Search results for ""author valentina"
Disney Book Publishing Inc. World of Reading Super Kitties Vanishing Valentines
Simon Spotlight On Valentine's Day, We Show We Care!
Insight Editions Supernatural Valentine's Day Blank Boxed Note Cards
Peeters Publishers Exposé du mythe valentinien et textes liturgiques (NH XI, 2)
Les valentiniens ont-ils institué une première et une seconde classe du salut? Saint Irénée les en accuse en dénonçant l'arrogante impeccabilité des parfaits de la secte, leur mépris pour les psychiques de la Grande Église, leur eschatologie à double fond. L'Exposé du mythe valentinien et les textes liturgiques du codex XI de Nag Hammadi nous présentent un tableau bien différent. Pas question de vivre en conventicules d'occultistes frileux, il faut se mêler à la masse des fidèles. Nul fossé ne doit séparer les esprits parfaits des âmes simples. Tout ce monde visible est une école de l'invisible, où se dévoilent les desseins de la Providence. Jésus est venu pour «l'économie», c'est-à-dire pour les concessions miséricordieuses, en vue du «redressement» et du salut de tous. Rarement un écrit gnostique aura livré, de la rédemption, une image plus unitaire. Devant les nombreuses lacunes d'un texte très détérioré, W.-P. Funk a adopté un parti pris de prudence: les reconstructions qu'il propose procèdent de la logique et de la grammaire, à l'exclusion de tout parallèle avec d'autres documents valentiniens. À ce prix seulement, on peut préserver l'originalité d'un auteur qui, tout en exposant le mythe fondateur du valentinisme, dont il connaît déjà un grand nombre de variantes ou d'interprétations contradictoires, adopte une ligne très personnelle, que l'introduction, la traduction et le commentaire de J.-P. Mahé s'efforcent de mettre en valeur. Les textes liturgiques de l'annexe, sur le Baptême et sur l'Onction et l'Eucharistie nous introduisent au c÷ur de la communauté. En cette fin du IIe siècle, le valentinisme n'est pas encore une secte. C'est une interprétation globale de la vie chrétienne qui espère pouvoir concerner la totalité des fidèles.
Simon Spotlight Happy Valentine's Day, Charlie Brown!: Ready-To-Read Level 2
Waterbrook Press (A Division of Random House Inc) Be My Valenslime: Valentine's Day Book for Kids
Studio Fun International Nickelodeon Paw Patrol: Happy Valentine's Day, Adventure Bay!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Kiss Me: An Avon Books Valentine's Day Anthology
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Mémoires de champions: Corpus des palmarès, d'Octavien à Valentinien Ier
Simon Spotlight Happy Valentine's Day, Charlie Brown!: Ready-To-Read Level 2
FISCHER Sauerländer Die Valentines verdammt berhmt Perfect Girl Band 2
Orion Publishing Co Yes, Daddy!: The PERFECT gift for Galentine's and Valentine's this year!
Designer stubble? CheckThe cheekiest of smiles? CheckEffortless confidence? CheckThe perfect Galentine's and Valentine's gift this year - a stunningly illustrated hilarious appreciation of Internet Daddies, from Pedro Pascal to Idris Elba!A Daddy is not just any man, but one with the effortless confidence that comes with age. His face is rugged and worn - he has experienced things. His hair and beard are peppered with grey and his skin looks like it's seen hard, outdoor work, like chopping logs or building fences. You know he would do the car maintenance and you wouldn't even have to ask him to take out the bins. He can create a plan and see it through, because that's the kind of man he is. A unique, first-of-its-kind celebration of Daddies and their... attributes, Yes Daddy! includes stunning illustrations, a top trumps of the defining daddies of today, and fantasies to immerse yourself in. From Pedro Pascal to Oscar Isaac, Idris Elba to Jason Momoa, it's time to quench your thirst, release your guiltiest of desires and embrace your lust as we immerse ourselves in every rivet, curve and bristled surface of the Daddy. *A term of affection and adoration, Daddy is not to be confused with your own paternal relation...
