Search results for ""Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.""
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Remember Your Rubbers!: Collectible Condom Containers
This book is indeed a "first." A few rubber tins have made cameo appearances in past publications but this is the premier book exclusively about rubber containers-most of which have never been pictured before. Try this on your coffee table and you'll have a fun conversation piece-a trifle naughty but respectable! You and your friends can share hours of enjoyment getting to know about one of the hottest collectibles ever to hit the antique advertising scene! Buying Remember Your Rubbers! can save you money, perhaps many times the price of the book. You'll learn which brands are rare and which are not. You'll know enough not to spend a fortune on a "Deans Peacocks" (the "Prince Albert of rubber tins") as well as not to pass on a one-of-a-kind like the "Rainbow," both incidentally from the same company!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Victorian Pencils: Tools to Jewels
A groundbreaking study of the development of mechanical and metal cased pencils in the nineteenth century. Illustrated with over 700 photographs, the book provides examples of the extraordinary variety of propelling pencils that were created between 1800 and 1920. Readers will be struck by the ingenuity of the inventors and creators of this (until now) forgotten form of decorative art. From metal cased pencils that are elegantly practical, to "magic" pencils that are more whimsical than functional, this book follows the progress of the mechanical pencil as it evolves from a usable tool to something more akin to jewelry. This history of mechanical pencils also includes definitions of terms, descriptions of various mechanisms, ornamentation and surface decoration, and the multitude of combinations created by nineteenth century pencil-case makers. Value ranges are also included.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Victorian Staffordshire Figures 1835-1875, Book Two: Religous, Hunters, Pastoral, Occupations, Children & Animals, Dogs, Animals, Cottages & Castles, Sport & Miscellaneous
Collecting Staffordshire ceramic figures, a particularly English folk art, has expanded from its origins to include much of the English speaking world. This work, in two books, details and illustrates the range and depth of figures made by the potters. Over 2,900 figures are illustrated in the two books, virtually all in the brilliant color which was imperative for the beauty and simplicity of the figures to be fully appreciated. Many of these figures have never before been recorded. A history of the figures, together with sources and relevant bibliographical details, are included, along with a guide to current prices. Victorian Staffordshire Figures 1835-1875, Book Two details Religous and Temperance Figures; Hunters and Huntsmen; Shepherds, Gardeners, Harvesters, and Pastoral Scenes; Other Pursuits, Pastimes, and Occupations; Children with Animals; Dogs; Animals; Houses, Cottages, and Castles; and Sport and Miscellaneous.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Cigar Box Labels: Portraits of Life, Mirrors of History
Cigar Box Labels: Portraits of Life, Mirrors of History pays tribute to cigars and the pictorial glory of Victorian-era cigar box labels, a unique form of commercial advertising that flourished in the business place a century ago and helped drive cigars to widespread prominence in American society. Those who fancy these stunningly beautiful paper images as a hobby are in the midst of the hottest area of antique tobacco advertising collecting today. Showcased here are some of the finest and most desirable examples produced by the old stone chromolithographic method between 1860 and 1910. This book also explores some of the rich historical past that surrounds cigars-their manufacture, marketing, and, most of all, their mystique. Also featured is a potpourri of contemporary anecdotes, poems, and other bits of literary whimsy designed to amuse, educate, and titillate the imagination.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Panzerjager
Coverage of a variety of improvised German self-propelled anti-tank guns on a variety of war fronts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Marder III
The rugged German self-propelled anti-tank gun that used the 38(t) chassis on a variety of war fronts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Automatic Wristwatches from Germany, England, France, Japan, Russia and the USA
This book is long overdue documentation on automatic wristwatches from countries other than Switzerland. These watches were always considered superior micro-mechanical products and posed a challenge to technicians. It was only a question of time, before the collectors' interest in these watches expanded from Swiss watches to those of other origins. A total of 123 watches are illustrated in three different views and are described in detail.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Creating Scenes for Military Miniatures: Groundwork, Foliage, & Settings
Once you’ve finished your latest military miniature, you’ll want to display it at its best. You could simply attach it to an attractive base, but just imagine posing it in a slice of terrain in which your particular soldier fought. A British paratrooper from World War II charges from a bombed-out building. A pair of Buffalo soldiers defend a waterhole in the Arizona desert. In his latest book, Kim Jones shows you in step-by-step, close-up photographs how to do just that. The artist describes his techniques for creating groundwork, foliage, and diorama settings. With this book you can use his proven methods for creating scenes for your military miniatures to give that perfect finishing touch.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Zenith® Radio: The Early Years 1919-1935
