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ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Transitions from Digital Communications to Quantum Communications: Concepts and Prospects
This book addresses the move towards quantum communications, in light of the recent technological developments on photonic crystals and their potential applications in systems. The authors present the state of the art on extensive quantum communications, the first part of the book being dedicated to the relevant theory; quantum gates such as Deutsch gates, Toffoli gates and Dedekind gates are reviewed with regards to their feasibility as electronic circuits and their implementation in systems, and a comparison is performed in parallel with conventional circuits such as FPGAs and DSPs. The specifics of quantum communication are also revealed through the entanglement and Bell states, and mathematical and physical aspects of quantum optical fibers and photonic crystals are considered in order to optimize the quantum transmissions. These concepts are linked with relevant, practical examples in the second part of the book, which presents six integrated applications for quantum communications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Corporate Takeover Targets: Acquisition Probability
The term "takeover", of which the first form is mergers and acquisitions (M&A), refers to the transfer of control of a business from one group of shareholders to another. Considering the importance of this issue and the real drives behind takeovers, it has become imperative to identifying companies that are vulnerable to takeover by two types: tender offer and exchange offer. This book thus presents the legal aspects, the theoretical justifications and the empirical contributions of takeovers, and analyzes the economic and financial characteristics of targets in order to assess the probability of being acquired. An empirical approach based on two quantitative studies is then applied to the European market, which is still virgin territory in terms of academic research. Finally, acquisition probability models have been developed and they have a 72% forecast accuracy average rate of targets. Corporate Takeover Targets is aimed at students and researchers in economic and management, as well as M&A consultants.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Social Business and Base of the Pyramid: Levers for Strategic Renewal
This book analyzes how social business and base of the pyramid approaches allow companies to reinvent themselves, or in other words how they are the levers for strategic renewal. It highlights the constraints and possible difficulties encountered in the process of corporate renewal, drawing on individual and collective restraints to outline the key themes for a company’s successful transition. The author uses the case of Danone to explain how such a process of strategic renewal can take time and calls for a shared vision not only among the directors but between all the players, with a strong emphasis on long-term commitment. Throughout this book, the author offers guidance to help others complete this process with success, encouraging the reader to seize opportunities for change.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Formalizing Natural Languages: The NooJ Approach
This book is at the very heart of linguistics. It provides the theoretical and methodological framework needed to create a successful linguistic project. Potential applications of descriptive linguistics include spell-checkers, intelligent search engines, information extractors and annotators, automatic summary producers, automatic translators, and more. These applications have considerable economic potential, and it is therefore important for linguists to make use of these technologies and to be able to contribute to them. The author provides linguists with tools to help them formalize natural languages and aid in the building of software able to automatically process texts written in natural language (Natural Language Processing, or NLP). Computers are a vital tool for this, as characterizing a phenomenon using mathematical rules leads to its formalization. NooJ – a linguistic development environment software developed by the author – is described and practically applied to examples of NLP.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Responsibility and Freedom: The Ethical Realm of RRI
Responsible Research and Innovation appears as a paradoxical frame, hard to conceptualize and difficult to apply. If on the one hand research and innovation appear to follow logics blind to societal issues, responsibility is still a blurred concept interpreted according to circumstances. Different perspectives are implied in the RRI discourse rendering difficult also its application, because each social dimension proposes a different path for its implementation. This book will try to indicate how such conflictual understanding of RRI is caused by a reductive interpretation of ethics and, consequently, of responsibility. The resulting framework will represent an ethical approach to RRI that could help in overcoming conflictual perspectives and construct a multi-layer approach to research and innovation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Asset and Liability Management for Banks and Insurance Companies
This book introduces ALM in the context of banks and insurance companies. Although this strategy has a core of fundamental frameworks, models may vary between banks and insurance companies because of the different risks and goals involved. The authors compare and contrast these methodologies to draw parallels between the commonalities and divergences of these two services and thereby provide a deeper understanding of ALM in general.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ionic and Electrochemical Equilibria
This book is part of a set of books which offers advanced students successive characterization tool phases, the study of all types of phase (liquid, gas and solid, pure or multi-component), process engineering, chemical and electrochemical equilibria, and the properties of surfaces and phases of small sizes. Macroscopic and microscopic models are in turn covered with a constant correlation between the two scales. Particular attention has been paid to the rigor of mathematical developments. This sixth volume is made up of two parts. The first part focuses on the study of ionic equilibria in water or non-aqueous solvents. The following are then discussed in succession: the dissociation of electrolytes, solvents and solvation, acid-base equilibria, formation of complexes, redox equilibria and the problems of precipitation. Part 2 discusses electrochemical thermodynamics, with the study of two groups: electrodes and electrochemical cells. The book concludes with the study of potential-pH diagrams and their generalization in an aqueous or non-aqueous medium.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermodynamics of Surfaces and Capillary Systems