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Safeguarding Cultural Property and the 1954 Hague Convention: All Possible Steps
The role of the Hague Convention in today's world revisited. Significant attention today focusses on heritage destruction, but the key international laws prohibiting it - the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its First and Second Protocols (1954/1999) - lay out two core strands to limit the damage: the measures of respect for armed forces, and the safeguarding measures states parties should put in place in peacetime. This volume incorporates wide-ranging international perspectives from those in the academy, together with practitioner insights from the armed forces and heritage professionals, to explore the safeguarding regime. Its contributors consider such questions as whether state parties have truly taken "all possible steps", as the Convention tasks them; what we can learn from past practice, and how the Convention is implemented today; the implications of new trends in heritage law and management - such as the rise of the World Heritage Convention, and in the increasing focus on safe havens rather than refuges; whether new methods of heritage management such as Risk Assessment theory can be applied; and, in a Convention specifically focussed on state parties, what of their opponents, armed non-state actors. Topics range from leadership and the role of the State Party Representative, to the responsibilities of armed non-state groups in safeguarding, to explorations of past and current practice in different countries. Using a mix of case studies and theoretical explorations of new and existing methodologies, the contributions cover a broad timespan from World War II to today, with examples from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Overall, the volume's purpose is to promote wider understanding of the practical effectiveness of the Convention in the contemporary world, by investigating the perceived opportunities and constraints the Convention offers today to protect cultural property in armed conflict, and firmly establishing that such protection must begin in peace. CONTRIBUTORS: Maamoun Abdulkarim, Laura Albisetti, Pascal Bongard, Brittni Bradford, Rino Büchel, Emma Cunliffe, Philip Deans, Joanne Dingwall McCafferty, Paul Fox, Kristin Hausler, Stavros-Evdokimos Pantazopoulos, Nikolaus Paumgartner, Nigel Pollard, Lee Rotherham, Valentina Sabucco, Peter Stone, Raphael Zingg.
National Geographic Kids Celebrate Valentine's Day: With Love, Cards, and Candy (Holidays Around the World )
Simon & Schuster Big Heart!: A Valentine's Day Tale (Ready-to-Read Pre-Level 1)
The ants are hard at work in their classroom on a big Valentine's Day card! They will add lace and glue and stars. But who will they send it to? The Ant Hill kids list all of the possibilities before settling on one lucky person: their teacher!
HarperCollins I Already Know I Love You A Valentines Day Book for Kids
Random House USA Inc Lots of Love from Elmo (Sesame Street): A Valentine's Day Counting Book
Celebrate Valentine's Day with Elmo—and learn to count to 10—as he spreads lots of love around Sesame Street in this board book with sturdy tabs to make turning the pages fun and easy!Join Elmo as he delivers valentines to Abby Cadabby, Big Bird, Oscar, Cookie Monster, and the rest of his Sesame Street friends! This sturdy tabbed board book will have young boys and girls counting sweet items from 1 to 10, including hearts, flowers, birds, and treats. Makes a great Valentine's Day gift.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world. Sesame Street is the most trusted name in early learning.
Les Presses de l'Universite Laval L'expose Valentinien. Les Fragments Sur Le Bapteme Et Sur L'Eucharistie (NH XI, 2)
Disney Book Publishing Inc. Disney Baby: Here Comes Valentine's Day!: A Lift-the-Flap Book
Buch Verlag Kempen Kunst im Jahreskreis Band 2 Raumgestaltung rund ums Jahr Frhling Valentinstag Ostern Muttertag Sommer
Columbia University Press Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus
Valentinus was a popular, influential, and controversial early Christian teacher. His school flourished in the second and third centuries C.E. Yet because his followers ascribed the creation of the visible world not to a supreme God but to an inferior and ignorant Creator-God, they were from early on accused of heresy, and rumors were spread of their immorality and sorcery. Beyond Gnosticism suggests that scholars approach Valentinians as an early Christian group rather than as a representative of ancient "Gnosticism"-a term notoriously difficult to define. The study shows that Valentinian myths of origin are filled with references to lifestyle (such as the control of emotions), the Christian community, and society, providing students with ethical instruction and new insights into their position in the world. While scholars have mapped the religio-historical and philosophical backgrounds of Valentinian myth, they have yet to address the significance of these mythmaking practices or emphasize the practical consequences of Valentinians' theological views. In this groundbreaking study, Ismo Dunderberg provides a comprehensive portrait of a group hounded by other Christians after Christianity gained a privileged position in the Roman Empire. Valentinians displayed a keen interest in mythmaking and the interpretation of myths, spinning complex tales about the origin of humans and the world. As this book argues, however, Valentinian Christians did not teach "myth for myth's sake." Rather, myth and practice were closely intertwined. After a brief introduction to the members of the school of Valentinus and the texts they left behind, Dunderberg focuses on Valentinus's interpretation of the biblical creation myth, in which the theologian affirmed humankind's original immortality as a present, not lost quality and placed a special emphasis on the "frank speech" afforded to Adam by the supreme God. Much like ancient philosophers, Valentinus believed that the divine Spirit sustained the entire cosmic chain and saw evil as originating from conspicuous "matter." Dunderberg then turns to other instances of Valentinian mythmaking dominated by ethical concerns. For example, the analysis and therapy of emotions occupy a prominent place in different versions of the myth of Wisdom's fall, proving that Valentinians, like other educated early Christians, saw Christ as the healer of emotions. Dunderberg also discusses the Tripartite Tractate, the most extensive account to date of Valentinian theology, and shows how Valentinians used cosmic myth to symbolize the persecution of the church in the Roman Empire and to create a separate Christian identity in opposition to the Greeks and the Jews.