Zenith's "The Quality Goes in Before the Name Goes On" is one of the most recognized, and well earned, corporate mottos in America. Founded by two Navy radiomen in 1919, luck and the infusion of capital from a wealthy adventurer and car salesman started the Zenith Radio Corporation on a journey that would propell it to the top of the United States electronics manufacturing industry. The rise was an interesting one, the cast of high profile. With access to the Zenith corporate archives and their discovery of the long sealed files of one of Zenith's founders, the authors present for the first time the documented story of Zenith radio and company from 1919 through 1935. Professors Cones and Bryant draw on their long experience as radio enthusiasts and writers for both the popular and scholarly press to tell the fascinating story of Zenith's impact on early radio history. They present a wealth of never before published photographs, documents, and information, as well as color portraits of many Zenith radios of the era. Complimenting the story is an illustrated catalog of nearly every Chicago Radio Laboratory and Zenith radio model produced between 1919 and 1935 and a database of valuable information which covers every radio produced by the company, along with a rarity and price guide.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Art Deco Aluminum: Kensington
In 1934 Alcoa introduced a revolutionary new line of aluminum alloy giftware and domestic items designed by American pioneer industrial designer Lurelle Guild. Called Kensington Ware, these relatively expensive, slick, machine-age objects were in an unmistakenly Art Deco style with cast brass accents. They represent an important American contribution to modern design and decorative arts. The Kensington plant ceased production around 1970, and collectors have recently been scooping up these compelling objects in the antique and collectible markets. This is the first book to tell the Kensington story and identify, value, and illustrate the aluminum in 375 color, vintage, and black-and-white illustrations. It is a must for anyone interested in aluminum, Art Deco, and the machine-age in America.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Fashionable Clothing From the Sears Catalogs: Late 1950s
These styles will ring a bell not only with America's baby-boomers, but also with current fashion trend watchers. Today's interest in retro fashions makes this book as current as it would have been more than thirty years ago, but the quality is much better. Using today's technology, it presents more than 400 color photographs of clothing styles for men, women, and children culled from 1964-67 Sears Catalogs. Images of mohair sweaters, cardigan sets, bloomer playsuits, madras jackets, checked gingham shifts with matching triangle scarves, ruffled rib-tickler tops and capri pants, Bermuda collars, wraparound skirts, maternity wear, and even days-of-the-week panties all combine to give us a look into what the average American was wearing, along with descriptions and original prices. Current prices are listed for some of the items for those interested in collectible vintage clothing from the era.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Story of the Thimble: An Illustrated Guide for Collectors
The world's foremost authority on the history of thimbles tells all, outlining the little tool's long history, from ancient Egypt to today. The thimbles' history is interwoven with that of women, giving glimpses of a private, domestic world that history books often overlook. Meet the poor little Victorian seamstresses with their everyday brass thimbles and the tiny children's thimbles worn by early straw workers. Glance at gold and gem-set thimbles worn by the courtesans of Paris and, on the other hand, learn why the thimble was the perfect romantic gift a proper gentleman could give to a lady. Romance aside, this book supplies practical tips on cataloging, maintenance, and display, along with price guides and a list of thimble collectors' organizations throughout the world. More than two thousand thimbles are illustrated in full color, some of which have never been seen before.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Indian Dolls
These endearing little emissaries personify and spread the spirit of the diverse native people from across North America and into the arctic reaches of Canada. Whether made for childrens' play or as tourists' souvenirs, their colorful dress, ornamentation, and materials are enjoyed by doll collectors and Indian buffs alike. Here more than a hundred different dolls are grouped according to their geographical origins, including Iroquios, Seminole, Cheyenne, Navajo, and Eskimo Indian dolls, shown along with early photographs of the people and places they represent. Also, Skookum dolls, which were made as commercial items, are presented. Together, the dolls make an inspiring group and display the diversity of mankind. Value references are provided for some of the dolls.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collecting Lincoln
