Search results for ""author jonathan"
Hachette Book Group USA Rover and Speck Its a Gas
Taylor & Francis Inc Quarks, Leptons and the Big Bang
CHOICE: Highly RecommendedQuarks, Leptons and The Big Bang, Third Edition, is a clear, readable and self-contained introduction to particle physics and related areas of cosmology. It bridges the gap between non-technical popular accounts and textbooks for advanced students. The book concentrates on presenting the subject from the modern perspective of quarks, leptons and the forces between them. This book will appeal to students, teachers and general science readers interested in fundamental ideas of modern physics. This edition brings the book completely up to date by including advances in particle physics and cosmology, such as the discovery of the Higgs boson, the LIGO gravitational wave discovery and the WMAP and PLANCK results.
House of Anansi Press In a Land Without Dogs the Cats Learn to Bark
Edinburgh University Press The Many Voices of Lydia Davis: Translation, Rewriting, Intertextuality
The first in-depth analysis of Lydia Davis's translations and writing'The Many Voices of Lydia Davis' shows how translation, rewriting and intertextuality are central to the work of Lydia Davis, a major American writer, translator and essayist. Winner of the Man Booker International Prize 2013, Davis writes innovative short stories that question the boundaries of the genre. She is also an important translator of French writers such as Maurice Blanchot, Michel Leiris, Marcel Proust and Gustave Flaubert. Translation and writing go hand-in-hand in Davis's work. Through a series of readings, this study investigates how Davis's translations and stories relate to each other, finding that they are inextricably interlinked. It explores how Davis uses translation - either as a compositional tool or a plot device - and other instances of rewriting in her stories, demonstrating that translation is central for understanding her prose. Understanding how Davis's work complicates divisions between translating and other forms of writing highlights the role of translation in literary production.Key FeaturesThe first monograph on this key contemporary writer that analyses texts from throughout her careerA series of analyses of Davis's major translations and how her work interacts with themA rethinking of the role of translation in literary production and the boundaries between translating and writing
Hodder Education AQA Sociology for A Level Workbook 2: Families and Households
Exam Board: AQALevel: A-LevelSubject: SociologyFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: Summer 2016Create confident, literate and well-prepared students with skills-focused, topic-specific workbooks.- Prepare students to meet the demands of the 2015 AQA A-level Sociology specification by practising exam technique and developing literacy skills- Supplement key resources such as textbooks to adapt easily to existing schemes of work- Reinforce and apply topic understanding with flexible material for classwork or revision- Create opportunities for self-directed learning and assessment with answers to tasks and activities supplied online
O'Reilly Media Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Making Native Apps with Standards-Based Web Tools
If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop Android applications. This hands-on book shows you how to use these open source web standards - instead of Java - to design and build apps that can be adapted for any Android device. You'll learn how to create an Android-friendly web app on the platform of your choice, and then convert it to a native Android app with Adobe's free PhoneGap framework. Discover why device-agnostic mobile apps are the wave of the future, and start building apps that offer greater flexibility and a broader reach. * Learn the basics for making a web page look great on the Android web browser * Convert a website into a web application, complete with progress indicators and more * Add animation with JavaScript to make your web app look and feel like a native Android app * Take advantage of client-side data storage with apps that run even when the Android device is offline * Use PhoneGap to hook into advanced Android features - including the accelerometer, geolocation, and alerts * Test and debug your app on the Web under load with real users, and then submit the finished product to the Android Market
Bristol University Press Analysing the History of British Social Welfare
This book offers insights into the development of social welfare policies in Britain. By identifying continuities in welfare policy, practice and thought throughout history, it offers the potential for the development of new thinking, policy making and practice.
Policy Press The Well-Being of Children in the UK
Now in its fourth edition, this is the classic assessment of the state of child well-being in the United Kingdom. This edition has been updated to review the latest evidence, examining the outcomes for children of the impact of the economic crisis and austerity measures since 2008. It is an invaluable resource for academics, students, practitioners and policy makers concerned with child welfare and wellbeing.
Crossway Books O Sacred Head, Now Wounded: A Liturgy for Daily Worship from Pascha to Pentecost
For individuals and families, this 48-day liturgical devotional guides readers through Pascha, Holy Week, and Pentecost—helping them retain their focus on the saving work of Christ throughout his temptations, life, trial, passion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and Pentecost.
Crossway Books Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship (Gift Edition)
Designed to be read in 15–20 minutes a day, this liturgical devotional guide will give readers focus and purpose in their daily quiet time while pointing them to Christ. Gift edition features a timeless TruTone cover.