HarperCollins Focus Color Me Love: A Valentine's Day Coloring Book (Adult Coloring Book, Relaxation, Stress Relief)
Relax in the world of hearts, cupids, and fuzzy animals and bring Valentine's Day to life in full color this year with this charming collection of colouring pages. Amateurs and artists alike will love filling in these sweet scenes. These detailed illustrations allow you to practice mindfulness and will keep you busy for hours. Take advantage of the meditative benefits of colouring with flying cupids, cuddly animals, roses, boxes of chocolate, candy hearts, and more. Color Me Love includes: - 50 lovable colouring pages designed to help you unwind - Designs suitable for all skill levels, with a range of selections for beginners and experienced artists - One-sided pages so your art doesn't bleed through to the other side - Anxiety-reducing benefits to help lift your mood and help you practice mindfulness Whether you need a calming atmosphere, want to unwind at the end of the day, are trying a new hobby, or just love colouring, there is something here for everyone. Forget your worries as you colour with a partner or friend. You can use coloured pencils, markers, gel pens, watercolors, crayons, or whatever tool you want to fill in these designs. Relieve stress and anxiety in an enjoyable way as you unleash your inner artist with vibrant color in Color Me Love.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Osterreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950, 68. Lieferung: Valentinotti Stefan - Vogel Von Frommershausen Karl
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Osterreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950 / Osterreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950 Lieferung 67: Tumlirz Karl - Valentinotti Stefan
Chicago Review Press Deadly Valentines: The Story of Capone's Henchman "Machine Gun" Jack McGurn and Louise Rolfe, His Blonde Alibi
Almost before the gunsmoke from the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre cleared, Chicago police had a suspect: Jack McGurn. They just couldn’t find him. McGurn, whose real name was Vincent Gebardi, was Al Capone’s chief assassin, a baby-faced Sicilian immigrant and professional killer of professional killers. But two weeks after the murders, police found McGurn and his paramour, Louise May Rolfe, holed up downtown at the Stevens Hotel. Both claimed they were in bed on the morning of the famous shootings, a titillating alibi that grabbed the public’s attention and never let go.Deadly Valentines tells one of the most outrageous stories of the 1920s, a twin biography of a couple who defined the extremes and excesses of the Prohibition era in America. McGurn was a prizefighter and the ultimate urban predator and hit man who put the iron in Al Capone’s muscle. Rolfe, a beautiful blonde dancer and libertine, was the epitome of fashion, rebellion, and wild abandon in the new jazz subculture. They were the prototypes for decades of gangster literature and cinema, representing a time that has never lost its allure.
Skyhorse Publishing How to Celebrate Valentine's Day!: Holiday Traditions, Rituals, and Rules in a Delightful Story
Age range 4 to 9The joyful spirit of caring and sharing shines through the simple verse and bright, cheerful illustrations of How to Celebrate Valentine's Day!Explore the magic of a childhood holiday, beginning with a child's careful cutting and pasting of valentines, followed by a rush to the bus with valentines clutched tightly in hand. At school, there's a party with cookies, cupcakes, and cards galore. Then it's time to hurry back home to make the most special valentine of all for a very best friend.
