Search results for ""author albert"
Editorial Seix Barral Obras completas prosa II. Memorias
Esta nueva entrega de las Obras completas de Rafael Alberti constituye una crónica de excepción donde se reproducen los hechos, conquistas, éxitos, dramas, costumbres, frustraciones, mitos y aventuras de una época en la que tienen función principal las personas que condicionaron el mundo íntimo o público del poeta. Esta edición recoge por primera vez todas las versiones, incluso inéditas, que el autor llevó a cabo de La arboleda perdida , una obra memoriográfica de imprescindible consulta para conocer los pálpitos y temblores del pasado siglo XX.
Poemas chiquininos Prxima aparicin
Poemas alegres y festivos, poemas llenos de luz, risueños y traviesos, así son estos poemas chiquininos del eterno niño Rafael Alberti, presentados con bellas ilustraciones de Mariana Ruiz Johnson.
The University of Chicago Press Cancer on Trial: Oncology as a New Style of Practice
In Cancer on Trial Peter Keating and Alberto Cambrosio explore how practitioners established a new style of practice, at the center of which lies the cancer clinical trial. Far from mere testing devices, these trials have become full-fledged experiments that have redefined the practices of clinicians, statisticians, and biologists. Keating and Cambrosio investigate these trials and how they have changed since the 1960s, all the while demonstrating their significant impact on the progression of oncology. A novel look at the institution of clinical cancer research and therapy, this book will be warmly welcomed by historians, sociologists, and anthropologists of science and medicine, as well as clinicians and researchers in the cancer field.
Indiana University Press Orson Welles in Italy
Fleeing a Hollywood that spurned him, Orson Welles arrived in Italy in 1947 to begin his career anew. Far from being welcomed as the celebrity who directed and starred in Citizen Kane, his six-year exile in Italy was riddled with controversy, financial struggles, disastrous love affairs, and failed projects. Alberto Anile's book depicts the artist's life and work in Italy, including his reception by the Italian press, his contentious interactions with key political figures, and his artistic output, which culminated in the filming of Othello. Drawing on revelatory new material on the artist's personal and professional life abroad, Orson Welles in Italy also chronicles Italian cinema's transition from the social concerns of neorealism to the alienated characters in films such as Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita, amid the cultural politics of postwar Europe and the beginnings of the cold war.
Harvard University Press Dinner Pieces
A collection of stories meant to be read while dining and drinking, the Dinner Pieces, or Intercenales, are among Alberti's most innovative works. They constitute an important monument in the history of comic writing and cover topics from politics to the arts to love. This edition presents a new translation and an authoritative Latin text.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Astragal
As if the reader were riding shotgun, this intensely vivid novel captures a life on the lam. “L’astragale” is the French word for the ankle bone Albertine Sarrazin’s heroine Anne breaks as she leaps from her jail cell to freedom. As she drags herself down the road, away from the prison walls, she is rescued by Julien, himself a small-time criminal, who keeps her hidden. They fall in love. Fear of capture, memories of her prison cell, claustrophobia in her hideaways: every detail is fiercely felt. Astragal burst onto the French literary scene in 1965; its fiery and vivacious style was entirely new, and Sarrazin became a celebrity overnight. But as fate would have it, Sarrazin herself kept running into trouble with the law, even as she became a star. She died from a botched surgery at the height of her fame. Sarrazin’s life and work (her novels are semi-autobiographical) have been the subject of intense fascination in France; a new adaptation of Astragal is currently being filmed. Patti Smith, who brought Astragal to the attention of New Directions, contributes an enthusiastic introduction to one of her favorite writers.
ACC Art Books Roland Paris: The Art Deco Jester King
Roland Paris is one of the most recognisable artists of the Art Deco world, yet his work remains something of an enigma. His art is caricature-like, bordering on grotesque, and he delivers critical perspectives on society's downtrodden via jesters and devils. His mediums range from sculpture and painting to porcelain and wood, including woodcuts and the written word. This never-before-seen study focuses on the artist's trials and tribulations while living in Nazi-ruled Germany, and the tragic end to his life, hours before the end of World War Two. Also available by Alberto Shayo: Chiparus: Master of Art Deco ISBN 9781851498222, Statuettes of the Art Deco Period ISBN 9781851498246.
Scribe Publications Down and Out in England and Italy
A wry, intelligent, and unputdownable look at class and national identity today. Alberto Prunetti arrives in the UK, the twenty-something-year-old son of a Tuscan factory worker who has never left home before. With only broken English, his wits, and an obsession with the work of George Orwell to guide him, he sets about looking for a job and navigating his new home. In between long, hot shifts in pizzerias and cleaning toilets up and down the country, he finds his place among the British precariat. His comrades form a polyglot underclass, among them an ex-addict cook, a cleaner in love with opera, an elderly Shakespearean actor, Turks impersonating Neapolitans to serve pizzas, and a cast of petty criminals ‘resting’ between bigger jobs. Stuck between a past haunted by Thatcher and a future dominated by Brexit, Down and Out in England and Italy is a hilarious and poignant snapshot of life on the margins in modern-day Britain.
