased exploring. Following the collected and uncollected poems of the first volume, this second volume opens with the two books of verse of other kinds that Eliot issued: the children's verse of Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats and his translation of St.-John Perse's Anabase. This volume then gathers the verses Eliot contributed to the learnedly lighthearted exchanges of Noctes Binanianae and others for intimate friends or written off the cuff. Each of these sections has its own commentary. Finally, and pertaining to the entire edition, there is a comprehensive textual history that contains not only variants from all known drafts and the many printings but also extended passages amounting to hundreds of lines of compelling verse. "I do not know for certain how much of my own mind he invented."-William Empson
John Wiley & Sons Inc Assessment and Treatment Planning for PTSD
Evidence-based approaches to diagnosing and treating PTSD in an array of specific populations and settings This timely, practical guide for busy professionals: Covers strategies for those working in specialized practice settings, such as primary care facilities, prisons, and hospitals for the severely mentally ill Offers guidelines for conducting forensic evaluations Provides information on malingering assessment Explores new frontiers in PTSD assessment, including neuroimaging and genetic testing Offers practical guidance on the assessment of most recognized comorbid conditions Discusses the roles of ethnicity, race, and culture in assessing and treating PTSD Offers assessment strategies for specific populations, including veterans, children, and the severely impaired
Autumn Hill Books If My Tongue Refuses to Remain in My Mouth
Christian Board of Publication Coloring Advent: An Adult Coloring Book for the Journey to Bethlehem
Pearson Education (US) Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections
For courses in biochemistry. Engage students in biochemistry visually and through real-world applications Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections engages students with a unique approach to visualization, synthesis of complex topics, and connections to the real world. The author team builds quantitative reasoning skills and provides students with a rich, chemical perspective on biological processes. The text emphasizes fundamental concepts and connections, showing how biochemistry relates to practical applications in medicine, agricultural sciences, environmental sciences, and forensics. The newly revised 2nd Edition integrates even more robust biochemistry-specific content in MasteringTM Chemistry, creating an interactive experience for today’s students. New Threshold Concept Tutorials help students master the most challenging and critical ideas in biochemistry, while Interactive Case Studies connect course material to the real world by having students explore actual scientific data from primary literature. The 2nd Edition provides a seamlessly integrated learning experience via text, Mastering Chemistry, and an interactive Pearson eText. Also available with Mastering Chemistry MasteringTM is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and often improves results for each student. Students can further master concepts after class through traditional and adaptive homework assignments that provide hints and answer-specific feedback. The Mastering gradebook records scores for all automatically graded assignments in one place, while diagnostic tools give instructors access to rich data to assess student understanding and misconceptions. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering Chemistry does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering Chemistry , ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. 013480466X / 9780134804668 Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections Plus Mastering Chemistry with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134641620 / 9780134641621 Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections 013474716X / 9780134747163 Mastering Chemistry with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Agricultural Supply Chain Management Research: Operations and Analytics in Planting, Selling, and Government Interventions
This book focuses on three essential elements of agricultural supply chains: Planting and Growing, Processing and Selling, and Government Interventions. For decades, most agricultural economists applied macro-economic theory in decisions pertaining to the optimization of food production and distribution. However, few researchers used micro-economic theory to examine how individual farmers respond to market information, incentive pricing mechanisms and different market structures in the trade of agricultural goods. Examining challenges in agricultural supply chain operations through the lens of micro-economic theory is imperative because it can enable policymakers and social enterprises to develop and design market information provision policy, incentive contracts and market structures for improving farmer and consumer welfare.In each chapter, contributing authors motivate their research questions by providing the context and articulating the importance of their questions. They present their analysis to examine the respective research questions and explain their results. At the end of each chapter, they provide a short list of future research questions.