Skyhorse Publishing Every Day Should be Valentine's Day: 50 Inspiring Ideas and Heartwarming Stories to Make Your Love Feel Special All the Time
Amp up the love, romance, and beauty in your life! Rest assured this is not a book about how to buy your way to a more romantic life. Money stress is anti-romance. Instead, we are here to help you create a more romantic life and make the most of what you already have. The ideas and suggestions collected here are not always about dewy-eyed rom
Bristol University Press Job Insecurity and Life Courses
The relationship between unstable work careers and family transitions into adult life can vary according to the personal circumstances of individuals, as well as the welfare state system of the country. Drawing from interviews and survey data across the EU and the UK, this in-depth study explores how worker instability is perceived and experienced, and how this ‘perception’ in turn affects individuals’ economic and social situations. Using intersectional analysis and a unique focus on different life stages, the authors identify groups who are more prone to labour market risks and describe their relative disadvantage. This powerful study will inform policy measures internationally in several social domains related to work, employment and society.
Johns Hopkins University Press Big Data on Campus: Data Analytics and Decision Making in Higher Education
How data-informed decision making can make colleges and universities more effective institutions.The continuing importance of data analytics is not lost on higher education leaders, who face a multitude of challenges, including increasing operating costs, dwindling state support, limits to tuition increases, and increased competition from the for-profit sector. To navigate these challenges, savvy leaders must leverage data to make sound decisions. In Big Data on Campus, leading data analytics experts and higher ed leaders show the role that analytics can play in the better administration of colleges and universities. Aimed at senior administrative leaders, practitioners of institutional research, technology professionals, and graduate students in higher education, the book opens with a conceptual discussion of the roles that data analytics can play in higher education administration. Subsequent chapters address recent developments in technology, the rapid accumulation of data assets, organizational maturity in building analytical capabilities, and methodological advancements in developing predictive and prescriptive analytics. Each chapter includes a literature review of the research and application of analytics developments in their respective functional areas, a discussion of industry trends, examples of the application of data analytics in their decision process, and other related issues that readers may wish to consider in their own organizational environment to find opportunities for building robust data analytics capabilities.Using a series of focused discussions and case studies, Big Data on Campus helps readers understand how analytics can support major organizational functions in higher education, including admission decisions, retention and enrollment management, student life and engagement, academic and career advising, student learning and assessment, and academic program planning. The final section of the book addresses major issues and human factors involved in using analytics to support decision making; the ethical, cultural, and managerial implications of its use; the role of university leaders in promoting analytics in decision making; and the need for a strong campus community to embrace the analytics revolution. Contributors: Rana Glasgal, J. Michael Gower, Tom Gutman, Brian P. Hinote, Braden J. Hosch, Aditya Johri, Christine M. Keller, Carrie Klein, Jaime Lester, Carrie Hancock Marcinkevage, Gail B. Marsh, Susan M. Menditto, Jillian N. Morn, Valentina Nestor, Cathy O'Bryan, Huzefa Rangwala, Timothy Renick, Charles Tegen, Rachit Thariani, Chris Tompkins, Lindsay K. Wayt, Karen L. Webber, Henry Y. Zheng, Ying Zhou
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Smart Architecture – A Sustainable Approach for Transparent Building Components Design
This book explores the specific role that glazing technologies play within the world of smart architecture as important components of contemporary and future sustainable architectural and technological research. Smart Architecture begins with a definition of the concept of “smart” in architecture and examines how innovative technologies and materials have shaped buildings over the years. The author then provides a supporting database of contemporary smart architecture—mapping adopted strategies, recognizing common patterns, and evaluating current and future trends in the context of smart building envelopes, energy efficiency, and the development of high-potential innovative building components. The book proceeds with a focus on the specific role that glazing technologies play in this framework and provides a systematic methodology to quantify options for the effective integration of transparent building components within advanced and innovative building envelope systems.