Los países invisibles
Alberto Álvarez Calero nos brinda un ensayo biográfico sobre John Dowland?el primero de estas características publicado en España? destinado no sólo al melómano sino a cualquier lector que, por curiosidad e interés, quiera conocer la figura de este atrayente y enigmático compositor, cuando su popularidad está en alza, favorecido por el definitivo resurgimiento de la llamada música antigua.
Ediciones Akal Gazpacho
El gazpacho es algo más que una simple receta: es una técnica culinaria que permite no sólo dar cabida a ingredientes inesperados en sorprendentes variaciones contemporáneas, sino también su utilización como salsa, desayuno o postre. Tal es el panorama que presenta en este espléndido libro Alberto Herráiz, que ha contado para la ocasión con la colaboración de algunos de los cocineros más prestigiosos del panorama actual, como Juan Mari Arzak, Ferrán Adrià, Alain Passard o Alain Dutournier.
Editorial CEP, S.L. Medio ambiente y educacin
FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓNmiércoles, 22 de abril de 2009CONTENIDOEl autor pone en manos de los docentes de todos los niveles una adecuada herramienta para formar y capacitar a los estudiantes en el conocimiento de todos los aspectos de esta conflictiva relación, aspirando, además, a despertar el interés del público en general por los temas ambientales, creando conciencia de la responsabilidad de todos en el cuidado de nuestra "casa", el planeta Tierra.Este volumen, de fundamentación teórica, se complementa con otro libro, del mismo autor "Taller de Educación Ambiental", que provee al docente de juegos, actividades, problemas y resolución de proyectos, desarrollados de acuerdo con los distintos niveles de enseñanza.DOCUMENTACIÓNAlberto Otero
Baile del Sol SRL Hay que comerse el mundo a dentelladas
También con poesía, Alberto une su canto al del coro que, todavía no ganado completamente para la alineación, busca un sentido a su propia vida y no ceja en proyectarse hacia lo inaudito, lo excepcional, la rotunda belleza que está por ganar y que sabe ocluida por el falso cielo de celofán y tontería que promete la producción capitalista y sus mercancías. Belleza por debajo de todo lo desvaído y atufado. Belleza desmayada que hay que levantar de nosotros mismos para que nos ayude a caminar por la vida nueva que sigue siendo nuestro ansiar común, nuestro sueño contra todo lo que nos esclaviza en nombre de lo real y lo sensato.
Ediciones El Viso Chus Bures: Portraits and Jewellery
Chus Bures creates miracles. Each piece of jewellery that emerges from his workshop boasts a complex genesis, stemming from an intersection between his genius-level thought processes and his maverick lifestyle. From exploring the versatility of buttons, to accentuating the geometric planes of the human body (Infinity Lines, 1990), and using minerals to emulate and exaggerate human features (seen in the striking 'Mae Nam' Collection of 2000), Bures' work is always perplexing, always stimulating, and always innovative. He refuses to be cowed by convention, and delights in challenging his clients and models. The bodily focus of his work makes every piece a startling, and often uncomfortable, insight into humanity. Bures may be a maestro of metal - the gauzy chainmail-esque veils in his Crochet collection, 2000, attest to that. Yet he has mastered the emotional dimensions of his jewellery as well as its physical properties. The relationship between his pieces and the people who collect and cherish them is essential to his artistic praxis. In Chus Bures, Portraits & Jewellery (2016), this is realised through a series of intense portraits by Antoine d'Agata, Alberto Garcia-Alix, and Andres Serrano. These pictures reveal a transgressive melding of jewel and subject: man becomes metal and metal becomes man. Watch ideas take on physical form, and immerse yourself in Bures' world of wearable art.
Rodale Incorporated 14 Minutes: A Running Legend's Life and Death and Life
In 2007, after collapsing on a practice field at the Nike campus, champion marathoner Alberto Salazar's heart stopped beating for 14 minutes. Over the crucial moments that followed, rescuers administered CPR to feed oxygen to his brain and EMTs shocked his heart eight times with defibrillator paddles. He was clinically dead. But miraculously, Salazar was back at the Nike campus coaching his runners just nine days later.Salazar had faced death before, but he survived that and numerous other harrowing episodes thanks to his raw physical talent, maniacal training habits, and sheer will, as well as—he strongly believes—divine grace.In 14 Minutes, Salazar chronicles in spellbinding detail how a shy, skinny Cuban-American kid from the suburbs of Boston was transformed into the greatest marathon runner of his era. For the first time, he reveals his tempestuous relationship with his father, a former ally of Fidel Castro; his early running life in high school with the Greater Boston Track Club; his unhealthy obsession to train through pain; the dramatic wins in New York, Boston, and South Africa; and how surviving 14 minutes of death taught him to live again.
