Search results for ""author carrie"
Silvana Michele De Lucchi and AMDL CIRCLE: Connettoma: Synapsis of Humanistic Architecture
Michele De Lucchi and AMDL Circle Connettome details the connections activated in the design work of Michele De Lucchi’s studio, named AMDL CIRCLE since 2019. Through a suggestive photographic sequence, the book traces the most significant creations of the studio, combined in order to make visible what the designer calls the “synapses of architecture”, meaning the associations of emotions, memories and thoughts that stimulate new creativity. Covering over 20 years of activity, the images reveal a way of thinking about architecture and design in the light of a multidisciplinary, visionary, future-oriented – in a word, humanistic – approach. At the end of the book, which includes a text by De Lucchi, is a chronologically arranged selection of projects carried out in the new millennium, in the fields of architecture, interiors, installations, product design, graphics and research. Text in English and Italian.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Wild Dreams of a New Beginning
Wild Dreams of a New Beginning brings together two acclaimed poetry volumes by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, one of our "ageless radicals and true bards" (Booklist). Who Are We Now? (1976), the first half of Wild Dreams, takes a long poetic look at the cultural fallout of a more radical time. This probing of the changes in the American psyche through the 1970s is carried forward in the second part, Landscapes of Living & Dying (1979)—a work originally hailed by Library Journal as "Ferlinghetti's strongest work since his 1957 A Coney Island of the Mind. . . . [He] pursues his disheveled muse with the innocent passion of a young beatnik, hiding his authentic erudition behind a comfortable guise of spontaneous composition."
University of Nebraska Press The Fifth World of Forster Bennett: Portrait of a Navajo
It is told that the ancestors of the Navajos journeyed through four worlds to reach the fifth, or present, one. The pressing complexities and underlying wonder of their fifth world of modern reservation life are portrayed in this classic ethnographic account by Vincent Crapanzano. As a young, inexperienced anthropologist, Crapanzano spent a summer with a Navajo man he calls Forster Bennett. In his fifties, Bennett was raised during the early reservation years, fought in the South Pacific in the Second World War, and, like many, carried a deep but not always openly expressed resentment toward whites. Crapanzano’s honest and gritty account of his time with Bennett and Bennett's community reveals a stark portrait of the “flat, slow quality of reservation life,” where boredom and poverty coexist with age-old sacred rituals and the varying ways that Navajos react and adjust to changes in their culture.
Faithlife Corporation Christian Mission
A deeper understanding of the grand history of mission leads to a faithful expression of God's mission today. From the beginning, God's mission has been carried out by people sent around the world. From Abraham to Jesus, the thread that weaves its way throughout Scripture is a God who sends his people across the world, proclaiming his kingdom. As the world has evolved, Christian mission continues to be a foundational tradition in the church. In this one-volume textbook, Edward Smither weaves together a comprehensive history of Christian mission, from the apostles to the modern church. In each era, he focuses on the people sent by God to the ends of the earth, while also describing the cultural context they encountered. Smither highlights the continuity and development across thousands of years of global mission.
University of Toronto Press The Rapids: Ways of Looking at Mania
The Rapids is an exploration of manic depression (also known as bipolar disorder). With reflections on artists such as Carrie Fisher, Kanye West, Saul Bellow, Paul Thomas Anderson, and Spalding Gray, Sam Twyford-Moore takes readers on a literary and cultural tour of mania and what it means to live with a diagnosis of "bipolarity" in contemporary society. He also looks at the condition in our digital world, where someone’s manic episode can unfold live in real time, watched by millions. His own story, told unflinchingly, is shocking and sometimes darkly comic. It gives the book an edge that is not always comfortable but full of insight and empathy. Smart, lively, and well-researched, The Rapids manages to be both a wild ride and introspective at once, exploring a condition that touches thousands of people, directly or indirectly.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Health and Disease: Volume 45
This edited volume presents recent updates in the fields of health and disease. Chapter One explores the role of nutrition in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Chapter Two includes updated information about the role electrotherapy can play in physical therapy. Chapter Three discusses the immune factors regulating nasopharyngeal colonisation and their role in otitis media, or inflammation of the middle ear. Chapter Four carries out a review of the evaluation and treatment of physiotherapy in children with autism spectrum disorders, focusing on a clinical case of a 4-year-old girl diagnosed with autism who presented a pattern of toe walking. Lastly, Chapter Five examines two intervention programs, ecologically-based family therapy and community reinforcement approach, focusing on reducing substance use and abuse among homeless adolescents.
