Search results for ""Author Jean""
Rizzoli International Publications Maison Martin Margiela
Graduating from Antwerp’s Royal Academy of Fine Arts in the 1980s, Martin Margiela (and his contemporaries in the Antwerp Six) transformed global fashion with his aggressive restatement of traditional fashion design and a polemical approach to luxury trends. Working first with the house of Gaultier, Margiela absorbed the radical design of Japanese deconstruction, making it wholly his own with the founding of his own label in 1988. Margiela propounds a singular, enigmatic look, moving beyond the recognizable tropes of deconstruction—a monochromatic palette, outsized garments, non-traditional fabrics, exposed seams, or roughly appliquéd details—to develop a fully considered worldview, one with elegance, mystery, and menace in equal measure. This book provides an inside look at the design process from a craftsman who creates pieces prized for their originality, delicacy, and daring. In the spirit of Margiela’s garments, the book is a work of art in itself, designed exclusively by Margiela and complete with silver inks, ribbon markers, a variety of lush paper types, twelve booklets, and an embroidered white-linen cover. This book provides a window onto the intimate, handmade world of a unique designer.
Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd Gabriel Faure: His Life Through His Letters
Prestel Alphonse Mucha
Alphonse Mucha is known largely for having originated Art Nouveau, when his poster of the actress Sarah Bernhardt became a legendary icon of the movement. Mucha went on to design hundreds of pieces in the decorative arts field, but later distanced himself from the style he pioneered, devoting his time and energy to painting. This book presents the full array of Mucha's artistic contributions - not only his posters and jewellery designs but also his design for the pavilion of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 1900 world's fair. The book also contains his works on canvas, which include pastels and frescoes and his magnum opus, The Slavic Epic, a series of 20 paintings depicting the history of his native people. A stunning selection of 700 colour illustrations is accompanied with essays that explore Mucha's style and inspirations, his transition away from the decorative arts and his forays into photography. Fans of Art Nouveau will treasure this dazzling and unique study of the artist and his contributions to design and illustration.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc On the Social Contract
This new edition features a revision by Donald A. Cress of his bestselling 1987 translation of On the Social Contract together with Introduction, footnotes, and chronology by David Wootton, one of our leading historians of the Enlightenment.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Rousseau: The Basic Political Writings: Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Discourse on Political Economy, On the Social Contract, The State of War
This substantially revised new edition of Rousseau: The Basic Political Writings features a brilliant new Introduction by David Wootton, a revision by Donald A. Cress of his own 1987 translation of Rousseau's most important political writings, and the addition of Cress' new translation of Rousseau's State of ?War. New footnotes, headnotes, and a chronology by David Wootton provide expert guidance to first-time readers of the texts.
Viella Editrice Non Contrarii, Ma Diversi: The Question of the Jewish Minority in Early Modern Italy
Ege Yayinlari Les Sceaux Byzantins Du Musee Archeologique d'Istanbul
Verlag fur Moderne Kunst Caro Suerkemper: In Heisser Lieb Gebraten: Roasted in Hot Love
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe Schriften Zur Politischen Philosophie
Societe Des Textes Francais Modernes Theatre Complet: Don Bernard de Cabrere - Don Lope de Cardone - Poesies
Classiques Garnier Emile Ou de l'Education
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Lire l'Enquete Sur l'Entendement Humain de Hume
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Nouvelles Recherches Sur La Recherche de la Verite
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Longue Duree: Pour Jean-Francois Courtine
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Lettres a Franz Xavier Von Zach (1792-1815)
Classiques Garnier Essai Sur l'Histoire Des Rapports Entre l'Agriculture Et Le Capitalisme
Classiques Garnier La Problematique de Schumpeter: de la Nouveaute a la Theorie Generale Du Capitalisme
Classiques Garnier Cahiers de Lexicologie: Variation(s) Et Phraseologie
Klincksieck Les Peaux Creatrices: Esthetique de la Secretion
