Search results for ""author john c."
The History Press Ltd The Anchoress of Chesterfield: John the Carpenter (Book 4)
John the Carpenter has been happy to leave the investigation of death behind. For six years now he’s been content to work with wood. His life looks prosperous, but times are growing desperate. Then the coroner summons him to look at the mysterious death of an anchoress, a religious woman who lived in confined solitude. She’s been murdered. Her father is an important local landowner, a man of influence with the crown. He’s distraught, and the money he offers John to find the killer can solve his problems and leave his family comfortable for life. But the path to the truth leads John to the heart of the rich, and back into history, to places where he’s not welcome and in danger for his own life. Can he find the killer? And what will happen if he doesn’t?
Emmaus Academic Commentary on the Gospel of John Chapters 921
Although Thomas Aquinas's influence over philosophy endures to this day, the medieval genius did not consider himself a philosopher, but a Scripture scholar. For the first time in history the Aquinas Institute is making Aquinas's commentaries on the Gospel of John and the Gospel of Matthew available in hardcover Latin-English editions. The bilingual format, which also features excerpts from the Gospel in Greek, Latin, and English, makes the work of this intellectual giant accessible to a wider audience than ever before. Aquinas's commentaries on the Gospels are a great gift for pastors, seminarians, and anyone who seeks a deeper intellectual reflection on the Gospels.
Hal Leonard Corporation Elton John - Anthology (2nd Edition)
Media Lab Books John Wayne: Lessons for My Children
John Wayne is renowned as having been a larger than life, yet his personal code was a simple one of loyalty, self-reliance, grit, honesty, patriotism and generosity. John Wayne: Lessons for My Children examines how Wayne used his beliefs to raise six lively kids into successful young adults, and how those lessons might be used by readers to help guide their own sons and daughters. Packed with reminiscences and anecdotes from Duke's children (including a foreword and an afterword), quotes and personal stories from Duke, himself, and analyses of key scenes from Duke's films, plus hundreds of touching, rousing and inspiring photos from Duke's family life as well as his films, John Wayne: Lessons for My Children is a perfect gift for dads and Duke fans everywhere. The book itself is a stunning handbook with glossy pages, and a leatherette cover to ensure the book lasts for years and years. The perfect impulse purchase for Father's Day or any day.
Hatje Cantz John Isaacs: The Architecture of Empathy
The Architecture of Empathy is the title of a marble statue by John Isaacs and at the same time the basic attitude and raw material of all his works. The British artist made a name for himself as a Young British Artist around Damien Hirst in the 1990s with his hyper-realistic wax sculptures. Conscious about not locking himself into one style, he experiments with a wide variety of materials and techniques, from ceramics, neon, bronze, marble and sculpture to photography. This richly illustrated publication is the first comprehensive overview of his work from the 90s to the present, and reveals not just his broad reaching multifaceted technical scope, but also his psycho-anthropological poetic through numerous essays and conversations with companions.
Hal Leonard Corporation Grateful The Songs of John Bucchino
Hal Leonard Corporation John Adams Doctor Atomic Symphony
John Wiley & Sons Inc Big C++: Late Objects
Big C++: Late Objects, 3rd Edition focuses on the essentials of effective learning and is suitable for a two-semester introduction to programming sequence. This text requires no prior programming experience and only a modest amount of high school algebra. It provides an approachable introduction to fundamental programming techniques and design skills, helping students master basic concepts and become competent coders. The second half covers algorithms and data structures at a level suitable for beginning students. Horstmann and Budd combine their professional and academic experience to guide the student from the basics to more advanced topics and contemporary applications such as GUIs and XML programming. More than a reference, Big C++ provides well-developed exercises, examples, and case studies that engage students in the details of useful C++ applications. Choosing the enhanced eText format allows students to develop their coding skills using targeted, progressive interactivities designed to integrate with the eText. All sections include built-in activities, open-ended review exercises, programming exercises, and projects to help students practice programming and build confidence. These activities go far beyond simplistic multiple-choice questions and animations. They have been designed to guide students along a learning path for mastering the complexities of programming. Students demonstrate comprehension of programming structures, then practice programming with simple steps in scaffolded settings, and finally write complete, automatically graded programs. The perpetual access VitalSource Enhanced eText, when integrated with your school’s learning management system, provides the capability to monitor student progress in VitalSource SCORECenter and track grades for homework or participation. *Enhanced eText and interactive functionality available through select vendors and may require LMS integration approval for SCORECenter.
