Search results for ""taylor francis ltd""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Photovoltaics in Cold Climates
Providing electric power to remote, cold regions at high latitude or altitude can be an expensive and technically challenging task. Photovoltaics (PV) provide a reliable and cost-effective solution yet their potential is underdeveloped, in part because of a lack of knowledge about their effectiveness in cold climates. This book illustrates the potential and the techniques for using PV in cold climates. The book starts with a general section illustrating how PV can be applied in cold climates, with a succinct overview of the main considerations and chapters covering both the solar resource and the economics. It then covers the effects of cold climates on PV systems looking at the issues around the array and electronics, the battery and energy management. The third section covers design considerations and possible configurations (stand alone/battery systems, hybrid systems, seasonal storage and system simulation). The next part covers installation and operation and the book concludes with several case studies. The book will be invaluable both for all managers charged with providing power to cold climates whether for dwellings, other buildings or technical installations and for all technicians, engineers, installers and researchers working on such installations. It will also be of great interest to those working with PV in any form, or interested to see PV technology reach its full potential.
Taylor & Francis Ltd From Genetics to Gene Therapy: The Molecular Pathology of Human Disease
Distinguished scientists provide an overview of the molecular pathology of human disease. Each chapter provides an analysis of the molecular biological approaches to individual diseases, such as leukaemia, cardiovascular disease and cancer, and includes a
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Since the first successful isolation and cultivation of human embryonic stem cells at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1998, there has been high levels of both interest and controversy in this area of research.This book provides a concise overview of an exciting field, covering the characteristics of both human embryonic stem cells and pluripotent stem cells from other human cell lineages. The following chapters describe state-of-the-art differentiation and characterization of specific ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm-derived lineages from human embryonic stem cells, emphasizing how these can be used to study human developmental mechanisms. A further chapter discusses genetic manipulation of human ES cells. The concluding section covers therapeutic applications of human ES cells, as well as addressing the ethical and legal issues that this research have raised.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Gene Transfer to Animal Cells
Gene transfer to animal cells was first achieved more than thirty years ago. Since then, transformation technology has developed rapidly, resulting in a multitude of techniques for cell transformation and the creation of transgenic animals. As with any expanding technology, it becomes difficult to keep track of all the developments and to find a concise and comprehensive source of information that explains all the underlying principles.Gene Transfer to Animals Cells addresses this problem by describing the principles behind gene transfer technologies, how gene expression is controlled in animal cells and how advanced strategies can be used to add, exchange or delete sequences from animal genomes in a conditional manner. A final chapter provides an overview of all the applications of animal cell transformation in farming, medicine and research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Gene Evolution
The story of our evolutionary past is told in our genome sequence. Human Gene Evolution deals with the origins of human genes, describes their structure, function, organisation and expression. The text integrates our emerging knowledge of chromosome and genome structure, and discusses the nature of the mutational mechanisms underlying evolutionary change.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Shipbrokers and the Law
This text provides an explanation of the responsibilities and liabilities of the shipbroker, both in direct contact with principles and as part of a chain of other brokers. Highlighting legal questions arising from ways in which the broker's business is done, issues addressed in this book include potential legal liabilities as well as common negligence claims. The book also deals with the shipbroker's entitlement to commission and the problems associated with litigation in this area. It is suitable for ship owners, charterers, agents and marine consultants, as well as brokers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Eastern Values; Western Milieu: Identities and Aspirations of Adolescent British Muslim Girls