Flame Tree Publishing Gustav Klimt Set of 3 Mini Notebooks
The Gustav Klimt Set of 3 Mini Notebooks features a collection of three mini, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design: The Kiss, Fulfilment and Adele Bloch-Bauer I. With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere! Gustav Klimt is renowned as a quintessential artist of the art nouveau movement and was a founder of the Viennese Secession movement at the turn of the 20th century, Vienna's own Art Nouveau. His extravagant work, was an obsessive manifestation of the dazzling intellectual society of his time and he painted very large canvases combining oils with gold foil. This Collection presents three of his most iconic paintings, perfect for all art lovers! Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
WW Norton & Co Sargent's Women: Four Lives Behind the Canvas
With unprecedented access to newly discovered sources, Donna M. Lucey illuminates the lives of four women painted by the society portraitist John Singer Sargent. With uncanny clairvoyance, Sargent’s portraits hint at the mysteries, passions and tragedies that unfolded in his subjects’ lives. Elsie Palmer carried on a labyrinthine love life in a Rocky Mountain castle; Elizabeth Chanler stepped into a maze of infidelity with her best friend’s husband; as the veiled image of Sally Fairchild emerged on the canvas, her sister was lured into an ill-fated life in art; and shrewd Isabella Stewart Gardner collected both art and young men. Born to unimaginable wealth, these women lived on an operatic scale; their letters and diaries create a rich depiction of the Gilded Age and the painter whose canvases defined the era.
Fordham University Press A Great Sacrifice: Northern Black Soldiers, Their Families, and the Experience of Civil War
A Great Sacrifice is an in-depth analysis of the effects of the Civil War on northern black families carried out using letters from northern black women—mothers, wives, sisters, and female family friends—addressed to a number of Union military officials. Collectively, the letters give a voice to the black family members left on the northern homefront. Through their explanations and requests, readers obtain a greater apprehension of the struggles African American families faced during the war, and their conditions as the war progressed. The original letters that were received by government agencies, as well as many of the copies of the letters sent in response, are held by the National Archives in Washington, D.C. This study is unique because it examines the effects of the war specifically on northern black families. Most other studies on African Americans during the Civil War focused almost exclusively on the soldiers.
Edinburgh University Press The Blasphemies of Thomas Aikenhead: Boundaries of Belief on the Eve of the Enlightenment
Thomas Aikenhead, a sometime University of Edinburgh student, was in 1697 the last person executed for blasphemy in Britain. Michael Graham uses the case to open a window into the world of late seventeenth-century Edinburgh and Scotland, exploring the core historical themes in a country in transition from confessional Reformation to polite, literary Enlightenment. Graham traces the roots of the Aikenhead case and the law of blasphemy which was evolving in response to new intellectual currents of biblical criticism and deism. He analyzes Aikenhead's trial and the Scottish government's decision to uphold the sentence of hanging and details the debates surrounding the execution which were carried out in print media across Scotland and England. Aikenhead's case grew into a media event which highlighted starkly the intellectual and cultural divisions dominating late seventeenth-century Britain.
Peeters Publishers Looking for Mithra in Malta
Many aspects of the mystery cult of Mithra remain enigmatic. It was a belief system that touched the hearts and minds of all manner of people, rich and poor, in the early centuries AD. Secretive, private and exclusive enclaves of believers infiltrated numerous regions of the Roman Empire, assembling in caves and cellars, where strange, sometimes terrifying, initiation rites were carried out. Never before has the evidence for the mysteries of Mithra been traced to the Maltese archipelago. This group of islands in the central Mediterranean fell under Roman domination, but their somewhat isolated location may have appealed to followers of Mithra. Cult artefacts and possible places of Mithraic worship in the islands have been presented here fore the first time.
The History Press Ltd Nymans: The Story of a Sussex Garden
Nymans forms one of a group of gardens in the Sussex Weald which were created before the First World War and are still beautiful today, their owners sharing a passion for new material brought back from all over the world by intrepid plant hunters. Ludwig Messel bought Nymans in 1890 and, with his head gardener, James Comber, began extensive planting of exotics, determined to prove that many supposedly tender plants could grow outdoors in Sussex. After 1915, his son, Leonard, carried on planting and raising new hybrids. In 1954 the garden was bequeathed to the National Trust. This historic garden is undoubtedly one of our national treasures and this book pays tribute to its history and beauty.
Headline Publishing Group Gaslight in Page Street: A compelling saga of community, war and suffragettes (Tanner Trilogy Book 1)
Page Street, a shabby, cobbled and gaslit Bermondsey backstreet is home to a diverse and close-knit community fighting an ongoing battle against poverty, hunger and the devastating effects of the Great War.George Galloway owns a cartage business; his right-hand man is William Tanner. William's loyalty has worn thin over the years but he cannot break the ties with Galloway because times are hard and the house in which he lives belongs to him. Carrie Tanner grows up in the heart of a poor yet loving family, but as she becomes a young woman she becomes involved in the Suffragette movement. The times are changing - and quickly. Will this close-knit community be able to pull together or will it be torn apart?
The School of Life Press Know Yourself: cards for self-exploration
It’s hard to understand who we really are: what we want, how we feel and why we react as we do. This lack of self-knowledge can be trouble, for it makes us get into the wrong relationships, pick unsatisfactory jobs or spend money unwisely. No wonder Socrates summed up all the counsel of philosophy in just two words: ‘Know Yourself’. These cards are designed to assist us in a journey of self-knowledge; they present us with a range of ideas and questions that can help us to understand ourselves better. Each card carries an exercise on one side and a piece of analysis on the reverse to help you gain insight and clarity on that ever elusive subject: yourself. Example Questions: Who are you? What happened to you in childhood? What is the meaning of life?