Crossway Books Church Discipline: How the Church Protects the Name of Jesus
Provides an accessible framework for understanding church discipline, offering nine case studies and several practical considerations for leading a church through disciplinary situations with grace and truth.
Gibbs M. Smith Inc The Savage Style
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Lockwood & Co.: The Whispering Skull
Taylor & Francis Ltd Emergent Elites and Byzantium in the Balkans and East-Central Europe
According to Byzantium's leaders, their imperial order anchored in Constantinople was the centre of excellence - spiritual, moral, material and aesthetic. They rewarded individuals willing to join, and favoured outside groupings prepared to cooperate militarily or politically. Interactions with outsiders varied over place and time, complicated by the sometimes differing priorities of Byzantine churchmen and monks on or beyond Byzantium's borders. These studies consider the dynamics of such interactions, notably the interrelationship between the Bulgarians and their Byzantine neighbour. The Bulgarians' reaction to Byzantium ranged from 'contrarianism' to the systematic adaptation of Byzantine religious orthodoxy, ideals of rulership and normative values after Khan Boris' acceptance of eastern Christianity. For their part, Byzantine rulers were readier to do business with their Bulgarian counterparts than official pronouncements let on, occasionally even adopting aspects of Bulgarian political culture. Byzantium's interrelationship with other ruling elites was less intensive, but the process of Christianisation and the need to format this in readily comprehensible terms could make even distant potentates look to the template of effective Christian sole rulership which Byzantium's rulers embodied. Hungarian and Rus leaders were of abiding geopolitical interest to imperial statecraft, and the studies here show how during the generations around 1000 Byzantine political imagery resonated throughout the region.
Edinburgh University Press Reading Elizabeth Bishop: An Edinburgh Companion
Provides a comprehensive and original guide to Elizabeth Bishop's poetry and other writing, including literary criticism and prose fiction.
Picador USA Purity
Picador USA Strong Motion
Picador USA The End of the End of the Earth: Essays
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Comprehensive Atlas of High-Resolution Endoscopy and Narrowband Imaging
Previous edition won First Prize in the Gastroenterology category of the 2008 BMA Medical Book Competition High-resolution endoscopy and narrowband imaging have revolutionized the field. Edited by a gastroenterologist with a reputation for delivering outstanding material, this new edition of an award-winning atlas provides you with an outstanding collection of images, videos, and expert diagnostic guidance to enhance your decision making. To accelerate your learning, Dr. Cohen offers more than 2000 endoscopic images, emphasizing conditions for which NBI is particularly useful – such as finding dysplasia in Barrett's mucosa, and diagnosing adenomatous colon polyps – and providing exceptional preparation for the future of endoscopy practice, with a broad new look at normal and abnormal findings throughout the GI tract. The book is divided into three main parts: The basics of NBI Clinical applications of NBI Atlas of 1600 color images, broken into sections on the pharynx and esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon, including correlating histopathology and multiple examples of key pathologies The accompanying website features more than 85 video clips containing over 3 hours of annotated video, to give you a complete sense of how HRE and NBI work and look in real time, including during therapeutic procedures. All of the over 1000 new images appear in much brighter color, reflecting the advance in scope technology since the first edition. New chapters have been added to present the data supporting increased use of NBI in optical diagnosis and in the context of therapeutic procedures. For the first time, brilliant images of the bile duct and pancreas are included as the imaging revolution has expanded to reach these new locations. This spectacular new imaging modality promises to enhance endoscopic decision making in real time, facilitate therapeutic maneuvers, make tissue sampling more precise, and make resection of mucosal neoplasia more complete. Expertly guiding you through the latest advances, this book facilitates your mastery of the field, and provides an up-to-date reference for gastroenterologists and endoscopists to improve their practice.