Las pequeas Atlntidas
Las pequeñas Atlántidas, primera gran obra de Alberto Gil Novales, publicada en 1959, supone una importante contribución a la historia de la cultura española y a la famosa y secular cuestión de la decadencia y la regeneración de España. Frente a quienes veían agostado el impulso creador de nuestro país al finalizar el siglo XVII, él señaló la continuación o el renacimiento de una cultura viva en el XVIII y el XIX. Huyendo de tópicos y temas ya estudiados, eligió una serie de figuras muy poco conocidas: José Nicolás y Félix de Azara, Mor de Fuentes, Cabarrús, Flórez Estrada, que "solo por una pérdida del pulso nacional han podido ser olvidados", pues constituyen el elemento reflexivo de unas etapas azacanadas de nuestra historia que configuran la España contemporánea.
El Trienio Liberal PUZClsicos
El Trienio Liberal de Alberto Gil Novales (1980) se ha convertido en la síntesis de referencia sobre el período 1820-1823 y, a pesar de que han pasado cuatro décadas de su primera publicación, sigue siendo una introducción excelente sobre este capítulo clave de la historia contemporánea española. La presente edición incorpora un estudio preliminar sobre el autor y una actualización bibliográfica sobre el Trienio Liberal a cargo de Ramon Arnabat.El Trienio Liberal consta de cinco apartados: un estudio histórico de los principales acontecimientos y de la dinámica política de 1820-1823; dos análisis historiográficos (uno sobre el papel del Trienio en la revolución burguesa y otro sobre la cultura y la evolución de las mentalidades); un exhaustivo comentario bibliográfico de la producción historiográfica; y una selección de documentos clave del Trienio Liberal.
Park Books Angelo Candalepas: Buildings and Projects
Today one of Australia's leading architects, Angelo Candalepas's career lifted off in 1994, when, at the age of twenty-six, he gained wide recognition for his winning project in the international competition for housing in Sydney's Pyrmont neighbourhood. Over the course of twenty-five years, the designs of Sydney-based firm Candalepas Associates have won numerous awards and have been widely published internationally in magazines and journals. They show a development of architectural considerations drawing upon the heritage of past masters such as Louis I. Kahn, Carlo Scarpa, or Le Corbusier, and that of eminent Australian architects Glenn M. Murcutt, Richard Johnson and Colin Madigan. This has evolved into a body of work of a quality rarely found in Australia's contemporary architectural environment. This first full-scale monograph features a selection of on Angelo Candalepas's key designs through photographs, plans and elevations as well as his hand-drawings and sketches. Completed buildings feature alongside unrealised projects that mark milestones in the firm's development, and other not yet built ones, also offering an insight into the firm's future trajectory. Together with topical essays by Alberto Campo Baeza and Laura Harding as well as an insightful text by the architect it offers a comprehensive, lavishly illustrated survey of the outstanding achievements of Candalepas Associates to date.
University of California Press Abandoning Their Beloved Land: The Politics of Bracero Migration in Mexico
Abandoning Their Beloved Land offers an essential new history of the Bracero Program, a bilateral initiative that allowed Mexican men to work in the United States as seasonal contract farmworkers from 1942 to 1964. Using national and local archives in Mexico, historian Alberto García uncovers previously unexamined political factors that shaped the direction of the program, including how officials administered the bracero selection process and what motivated campesinos from central states to migrate. Notably, García's book reveals how and why the Mexican government's delegation of Bracero Program–related responsibilities, the powerful influence of conservative Catholic opposition groups in central Mexico, and the failures of the revolution's agrarian reform all profoundly influenced the program's administration and individuals' decisions to migrate as braceros.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Physical Chemistry
Ever since Physical Chemistry was first published in 1913 (then titled Outlines of Theoretical Chemistry, by Frederick Getman), it has remained a highly effective and relevant learning tool thanks to the efforts of physical chemists from all over the world. Each new edition has benefited from their suggestions and expert advice. The result of this remarkable tradition is now in your hands. Now revised and updated, this Fourth Edition of Physical Chemistry by Silbey, Alberty, and Bawendi continues to present exceptionally clear explanations of concepts and methods. The basic theory of chemistry is presented from the viewpoint of academic physical chemists, but detailed discussions of practical applications are integrated throughout. The problems in the book also skillfully blend theory and applications. Highlights of the Fourth Edition:* A total of 170 computer problems appropriate for MATHEMATICATM, MATHCADTM, MATLABTM, or MAPLETM.* Increased emphasis on the thermodynamics and kinetics of biochemical reactions, including the denaturation of proteins and nucleic acids.* Expanded coverage of the uses of statistical mechanics, nuclear magnetic relaxation, nanoscience, and oscillating chemical reactions.* Many new tables and figures throughout the text.