In this book, Tehmina Basit examines the educational, social and career aspirations of adolescent Muslim girls in the context of their present experiences in contemporary Britain. She gathered data for the study over a period of twenty months, mainly by in-depth interviewing. The book portrays adolescence as a period of hope and expectation, rather than a time of stress, confusion and rebellion. The girls are optimistic about the future and, though largely working class, have middle class aspirations which they hope to realize through the mediums of education and careers. Nevertheless, they also want to get married and have children. While the girls’ aspirations are partly being shaped by the views of their parents and teachers, they are not replicating the lives of their parents and teachers. Indeed, they are active participants in shaping their own multiple identities and aspirations by means of a subtle combination of negotiation and persuasion.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Labour of Love: Beyond the Self-Evidence of Everyday Life
Amazed at the stubborn nature of the sexual division of labour in modern society, five Norwegian researchers set out to explore the sources of this pervasive resistance to change. Moving from the neutral concepts of work and money, the lofty notions of love and family and the triviality of domestic organization, social science is made to yield some surprising insights into hidden, secret and perhaps even sacred structures of everyday life. A provocative claim in these pages is that the practical arrangement in the family is informed by the erotic properties of work and semi-religious notions of poverty and dirt - and is sustained by both sexes. This anthology reveals some perplexing aspects of contemporary self-understanding and rediscovers sexual meaning as a pillar of modern culture. The book is an invitation to reconsider the conditions for gender equality and to explore further the cultural tangle behind this persistent tolerance for injustice within European thinking.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Caring for Jewish Patients
Jewish patients customarily have particular ways of approaching health and healthcare. This book outlines the Jewish practices and customs of direct relevance to health professionals, illustrated throughout with case histories. Information is provided to facilitate day to day communication, discussing etiquette and interpersonal relationships between the health professionals and their patients, describing in detail the dietary laws, customs and festivals. This book will offer practical advice about Jews, Judaism and the Jewish community helping to educate and enable all healthcare professionals in hospitals and in the community to provide care in a culturally appropriate manner.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Delivering Cancer and Palliative Care Education
The quality of cancer and palliative care is going through unprecedented change and development as a result of policy initiatives. The impact of these policies on education is unparalleled and it is essential that clinicians and educationalists are aware of the policy formation processes and educational strategies that meet the demands of these changing times. This book takes a holistic approach to patient care and draws on the diverse experience in hospices and highlights best practice to present a comprehensive and practical guide. However, it does more. New topics are given an educational perspective; those with limited educational experience are given sound advice; the implication of policy change is outlined. This is an important book and one which should be read by all clinicians, educators and managers responsible for improving services in cancer and palliative care.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Doctors' Tale - Professionalism and Public Trust
Sir Donald Irvine asks what further changes have to be made to the culture and regulation of medicine to make it as trustworthy as the public today expects. As President of the General Medical Council between 1995 and 2002, Sir Donald helped shape the changes that followed disasters like the deaths of babies at Bristol and the murders of Dr Harold Shipman. In this frenetic period a new ethos of professionalism emerged, embodying the concept of the autonomous patient and more robust, transparent professional regulation founded on a partnership between the public and doctors. Sir Donald discusses candidly the struggles in the profession and with successive Governments over the key issues. He provides perspectives that are both startling and enlightening. He criticises the British Medical Association for its past resistance to accept the need for change, and explains why its role in the future must be radically different. He calls for specific fundamental changes to the National Health Service, and for Government to be separated from managing the provision of healthcare. And he outlines the qualities that the bodies regulating doctors in the future must have to succeed. In part a personal testimony, in part a clarion call for doctors to secure the new culture and re-establish public confidence, The Doctors' Tale is gripping and essential reading for everyone who cares about health.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Chronic Myofascial Pain: A Patient-Centered Approach
This comprehensive easy-to-read compendium on renal drugs has been revised and updated with 200 additional drugs that affect renal function. It has been compiled by the UK Renal Pharmacy Group who have specific expertise in this field. It should be of interest to: hospital pharmacists; hospital, medical school and general practice libraries; and doctors and nurses treating patients with impaired kidney function (not necessarily for kidney disease).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Confronting an Ill Society: David Widgery, General Practice, Idealism and the Chase for Change
