Search results for ""de gruyter""
de Gruyter Research on Psalter Catenae
de Gruyter Eusebius X
de Gruyter The Topkap305 Qur702257n Manuscript H.S. 32
de Gruyter From Erasmus to Maius
de Gruyter Of Piety and Heresy
de Gruyter Reassessing Alleged Runic Forgeries
de Gruyter The Jews of Ptolemaic Egypt
De Gruyter Juan de Segovia and the Quran
De Gruyter Samaritans Through the Ages
de Gruyter Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
de Gruyter Decoding the Osirian Myth
de Gruyter Time in Our Times
de Gruyter ProtoAustralian
de Gruyter Consensus
de Gruyter Identità E Alterità Identität Und Alterität
De Gruyter La Ricezione Dellultimo Alessandro
de Gruyter The Sinosphere and Beyond
De Gruyter Euripides and the Myth of Perseus
de Gruyter Kostenrechnung
de Gruyter Unter Alliierter Besatzung
de Gruyter Kallimachos Ektheosis Arsinoes
de Gruyter Holiness and Law
De Gruyter Methodius of Olympus De lepra
De Gruyter Oswald von Wolkenstein: Lieder
De Gruyter Theologie und Kinder
de Gruyter 7888 Anh. 266 283283d StGB
de Gruyter English Nouns Since 1150
de Gruyter The Replaceability Paradigm
de Gruyter Investition Und Finanzierung
de Gruyter Literarische Formen Des Erinnerns
de Gruyter Hybrid Aerogels
De Gruyter Neighbourhoods and City Quarters in Antiquity: Design and Experience
Studies on ancient urbanity either concerns individual buildings or the city as a whole. This volume, instead, addresses a meso-scale of urbanity: the socio-spatial organisation of ancient cities. Its temporal focus is on Late Republican and Imperial Italy, and more specifically the cities of Pompeii and Ostia. Referring to a praxeological and phenomenological perspective, it looks at neighbourhoods and city quarters as basic categories of design and experience. With the terms ‘neighbourhood and ‘city quarter’ the volume proposes two different methodological approaches: Neighbourhood here refers to the face-to-face relation between people living next to each other – thus the small-scale environment centred around a house and an individual. Neighbourhoods thus do not constitute a (collectively defined) urban territory with clear borders, but are rather constituted by individual experiences. In contrast, city quarters are understood as areas that share certain characteristics.
De Gruyter The Nonnarrated
Telling a story requires selecting and assembling individual elements of the events one wishes to communicate. The "nonnarrated" are the events (or parts of events) that were deliberately left out of the selection, meaning all that was not chosen to be told in the story, or chosen not to be told. Since the realm of the nonnarrated in any given story is infinitely large, studying the nonnarrated requires focusing on that which is not told but nevertheless belongs to a story. This monograph explores the phenomenon of the nonnarrated in narrative short forms from Cechov to Murakami and in novels by Dostoevskij and Robbe-Grillet.
de Gruyter Plastics in the Circular Economy
de Gruyter Doing Genre
de Gruyter Arabische Briefe Des 8. Bis 10. Jahrhunderts Aus Der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien
De Gruyter The Sacred Power of Language in Modern Jewish Thought: Levinas, Derrida, Scholem
Judaic cultures have a commitment to language that is exceptional. Language in many form – texts, books and scrolls; learning, interpretation, material practices that generate material practices – are central to Judaic conduct, experience, and spirituality. In this Judaic traditions differ from philosophical and theological ones that make language secondary. Traditional metaphysics has privileged the immaterial and unchanging, as unchanging truth that language can at best convey and at worst distort. Such traditional metaphysics has come under critique since Nietzsche in ways that the author explores. Shira Wolosky argues that Judaic traditions converge with contemporary metaphysical critique rather than being its target. Focusing on the work of Derrida, Levinas, Scholem and others, the author examines traditions of Judaic interpretation against backgrounds of biblical exegesis; sign-theory as it recasts language meaning in ways that concord with Judaic textuality; negative theology as it differs in Judaic tradition from those which negate language itself; and lastly outline a discourse ethics that draws on Judaic language theory. This study is directed to students and scholars of: Judaic thought, religious studies and theology; theory of interpretation; Levinas and other modern Jewish philosophical writers, placing them in broader contexts of philosophy, theology, and language theory. It is shown how Jewish discourses on language address urgent problems of value and norms in the contemporary world that has challenged traditional anchors of truth and meaning.
de Gruyter Biolubricants
de Gruyter Netz Und Werk