Skyhorse Publishing Cooking with Clara: Recipes of a Lifetime
Everybody Can Cook Italian! The daughter of the famous “Mama Celeste” Lizio of pizza fame—but never overshadowed by her mom—Clara Lizio Melchiorre brought sophistication, personalization, and incredible flavor to every dish she touched. In the 1980s she opened her namesake restaurant, which has become a Chicago-area legend. For many years, the restaurant was her home away from home. Her customers were her family. Just as this book was being published, the author passed away peacefully at the age of eighty-two. It was her lifelong goal to publish her recipes and techniques. She dreamed of passing on her love of cooking to as many people as she could.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Working with Trans Survivors of Sexual Violence: A Guide for Professionals
This book provides practical advice for professionals working with transgender (including non-binary) people who have survived any form of sexual violence or abuse. It gives professionals an understanding of the impact and trauma of sexual violence on trans people, as well as the additional difficulties they face accessing services that have traditionally been designed to serve cisgendered clients.The authors reveal specific issues faced by trans people as they recover from traumatic sexual experiences, and what steps professionals and organisations can take to meet the needs of the trans community. They also take a critical look at what can be done to reduce discrimination, particularly as many services for sexual violence tend to enforce strict gender segregation which can be exclusionary for trans clients. This book helps mitigate the traumatic effects of sexual violence on trans individuals, by recommending effective responses for all levels of service delivery, from organisational policies to advice for front-line professionals.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Reflect: Oxford Reading Level 12: Peg Doll Gran
Ella used to love playing with Gran's collection of dolls whenever she visited Gran. But, she isn't sure how she feels about visiting the house now, let alone playing with the dolls, since Gran's death. Will the appearance of a mysterious box change her mind? Reflect is a series of emotionally powerful fiction and non-fiction with realistic settings, carefully crafted to promote thoughtful discussions and develop higher-level reading comprehension. Written by top authors and developed with Literacy expert Nikki Gamble, these are books you can trust to engage, entertain and support children's personal development and wellbeing. The books are finely levelled, making it easy to match every child to books with the right depth and complexity, and helping them to progress. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children deepen their understanding and support their reading comprehension. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links to Relationships Education and support literacy skills.
HarperCollins Publishers Marceline, Defender of the Sea: Band 17/Diamond (Collins Big Cat)
Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from phonics to fluency. Top authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that children love to read. Levelled for guided and independent reading, each book includes ideas to support reading. Teaching and assessment support and eBooks are also available. Nearly everyone in Marceline’s class is going away for the holidays, but she has to go into hospital for an operation instead. However, Marceline loves books and she has lots of stories to keep her company. She learns all about the history of fairy tales and thinks about how she would retell a fairy tale herself. Diamond/Band 17 books offer more complex, underlying themes to give opportunities for children to understand causes and points of view. Pages 54 and 55 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Ideas for reading in the back of the book provide practical support and stimulating activities.
Pennsylvania State University Press Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower
More is known about Nikita Khrushchev than about many former Soviet leaders, partly because of his own efforts to communicate through speeches, interviews, and memoirs. (A partial version of his memoirs was published in three volumes in 1970, 1974, and 1990, and a complete version was published in Russia in 1999 and will appear in an English translation to be published by Penn State Press.) But even with the opening of party and state archives in 1991, as William Taubman points out in his Foreword, many questions remain unanswered. "How did Khrushchev manage not only to survive Stalin but to succeed him? What led him to denounce his former master [an event that some interpreters herald as the first act in the drama that led to the end of the USSR]? How could a man of minimal formal education direct the affairs of a vast intercontinental empire in the nuclear age? Why did Khrushchev’s attempt to ease East-West tensions result in two of the worst crises of the Cold War in Berlin and Cuba? To resolve these and other contradictions, we need more than policy documents from archives and memoirs from associates. We need firsthand testimony by family members who knew Khrushchev best, especially by his only surviving son, Sergei, in whom he often confided."As Sergei says, "During the Cold War our nations lived on opposite sides of the Iron Curtain, and not only was it an Iron Curtain but it was also a mirror: one side perceived the other as the 'evil empire,' and vice versa; so, too, each side feared the other would start a nuclear war. Neither side could understand the real reasons behind many decisions because Americans and Russians, representing different cultures, think differently. The result was a Cold War filled with misperceptions that could easily have led to tragedy, and we are lucky it never happened. And still, after the Cold War, American-Russian relations are based on many misunderstandings." In this book Sergei tells the story of how the Cold War happened in reality from the Russian side, not from the American side, and this is his most important contribution.Sergei N. Khrushchev was born in 1935 when his father was Moscow party chief. He accompanied his father on major foreign trips—to Great Britain in 1956, East Germany in 1958, the United States in 1959, Egypt in 1964, among many others. After he became a control systems engineer and went to work for leading Soviet missile designer Vladimir Chelomei, Sergei attended many meetings at which his father transacted business with key leaders in the Soviet defense establishment. He has received many awards and honors for his work in computer science, missile design, and space research. Besides his many technical publications, he has published widely on political and economic issues. In 1991 Little Brown published his memoir about his father’s last years, Khrushchev on Khrushchev. In that same year he received an appointment to the Center for Foreign Policy Development of the Thomas J. Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University, where he is today. He and his wife, Valentina Nikolayevna, applied for U. S. citizenship in 1999, an event widely covered in the media.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation under Uncertainty: The Future of Carbon-free Energy Technologies