David Widgery was a socialist GP who worked in the East End of London. For him medicine was as much about the social causes of illness as it was biological. He believed that if wealth were more evenly distributed, society and its members would be healthier. Working in and fighting for the NHS symbolised his wider view of the world. This book tackles the difficult issues surrounding doctors’ roles, including whether they should ignore or embrace the social causes of illness. It uses the unique perspective of David Widgery’s life to explore these issues, and also considers why medicine at times can be disheartening. General practitioners, other doctors, and those who shape and make health policy will all find this book stimulating and enlightening reading.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Looking After Children In Primary Care: A Companion to the Children's National Service Framework
Highly Commended in the 2005 BMA Medical Book Competition The Children's National Service Framework sets standards for children's and young people's services, outlining what support should be available to children and their parents in managing and preventing a wide range of conditions and problems. This book is a companion to the Children's (NSF), enabling those that work within the NHS, social care and education to the put the NSF into practice in primary care. Contributions throughout from key professionals who were involved in the evolution of the framework help by providing guidance and expertise from the knowledge and background material gained throughout its development. The authors expand on the vision, themes and goals published within the NSF and make recommendations for the ways that best practice can be implemented, particularly for children's healthcare throughout the UK and anywhere in the Western world. General practitioners, child health specialists, community nurses and anyone with an interest in or responsibility for the care of children in primary care and the interface with social care and education, will find this book invaluable reading.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Complexity in Healthcare and the Language of Consultation: Exploring the Other Side of Medicine
This book provides an important contribution to the new and growing field of 'narrative-based medicine'. It specifically addresses the largest area of medical activity primary care. It provides both a theoretical framework and practical skills for dealing with individual consultations family work clinical supervision and teamwork and offers a comprehensive approach to the whole range of work in primary care. Using a wide range of clinical examples it shows how professionals in primary care can help clarify patients' existing stories and elucidate new stories. It can be used as a training resource and includes exercises and summaries of key points to consider. It is based on and describes an established evaluated training method and is of immediate and significant practical use to readers. It is essential reading for general practitioners practice nurses and others in the primary care team psychologists family therapists counsellors and other professionals attached to primary care. GP trainers tutors and course organisers will find it a valuable educational tool. Professionals elsewhere in primary care such as pharmacists dentists and optometrists and academics in medical sociology and medical anthropology will also find it very useful.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Clinician's Guide to Surviving IT
The NHS is currently in the middle of the biggest information technology project in Western Europe, which will fundamentally change the working practices of all NHS staff over the next five years. This book explains to ordinary clinicians why they should be bothered with IT, and what their responsibilities are in making it work. This book provides an enlightening and reassuring read that dispels ignorance and suspicion. The user friendly style is helpful, and friendly panels with tips, warnings, reflective pauses and key points highlight important details. It is also suitable for use as a student textbook. The Clinician's Guide to Surviving I.T. is a must for every doctor, nurse and midwife in the NHS.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Physicians as Leaders: Who, How, and Why Now?
This practical work has clinical guidelines, and advice on controlling symptoms, as well as showing doctors and carers how to provide physical and psychological comfort. It helps the clinician to develop a scientific approach to managing symptoms.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Doctor in Literature, Volume 2: Private Life
Focusing on the personal lives of doctors, this annotated indexed anthology explores personality, behavior and doctor-patient relationships as portrayed in novels, short stories and plays. The Doctor in Literature, Volume 2 and its companion volume are unique among medical anthologies in that readers can look up medical topics as they appear in fiction. The choice of passages is based on clinical relevance, and the range of fully indexed subjects and quotations are generally not found in other texts. This work brings together an extraordinary array of passages from literature to provide a major reference source. It identifies and analyses recurring themes in the portrayal of medical doctors, and is sure to provide pleasure for readers who use it for browsing. Key reviews from The Doctor in Literature: satisfaction or resentment?
