Search results for ""defender""
WW Norton & Co The Wall: A Novel
Ravaged by the Change, an island nation in a time very like our own has built the Wall—an enormous concrete barrier around its entire coastline. Joseph Kavanagh, a new Defender, has one task: to protect his section of the Wall from the Others, the desperate souls who are trapped amid the rising seas outside and are a constant threat. Failure will result in death or a fate perhaps worse: being put to sea and made an Other himself. Beset by cold, loneliness, and fear, Kavanagh tries to fulfill his duties to his demanding Captain and Sergeant, even as he grows closer to his fellow Defenders. A dark part of him wonders whether it would be interesting if something did happen, if they came, if he had to fight for his life… John Lanchester—acclaimed as "an elegant and wonderfully witty writer" (New York Times) and "a writer of rare intelligence" (Los Angeles Times)—has written a taut, hypnotic novel of a broken world and what might be found when all is lost. The Wall blends the most compelling issues of our time—rising waters, rising fear, rising political division—into a suspenseful story of love, trust, and survival.
Oxford University Press Theodore Roosevelt: Preaching from the Bully Pulpit
Theodore Roosevelt is well-known as a rancher, hunter, naturalist, soldier, historian, explorer, and statesman. His visage is etched on Mount Rushmore--alongside George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln--as a symbol of his vast and consequential legacy. While Roosevelt's life has been written about from many angles, no modern book probes deeply into his engagement with religious beliefs, practices, and controversies despite his lifelong church attendance and commentary on religious issues. Theodore Roosevelt: Preaching from the Bully Pulpit traces Roosevelt's personal religious odyssey from youthful faith and pious devotion to a sincere but more detached adult faith. Benjamin J. Wetzel presents the president as a champion of the separation of church and state, a defender of religious ecumenism, and a "preacher" who used his "bully pulpit" to preach morality using the language of the King James Bible. Contextualizing Roosevelt in the American religious world of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Wetzel shows how religious groups interpreted the famous Rough Rider and how he catered to, rebuked, and interacted with various religious constituencies. Based in large part on personal correspondence and unpublished archival materials, this book offers a new interpretation of an extremely significant historical figure.
Duke University Press The Work of Art in the World: Civic Agency and Public Humanities
Celebrating art and interpretation that take on social challenges, Doris Sommer steers the humanities back to engagement with the world. The reformist projects that focus her attention develop momentum and meaning as they circulate through society to inspire faith in the possible. Among the cases that she covers are top-down initiatives of political leaders, such as those launched by Antanas Mockus, former mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, and also bottom-up movements like the Theatre of the Oppressed created by the Brazilian director, writer, and educator Augusto Boal. Alleging that we are all cultural agents, Sommer also takes herself to task and creates Pre-Texts, an international arts-literacy project that translates high literary theory through popular creative practices. The Work of Art in the World is informed by many writers and theorists. Foremost among them is the eighteenth-century German poet and philosopher Friedrich Schiller, who remains an eloquent defender of art-making and humanistic interpretation in the construction of political freedom. Schiller's thinking runs throughout Sommer's modern-day call for citizens to collaborate in the endless co-creation of a more just and more beautiful world.
University of Illinois Press Word Warrior: Richard Durham, Radio, and Freedom
Posthumously inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame in 2007, Richard Durham creatively chronicled and brought to life the significant events of his times. Durham's trademark narrative style engaged listeners with fascinating characters, compelling details, and sharp images of pivotal moments in American and African American history and culture. In Word Warrior, award-winning radio producer Sonja D. Williams draws on archives and hard-to-access family records, as well as interviews with family and colleagues like Studs Terkel and Toni Morrison, to illuminate Durham's astounding career. Durham paved the way for black journalists as a dramatist and a star investigative reporter and editor for the pioneering black newspapers the Chicago Defender and Muhammed Speaks. Talented and versatile, he also created the acclaimed radio series Destination Freedom and Here Comes Tomorrow and wrote for popular radio fare like The Lone Ranger. Incredibly, his energies extended still further--to community and labor organizing, advising Chicago mayoral hopeful Harold Washington, and mentoring generations of activists. Incisive and in-depth, Word Warrior tells the story of a tireless champion of African American freedom, equality, and justice during an epoch that forever changed a nation.
Ediciones Idea El hombre del vitral
Sandra es una joven y talentosa arquitecta que está inmersa en la construcción de un impresionante vitral, ocho vidrieras donde la emblemática figura de un hombre que debería ser perfecto acabará pareciéndose de forma asombrosa a lo que tenemos por un individuo común. Desde niña había perseguido los colores de un vitral de sueños, poesía, dudas, donde se mostrarían la grandeza y la pequeñez del ser humano. Defender su creación del conformismo y la mediocridad le llevará a reafirmar sus ideas de la ética, la amistad y del verdadero valor de las cosas. Su amiga Ángela busca también al hombre perfecto, lo hace en el laberinto del chat de una página de contactos. Las dos saben que van en pos de lo imposible, pero no se detienen, sino que retoman una y otra vez la vida a partir de una filosofía: todo lo que inventas existe, aunque no lo hayas encontrado todavía. Convergen ambas al final de su búsqueda; la silueta que aparece en el vitral de Sandra es, quizás, lo más cercano a la perfección
One life
Megan Rapinoe, ganadora de una medalla de oro olímpica y dos veces campeona de la Copa Mundial Femenina, se ha convertido en una fuerza impulsora del cambio social. En este libro nos pide a todos nosotros que tomemos el relevo para continuar la lucha por la justicia y la igualdad.Criada en un pequeño pueblo conservador del norte de California, y siendo la menor de seis hermanos, Megan tenía solo cuatro años cuando chutó su primer balón de fútbol. Sus padres apoyaron su amor por el juego, pero le enseñaron que ganar era mucho menos importante que decidir cómo iba a vivir su vida. Desde su infancia, Rapinoe siempre hizo lo que pudo para defender lo que era correcto, incluso si eso significaba enfrentarse a personas que no estaban de acuerdo.En One Life, Rapinoe reflexiona sobre sus elecciones, victorias y fracasos, y se embarca en un debate reflexivo y sincero sobre su viaje personal hacia la justicia social. Después de la Copa Mundial de 2011, desanimada por el escas