Fordham University Press A Great Sacrifice: Northern Black Soldiers, Their Families, and the Experience of Civil War
A Great Sacrifice is an in-depth analysis of the effects of the Civil War on northern black families carried out using letters from northern black women—mothers, wives, sisters, and female family friends—addressed to a number of Union military officials. Collectively, the letters give a voice to the black family members left on the northern homefront. Through their explanations and requests, readers obtain a greater apprehension of the struggles African American families faced during the war, and their conditions as the war progressed. The original letters that were received by government agencies, as well as many of the copies of the letters sent in response, are held by the National Archives in Washington, D.C. This study is unique because it examines the effects of the war specifically on northern black families. Most other studies on African Americans during the Civil War focused almost exclusively on the soldiers.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Animals in the Second World War
Throughout the course of the Second World War, many millions of animals were enlisted to serve. Though they had no choice, yet they demonstrated loyalty, determination and bravery as they shared the burden of war with their human companions both on active service and on the Home Front. From the dogs trained to locate air-raid victims buried under rubble, to the mules that carried ammunition and supplies through the jungles of the Far East, each animal played a crucial role in the war effort. In fact, such was their contribution that those animals that showed exceptional gallantry or devotion to duty were recognised officially with the introduction of the Dickin Medal in 1943. This fascinating book draws from first-hand accounts and contemporary sources to reveal the wide-ranging contributions that animals made both on and off the battlefield.
Signal Books Ltd Trans Siberian Railway: Traveller'S Anthology
No railway journey on Earth can equal the Trans-Siberian between Moscow and Vladivostok. It is not just its vast length and the great variety of the lands and climes through which it passes. It is not just its history as the line that linked the huge territories which are Russia together. It is a dream which calls countless travellers to the adventure of the longest railway in the world. This new edition of a classic anthology takes us through the tremendous achievement of the railways construction across harsh, unsettled lands through the earliest journeys of Western travellers and the trains on which they travelled, and their descriptions of fellow travellers, food, scenery, domestic arrangements, adventures on and off the train, convicts, revolution and war as the train carried them through a lonely, lovely landscape.
SPCK Publishing Straight to the Heart of Daniel and Esther: 60 Bite-Sized Insights
When the Jews were carried off into exile in Babylon, most people assumed that it was the end of the story. In reality, God was just getting started. As senior figures in the Babylonian and Persian Empires, Daniel and Esther would discover that there is no foreign ground for God. Their faithful obedience would, in fact, lead their oppressive captors to faith in the God of Israel. God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.
Stanford University Press A Waka Anthology: Volume One: The Gem-Glistening Cup
The Gem-Glistening Cup is the second volume of Edwin Cranston's monumental Waka Anthology which carries the story of waka, the classical tradition of Japanese poetry, from its beginnings in ancient song to the sixteenth century. The present volume, which contains almost 1,600 songs and poems, covers the period from the earliest times to 784, and includes many of the finest works in the literatures as well as providing evocative glimpses of the spirit and folkways of early Japanese civilization. The texts drawn upon for the poems are the ancient chronicles Kojiki, Nihonshoki, and Shoku Nihongi; the fudoki, a set of eighth-century local gazetteers; Man'yoshu, the massive eighth-century compendium of early poetry (about one fourth of that work is included); and the Bussokuseki poems carved on a stone tablet at a temple in Nara. All poems are presented in facing romanization and translation.
Zaffre Begin Again
Despite living firmly in her comfort zone, Frankie McKenzie feels unsettled. She can't help feeling something's missing. Is it a home to call her own? Travel? A more rewarding job? A relationship? Before she can work it out, she dies in a freak accident after yet another dud of a first date. But life isn't over for Frankie. Instead, she is offered a second chance: Frankie can revisit key moments from her past to see if different choices will lead to the fulfilling life she's always dreamt of. What would you change if you could begin again?Praise for Helly Acton:'A romcom with a difference' Sarra Manning'Genius, funny and thought-provoking. 5 stars' Carrie Hope Fletcher
Peter Lang AG Measuring Oral Proficiency through Paired-Task Performance
This book intends to provide a theoretical overview of examining candidates’ oral abilities in different examination formats. In particular, it explores specific partner effects on discourse outcomes and proficiency ratings in the framework of paired-task performance. Two investigations, both set in the context of a proposed Hungarian school leaving examination in English, were carried out in order to contribute to a better understanding of the assumed impact of the chosen variables. Study One investigates discourse differences between examiner-to-examinee interaction and peer-to-peer interaction. Study Two explores the impact of the peer partner’s proficiency. The results show that partner effects related to this variable cannot be predicted as either harmful or beneficial since no statistically significant difference was found between 30 candidates’ scores in different examination conditions.