Les Belles Lettres Les Eleates: Fragments Des Oeuvres de Parmenide, Zenon Et Melissos
Les Belles Lettres Josephina: L'Epopee de Saint Joseph. Volumes 1 Et 2
Les Belles Lettres Correspondance
Les Belles Lettres Pseudo-Cesar, Guerre d'Afrique
Les Belles Lettres Plotin, Oeuvres Completes: Tome I, Volume I: Introduction - Traite 1 (I 6), Sur Le Beau
Autonomedia The Ordinary Man of Cinema
Rowman & Littlefield Steel Gate to Freedom: The Life of Liu Xiaobo
On December 10, 2010, on stage in Oslo City Hall, an empty chair sat before more than one thousand people, holding only the medal and diploma of the year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner. A larger-than-life photo of a smiling Liu Xiaobo hung in the background. This striking image is now known throughout the world. But who is Liu Xiaobo? For the first time, this biography by renowned Chinese author and close friend Yu Jie offers a first-hand look into the man behind the empty chair. Dissident, prisoner, poet, scholar, Liu was compelled by intolerable circumstances to embark on a campaign of intellectual dissent, becoming in the course of his journey a leading human rights activist and one of the most important political figures in modern history. In the quarter century since the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, Liu has been unable to lead a normal life. In this first authorized biography, Yu traces an extraordinary man’s odyssey, from growing up in the northeast and Inner Mongolia during the Cultural Revolution, through his meteoric rise in Beijing’s intellectual circles and his pivotal role in the Tiananmen protests and subsequent imprisonments, to the founding of the controversial Independent Chinese PEN and groundbreaking Charter 08, his poignant relationship with wife Liu Xia, and winning the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. It is also a love story between two poets who, though separated by three hundred miles and eleven years behind bars, are united in their persistence to speak truth to power, inspiring countless others.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Path Routing in Mesh Optical Networks
Transport networks evolved from DCS (Digital Cross-connect Systems)-based mesh architectures, to SONET/SDH (Synchronous Optical Networking/Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) ring architectures in the 1990’s. In the past few years, technological advancements in optical transport switches have allowed service providers to support the same fast recovery in mesh networks previously available in ring networks while achieving better capacity efficiency and resulting in lower capital cost. Optical transport networks today not only provide trunking capacity to higher-layer networks, such as inter-router connectivity in an IP-centric infrastructure, but also support efficient routing and fast failure recovery of high-bandwidth services. This is possible due to the emergence of optical network elements that have the intelligence required to efficiently control the network. Optical mesh networks will enable a variety of dynamic services such as bandwidth-on-demand, Just-In-Time bandwidth, bandwidth scheduling, bandwidth brokering, and optical virtual private networks that open up new opportunities for service providers and their customers alike. Path Routing in Mesh Optical Networks combines both theoretical as well as practical aspects of routing and dimensioning for mesh optical networks. All authors have worked as technical leaders for the equipment vendor Tellium who implemented such capabilities in its product, and whose product was deployed in service provider networks. Path Routing in Mesh Optical Networks Presents an in-depth treatment of a specific class of optical networks, i.e. path-oriented mesh optical networks. Focuses on routing and recovery, dimensioning, performance analysis and availability in mesh optical networks. Explains and analyses routing specifically associated with Dedicated Backup Path Protection (DBPP) and Shared Backup Path Protection (SBPP) recovery architectures. As most of the core backbone networks evolve to mesh topologies utilizing intelligent network elements for provisioning and recovery of services, Path Routing in Mesh Optical Networks will be an invaluable tool for both researchers and engineers in the industry who are responsible for designing, developing, deploying and maintaining mesh optical networks. It will also be a useful reference book for graduate students and university professors who are interested in optical networks or telecommunications networking. With a foreword by Professor Wayne D. Grover, author of the book Mesh-Based Survivable Networks.