Cuba 1898
Escribir un libro sobre la guerra de Cuba no fue tarea fácil, dado el enorme prestigio que rodea a quien comandó la escuadra naval enviada a defender las islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico. Tampoco lo fue separar el dato del relato, a pesar de haberme aproximado a tan espinoso tema condicionado por el relato que en España ha hecho carrera en torno a esta guerra, una conspiración del alto gobierno para entregar las islas; unos barcos de guerra en todo inferiores a los norteamericanos; un almirante que enviaron a una muerte segura; una tremenda escasez de carbón adecuado para los buques y, como no podía faltar, el desembarco de un numeroso ejército enemigo que arrolló las débiles fuerzas españolas que defendían a Cuba. El lector se sorprenderá al comprobar que nada de lo anteriores estrictamente cierto, porque el dato, en el caso de este libro, destruyó la fábula y el relato tejidos en torno a este infortunado conflicto. La verdad de lo que sucedió surge ?más allá de las fabulaciones que todo p
El Gran Capitán
Fue el guerrero más noble, más generoso y más puro que haya pisado la tierra. Sus enemigos lo honraron y alabaron con el sobrenombre de ?Grande? que muy pocos han merecido en la Historia. Nació y se crió entre soldados, y la primera vez que aparece en la Historia peleaba espada en mano para defender el honor y las vidas de unos judíos conversos.Fue adalid de la Frontera y capitán de lanzas en la guerra de Granada. Mandaba y combatía a pie y a caballo, y siempre protegió a sus hombres. Escaló el primero una muralla y estuvo peleando agarrado a una almena. Su buen hacer atrajo la atención de los Reyes que después llevaron nombre de Católicos, que le brindaron su amistad y su confianza.El rey Fernando le dio el mando de un cuerpo expedicionario muy pequeño, el primero que salía de España en muchos años, y con él expulsó a los franceses del reino de Nápoles. Vino una paz ficticia, los franceses volvieron a invadir el Reame y Gonzalo volvió a echarlos. Fue amigo de sus amigos y de sus enemi
La era quantum
El futuro del universo de 'Black Hammer', lejos de ser perfecto, se ha convertido en un lugar hostil para gran parte de sus habitantes. Por ello, un grupo de superhéroes, inspirado por los legendarios héroes de la granja, decide asociarse para defender al planeta de un régimen autoritario. Un joven marciano será el encargado de encontrar la forma de refundar la Liga Quantum para salvar el mundo, al mismo tiempo que resuelve el enigma de lo que pasó con algunos de los grandes héroes del siglo XX.En este nuevo spin-off de la galardonada serie 'Black Hammer' ?premio Eisner 2017 a la mejor serie nueva y Premio del Gremio de Libreros de Madrid al mejor cómic de 2017?, Jeff Lemire y Wilfredo Torres nos envían cien años al futuro para mostrar un mundo distópico en el que el totalitarismo se ha hecho con el control en la tierra. Un régimen injusto y una sociedad sesgada en la que los superhéroes no se reconocen y, por ello, deciden buscar la forma para acabar con ella.Con 'La era Quantum
Impedimenta Sapphira y la joven esclava
Black Creek Valley, Virginia, 1856. Sapphira Colbert es una de las pocas propietarias que mantienen esclavos en sus tierras. Una práctica que su marido, Henry, considera cada vez más difícil de defender. Sapphira, matriarca implacable, confinada a una silla de ruedas, maneja con mano de hierro la propiedad con ayuda de su fiel criada negra, Till, y de la hija de esta, la joven y bella Nancy. Henry es dueño de un molino, pero no solo trabaja en él, sino que duerme allí cada vez que puede ya que su matrimonio constituye una mera formalidad. La vida de Sapphira es monótona. Tiene mucho tiempo para pensar, y cuando descubre que su marido desea que solo sea Nancy quien ordene su habitación en el molino, empezará a sospechar de ellos y su ira hará que se desate un enorme poder de resentimiento contra la niña esclava.Publicada en 1940, Sapphira y la joven esclava es la última novela que Willa Cather escribió antes de morir. Representa, pues, su testamento literario y un regreso a los esce
Mercado Financiero desintermediado y Ciclo Regulatorio
El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos explica como la causa de la crisis financiera del año 2008 está en la descomposición de la naturaleza de la Ley en las sociedades Occidentales. El punto de vista es enormemente original. Se aleja de la doctrina mayoritaria y general que ha visto la causa de aquella crisis financiera precisamente en la falta de regulación y que abogó por una mayor regulación del sector financiero intermediado. Con criterios teóricos, prácticos, históricos y positivos, el autor usa conceptos y categorías de las disciplinas del Derecho y la Economía para defender sus ideas. Como guía central del libro está la defensa de la libertad, la cual sólo es posible, según el autor, de acuerdo con el entendimiento correcto de la naturaleza de la Ley. A partir de ahí, se ofrecen al lector argumentos y ejemplos en los que el Estado ha usado de la Ley para privilegiar al sector financiero intermediado, a la vez que ha obstaculizado que otros agentes financieros pudieran actuar
Un mayo funesto
La verdad tiene un precio. Quién está dispuesto a pagarlo?En la nueva y trepidante entrega de la serie policiaca, Harry McCoy se enfrenta a un doble secuestro y a una ciudad que clama venganza.Después de que tres mujeres y dos niños mueran en un incendio provocado, nadie en Glasgow respira tranquilo. Estamos en 1974, un año difícil en el que imperan la violencia, los secretos y las mafias. Los ánimos están crispados y la ciudad reclama un culpable. Cuando la policía detiene a tres jóvenes como sospechosos, la muchedumbre no quiere esperar a un juicio justo. En el traslado hacia la cárcel, unos desconocidos asaltan el furgón policial y se llevan a los sospechosos. Al día siguiente, uno de ellos aparece en una céntrica calle. Acuciado por esa carrera contrarreloj, el detective Harry McCoy desoye los consejos de su médico y sale del hospital dispuesto a encontrar con vida a los dos jóvenes que siguen secuestrados y defender su derecho a ser juzgados en los tribunales. A su f
En la arena luchaban por su vida. En Roma luchaban por defender aquello en lo que creían. Juntas demostraron que todo es posible.Año 124 d. C. Helena y Valeria son dos jóvenes romanas procedentes de mundos muy distintos: una esclava, la otra noble.Sin embargo, ambas tienen que tomar decisiones que ponen a prueba su valentía. Cuando el emperador Adriano se enamora del esclavo Antinoo, el gran amor de Helena, la joven se ve obligada a convertirse en la mejor gladiadora de todos los tiempos, algo nunca visto para los romanos, y así tratar de acercarse a Antinoo. Por su parte, Valeria, hija de un abogado de renombre, sueña con vencer al destino que le espera como esposa y madre en una época gobernada por la voluntad de los hombres.Año 131 d. C. El pueblo de Roma celebra el combate de gladiadoras más increíble que jamás se haya visto. Movidas por el anhelo de libertad y la venganza, dos mujeres se enfrentan en un duelo definitivo. El duelo de la eternidad.