Rutgers University Press Self-Alteration: How People Change Themselves across Cultures
Many of us feel a pressing desire to be different—to be other than who we are. Self-conscious, we anxiously perceive our shortcomings or insufficiencies, wondering why we are how we are and whether we might be different. Often, we wish to alter ourselves, to change our relationships, and to transform the person we are in those relationships. Not only a philosophical question about how other people change, self-alteration is also a practical care—can I change, and how? Self-Alteration: How People Change Themselves across Cultures explores and analyzes these apparently universal hopes and their related existential dilemmas. The essays here come at the subject of the self and its becoming through case studies of modes of transformation of the self. They do this with social processes and projects that reveal how the self acquires a non-trivial new meaning in and through its very process of alteration. By focusing on ways we are allowed to change ourselves, including through religious and spiritual traditions and innovations, embodied participation in therapeutic programs like psychoanalysis and gendered care services, and political activism or relationships with animals, the authors in this volume create a model for cross-cultural or global analysis of social-self change that leads to fresh ways of addressing the 'self' itself.
Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society The Yorkshire Historical Dictionary: A Glossary of Yorkshire Words, 1120-c.1900 [2 volume set]
An invaluable reference work, providing definitions for a plethora of words old and new from Yorkshire's dialect. This volume offers an unparalleled collection of words and phrases gleaned from Yorkshire's archives. The language it contains tells the story of Yorkshire in the words of the people who experienced it, providing a powerful new look at the county's intangible heritage and what it means to be from Yorkshire. The Dictionary uses a broad range of sources to widen the English lexicon, with new vocabulary for (among others) by-names and place-names; for agricultural and animal terms; and for specialist craft and industries. As well as new words such as fulture (a mixture of manure and bedding), working tree (a stand for hides to be worked upon), stonery (a place where stones could be quarried), and wand hagger (part of a wood set out for producing wands, or saplings, for baskets, hurdles, etc.), there are earlier references to established words that appear in the Oxford English Dictionary, such as necessary-house (privy, here from 1414 compared to 1609), orange (as a colour, here from 1504 compared to 1600) and oliver (a tilt hammer, used by early iron-workers, here from 1350, compared to 1846). The Dictionary also fills in in gaps in our understanding of the development of regional language, from "borrowings" from the Baltic and Low Countries to its decline from the Tudor period on. This is the first time such a comprehensive glossary of regional words has been published. Its wide-ranging scope, underpinned with excellent scholarship, means this volume will be of interest not just to historians of Yorkshire, but to local historians across the country, as well as linguists and place-name and surname researchers.
Clarus Press Ltd International Protection Act 2015: Annotated
International Protection Act 2015: Annotated is a new book that provides detailed annotations to each section of the International Protection Act 2015, which includes reference to case law and to relevant regulations and statutory provisions. This book also includes an analysis of the relevant practice and procedure throughout the International Protection application process and the relevant procedures in the Irish Courts.
Grub Street Publishing Mediterranean Air War, 1940-1945: v. 1: North Africa, June 1940 - January 1942
It is now more than 40 years since "Fighters over the Desert" was published, and nearly as long since this was followed by "Fighters over Tunisia". Both volumes have long been out of print and collectors' items, but, despite much prompting, Christopher Shores has resolutely refused to permit their reprinting until he amassed so much more information. He has also long nursed a desire to expand the coverage to encompass the operations of the other types of aircraft involved in this interesting and important theatre of war - the bombers, reconnaissance aircraft and maritime units. Further, it is his intention to extend the period covered to include the later operations over Sicily, Italy, the Aegean area, the Balkans and Southern Europe. This then represents the first volume of a seminal series dealing with all these aspects and areas, which will also tie in with the earlier 'Grub Street' volumes which he and his collaborators have produced. Thus a full coverage of all aspects of aerial operations throughout the whole of the Mediterranean area will be the ultimate result. Further, these volumes will link appropriately and directly with his other works of this nature, dealing both with the Far East and the war in Europe. Readers will then be able to follow the wartime careers of units and personnel involved from volume to volume throughout the war. Operations directly over the main battlefronts will be dealt with as previously, on a daily basis. However, to allow a clearer view to be obtained of operations elsewhere in the theatre, or of a different nature, separate chapters will deal specifically with the night bombers, the air defence of the base areas, and the naval co-operation activities. Wide use of maps will be made throughout this and subsequent volumes together with a considerable number of photographs integrated into the text. Long awaited by many, if any work can be said to be comprehensive and definitive, this is it.