This book is part of a set of books which offers advanced students successive characterization tool phases, the study of all types of phase (liquid, gas and solid, pure or multi-component), process engineering, chemical and electrochemical equilibria, and the properties of surfaces and phases of small sizes. Macroscopic and microscopic models are in turn covered with a constant correlation between the two scales. Particular attention has been given to the rigor of mathematical developments. This volume, the final of the Chemical Thermodynamics Set, offers an in-depth examination of chemical thermodynamics. The author uses systems of liquids, vapors, solids and mixtures of these in thermodynamic approaches to determine the influence of the temperature and pressure on the surface tension and its consequences on specific heat capacities and latent heats. Electro-capillary phenomena, the thermodynamics of cylindrical capillary and small volume-phases are also discussed, along with a thermodynamic study of the phenomenon of nucleation of a condensed phase and the properties of thin liquid films. The final chapters discuss the phenomena of physical adsorption and chemical adsorption of gases by solid surfaces. In an Appendix, applications of physical adsorption for the determination of the specific areas of solids and their porosity are given.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Micromechanics of Fracture and Damage
This book deals with the mechanics and physics of fractures at various scales. Based on advanced continuum mechanics of heterogeneous media, it develops a rigorous mathematical framework for single macrocrack problems as well as for the effective properties of microcracked materials. In both cases, two geometrical models of cracks are examined and discussed: the idealized representation of the crack as two parallel faces (the Griffith crack model), and the representation of a crack as a flat elliptic or ellipsoidal cavity (the Eshelby inhomogeneity problem). The book is composed of two parts: The first part deals with solutions to 2D and 3D problems involving a single crack in linear elasticity. Elementary solutions of cracks problems in the different modes are fully worked. Various mathematical techniques are presented, including Neuber-Papkovitch displacement potentials, complex analysis with conformal mapping and Eshelby-based solutions. The second part is devoted to continuum micromechanics approaches of microcracked materials in relation to methods and results presented in the first part. Various estimates and bounds of the effective elastic properties are presented. They are considered for the formulation and application of continuum micromechanics-based damage models.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Acoustics, Aeroacoustics and Vibrations
This didactic book presents the main elements of acoustics, aeroacoustics and vibrations. Illustrated with numerous concrete examples linked to solid and fluid continua, Acoustics, Aeroacoustics and Vibrations proposes a selection of applications encountered in the three fields, whether in room acoustics, transport, energy production systems or environmental problems. Theoretical approaches enable us to analyze the different processes in play. Typical results, mostly from numerical simulations, are used to illustrate the main phenomena (fluid acoustics, radiation, diffraction, vibroacoustics, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Live Cell Assays: From Research to Regulatory Applications
Cell assays include all methods of measurements on living cells. Confined for a long time to research laboratories, these emerging methods have, in recent years, found industrial applications that are increasingly varied and, from now on, regulatory. Based on the recent explosion of knowledge in cell biology, the measurement of living cells represents a new class of industry-oriented research tests, the applications of which continue to multiply (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, environment, etc.). Cellular tests are now being positioned as new tools at the interface between chemical methods, which are often obsolete and not very informative, and methods using animal models, which are expensive, do not fit with human data and are widely discussed from an ethical perspective. Finally, the development of cell assays is currently being strengthened by their being put into regulatory application, particularly in Europe through the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) and cosmetic directives.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Integration of Demand Response into the Electricity Chain: Challenges, Opportunities, and Smart Grid Solutions
The concept of Demand Response (DR) generally concerns methodologies, technologies and commercial arrangements that could allow active participation of consumers in the power system operation. The primary aim of DR is thus to overcome the “traditional” inflexibility of electrical demand and, amongst others, create a new powerful tool to maximize deployment of renewable energy sources as well as provide active network management solutions to help reducing the impact of limited grid capabilities. DR allows consumers to actively participate in power system operation, thus bringing new opportunities in emerging energy markets as well as tangible system benefits. In this sense, DR is considered one of the key enablers of the Smart Grid concept. However, DR also poses a number of challenges, particularly when “active demand” is connected to the Low Voltage network, thus affecting all the actors involved in the electricity chain. This book presents for the first time a comprehensive view on technical methodologies and architectures, commercial arrangements, and socio-economic and regulatory factors that could facilitate the uptake of DR. The work is developed in a systematic way so as to create a comprehensive picture of challenges, benefits and opportunities involved with DR. The reader will thus be provided with a clear understanding of the complexity deriving from a demand becoming active, as well as with a quantitative assessment of the techno-economic value of the proposed solutions in a Smart Grid context. Many research contributions have appeared in recent years in the field of DR, both in journals and conference proceedings. However, most publications focus on individual aspects of the problem. A systematic treatment of the issues to be tackled to introduce DR in existing electricity grids, involving the extended value chain in terms of technical and commercial aspects, is still missing. Also, several books have recently been published about Smart Grid, in which there is some mention to DR. However, again while DR is seen as a key pillar for the Smart Grid, there is no dedicated, comprehensive and systematic contribution in this respect.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Networking Simulation for Intelligent Transportation Systems: High Mobile Wireless Nodes