Hombre dinero El
Mientras ve correr a sus galgas por el bosque, un hombre comienza a recordar de manera posiblemente desordenada múltiples episodios de su vida que han confluido para conducirlo lentamente al punto preciso en el que se encuentra. Recuerda cómo su nacimiento con un extraño síndrome lo marcó desde pequeño, al igual que a su familia pues, por ejemplo, su madre tuvo que crear todo un cuadro asmático para el hijo, ya que le era imposible definirse como la madre de un niño mutante. Regresa también el recuerdo recurrente de un personaje clave de su infancia, el Padre Felipe, quien tiene que defender el honor de su madre frente a un estudiante que la insulta de manera descarada. Asimismo, el hombre entabla amistad con un fotógrafo ciego, llamado Paco Grande, que es encarcelado por traficar con grandes cantidades de marihuana en una avioneta que termina sufriendo un accidente, y tiene también el recuerdo constante de cuando iba a formar parte de un inmenso cartel colocado en una calle de Manhatt
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Music and Ceremony at the Court of Charles V: The Capilla Flamenca and the Art of Political Promotion
Shows how Charles V used music and ritual to reinforce his image and status as the most important and powerful sovereign in Europe. The presentation of Charles V as universal monarch, defender of the faith, magnanimous peacemaker, and reborn Roman Emperor became the mission of artists, poets, and chroniclers, who shaped contemporary perceptions of him and engaged in his political promotion. Music was equally essential to the making of his image, as this book shows. It reconstructs musical life at his court, by examining the compositions which emanated from it, the ordinances prescribing its rituals and ceremonies, and his prestigious chapel, which reflected his power and influence. A major contribution, offering new documentary material and bringing together the widely dispersed information on the music composed to mark the major events of Charles's life. It offers.a very useful insight into music as one of many elements that served to convey the notion of the emperor-monarch in the Renaissance. TESS KNIGHTON Mary Ferer is Associate Professor at the College of Creative Arts, West Virginia University.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Adam Smith
Almost everyone has heard of Adam Smith, founding father of modern economics and author of Wealth of Nations. There is, however, much more to him than this. This new introduction gives a crystal clear overview of the entirety of Smith’s thought. It demonstrates how Smith’s economic theories fit into a larger system of thought that encompasses moral philosophy, philosophy of science, legal and political theory, and aesthetics. Examining the central arguments of his major works, ranging from The Theory of Moral Sentiments to his lectures on jurisprudence and beyond, Smith’s thought is explained in its full intellectual and historical context. As the book unfolds, the long-standing caricature of Adam Smith as an uncritical defender of capitalism red in tooth and claw is systematically challenged, revealing a far more complex and nuanced figure whose rich legacy remains highly relevant today. Comprehensive yet concise, this book will be the leading introduction to Adam Smith’s ideas for generations of students, scholars and general readers, relevant to areas ranging from philosophy and the history of economic thought to political theory.
Triumph Books Take Your Eye Off the Puck: How to Watch Hockey By Knowing Where to Look
A guide for sports fans on how to watch and appreciate the game of hockeyMore and more fans are watching the NHL each week, but many of them don’t know exactly what they should be watching. How does an offense create shooting lanes for its best sniper? When a center breaks through and splits between two defensemen, which defender is to blame? Why does a goalie look like a Hall of Famer one week and a candidate for the minor leagues the next? This guide for sports fans on how to watch and appreciate the game of hockey takes you inside a coach’s mind as he builds a roster or constructs a game plan, to the chaos of the goalie’s crease, and deep into the perpetual chess match between offense and defense. Discussing topics such as what to look for when a team goes on the power play and why playing center might be the most grueling job in sports, Take Your Eye Off the Puck shows fans how to get the most out of watching their favorite sport.
University of Wales Press Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes: On Brazil and Global Cinema
Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes (1916–77) is revered in Brazil as the first ardent defender, promoter and theorist of Brazilian cinema. A film professor, critic and historian, his dedication to cinema shaped a generation of influential film critics in his home country, and set the foundations for the serious study of film in Brazil. For the first time in English, this book brings together a selection of his essays for an English-speaking audience, with detailed explanatory introductions to each section for readers unfamiliar with the context of the writings of Salles Gomes. By blending together ruminations on global and national cinema, as well as avant-garde film and popular movies, the collection shows how the defence and promotion of a national cinema has been forged through dialogues with international trends, informed by commercial influences, and shaped by global and national political contexts. The book thus introduces readers to the international dimensions of Salles Gomes’s engagements with film, and in doing so reassesses the locatedness of his formulations on national cinema and signals their international dimensions.