Taylor & Francis Ltd Consciousness Reconnected: Missing Links Between Self, Neuroscience, Psychology and the Arts
What is consciousness? The answer to this question has eluded thinkers for millennia. In modern times, scientists have struggled to find a complete answer, often hampered by the limitations of their particular specialisms. Derek Steinberg’s unique approach constructs a multi-faceted model of mind involving science and the arts, from which the sense of personal identity emerges. In a masterful tour-de-force, he establishes links between otherwise distinct or even conflicting disciplines. In this radical departure, the author argues that the arts, literature and human culture in the broadest sense make their contributions to understanding consciousness and the sense of self, though they are rarely acknowledged in mainstream debate. Rather than focusing only on what lies between the ears, Steinberg casts a wide net. He explores the connections between sciences and the humanities as he takes the debate into new areas. This book is fascinating and enlightening reading for everyone interested in human nature and the psyche, as well as for students and professionals in the fields of neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, medicine, social science, anthropology, philosophy and the arts, for whom the book is a breakthrough in the challenge of cross-disciplinary collaboration.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Learning from Medical Errors: Clinical Problems
The upheavals of the NHS reforms have caused a great deal of stress and uncertainty in primary care, and professional development and support for general practitioners needs to take account of this. This book offers a group supervision model which can be used to develop the core competencies needed for GPs to make the new primary care organisations work. The book analyses how primary care professionals have dealt with the various reforms of the past decade, and picks apart the paralysing culture of politeness, conflict avoidance and rivalry for power, to reveal how at the core of reform is the struggle for each GP to construct a new professional identity which integrates medicine, management and politics.It proposes ways GPs can benefit from these experiences to become equipped with the necessary competencies to be active members or dynamic leaders in the new primary care organisations. The doctor-patient relationship is no longer one-to-one, but located within a group matrix, in the same way that a GP is now required to work within a group framework. This book enables GPs to develop the essential group skills they now need, and on which the success of the healthcare reforms ultimately depends. 'A challenging approach to understanding and supporting the individuals who make up the primary care workforce. Gerhard Wilke has drawn on his experiences to identify the reasons behind the 'dis-ease' felt by many practitioners, and to suggest models for improving their morale. This book will be of interest to practitioners working through the challenges of continuing 'top down' reorganisation of the NHS and responding to the reconfiguration of general practice partnerships into PCGs and PCTs.'
Taylor & Francis Ltd Learning from Medical Errors: Legal Issues
As medical litigation continues to increase, the best defence for doctors is to be aware of, and avoid, medical errors. This book focuses on the key legal issues including medical documentation, which reduce risk and liability when handled correctly. It contains chapters on difficult patients and special issues for emergency physicians. The case-based format demonstrates clinical relevance and useful examples are drawn from office, hospital and community settings. This book is the companion volume to Learning from Medical Errors: Clinical Problems which focuses on the most common clinical situations resulting in malpractice litigation. Learning from Medical Errors: Legal Issues is vital reading for all doctors, medical lecturers and teachers and medical lawyers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Concise Notes in Oncology for MRCP and MRCS
This new updated and expanded edition challenges many widely held views on the links between poverty and child health. It brings together new evidence, both historical and current, and considers the practical implications for health and social policy, outlining innovative approaches to future development. Poverty and Child Health is vital reading for paediatricians and child health workers, doctors and health service managers, social service professionals, social scientists and everyone with an interest in shaping health and social policy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd MRCS Picture Questions: Bk. 1