Look at Abraham Lincoln through others' eyes, seeing history in an entirely different light. While historical text details what Lincoln thought or did and how he planned his actions, the collector of Lincoln holds tangible items, revealing how society saw or portrayed the president. Through collectibles, Lincoln is revealed not only as politician, but also as the subject of painters and sculptors. His influence on society and politics is brought to life in a way which can't be produced in a purely historical or biographical text. The first president to be photographed and have his photographs distributed to hundreds of thousands of citizens, Lincoln's image appears on medals, coins, stamps, and currency, and his story is told in books and pamphlets. Lincoln relics elevate him to an almost saint-like figure in society, and his assassination brought the nation to its knees in mourning. Over 950 photographs illustrate this multi-faceted look at Lincoln and how society still reveres him more than one hundred years after his death.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Wonderful Raggedy Anns
Whether you're a beginning or advanced collector, a nostalgia buff, or simply moved by Raggedy Ann and Andy smiles,you'll love this book. It is a peek into private collections from across the country, with dozens of collectors sharing their special "babies." More than 700 color photographs depict previously unpublished dolls and related items. For the first time, creative "concept Raggedys"-those outfitted in ethnic or occupational garb-are covered in depth, and Raggedys dressed for the holidays also make their appearance. Volland, Georgene, Knickerbocker, and Applause collectors will welcome the sections provided to help them date their dolls. These smiling Raggedy faces will entice you to read, reread, and refer to this volume again and again. The dozens of Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, books, and collectibles pictured here will have you heading out on a Raggedy search, want list in hand.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 29 Angel Patterns for Carvers
Here’s a heavenly project, filled with delightful, though sometimes impish, angels. Al Streetman’s reputation as a caricature carver and teacher has grown with his increasing library of books. Here he provides enough patterns for a heavenly host, with step-by-step instructions about carving, painting, and antiquing. This is the perfect book for the new carver looking for the wisdom of experience and for the veteran carver seeking some new ideas and techniques. The results are angels that are at home any time of the year, but especially at the Christmas holiday. They make perfect gifts and, for those who sell their craft, they draw people to the table in droves. This is a book that will be much used and long loved. Enjoy!
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Opel Military Vehicles 1906-1956
This book includes the design, testing and use of Opel cars, trucks and special vehicles of the period from 1931 to 1945. The paramilitary reliability trials, the NSKK competitions and the increasing military modifications of the Opel Blitz commercial vehicles are also shown.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd R.S. Prussia: The Early Years
This book explores porcelain wares produced by the Reinhold Schlegelmilch Porcelain Factory [marked R. S. Prussia], of Suhl, Germany, and sold to America from 1888 through 1900. The wonderfully molded and decorated plates and platters, tea sets, pitchers, clocks, and decorative objects are described with over 760 beautiful color images. An entire chapter is devoted to the company's charming toy china sets. Displayed are wares formed from a variety of molds (including Fleur-de-Lis and Melon) and patterns (outline transfer, King George, and Coraline patterns, to name a few). Newly discovered mold patterns are included, along with a history of the company's early operations, wholesale and trade catalog pages illustrating wares exported to the United States, the manufacturer's marks employed during this early period, a bibliography, and several appendices. This book will guide all collectors of Victorian porcelain to recognize the early pieces marked R. S. Prussia.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Medium Half-Tracked Prime Movers 1934-1945
Covers all of the medium half-tracked prime movers used by German forces during WWII.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Men of Honor: Thirty-Eight Highly Decorated Marines of World War II, Korea and Vietnam
Men of Honor contains more than 100 official citations for bravery above and beyond the call of duty along with several eyewitness acounts such as the following excerpt: ... When we approached the area, Captain Pless asked the crew, "you all with me?" He knew the answer would be yes. As we flew on, we saw four U.S. personnel laying on the beach and around them, not less forty or fifty armed Viet Cong. They, the V.C., were beating the helpless personnel. As we flew over the group of people, one of the beach waved to us, and for his efforts got a rifle butt in the face. The V.C. were too close to the Americans to safely fire at them, but the V.C. were killing them anyway, so Captain Pless ordered the right door gunner, Gunnery Sergeant Poulson, to fire on them. It took only a short burst to send the V.C. running for cover. When Captain Pless saw this, he immediately rolled in hot with rockets and guns. The smoke from our W.P. rockets obscured the V.C. who were running when we started our attack, but Captain Pless continued to fire into the smoke, displaying the most remarkable airmanship I have ever seen in my eighteen