Harvard University Press Dinner Pieces
A collection of stories meant to be read while dining and drinking, the Dinner Pieces, or Intercenales, are among Alberti's most innovative works. They constitute an important monument in the history of comic writing and cover topics from politics to the arts to love. This edition presents a new translation and an authoritative Latin text.
Edinburgh University Press Muslim-Christian Polemics in Safavid Iran
Focused on the work of the renegade missionary 'Ali Quli Jadid al-Islam (d. 1734), this book contributes to ongoing debates on the nature of confessionalism, interreligious encounters and cultural translation in early modern Muslim empires. By disentangling the connections between polemics and other forms of Islamic learning and by emphasising the Shi'i character of the case in question, Alberto Tiburcio accounts for the dynamism of polemics as an ever-evolving genre capable of adapting to different historical contexts.
Irene y el aire Biblioteca Breve
Este libro es el relato de una promesa: que vas a ser padre. La historia de la Humanidad avala el cumplimiento de lo prometido, y un embarazo es indistinguible de otro embarazo. Pero cada nacimiento es una epopeya, a veces dramática, casi siempre feliz, llena de inquietud, humor, significaciones sociales y miedo, mucho miedo. Un largo camino extraordinario hasta que el niño toca el aire.Con una honestidad minuciosa y bellísima, Alberto Olmos ha escrito una novela sobre el embarazo desde el punto de vista más modesto: el de un hombre que trata de no molestar demasiado. Una carrera de obstáculos repleta de clases preparatorias al parto, términos inverosímiles, pánicos primigenios y visitas obligadas a IKEA.Irene y el aire supone la vuelta a la novela de Olmos tras varios años dedicado a tiempo completo al columnismo y a la crianza de sus dos hijos. Como escribe en estas páginas, nacer quizá sea la única historia que merece la pena contarse; él convierte ese relato en una tra
Duke University Press Uncanny Rest: For Antiphilosophy
In Uncanny Rest Alberto Moreiras offers a meditation on intellectual life under the suspension of time and conditions of isolation. Focusing on his personal day-to-day experiences of the “shelter-in-place” period during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, Moreiras engages with the limits and possibilities of critical thought in the realm of the infrapolitical—the conditions of existence that exceed average understandings of politics and philosophy. In each dated entry he works through the process of formulating a life’s worth of thought and writing while attempting to locate the nature of thought once the coordinates of everyday life have changed. Offering nothing less than a phenomenology of thinking, Moreiras shows how thought happens in and out of a life, at a certain crossroads where memories collide, where conversations with interlocutors both living and dead evolve and thinking during a suspended state becomes provisional and uncertain.
Editorial CCS El avión de papel
Este libro contiene dos obras originales de Alberto Morate: EL AVIÓN DE PAPEL, montaje teatral en un acto sobre la amistad, la solidaridad con otras personas y el deseo de un mundo sin fronteras. Actores: niños y niñas de 5 y 6 de Primaria. Personajes: 23 que pueden interpretarse con un mínimo de 12 actores. Duración: 75 minutos aproximadamente. MARITELE, montaje teatral irónico-crítico sobre el uso y el abuso de la televisión y su influencia en la sociedad. Actores: niños y niñas de 5 y 6 de Primaria. Personajes: 24 que se pueden interpretar con un mínimo de 12-14 actores. Duración: 30 minutos, aproximadamente.