University of Nebraska Press John Colter: His Years in the Rockies
John Colter was a crack hunter with the Lewis and Clark expedition before striking out on his own as a mountain man and fur trader. A solitary journey in the winter of 1807-8 took him into present-day Wyoming. To unbelieving trappers he later reported sights that inspired the name of Colter's Hell. It was a sulfurous place of hidden fires, smoking pits, and shooting water. And it was real. John Colter is known to history as probably the first white man to discover the region that now includes Yellowstone National Park. In a classic book, first published in 1952, Burton Harris weighs the facts and legends about a man who was dogged by misfortune and "robbed of the just rewards he had earned." This Bison Book edition includes a 1977 addendum by the author and a new introduction by David Lavender, who considers Colter's remarkable winter journey in the light of current scholarship.
Sandstone Press Ltd John McPake and the Sea Beggars
John McPake, a former teacher, has a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Soon after his marriage fell apart he started hearing voices and eventually moved into an Edinburgh hostel for men with enduring mental health problems. An earlier obsession with the works of Breughel develops into a full blown delusion, and he assumes the personna of Johannes, a 16th century Dutch weaver who travels with his friends, Balthazar and Cornelius, in pursuit of his son who has been abducted by the Spanish mercenaries. This is an echo of John's real life quest to be reunited with his brother. People with a diagnosis of psychosis often hear multiple voices. To the hearer the voices are as real as if they were listening to someone standing next to them. The voices, often unpleasant, can have completely different characters. John's voices jostle and bitch with each other for the right to tell his story.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Beginning C# and .NET
Get a running start to learning C# programming with this fun and easy-to-read guide As one of the most versatile and powerful programming languages around, you might think C# would be an intimidating language to learn. It doesn’t have to be! In Beginning C# and .NET: 2021 Edition, expert Microsoft programmer and engineer Benjamin Perkins and program manager Jon D. Reid walk you through the precise, step-by-step directions you’ll need to follow to become fluent in the C# language and .NET. Using the proven WROX method, you’ll discover how to understand and write simple expressions and functions, debug programs, work with classes and class members, work with Windows forms, program for the web, and access data. You’ll even learn about some of the new features included in the latest releases of C# and .NET, including data consumption, code simplification, and performance. The book also offers: Detailed discussions of programming basics, like variables, flow control, and object-oriented programming that assume no previous programming experience “Try it Out” sections to help you write useful programming code using the steps you’ve learned in the book Downloadable code examples from Perfect for beginning-level programmers who are completely new to C#, Beginning C# and .NET: 2021 Edition is a must-have resource for anyone interested in learning programming and looking for a fun and intuitive place to start.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 1 2 and 3 John An Introduction and Study Guide
This insightful study engages the debates and interpretations of the brief and somewhat elusive writings known in the Christian canon as 1, 2, and 3 John. Chapter 1 identifies six unknowns about the origins of the three writings: authors, relationship to John's Gospel, order, date and location of the writings, and their audiences. Chapters 2 and 3 delineate the debate concerning the relationship of these writings to a purported Johannine tradition and Johannine community in which a schism is claimed to have occurred. An alternative view recognizes that while there are some connections with John's Gospel, it is more compelling to see the writings as independent rather than derivative, as internally not externally directed, as pastoral not polemical, and as schism-free. Chapters 4-7 discuss important aspects of 1 John. Chapter 4 argues that its structure or organization is based on rhetorical and conceptual links among the writing's small units. Chapter
Zondervan 1, 2, and 3 John
A new commentary for today's world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible's grand story.The first commentary series to do so, SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts. Its story-centric approach is ideal for pastors, students, Sunday school teachers, and laypeople alike.Each volume employs three main, easy-to-use sections designed to help readers live out God's story: LISTEN to the Story: Includes complete NIV text with references to other texts at work in each passage, encouraging the reader to hear it within the Bible's grand story. EXPLAIN the Story: Explores and illuminates each text as embedded in its canonical and historical setting. LIVE the Story: Reflects on how each text can be lived today and includes contemporary stories and illustrations to aid preachers, teachers, and students. —1, 2, & 3 John—The three letters of John are ripe with immediate encouragement, practical application, and profound insight. The twin themes of love and truth dominate their theological content. If these letters seem, at times, more detached from the biblical narrative than most of the New Testament, we can still understand them in light of that story.Edited by Scot McKnight and Tremper Longman III, and written by a number of top-notch theologians, The Story of God Bible Commentary series will bring relevant, balanced, and clear-minded theological insight to any biblical education or ministry.