months in country as an air crewman. As crewchief of the aircraft, and knowing its capabilities, I couldn't believe what he was making that belo do, but when the smoke started to clear, I saw bodies laying everywhere . . . Along with the above there are short biographies of all thirty-eight men, newspaper articles, and photographs. Men of Honor is a look at only a few of the many heroes of the United States Marine Corps: Kenneth D. Bailey, Harvey C. Barnum, John Basilone, Gregory Boyington, Martin L. Brandtner. Evans F. Carlson, Justice M. Chambers, Raymond G. Davis, Joseph Donovan, Merritt A. Edson, Wesley L. Fox, Robert Murray Hanson, John L. Hopkins, Louis R. Jones, Howard V. Lee, William G. Leftwich, Homer Litzenberg, Harry B. Liversedge, James E. Livingston, Joseph J. McCarthy, Frank N. Mitchell, Raymond G. Murphy, Raymond L. Murray, Steven Pless, Lewis B. Puller, Harold S. Roise, Carlton Robert Rouh, Webb D. Sawyer, James V. Shanley, Alan Shapley, David M. Shoup, Ray L. SMith, Alexander Vandegrift, Jay R. Vargas, Robert W. Vaupell, Kenneth A. Walsh, Lewis W. Walt, Stanley J. Wawrzyniak.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Parades of the Wehrmacht: Berlin 1934-1940
Parades in Berlin during the Third Reich era were presented during Heroes’ Memorial Days, Hitler’s Birthday and occasions to honor foreign guests. This new photo album shows the military parades in Berlin from the years 1934-1940, and shows the great variety of early uniforms, equipment and vehicles used by the Wehrmacht at the time.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Carving Storybook Mice
Mice make wonderful carving subjects. Their high-speed antics and busy, scampering ways always attract attention and are the stuff of countless stories. The carving project presented here features an industrious mouse who, having gathered up a plump strawberry for dinner, has paused to enjoy the cooling shade of a strawberry leaf before heading home. The mouse, strawberry, and strawberry leaf are carved separately from unseasoned (or green) white pine. Over 230 color photographs and clear, concise instructions guide the reader through each and every step, making the process both enjoyable and rewarding. Techniques for soldering brass, placing glass eyes, and applying color stains to the finished mouse accompany the wood carving instructions. Twenty-one patterns and a color gallery of additional storybook mice caught in the midst of their busy lives are provided to fire the imagination. Carvers with basic skills will enjoy the challenges and advanced carvers will find David’s detail work fascinating.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collecting Crackle Glass
This vibrantly colored and radiantly textured glass is captured in over 400 color photographs which show the history of yesteryear's spectacular crackle glass in detail. Collecting Crackle Glass is a book filled with valued information for collectors, dealers, and glassware lovers alike. The "manufacturer's identification" and "most collectible" guidelines make it easy to collect the most desirable pieces, and a there is value range for each piece of crackle glass photographed. Now you can have detailed information about the styles, shapes, colors, and crackling procedures needed to be able to pick up an unidentified piece of crackle glass and name its maker, know the approximate date of creation, and the fair market value. If you are a dealer, collector, or glassware lover, Collecting Crackle Glass is a book you will value and refer to time and time again.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Women's Hats of the 20th Century: For Designers and Collectors
Hats represent an art form that is opening up new vistas for the vintage clothing collector. For the authors hats are a visual treat, and they have crafted a book that is chuck-full of some of the sweetest you'll ever see. This carefully researched book profiles important American and European milliners, and lists the most desirable designer and salon labels. It offers special sections with tips on dating, valuation, and storing and decoration. 500 vivid photos are beautifully styled and enhanced by lively and informative captions. Many period advertisements and illustrations from popular magazines depict the styles and moods of the times.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collecting More Household Linens
This comprehensive, illustrated survey explores the more common linens and fabrics once carefully stored in American linen closets and hope chests and proudly spread on tables and in neatly made up bedrooms. More than 500 color photographs illustrate these diverse and colorful areas of collecting, ranging from intricate and detailed samplers, embroidery, and tatting, to simple but elegant pieces such as hand towels and splashers; pillow cases, shams and bolsters; quilts and coverlets; rugs; scarves and runners; sheets and blankets; tablecloths; and tray and teacart cloths.You'll even find early factory-made fabrics, a breakthrough for homemakers of the time. Helpful, creative tips on caring for old and damaged pieces, as well as new ideas for decorating with them, are also included. Written for both the novice antiquer and the experienced dealer, Collecting More Household Linens is a wonderful guide to the linens found decorating our homes for decades.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Funky Fabrics of the '60s