Microsoft Press,U.S. Definitive Guide to DAX, The: Business intelligence for Microsoft Power BI, SQL Server Analysis Services, and Excel
This comprehensive and authoritative guide will teach you the DAX language for business intelligence, data modeling, and analytics. Leading Microsoft BI consultants Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari help you master everything from table functions through advanced code and model optimization. You’ll learn exactly what happens under the hood when you run a DAX expression, how DAX behaves differently from other languages, and how to use this knowledge to write fast, robust code. If you want to leverage all of DAX’s remarkable power and flexibility, this no-compromise “deep dive” is exactly what you need. Perform powerful data analysis with DAX for Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, Excel, and Power BI Master core DAX concepts, including calculated columns, measures, and error handling Understand evaluation contexts and the CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE functions Perform time-based calculations: YTD, MTD, previous year, working days, and more Work with expanded tables, complex functions, and elaborate DAX expressions Perform calculations over hierarchies, including parent/child hierarchies Use DAX to express diverse and unusual relationships Measure DAX query performance with SQL Server Profiler and DAX Studio
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Blood Barrios: Dispatches from the World's Deadliest Streets
Winner of the 2018 PEN Translates Award for Non-Fiction Features illustrations by the Honduran artist Germán Andino Welcome to a country that has a higher casualty rate than Iraq. Wander streets considered the deadliest in the world. Wake up each morning to another batch of corpses – sometimes bound, often mutilated – lining the roads; to the screeching blue light of police sirens and the huddles of ‘red journalists’ who make a living chasing after the bloodshed. But Honduras is no warzone. Not officially, anyway. Ignored by the outside world, this Central American country is ravaged by ultra-violent drug cartels and an equally ruthless, militarised law force. Corruption is rife and the justice system is woefully ineffective. Prisons are full to bursting and barrios are flooded with drugs from South America en route to the US. Cursed by geography, the people are trapped here, caught in a system of poverty and cruelty with no means of escape. For many years, award-winning journalist Alberto Arce was the only foreign correspondent in Tegucigalpa, Honduras’s beleaguered capital, and he witnessed first-hand the country’s descent into anarchy. Here, he shares his experiences in a series of gripping and atmospheric dispatches: from earnest conversations with narcos, taxi drivers and soldiers, to exposés of state corruption and harrowing accounts of the aftermath of violence. Provocative, revelatory and at time heart-rending, Blood Barrios shines a light on the suffering and stoicism of the Honduran people, and asks the international community if there is more that they can do.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Jesus del Pozo
Employees, customers, friends and personalities from the world of fashion contribute with texts and testimonies to give a close and endearing vision of Jesus del Pozo. The book is richly illustrated, and includes texts by Vicente Verdu, Juan Gatti, Toni Miro, Torga Sofia Margarita Riviere, Rene Lopez de Haro, Silvia Alexandrovich, Luis Casablanca, Javier Vallhonrat, Alberto Campo Baeza, Emilio Sagi, and Lola Salvador Mateu Gavarron. It also includes testimonies from Manuel Pertegaz, Enrique Loewe, Ana Belen, Inaki Gabilondo, Violeta Sanchez, Pilar del Castillo, Elena Ochoa, Amaia Ubiria and Cristina Marsans.
Abada Editores Himnos homricos
Los llamados ?Himnos homéricos? son una colección de 33 poemas dirigidos a diversos dioses el panteón griego. Están escritos en hexámetros dactílicos y en el mismo dialecto literario usado por los poetas griegos, desde Homero a Nono de Panópolis. Comienzan con una invocación a la divinidad a la que se dirigen, con epítetos y rasgos de su historia mítica; describen luego algunas escenas o episodios de la actividad del dios, con alabanzas y otros elementos; y terminan con una salutación o petición al dios. La presente edición bilingüe, a cargo de Alberto Bernabé, catedrático de la UCM, incluye una introducción general, introducciones a cada himno, notas e índices.
Silvana We Are the Revolution: Contemporary Art Collecting in Italy
This volume, edited by Alberto Fiz, explores private collecting through a rich selection of over 150 works from 18 of Italy's most important contemporary art collections. Paintings, sculptures, installations, photographs and videos show the figure of the collector not merely as a simple purchaser of works, but as the creator of a world, a project that grows in line with his or her personal sensitivity. In opening their doors to these private collections, the third millennium's patrons take on a leading role in today's cultural landscape, offering a unique opportunity to promote otherwise unknown masterpieces. Ranging from Piero Manzoni to Tomás Saraceno, from Marina Abramovic to Maurizio Cattelan, this volume provides a collective picture, a 'collection of collections', linked with our modern-day passions and tastes.
Liturgical Press The Gregorian Melody: The Expressive Power of the Word
The Gregorian Melody is a resource of music pedagogy that centers on one of the most ancient musical repertoires honored by the church and music historians. Though it may not be common to see the word expressive describing Gregorian chant, a repertoire often associated with subdued solemnity, this volume by renowned scholar and practitioner Alberto Turco includes an abundance of insights into the Gregorian art and proposes that chant is first and foremost sung prayer, an interaction of word and melody, which both include proper and appropriate expression. The material included in this resource is foundational as it lays out the elements of the Gregorian melody through a careful analysis of first principles. It will be useful as an introduction to Gregorian chant and for helping readers to understand the Gregorian melody. Readers of all levels may turn to this book to sing the liturgical chant with a deepened appreciation for the expressive power of the Word.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Art and Expression: Studies in the Psychology of Art
Perception of expression distinguishes our cognitive activity in a pervasive, significant and peculiar way, and manifests itself paradigmatically in the vast world of artistic production.Art and Expression examines the cognitive processes involved in artistic production, aesthetic reception, understanding and enjoyment. Using a phenomenological theoretical and methodological framework, developed by Rudolf Arnheim and other important scholars interested in expressive media, Alberto Argenton considers a wide range of artistic works, which span the whole arc of the history of western graphic and pictorial art. Argenton analyses the representational strategies of a dynamic and expressive character that can be reduced to basic aspects of perception, like obliqueness, amodal completion, and the bilateral function of contour, giving new directions relative to the functioning of cognitive activity.Art and Expression is a monument to the fruitful collaboration of art history and psychology, and Argenton has taken great care to construct a meaningful psychological approach to the arts based also on a knowledge of pictorial genres that allows him to systematically situate the works under scrutiny. Art and Expression is an essential resource for postgraduate researchers and scholars interested in visual perception, art, and gestalt psychology.