Biteback Publishing Kicking Back
Nedum Onuoha was not a typical footballer. Picked by the Manchester City Academy aged ten, he was determined to continue his education despite the lure of a career under the floodlights. Fiercely intelligent on and off the pitch, Onuoha developed into a talented defender and played his part in City's meteoric rise. In this characteristically forthright book, Onuoha reveals what goes on behind the scenes at top-tier clubs. Stuffed with insights into household names like Stuart Pearce, Sven-Goeran Eriksson, Roberto Mancini and Harry Redknapp, this is football and its most famous figures as you've never seen them before. Kicking Back is also the story of one man's search for identity: as a footballer, as a black man in England and as an outsider in the US during the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests. What is it like to receive horrific racist abuse while doing your job? And how has football failed the black community? Onuoha provides a damning assessment of the sport's authorities as he dives deep into a life spent on the pitch.
Manning Publications Azure Security
Secure your Azure applications the right way with the expert DevSecOps techniques you'll learn in this essential handbook. For software and security engineers building and securing Azure applications. In Azure Security you'll learn vital security skills, including how to: Configure Conditional Access policies to implement secure access Implement Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Application Gateway and Azure Front Door Deploy Azure Firewall Premium to monitor network activities for malicious activity Enable Microsoft Defender for Cloud to continuously assess your workloads for misconfiguration Use Microsoft Sentinel to create analytics rules to detect threats and suspicious activity Set up Azure Policy to ensure that resource states and deployment is compliant with your business rules About the technology Attacks against cloud-based applications are increasingly common and sophisticated. It's vital for any developer or resource owner to understand how to properly configure their Azure cloud environments and establish reliable security best practices. The Azure platform comes with dozens of built-in security tools to help keep your systems safe. This book will teach you exactly how to set them up for maximum effectiveness.
Orion Publishing Co Baptism of Fire: Witcher 3 – Now a major Netflix show
Geralt of Rivia is on a mission to save his ward, Ciri, and with her the world, in this third novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games. The Wizards Guild has been shattered by a coup and, in the uproar, Geralt was seriously injured. The Witcher is supposed to be a guardian of the innocent, a protector of those in need, a defender against powerful and dangerous monsters that prey on men in dark times.But now that dark times have fallen upon the world, Geralt is helpless until he has recovered from his injuries.While war rages across all of the lands, the future of magic is under threat and those sorcerers who survive are determined to protect it. It's an impossible situation in which to find one girl - Ciri, the heiress to the throne of Cintra, has vanished - until a rumour places her in the Niflgaard court, preparing to marry the Emperor. Injured or not, Geralt has a rescue mission on his hands.Translated by David French.
Hachette Children's Group Isles of Storm and Sorrow: Viper: Book 1 in the thrilling YA fantasy trilogy set on the high seas
Power, politics and pirates collide in the first book in the Isles of Storm and Sorrow trilogy.Marianne has been training to be the Viper for her entire life - to serve and protect the King and the citizens of The Twelve Isles - but to become the Viper and protect the islands she loves she must find the strength to defeat her father.He will make me a killer.Or he will have me killed.That is my destiny.Seventeen-year-old Marianne is fated to one day become the Viper, defender of the Twelve Isles.But the reigning Viper stands in her way. Corrupt and merciless, he prowls the seas in his warship, killing with impunity, leaving only pain and suffering in his wake.He's the most dangerous man on the ocean . . . and he is Marianne's father.She was born to protect the islands. But can she fight for them if it means losing her family, her home, the boy she loves - and perhaps even her life?A brave heroine. An impossible dilemma. An epic fantasy trilogy set on the high seas.
Quercus Publishing The Impostor
LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL 2018A TRUE STORY THAT IS PACKED WITH FICTION - FICTION CREATED BY ITS MAIN CHARACTER, ENRIC MARCOBut who is Enric Marco? A veteran of the Spanish Civil War, a fighter against fascism, an impassioned campaigner for justice, and a survivor of the Nazi death camps? Or, is he simply an old man with delusions of grandeur, a charlatan who fabricated his heroic war record, who was never a prisoner in the Third Reich and never opposed Franco; a charming, beguiling and compulsive liar who refashioned himself as a defender of liberty and who was unmasked in 2005 at the height of his influence and renown?In this extraordinary novel - part narrative, part history, part essay, part biography, part autobiography - Javier Cercas unravels the enigma of the man and delves with passion and honesty into the most ambiguous aspects of what makes us human - our infinite capacity for self-deception, our need for conformity, our thirst for affection and our conflicting needs for fiction and for truth.Translated from the Spanish by Frank Wynne
Esto no tiene sentido la interpretación materialista del arte
El arte dice y se dice de muchas maneras. Por ello, han sido también diversos los modos de abordarlo desde la estética filosófica a lo largo de la historia de esta disciplina. Este ensayo construye la noción de interpretación del arte de la mano del joven Adorno respecto a propuestas de autores como Hegel, Marx, Lukács, Freud y Benjamin, para concretar y defender la actualidad de la concepción de la estética como interpretación materialista de aquello que en el arte no se puede comprender reduciéndolo a sentido o a las intenciones del autor, pero que, por este carácter inconsciente, desconocido o todavía no sabido, dice más de la realidad que lo comprensible. Por eso, esta interpretación ya no se centra en lo sensato, sino en el carácter enigmático del arte como expresión de una sociedad que no se conoce a sí misma. Pero se trata de enigmas que ya no se resuelven traduciéndolos a lo sensato, sino que se y nos disuelven. La interpretación materialista de este arte se presenta así, a su
La tica de la libertad