The wide range of sixties fabric designs reflected the transition from the comforting tranquility of the early years to the bolder, more "hip" end of the decade. Funky Fabrics of the 60s takes you on a nostalgic tour of pastel and splashy florals, patchwork calicos, denims and stripes, wild abstract geometrics, and neon paisleys. Whether you admired Jackie Kennedy's elegant style or danced barefoot in a peasant dress as a "flower child", this full color book with hundreds of designs will bring back memories of a unique time.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Engineering the Victory: The Battle of the Bulge: A History
The Battle Of the Bulge, in December 1944, was Hitler and the Wehrmacht's last great battle of World War II in the West. After losing the war for the beaches and hedgerows of Normandy, and barely escaping with huge losses from the Falaise pocket, the German Army fell back to just West of the Rhine and the German border. Hitler and his Generals planned a massive counter stroke and marshaled the forces to make it work. Striking in surprise on December 16, 1944 in the weakly defended Ardennes, German thrusts moved quickly to put Allied forces on the defensive. The Battle of the Bulge was that ensuing great battle. In this book Colonel David Pergrin reaches out for the other stories of that battle. Assisted by the Army Engineer Association, he has gathered numerous battlefield stories, anecdotes, and experiences told by those who were there and who lived them. With his own battlefield experience providing an understanding of people in war, he has crafted an interesting book that tells those stories of engineers in battle. Many of the participants in that great battle have never been recognized for their exploits. The stories Dave Pergrin has collected in this book bring attention to engineer soldiers in combat and construction units who fought and died with their comrades of infantry, tankers, artillery, and the others - units that have not before been accorded their due. Weaving these stories and vignettes together into the framework of the overall battle, this book honors the many engineer soldiers, their companies and battalions, that contributed greatly to the allied to the allied defeat of the Germans.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Orders, Decorations and Badges of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam
The Orders and Decorations of the "enemy" during the Vietnam War have remained shrouded in mystery for many years. References to them are scarce and interrogations of captives during the war often led to the proliferation of misinformation concerning them. To confuse the situation even more, these awards were bestowed by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV), known then as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV), and the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF), and a myriad of political and local organizations. Covered ar those Orders and Decorations now considered official by the SRV, as well as many of the obsolete awards bestowed by the DRV and the NLF. It also discusses many of the commemorative, political and local awards. Includes value guide.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 1003 Salt & Pepper Shakers
This third volume by Larry Carey and Sylvia Tompkins focuses on character salt and pepper shakers. Featured in this book are popular television, movie, and cartoon characters. Also included are well-known mascots or symbols, such as the Loch Ness Monster and Smokey Bear. A large part of 1003 Salt & Pepper Shakers focuses on characters created by Walt Disney. The color, size, manufacturer, design variations, and value range for over 700 examples of character salt and pepper shakers is provided.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd United States Naval Vessels: The Official United States Navy Reference Manual Prepared by the Division of Naval Intelligence, 1 September 1945
This book comprises four manuals compiled from official sources during World War II Manuals such as those in this book, were distributed widely through the fleet and used constantly as a standard reference. The Office of Naval Intelligence published a library of manuals that covered our own Navy as well as British, French, Soviet, Japanese and German Navies, among others. The first part of this book comprises the manual entitiled ONI 222-US:United States Naval Vessels. In the official introduction to this manual. Commodore Thomas B. Inglis, USN,Acting Director of Naval Intelligence states, "It is a graphic and statistical picture of the U.S. Navy at its peak in numerical strength. The information in this maunal is corrected to and as of 1 September 1945." The second part of this book is study compiled by the Statistical Section of the Officer of Naval Intelligence. Entitled The United States Fleet(From Pearl Harbor to Oct. 1, 1945). the purpose of this study is two fold. As it states in the introduction, "the purpose of the present table is A: To provide a compact and readily intelligible overall view of the United States Fleet. (1) Before the onset of War, (2) At the end of the war, (3) At the present time, and (4) As presently being built for the future, and B: To present a summary of the charges which have taken place in the United States Fleet, Documented by the names or hull numbers of the vessels whose status have changed". The latter includes those ships sunk during the war and converted/reclassified to other uses. The final part of this book is a reprint of a 1 December 1944 document entitled Index of United States Fleet. This document was prepared by Commander, Air Force, Pacific Fleet. Excepting un-named ships and craft, all vessels are included. They are listed individually by their classification, followed by their name, in tabular form under their class name. While this document does not include unnamed ships, such as those found in the Patrol Vessel and Amphibious categories, the manual does include a separate section for Landing Ships, Craft and Vehicles, with charecteristics and illustrations, at the end of the document.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Kawasaki Ki-61 HIEN in Japanese Army Air Force Service