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US Maria Wickert: Studies in John Gower
Studies in John Gower is a translation of Maria Wickert’s Studien zu John Gower, the book that began the modern study of the Vox Clamantis. It is a monograph in six chapters, the first five on various aspects of the Vox — textual development, the vision of the Peasants’ Revolt, influence of the medieval sermon, the open letter to Richard II, world view — and the sixth a penetrating study of Gower’s narrative technique in the Confessio Amantis.
JRP Ringier John Armleder: The Grand Tour
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Portraits of Women: Gwen John and Her Forgotten Contemporaries
This is the first major group study of the lives and work of Edna Clarke Hall, Gwen John, Ida Nettleship and Gwen Smith whose work constitutes a previously neglected area of twentieth century British Art.
Peeters Publishers Isho'dad of Merw. Commentary on the Gospel of John
Isho`dad of Merw, Bishop of the East Syrian Church in Hedatta, wrote his commentaries on the books of the Old and New Testament around 850 A.D. His work constitutes one of the most important and extensive exegetical collections within the East Syrian Church. From 1911 to 1916 Margaret D. Gibson published a text edition and an English translation of the New Testament Part. Developments in the area of manuscript tradition, the discovery of new sources and the many deficiencies in Gibson’s work, made a new text edition and translation necessary. The starting point has been taken in Isho`dad’s commentary on the Gospel of St. John. This gave the opportunity to trace in Isho`dad’s commentary the influences of the work of Theodore of Mopsuestia, whose commentary on the Gospel of St. John has survived in the Syriac language. Volume 671 (Textus) offers a Syriac text edition based on 15 manuscripts. In the Introduction these manuscripts and their mutual relationship are described. Volume 672 (Versio) contains a description of Isho’dad’s life, a study of the sources used by him, and a translation. The volumes include a survey of Gibson’s errata, an orthographical index and an index of biblical citations and Greek terms quoted.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Improvised Saxophone Solos John Coltrane
WW Norton & Co Mad at the World: A Life of John Steinbeck
This first full-length biography of the Nobel Laureate to appear in a quarter century explores John Steinbeck’s long apprenticeship as a writer struggling through the depths of the Great Depression, and his rise to greatness with masterpieces such as The Red Pony, Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath. His most poignant and evocative writing emerged in his sympathy for the Okies fleeing the dust storms of the Midwest, the migrant workers toiling in California’s fields and the labourers on Cannery Row, reflecting a social engagement—paradoxical for all of his natural misanthropy—radically different from the writers of the so-called Lost Generation. A man by turns quick-tempered, contrary, compassionate and ultimately brilliant, Steinbeck took aim at the corrosiveness of power, the perils of income inequality and the growing urgency of ecological collapse, all of which drive fierce public debate to this day.