Sonetos lujuriosos
Libro maldito de un poeta maldito, los "Sonetos lujuriosos" de Aretino sacudieron a la curia cardenalicia en la Roma papal del siglo XVI. Basados en las imágenes eróticas realizadas al alimón por Giulio Romano y Marcantonio Raimondi, conocidas como los Modi, van instruyendo a los amantes sobre cómo deben acoplar sus sexos en las diferentes posturas amatorias para obtener mayor placer. Ajenos a la corrección política, esta nueva versión de Luis Alberto de Cuenca y?Adrián J. Sáez, que se ofrece en edición bilingüe, incorpora los grabados originales e intenta ser lo más fiel posible al espíritu provocador de su autor, que hubo de refugiarse en Venecia para huir de la ira eclesiástica. Un documentado prólogo explica la historia y el sentido de esta obra heterodoxa.
Hay House Inc The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey through the Four Directions
Access the gifts of transformation, heal the self, and live in harmony with one another and with the Earth by journeying through the wisdom wheel—a fresh take on the traditional medicine wheel—its archetypes, and its four wisdom challenges.The teachings of the medicine wheel have existed from the beginning of time. Today, however, we are creating modern paradigms of shamanism while drawing on the sacred traditions of the past. In this book, shamanic practitioner Alberto Villoldo explains that the medicine wheel is also a wisdom wheel: an advanced tool for working toward personal and planetary transformation. By journeying through the wisdom wheel and its four directions—South, West, North, and East—each of which is associated with an archetypal animal and sacred journey, you will be able to access powerful healing energies and step into a new personal and collective destiny.
Hiperión Antología poética del rock
Alberto Manzano es traductor de la obra de los grandes poetas del rock: Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Lou Reed, Tom Waits, Jackson Browne, Suzanne Vega, Neil Young, Kevin Ayers, Elliott Murphy, etc. Periodista musical en las revistas Rockdelux, Ruta 66, Ajoblanco, El Europeo, y adaptador al castellano de canciones de Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Jackson Browne, Suzanne Vega, Hank Williams y Jacques Prévert para Enrique Morente (Omega), Santiago Auserón, Luis Eduardo Aute, Christina Rosenvinge, Jabier Muguruza, Mayte Martín y Yasmin Levy en los discos Cántame mis canciones (1998) y Acordes con Leonard Cohen (2007). Sesudo ensayista (Cohen, Dylan, Young, Browne, Reed, Ayers), y paciente poeta, ha publicado Para los que no pueden hablar (2000) y Puente del alma y la luna (2009), prologados por Luis Eduardo Aute y Enrique Morente respectivamente.
El loco Estero Spanish Edition
La lectura tradicional de "El loco Estero", cumbre de la novelística de Alberto Blest Gana (1830-1920) y del realismo decimonónico, ha resaltado su perfecta trama picaresca y costumbrista.Pero "El loco Estero", obra ya del siglo XX (1909), es también la novela que mejor explica la especificidad de Chile en la historia política latinoamericana del siglo XIX. el liberalismo comprometido y utópico, encarnado en un loco, y el conservadurismo pragmático, representado por Diego Portales, el político más influyente del siglo.
A tropa contra o virus
Monchiña e Floreano lideran un grupo de personaxes que se unen á doutora Peralta para derrotar o coronavirus. A realidade aumentada, a realidade virtual e o mundo real combínanse nesta historia que transcorre entre as Rías Baixas e Compostela, onde ten lugar unha batalla crucial contra a COVID-19.Botando man dos coñecidos personaxes de Gogue, Alberto Avendaño escribe unha fermosa historia de amor e esperanza, onde o humor nos acompaña para mostrarnos o camiño da solidariedade.Unha divertida novela onde o realismo máxico do cine de animación se mestura coa divulgación científica.
El bosque de los cuentos
Recopilación de tres cuentos de El Hematocrítico en un solo volumen, conmaterial adicional y las ilustraciones de Alberto Vázquez, ganador detres premios Goya de Animación.El Lobo Feroz regenta una sastrería en la que vende disfraces del Gato con Botas, el héroe de moda entre los niños; su sobrino el Lobito es bueno, buenísimo, ayuda a todo el mundo y encima hace pasteles riquísimos; y Ricitos de Oro resuelve crímenes incluso antes de que se produzcan.El Bosque de los Cuentos es un lugar mágico y especial donde los personajes clásicos viven nuevas y divertidísimas aventuras.