Tourbillon What About: Philosophy
Do we always have to share? What is money for? What are there wars? Curious kids have lots of questions about life. What AboutTM Philosophy is a Q&A book that offers easy-to-understand answers to a wide range of compelling questions that real kids asked. The informative and thought-provoking content has been thoroughly reviewed by philosophy experts and paired with quirky cartoons to encourage children to find out more. This answer book is a welcome compendium for those who have ever asked “What about . . . ?”
Spector Books The Valley. An Archaeology in Photographs
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Collected Works
While Eugenio Calabi is best known for his contributions to the theory of Calabi-Yau manifolds, this Steele-Prize-winning geometer’s fundamental contributions to mathematics have been far broader and more diverse than might be guessed from this one aspect of his work. His works have deep influence and lasting impact in global differential geometry, mathematical physics and beyond. By bringing together 47 of Calabi’s important articles in a single volume, this book provides a comprehensive overview of his mathematical oeuvre, and includes papers on complex manifolds, algebraic geometry, Kähler metrics, affine geometry, partial differential equations, several complex variables, group actions and topology. The volume also includes essays on Calabi’s mathematics by several of his mathematical admirers, including S.K. Donaldson, B. Lawson and S.-T. Yau, Marcel Berger; and Jean Pierre Bourguignon. This book is intended for mathematicians and graduate students around the world. Calabi’s visionary contributions will certainly continue to shape the course of this subject far into the future.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Japanese Management in the Low Growth Era: Between External Shocks and Internal Evolution
Japanese firms are in the midst of the most protracted economic crisis in their post-war history. The end of the "bubble economy" has led to a long era of low growth. This change in the general business environment has profound consequences for the management and the organization of corporate Japan, as well as for the theory of the Japanese firm. The contributions to this book cover a broad range of subjects, from the strategies and organizational structures to the management of human resources and innovation processes in the 1990s. These changes are systematically commented on by field specialists from abroad, especially Europe, relating the situation in Japan to comparable developments in other countries.
Actes Sud The Elevator Resides in 501
Between 1978 and 1981, Sophie Calle went on a clandestine exploration of the then abandoned Hôtel du Palais d'Orsay. She selected room 501 as her home and without any pre-established method, set about photographing the abandoned hotel over 5 years. As she explored, she picked up items she found: room numbers, customer reception cards, old telephones, diaries, messages addressed to a certain “Oddo” and more besides. What happened to room 501? More than 40 years later it has disappeared and an elevator has taken its place. At the invitation of Donatien Grau, the Musée d’Orsay curator, Sophie Calle returned, equipped with a flashlight, to explore the site again during the lockdown period. She hunted down the ghosts of the Palais d'Orsay, now connected to the present by the visitors that had also deserted the museum. The work reconstructs the artist’s archive of photography, letters, invoices and other daily items which bring a forgotten past back to life. To provide commentary on her discoveries, Sophie Calle called upon the archaeologist Jean-Paul Demoule, who writes a series of texts combining fact and fiction. All this evidence has been assembled together to create an objet d’art which resembles an investigation notebook.
Rutgers University Press Global Health for All: Knowledge, Politics, and Practices
Global Health for All trains a critical lens on global health to share the stories that global health’s practices and logics tell about 20th and 21st century configurations of science and power. An ethnography on multiple scales, the book focuses on global health’s key epistemic and therapeutic practices like localization, measurement, triage, markets, technology, care, and regulation. Its roving approach traverses policy centers, sites of intervention, and innumerable spaces in between to consider what happens when globalized logics, circulations, and actors work to imagine, modify, and manage health. By resting in these in-between places, Global Health for All simultaneously examines global health as a coherent system and as a dynamic, unpredictable collection of modular parts.