Victoria County History A History of the County of Essex: XI: Clacton, Walton and Frinton: North-East Essex Seaside Resorts
An important contribution to the social, cultural and economic history of seaside resorts. From the 1820s the Essex seaside towns of Walton, and later Clacton and Frinton, were promoted as high-class residential and holiday resorts. After a slow start, hampered by poor communications and low demand, growth was stimulated by steam-ship companies which landed visitors on newly built piers in Walton and Clacton and by the railways that reached Walton in 1867, Clacton in 1882 and Frinton in 1888. The contemporary emphasis upon the health advantagesof the seaside also led to the establishment of many convalescent homes. However, working-class excursionists newly attracted to Clacton, and to a lesser extent Walton, then irrevocably changed the social tone of the resorts. By the 1920s and 1930s Clacton was a commercialized holiday destination and the funfair-style facilities of its pier rivalled those of any other resort. Nearby Jaywick was established as a cheap and cheerful chalet development. While Walton remained popular with families, Frinton continued as a "select" resort, with building development and commerce strictly controlled. The town remains famous for its wide unspoilt greensward facing the sea and its resistance to any threats to its exclusive character. Camping, caravanning and holiday camps replaced the traditional seaside holiday after 1945, but from the later 1960s the increase in overseas holidays led to a steep decline ofthe seaside resorts. The economy has, however, since diversified with large dormitory-style housing developments, light industry and new shopping centres, and the coast becoming increasingly popular for retirement homes. Thisvolume presents an authoritative account of the growth and development of these towns on the so-called "Sunshine Coast".
National Gallery Company Ltd Picasso Ingres: Face to Face
An exploration of the fascinating parallels and differences between Picasso’s Woman with a Book and Ingres’s Madame Moitessier This publication examines, in detail, two extraordinary interrelated works: Picasso’s Woman with a Book (1932) and Ingres’s Madame Moitessier (1844–56). Each painting is explored in depth, illuminating the parallels and differences between the artists’ techniques and creative ambitions. The first essay tells the story of the twelve-year gestation of Ingres’s Madame Moitessier, focusing on the role of drawings in the elaboration of the composition, and of the sitter herself in determining how she was to be presented. The second essay traces the development of Picasso’s Woman with a Book, among the most celebrated likenesses of the artist’s young lover, Marie-Thérèse Walter. In contrast to Ingres’s work, it was painted in just a day or two. The final essay explores, through these two works, the artists’ shared interest in the relationship between nude and clothed bodies, revealing the depth of Picasso’s engagement with Madame Moitessier, which motivates and animates Woman with a Book. Published by National Gallery Company/Distributed by Yale University Press
Bloodaxe Books Ltd New & Selected Poems
Samuel Menashe’s poetry has a mysterious simplicity, a spiritual intensity and a lingering emotional force. For over 50 years he practised his art of ‘compression and crystallisation’ (in Derek Mahon’s phrase) in poems that are brief in form but profound in their engagement with ultimate questions. As Stephen Spender wrote, Menashe ‘compresses thought into language intense and clear as diamonds’. Intensely musical and rigorously constructed, Menashe’s work stands apart in its solitary meditative power, but it is equally a poetry of the everyday. The humblest of objects, the minutest of natural forms, here become powerfully suggestive, and even the shortest of the poems are spacious in the perspectives they open. Expanded from its original Library of America compilation, this edition covers the full range of his work, from the early collections to very recent work, and includes a DVD of Life Is Immense: Visiting Samuel Menashe, a film by Pamela Robertson-Pearce. This features a visit to Menashe in the tiny apartment in New York’s Greenwich Village where he lived from the 1950s until 2009. Even in his 80s, Menashe still knew all his poems by heart, and between engaging digressions on poetry, life and death, recites numerous examples with engaging humour, warmth and zest.