Stabilization of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases to safe levels will require, at least in the longer term, some kind of technological revolution. This, in turn, can only be achieved through investments in the research, development and demonstration (RD&D) of carbon-free energy technologies. Innovation under Uncertainty presents original research and insights on the uncertain future of carbon-free energy technologies. The authors, by means of structured interviews with technology experts, portray a probabilistic landscape of future technologies' costs, potentials and limits to diffusion.This book collates the results of interviews with more than a hundred and twenty energy technology experts on a wide range of topics, from the impact of public European RD&D investment on the future cost of different low-carbon energy technologies to issues such as technological and diffusion barriers. The results offer important and concrete insights and recommendations concerning the potential role for public expenditure in innovation to bring clean generation technologies to the market.This unprecedented collection of qualitative and quantitative estimates will be invaluable to academics and policy makers drafting future energy policies, and integrated assessment and energy modelers characterizing the future development of different technological options.Contributors: L. Aleluia, V. Bosetti, M. Bunn, M. Catenacci, L.A. Diaz, G. Fiorese, A. Lee, E. Verdolini,
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Clinical Nuclear Medicine in Neurology: An Atlas of Challenging Cases
This book gathers a collection of cases with challenging diagnoses, in which nuclear medicine examinations have been particularly helpful in terms of the final diagnosis or follow-up. The cases presented chiefly involve patients with neurodegenerative disorders, epilepsy and brain tumors. The book is intended for nuclear medicine specialists as well as clinicians, offering essential guidance on the interpretation of neurology cases in the clinical setting, particularly with regard to correctly interpreting diagnostic imaging procedures. The authors were selected from the members of the Neuroimaging Committee of the EANM and have extensive experience as clinicians and teachers within the Nuclear Medicine Community.
Guilford Publications The Unconscious: Theory, Research, and Clinical Implications
Weaving together state-of-the-art research, theory, and clinical insights, this book provides a new understanding of the unconscious and its centrality in human functioning. The authors review heuristics, implicit memory, implicit learning, attribution theory, implicit motivation, automaticity, affective versus cognitive salience, embodied cognition, and clinical theories of unconscious functioning. They integrate this work with cognitive neuroscience views of the mind to create an empirically supported model of the unconscious. Arguing that widely used psychotherapies--including both psychodynamic and cognitive approaches--have not kept pace with current science, the book identifies promising directions for clinical practice.Winner--American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize (Theory)
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Climate Change Mitigation, Technological Innovation and Adaptation: A New Perspective on Climate Policy
This book presents provides a rigorous yet accessible treatment of the main topics in climate change policy using a large body of research generated using WITCH (World Induced Technical Change Hybrid), an innovative and path-breaking integrated assessment model.The authors give a particular emphasis to the analysis of technological change necessary to build low-carbon economies. The WITCH model can track all of the actions which impact the level of mitigation - such as R&D expenditures, investments in carbon-free technologies and adaptation, purchases of emission permits, or expenditures for carbon taxes - thus allowing for the evaluation of equilibrium responses stimulated by different climate policy tools. The chapters examine various questions to explore the future of climate change policy. Why is it so hard to achieve a global agreement that paves the way to widespread reductions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions? What are the technologies that would deliver clean energy without harming economic growth? And finally, how does uncertainty about future policies and future technologies affect choices in the present?This innovative book will appeal to researchers, policy makers and academics interested in climate change policy.Contributors: V. Bosetti, C. Carraro, E. De Cian, T. Longden, E. Massetti, L. Nicita, F. Sferra, A. Sgobbi, M. Tavoni
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Modelling Sustainable Development: Transitions to a Sustainable Future
This insightful book explores the issue of sustainable development in its more operative and applied sense. Although a great deal of research has addressed potential interpretations and definitions of sustainable development, much of this work is too abstract to offer policy-makers and researchers the feasible and effective guidelines they require. This book redresses the balance.The authors highlight how various indicators and aggregate measures can be included in models that are used for decision-making support and sustainability assessment. They also demonstrate the importance of identifying practical means to assess whether policy proposals, specific decisions or targeted scenarios are sustainable.With discussions of basic concepts relevant to understanding applied sustainability analysis, such as definitions of costs and revenue recycling, this book provides policy-makers, researchers and graduate students with feasible and effective principles for measuring sustainable development.
