Search results for ""author rosé""
Rose Publishing (CA) 50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know
Rose Publishing (CA) Rose Deluxe Timelines: Bible and Christian History
Rose Publishing (CA) 50 Greek Words Every Christian Should Know
Tyndale House Publishers Who's Who in the Bible Made Easy
Rose Publishing (CA) Rose Guide to Genesis
Rose Publishing (CA) Fruit of the Spirit
Rose Espanol Las Doce Tribus de Israel
National Geographic Kids National Geographic Readers: Animal Tails (L1/Co-reader)
Saqi Books Parastou Forouhar: Art, Life and Death in Iran
This publication presents a selection of her most startling work so far, created in response to the dramatic social and political upheaval that she experienced after the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the murder of her parents in Tehran. Though the inspiration behind Forouhar's subject matter may be tragic, her work has a great emotional range: the results are sometimes macabre, occasionally darkly humorous and often purely joyful. Published to coincide with artist's first solo show in the UK at Leighton House Museum, London, in October 2010, this is the first English-language monograph of her work. The Artist's work is in the permanent collections of The Queensland Art Museum, Queensland; Belvedere, Vienna; Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe; Musem of Modern Art, Frankfurt; and the Deutsche Bank Art Collection. Rose Issa provides a forword and there are essays by the curator and film-maker Lutz Becker and the author and art critic Russell Harris.
Broadman & Holman Publishers Qué Dice La Biblia Sobre El Dinero: Más de 100 Versículos Sobre El Dinero
Rose Espanol Cristianismo, Sectas Y Religiones
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company Talking Is Not My Thing
WW Norton & Co The American Lover
Trapped in a London apartment, Beth remembers a transgressive love affair in 1960s Paris. The most famous writer in Russia takes his last breath in a stationmaster’s cottage, miles from Moscow. A young woman who is about to marry a rich aristocrat instead begins a torrid relationship with a construction worker. A father, finally free of his daughter’s demands, embarks on a long swim from his Canadian lakeside retreat. A middle-aged woman cares for her injured mother at Christmas. And in the grandest house of all, Danni the Polish housekeeper catches the eye of an enigmatic visitor, Daphne du Maurier. Rose Tremain awakens the senses in this magnificent and diverse collection of short stories. In her precise yet sensuous style, she lays bare the soul of her characters—the admirable, the embarrassing, the unfulfilled, the sexy, and the adorable—to uncover a dazzling range of human emotions and desires.
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc We All Fall Down
In River City, where magic used to thrive and is now fading, the witches who once ruled the city along with their powerful King have become all but obsolete. The city's crumbling government is now controlled primarily by the new university and teaching hospital, which has grown to take over half of the city. Moving between the decaying Old City and the ruthless New, four young queer people struggle with the daily hazards of life-work, school, dodging ruthless cops and unscrupulous scientists-not realizing that they have been selected to play in an age-old drama that revives the flow of magic through their world. When a mysterious death rocks their fragile peace, the four are brought into each other's orbits as they uncover a deeper magical conspiracy.
Penguin Young Readers Group Welcome to Unicorn School
Penguin Publishing Group Colorfast
Aviva Was nicht alles
Moritz Verlag-GmbH Glücklich ist wer Dunne kriegt
Moritz Verlag-GmbH Mein glckliches Leben
Mira Taschenbuch Verlag New Hope Das Leuchten der Träume
FISCHER Taschenbuch Sanduhrschritt
NordSüd Verlag AG Familie Maus im Garten
Nord-Sud Verlag Die Schlittenfahrt von Matz Fratz und Lisettchen
Rockpool Publishing Inside Your Dreams: An advanced guide to your night visions
Become the awakened dreamer. You will never again say 'It's just a dream!' Rose Inserra, best-selling author on dreams and their meanings has taken it one level above in this advanced guide into lucid dreaming, astral projection and how to avoid sleep paralysis and deal with nightmares. Her dream interpretation techniques describe techniques to apply shamanic, nature-based principles such as soul journeys and tree wisdom into your everyday life. She also supplies guided meditations and step-by-step exercises on how to remember your dreams. Inside Your Dreams provides awareness about your inner self and healing through actioning your dream images in your waking life. Unlock the mysteries of your dreams and the messages they hold for greater insight into your conscious waking life, your subconscious and the collective unconscious. Use this practical guide to climb inside your dreams and connect more deeply with yourself instead of wasting one third of your life only sleeping.