Tate Publishing Tate British Artists: John Constable
John Constable is best known for his idyllic paintings of the English countryside. Yet he was also a brilliant innovator who brought a new vivacity to the observation of nature. He practiced oil painting in the open air, capturing in particular the 'effervescent' effects of atmospherics - as can be seen, for example, in his wonderful studies of clouds. His art became a benchmark for naturalist painters throughout Europe and America in the nineteenth century, and he continues to be one of the most popular and influential artists to this day. This book draws extensively on the artist's own correspondence to provide a fresh understanding of his artistic aims and achievements, and reassesses his role in the development of modern art.
Cherry Lane Music Co ,U.S. John Mayer - Strum & Sing
Yosemite Conservancy Anywhere That Is Wild: John Muir's First Walk to Yosemite
John Muir wrote many wonderful books about his travels, but one story—about his long walk from San Francisco to Yosemite—is one book he did not author himself. In April 1868, a very young John Muir stepped off a boat in San Francisco and inquired about the quickest way out of town. “But where do you want to go?” was the response, to which Muir replied, “Anywhere that is wild.” Using Muir’s personal correspondence and published articles, Peter and Donna Thomas have reconstructed the real story of Muir’s literal ramblings over California hills and through dales, with lofty Sierra Nevada peaks, Englishmen, and bears mixed in for good measure. The trip is illustrated by charming cut-paper illustrations that take their inspiration from Muir's love of nature. John Muir’s story-telling is so compelling that even 150 years later, seeing the world through his eyes makes us want to head out into the wild.
Simon & Schuster Author in Chief: The Untold Story of Our Presidents and the Books They Wrote
“One of the best books on the American presidency to appear in recent years” (The Wall Street Journal) and based on a decade of research and reporting—a delightful new window into the public and private lives America’s presidents as authors.Most Americans are familiar with Abraham Lincoln’s famous words in the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation. Yet few can name the work that helped him win the presidency: his published collection of speeches entitled Political Debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln labored in secret to get his book ready for the 1860 election, tracking down newspaper transcripts, editing them carefully for fairness, and hunting for a printer who would meet his specifications. Political Debates sold fifty thousand copies—the rough equivalent of half a million books in today’s market—and it reveals something about Lincoln’s presidential ambitions. But it also reveals something about his heart and mind. When voters asked about his beliefs, Lincoln liked to point them to his book. In Craig Fehrman’s “original, illuminating, and entertaining” (Jon Meacham) work of history, the story of America’s presidents and their books opens a rich new window into presidential biography. From volumes lost to history—Calvin Coolidge’s Autobiography, which was one of the most widely discussed titles of 1929—to ones we know and love—Barack Obama’s Dreams from My Father, which was very nearly never published—Fehrman unearths countless insights about the presidents through their literary works. Presidential books have made an enormous impact on American history, catapulting their authors to the national stage and even turning key elections. Beginning with Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia, the first presidential book to influence a campaign, and John Adams’s Autobiography, the first score-settling presidential memoir, Author in Chief draws on newly uncovered information—including never-before-published letters from Andrew Jackson, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan—to cast fresh light on the private drives and self-doubts that fueled our nation’s leaders. We see Teddy Roosevelt as a vulnerable first-time author, struggling to write the book that would become a classic of American history. We see Reagan painstakingly revising Where’s the Rest of Me?, and Donald Trump negotiating the deal for The Art of the Deal, the volume that made him synonymous with business savvy. Alongside each of these authors, we also glimpse the everyday Americans who read them. “If you’re a history buff, a presidential trivia aficionado, or just a lover of American literary history, this book will transfix you, inform you, and surprise you” (The Seattle Review of Books).
Hal Leonard Corporation The John Legend Collection for Piano Solo
MP-AMM American Mathematical Collected Papers of John Milnor Volume III
The field of differential topology underwent a dramatic development period between 1955 and 1965. This collection of articles contains original papers and expository lectures. It includes commentary by the author, filling in some of the historical context, and outlining developments in the field. It provides an understanding of the subject.
The Crown Publishing Group 1 2 3 John How a Christian Should Live
Walk in the LightCenturies ago, the apostle John wrote to new believers to instruct them in how to live godly lives. Today, John''s words still hold truth and power as we struggle and triumph in our desire to walk in the light with God and others. 1,2,3 John: How Should a Christian Live? invites us to grow in maturity as God''s children while we learn more about what it means to live a radically transformed life.