Richard Bueschel revises and updates his classic series of books on Japanese Naval and Army Air Force aircraft of World War II. The JAAF Kawasaki Ki-61 HIEN (Tony) is presented in this volume. All variations and markings are covered in this the fourth in a projected multi-volume series.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Generalfeldmarschall Fedor von Bock: The War Diary 1939-1945
The Von Bock memoirs, which appear here for the first time, allow the reader to see the entire drama of the Second World War through the eyes of one of Germany's most important military commanders. After the attacks on Poland and Western Europe, campaigns he helped bring to a succesful conclusion, von Bock became Commander-in-Chief of Army Group Center which carried out the main drive on Moscow during Operation Barbarossa and brought the Red Army to the verge of collapse in the great battles of encirclement. Hitler relieved von Bock when the German offensive bogged down during the winter of 1941/1942. After he returned as Commander-in-Chief of Army Group South, von Bock was eventually placed in temporary retirement when he critized Hitler's division of forces against Stalingrad and the Caucasus-the road to castrophe began. Army commanders like Hoth, Guderian, Kluge and Paulus served under Generalfeldmarschall Fedor von Bock, while at his side stood his nephew Henning von Tresckow, who led the most active resistance movement against Hitler, and Carl-Hans von Hardenberg, a friend and advisor of Stauffenberg. Their efforts to win over von Bock failed, yet the Generalfeldmarschall tolerated the pronounced resistance sentiments among his staff, and even became privy to the attempted assissination of Hitler on July 20, 1944. This book allows us to reassess Fedor von Bock, whose complex personality is revealed by his diary entries, and by the biographical sketches by editor Klaus Gerbet.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Silver Jewelry Designs: Evaluating Quality Good * Better * Best
The innovative designs in silver jewelry made in Europe and North America in the 20th century are fascinating and highly popular today. This new book starts with the end of Victorian styles, just before the turn of the twentieth century, and proceeds to display and explain the relationships in Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Mexican, Native American, Mid-century Realistic, and Modern Abstract styles right up to the 1990s. Beautiful color photographs clearly show the details, makers' marks, and fine workmanship that make each piece of jewelry fascinating to so many collectors today.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Hawaiian Shirt Designs
Beautiful and wild print shirts evolved from the special culture of Hawaii, a paradise of mild climate, clean water, and abundant flowers. With their beautiful Island landscapes, colorful tropical flowers, Asian images, surfer boys, and hula girls, Aloha shirts are great fun to wear and own. In this expansive book, over 425 different shirts are displayed in clear color photographs along with an historical text, women's clothing, 20 different button styles, and — for the first time — 229 researched manufacturer's and retail labels which help to date and identify the shirts. Graphic designers will revel in the diversity of "Hawaiian" designs and the remarkably beautiful colors of the prints.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd More Root Beer Advertising & Collectibles
Here's a big second serving for sassafras softdrink lovers. Ever since Tom Morrison's first beverage book, Root Beer Advertising and Collectibles, was published, a second edition about this popular pop was inevitable. More than 650 photographs of root beer bottles, cans, dispensers, mugs, signs and emblems, and more are depicted in this volume, which was made possible by the groupings of some of the largest root beer collections in America. Root beer tidbits, recipes, lists of clubs and newsletters, and a guide to the brand names also make this book a valuable guide for those who want to know more about these popular collectibles.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Zenith® Transistor Radios: Evolution of a Classic
Here, for the first time, is a complete guide to all the wonderful transistor radios produced by the Zenith Radio Corporation during the "Magic Years," when transistor radio design was constantly being improved. This comprehensive book includes a complete listing of all transistor radio models created by Zenith from 1955 through 1965. Outstanding color photos from original Zenith sales sheets as well as information on each model are presented in a year by year order of production. Never before published photographs, documents, and original drawings from the Zenith archives, as well as a large collection of original Zenith advertising, fill the pages. A large, full-color photo section with price guide rounds out the book and will help readers easily identify each Zenith transistor radio from those "Magic Years."