Quercus Publishing Napoleon
On a cold December day in 1840 Parisians turned out in force to watch as the body of Napoleon was solemnly carried on a riverboat from Courbevoie on its final journey to the Invalides. In this book Alan Forrest tells the remarkable story of how the son of a Corsican attorney became the most powerful man in Europe: a man whose charisma and legacy have endured since his lonely death on the Island of St Helena. Forrest cuts away the many layers of myth that have grown up around Napoleon, a man who mixed history and legend promiscuously. Drawing on original research and his own distinguished background in French history, Forrest undercuts the 'Great Man' theory of history to demonstrate that Napoleon was as much a product of his times as he was their creator.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to American Women's History
The most important collection of essays on American Women's History This collection incorporates the most influential and groundbreaking scholarship in the area of American women's history, featuring twenty-three original essays on critical themes and topics. It assesses the past thirty years of scholarship, capturing the ways that women's historians confront issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality. This second edition updates essays related to Indigenous women, slavery, the American Revolution, Civil War, the West, activism, labor, popular culture, civil rights, and feminism. It also includes a discussion of laws, capitalism, gender identity and transgender experience, welfare, reproductive politics, oral history, as well as an exploration of the perspectives of free Blacks and migrants and refugees. Spanning from the 15th through the 21st centuries, chapters show how historians of women, gender, and sexuality have challenged established chronologies and advanced new understandings of America's political, economic, intellectual and social history. This edition also features a new essay on the history of women's suffrage to coincide with the 100th anniversary of passage of the 19th Amendment, as well as a new article that carries issues of women, gender and sexuality into the 21st century. Includes twenty-three original essays by leading scholars in American women's, gender and sexuality history Highlights the most recent scholarship on the key debates and future directions of this popular and contemporary field Substantially updates the first edition with new authors and topics that represent the expanding fields of women, gender, and sexuality Engages issues of race, ethnicity, region, and class as they shape and are shaped by women's and gender history Covers the breadth of American Women's history, including Native women, colonial law and religion, slavery and freedom, women's activism, work and welfare, culture and capitalism, the state, feminism, digital and oral history, and more A Companion to American Women's History, Second Edition is an ideal book for advanced undergraduates and graduate students studying American/U.S. women's history, history of gender and sexuality, and African American women's history. It will also appeal to scholars of these areas at all levels, as well as public historians working in museums, archives, and historic sites.
Verlag G. Mainz Assessment of Adsorbents for Drying by Experiments and Dynamic Simulations
In order to slow down global warming, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced. Human-caused greenhouse gas emissions come primarily from consumption of fossil energy. In order to reduce the consumption of fossil energy, the demand is rising for energy-efficient technologies. One promising energy-efficient technology is the adsorption dishwasher that was commercialized recently. The use of adsorbents enabled the adsorption dishwasher to save 25% of energy compared to a conventional dishwasher. To increase the savings and to further enhance the entire process, the adsorption dishwasher should be improved. The improvement should foremost focus on the adsorbents, since adsorbents are the key of this energy-efficient technology.This thesis therefore assesses adsorbents for the application in an adsorption dishwasher. The assessment is carried out both experimentally and theoretically. Theoretical investigations are divided in 3 stages of complexity:Stage 1 is a static anal
Scion Publishing Ltd Genetics for the Health Sciences: A Handbook for Clinical Healthcare
Based on their extensive experience of clinical work, the authors emphasize the practical issues related to the healthcare of individuals and families. Genetics for the Health Sciences takes an holistic approach, from preconception to adulthood, and addresses the false notion that clinical genetics is of relevance only to those who are planning a family. The book enables nurses, midwives, genetic counselors and doctors to apply the general principles of genetics in their routine clinical practice. As well as discussing the basic principles, Genetics for the Health Sciences also describes the latest technologies and shows how these can be applied to clinical practice. This is an essential text which helps all those in clinical healthcare understand the genetics they need in their professional roles. It is also an ideal coursebook for students in the healthcare professions seeking an understanding of core genetic principles and how these are applied in practice. Reviews: 'The text is a compact, concise presentation of the basic concepts in genetics science and the impact of genetics across the lifespan. The organization of the text increases its usefulness to clinicians as each specialty area could easily locate the information most pertinent to their work...The text is well illustrated throughout, again providing summarized information that is easily accessed. An especially helpful feature of this text is the presence of multiple case studies in each chapter, making this text particularly useful for teaching. I think faculty teaching students in advanced practice nursing programs and allied health courses would find this text a succinct addition to their course. However, I could also see this text being useful in RN preparation curriculum. It could easily be a text that would carry over for several specialty areas and provide additional material specific to genetics in each area. Genetics for Health Sciences: A Handbook for Clinical Healthcare is a welcome addition to the rather sparse choices available for presenting genetics content in clinical practice curriculum. Rebekah Hamilton, ISONG, June 2010 'Tremendous progress in recent years has shaped the field of medical genetics, which continues to expand to involve almost every aspect of human health. Hence, it is necessary for every healthcare professional to acquire a basic understanding of this science. This is clearly the objective of this