Scallywag Press Me and My Sister
A celebration of the highs and lows of having a much loved but differently abled brother or sister. This appealing brother and sister duo spend a lot of their day together, eating meals, going to school and playing. But life with an autistic sibling is not always easy. Through the eyes of the brother, we find out how they are both very different, but also very similar in other ways, and come what may they have lots of fun together and love each other just the same. This is a touching book that will strike a chord with every family with siblings, especially where one is differently abled. Short listed for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize.
The Waywiser Press Bundle O'Tinder
Nick Hern Books Cougar
‘We’re in a hotel. We’re always in a hotel. And each room is exactly the same as the last room, and the one before that, and the one before that…’ Leila wants to inspire global change. John needs to get his shit together. They have an arrangement. But managing an affair isn't easy when the world around you is falling apart. Rose Lewenstein's Cougar is a play about what – and who – we consume. It was premiered at the Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond, in February 2019, in a co-production with English Touring Theatre.
Granta Books Deep Sea and Foreign Going: Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry that Brings You 90% of Everything
An award-winning investigation into the strange and secretive world of international shipping 'Arresting, sharply observed, deeply researched and compelling... Plenty of books promise to reveal the secrets of little-known worlds but few actually deliver. This is one that does' Melanie McGrath, Sunday Telegraph There are 100,000 freighters on the seas. Between them they carry nearly everything we eat, wear and work with. In this unique and fascinating investigation, Rose George joins the crew of a container ship travelling the long journey from Felixstowe to Singapore and charts the murky waters of international shipping. This is an eye-opening tale of powerful naval fleets, pirate gangs, and illegal floating factories, which reveals the vast hidden industry upon which our world turns and our future depends. 'This is a remarkable work of embedded reportage - hair-raising, witty, compassionate - that deserves to be read' Sukhdev Sandhu, Guardian A BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week and winner of a Society of Authors Travelling Scholarship and a Mountbatten Maritime Award
Short Books Ltd How's Your Father
What goes on behind closed doors? Hows Your Father tells the story of four generations of one Hackney family on a rollercoaster ride of drugs, violence, sickness, infidelity and the redeeming joys of motherhood.
Silver Dolphin Books Smithsonian Kids: Space Explorer Guide Book & Projector
Pluto Press Plane Truth: Aviation's Real Impact on People and the Environment
As aviation is celebrated as one of the world's fastest growing industries, with passenger numbers and cargo volumes projected to double in the next 20 years, Plane Truth sounds a note of caution. In addition to the environmental impact of airport expansion, devouring farmland and wildlife habitats, and aviation's impact of noise and air pollution on communities, Rose Bridger reveals the extraordinary government subsidies for the aviation industry, encompassing government expenditure on infrastructure to tax breaks, all of which serve to support the industry in the face of rising oil prices and global economic downturn. Disavowing 'greenwashing' claims of fuel-efficient aircraft and alternative fuels that will enable growth without climate change, from British Airways to American Airlines, the symbiotic relationship between aviation and the wider socio-economic problems facing humanity is manifest.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Accounting and Finance Policies and Procedures, (with URL)
Policies and procedures are the foundation of internal controls for organizations. Taking a complicated subject and breaking it into manageable components, this book enables you to hit the ground running and significantly accelerate your completion of a solid policies and procedures program. Comprehensive and practical, this useful book provides you with sample documents you can personalize and customize to meet your company's needs.These manuals are favorites for organizations and companies that need a foundation and grounding to ensure an internal control posture of integrity, credibility, method, process and process: or a reminder of its importance. URLs were included when first published to encourage the dissemination and distribution of relevant chapters to those interested and in charge of the specific departments. Although times have changed, the principles professed are sound and solid for today’s accounting and business environment. Implementing these cornerstones will produce a principled manageable approach. These manuals can be used by accounting individuals, finance departments, sole proprietor businesses, large corporations, accounting / auditing students and any others interested in specific topics or general disciplines. The discipline for the oversight processes and procedures are important when introducing or implementing auditing practices whether in accounting or throughout the organization. These manuals should be used together to provide the basics when setting up a department or specific process discipline, for learning about the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities within the specific focus areas.
HarperCollins Publishers The New English Kitchen: How To Make Your Food Go Further
A reissue of Rose Prince’s classic, modern-day household gem – containing a wealth of recipes, tips, knowledge for how to make good food go further. From how to stretch a native breed, properly hung cut of beef to eight meals, to making stock from prawn or langoustine shells, to saving by making your own bread (and using it right up to the last crumb), ‘The New English Kitchen’ will inspire you make the absolute most of the food you buy. Acclaimed food writer Rose Prince guides you in making the most of local availability and seasonality, keeping a well-stocked store cupboard, growing staples such as herbs and peppering your diet with luxuries such as Parma ham, figs and wonderful cheeses, creating not so much a cookbook but a plan, and a brilliantly practical manual for future generations of cooks. With wonderfully simple recipes for leftovers, cheaper cuts, and making nourishing meals from the simplest of components, ‘The New English Kitchen’ will help you discover that it is possible to eat well, and eat economically, without compromising on quality or the simple pleasure of eating good food.