This book is an in-depth and practical guide to the problems alcohol can cause and the professional interventions that can help. It covers the impact of alcohol on various types of individuals and in various circumstances. It explores a variety of perspectives as well as physical spiritual social and legal issues. The book outlines the range of problems shows how they can be identified and examines appropriate approaches from different professional groups. A group of renowned international contributors has written Alcohol Use in a clear style to ensure the book is accessible and easy to use. It makes full use of case studies charts and self-assessment tools and a to learn more section points the reader to advanced forms of study. It is an essential resource for professionals working in this area and those considering entering it. 'The need to disseminate findings and the challenge to provide clear and relevant resources has been successfully met by this book. It allows the impact of alcohol use at various points along the life span as well as a variety of treatment and therapeutic options. In addition multiple learning devices such as interactive exercises self-assessment tools and case studies enhance the engagement of the reader. The author's provide the reader with a variety of national perspetives address such diverse and important areas as transcultural workplace and community issues. Healthcare professionals everywhere should feel encouraged by this book and the promise it offers for informed and effective care.' Olga Maranjian Church in the Foreword
Taylor & Francis Ltd Your First ENT Job: A Survivor's Guide
Medics need well informed careers advice information guidance and counselling throughout their careers and not just while they are students or newly qualified doctors. The material in this book meets the needs of those wanting to gain insight into their own career development as well as those helping medical colleagues with their careers. A range of available options are explored from entry requirements through higher specialist training parallel medical careers and part-time alternatives. It covers regulations for overseas medics and recent changes in GP training. It is clear concise and fully referenced containing tips practical exercises and further reading. Case histories of doctors in 30 medical specialties illustrate opportunities and show how desired outcomes can be achieved. It is an essential resource for anyone in medicine considering a career change and individuals in a position to help other doctors with career development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Handbook of General Surgical Emergencies
This is a quick and easy portal of vital information for medical students and clinicians working in accident and emergency departments and surgical admissions units. It is also recommended as a revision aid for surgical exams. Written in an engaging, no-fuss style with helpful overviews and tips, Handbook of General Surgical Emergencies covers the most important of potential problems, including management of the acute surgical patient.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Demonstrating Your Clinical Competence: Depression, Dementia, Alcoholism, Palliative Care and Osteoperosis
This work is intended for those already in working in community care, including nurses, nursing students and social workers. It is aimed at those who have to provide palliative care from time to time, and at those who are considering a career shift into this field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Guide to the Primary Care Guidelines
This interactive workbook covers all the physiological and pharmacological aspects of pain and pain control. Each topic such as the central nervous system the human experience of pain and pain management is concisely covered in nine separate sessions. The workbook includes activities assignments worked examples self-assessment questions relating to learning objectives and learner profiles to assess current knowledge. The style is clear with diagrams personal profiles resources and areas to make your own notes. It is a companion to the text listed below and is a valuable tool for initial training and professional development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Workplace Counselling in the NHS: Person-Centred Dialogues
This book has been written specifically to meet the needs of counsellors and trainers working with the National Health Service. It will also provide useful insights for doctors, nurses, and managers within the healthcare sector. The book covers topics such as, difference and diversity, colour, language barriers, oppressed nurses, stressed managers, changes in the NHS, exhaustion and late cancellations. Adopting the unique approach of the Living Therapy series, this book uses fictitious dialogues to enable the reader to directly experience the therapeutic process, providing real insight into the experience of workplace counselling in the NHS and also in other work settings.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Demonstrating Your Clinical Competence in Respiratory Disease, Diabetes and Dermatology
Evidence-based medicine draws on terminology used in biostatistics epidemiology health economics philosophy ethics logic and the social sciences. In this unique compendium the author defines the common terms used in evidence-based medicine and provides useful notes and references to help the reader understand this terminology and explore further if necessary. The book explains statistical formulae commonly used in evidence-based medicine. It is ideal for doctors nurses and pharmacists who are not familiar with statistical terms and statisticians and health economists who are not familiar with pharmaceutical or clinical terminology. The definitions explanatory notes and references are clear and easily understandable.