Wallflower Press The Cinema of John Carpenter
Pluto Press John Maclean: Hero of Red Clydeside
'I am not here, then, as the accused; I am here as the accuser of capitalism dripping with blood from head to foot' – John Maclean, Speech from the Dock, 1918. Feared by the government, adored by workers, celebrated by Lenin and Trotsky; the head of British Military Intelligence called John Maclean 'the most dangerous man in Britain'. This new biography explores the events that shaped the life of a momentous man – from the Great War and the Great Unrest, to the Rent Strike and the Russian Revolution. It examines his work as an organiser and educator, his imprisonment and hunger strike, and how he became the early hero of radical Scottish Independence.
John Murray Press Devil's Day: From the Costa winning and bestselling author of The Loney
BOOK OF THE YEAR IN THE TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES, FT, METRO AND MAIL ON SUNDAY'The new master of menace' Sunday TimesAfter the blizzard of a century ago, it was weeks before anyone got in or out. By that time, what had happened there, what the Devil had done, was already fable.Devil's Day is a day for children now, of course. A tradition it's easy to mock, from the outside. But it's important to remember why we do what we do. It's important to know what our grandfathers have passed down to us.Because it's hard to understand, if you're not from the valley, how this place is in your blood.That's why I came back, with Kat; it wasn't just because the Gaffer was dead.Though that year we may have let the Devil in after all . . .
Workman Publishing John Derian Paper Goods: Color Studies Notebooks
What delights you? A vibrant red? A mysterious blue? Color studies capture that place where ground mineral meets water and light, imagination meets science, and the painter has an aha moment. John Derian is an artist and designer whose work with printed images of the past transports the viewer to another time and place. Take the journey with him, in this set of notebooks perfect for recording thoughts, impressions, lists, and drawings. ·3 blank, unruled notebooks ·6 unique front and back cover illustrations ·64 pages each
Cottage Door Press John Deere Kids Machines at Work
Arcadia Publishing East Saint John Historic Canada
Stanford University Press John Randolph Haynes: California Progressive
A Stanford University Press classic.
Edward Everett Root Publishers Co. Ltd. Radical Woman: Gwen John & Rodin
Yale University Press John Craxton: A Life of Gifts
Uplifting and engaging, this story recounts the life and career of a rebellious 20th-century British artist Born into a large, musical, and bohemian family in London, the British artist John Craxton (1922–2009) has been described as a Neo-Romantic, but he called himself a “kind of Arcadian”. His early art was influenced by Blake, Palmer, Miró, and Picasso. After achieving a dream of moving to Greece, his work evolved as a personal response to Byzantine mosaics, El Greco, and the art of Greek life. This book tells his adventurous story for the first time. At turns exciting, funny, and poignant, the saga is enlivened by Craxton’s ebullient pictures. Ian Collins expands our understanding of the artist greatly—including an in-depth exploration of the storied, complicated friendship between Craxton and Lucian Freud, drawing on letters and memories that Craxton wanted to remain private until after his death.
Hal Leonard Corporation John Fahey - Guitar Anthology
Hal Leonard Corporation John Pizzarelli Bossa Nova
Hal Leonard Corporation John Prine Guitar Songbook
Penguin Books Ltd The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Ostensibly written by an English knight, the Travels purport to relate his experiences in the Holy Land, Egypt, India and China. Mandeville claims to have served in the Great Khan's army, and to have travelled in 'the lands beyond' - countries populated by dog-headed men, cannibals, Amazons and Pygmies. Although Marco Polo's slightly earlier narrative ultimately proved more factually accurate, Mandeville's was widely known, used by Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci and Martin Frobisher, and inspiring writers as diverse as Swift, Defoe and Coleridge. This intriguing blend of fact, exaggeration and absurdity offers both fascinating insight into and subtle criticism of fourteenth-century conceptions of the world.