La presente obra se centra en la fundamentación racional de una ética positiva de la libertad. Según el autor, la economía puede ciertamente contribuir en gran medida a la defensa de la libertad individual, pero no es capaz de implantar por sí sola una auténtica filosofía política. Para emitir juicios políticos se requieren juicios de valor, por lo que la filosofía política es necesariamente ética y, por tanto, es preciso implantar un sistema ético positivo para poder defender con sólidos argumentos la causa de la libertad.La clave de esta teoría ética es la clara delimitación de los derechos de propiedad, que el Autor realiza en la línea clásica del derecho natural, y concretamente el derecho que la persona tiene a poseerse a sí misma y disponer de su ser y todo aquello en que imprime el sello de su acción. Sobre esta base analiza problemas éticos fundamentales como los derechos de los niños, la genuina teoría del contrato como transferencia de títulos de propiedad, las espinosas c
Días de sangre y resplandor Hija de humo y hueso 2
Hubo un tiempo en que un ángel y un demonio imaginaron un mundo diferente. Pero no era el mundo en el que vivían...La estudiante de Arte y aprendiz de monstruos, Karou, tiene por fin las respuestas a las preguntas que se lleva haciendo desde niña: por fin sabe quién es y, sobre todo, qué es. Pero junto a esta verdad, ha conocido otra mucho más dolorosa: el ser al que ama es su peor enemigo, responsable de la traición más terrible y del dolor de todo un mundo.En esta segunda parte de la mundialmente aclamada Hija de humo y hueso, Karou deberá decidir hasta dónde es capaz de llegar para defender a su pueblo. Llena de dolor y belleza, secretos y decisiones imposibles, Días de sangre y resplandor encuentra a Karou y Akiva en dos bandos enfrentados cuando una antigua guerra vuelve a desatarse.Mientras Karou y sus compañeros construyen un ejército monstruoso en un mundo de polvo y resplandor, Akiva lleva a cabo otro tipo de batalla, la de su redención, la búsqueda de e
Los ltimos tercios El Ejrcito de Carlos II Historia de Espaa Spanish Edition
La tradición nos presenta el reinado de Carlos II como una época marcada por los desastres, con la España del último Austria en plena crisis, sumida en la decadencia e incapaz de defender sus posesiones contra las agresiones de sus enemigos. Sin medios, con unas fuerzas armadas ridículas, mandadas por generales incompetentes, coléricos y vanidosos, el poderoso imperio se había reducido a poco más que un pobre cuerpo carcomido, enfermo, que esperaba su sombrío final. Ante este cuadro nos surge una pregunta: fue en realidad el reinado de Carlos II tan nefasto como la historiografía tradicional nos ha dado a entender hasta ahora? Los últimos tercios. El Ejército de Carlos II de Davide Maffi, uno de los mayores expertos en los ejércitos de la España imperial, nos sitúa en una época de grave crisis en la que las capacidades de la Monarquía Hispánica se hallaban muy lejos del clímax del reinado de los Austrias mayores, pero en la que, a pesar de las dificultades, las fuerzas de la Corona dem
Akashic Books,U.S. I Disappeared Them
BULLIED AS CHILD FOR BEING OVERWEIGHT and an orphan, the serial killer in I Disappeared Them hides in plain sight. By day, he is an affable family man with a disarming smile, surrounded by his children and loving wife. At night he punches the clock as a hard-working pizza man. After work, he roams Miami''s nighttime streets as the Periwinkle Killer, the sociopath passing judgment on the wicked according to a twisted moral code. He believes himself to be a defender of women and children. The Everglades is filling up with the corpses of his victims. He must be stopped, but there are no clues except the periwinkles he leaves at every crime scene. I Disappeared Them is a brutal, boy meets girl love story that delves into the Periwinkle Killer''s childhood to confront the age-old question, is a serial killer designed or destined? Like Bret Easton Ellis''s American Psycho and Joyce Carol Oates''s Zombie, Preston L. Allen''s immersive narrative hauntingly occupies the peculiar psychological l
Pitch Publishing Ltd Final Third!: The Last Word on Our Football Heroes
Final Third: The Last Word on our Football Heroes serves up another batch of funny, absurd and jaw-dropping tales discovered within more than 300 footballer autobiographies. Author John Smith has pored over the memoirs of the great and the good - as well as the not so good - so you don't have to. You're welcome. Final Third paints an intimate picture of our favourite football figures, using their own stories to show what makes them tick, what unites and divides them and exactly what they are prepared to share with us. They've seen things you wouldn't believe! The eye-opening stories include a defender deliberately driving a golf ball into Jimmy Hill's house, a goalkeeper confronted by a witch doctor in his penalty area, one football legend asking another to scale a church tower to stop the bells ringing, a manager who was like catnip to the wives of his directors and the England captain who drifted down the Thames. It all adds up to a fun third volume of the definitive digest of the autobiographies of our football heroes.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Adam Smith
Almost everyone has heard of Adam Smith, founding father of modern economics and author of Wealth of Nations. There is, however, much more to him than this. This new introduction gives a crystal clear overview of the entirety of Smith’s thought. It demonstrates how Smith’s economic theories fit into a larger system of thought that encompasses moral philosophy, philosophy of science, legal and political theory, and aesthetics. Examining the central arguments of his major works, ranging from The Theory of Moral Sentiments to his lectures on jurisprudence and beyond, Smith’s thought is explained in its full intellectual and historical context. As the book unfolds, the long-standing caricature of Adam Smith as an uncritical defender of capitalism red in tooth and claw is systematically challenged, revealing a far more complex and nuanced figure whose rich legacy remains highly relevant today. Comprehensive yet concise, this book will be the leading introduction to Adam Smith’s ideas for generations of students, scholars and general readers, relevant to areas ranging from philosophy and the history of economic thought to political theory.
Hodder & Stoughton Gin O'Clock: Gin O'clock: Secret diaries from Elizabeth Windsor, HRH @Queen_UK [of Twitter]
IN 2012, THE DIAMOND JUBILEE YEAR, HER MAJESTY'S DIARIES ARE OPENED AT LAST...***Offering insight from the top on all the major events of 2012, including the two Royal weddings, the phone hacking scandal, and the Duke of Edinburgh's tarts and vicars-themed 90th birthday party.***'Had a quick run-through of the opening ceremony. One wanted to call it "The Empire Strikes Back" but it was generally felt that might intimidate the smaller nations.'Queen of sixteen sovereign nations, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. She's one of the world's most well-known and powerful leaders and has reigned for 60 years. But what does she really think?'One does enjoy the Eurovision Song Contest. Lovely to be reminded how much more civilized the British are than our European neighbours. Royal Eurovision Fancy Dress Party to celebrate. Unfortunately Camilla misread the invitation as 'Euro-tunnel Fancy Dress Party' and came as a train.'These diaries reveal the seldom-seen workings of state and reveal how an octogenarian is quietly ruling the world and still has time for a gin.