This book studies the simulation of wireless networking in the domain of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) involving aircraft, railway and vehicular communication. On this subject, particular focus is placed on effective communication channels, mobility modeling, multi-technology simulation and global ITS simulation frameworks. Networking Simulation for Intelligent Transportation Systems addresses the mixing of IEEE802.11p and LTE into a dedicated simulation environment as well as the links between ITS and IoT; aeronautical mobility and VHD Data Link (VDL) simulation; virtual co-simulation for railway communication and control-command; realistic channel simulation, mobility modeling and autonomic simulation for VANET and quality metrics for VANET. The authors intend for this book to be as useful as possible to the reader as they provide examples of methods and tools for running realistic and reliable simulations in the domain of communications for ITS.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Capability Maturity Model
Whilst innovation remains of course an approach, a process, and is still often even reduced to a set of results, it essentially reflects a way of thinking evolution. Time is up for varying the thinking methods according to capacities and learned and available competencies with a view to change… the thinking level. No domain and no sector is immune to this transformation in todays’ world Having clarified our ideas through this book, we remain ever more convinced that the leveled maturity approach will lead to real advances in innovation over the 2020 years. Hence the competitive capacities of organizations must evolve. As we strive in our quest for new inspiration sources in business, let us reckon that all is bound to evolving… including the way to evolve. In that resides the very capacity to innovate.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc E-Enabled Operations Management
Although the theory of operations management has been presented in many textbooks published in the last two decades, the subject of e-enabled operations management is rather short of easily accessible literature. The approach to operations management described in this book is unusual with respect to what is found in standard textbooks. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) impact the ways firms are organised and managed, and as a consequence change the practical means used to conduct business operations. The features of this book are threefold. System approach to business modelling: Business activities, controlling functions and associated information systems are described within a coherent analytical system framework allowing a clear understanding of the various current control and costing concepts. Operations costing is not usually included in textbooks as part of operations management, but it should be. Cost targeting has become an integral part of good practice of business management. Validity of models: Apparently simple models are analyzed in depth. Students must be fully aware of the assumptions made when models are formulated and of their conditions of validity. Applying a model implies automatically that assumptions of a sort are taken for granted. Logistics, procurement and quality management: These three business functions are critical key success factors for managing e-enabled supply chains from suppliers to customers. That is why their main tools are introduced in this document.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Evolutionary Algorithms for Food Science and Technology
Researchers and practitioners in food science and technology routinely face several challenges, related to sparseness and heterogeneity of data, as well as to the uncertainty in the measurements and the introduction of expert knowledge in the models. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), stochastic optimization techniques loosely inspired by natural selection, can be effectively used to tackle these issues. In this book, we present a selection of case studies where EAs are adopted in real-world food applications, ranging from model learning to sensitivity analysis.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metaheuristics for Big Data
Big Data is a new field, with many technological challenges to be understood in order to use it to its full potential. These challenges arise at all stages of working with Big Data, beginning with data generation and acquisition. The storage and management phase presents two critical challenges: infrastructure, for storage and transportation, and conceptual models. Finally, to extract meaning from Big Data requires complex analysis. Here the authors propose using metaheuristics as a solution to these challenges; they are first able to deal with large size problems and secondly flexible and therefore easily adaptable to different types of data and different contexts. The use of metaheuristics to overcome some of these data mining challenges is introduced and justified in the first part of the book, alongside a specific protocol for the performance evaluation of algorithms. An introduction to metaheuristics follows. The second part of the book details a number of data mining tasks, including clustering, association rules, supervised classification and feature selection, before explaining how metaheuristics can be used to deal with them. This book is designed to be self-contained, so that readers can understand all of the concepts discussed within it, and to provide an overview of recent applications of metaheuristics to knowledge discovery problems in the context of Big Data.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Interoperability: Interoperability for Agility, Resilience and Plasticity of Collaborations (I-ESA 14 Proceedings)
Enterprises and organizations of any kind embedded in today's economic environment are deeply dependent on their ability to take part in collaborations. Consequently, it is strongly required for them to get actively involved for their own benefit in emerging, potentially opportunistic collaborative enterprise networks. The concept of “interoperability” has been defined by INTEROP-VLab as “The ability of an enterprise system or application to interact with others at a low cost in a flexible approach”. Consequently, interoperability of organizations appears as a major issue to succeed in building on the fly emerging enterprise networks. The International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications (I-ESA 2014) was held under the motto “interoperability for agility, resilience and plasticity of collaborations” on March 26-28, 2014 and organized by the Ecole des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux, France on behalf of the European Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability (INTEROP-VLab). On March 24-25, co-located with the conference eight workshops and one doctoral symposium were held in four tracks complementing the program of the I-ESA’14 conference. The workshops and the doctoral symposium address areas of greatest current activity focusing on active discussions among the leading researchers in the area of Enterprise Interoperability. This part of the conference helps the community to operate effectively, building co-operative and supportive international links as well as providing new knowledge of on-going research