Ediciones Cátedra Cuentos romanos
Alberto Moravia pertenece a esa reducida categoría de escritores que han podido disfrutar inmediatamente del resultado de su actividad literaria y que se han convertido en maestros reconocidos. Desde su precoz comienzo literario, a los veintidós años, con " Los indiferentes " , es uno de los autores más populares y discutidos, que ha influido constantemente en la cultura contemporánea.Con los " Cuentos romanos " , Moravia abre su lengua " al romanesco, a un lenguaje bajo " influido por sus lecturas juveniles de Belli. En ellos no nos habla del pueblo de Roma en un sentido histórico o sociológico, sino desde su condición simplemente humana, que hay que aceptar como es. Esta vez no hay ninguna condena ni para sí mismo ni para el que, leyendo, pueda a veces reconocerse en esos pícaros.
Siruela Robinson Crusoe
Nunca se llega a una isla desierta por primera vez. [...] El pionero fue Robinson Crusoe, quien pisó la arena para siempre una mañana de octubre de 1659. Desde entonces, esperanzados, no hacemos más que repetir su gesto.Alberto ManguelRobinson Crusoe es una apasionante novela de aventuras cuyo protagonista llega a una isla desierta, tras un naufragio del que es el único superviviente. Allí permanecerá durante veinticinco años y tendrá que enfrentarse a la vida salvaje y a una terrible soledad. Robinson descubrirá que en la isla viven caníbales y rescatará a Viernes, un nativo que se convertirá en su fiel compañero.Con gran agudeza, Daniel Defoe plantea además diversas cuestiones de carácter social, político y filosófico en este gran clásico de la literatura universal.
Alianza Editorial Anatomía de la melancolía
Obra desmesurada cuya enorme extensión ha hecho sumamente azarosa su trayectoria editorial, la ?Anatomía de la melancolía? (1621) es un minucioso examen de un rasgo propio de numerosos temperamentos humanos que, vinculado a veces al genio y otras a la locura, ha hallado forma de manifestarse desde la antigua hipocondría al moderno ?soleen? o los actuales trastornos psíquicos. Contemporáneo de John Donne y en buena medida de Shakespeare, Robert Burton (1577-1640) ?hombre de carrera silenciosa, sedentaria, solitaria, íntima en el Christ Church College de Oxford? incluyó en su magna obra su vasto caudal de conocimientos sobre los más diversos autores y materias en forma de resúmenes históricos, consideraciones filosóficas, anécdotas literarias, mitos y leyendas, citas poéticas, informaciones científicas, meditaciones teológicas, juicios médicos y entretenidas digresiones. Alberto Manguel nos guía por esta intrincada selva seleccionando los pasajes más curiosos y cercanos al lector actual,
Pennsylvania State University Press A History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century: Updated and Revised Edition
A History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century, originally published in Buenos Aires in 1994, attained instant status as a classic. Written as an introductory text for university students and the general public, it is a profound reflection on the “Argentine dilemma” and the challenges that the country faces as it tries to rebuild democracy. Luis Alberto Romero brilliantly and painstakingly reconstructs and analyzes Argentina’s tortuous, often tragic modern history, from the “alluvial society” born of mass immigration, to the dramatic years of Juan and Eva Perón, to the recent period of military dictatorship. For this second English-language edition, Romero has written new chapters covering the Kirchner decade (2003–13), the upheavals surrounding the country’s 2001 default on its foreign debt, and the tumultuous years that followed as Argentina sought to reestablish a role in the global economy while securing democratic governance and social peace.
Hiperión Haiku de las estaciones
Esta antología recoge más de dos centenares de haikus de acuerdo con el modelo tradicional japonés, agrupados según la época del año que los motivó, sugerida por sus respectivos kigos o palabras de estación. A su vez, dentro de cada una de éstas, los haikus se agrupan en apartados correspondientes a sus autores, en primer lugar los grandes:Bashoo, Buson, Issa, Shiki, y luego los escritos por diversos autores. Se logra así un panorama rico y variado del haiku clásico japonés, esa pequeña estrofa que, a partir de la lírica tradicional de su país, ha conquistado el corazón de lectores y poetas en el mundo entero.Coordinados por Alberto Manzano, responsable final de la edición, han colaborado en este libro Francisco Lapuerta, Javier Parrilla y Tsutomu Takagi.