Pearson Education Limited Rapid Maths: Stage 1 Teacher's Guide
Rapid Maths is the ideal way to help struggling learners catch up with their peers in maths. With lots of variety plus software and games, Rapid Maths makes catch-up fun and gives each child personalised support and repeated practice in the fundamentals of numeracy. Plus, it's proven to double children’s progress in number skills. Helps children master basic number skills to enable them to access the curriculum. Clear layout and a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach helps to support struggling learners. Gradual spiral progression in number skills to aid confidence. Varied and engaging 'real life' maths activities. Time saving and accessible teacher and TA resources. Ideal for home learning. Teaching guide includes step-by-step lessons.
Rockpool Publishing The World of Italian Folk Magic
Ancient magical practices to integrate into everyday life.Drawing on her Italian strega (witch) heritage, Rose Inserra''s guide to the folk magic of this ancient culture is a treasure trove of Italian folklore, customs, magic and healing practices that will simplify your life and declutter your mind and heart. These practices fulfill the most basic needs of life: warmth, nourishment and connection to the magical and the spiritual. Discover unique Italian witchcraft such as spells, charms and curse removal and learn how to make divination tools, protective amulets and invocations. You''ll also find kitchen and herbal witchery with natural remedies to create, spells for love and potions, and recipes for food, wine and even beauty. Delve into Italian spiritual practices and learn about dreams, divination and working with your ancestors, saints and angels, deities, fairies and nature spirits. Brimming with history, culture, remedies, folklore, recipe
Penguin Random House Children's UK Tiny Dogs The Lost School Pet
Tiny dogs, big adventures!Meet the tiny dogs in the latest in the series from author-illustrator Rose Lihou, with full-colour illustrations throughout.''Ridiculously delightful'' - GuardianThe big day has arrived. . . It''s Bea''s first day at her new school.She''s nervous about starting a new school and making new friends but with the help of her tiny dog friends cheering her on, Bea''s confidence blooms.She quickly learns how to make new friends and her first day at her brand-new school is a breeze, until Bamboo the class hamster goes missing and Bea was the last person to play with him. . .Join the FIND BAMBOO club and earn your Animal Hero badge with Bea and the tiny dogs as they work together to find Bamboo!
Handheld Press Non-Combatants and Others: Writings Against War
All Rose Macaulay’s anti-war writing, collected together in one fascinating and thought-provoking volume. Her novel Non-Combatants and Others (1916) is a classic of pacifist writing, and was one of the first novels to be written and published during the First World War that set out the moral and ideological arguments against war. It’s scathing and heart-breaking, yet finds a way for pacifists to work for an end to conflict. Her journalism for The Spectator, Time & Tide, The Listener and other magazines from the mid-1930s to the end of the Second World War, details the rise of fascism and the civilian response to the impending war. Witty, furious and despairing in turn, these forgotten magazine columns reveal new insights into how people find war and its tyrannies creeping up on them. These are supported by Macaulay’s two inter-war essays on pacifism,`Apeing the Barbarians’ and `Moral Indignation’. Macaulay’s only wartime short story, `Miss Anstruther’s Letters’, is a devastating account of the loss of her flat and all her possessions in the Blitz. But more desperate a loss than her books were the letters from her secret lover, who had just died. The Introduction is by Jessica Gildersleeve of the University of Southern Queensland. The cover illustration, `Peace Angel’, is by the Norwegian caricaturist Olaf Gulbransson, published in the German satirical magazine Simplicissimus in 1917.
Handheld Press Potterism
Rose Macaulay’s 1920 satire on British journalism and the newspaper industry will be back in print in the UK for the first time in seventy years. It will be published alongside a new collection of her pacifist writing from 1916 to 1945, Non-Combatants and Others: Writings Against War (ISBN 9781912766307). Potterism is about the Potter newspaper empire, and the ways in which journalists struggled to balance the truth and what would sell, during the First World War and into the 1920s. When Jane and Johnny Potter are at Oxford they learn to despise their father’s popular newspapers, though they still end up working for the family business. But Jane is greedy, and wants more than society will let her have. Mrs Potter is a well-known romantic novelist, whose cheap novelettes appear in the shop-girls’ magazines. She has become unable to distinguish fact from fiction, and her success gives her an unhealthy estimation of her own influence. When she visits a medium to try to find the truth about the murder of her son-in-law, she wreaks terrible damage. Arthur Gideon works for Mr Potter as an editor. He respects his employer’s honesty while he despises the populist newspapers he has to produce. His turbulent campaigning spirit, and his furious resistance to anti-Semitic attacks, make him unpopular, and becomes an unwitting target of malice.