Centrala Ltd Iogi: 2024
LID Publishing Business is Beautiful: The Hard Art of Standing Apart
Accepted wisdom tells us either that business should come before pleasure, or that the two should never be mixed. Business, it seems, was never intended to be pleasurable. During an economic crisis, in particular, business is easy to portray as a cold, unforgiving environment. But business isn't like this. Business is people. People who come together to achieve more than is possible individually. Achievement is easily measured through profit, but value is a much bigger concept. A bank in India has been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. A man in Denmark has turned his love and compassion for his deaf wife into a business that helps millions, as well as makes millions. Business provides countless examples of companies that have achieved greatness; companies for whom profit is necessary but not sufficient condition for success. These stories and the business lessons (often unmeasurable) they provide are brilliantly captured in this highly original book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Model Driven Engineering for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems
Model-based development methods, and supporting technologies, can provide the techniques and tools needed to address the dilemma between reducing system development costs and time, and developing increasingly complex systems. The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) initiative of the Object Management Group (OMG) is concerned with the development of standards and technologies that enable and support model-based system development. The aim of this book is to provide the information needed to understand and apply MDE (including MDA) approaches to the development of embedded systems. Chapters, written by experts from academia and industry, cover topics relating to MDE practices and methods, as well as emerging MDE technologies. Much of the writing is based on the presentations given at the Summer School 'MDE for Embedded Systems' held at Brest, France, in September 2004.
Arc Publications A Fine Line: New Poetry From Eastern and Central Europe
A Fine Line: New Poetry from Eastern and Central EuropeArc Publications Translations Series (parallel-text)A bilingual anthology, with a preface by Václav Havel, published by Arc Publications in association with the UK-based international organisation Literature Across Frontiers, presenting the new poetic talent from ten Eastern and Central European countries.The poets included in the anthology are as follows:Georgi Gospodinov and Nadezhda Radulova (Bulgaria)Petr Borkovec and Katerina Rudcenkova (Czech Republic)Kristiina Ehin and Akso Künnap (Estonia)János Térey and Krisztina Tóth (Hungary)Karlis Verdins and Sergeij Timofeyev (Latvia)Daiva Cepauskaite and Rimvydas Stankevicius (Lithuania)Agnieszka Kuciak and Edward Pasewicz (Poland)Emilian Galaicu-Paun and Ioana Nicolaie (Romania)Katarina Kucbelová and Martin Solotruk (Slovakia)Primoz Cucnik and Taja Kramberger (Slovenia)"This is wonderfully sovereign poetry. These writers were mostly students or even at school when their Communist regimes perished; the war and the post-war Stalinist terror happened to their grandparents. Their poise and their self-possession are startling; they seldom lament and have no interest in preaching. The encounter with Western abundance gives them fresh imagery, but also grounds for amusement and irony.""From their part of Europe, they bring a special joy in the natural and physical world, and also glittering metaphysical brilliance. This is a poetry of wit and complexity, never raw but always glowing with human feeling. As for the translators, it's impossible to praise them too highly. Imaginative, sensitive and yet loyal to the texts, it is they who have delivered this treasure intact to new readers."- Neal Ascherson
Moonlight Publishing Ltd Prehistoric People
"Who were our earliest human ancestors? Where did they come from? What did they hunt? What tools did they invent? How did they evolve over time? What traces did they leave behind? The reader will learn answers to these and many more questions through through detailed and lifelike illustrations and clear text that depicts our ancestors way of life. The children will step inside the cave of a prehistoric family by turning the page, learn about hunting mammoth and reindeer, making clothes and tools, and painting on cave walls with their hands. "
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy
This incisive book provides key interdisciplinary perspectives on the current challenges faced by EU policymakers in framing and implementing a coherent European industrial policy, employing specific case studies from the digital, automotive, steel and defence industries as well as concrete examples of EU policies. Comprehensive and analytical, the book investigates the long-term structural causes of the absence of a strong industrial policy at Union level. Examining the tensions that exist between member states and EU institutions regarding industrial and competition policies, expert contributions assess the conditions for an integrated EU industrial policy to emerge. A comparative analysis between the industrial policies of the EU, US and China is developed as chapters explore how the EU maintains its position in global value chains while other major partners are forced to pursue strategic trade and industrial policies to retain their dominant position. The book concludes with a presentation of prospective scenarios to assess the future technological evolution of the EU. EU Industrial Policy in the Multipolar Economy will be an essential resource for academics and practitioners concerned with EU current affairs, global governance, industrial economics and international trade. Its use of case studies and original data will allow governments, EU institutions, NGOs and EU public affairs consultants and analysts to assess their policymaking options in the fields of research, industrial policy and sustainable development.