Eolas Ediciones Iluminada
Iluminada cuenta lo que sucede cuando lo extraordinario irrumpe como un rayo en la vida de una persona.Con singular franqueza, Alberto Ávila Salazar indaga en su propio pasado y en sus experiencias como escritor para presentarnos a Clara, una mujer fulminada por una visión que la ha transformado. Guiados por el hilo de sus sucesivas reapariciones en la vida del narrador, descubriremos un personaje fascinante y extremo, elaborado con los mimbres de lo real.Este es un libro fabricado de memoria y sutilmente fantástico. Transita por un terreno indeterminado y fronterizo. Entre la visión y la locura, entre la realidad y la ficción, entre la luz y la oscuridad. Iluminada es una novela que parece próxima y cotidiana, pero que puede llevar al lector a lugares desconocidos.
Siruela El balneario The Spa Libros del tiempo Time Books
No resulta fácil encontrar, en la logia mayor de la literatura española contemporánea, una observadora de la cotidianidad tan aguda, profunda y lúcida como Carmiña Martín Gaite. Nadie como ella para reparar en ese detalle, aparentemente nimio, que revela una dependencia, subraya un ejercicio de poder, señala con el dedo un terror, un ataque de angustia o de soledad.Luis Alberto de Cuenca
Rizzoli International Publications Campo Baeza: Selected Works
A comprehensive survey of the work of a master of modernist design today. Alberto Campo Baeza, one of contemporary architecture s most distinguished voices, is renowned for a body of work that exudes the power of radical simplicity. The architectural ideas expressed in his buildings have ranged in scale from such small but beautiful residential structures as the Ture?gano, Gaspar, and De Blas houses to cultural facilities such as Andalucia s Museum of Memory in Granada, an addition to his earlier achievement, the Caja General Bank Headquarters. All share an uncompromising dedication to simple composition and demonstrate the ways in which he so brilliantly deploys disciplined restraint to achieve architectural silence in the face of the clamor of the modern city. This monograph features projects spanning four decades of international architectural practice. Contributions by Richard Meier and David Chipperfield offer critical commentary on Campo Baeza s persistent quest for beauty and relevance through his adherence to simplicity and a deeply felt devotion to modernist principles of architecture.
Magnetic Press The Wall
In a post-apocalyptic future, civilization is no more and humanity lives on looting and hacking, organizing itself into makeshift villages or caravans of roaring wrecks. In this brutal society, a young repairman named Solal does what he can to protect his sister Eva, who suffers from a respiratory illness. But when their medication runs out, they have only one hope: to go to the “Wall”, a gigantic impregnable enclosure guarded by monstrous robots. Inside that fabled shelter lives a community of powerful people with the resources to help them... but all is not as optimistic as it seems… Collecting the full dystopic trilogy created by film director Antoine Charreyron and artist Mario Alberti, THE WALL is a fast-paced survival story mixing elements of science fiction and horror in perfect blockbuster proportions. Brimming with the nihilism of Mad Max and The Walking Dead, this gripping drama plunges us into a maelstrom of dust, rust, and blood. A graphic feat for a wild and post-apocalyptic road movie that, in the purest tradition of the genre, questions the future of humanity and the consequences of our actions.
Los mundos y los días poesía 19702009
NACIDO en Madrid el 29 de diciembre de 1950, Luis Alberto de Cuenca es helenista, bibliófilo, miembro numerario de la Real Academia de la Historia y Profesor de Investigación del CSIC. Ha sido Director de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, Presidente del Real Patronato de la B.N.E. y Secretario de Estado de Cultura. Entre otros premios, ha obtenido el de la Crítica por La caja de plata (1985), el Nacional de Traducción por su versión del Cantar de Valtario latino (1989), el Premio de Literatura de la Comunidad de Madrid (2007) por la totalidad de su obra y el Nacional de Literatura por Cuaderno de vacaciones (2015). Agotadas sus cuatro primeras ediciones, esta quinta edición de Los mundos y los días reúne, convenientemente revisados y corregidos para la ocasión, todos los libros de poesía de L. A. de C. aparecidos entre 1972 y 2010, es decir, desde Elsinore (Madrid, Azur) hasta El reino blanco (Madrid, Visor).
Vida Publishers Pensar a Dios Desde La Filosofia Y La Teologia
Sumérgete en un viaje intelectual hacia lo divino, cuestionando, comprendiendo y descubriendo en cada página de este libro de Alberto F. Roldán.El autor nos lleva a dialogar sobre Dios y de la mano de reconocidos filósofos y teólogos del siglo XX y XXI. La obra te lleva a pensar las preguntas esenciales del ser humano y no por imaginar a un ser celestial objetivado y abstraído de la realidad. En consecuencia, pensar en Dios no puede reducirse a conocimiento, también se relaciona con la experiencia y sabiduría. Su obra nos hace reflexionar sobre los temas más actuales de la teología en un contexto de ateísmo y creciente secularismo, donde cada vez son más las personas ajenas a la preocupación por Dios, de tal modo que en ellas se manifiesta la “muerte de Dios” de un modo explícito, cuando son incapaces de sentir y concebir la realidad divina.