Hodder Education Reading Planet: Rocket Phonics – Target Practice – The Worst Show in the World – Green
A famous author is coming to open the school's Book Barn. The children are going to put on a play for him. But are they ready? Are they about to put on the worst show in the world? Find out in this fun comic-strip story! (Letter-sounds featured: /or/ au aw long /oo/ /oa/ ou short /oo/ oul /ur/ ear (w)or /eer/ eer).The Worst Show in the World is part of the Rocket Phonics teaching and learning programme from Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics ensures that every child achieves phonics success. This fully-decodable Target Practice reading book provides focused practice of a small group of letter-sounds. The book also includes useful notes and activities to support reading in school and at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6.
Hirmer Verlag Kunstmuseum Bern: Masterpieces
The Kunstmuseum Bern owns one of the most important art collections in Switzerland. Since the foundation of the Staatliche Kunstsammlung in Bern in 1809 and the opening of the first museum building in 1879 the collection has grown continuously and has attained world renown. Over 170 masterpieces of the collection are assembled in a single publication for the first time and made accessible to a broad public through new art-historical analyses and numerous colour illustrations. The Kunstmuseum Bern houses prestigious works of Swiss and international art from the late thirteenth century until the present day. The collection contains over 3,000 paintings and sculptures and 48,000 works on paper and videos, including, for example, masterpieces by Duccio di Buoninsegna, Paul Cézanne, Salvador Dalí, Ferdinand Hodler, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Franz Paul Klee, Franz Marc, Henri Matisse, Meret Oppenheim, Pablo Picasso and Felix Vallotton. The works assembled in this volume are presented with full-page illustrations and are re-examined by some 70 international authors. A historical survey describing the development of the museum and its collection opens and introduces the publication.
University of Nebraska Press Herta Müller: Politics and Aesthetics
Two languages—German and Romanian—inform the novels, essays, and collage poetry of Nobel laureate Herta Müller. Describing her writing as “autofictional,” Müller depicts the effects of violence, cruelty, and terror on her characters based on her own experiences in Communist Romania under the repressive Nicolae Ceauşescu regime. Herta Müller: Politics and Aesthetics explores Müller’s writings from different literary, cultural, and historical perspectives. Part 1 features Müller’s Nobel lecture, five new collage poems, and an interview with Ernest Wichner, a German-Romanian author who has traveled with her and sheds light on her writing. Parts 2 and 3, featuring essays by scholars from across Europe and the United States, address the political and poetical aspects of Müller’s texts. Contributors discuss life under the Romanian Communist dictatorship while also stressing key elements of Müller’s poetics, which promises both self-conscious formal experimentation and political intervention. One of the first books in English to thoroughly examine Müller’s writing, this volume addresses audiences with an interest in dissident, exile, migration, experimental, and transnational literature.
Archaeopress Atlas of Ceramic Fabrics 2: Italy: Southern Tyrrhenian. Neolithic – Bronze Age
‘Atlas of Ceramic Fabrics 2. Italy: Southern Tyrrhenian. Neolithic – Bronze Age’ presents and interprets the petrographic composition of pre-protohistoric pottery (6th-1st millennia BCE) found in southwestern part of Italy. This is the second in a Atlas series organised according to geographical areas, chronology and types of wares. In this book 890 samples from 29 sites are discussed, encompassing results of more than 50 years of interdisciplinary archaeological, technological and archaeometric research by the authors’ team. Ninety petrographic fabrics (the potters’ ‘recipes’) are defined and presented based on their lithological character – a tool that can be used to compare different components of the ceramic pastes and to check possible provenance of non-local pots. The volume is organized in chapters focused on methodology, fabric description and distribution, followed by the archaeological implications and the database, with contribution by Andrea Di Renzoni (CNR-ISMA, Roma). Illustrations and descriptions of the fabrics and a list of samples provide a rigorous and transparent presentation of the data. The archaeological implications are discussed through cross-correlatios between origin and technology, variability, standardisation, chronology, function, social organization, circulation, style, typology and cultural identity. We hope that this work will be considered an another stepping-stone in demonstrating that technological variability is as important as stylistic distinctions.