Taylor & Francis Ltd I'm Too Hot Now: Themes and Variations from General Practice
Tomorrow's general practitioners will inhabit a world of ever greater sophistication and complexity. New skills will be demanded to manage the changing expectations of patients and governments. In an age of information overload, new patterns of creative, intelligent working will need to develop. This book provides a framework, illustrated by practical examples, for such a career path to develop and be supported. It examines a number of innovative schemes which highlight varied ways forward, both for training and personal enrichment. It addresses not only the need of today's young doctors, but also the question of how to equip all general practitioners for the challenges of the future.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sympton Relief in Palliative Care
This is an updated guide to the range of drugs commonly unused in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. There have been many significant changes in drug treatment over the last few years, and "Basic Notes in Psychopharmacology" provides an overview of both new and old drugs, their mode of action, indications and adverse effects. The four sections of the book deal with hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers. The book should be a useful guide for all those involved in the use of drugs in psychiatry. In particular, junior doctors, general practitioners and medical students should find it valuable as an introduction to this complex and rapidly changing area as well as a useful revision aid for examinations. However, psychiatric nurses, psychiatric social workers and psychiatric occupational therapists and clinical psychologists should also find the book an asset.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Care of Drug Users in General Practice: A Harm Reduction Approach, Second Edition
The National Primary Care Research and Development Centre series provides policy makers, commissioners, managers, primary care professionals and user organizations with up-to-date multi-disciplinary research on important issues that inform future decision making for primary care development. This book examines the key factors shaping the relationship between demand for, and use of, primary care. It provides a detailed picture with which to inform the planning of appropriate, acceptable and responsive primary care services. Patients' perceptions are important, not only because they are a barometer of the appropriateness and effectiveness of services, but because they are a unique source of knowledge about the way in which people use services when they do, for the reasons that they do. This book concisely presents empirical findings and summarizes key policy and conceptual issues. Other titles in the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre series: NPCRDC:What is the Future for a Primary Care-led NHS?N PCRDC: Primary Care and Social Services: developing new partnerships for older people NPCRDC: Better Building for Better Services NPCRDC: Specialist Outreach Clinics in General Practice NPCRDC: Primary Health Care and the Private Sector
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Essential Guide to the New FRCR: Pt. 1
The focus of the new Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) Part 1 exam has shifted to examining the fundamental physics, and radiation protection required to work safely within a radiology department. This book presents the new syllabus in a multiple-choice format that parallels the new exam. In addition, short answer questions reinforce fundamental teaching points. This essential guide will not only enable candidates to sit the exam with confidence, but will help them achieve a better and long lasting understanding of the subject for their future careers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Practical Ethics in Occupational Health
Explains the NHS as a political environment, and concentrates on understanding the relationships of power rather than on the role of apparent authority. The book presents a range of management frameworks and personal examples to illustrate what a primary-care-led NHS means.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Demonstrating Your Competence: v. 4
This volume, focusing on breast cancer, is part of a survey of health care needs for specific conditions, published on behalf of the Department of Health. This study overall considers questions such as the population's needs, the services available or unavailable to them, the effectiveness of these services, and other perspectives in disease and service areas. This is the second series of needs assessment reviews.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Teaching Palliative Care: A Practical Guide
Education of healthcare professionals is the cornerstone of specialist palliative services. This book is a practical toolbox of teaching techniques. Accessible, practical and easy to use it will encourage busy clinicians to teach by increasing their confidence in their training abilities. It provides a resource of various tools and describes how to approach teaching in a team, planning, methods and evaluation. Each chapter presents a menu of tried and tested techniques and closes with examples of lesson plans. The multidisciplinary experiences of the contributors are reflected in the book and healthcare professionals working in palliative care, hospitals, hospices or the community will find it to be essential reading.