Clinical Pocket Reference Clinical Pocket Reference Fundamentals of Acute Mental Health Nursing
Essential new resource providing rapid access to core knowledge supporting all those working in acute mental health settings with people who are acutely ill or distressed. Enables delivery of ethical, competent and compassionate care. Especially valuable for Registered Nurses, Nursing Associates, community nurses, paramedics and students.
Random House Lily
Rose Tremain's novels and short stories have been published in thirty countries and have won many awards, including the Orange Prize (The Road Home), the Dylan Thomas Award (The Colonel's Daughter and Other Stories), the Whitbread Novel of the Year (Music & Silence), the James Tait Black Memorial Prize (Sacred Country) and the South Bank Sky Arts Award (The Gustav Sonata). Her most recent novel is Islands of Mercy. Rose Tremain was made a CBE in 2007 and a Dame in 2020. She lives in Norfolk and London with the biographer, Richard Holmes.
Rose Publishing Names of the Holy Spirit
Nova Science Publishers Inc Appendicitis: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Clinical Management
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Respiratory Care Made Incredibly Easy
Time to master the complexities of respiratory care. The newly updated Respiratory Care Made Incredibly Easy! ®, 3rd Edition , explains the essentials with humor, expert guidance, and numerous colorful images.Offering the essential terms, skills, and equipment how-to’s you need to successfully treat the most common respiratory disorders, this down-to-earth guide helps you grasp respiratory physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology in clear and simple language. Prepare for success in the classroom and on the job, with this enjoyable guide to creating positive respiratory outcomes. Grasp the fundamental concepts, skills, and processes of respiratory care … NEW content on the latest respiratory modalities and updated nursing guidelines Dozens of colorful charts, drawings, and diagrams that make complex respiratory care concepts clear and easy-to-remember Perfect for visual learners —visually demonstrates anatomy and physiology, the components of treatments and when and how to apply them, and the causes, symptoms, and treatment of obstructive, restrictive, vascular, and neoplastic lung disorders Ideal reference and review for nursing students, new nurses, and respiratory therapists, with clear, concise direction on areas such as: Respiratory assessment techniques Diagnostic procedures Airway maintenance Oxygen delivery Chest drainage Suctioning Ventilatory support Treating infection and inflammation Assessing and treating traumatic injuries and other respiratory emergencies Care of patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and end-tidal CO2 monitoring Recognizing an asthma attack Preoperative and postoperative care for patients having a thoracotomy or lung transplant Computed tomography (CT) and x-ray imaging Chapter features that provide learning aids and on-the-unit support: Just the facts —quick summary of chapter content Kids’ korner —seasoned guidance on caring for pediatric patients Clinical pearls —clear-cut explanations of symptoms and disorders, backed by direction and advice on treatment Advice from the experts —expert input on respiratory care Home care —helpful guidance on teaching patient self-care Breath sounds — online access to breath sounds Nurses Joy and Jake —Practical advice and experienced insights offered throughout Memory jogger —simple techniques for remembering vital information About the Clinical Editor Rose Knapp, DNP, RN, APN-BC, is an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and Associate Graduate Faculty MSN Program Director and APN Program Coordinator at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey.
Little, Brown Book Group Birding
''Beautifully written'' Daily Mail''[An] empathetic, emotional reckoning'' Mail on SundayIn a small seaside town, autumn is edging into winter, gulls ride winds over the waves, and two women pass each other on the promenade, as yet unaware of each other''s existence.In the nineties Lydia was a teen pop star, posed half naked on billboards everywhere with a lollipop between her lips and no idea how to live, letting the world happen to her. Now, three decades later, Lydia is less and less sure that what happened to her was in the least bit okay. The news cycle runs hot with #MeToo stories, and a famous former lover has emerged with a self-serving apology, asking her to forgive him. Suddenly, the past is full of trapdoors she is desperately trying not to fall through.Joyce, in middle age, has never left home. She still lives with her mother Betty. With their matching dresses, identical hairdos and makeup, they are the l
Austin Macauley Publishers The Story of You
Austin Macauley Publishers Hijabs Hitchhiking and Hangovers Lessons from Iran