well-edited and structured book by Skirton and Patch in its second updated edition. The authors' considerable experience in genetics, through direct clinical practice in addition to organisational and academic roles, can be appreciated in the practical aspect of their writing. The book starts with useful definitions and alerts the reader to the wide applicability of genetics through clinical cases, raising questions that are answered and discussed when relevant in later chapters. Important aspects of genetic counselling, from basic skills such as risk estimation using family trees to more complex ones related to effective ethical communication with the clients in the light of their needs and the different models of counselling, are then discussed in two chapters. However, given their intrinsic function in medical genetics, these issues are also efficiently tackled in the clinical cases outlined in each chapter. The authors then describe important scientific concepts and techniques that are necessary for a good clinical understanding of genetics. Although this section may seem short, the additional resources provided at the end are very useful. Likewise, for all topics covered in the book, the updated links provided serve as a handy catalogue for the health professional seeking extra information. Next, the concepts and techniques described in the first part of the book are applied directly to common genetic conditions and issues faced by different age groups, from prenatal care to older adulthood in separate chapters. This organisation puts into perspective the importance of genetics in different medical specialities and settings. This book, with its concise yet comprehensive explanation of a complex rapidly growing field, should prove to be a valuable resource for a diverse audience of health professionals, including midwives, nurses and physicians, who confront genetic issues during their daily practice without being specialists in medical genetics.' Nadine Taleb, Journal of Medical Genetics 'When first asked to write this book review I thought to myself how it would be important to give a rounded report on both the book’s strengths and weaknesses. After reading the book, however, I realised that it is difficult to find weaknesses. The authors, Heather Skirton and Christine Patch, between them have over 30 years of experience in clinical genetics. Their experience of explaining genetics in their professional roles shines through in the way they have written the book. They make complex genetic principles interesting and understandable. The book does not baffle or patronise. The book is easily navigated. It is broken down into clear chapters that are ordered in a pleasingly logical way. The first chapter 'sets the scene' by introducing the reader to important concepts related to genetic health care including issues such as ethical practice, the different forms of genetic testing and the impact of genetic conditions on families. The next chapters then discuss the family tree, counselling issues, genetic science and public health genetics. The remaining chapters then explore the core topics relating to particular life stages from preconception to older adulthood. It engages the reader from the start when it introduces seven ‘core’ families that reappear throughout the book to highlight a number of key issues. The text is peppered with clear illustrations, useful step by step guides, practical checklists, and test yourself sections making the book lively and dynamic. The test yourself sections make the book student friendly and would also make good teaching aids to lecturers and tutors. At the start of the book there is a list of helpful websites and at the end of each chapter there is a list of resources for those who wish to extend their knowledge. One of the main strengths of this book is its refreshingly practical approach. All too often books can be written in a way in which it is difficult for the reader to transfer the knowledge that they have gained into their day-to-day practice. The introduction states that 'the aim of this book is to enable those in healthcare to update their knowledge on topics related to genetics and genomics that have an impact in their daily work and apply it usefully in patient care'. Given the fact that genetics has increasingly become a core component in a number of specialties, one would think that meeting this aim for all would be a tall order. This book however eloquently does so using case examples and key practice points boxes throughout to demonstrate the clinical application of the topic under discussion. Another of the book’s main strengths is the way in which it promotes individualised care by enabling the reader to consider the impact of genetic conditions from the patients’ point of view. Genetics for the Health Sciences brings genetics into common healthcare settings. It is highly recommended as an essential text for health care professionals in roles across all specialties. It is also recommended to students, lecturers, social scientists; to anyone who has an interest in genetics and wishes to extend their knowledge. It is a joy to read and could be read from cover to cover.' Helen Thistlewood, Medical Genetics 'Genetics is at the forefront of medicine and nurses are expected to have a basic understanding of the subject. This handbook is well written and the authors do a good job of making this complex topic understandable. The book lists prenatal, childhood and adult genetic conditions that may involve testing and counselling. Genetic services, types of genetic testing and the impact of genetic conditions on families are discussed in depth, and case studies highlight the emotional and psychological needs of patients and their families. Guidelines for drawing family trees and practical examples of risk assessment are well explained. The perspective of the patient regarding risk and lay knowledge is also considered... All departments should have a copy of this book on their shelves.' Audrey Ardern-Jones, Nursing Standard
Taproot Press Plague Clothes: Poems from the Covid-recovery love-stream
Originally written as a series of Facebook status updates during the recovery from Covid-19, Robert Alan Jamieson's Plague Clothes is an immediate and intimate account of one person's battle with the virus that emphasises the universality of our struggle during the pandemic. Moving seamlessly between sharp satire, confessional and philosophical enquiry, Jamieson takes aim at Western government, laments the current ecological crisis, and challenges our treatment of the so-called 'old and vulnerable', carried all the way by a rare voice of wisdom and protest at a time when ageism in society risks reducing an entire generation to statistics. Published in beautiful hardback with seventeen black and white photographs. Longlisted for the 2020 Highland Book Prize.