to practitioners. The workshops and doctoral symposium aimed at exploiting new issues, challenges and solutions for Enterprise Interoperability (EI) and associated domains of innovation such as Smart Industry, Internet-Of-Things, Factories of the Future, EI Applications and Standardisation. These proceedings include the short papers from the I-ESA’14 workshops and the doctoral symposium. The book is split up into 9 sections, one for each workshop and one for the doctoral symposium. All sections were organized following four tracks: (1) EI and Future Internet / Factory of the Future; (2) EI Application Domains and IT; (3) EI Standards; (4) EI Doctoral Symposium. For each section, a workshop report is provided summarizing the content and the issues discussed during the sessions. The goal of the first track was to offer a discussion opportunity on interoperability issues regarding the use of Internet of Things on manufacturing environment (Workshops 1 and 3) on one hand, and regarding the potential of innovation derived from the use of digital methods, architectures and services such as Smart Networks (Workshops 2 and 4) on the other hand. The second track focused on particular application domains that are looking for innovative solutions to support their strong collaborative needs. Thus, the track developed one workshop on the use of EI solution for Future City-Logistics (Workshop 5) and one on the use of EI solutions for Crisis / Disaster Management (Workshop 6). The third track studied the recent developments in EI standardization. Two workshops were dedicated to this issue. The first one has proposed to focus on the management of standardization (Workshop 8) and the second one has chosen to work on the new knowledge on standardization developments in the manufacturing service domain (Workshop 9). The last track, the doctoral symposium presented research results from selected dissertations. The session discussed EI knowledge issues, notably in terms of gathering through social networks or Internet of Things and of exploitation through innovative decision support systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Guided Randomness in Optimization, Volume 1
The performance of an algorithm used depends on the GNA. This book focuses on the comparison of optimizers, it defines a stress-outcome approach which can be derived all the classic criteria (median, average, etc.) and other more sophisticated. Source-codes used for the examples are also presented, this allows a reflection on the "superfluous chance," succinctly explaining why and how the stochastic aspect of optimization could be avoided in some cases.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Silicon Carbide One-dimensional Nanostructures
Dedicated to SiC-based 1D nanostructures, this book explains the properties and different growth methods of these nanostructures. It details carburization of silicon nanowires, a growth process for obtaining original Si-SiC core-shell nanowires and SiC nanotubes of high crystalline quality, thanks to the control of the siliconout-diffusion. The potential applications of these particular nano-objects is also discussed, with regards to their eventual integration in biology, energy and electronics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Flows and Chemical Reactions in Heterogeneous Mixtures
This book - a sequel of previous publications 'Flows and Chemical Reactions' and 'Chemical Reactions in Flows and Homogeneous Mixtures' - is devoted to flows with chemical reactions in heterogeneous environments. Heterogeneous media in this volume include interfaces and lines. They may be the site of radiation. Each type of flow is the subject of a chapter in this volume. We consider first, in Chapter 1, the question of the generation of environments biphasic individuals: dusty gas, mist, bubble flow. Chapter 2 is devoted to the study at the mesoscopic scale: particle-fluid exchange of momentum and heat with determination of the respective exchange coefficients. In Chapter 3, we establish simplified equations of macroscopic balance for mass, for the momentum and energy, in the case of particles of one size (monodisperse suspension). Radiative phenomena are presented in Chapter 5.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc New Techniques in Digital Holography
A state of the art presentation of important advances in the field of digital holography, detailing advances related to fundamentals of digital holography, in-line holography applied to fluid mechanics, digital color holography, digital holographic microscopy, infrared holography, special techniques in full field vibrometry and inverse problems in digital holography
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Discrete Element Method to Model 3D Continuous Materials
Complex behavior models (plasticity, cracks, visco elascticity) face some theoretical difficulties for the determination of the behavior law at the continuous scale. When homogenization fails to give the right behavior law, a solution is to simulate the material at a meso scale in order to simulate directly a set of discrete properties that are responsible of the macroscopic behavior. The discrete element model has been developed for granular material. The proposed set shows how this method is capable to solve the problem of complex behavior that are linked to discrete meso scale effects.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis, Volume 2
Mathematical Imaging is currently a rapidly growing field in applied mathematics, with an increasing need for theoretical mathematics. This book, the second of two volumes, emphasizes the role of mathematics as a rigorous basis for imaging sciences. It provides a comprehensive and convenient overview of the key mathematical concepts, notions, tools and frameworks involved in the various fields of gray-tone and binary image processing and analysis, by proposing a large, but coherent, set of symbols and notations, a complete list of subjects and a detailed bibliography. It establishes a bridge between the pure and applied mathematical disciplines, and the processing and analysis of gray-tone and binary images. It is accessible to readers who have neither extensive mathematical training, nor peer knowledge in Image Processing and Analysis. It is a self-contained book focusing on the mathematical notions, concepts, operations, structures, and frameworks that are beyond or involved in Image Processing and Analysis. The notations are simplified as far as possible in order to be more explicative and consistent throughout the book and the mathematical aspects are systematically discussed in the image processing and analysis context, through practical examples or concrete illustrations. Conversely, the discussed applicative issues allow the role of mathematics to be highlighted. Written for a broad audience – students, mathematicians, image processing and analysis specialists, as well as other scientists and practitioners – the author hopes that readers will find their own way of using the book, thus providing a mathematical companion that can help mathematicians become more familiar with image processing and analysis, and likewise, image processing and image analysis scientists, researchers and engineers gain a deeper understanding of mathematical notions and concepts.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Bandwidth Allocation for Video under Quality of Service Constraints