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Glass Beads From Europe
The various worldwide uses of glass beads, from antiquity to the modern time, are presented in this new book, along with the fascinating evolution of the beadmaking industry. From roots in Asian and African glassmaking, the European beadmaking industry is shown to have developed in response to political and economic factors of international trade and keen businessmen who saw potential profits, 475 color photographs, illustrate the different styles uses, and patterns of glass beads that originated from or influenced the European industry. Phoenician, Celtic, Viking, Venetian, African, Bavarian, Bohemian, Dutch, French, and Russian styles that were made for symbolic, fashion, magic, and controversial uses are shown. Even today's foiled, flower, mosaic, pearl, bronze, and fancy beads are discussed and shown. As beads play an important role in ornamentation today, this book will be of interest to a wide circle of creative people. The price guide reveals the current collector's market for popular bead types.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Protect & Avenge: The 49th Fighter Group in World War II
With the 50th Anniversary of Victory in World War II comes PROTECT & AVENGE: The 49th Fighter Group in World War II. After six years of research, author and illustrator S.W. Ferguson, Along with 49ERS Association historian William K. Pascalis, have recreated the war-year's odyssey of the famous 49ERS, the most successful fighter group in the war against Japan. Flyers' Paul Wrutsmith, Bob Morrissey, Ernie Harris, Gerry Johnson, Bob DeHaven and leading American ace Dick Bong, are but a few of the men who contribute to the 49ERS legend. From their desert air strips of Northwest Territory, Australia, through their jungle camps of New Guinea and the Philippines, to the final moment of victory on the Japanese homeland, all are detailed in this new volume. Derived from the diaries and logs of 49ERS veterans, the group's official USAF history and the U.S. National Archives, the story chronicles more than thirty aces and their crews who achieved over 600 aerial kills in three years of continuous combat. The text is highlighted by more than 600 black and white photos, six compaign maps, and twenty-four color profiles of select P-40s, P-57s, and P-38s. S.W. Ferguson lives in Colorado Springs where he has pursued his teaching, writing and art career for the last ten years. His interests are American writers and history of the 20th century, and swift waters that yield trout. Bill Pascalis is a veteran aircraft mechanic of the 49ERS Selfridge AFB cadre and served through the New Guinea campaign of mid-1943. After the war, he established a long career with Tranworld Airlines. He now lives with his wife in retirement in Florida, enjoying golf, his grandchildren and research in the 5th Air Force archives.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Model Boat Building: The Lobster Boat
Menhaden steamers were double framed, heavily built offshore fishing boats in use during much of the 20th century. As the name implies, they were used to catch menhaden, a member of the herring family used for bait, oil, and fertilizer. Powered by diesel or steam hundreds of these boats fished the waters of the eastern United States, from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico. It was a huge industry employing thousands of people working. During the World Wars many menhaden steamers were pressed into service for the U.S. Navy, searching for submarines among other duties. Today these boats are gone, the plants mostly closed or torn down, and the men retired, but this new book, by boat modeler Steve Rogers, captures the memory of the boat, and allows the reader to recreate it in 1/2-inch scale, resulting in a 56-inch model. With clear drawings, plans, and step-by-step illustrated instructions, the reader moves from carving the hull master, through the authentic steps of construction, to the final painting and rigging of the boat. The result is a model that commemorates a bygone period of maritime history and reflects traditional craftmanship by the proud builder.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Heavy Bombers: Do 19, Fw 200, He 177, He 274, Ju 89, Ju 290, Me 264 and others
Covers all German heavy bomber models used during WWII.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Bronzes of the Nineteenth Century: Dictionary of Sculptors