Henry Holt & Company Inc A Pair of Wings
An airline captain crafts a riveting, adventurous novel inspired by the remarkable true life of pioneer aviatrix Bessie Coleman, a Black woman who learned to fly at the dawn of aviation and found freedom in the airA few years after the Wright brothers' first flight, Bessie was working the Texas cotton ?elds with her family when an airplane flew over their heads. It buzzed so low she thought she could catch it in her hands. Bessie was fearless. She knew there was freedom in those wings.The daughter of a woman born into slavery, Bessie answers the call of the Great Migration. She moves to Chicago, where she wins the backing of two wealthy, powerful Black menRobert Abbott, creator and publisher of the Chicago Defender, and Jesse Binga, the founder of Chicago's first Black bank. Abbott becomes her mentor, while Binga becomes her lover. Her true first love, though, remains flying.But in 1920, no one in the United States will train a Black woman to fly. So,
University of Illinois Press The Black Chicago Renaissance
Beginning in the 1930s, Black Chicago experienced a cultural renaissance that lasted into the 1950s and rivaled the cultural outpouring in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s. The contributors to this volume analyze this prolific period of African American creativity in music, performance art, social science scholarship, and visual and literary artistic expression. Unlike Harlem, Chicago was an urban industrial center that gave a unique working class and internationalist perspective to the cultural work being done in Chicago. This collection's various essays discuss the forces that distinguished the Black Chicago Renaissance from the Harlem Renaissance and placed the development of black culture in a national and international context. Among the topics discussed in this volume are Chicago writers Gwendolyn Brooks and Richard Wright, The Chicago Defender and Tivoli Theater, African American music and visual arts, and the American Negro Exposition of 1940. Contributors are Hilary Mac Austin, David T. Bailey, Murry N. DePillars, Samuel A. Floyd Jr., Erik S. Gellman, Jeffrey Helgeson, Darlene Clark Hine, John McCluskey Jr., Christopher Robert Reed, Elizabeth Schlabach, and Clovis E. Semmes.
Clash Books What I Was Arrested For
Cops on bikes, undercover security in the supermarket, TSA agents wondering why there appears to be a gun in his bag, Keith Lowell Jensen has a lot of run-ins with all manner of cops. Sometimes they arrest him. Sometimes they beat him up and arrest him. And sometimes he gets away scot free.In his second memoir collection Jensen tells the hilarious tales of his various arrests and other run-ins with the law. Getting his charges dropped after making the public defender and the judge laugh, performing an hour of jokes for his cell mates in the drunk tank, the comedian has used his sense of humor to get in and out of trouble, and that same sense of humor makes this a fun and engaging read.Storytelling comedian Keith Lowell Jensen has performed all over the world, including headlining the First International China Comedy Festival in Shanghai. He has recorded 8 comedy specials, including his latest Not For Rehire. This is his second memoir collection following 2018’s Punching Nazis And Other Good Ideas.
The University of Chicago Press Attorney for the Damned: Clarence Darrow in the Courtroom
A famous defender of the underdog, the oppressed, and the powerless, Clarence Darrow (1857-1938) is one of the true legends of the American legal system. His cases were many and various, but all were marked by his unequivocal sense of justice, as well as his penchant for representing infamous and unpopular clients, such as the Chicago thrill killers Leopold and Loeb; Ossian Sweet, the African American doctor charged with murder after fighting off a violent white mob in Detroit; and John T. Scopes, the teacher on trial in the famous Scopes Monkey Trial. Published for the first time in 1957, "Attorney for the Damned" collects Darrow's most influential summations and supplements them with scene-setting explanations and comprehensive notes by Arthur Weinberg. Darrow confronts issues that remain relevant over half a century after his death: First Amendment rights, capital punishment, and the separation of church and state. With an insightful forward by Justice William O. Douglas, this volume serves as a powerful reminder of Darrow's relevance today.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Philip Melanchthon: Theologian in Classroom, Confession, and Controversy
These twelve essays by international scholars investigate Melanchthons theological activities as teacher, confessor of the faith, and defender of his doctrine and ecclesiastical policies as they developed within the context of his service of society and church. In the past quarter century Melanchthon researchers have scrutinized older, mostly negative, interpretations of the Preceptor Germaniae. The editors present in this volume precisely focused appraisals of "Master Philip" in his role as theologian at the university and in the service of his own prince and others. By carefully placing his use of Aristotle, his understanding of the nature of training for pastoral ministry, his biblical exegesis in context, by analyzing four of his attempts to formulate Wittenberg teaching in public confession, by assessing how his own writings took on normative character for the church, and by tracing his thinking on the free will and the Lords Supper in the midst of controversy, these authors offer carefully etched portraits of Melanchthon as Preceptor ecclesiae. This volume contributes to the expansion of our understanding of Melanchthon as key figure in the Wittenberg Reformation and the currents of controversy that have long surrounded the interpretation of his contributions. These twelve essays by international scholars investigate Melanchthons theological activities as teacher, confessor of the faith, and defender of his doctrine and ecclesiastical policies as they developed within the context of his service of society and church. In the past quarter century Melanchthon researchers have scrutinized older, mostly negative, interpretations of the Preceptor Germaniae. The editors present in this volume precisely focused appraisals of "Master Philip" in his role as theologian at the university and in the service of his own prince and others. By carefully placing his use of Aristotle, his understanding of the nature of training for pastoral ministry, his biblical exegesis in context, by analyzing four of his attempts to formulate Wittenberg teaching in public confession, by assessing how his own writings took on normative character for the church, and by tracing his thinking on the free will and the Lords Supper in the midst of controversy, these authors offer carefully etched portraits of Melanchthon as Preceptor ecclesiae. This volume contributes to the expansion of our understanding of Melanchthon as key figure in the Wittenberg Reformation and the currents of controversy that have long surrounded the interpretation of his contributions.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc No Truth Without Ruth: The Life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
From award-winning author Kathleen Krull comes an empowering, inspiring picture book biography—with dazzling illustrations from artist Nancy Zhang—about the second female justice of the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This picture book biography is the story of "Ruthless Ruthie," a warrior for equality, a tireless defender of justice, and an inspiring trailblazer for girls everywhere.Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have been one of the most respected women in the United States, but her recognition is nothing short of hard-won. For years before becoming a justice of the Supreme Court, Ruth had to fight the notion that being female meant that she was less smart, less qualified, and less worthy of attention than her male counterparts. Throughout college, law school, and her work life, she faced discrimination—because she was a woman. But it was in her fight for equality as a lawyer that she made an imprint on American history, by changing the way the law dealt with women's rights and by showing people that unfairness to women wasn’t just a female problem—that it negatively affected men and children, too.This picture book biography of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a strong choice for the classroom and for sharing at home.
