Search results for ""author gerhard""
HENI Publishing Cage: Six Tableaux de Gerhard Richter
The Cage paintings were conceived as a single coherent group, and displayed for the first time at the Venice Biennale in 2007. Their titles, Cage (1) (6), pay homage to the American avant- garde composer John Cage (1912 92). In his Lecture on Nothing , Cage famously declared I have nothing to say and I m saying it . Richter is equally suspicious of ideologies and any claim to absolute truth. He shies away from giving psychological interpretations to his paintings, preferring to allow viewers and critics to make up their own minds. Leading critic Robert Storr considers the importance of the Cage paintings within Richter s practice and within the wider context of abstract art. A series of extraordinary, detailed photographs document the development of each painting, day by day, and show the artist at work on these monumental canvases, giving unique insight into his working methods.
Indiana University Press Ideology and the Rationality of Domination: Nazi Germanization Policies in Poland
Following the brutal invasion and occupation of Poland, the Nazis moved swiftly to realize one of their key ideological aims, the expansion of German living space: deport Jews, bring in German settlers and subjugate the rest of the population to a selection process to separate Poles from ethnic Germans. As simple as this might have seemed initially, the various parts of the German occupation machinery soon found themselves embroiled in a bitter fight about the essence of Germanness and how to identify a German. Gerhard Wolf reveals an astonishing development in which a more inclusivist understanding of Germanness based on a more traditional notion of Volk eventually won out against one that was based on Rasse and much more exclusivist. This had important implications, as Wolf can show, as it paved the way for turning around three million Poles into German citizens. Parallel to the mass deportation and mass murder of Christian Poles and the genocide of Jewish Poles, the Nazis paradoxically thus also presided over the largest (forced) assimilation program in German history. Students and scholars of the Polish occupation, the Holocaust, and Nazism will find new analysis of German imperialism, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in this important book.
Lit Verlag Iraq: Threat and Response
Nova Science Publishers Inc Lectures on Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics: A First Course
Dalkey Archive Press Isle of the Dead
A cornerstone of Swiss modernism, at last available in English translation from one of the great German translators of our time.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Law by Algorithm
Digitization, blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are fundamentally changing the fabric of societies, influencing lawmaking, legal scholarship and legal practice. The authors of this volume investigate the real-world developments that can be observed in this process, how established legal doctrines are being challenged, the regulatory issues societies face as a result, and how AI can be used in lawmaking and adjudication. By analyzing these four interrelated areas, the authors discuss conceptual issues of regulating AI, examine the impact of new technologies on commercial transactions and corporate governance, investigate civil liability rules for AI applications and explore key features and problems of digital dispute resolution. A recurring theme is that although "Law by Algorithm" might massively increase overall societal welfare, it runs the significant risk of benefitting only a few. To make it work for the good of all is a mammoth task - and one this volume hopes to contribute to. "AI's capabilities have made enormous recent leaps; many expect it to transform how the economy operates. In particular, activities relying on human knowledge to create value, insulated until now from mechanisation, are facing dramatic change. This is impacting the legal system in two directions simultaneously: the automation of processes, and the development of legal governance for automation. Eidenmueller and Wagner here present a thought-provoking and insightful treatment of a number of key issues that are engaged. It will be essential reading for lawyers, scholars, and policymakers wishing to understand and participate in these developments." (John Armour) „AI has the potential for ground-breaking changes to our economy and society, but also to its private law framework. This book provides an extremely thought-provoking contribution to the thinking towards the private law for the digital economy.“ (Dirk Staudenmayer)
Clairview Books The Bilderbergers - Puppet-Masters of Power?: An Investigation into Claims of Conspiracy at the Heart of Politics, Business and the Media
Since 1954, a discrete and select group of wealthy and powerful individuals have attended a private, yearly conference to discuss matters of their choosing. This group represents European and North American elites, as well as new talent and rising stars, from the worlds of politics, business, media, academia, the military and even royalty, and has included household names such as Margaret Thatcher, Henry Kissinger and even Prince Philip. In recent years their number have featured David Cameron, Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, Bill Clinton and David Rockefeller. These are 'the Bilderbergers', named after the hotel where their secret gatherings were first hosted. What is their purpose, why do they meet, and what do they want? Investigative writer Gerhard Wisnewski explores the numerous claims of conspiracy that swirl around the group, revealing names of participants, their agendas and their goals. The scene opens in the sun-kissed seaside resort of Vouliagmeni, Greece, where Wisnewski attempts to observe and report on a Bilderberg conference. He soon attracts aggressive attention from police and undercover security, and it is made abundantly clear he is not welcome. From this rude introduction, Wisnewski works backwards to the founding of the Bilderbergers in 1954 by a shadowy Jesuit with secret service allegiances. Examining records and hidden reports, Wisnewski uncovers the true history of the organization, the alliances among key individuals and their common interests. Are the Bilderbergers puppet-masters, pulling strings behind the scenes? Are plans afoot to create a global government and a new political system? To what extent do they represent a clandestine super-government? This book offers a unique view into the workings of power, and the secret methods of those who seek to govern and control behind the scenes.