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Guide to Planning and Managing Open Innovative Ecosystems
Digital technology in the form of big data and data analytics is transforming the global economy. This book is the first to take an open innovation perspective to the study and practice of ecosystems, providing a novel way of understanding the impact data has on the way entrepreneurial firms develop. Governments are emphasising the use of open innovation ecosystems due to increased levels of digitalization in the global economy. This enables information and knowledge to be disseminated in a way that enables entrepreneurial projects to develop. Written primarily for practitioners and academic researchers, A Guide to Planning and Managing Open Innovative Ecosystems focuses on the unique nature of open innovation by utilising a government and data perspective. This helps to understand the dynamic manner in which digital technology in the form of big data is changing society. The role of the government in influencing an open innovation culture in society is discussed through the use of different cultural examples, enabling a holistic perspective about how government and data are influencing entrepreneurial endeavours.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Gamification of Society
The applications of gamification and the contexts in which game elements can be successfully incorporated have grown significantly over the years. They now include the fields of health, education, work, the media and many others. However, the human and social sciences still neglect the analysis and critique of gamification. Research conducted in this area tends to focus on game objects and not gamification�s logic as its ideological dimension. Considering that the game, as a model and a reference, laden with social value, deserves to be questioned beyond its objects, The Gamification of Society gathers together texts, observations and criticisms that question the influence that games and their �mechanics� have on wider society. The empirical research presented in this book (examining designers� practices, early childhood, political action, the quantified self, etc.) also probes several different national contexts those of Norway, Belgium, the United States and France, among others.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multi-component Reactions in Molecular Diversity
While very useful for studying syntheses of molecular diversity, multi-component reactions also offer rapid access to a variety of complex molecules that are relevant for biological applications. Multi-component Reactions in Molecular Diversity analyzes these reactions, whether they are realized by organometallic, ionic or even radical processes. It highlights popular methods based on monotype reactions (cascade, tandem, domino) and their efficiency and academic industrial domain are illustrated. This book also investigates the most efficient ways to prepare complex molecules. Multi-component reactions are in tune with the concepts of atom and steps economy, which are of prior importance in all the reported processes ? from the laboratory to the pilot scale. The essential criteria for green chemistry are also examined in the book in detail.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Transformation: Information System Governance
The main aim of this book is to offer companies a simple and practical method to assess their maturity in the Governance Information System, so that they are in working order to face the challenges of Digital Transformation. How can companies effectively manage their investment in IT systems and make the most of their development?
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC One Day in France: Tragedy and Betrayal in an Occupied Village
April 6, 1944. A detachment of German soldiers arrive in a rural French town, hunting down resistance fighters, many of whom are hiding in the region. More than sixty years later, the villagers clearly remember the day when four peasants from a nearby village were taken hostage and shot as an example to others. But do they remember the whole story? Jean-Marie Borzeix sets out to investigate the events of Holy Thursday 1944, and to reveal the hidden truths of that fateful day. He uncovers the story of a mysterious 'fifth man' shot alongside the resisters and eventually unravels a trail which leads him to Paris, Israel and into the darkest corners of the Holocaust in France. A captivating story, the events of this day in a small, entirely typical, town illuminate the true impact of World War II in France.