The University of Chicago Press Reading Leo Strauss: Politics, Philosophy, Judaism
Interest in Leo Strauss is greater now than at any time since his death, mostly because of the purported link between his thought and the political movement known as neoconservatism. Steven B. Smith, though, surprisingly depicts Strauss not as the high priest of neoconservatism but as a friend of liberal democracy - perhaps the best defender democracy has ever had. Moreover, in "Reading Leo Strauss", Smith shows that Strauss' defense of liberal democracy was closely connected to his skepticism of both the extreme Left and extreme Right. It was as a skeptic, Smith argues, that Strauss considered the seemingly irreconcilable conflict between reason and revelation - a conflict Strauss dubbed the "theologico-political problem." Calling this problem "the theme of my investigations," Strauss asked the same fundamental question throughout his life: what is the relation of the political order to revelation in general and Judaism in particular? Smith bases his book on this question and assesses Strauss' attempt to direct the teaching of political science away from the examination of mass behavior and interest-group politics and toward the study of the philosophical principles on which politics are based. With his provocative, lucid study, Smith establishes a distinctive form of Straussian liberalism himself.
Simon & Schuster Next Level Basic: The Definitive Basic Bitch Handbook
Discover how to embrace your best basic self in this instant New York Times bestselling, laugh-out-loud hilarious, and “refreshing to read” (The Cut) guidebook from the breakout star of Bravo’s hit reality show Vanderpump Rules.Millions of Vanderpump Rules viewers and podcast listeners know Stassi Schroeder as a major defender of Basic Bitch rights. There’s nothing more boring than people who take themselves too seriously. Stassi champions the things that many of us are afraid to love publicly for fear of being labeled basic: lattes, pugs, bubbly cocktails, millennial pink, #OOTD (outfit of the day, obvs), astrology, hot dogs, the perfect pair of Louboutins, romantic comedies...the list goes on and on. “There’s something for everyone under Schroeder’s big basic umbrella” (Elle) and in Next Level Basic, the reality star, podcast queen, and ranch dressing expert gives you hilarious and pointed lessons on how to have fun and celebrate yourself, with exclusive stories from her own life and on the set of Vanderpump Rules. From her very public breakups to her most intimate details about her plastic surgery, Stassi shares her own personal experiences with her trademark honesty—all with the hope you can learn something from them.
Penguin Books Ltd Notes on a Scandal
A Hay Festival and The Poole VOTE 100 BOOKS for Women SelectionShortlisted for the 2003 Man Booker Prize, Zoë Heller's Notes on a Scandal is a darkly compelling novel that explores the taboo subject of pupil/teacher relationships, obsession and betrayal. From the first day that the beguiling Sheba Hart joins the staff of St George's history teacher Barbara Covett is convinced she has found a kindred spirit. Barbara's loyalty to her new friend is passionate and unstinting and when Sheba is discovered having an illicit affair with one of her pupils, Barbara quickly elects herself as Sheba's chief defender. But all is not as it first seems in this dark story and, as Sheba will soon discover, a friend can be just as treacherous as any lover.'Brilliant, nasty, gripping' Zadie Smith'Compelling, dark, sexy' Observer'Superbly gripping. One of the most compelling books I've read in ages' Daily Telegraph'Deliciously sinister' Daily MailZoë Heller is the author of three novels, Everything You Know, Notes on a Scandal, which was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize in 2003 and The Believers. The 2006 film adaptation of Notes on a Scandal, starring Cate Blanchett and Judi Dench, received four Oscar nominations. She lives in New York.
Simon & Schuster Joe Biden: Our 46th President
A biography of Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States: from childhood through the Senate to his election as vice president and, in 2020, as president.The road to the presidency of the United States was a long—and determined—one for Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. From Joe’s childhood in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Wilmington, Delaware, his close-knit, devoted family gave him the foundation that would guide him through life. His family’s unwavering support bolstered Joe when he was bullied for stuttering, attended law school, and became a public defender. They encouraged Joe when he pursued a career in politics and became the sixth youngest senator in US history. They consoled him when he suffered the devastating loss of his first wife and baby daughter and years later the death of his eldest son, Beau. And they cheered Joe when he served two vice presidential terms with President Barrack Obama. After a lifetime marked by perseverance, integrity, and accomplishment, Joe Biden and running mate, Kamala Harris, won the 2020 presidential election. And standing by his side each and every step of the way was his wife Jill, his children, and his grandchildren—his family.
Walker Books Ltd Girls FC 3: Are All Brothers Foul?
Join Girls FC as they show the world what it really means to play “like a girl”!“My name's Lucy Skidmore and I love football. But my brother Harry has been awful since our parents split up – and now he's even getting in the way of football practice…” The under eleven girls’ football league is well underway and Lucy Skidmore is her team’s best defender. But since her parents’ divorce, her brother Harry is acting out. Lucy overcompensates by trying to please both parents all the time; but with a dad living miles away, a mum stressed out and a sulky brother to contend with, she’s feeling the pressure. This is the third in a twelve-book series about women's football, with each charmingly-written book focusing on a different member of the football team and a different issue – all building up to the final book, which explores the future of the team as the original Girls FC moves on to secondary school.“This book … will encourage girls to get involved in sport from an early age.” —Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson on Girls FC 1
Scholastic US Perfect Score (Hunt a Killer, Original Novel 1)
It’s time to HUNT A KILLER in this YA mystery series based on the bestselling subscription game! Aspiring PI Jolene Kelley is skipping class at her fancy new private school, North Shore Prep, when she witnesses her beloved guidance counselor fall in front of an oncoming L train. The police call Mr Medina’s death a tragic accident, but Jo knows what she saw: this was murder. With help from her friends Sabrina and Frankie – and the inside scoop from her public-defender parents and her mentor at the state attorney’s office – Jo opens up her own investigation into Mr Medina’s death. Jo’s investigation uncovers a scandal brewing at North Shore Prep. Mr Medina had found out about it, and now he’s dead. Jo has a slew of suspects, including administrators, students, parents and even local politicians. Can she figure out which one is the killer before she becomes their next victim? This original Hunt A Killer novel features all-new characters, designed in-world clues and a mystery not seen in the games Perfect for fans of thrillers and suspense Based on the bestselling subscription game!