We present queueing-based algorithms to calculate the bandwidth required for a video stream so that the three main Quality of Service constraints, i.e., end-to-end delay, jitter and packet loss, are ensured. Conversational and streaming video-based applications are becoming a major part of the everyday Internet usage. The quality of these applications (QoS), as experienced by the user, depends on three main metrics of the underlying network, namely, end-to-end delay, jitter and packet loss. These metrics are, in turn, directly related to the capacity of the links that the video traffic traverses from its source to destination. The main problem that this book addresses is how much bandwidth we should allocate on the path from source to destination of a video traffic flow such that the end-to-end delay, jitter and packet loss of the video packets are within some expected required bounds.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Smartgrids for Distribution System Operators, Volume 1
The dynamic of the Energy Transition is engaged in many region of the World. This is a real challenge for electric systems and a paradigm shift for existing distribution networks. With the help of "advanced" smart technologies, the Distribution System Operators will have a central role to integrate massively renewable generation, electric vehicle and demand response programs. Many projects are on-going to develop and assess advanced smart grids solutions, with already some lessons learnt. In the end, the Smart Grid is a mean for Distribution System Operators to ensure the quality and the security of power supply. Several books have been written to provide a definition of Smart grids, explore the different technical evolution needed and explain / analyse what would be the benefits. All those books are conducted on theoretical basis by academics and strategy consultants. This new book will propose a complementary and singular approach based on a practical experience from DSO's.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Al-based Energetic Nano Materials: Design, Manufacturing, Properties and Applications
Over the past two decades, the rapid development of nanochemistry and nanotechnology has allowed the synthesis of various materials and oxides in the form of nanopowders making it possible to produce new energetic compositions and nanomaterials. This book has a bottom-up structure, from nanomaterials synthesis to the application fields. Starting from aluminum nanoparticles synthesis for fuel application, it proposes a detailed state-of-the art of the different methods of preparation of aluminum-based reactive nanomaterials. It describes the techniques developed for their characterization and, when available, a description of the fundamental mechanisms responsible for their ignition and combustion. This book also presents the possibilities and limitations of different energetic nanomaterials and related structures as well as the analysis of their chemical and thermal properties. The whole is rounded off with a look at the performances of reactive materials in terms of heat of reaction and reactivity mainly characterized as the self-sustained combustion velocity. The book ends up with a description of current reactive nanomaterials applications underlying the promising integration of aluminum-based reactive nanomaterial into micro electromechanical systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mobile and Wireless Networks
This book presents the state of the art in the field of mobile and wireless networks, and anticipates the arrival of new standards and architectures. It focuses on wireless networks, starting with small personal area networks and progressing onto the very large cells of wireless regional area networks, via local area networks dominated by WiFi technology, and finally metropolitan networks. After a description of the existing 2G and 3G standards, with LTE being the latest release, LTE-A is addressed, which is the first 4G release, and a first indication of 5G is provided as seen through the standardizing bodies. 4G technology is described in detail along with the different LTE extensions related to the massive arrival of femtocells, the increase to a 1 Gbps capacity, and relay techniques. 5G is also discussed in order to show what can be expected in the near future. The Internet of Things is explained in a specific chapter due to its omnipresence in the literature, ad hoc and mesh networks form another important chapter as they have made a comeback after a long period of near hibernation, and the final chapter discusses a particularly recent topic: Mobile-Edge Computing (MEC) servers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics: Wave Propagation, Impact and Variational Principles
The books Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics: Vibrations and Diffusion Processes and Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics: Wave Propagation, Impact and Variational Principles contain various applications of fractional calculus to the fields of classical mechanics. Namely, the books study problems in fields such as viscoelasticity of fractional order, lateral vibrations of a rod of fractional order type, lateral vibrations of a rod positioned on fractional order viscoelastic foundations, diffusion-wave phenomena, heat conduction, wave propagation, forced oscillations of a body attached to a rod, impact and variational principles of a Hamiltonian type. The books will be useful for graduate students in mechanics and applied mathematics, as well as for researchers in these fields. Part 1 of this book presents an introduction to fractional calculus. Chapter 1 briefly gives definitions and notions that are needed later in the book and Chapter 2 presents definitions and some of the properties of fractional integrals and derivatives. Part 2 is the central part of the book. Chapter 3 presents the analysis of waves in fractional viscoelastic materials in infinite and finite spatial domains. In Chapter 4, the problem of oscillations of a translatory moving rigid body, attached to a heavy, or light viscoelastic rod of fractional order type, is studied in detail. In Chapter 5, the authors analyze a specific engineering problem of the impact of a viscoelastic rod against a rigid wall. Finally, in Chapter 6, some results for the optimization of a functional containing fractional derivatives of constant and variable order are presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Computational Design of Lightweight Structures: Form Finding and Optimization