Flame Tree Publishing Vincent van Gogh: Blossom Set of 3 Midi Notebooks
The Vincent van Gogh: Blooms Set of 3 Midi Notebooks features a collection of three midi, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design: Almond Blossom, Small Pear Tree in Blossom and Flowering Almond Branch in a Glass With a Book. With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere! Vincent van Gogh is considered one of the world's greatest painters, his work having had a huge and far-reaching influence on 20th-century art as well as remaining visually and emotionally powerful to this day. This Collection presents three of his most iconic paintings, perfect for all art lovers! Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
Princeton University Press Politics in Black and White: Race and Power in Los Angeles
This book reaches deep into the past of the city of Los Angeles and carries through to the dramatic events that have recently received global attention--the Rodney King beating and the uprising in South Central L.A. Tracing the evolution of an extraordinary biracial coalition in Los Angeles behind Mayor Tom Bradley, Raphael Sonenshein shows how "crossover" politics and racial violence coexist in urban America. While challenging the prevailing pessimism about biracial coalitions in general, he also compares their relative successes in Los Angeles to their disheartening failures in New York City. What emerges is a probing look at a crucial issue of politics in the United States: can whites and minorities find common ground?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Real, Vol. 12
Eisner-award nominated creator Takehiko Inoue creates a dramatic tale of triumph over adversity. This is the story of three young men whose lives are profoundly changed by their involvement with wheelchair basketball.Critically acclaimed, award-winning manga artist Takehiko Inoue doesn’t pull any punches in this stunning portrayal of people struggling with serious life issues. Masterfully combining rich character development with beautifully detailed line art, Inoue, the creator of the mega-hit masterpieces Slam Dunk and Vagabond, lifts the manga medium to a completely new level of storytelling.Togawa’s pursuit of excellence takes him to a wheelchair basketball camp, where he discovers major deficiencies in his teamwork and leadership. While his fierce drive for individual competition has carried him this far, will it now be a hindrance?
Rowman & Littlefield Forever Beautiful: The Age-Defying Detox Plan
In her private practice, leading nutritionist Natalia Rose has discovered that given the continual onslaught of toxicity and stress typical of the modern lifestyle, the average person today is actually mutating her cells and accelerating the aging process. The problem is that one cannot undo decades of toxic living with even more toxic "anti-aging" remedies.The good news: Each of us carries our own fountain of youth--a body that will continually renew itself on the cellular level, if only we give it a chance. Written to inspire and instruct, Forever Beautiful offers a deeply compelling alternative to conventional anti-aging methods, including:-- Five core principles of youth regeneration-- Illustrated facial exercises and deep stretches-- A 3-week rejuvenation plan-- A recipe section and shopping guide
Pushkin Press The Tokyo Zodiac Murders
'The solution is one of the most original that I've ever read' Anthony Horowitz 'This book is an unmissable triumph' Tom Mead, Publishers Weekly 'It's a budding Sherlock's dream' Crime Scene______A BESTSELLING AND INTERNATIONALLY-ACCLAIMED MASTERPIECE An eccentric artist is found brutally murdered in a room locked from the inside. His diaries reveal dabblings in alchemy and astrology, and a macabre plan to kill and dismember seven women in an occult ritual. Then, shortly after his death, the artist's bloody project is carried out, as if from beyond the grave... Decades later, astrologer and amateur detective Kiyoshi Mitarai sets out to solve these notorious crimes. His investigation leads him across the country towards a dark, shocking truth. But can you unravel the mystery of the Tokyo Zodiac Murders before he does?
New York University Press Theodore Dreiser: Beyond Naturalism
Theodore Dreiser is indisputably one of America's most important twentieth-century novelists. An American Tragedy, Sister Carrie, and Jennie Gerhardt have all made an indelible mark on the American literary landscape. And yet, remarkably few critical books and no recent collections of critical essays have been published that attempt to answer current theoretical questions about Dreiser's entire canon. This collection is the first to appear in twenty-four years. The ten contributing essayists offer original interpretations of Dreiser's works from such disparate points of view as new historicism, poststructuralism, psychoanalysis, feminism, film studies, and canon formation. A vital reassessment, Theodore Dreiser: Beyond Naturalism brings this influential modern writer into the 1990s by viewing him through the lens of the latest literary theory and cultural criticism.
RIBA Publishing A Commercial Client's Guide to Engaging an Architect
If you need to understand about engaging the services of an architect, this updated RIBA guide is for you. Straightforward and completely up-to-date regarding legislation, it sets out everything you need to be aware of, for a large or small commercial project.The right architect can bring considerable added value to the success of your project. This guide talks you through all aspects of your project and what you should expect from your architect at each stage - including formal appointment mechanisms, calculating fees and project management responsibilities. Aimed at commercial clients, both for large or small projects. Contains valuable advice for clients who have never carried out this role before. Offers a quick and easy overview of the value, mechanisms and context of appointing your architect.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Military Travel Papers of the Second World War
In every movie, every television show, every novel of wartime intrigue, one phrase stands out as typically German: “Show me your papers.” The German Wehrmacht ran on paperwork, evidenced by the complicated maze of interrelated forms necessary for troops to move either on leave or for official business from one end of the Third Reich to another. This work, a unique and thorough compendium of original paperwork carried by the soldiers themselves, documents the forms required for German soldiers to travel, go home on leave, or visit the spoils of occupation. A methodically detailed collection that parallels the meticulous nature of the era that produced it, this work is the most thorough collection of original travel ephemera from Nazi Germany assembled to date, one that any collector would be proud to add to his or her collection.