Duke University Press The Work of Art in the World: Civic Agency and Public Humanities
Celebrating art and interpretation that take on social challenges, Doris Sommer steers the humanities back to engagement with the world. The reformist projects that focus her attention develop momentum and meaning as they circulate through society to inspire faith in the possible. Among the cases that she covers are top-down initiatives of political leaders, such as those launched by Antanas Mockus, former mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, and also bottom-up movements like the Theatre of the Oppressed created by the Brazilian director, writer, and educator Augusto Boal. Alleging that we are all cultural agents, Sommer also takes herself to task and creates Pre-Texts, an international arts-literacy project that translates high literary theory through popular creative practices. The Work of Art in the World is informed by many writers and theorists. Foremost among them is the eighteenth-century German poet and philosopher Friedrich Schiller, who remains an eloquent defender of art-making and humanistic interpretation in the construction of political freedom. Schiller's thinking runs throughout Sommer's modern-day call for citizens to collaborate in the endless co-creation of a more just and more beautiful world.
University of Pennsylvania Press American Magic and Dread: Don DeLillo's Dialogue with Culture
Don DeLillo once remarked to an interviewer that his intention is to use "the whole picture, the whole culture," of America. Since the publication of his first novel Americana in 1971, DeLillo has explored modern American culture through a series of acclaimed novels, including White Noise (1985; winner of the American Book Award), Libra (1988), and Underworld (1997). For Mark Osteen, the most bracing and unsettling feature of DeLillo's work is that, although his fiction may satirize cultural forms, it never does so from a privileged position outside the culture. His work brilliantly mimics the argots of the very phenomena it dissects: violent thrillers and conspiracy theories, pop music, advertising, science fiction, film, and television. As a result, DeLillo has been read both as a denouncer and as a defender of contemporary culture; in fact, Osteen argues, neither description is adequate. DeLillo's dialogue with modern institutions, such as chemical companies, the CIA, and the media, respects their power and ingenuity while criticizing their dangerous consequences. Even as DeLillo borrows from their discourses, he maintains a tenaciously opposing stance toward the sources of collective power.
Peeters Publishers Thomas Bradwardine, "Insolubilia"
The fourteenth-century thinker Thomas Bradwardine is well known in both the history of science and the history of theology. The first of the Merton Calculators (mathematical physicists) and passionate defender of the Augustinian doctrine of salvation through grace alone, he was briefly archbishop of Canterbury before succumbing to the Black Death in 1349. This new edition of his Insolubilia, made from all thirteen known manuscripts, shows that he was also a logician of the first rank. The edition is accompanied by a full English translation. In the treatise, Bradwardine considers and rejects the theories of his contemporaries about the logical puzzles known as "insolubles," and sets out his own solution at length and in detail. In a substantial introduction, Stephen Read describes Bradwardine's analysis, compares it with other more recent theories, and places it in its historical context. The text is accompanied by three appendices, the first of which is an extra chapter found in two manuscripts (and partly in a third) that appears to contain further thoughts by Bradwardine himself. The second contains an extract from Ralph Strode's Insolubilia, composed in the 1360s, repeating and enlarging on Bradwardine's text; and the third consists of an anonymous text that applies Bradwardine's solution to a succession of different insolubles.
Scholastic US SPIDER-HAM #3 (GRAPHIX CHAPTERS) A Pig in Time
The Spectacular Spider-Ham is back and just in TIME to save the past, present, and future in this original graphic novel for younger readers! It's just a normal day in the life of Peter Porker, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Ham! Keeping New Yolk City safe from dastardly villains is no easy feat, especially when the Green Gobbler from the year 2099 travels back in time to team up with his present-day counterpart. Talk about a pair of rotten eggs! What's worse, Spider-Ham gets flung into the future, making it impossible to stop the duo's evil plot. He'll have to team up with heroes from all across time if he wants to make it back and save the day. But what is New Yolk City to do without its greatest defender? Luckily for everyone, Mary Jane Waterbuffalo and Black Catfish are here to pick up the slack while Peter Porker is messing around in the time stream. Can the two hold out long enough for Spider-Ham to return, or will the Green Gobbler finally claim his spot at the top of the roost? Third installment in this much beloved series Ideal for young Marvel comic fans Starring one of the breakout characters of Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Vertical Editions 20 Legends: Scunthorpe United
Which Scunthorpe defender was tapped up in the dressing rooms by Brian Clough? Who helped get him changed on top of Princess Diana's car? What did the club's record goalscorer really think about the manager sacked in a promotion season? How does it feel to miss a penalty at Wembley? Win the European Cup? And how on earth did a future England captain manage to break the club's tractor? Throughout their 120 year-plus history, Scunthorpe United have been many things... But boring? Never! Following extensive archive research and exclusive interviews with ex-managers and players spanning seven decades, 20 Legends: Scunthorpe United is packed with stories aplenty. From breathtaking cup upsets, to the raw ecstasy of promotion, the agonies of failure, lifelong friendships, boardroom coups, and good old-fashioned fallings-out; the people in the heat of the action spill the beans like never before. Each chapter tells a different story; focusing on a legend apiece from the club's history and sharing their adventures throughout the beautiful game. Brian Laws also provides the foreword. If you really want to get under the skin of a brilliant, bonkers football club at the very heart of its community, then look no further than 20 Legends: Scunthorpe United.