The author of this book presents a general, robust, and easy-to-use method that can handle many design parameters efficiently. Following an introduction, Chapter 1 presents the general concepts of truss layout optimization, starting from topology optimization where structural component sizes and system connectivity are simultaneously optimized. To fully realize the potential of truss layout optimization for the design of lightweight structures, the consideration of geometrical variables is then introduced. Chapter 2 addresses truss geometry and topology optimization by combining mathematical programming and structural mechanics: the structural properties of the optimal solution are used for devising the novel formulation. To avoid singularities arising in optimal configurations, this approach disaggregates the equilibrium equations and fully integrates their basic elements within the optimization formulation. The resulting tool incorporates elastic and plastic design, stress and displacement constraints, as well as self-weight and multiple loading. The inherent slenderness of lightweight structures requires the study of stability issues. As a remedy, Chapter 3 proposes a conceptually simple but efficient method to include local and nodal stability constraints in the formulation. Several numerical examples illustrate the impact of stability considerations on the optimal design. Finally, the investigation on realistic design problems in Chapter 4 confirms the practical applicability of the proposed method. It is shown how we can generate a range of optimal designs by varying design settings.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanoelectromechanical Systems
This book will present the theoretical and technological elements of nanosystems. Among the different topics discussed, the authors include the electromechanical properties of NEMS, the scaling effects that give these their interesting properties for different applications and the current manufacturing processes. The authors aim to provide useful tools for future readers and will provide an accurate picture of current and future research in the field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Supply Chain Performance and Evaluation Models
This book presents the different models of supply chain performance evaluation for global supply chains. It describes why it is necessary to evaluate global performance both to assess the contribution of the supply chain to achieve the goals of creating value throughout the chain and also to meet customer requirements in terms of time, responsiveness and reliability. The author provides an understanding of how evaluation models are chosen according to criteria including the level of maturity of the organization, the level of decision-making and the level of value creation desired.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Information Warfare
Cyberspace is one of the major bases of the economic development of industrialized societies and developing. The dependence of modern society in this technological area is also one of its vulnerabilities. Cyberspace allows new power policy and strategy, broadens the scope of the actors of the conflict by offering to both state and non-state new weapons, new ways of offensive and defensive operations. This book deals with the concept of "information war", covering its development over the last two decades and seeks to answer the following questions: is the control of the information space really possible remains or she a utopia? What power would confer such control, what are the benefits?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Beyond-CMOS Nanodevices 1
This book offers a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in innovative Beyond-CMOS nanodevices for developing novel functionalities, logic and memories dedicated to researchers, engineers and students. It particularly focuses on the interest of nanostructures and nanodevices (nanowires, small slope switches, 2D layers, nanostructured materials, etc.) for advanced More than Moore (RF-nanosensors-energy harvesters, on-chip electronic cooling, etc.) and Beyond-CMOS logic and memories applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonlinear Digital Encoders for Data Communications
This book presents digital encoders for data communications. After an introduction on data communications and different sequences, the authors present the frey encoder as a digital filter followed by the trellis-coded and parallel turbo trellis-coded modulation schemes using nonlinear digital encoders.The book contains many numerical examples that complete the description of the analyzed schemes. Also, some performance simulation results are provided. Appendixes include demonstrations for the mathematical apparatus used throughout the book and some Matlab/Simulink source files used to run the simulations. Therefore, students can easily understand the concepts presented in the book and to simulate the schemes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Random Vibration
The vast majority of vibrations encountered in the real environment are random in nature. Such vibrations are intrinsically complicated and this volume describes the process that enables us to simplify the required analysis, along with the analysis of the signal in the frequency domain. The power spectrum density is also defined, together with the requisite precautions to be taken in its calculations as well as the processes (windowing, overlapping) necessary to obtain improved results. An additional complementary method – the analysis of statistical properties of the time signal – is also described. This enables the distribution law of the maxima of a random Gaussian signal to be determined and simplifies the calculation of fatigue damage by avoiding direct peak counting.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc New Sensors and Processing Chain
A vital tool for researchers, engineers, and students, New Sensors and Processing Chain focuses on the processing chain to set up in order to extract relevant information on various systems. Highlighting the design of new microsensors and various applications, the authors present recent progress in instrumentation and microsystem design, providing insight to the modification of the sensor itself as well as its environment. Various applications illustrate the presentations, which show how a processing chain is organized from the data acquired by a specific sensor.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Formal Languages, Automata and Numeration Systems 1: Introduction to Combinatorics on Words