Taylor & Francis Ltd General Practice--Demanding Work: Understanding Patterns of Work in Primary Care
General practitioners are moving into a more central and accountable role in managing NHS resources. To achieve this they need to monitor, understand and plan the everyday services they offer. This book shows the reader how. It provides insights and practical suggestions on how demand can be met effectively and efficiently. It shows how to improve service provision and guidance is given on how to reduce the stressful working conditions of GPs, nurses and other practice staff. Illustrated with charts and graphs and tips, it provides new and relevant data in an easy to understand and accessible format. All members of the practice team, especially GPs, GP registrars and NHS managers, and those undertaking research in or about primary care, will find it essential reading.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Top Tips for GPs: A Beginner's Guide to General Practice
For GPs and practice managers the challenge of the NHS reforms is to understand the business context in which general practice operates. Of the many skills learned from commerce and industry needed for the development of an effective strategy, business planning has been demonstrated to bring important benefits to the practice. However, for many the concept is necessary but unfamiliar. This book sets out to demystify the subject, explains the benefits and, by way of numerous examples, shows how they can be applied to the single-handed GP and group practices, whether or not they are fundholders. It suggests that good clinical care is not possible without the necessary planning and management skills to run a business.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Musculoskeletal Matters in Primary Care
Widespread recognition of the benefits of minimally invasive procedures in surgery and medicine is resulting in the rapid development of new advances and new techniques in every speciality. This series of books sets out to meet the needs of those responsible for applying the techniques. This volume deals with the field of minimal access gynaecology. Areas covered and techniques described include: advances in instrumentation and equipment for minimal access surgery; operative endoscopy in the treatment of infertility; laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy and total laparoscopic hysterectomy; advancements in laser fibre optic delivery systems compared to existing electrosurgery techniques; and operative hysteroscopy with electricity.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Alzheimer's Disease: Policy and Practice Across Europe
Alzheimer's disease is becoming more common in Europe, with significant human, ethical, economic and professional challenges to society. This book examines clinical practice and service delivery, and identifies policy issues that could lead to improved quality of life for sufferers and carers. The book: • Describes the differing needs of sufferers and carers, and how they can be met by a co-ordinated approach to policy and implementation • Outlines the particular challenges that healthcare policy makers face for this disease • Shows how better models of service provision can be developed and describes best practice models • Discusses the lessons to be learnt from various European pioneering projects This is a concise and practical guide for clinical specialists including psychiatrists, geriatricians, neurologists, public health doctors, nurses, and policy makers and shapers in health and social services.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Harnessing Health Libraries
The rise of evidence-based healthcare has put emphasis on finding specific evidence. Trying to find exactly the right article you are looking for can be vital especially when meeting a tight deadline or trying to find evidence for a particular treatment. This book from the Harnessing Health Information series shows the reader how to find the exact article quickly and efficiently. Fully referenced, it includes handy information such as acronyms with full descriptions and the available search tools. It looks at how novice users can find information in a straightforward and friendly way.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Middle East and North Africa 2019
Now in its sixty-fifth edition, this title continues to provide the most up-to-date geopolitical and economic information for this important world area.Key Features:- covers the Middle East and North Africa from Algeria to Yemen - includes topical contributions from acknowledged experts on regional affairs- accurately and impartially records the latest political and economic developments - provides comprehensive data on all major organizations active in the countries of the region. General Survey- introductory essays cover a wide range of topics relating to the region as a whole.Country SurveysIndividual chapters on each country incorporating:- essays on the physical and social geography, recent history and economy - an extensive statistical survey of economic and social indicators, which include area and population, health and welfare, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, industry, finance, trade, transport, tourism, communications media and education - a full directory with names, addresses and contact details covering the constitution, government, legislature, political organizations, election commissions, diplomatic representation, judiciary, religious groups, the media, finance, trade and industry (including petroleum and natural gas), tourism, defence and education - a country-specific bibliography, providing suggestions for further research. Regional Information- includes all major international organizations active in the Middle East and North Africa; research institutes specializing in the region; and select bibliographies of books and periodicals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Peace and Conflict 2017