Athesia Tappeiner Verlag So kocht Südtirol Brot
Dr Ludwig Reichert Das Heilige Tor
JOVIS Verlag Magic Square
Gerhard Trieb's minimalist orientated sculpture and prints on the theme of "The Magic Square" confront the traditions of modern art. The confrontation between nature and art, the natural and sculpted stone, and his occupation with space and landscape are recurring themes in his work.
Hauschka Verlag GmbH Grammatik 5 Klasse Wortarten und Satzglieder bungsprogramm mit Lsungen
Battenberg Verlag Deutscher Mnzkatalog 18 Jahrhundert 1700 1806
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Einfuhrung in Das Deutsche Recht
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft State and Church in the European Union: Third Edition
Reguvis Fachmedien GmbH Baulasten in der Praxis Tatbestnde Verwaltungsverfahren und Rechtsgrundlagen in den Bundeslndern
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Internalisierung und Strukturbildung Theoretische Perspektiven und klinische Anwendungen in Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie
Logos Verlag Berlin Cante Flamenco: Zur Kultursoziologie Der Andalusischen Moderne
Universitatsverlag Winter Literarische Zeugnisse Zur 'personlichen Frommigkeit' in Agypten: Analyse Der Beispiele Aus Den Ramessidischen Schulpapyri
Schnell & Steiner Furstenfeldbruck 1945 Bis 1990: Von Der Kleinstadt Zum Mittelzentrum
Kallmeyer'sche Verlags- Rechtschreibung und Rechtschreibunterricht Handbuch Knnen Lehren Lernen Eine Einfhrung fr Studierende und Lehrende aller Schulformen
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Materialien Zur Geschichte Der Ramanuja-Schule: Der 'innere Lenker' (Antaryami). Geschichte Eines Theologems
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Materialien Zur Geschichte Der Ramanuja-Schule: Yadavpracasa, Der Vergessene Lehrer Ramanujas
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Yamunamunis Interpretation Von Brahmasutram 2, 2, 42-45: Eine Untersuchung Zur Pancaratra-Tradition Der Ramanuja-Schule
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Philosophie als Lebenskunst Antike Vorbilder moderne Perspektiven
Duncker & Humblot The Law of the International Civil Service: Institutional Law and Practice in International Organisations
Aschendorff Die Metaphysik Des Johannes Buridan
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Von Arbeit Bis Zivilgesellschaft: Zur Wirkungsgeschichte Der Reformation
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gottes Güte und die Übel der Welt: Das Theodizee-Problem
Lassen sich die Leiden und Schrecken der Welt mit der Annahme eines gütigen und wissenden Gottes vereinbaren? Wenn ja, in welcher Weise? Gerhard Streminger diskutiert die verschiedensten Lösungsversuche und weist sie ausnahmslos als unhaltbar zurück. Seiner Ansicht nach ist das Theodizee-Problem nicht nur bisher ungelöst geblieben, sondern es ist aufgrund logischer Überlegungen auch unlösbar."Das Buch gibt gewichtige Denkanstöße für Theologen aller Religionen."Anton Grabner-Haider in Theologisch-Praktische Quartalsschrift 3 (1994) Jg. 142, S. 329-330"Das Buch ist in einem präzisen, analytischen Stil geschrieben. Die verschiedenen Positionen zur Lösung des Theodizeeproblems werden ausführlich argumentativ abgehandelt."Maria Maier in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Bd. 77, S. 349-351
Reclam Philipp Jun. Biophilosophie
de Gruyter Forschungsplanung Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen
de Gruyter Das Föhngebiet Des Harzes
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Luftwaffe Profile Series, No. 8: Arado Ar 240
Number 8 in the Luftwaffe Profile Series describes the design and use of the Arado Ar 240.
Maudrich Verlag Erholung 40 Warum sie wichtiger ist denn je
GGE Verlag HörenWagenStaunen
Lehmanns Media GmbH Atemrhythmisch Angepasste Phonation
Leipziger Universitätsvlg Wege Gestalten Profile
Fink Kunstverlag Josef The Early Mosaics of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome A Mystery Made of Beauty and Profound Images
Diplomica Verlag Rhythmus - Puls des Lebens: Persönlichkeitsstärkung unserer Kinder durch Rhythmusarbeit
Edition Lichtland OHG Kraft und Wandel in den Schachten
Geymüller Architektur und Städtebau
BuschFunk VertriebsGmbH Liederbuch 2
BuschFunk VertriebsGmbH Liederbuch
NZZ Libro Weder lechts noch rinks
Scherz & Schund Fabrik MOFF. Daumenkino Nr. 12 Viva la Revolución
Scherz & Schund Fabrik Haderer Jahrbuch Nr 10