Formal Languages, Automaton and Numeration Systems presents readers with a review of research related to formal language theory, combinatorics on words or numeration systems, such as Words, DLT (Developments in Language Theory), ICALP, MFCS (Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science), Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days, Numeration, CANT (Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory). Combinatorics on words deals with problems that can be stated in a non-commutative monoid, such as subword complexity of finite or infinite words, construction and properties of infinite words, unavoidable regularities or patterns. When considering some numeration systems, any integer can be represented as a finite word over an alphabet of digits. This simple observation leads to the study of the relationship between the arithmetical properties of the integers and the syntactical properties of the corresponding representations. One of the most profound results in this direction is given by the celebrated theorem by Cobham. Surprisingly, a recent extension of this result to complex numbers led to the famous Four Exponentials Conjecture. This is just one example of the fruitful relationship between formal language theory (including the theory of automata) and number theory.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Advanced Graph Theory focuses on some of the main notions arising in graph theory with an emphasis from the very start of the book on the possible applications of the theory and the fruitful links existing with linear algebra. The second part of the book covers basic material related to linear recurrence relations with application to counting and the asymptotic estimate of the rate of growth of a sequence satisfying a recurrence relation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Kinematic Analysis of Human Movement
After a quick survey of the famous pioneers of human movement analysis and the actual needs in different domains, this book presents the main types of systems available on the market (with the pros and cons), and then details the most widely used: the optoelectronic systems using passive markers. The theoretical background for joint kinematics calculation is explained, specifying the international standardization for parameters reports. One chapter is dedicated to measurement errors and their management, followed by several applications, mostly in the clinical field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Control of Switching Systems by Invariance Analysis: Applcation to Power Electronics
This book presents correct-by-design control techniques for switching systems, using different methods of stability analysis. Switching systems are increasingly used in the electronics and mechanical industries; in power electronics and the automotive industry, for example. This is due to their flexibility and simplicity in accurately controlling industrial mechanisms. By adopting appropriate control rules, we can steer a switching system to a region centered at a desired equilibrium point, while avoiding “unsafe” regions of parameter saturation. The authors explain various correct-by-design methods for control synthesis, using different methods of stability and invariance analysis. They also provide several applications of these methods to industrial examples of power electronics. Contents 1. Control Theory: Basic Concepts. 2. Sampled Switched Systems. 3. Safety Controllers. 4. Stability Controllers. 5. Application to Multilevel Converters. 6. Other Issues: Reachability, Sensitivity, Robustness and Nonlinearity. About the Authors Laurent Fribourg is head of the LSV (Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification) and Scientific Coordinator of the Institut Farman, Institut Fédératif de Recherche CNRS, which brings together the expertise of five laboratories from ENS Cachan, in France, in the fields of modeling, simulation and validation of complex systems. He has published over 70 articles in international journals and reviewed proceedings of international conferences, in the domain of the theory of formal methods and their industrial applications. Romain Soulat is in the third year of his doctorate at the LSV at ENS Cachan in France, under the supervision of Laurent Fribourg. He is working on the modeling and verification of hybrid systems. In particular, his interests concern robustness in scheduling problems – especially as part of a collaborative project with EADS Astrium on the verification of a component in the launcher for the future Ariane 6 rocket. He has published 5 articles in reviewed proceedings of international conferences.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc CO2 Biofixation by Microalgae: Modeling, Estimation and Control
Due to the consequences of globa l warming and significant greenhouse gas emissions, several ideas have been studied to reduce these emissions or to suggest solut ions for pollutant remov al. The most promising ideas are reduced consumption, waste recovery and waste treatment by biological systems. In this latter category, studies have demonstrated that the use of microalgae is a very promising solution for the biofixation of carbon dioxide. In fact, these micro-organisms are able to offset high levels of CO2 thanks to photosynthesis. Microalgae are also used in various fields (food industry, fertilizers, biofuel, etc.). To obtain a n optimal C O2 sequestration us ing micr oal gae, their cul tivatio n has to be c arried ou t in a f avorable e nvironment, corresponding to optimal operating conditions (temperature, nutrients, pH, light, etc.). Therefore, microalgae are grown in an enclosure, i.e. photobioreactors, which notably operate in continuous mode. This type of closed reactor notably enables us to reduce culture contamination, to improve CO2 transfer and to better control the cultivation system. This last point involves the regulation of concentrations (biomass, substrate or by-product) in addition to conventional regulations (pH, temperature).To do this, we have to establish a model of the system and to identify its parameters; to put in place estimators in order to rebuild variables that are not measured online (software sensor); and finally to implement a control law, in order to maintain the system in optimal conditions despite modeling errors and environmental disturbances that can have an influence on the system (pH variations, temperature, light, biofilm appearance, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Geographical Information Retrieval in Textual Corpora
This book addresses the field of geographic information extraction and retrieval from textual documents. Geographic information retrieval is a rapidly emerging subject, a trend fostered by the growing power of the Internet and the emerging possibilities of data dissemination.After positioning his work in this field in Chapter 1, the author makes proposals in the following two chapters. Chapter 2 focuses on spatial and temporal information indexing and retrieval in corpora of textual documents. Propositions for both spatial and temporal information retrieval (IR) are made. Chapter 3 tackles the use of generalized spatial and temporal indexes, which are produced from there in the framework of multi-criteria IR. Geographic IR (GIR) is discussed at length, since this IR combines the criteria of spatial, temporal and thematic research.The author provides a rich bibliographical study of the current approaches focused on the modeling and retrieval of spatial and temporal information in textual documents, and similarity measures developed thus far in the literature.The book concludes with a broad perspective of the remaining scientific challenges. Several areas of research are discussed, such as integration of a domain-based ontology, modeling of spatial footprints from the interpretation of spatial relation, and parsing of relations between features deemed relevant within a document resulting from a GIR process. Contents Foreword, Christophe Claramunt.1. Access by Geographic Content to Textual Corpora: What Orientations ?2. Spatial and Temporal Information Retrieval in Textual Corpora.3. Multicriteria Information Retrieval in Textual Corpora.4. General Conclusion. About the Authors Christian Sallaberry is currently Assistant Professor at the Law, Economics and Management Faculty in Pau, France. His current research interests are in the fields of geographical information retrieval (GIR) in textual corpora: spatial, temporal and thematic information recognition, analyzing, indexing and retrieval. He is interested in spatial, temporal and thematic criteria combinations within a GIR process.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Zonotopes: From Guaranteed State-estimation to Control