Watkins Media Limited High John the Conqueror: A Novel
"I always wanted to be a writer, but I became a policeman instead." WESSEX, 2016. Teenagers are vanishing off the council estates of a small provincial city. A crop of herbs that are said to posses magical powers which only grow once every fifty years are found in the woods. A supernatural creature believed to be the guardian of the herbs is seen in nightmares. Rumours of orgiastic rituals on the estates of the rich and powerful excite the curious. And the Queen of England decides to celebrate her 90th birthday with a visit to the city’s famous cathedral spire. Into this madness, two ambitious detectives, one with doomed literary ambitions, seek to solve the mystery, their only lead that “posh people are taking our children”. Blending mysticism, class war, societal malfeasance and transcendence, High John The Conqueror identifies the point in our recent history when the ghosts of our past become the political monsters of the present.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Heavenly Trumpet: John Chrysostom and the Art of Pauline Interpretation
Margaret M. Mitchell argues that all Pauline interpretation depends to a large degree upon the ways in which readers formulate their own mental (and sometimes graphic) images of the author, Paul. John Chrysostom, the most prolific interpreter of the Pauline epistles in the early church (c. 349-407 C.E.), richly exemplifies this phenomenon in his writings and speeches, where he composes word portraits of his beloved Paul, so as to bring his own readers face to face with the saintly figure he commends for their imitation.The author brings together the copious portraits of Paul - of his body, his soul, and his life circumstances - found throughout Chrysostom's immense corpus of writings, and for the first time analyzes them as complex rhetorical compositions built upon well-known conventions and techniques of Greco-Roman rhetoric (epithet, encomium, and ekphrasis). Chrysostom's literary portraiture, by idealizing Paul as 'the archetypal image' of Christian virtue, served as a rhetorical vehicle for social construction and replication of the Pauline model in the now-Christian society of late antiquity. Pauline interpretation as Chrysostom practiced it confounds both the traditional map of patristic exegesis as defined by the dichotomy between Antiochene literalism and Alexandrine allegory, and contemporary hermeneutical claims about 'the death of the author' in the interpretive enterprise. While Chrysostom's Pauline portraiture may reach exalted heights of artistry, it is not unique, as comparisons with Chrysostom's Latin contemporary Augustine and recent Pauline scholarship reveal. Two appendices offer a fresh translation of Chrysostom's seven homilies de laudibus sancti Pauli, and a catalogue and color plates of artistic representations of Chrysostom and Paul that graphically represent the author/exegete dynamic this study explores.
Dover Publications Inc. The Essential Writings of John Marshall
Hal Leonard Corporation John Lee Hooker Anthology
Associated University Presses John Wesley And Marriage
National Geographic Kids Revolutionary John Adams, The
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Becoming John Updike: Critical Reception, 1958-2010
A study of the journalistic and academic reception of the writings of one of the great American writers of the late twentieth century. When John Updike died in 2009, tributes from the literary establishment were immediate and fulsome. However, no one reading reviews of Updike's work in the late 1960s would have predicted that kind of praise for a man who was known then as a brilliant stylist who had nothing to say. What changed? Why? And what is likely to be his legacy? These are the questions that Becoming John Updike pursues by examining the journalistic and academic response tohis writings. Several things about Updike's career make a reception study appropriate. First, he was prolific: he began publishing fiction and essays in 1956, published his first book in 1958, and from then on, brought out atleast one new book each year. Second, his books were reviewed widely - usually in major American newspapers and magazines, and often in foreign ones as well. Third, Updike quickly became a darling of academics; the first book about his work was published in 1967, less than a decade after his own first book. More than three dozen books and hundreds of articles of academic criticism have been devoted to Updike. The present volume will appeal to the continuing interest in Updike's writing among academics and general readers alike. Laurence W. Mazzeno is President Emeritus of Alvernia University. Among other books, he has written volumes on Austen, Dickens, Tennyson,and Matthew Arnold for Camden House's Literary Criticism in Perspective series.
Wake Forest University Press Collected Poems John Montague