Random House USA Inc The Acid Watcher Diet: A 28-Day Reflux Prevention and Healing Program
Kahn & Averill Guitar
Galley Beggar Press Randall
Myriad Editions Twenty-Six
Berklee Press Publications Berklee Contemporary Music Notation
Cornell University Press Autocracy under Siege: Security Police and Opposition in Russia, 1866–1905
Imperial Russia's security police have long been popularly associated with administrative lawlessness, harsh repression, and throngs of spies. Shocking tales told by revolutionaries and tendentious Soviet accounts have perpetuated such views. Yet Russia's security service on the eve of the Revolution of 1905 was relatively small-scale, law-abiding, and humane, especially given the extent of social and politcal opposition the regim faced. Autocracy under Siege examines the role of the security service in the titanic struggle between the regime and those dedicated to the defeat of monarchical absolutism. From the first terrorist attempt on the life of a Russian emperor in 1866 through the seismic upheaval of 1905, Daly traces the reaction, expansion, and evolution of the security police in the face of the increased antigovernment activity that threatened the continued survival of the regime. Drawing upon a wealth of sources, including many recently declassified archival documents, Autocracy under Siege provides a detailed analysis of the personnel, institutions, and effectiveness of the imperial Russian security police. Daly further explores the interplay of regime and opposition when they confronted each other most directly in the years before the 1905 upheaval. Through comparisons with western European police institutions, Daly ultimately reveals that, despite its infamous reputation, the imperial Russian security police actually resembled European models, a notion previously rejected by other historians. The most probing analysis to date of how and why Russia's security police developed, this study will prove essential to historian of Russia and Europe and to readers interested in the fields of politics, law, and revolution.
Taylor & Francis Inc Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants: Evolutionary Aspects
This volume provides a synthesis of recent work on evolutionary aspects of metal tolerance in plants. It presents contributions from scientists with a wide diversity of expertise. It covers the evolution of heavy metal tolerance in groups of plants, fungi, and protists. The book discusses the physiological, genetic and molecular aspects of metal tolerances. It deals with the evolution of populations in metal-contaminated environments. Several chapters include tolerance in animals in order to place the rest of the book on plants in proper perspective. This publication is an exciting addition for scientists with both applied and basic interest in metal toxicity and tolerance. It is of importance to those in vegetation ecology, land reclamation, agronomy, physiology, population ecology, ecological genetics, evolutionary biology and molecular biology.
Fordham University Press Saint Marks: Words, Images, and What Persists
Saint Marks invokes and pluralizes the figure of Mark in order to explore relations between painting and writing. Emphasizing that the saint is not a singular biographical individual in the various biblical and hagiographic texts that involve someone so named, the book takes as its ultimate concern the kinds of material life that outlive the human subject. From the incommensurate, anachronic instances in which Saint Mark can be located—among them, as Evangelist or as patron saint of Venice—the book traces Mark’s afterlives within art, sacred texts, and literature in conversation with such art historians and philosophers as Aby Warburg, Giorgio Agamben, Georges Didi-Huberman, T. J. Clark, Adrian Stokes, and Jean-Luc Nancy. Goldberg begins in sixteenth-century Venice, with a series of paintings by Gentile and Giovanni Bellini, Tintoretto, and others, that have virtually nothing to do with biblical texts. He turns then to the legacy of John Ruskin’s Stones of Venice and through it to questions about what painting does as painting. A final chapter turns to ancient texts, considering the Gospel of St. Mark together with its double, the so-called Secret Gospel that has occasioned controversy for its homoerotic implications. The posthumous persistence of a life is what the gospel named Mark calls the Kingdom of God. Saints have posthumous lives; but so too do paintings and texts. This major interdisciplinary study by one of our most astute cultural critics extends what might have been a purely theological subject to embrace questions central to cultural practice from the ancient world to the present.
Citadel Press Inc.,U.S. Zombie Csu: The Forensic Science of the Living Dead
Disney Book Publishing Inc. The Amulet of Samarkand
The History Press Ltd Life as a Battle of Britain Pilot
Southern England. Late summer 1940. The nation is fighting for its very survival and the Luftwaffe's aerial offensive is unrelenting. All that lies between invasion and salvation for Britain is the 'thin blue line' of RAF Fighter Command and its pilots. This newly illustrated anniversary edition of Life as a Battle of Britain Pilot reveals what it was like to fly a fighter plane in the Battle of Britain. Who were the Spitfire and Hurricane pilots of 1940? How did they spend a typical day? And when pitched together in combat at 30,000 feet, which was the better machine - Spitfire or Me109? Read Life as a Battle of Britain Pilot and then ask yourself: would I have been up to the job?
Pluto Press The Message is Murder: Substrates of Computational Capital
Written as a wake-up call to the field of media studies, The Message is Murder analyses the violence bound up in the everyday functions of digital media. At its core is the concept of 'computational capital' - the idea that capitalism itself is a computer, turning qualities into quantities, and that the rise of digital culture and technologies under capitalism should be seen as an extension of capitalism's bloody logic. Engaging with Borges, Turing, Claude Shannon, Hitchcock and Marx, this book tracks computational capital to reveal the lineages of capitalised power as it has restructured representation, consciousness and survival in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It argues that the global intensification of inequality relies on the discursive, informatic and screen-mediated production of social difference. Ultimately The Message is Murder makes the case for recognising media communications across all platforms - books, films, videos, photographs and even language itself - as technologies of political economy, entangled with the social contexts of a capitalism that is inherently racial, gendered and genocidal.