The History Press Ltd Essex Villains: Rogues, Rascals and Reprobates
Essex has certainly had its fair share of bad guys during its history. From highwaymen to smugglers, thieves to murderers, it can boast some of the country’s most notorious figures. The legendary Dick Turpin was Essex born and bred, wreaking havoc in Epping Forest. At the other end of the county, in Manningtree, the ruthless Matthew Hopkins scoured the area in search of ‘witches’ — putting to death anyone who had as much as a wart on the end of their nose. Visitors to the region have also left their mark through their acts of villainy. Even royalty — including Richard II and Henry VIII — have carried out dastardly deeds within the county’s borders, from murder to adultery. Drawing on a wide variety of historical sources, Essex Villains is a veritable who's who of the county's most notorious villains.
Amazon Publishing The Fifth Knight
To escape a lifetime of poverty, mercenary Sir Benedict Palmer agrees to one final, lucrative job: help King Henry II’s knights seize the traitor Archbishop Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. But what begins as a clandestine arrest ends in cold-blooded murder. And when Fitzurse, the knights’ ringleader, kidnaps Theodosia, a beautiful young nun who witnessed the crime, Palmer can sit silently by no longer. For not only is Theodosia’s virtue at stake, so too is the secret she unknowingly carries—a secret he knows Fitzurse will torture out of her. Now Palmer and Theodosia are on the run, strangers from different worlds forced to rely only on each other as they race to uncover the hidden motive behind Becket’s grisly murder—and the shocking truth that could destroy a kingdom.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Liberation Day: (Nick Stone Thriller 5)
If Nick Stone wasn't so desperate for his American citizenship, he probably wouldn't have agreed to do this one last job with the CIA. But Carrie is over there and he simply can't refuse the chance of a new life with the woman he loves. The job seems simple enough - and he is certainly skilled enough. Infiltrate the hostile, violent republic of Algeria, kill a money-laundering businessman, and bring back his severed head. Stone knows there are some questions you don't ask, but as events spin out of control he realizes there is vital information he hasn't been told. Lurking beneath the glamorous exterior of the south of France is a dirty drugs war - and Stone is thrown into the middle of it. And there he is faced with his toughest dilemma yet...
Bauhan (William L.),U.S. The Best Ever!: Parades in New England, 1788-1940
Parades tell us something important about American culture and almost every place has a parade tradition. The Best Ever! explores this tradition as enacted in the small cities and towns of New England, events that at once celebrated the skeleton of the American Story and amplified both the distinctive regional and the broader national cultures. Meticulously documented and lavishly illustrated with nearly 300 photographs, The Best Ever! offers never-before-seen pictures of actual parades, including floats and banners that have mostly disappeared and ranging from the Federal Ship carried in the 1788 Ratification parade at New Haven, Connecticut, to 1940 when the parade tradition largely halted at the onset of WWII. Copublished with Old Sturbridge Village.
Vagabond Voices Things Written Randomly in Doubt
A work in three parts, Things Written starts with aphorisms in "How Not to Be a Ruminant", shifts to essays in "Weights and Counterweights", and concludes with poetry in "By the Metre". Some arguments appear in more than one section, and include nationalism, class, free will, religion, literature and the arts, but the theme of human relationships runs through the entire book, and is most closely examined with reference to the ideas of Martin Buber in a long essay entitled "Cats and Dogs, and Other Things We Cannot Understand". The back cover carries the following: "WARNING: This is a non-genre product and end-users may encounter forms and ideas to which they are allergic. Vagabond Voices Publishing Ltd, its board of directors, shareholders, parent company and/or subsidiaries advise end-users that they read this book entirely at their own risk."
Titan Books Ltd A Star Shall Fall
The Royal Society of London plays home to the greatest minds of England. It has revolutionised philosophy and scientific knowledge. Its fellows map out the laws of the natural world and usher in an age of enlightenment.To the fae of the Onyx Court, living in a secret city below London, these scientific developments are less than welcome. It is now 1757 and magic is losing its place in the world. Science threatens to expose the fae's hidden city to hostile eyes. To make matters worse, the calculations of Sir Edmond Halley predict the return of a comet in two years time, the same comet to which the powerful Dragon that caused the Great Fire of 1666 was banished.So begins their race against time. It will take both magic and science to save London, but reconciling the two carries its own danger...
Simon & Schuster The Heart Never Forgets
A young girl pays tribute to the memory of her grandfather during a West African masquerade festival in this moving, lushly illustrated picture book.DUM! DUM! DUM! DUM! The talking drums thump a sweet beat… The masquerade has begun. As villagers gather to hear masked musicians beating drums, savor fried plantains, and watch the joyful dancers, a young girl joins the celebration with her family. But this year, everything feels different; it’s the first masquerade without Grandpa. Each member of the family carries something that honors Grandpa—his clanking beads, soft velvet hat, and carved walking stick. But the young girl doesn’t have any of Grandpa’s items. Instead, she brings with her a special memory shared only between the two of them. Will she be able to share it with the world?