Titan Books Ltd The Complete Alien Collection: The Shadow Archive (Out of the Shadows, Sea of Sorrows, River of Pain)
Collected together for the first time, this action-packed omnibus of tightly coordinated novels is stuffed to the gills with jaw-dropping, acid-burning tension, revealing the terrifying events that occur between the Alien and Aliens movie hits. Out of the Shadows by Tim Lebbon When a shuttle crashes into the mining ship Marion, the miners learn that there was more than trimonite deep in the caverns of planet LV-178. There was evil, hibernating-and waiting for suitable prey. Quickly they discover that their only hope lies with the unlikeliest of saviours... Ellen Ripley, the last human survivor of the Nostromo. Sea of Sorrows by James A. Moore The Weyland-Yutani Corporation has secrets of its own, as Decker discovers when he is forced to join a team of mercenaries sent to investigate an ancient excavation. Somewhere in that long-forgotten dig lies the thing the company wants most in the universe-a living Xenomorph. Decker doesn't understand why they need him, until his own past comes back to haunt him. Centuries ago, his ancestor fought the Aliens, launching a bloody vendetta that was never satisfied. River of Pain by Christopher Golden Protected by the Colonial Marines, the colonists of planet Acheron seek to terraform the storm-swept planet. Two such residents are Anne and Russell Jorden, seeking a fortune that eluded them on Earth. The wildcatters discover a vast, decaying spaceship. The horseshoe-shaped vessel is of particular interest to Weyland-Yutani, and may be the answer to their dreams. But what Anne and Russ find on board proves to the stuff, not of dreams, but of nightmares.
Liverpool University Press Radiocarbon Dates from samples funded by English Heritage between 2006 and 2010
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods in Complexity Science: Theory and Applications
This comprehensive Handbook is aimed at both academic researchers and practitioners in the field of complexity science. The book?s 26 chapters, specially written by leading experts, provide in-depth coverage of research methods based on the sciences of complexity. The research methods presented are illustratively applied to practical cases and are readily accessible to researchers and decision-makers alike.The Handbook'?s wide range of research methods are clearly illustrated with case studies that demonstrate their practical application. They range from the regeneration of communities to musical performance; from complex governance networks to psychotherapy; from gender dynamics to agent-based modelling; and the appropriate response to pandemics. Some unusual research methods ? based on art, psychology and multi-level networks ? are also included. Furthermore, the book incorporates discussions on the philosophical aspect of research methods and explores important theoretical concepts, such as exaptation, emergence, self-organisation and co-evolution.This is an ideal resource for academics and researchers in the field seeking and exploring new research methods. For decision-makers and researchers trying to address complex challenges it will be an essential source of inspiration that will arm them with effective state-of-the-art research methods for the future.Contributors include: P. Allen, P. Andriani, S. Banerjee, Y. Bar-Yam, P. Beautement, C.R. Booth, J. Bromley, H.L. Brown, J. Burton, G. Carignani, B. Castellani, G.C. Crawford, C. Day, C.J. Dister, R. Durie, E.G. Eason, K.M. English, J. Fortune, M. Gabbay, J. Goldstein, J.K. Hazy, K. Hopkinson, N. Hupert, E.S. Ihara, H.J. Jensen, J. Johnson, D.G. Kelty-Stephen, W.G. Kennedy, L. Kuhn, B. Lichtenstein, C. Lundy, B. McKelvey, E. Mitleton-Kelly, S. Mockett, G. Morçöl, S. Mukherjee, S.K. Palit, A. Paraskevas, B. Pourbohloul, R. Rajaram, F.A. Razak, K.A. Richardson, J. Rowan Scott, Y. Shapiro, S. Kim, J. Stead, H. Stuteley, A. Tait, C.J. Tompkins, L. Varga, X. Wan, P.R. Wolenski, M.E. Wolf-Branigin, K. Wyatt
Guilford Publications Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders
This book provides the first comprehensive guide to enhanced cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E), the leading empirically supported treatment for eating disorders in adults. Written with the practitioner in mind, the book demonstrates how this transdiagnostic approach can be used with the full range of eating disorders seen in clinical practice. Christopher Fairburn and colleagues describe in detail how to tailor CBT-E to the needs of individual patients, and how to adapt it for patients who require hospitalization. Also addressed are frequently encountered co-occurring disorders and how to manage them. Reproducible appendices feature the Eating Disorder Examination interview and questionnaire. CBT-E is recognized as a best practice for the treatment of adult eating disorders by the U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).