This title focuses on two significant problems in the field of automatic control, in particular state estimation and robust Model Predictive Control under input and state constraints, bounded disturbances and measurement noises. The authors build upon previous results concerning zonotopic set-membership state estimation and output feedback tube-based Model Predictive Control. Various existing zonotopic set-membership estimation methods are investigated and their advantages and drawbacks are discussed, making this book suitable both for researchers working in automatic control and industrial partners interested in applying the proposed techniques to real systems. The authors proceed to focus on a new method based on the minimization of the P-radius of a zonotope, in order to obtain a good trade-off between the complexity and the accuracy of the estimation. They propose a P-radius based set-membership estimation method to compute a zonotope containing the real states of a system, which are consistent with the disturbances and measurement noise. The problem of output feedback control using a zonotopic set-membership estimation is also explored. Among the approaches from existing literature on the subject, the implementation of robust predictive techniques based on tubes of trajectories is developed. Contents 1. Uncertainty Representation Based on Set Theory. 2. Several Approaches on Zonotopic Guaranteed Set-Membership Estimation. 3. Zonotopic Guaranteed State Estimation Based on P-Radius Minimization. 4. Tube Model Predictive Control Based on Zonotopic Set-Membership Estimation. About the Authors Vu Tuan Hieu Le is a Research Engineer at the IRSEEM/ESIGELEC Technopôle du Madrillet, Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France. Cristina Stoica is Assistant Professor in the Automatic Control Department at SUPELEC Systems Sciences (E3S), France. Teodoro Alamo is Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control at the University of Seville, Spain. Eduardo F. Camacho is Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control at the University of Seville, Spain. Didier Dumur is Professor in the Automatic Control Department, SUPELEC Systems Sciences (E3S), France.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wall Turbulence Control
Wall turbulence control is a major subject, the investigation of which involves significant industrial, environmental and fundamental consequences. Wall Turbulence Control addresses recent advances achieved in active and passive wall turbulence control over the past two decades. This valuable reference for scientists, researchers and engineers provides an updated view of the research into this topic, including passive control, optimal and suboptimal control methodology, linear control and control using adaptive methods (neural networks), polymer and bubble injection, electromagnetic control and recent advances in control by plasma.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantum Networking
Quantum networks build on entanglement and quantum measurement to achieve tasks that are beyond the reach of classical systems. Using quantum effects, we can detect the presence of eavesdroppers, raise the sensitivity of scientific instruments such as telescopes, or teleport quantum data from one location to another. Long-distance entanglement can be used to execute important tasks such as Byzantine agreement and leader election in fewer rounds of communication than classical systems, improving the efficiency of operations that are critical in distributed systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Voice over LTE: EPS and IMS Networks
Voice over LTE (Long Term Evolution) presents the mechanisms put in place in 4G mobile networks for the transportation of IP packets containing voice data and telephone signaling, as well as the technologies used to provide a telephone service in the IMS (IP Multimedia Sub-system) network. Despite the difficulty connected to the handover of the 4G network to the 2G/3G network, a telephone communication will not be established on the 4G network. This book analyzes the technologies that have been put in place, such as CSFB (Circuit Service FallBack), an interim solution that enables a mobile connected to the 4G network to receive an alert transmitted by the 2G/3G network. The book also goes on to develop the SIP (Session Information Protocol) on which the telephone signaling transferred by the 4G network is based, the IMS network that provides the service and defines the routing, the SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity) mechanism that maintains communication and the TAS (Telephony Application Server) that supplies supplementary services. Contents 1. The EPS Network. 2. The LTE Interface. 3. The CSFB Function. 4. SIP and SDP Protocols. 5. The IMS Network. 6. Telephone Services. 7. The SRVCC Function. About the Authors André Perez is a consultant and teacher in networks and telecommunications. He works with industrialists and operators regarding architecture studies and leads training on the 4G and IMS networks for NEXCOM.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Capillary Flows in Heterogeneous and Random Porous Media
Capillary phenomena occur in both natural and human-made systems, from equilibria in the presence of solids (grains, walls, metal wires) to multiphase flows in heterogeneous and fractured porous media. This book, composed of two volumes, develops fluid mechanics approaches for two immiscible fluids (water/air or water/oil) in the presence of solids (tubes, joints, grains, porous media). Their hydrodynamics are typically dominated by capillarity and viscous dissipation. This first volume presents the basic concepts and investigates two-phase equilibria, before analyzing two-phase hydrodynamics in discrete and/or statistical systems (tubular pores, planar joints). It then studies flows in heterogeneous and stratified porous media, such as soils and rocks, based on Darcy’s law. This analysis includes unsaturated flow (Richards equation) and two-phase flow (Muskat equations). Overall, the two volumes contain basic physical concepts, theoretical analyses, field investigations and statistical and numerical approaches to capillary-driven equilibria and flows in heterogeneous systems