Andersen Press Ltd Three Bullets
The Bloods are in control and they’re desperate to turn Britain into the world they want to see: right, white, Christian supremist. Anyone who they call abnormal is a target. Amidst the chaos of civil war the country is on the move as small militia groups fight each other and a sea of refugees escapes the cities and the pursuing Bloods. When her home is destroyed in a bombing raid, Marti must strike out on a mission of her own - to save her father and get his vital software into the right hands. But Marti is mixed race and trans and has her young brother in tow. Crossing into enemy territory could prove suicidal. Yet Marti's enemies haven't reckoned with her indomitable will to survive - and the gun she carries, which has three bullets . . .
University of Wales Press The Spanish Anarchists of Northern Australia: Revolution in the Sugar Cane Fields
In 1901, the year the six Australian colonies federated to become one country, revolution was being plotted across the world. Publicised in the newspapers and carried by migrants along global trade routes, the anarchist movement appeared prepared for a long period of power as one of the world’s dominant historical forces. In few places was this more evident than in Spain, where poverty and population pressure prompted increasing emigration. In anglophone Australia, governments had long been alert to the threat of radicalised migrants, and this book traces the forgotten lives of one particular group of such migrants, the Spanish anarchists of northern Australia, revealing the personal connections between the English-speaking British Empire and the world of Spanish-speaking radicals. The present study demonstrates the vitality of this hidden world, and its importance for the development of Australia.
Annick Press Ltd Call Across the Sea
History is made one brave act at a time. Henny has grown up with her father’s boat, the Gerda III, as a home away from home. She loves sailing the waters between Denmark and Sweden, carried along by the salt breeze. But when Nazi rule tightens in Copenhagen, Henny joins the resistance. And when Hitler orders the Gestapo to round up all Jewish citizens, Henny realizes that the Gerda III isn’t just a boat—it’s a means of escape for her Jewish neighbours. Safety and freedom are just across the channel in Sweden—as long as Henny doesn’t get caught. The fourth book in Kathy Kacer’s Heroes Quartet series, Call Across the Sea brings to life a little-known part of World War II and highlights the unsung acts of heroism that moved history forward.
Annick Press Ltd Call Across the Sea
History is made one brave act at a time. Henny has grown up with her father’s boat, the Gerda III, as a home away from home. She loves sailing the waters between Denmark and Sweden, carried along by the salt breeze. But when Nazi rule tightens in Copenhagen, Henny joins the resistance. And when Hitler orders the Gestapo to round up all Jewish citizens, Henny realizes that the Gerda III isn’t just a boat—it’s a means of escape for her Jewish neighbours. Safety and freedom are just across the channel in Sweden—as long as Henny doesn’t get caught. The fourth book in Kathy Kacer’s Heroes Quartet series, Call Across the Sea brings to life a little-known part of World War II and highlights the unsung acts of heroism that moved history forward.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Chikungunya: Epidemiology, Transmission and Therapeutics
Chikungunya (CHIKV) is a viral infection spread by mosquitoes that can cause symptoms such as fever, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, fatigue, and rash, which can become severe. While symptoms generally subside within a week or two, the disease nonetheless imposes a burden on societies around the world and carries a death risk of 1 in 1,000 infections. Chapter One details the history and evolution of the virus, including its epidemiology and extensive spread, and discusses disease prevention and vector control measures. Chapter Two describes the geographical distribution, transmission, and alternative hosts of Chikungunya. Chapter Three provides an insight into the different immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis strategies that have demonstrated promising results so far for the treatment of this disease. Lastly, Chapter Four provides an overview of the potential therapeutics that have been proposed and developed for CHIKV.
Easton Studio Press Summoned by the Earth
The most pressing question in these uncertain times may well be, How can we bring healing and protection to the Earth? It was this very question that Cynthia Jurs carried with her in 1990 as she climbed a path high in the Himalayas, to meet an “old wise man in a cave”—a venerated lama from Nepal. In response to her question, the old lama gave her a formidable assignment based on an ancient practice from Tibet: she must procure earth treasure vases made of clay and potent medicines, fill them with prayers and symbolic offerings, and bury them around the world where healing is called for. Thus begins the journey of a lifetime—sometimes harrowing, but always shining with beauty at the threshold between urgency and the timelessness of the sacred. In Summoned by the Earth we accompany this passionate and crea
Andersen Press Ltd Three Bullets
The Bloods are in control and they’re desperate to turn Britain into the world they want to see: right, white, Christian supremist. Anyone who they call abnormal is a target. Amidst the chaos of civil war the country is on the move as small militia groups fight each other and a sea of refugees escapes the cities and the pursuing Bloods. When her home is destroyed in a bombing raid, Marti must strike out on a mission of her own - to save her father and get his vital software into the right hands. But Marti is mixed race and trans and has her young brother in tow. Crossing into enemy territory could prove suicidal. Yet Marti's enemies haven't reckoned with her indomitable will to survive - and the gun she carries, which has three bullets . . .