Art flourished in France to an exciting and unprecedented degree in the 19th century. Sculpture was a part of this fantastic explosion of creative genius with such artistic giants as Rodin, Barye, d'Angers and Carpeaux. At the same time technological advances in the bronze industry transformed sculpture from an art form for public plazas and the rich to art for living rooms and vestibules of even the middle class. The result has been an abundant supply of nineteenth century French bronzes-some common reproductions, and some extremely valuable limited editions. In this important reference, you can discover a wealth of information. This extraordinary volume contains a complete encyclopedia of almost 750 French artists, with biographies, listings of works (along with size and foundry when known), museum pieces in France and elsewhere, and recent sales. It also includes an overview of 19th century bronze sculpture, the foundries that cast the bronzes, and methods used to cast works. 1000 photographs capture the beauty of the pieces and help identify these and similar works.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Collectible Maxfield Parrish
Maxfield Parrish was one of the rare artists whose work was immensely popular during his own lifetime. His brilliant use of color, attention to detail, and flights of fancy enchanted the public. His images were used to illustrate books and magazines, advertise products, grace calendars, and adorn walls. The Collectible Maxfield Parrish presents the great wealth and beauty of Maxfield Parrish's work in beautiful full-color images. This new book is focused on those items that are available in the market place and can be collected by the average person with a little diligence and investment of time and money. This is an essential reference for Parrish collectors and for any one who has an interest in the development of the illustrator's art in America.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Trucks & Cars in WWII Vol.VIII: Ford at War
This book is the eighth volume in a series covering the various trucks and cars used by Germany during WWII.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Heinkel He 162
The jet powered “Volksjäger” actually saw combat during the late war months.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Air Organizations of the Third Reich: The Luftwaffe
Bender’s book covers Luftwaffe rank insignia, Waffenfarbe, uniforms, headgear, cuff titles/armbands, special uniforms, Fallschirmjäger equipment, accessories, specialty badges, clasps, decorations, standards, flags, pennants, aircraft markings.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Plastic Toys: Dimestore Dreams of the '40s and '50s
This tremendously informative book is the most complete source for collectible plastic toys. Over 850 vivid color photographs display plastic toys-from cars, trucks, and airplanes to dolls and dollhouse furniture-supplemented by manufacturers' diagrams and molders' marks. Industry development from the 1930s through the 1960s is discussed, with attention to wartime changes in plastic toys production. With charm and light touch, Bill Hanlon explains technical facts of the plastics industry and provides down-to-earth, useful information on how to evaluate, repair, and care for your collection. For the detail-hungry collector, there is an extensive price guide and a chapter on researching and identifying individual pieces. Hanlon also presents significant information that has only recently come to light, providing a means of identifying toys whose origins until now were a complete mystery.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Classic Miniature Vehicles: Made in Italy
Here, at last, is a long-awaited volume for collectors of miniature vehicles. After a span of several years, noted authority Edward Force turns his eye toward the vehicles produced in northern Europe from the early to mid-20th century. From Scandinavia the toys include the classic Tekno brand, as well as Vilmer and several smaller brands such as Bapro and Lemeco. Also included are a series of plastic models once offered by Lego. From Belgium, there are vehicles from the Gusquy-Septoy firm and the short-lived Sablon brand. Holland is represented by Lion Toys and the Best Box-Efsi-Oto-Holland line. Finally, the book contains the German Siku line. In all, hundreds of examples are shown in full color, plus the encyclopedic gathering of information that collectors have come to expect from Dr. Force. Values are provided for each model shown. This new volume will satisfy the pent-up demand for a new volume on miniature vehicles and will be a welcome addition to the collector's library.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Reupholstering at Home
This is a revised and expanded edition of a highly successful reupholstering book that has sold thousands of copies. It gives step-by-step instructions with 350 clear and detailed photographs to show how to rebuild that dilapidated chair or sofa to look like new. The author explains what tools and materials you will need, and offers expert advice about which types of fabric are best for your needs. The author then leads your through specific steps with text, photographs and captions to reupholster your chair, couch, or hassock. The result is furniture you are proud to own for years to come, and you did it all yourself!