Random House USA Inc The Beak of the Finch: A Story of Evolution in Our Time (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dimensions of Moral Theory: An Introduction to Metaethics and Moral Psychology
Dimensions of Moral Theory examines the key presuppositions and philosophical commitments that support and shape moral theories.
Three Rivers Press (CA) All the Pieces Matter: The Inside Story of The Wire®
Taylor & Francis Ltd Criminal Law Statutes 2012-2013
‘Focused content, layout and price - Routledge competes and wins in relation to all of these factors’ - Craig Lind, University of Sussex, UK ‘The best value and best format books on the market.’ - Ed Bates, Southampton University, UK Routledge Student Statutes present all the legislation students need in one easy-to-use volume. Developed in response to feedback from lecturers and students, this book offer a fully up-to-date, comprehensive, and clearly presented collection of legislation - ideal for LLB and GDL course and exam use. Routledge Student Statutes are: • Exam Friendly: un-annotated and conforming to exam regulations • Tailored to fit your course: 80% of lecturers we surveyed agree that Routledge Student Statutes match their course and cover the relevant legislation • Trustworthy: Routledge Student Statutes are compiled by subject experts, updated annually and have been developed to meet student needs through extensive market research • Easy to use: a clear text design, comprehensive table of contents, multiple indexes and highlighted amendments to the law make these books the most student-friendly Statutes on the market Competitively Priced: Routledge Student Statutes offer content and usability rated as good or better than our major competitor, but at a more competitive price • Supported by a Companion Website: presenting scenario questions for interpreting Statutes, annotated web links, and multiple-choice questions, these resources are designed to help students to be confident and prepared.
Random House USA Inc Motive: An Alex Delaware Novel
St Martin's Press Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bronx Is Burning: 1977, Baseball, Politics, and the Battle for the Soul of a City
Yale University Press Goerings Man in Paris
A charged biography of a notorious Nazi art plunderer and his career in the postwar art world
Yale University Press Isle of Man
The first Pevsner volume to explore the Isle of Man’s unique architectural inheritance The Isle of Man has had many incarnations – a land of Celtic monks, the realm of the Norse sea-kings, the petty kingdom of the Earls of Derby, a nest of Georgian smugglers, the retreat of genteel Regency debtors, a major destination for Edwardian North Country holidaymakers, and more recently a “financial centre.” All have left their mark on its architecture, from early crosses and medieval castles to the domestic architecture of M. H. Baillie Scott via thatched cottages, yeomen's farmhouses, and promenades of stuccoed hotels. This unique inheritance has never hitherto been given its due either on or off the island. Drawing on much original research, set out in the usual Pevsner gazetteer format, this volume aims to rectify that.
Columbia University Press The Met A History of a Museum and Its People
The University of Chicago Press East African Mammals: Bovids v. 3D
The University of Chicago Press Sound Reporting – The NPR Guide to Audio Journalism and Production
Perhaps you've always wondered how public radio gets that smooth, well-crafted sound. Maybe you're thinking about starting a podcast and want some tips from the pros. Or maybe storytelling has always been a passion of yours, and you want to learn to do it more effectively. Whatever the case - whether you're an avid NPR listener or you aspire to create your own audio, or both - "Sound Reporting: The NPR Guide to Audio Journalism and Production" will give you a rare tour of the world of a professional broadcaster.Jonathan Kern, who has trained NPR's on-air staff for years, is a gifted guide, able to narrate a day in the life of a host and lay out the nuts and bolts of production with equal wit and warmth. Along the way, he explains the importance of writing the way you speak, reveals how NPR books guests ranging from world leaders to neighborhood newsmakers, and gives sage advice on everything from proposing stories to editors to maintaining balance and objectivity. Best of all - because NPR wouldn't be NPR without its array of distinctive voices - lively examples from popular shows and colorful anecdotes from favorite personalities animate each chapter.As public radio's audience of millions can attest, NPR's unique guiding principles and technical expertise combine to connect with listeners like no other medium can. With today's technologies allowing more people to turn their home computers into broadcast studios, "Sound Reporting" couldn't have arrived at a better moment to reveal the secrets behind the story of NPR's success.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Book of Witches: An Anthology
HarperCollins Publishers If I Survive You
SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2023 BOOKER PRIZEDazzling' GUARDIANBlistering' THE TIMES''A delight'' DIANA EVANSFiction written at the highest level' ANN PATCHETT''Hilarious, revelatory'' MARLON JAMESAn electrifying, hilarious and deeply moving tragicomic debut novel following a Jamaican family grappling with a new life in the US.What are you?'This is the puzzled question that greets a young Trelawny growing up in a Miami where his racial ambiguity is regarded with confusion and suspicion. It's not just his neighbours, his Jamaican parents Topper and Sanya don't seem to understand him either. Then there's his stubborn older brother Delano, who is determined to secure a better future for his own children, no matter what it takes.As both brothers navigate the challenges littered in their path a woefully unreliable father, racism, recession and even a hurricane they find themselves increasingly at odds. Will they make it through together or must one brother's future come at the cost of the other?S
HarperCollins Publishers If I Survive You
SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2023 BOOKER PRIZE ‘Dazzling’ GUARDIAN ‘Blistering’ THE TIMES 'A delight' DIANA EVANS ‘Fiction written at the highest level’ ANN PATCHETT 'Hilarious, revelatory' MARLON JAMES An electrifying, hilarious and deeply moving tragicomic debut novel following a Jamaican family grappling with a new life in the US. ‘What are you?’ This is the puzzled question that greets a young Trelawny growing up in a Miami where his racial ambiguity is regarded with confusion and suspicion. It’s not just his neighbours, his Jamaican parents Topper and Sanya don’t seem to understand him either. Then there’s his stubborn older brother Delano, who is determined to secure a better future for his own children, no matter what it takes. As both brothers navigate the challenges littered in their path – a woefully unreliable father, racism, recession and even a hurricane – they find themselves increasingly at odds. Will they make it through together or must one brother’s future come at the cost of the other? Shortlisted for the 2024 Gordon Burn Prize ‘An astonishingly assured debut novel … clarity, variety and fizzing prose’ BOOKER PRIZE JUDGES ‘So damn funny’ RUMAAN ALAM ‘Astonishing’ I NEWSPAPER 'Utterly unstoppable’ IRISH TIMES What readers say: ‘So good it was hard to put down’ ‘Humour, real feeling … totally recommend’ ‘So engrossing and entertaining’ ‘A must read’
HarperCollins Publishers Gulliver’s Travels (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. 'I cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives to be the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth.' Shipwrecked on the high seas, Lemuel Gulliver finds himself washed up on the strange island of Lilliput, a land inhabited by quarrelsome miniature people. On his travels he continues to meet others who force him to reflect on human behaviour – the giants of Brobdingnag, the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos. In this scathing satire on the politics and morals of the 18th Century, Swift's condemnation of society and its institutions still resonates today.
Little Tiger Press Group Noisy Dinosaurs
Touch, feel and hear the noisy dinosaurs on every page of this interactive chunky board book, packed with bright photographs, tactile textures and exciting dinosaur roars! Ever wanted to know exactly what sounds different dinosaurs made? Whether a T-Rex really roared and a Pterodactyl really screeched? With touch-and-feel elements and a sound on every page, Noisy Dinosaurs is the perfect board book for interactive learning - but be warned - it’s hard to put down! Learn about five amazing dinosaurs and practise your best dinosaur sounds! This noisy dinosaur sound book is a great way to introduce little ones to exciting facts as they touch the dinosaurs to hear the noises. Play, discover and learn! Press the touch-and-feel elements to hear five exciting sounds, with a button on the last page to play all five sounds again! This amazing dinosaur book covers topics such as: ● What noises dinosaurs made ● How and why dinosaurs looked like they did ● What dinosaurs ate ● Fun facts about dinosaurs Noisy Dinosaurs is part of the bestselling My First Touch and Feel Sound Books series for children. The books in this series are filled with exciting sounds and fun facts and come with an on/off switch to preserve battery life. Also availalable in the series: Noisy Farm Noisy Baby Animals Noisy First Words Noisy Jungle Noisy Things That Go Noisy Trucks
Sage Publications Ltd Effective Practice Learning in Social Work
The Department of Health requires students on the social work degree to undertake at least 200 days in direct practice learning during their course. Practice learning often raises great anxieties for students, agencies and those who supervise and assess it. This book tackles those anxieties, explaining the ways the experience can deliver a unique learning opportunity for the student. It is ideal for students undertaking or about to undertake practice learning, student supervisors and practice assessors, as well as trainers and policymakers within social care agencies and healthcare professions where practice learning is also undertaken.