An authoritative source of information on violent conflicts and peacebuilding processes around the world, Peace and Conflict is an annual publication of the University of Maryland’s Center for International Development and Conflict Management and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva).The contents of the 2017 edition are divided into three sections:» Global Patterns and Trends provides an overview of recent advances in scholarly research on various aspects of conflict and peace, as well as chapters on armed conflict, violence against civilians, characteristics of rebel and state forces, sexual violence, democracy and civil war, terrorism, human rights conditions, and the results of the updated Peace & Conflict Instability Ledger, which ranks the status and progress of more than 160 countries based on their forecasted risk of future instability (adverse regime change, internal war, state mass killing, non-state mass killing).» Special Feature spotlights work on the relationship between refugees and the diffusion of armed conflict.» Profiles surveys developments in instances of civil wars, peacekeeping missions, and international criminal justice proceedings that were active around the world during 2015.Frequent visualizations of data in full-color, large-format tables, graphs, and maps bring the analysis to life and amplify crucial developments in real-world events and the latest findings in research.The contributors include many leading scholars in the field from the US and Europe.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The International Who's Who 2018
When you need to source accurate information on the past history, achievements and current activities of leading world figures, from heads of state to sporting greats, Europa's The International Who's Who 2018 provides the answer. Published annually since 1935 The International Who's Who is your source for hard-to-find biographical details on over 25,000 of the world's most prominent and influential personalities. Featured personalities are regularly given the opportunity to update their entry, providing new information on education, artistic achievements, leisure interests, awards, contact details and much more. Also available online at, featuring thousands of click-through web links and email addresses, and advanced search functions enabling users to search by name, nationality, place and date of birth and by profession.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Strategic Survey 2016: The Annual Review of World Affairs
The Strategic Survey is the annual review of world affairs from the International Institute for Strategic Studies. It is an invaluable tool for interpreting world-wide strategic developments and has, since 1966, provided essential analysis of the year’s key events in international relations for government policy makers, journalists, business leaders and academics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Who's Who in International Affairs 2017
This tenth edition of Who's Who in International Affairs provides, in one volume, biographical information on nearly 7,000 people prominent in the fields of international politics, diplomacy, law and economic affairs throughout the world. As well as politicians and diplomats, the book also includes academics, think tank analysts, and journalists, among others, who are active in, or relevant to, the world of foreign affairs. Who's Who in International Affairs is thus an invaluable guide to the lives and careers of the most important figures in international affairs today. Each entry is clearly laid out, with the international figure’s personal details, education, career, publications and contact information conveniently divided into sections. In addition to the biographical information, an extensive index section is included, where entrants are listed once by nationality and for many by selected organizations for which they work. Also provided is the Directory of Diplomatic Missions appendix that lists by country all embassies and diplomatic missions to other countries around the world, including missions to the United Nations. Listings include contact information and names of ambassador or head of mission.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Middle East and North Africa 2016
Now in its sixty-second edition, this title continues to provide the most up-to-date geo-political and economic information for this important world area.Key Features:- covers the Middle East and North Africa from Algeria to Yemen - includes topical contributions from acknowledged experts on regional affairs- accurately and impartially records the latest political and economic developments - provides comprehensive data on all major organizations active in the countries of the region. General Survey- introductory essays cover a wide range of topics relating to the region as a whole.Country SurveysIndividual chapters on each country incorporating:- essays on the physical and social geography, recent history and economy - an extensive statistical survey of economic and social indicators, which include area and population, health and welfare, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, industry, finance, trade, transport, tourism, communications media and education - a full directory with names, addresses and contact details covering the constitution, government, legislature, political organizations, election commissions, diplomatic representation, judiciary, religious groups, the media, finance, trade and industry (including petroleum and natural gas), tourism, defence and education - a country-specific bibliography, providing suggestions for further research. Regional Information- includes all major international organizations active in the Middle East and North Africa; research institutes specializing in the region; and select bibliographies of books and periodicals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Africa South of the Sahara 2014
The definitive one-volume guide to all sub-Saharan African countries, providing invaluable economic, political, statistical and directory data.New for 2014: fully revised government lists for all countries coverage of major new stories over the past 12 months, including the strained post-secession relations between Sudan and South Sudan and the Islamist rebellion in Mali election results from Kenya, Djibouti, Zimbabwe and Togo General SurveyThoroughly revised and updated analytical articles written by experts on the region and covering both continent-wide and sub-regional issues.Country SurveysIndividual chapters on every country incorporating: essays on the physical and social geography, recent history and economy an extensive statistical survey of economic indicators a full directory containing names, addresses and contact details for key areas such as the government, diplomatic representation, the media, finance, trade and industry, and defence a useful bibliography, providing sources for further research Regional InformationDetailed information on regional organizations; commodities; research institutes; and select bibliographies of books and periodicals.