Search results for ""author . rainer""
Herder Verlag GmbH barmHerz.ig
Herder Verlag GmbH Die schönste Zeit
C.H. Beck Handbuch Sportstrafrecht
Aufbau Verlage GmbH Hundert Gedichte
Everyman Rilke Poems
Though as yet little known in English-speaking countries, Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) is the finest German poet of this century and one of the greatest lyrical writers in the history of Western literature. A major figure in the modernist movement, with some affinities to Yeats, Rilke had a profound influence on other 20th century poets such as Pasternak and Akhmatova. He is a master of vivid and breathtakingly original imagery in which difficult ideas are made directly apprehensible to the reader and new worlds of experience are opened up. This selection includes poems from all stages of his career, beginning with the delicate works of his early years, through the extraordinary poems he wrote in French (which he used like a first language) and concluding with his mature masterpieces: the SONNETS TO ORPHEUS and the DUINO ELEGIES. Also included are Rilke's prose LETTERS TO A YOUNG POET in which he counsels a younger colleague and expounds his own literary ideal. This is by far the most comprehensive selection from this poet in English and forms an ideal introduction to this work.
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc Poetry of Rilke
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Plutarchs Denken in Bildern: Studien zur literarischen, philosophischen und religiösen Funktion des Bildhaften
Denken in Bildern? Hatte die überwältigende Fülle von Bildern, von Vergleichen und Gleichnissen aus allen Bereichen des antiken Wissens, noch bis ins 18. Jahrhundert zur Beliebtheit von Plutarchs Schriften beigetragen, so galt sie seit der Aufklärung eher als Zeichen mangelnder Seriosität und gedanklicher Stringenz. Rainer Hirsch-Luipold zeigt demgegenüber, wie Plutarch Bilder und Bildfelder als Teil einer besonderen philosophischen Darstellungsform begreift. Die umfassende Struktur des Bildhaften wird aus seiner Verwendung des griechischen Begriffs eikon deutlich. Unter diesem Begriff verbindet der Mittelplatoniker und delphische Priester Phänomene der darstellenden Kunst (Statue, Gemälde, Siegelabdruck etc.) und der Sprache (Gleichnis, Allegorie, Metapher, Rätselwort etc.) mit einer philosophischen Sicht der Welt als Abbild und Widerschein einer höheren göttlichen Realität.Neben Untersuchungen zur Rezeption von darstellender Kunst und zur Terminologie bildhafter Sprache bietet die Arbeit ausführliche literarische und philosophische Interpretationen der Bildersprache ausgewählter Schriften. Rainer Hirsch-Luipold interpretiert die Bilder als Teil der philosophischen Gedankenführung, eröffnet so den Blick auf die philosophische und religionsgeschichtliche Bedeutung Plutarchs und führt zugleich ein Instrument zur Analyse des Aufbaus und der Struktur seiner Schriften vor. Aufgrund ihrer religiösen Färbung wird die Bildersprache Plutarchs zudem als pagane Parallele zur gleichzeitig entstehenden Gleichnissprache des Neuen Testaments interessant.
Seagull Books London Ltd Letters around a Garden
An intimate glimpse into the life and letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, one of the most important poets of the twentieth century. In July 1921, displaced European poet Rainer Maria Rilke sequestered himself in the chateau of Muzot, a thirteenth-century medieval tower perched in the vineyards above the town of Sierre in the Canton Valais, Switzerland. In this sun-flooded landscape of the Rhone Valley, he found beguiling echoes of Spain and his beloved Provence. Here, the Duino Elegies were famously completed and the Sonnets to Orpheus followed. During this time, Rilke's correspondence also bloomed, and Letters around a Garden collects some of those letters together into English for the first time. One intriguing exchange from 1924 to 1926 was with a young aristocratic Swiss woman Antoinette de Bonstetten, a passionate horticulturist who had been recommended as a potential advisor for the redesign and upkeep of the Muzot rose garden. In twenty-two precious letters originally written
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Markus Raetz. The Prints 1957-2013
Markus Raetz is one of the most renowned contemporary artists in Switzerland. Initially educated and working as a primary school teacher, he became an artist in his early twenties. Since the 1970s, his work, including solo exhibitions, has been been on the international stage. Raetz works with a variety of materials and media. The phenomenon of perception is his main focus, rather than how something is represented. Prints form a major part of his work. Markus Raetz.The Prints 1951-2013 covers his complete body of work in this genre.; the Catalogue Raisonne is complemented by a separate volume, with essays on his work and artistic development. Exhibitions: Museum of Fine Arts Bern, early 2014 (date TBC). Markus Raetz is represented with works also in the permanent collections of museums such as: Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel; Museum fur Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt (Main); San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla CA; Tate Gallery, London; MoMA, New York; Musee national d art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Schaulager, Munchenstein near Basel; Moderna Museet, Stockholm.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Amphibian Evolution: The Life of Early Land Vertebrates
This book focuses on the first vertebrates to conquer land and their long journey to become fully independent from the water. It traces the origin of tetrapod features and tries to explain how and why they transformed into organs that permit life on land. Although the major frame of the topic lies in the past 370 million years and necessarily deals with many fossils, it is far from restricted to paleontology. The aim is to achieve a comprehensive picture of amphibian evolution. It focuses on major questions in current paleobiology: how diverse were the early tetrapods? In which environments did they live, and how did they come to be preserved? What do we know about the soft body of extinct amphibians, and what does that tell us about the evolution of crucial organs during the transition to land? How did early amphibians develop and grow, and which were the major factors of their evolution?The Topics in Paleobiology Series is published in collaboration with the Palaeontological Association, and is edited by Professor Mike Benton, University of Bristol. Books in the series provide a summary of the current state of knowledge, a trusted route into the primary literature, and will act as pointers for future directions for research. As well as volumes on individual groups, the series will also deal with topics that have a cross-cutting relevance, such as the evolution of significant ecosystems, particular key times and events in the history of life, climate change, and the application of a new techniques such as molecular palaeontology. The books are written by leading international experts and will be pitched at a level suitable for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, and researchers in both the paleontological and biological sciences.
Finanzbuch Verlag Die Kunst des erfolgreichen Lebens Weisheiten aus zwei Jahrtausenden von Konfuzius bis Steve Jobs
Highlights Verlag Ein Jahr mein Motorrrad und ich
V&R unipress GmbH Unheimliche Fortschritte: Natur, Technik und Mechanisierung im Werk von Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Dr Ludwig Reichert Der Ritterschaft in Eren: Das Bild Des Krieges in Den Historiographischen Schriften Niederadliger Autoren Des 15. Und Fruhen 16. Jahrhunderts
Dr Ludwig Reichert Ars Belli: Deutsche Taktische Und Kriegstechnische Bilderhandschriften Und Traktate Im 15. Und 16. Jahrhundert
Deutscher Verlag Fur Kunstwissenschaft Goldschmidt Addenda: Nachtrage Zu Den Banden I-IV Des Elfenbeincorpus Von Adolph Goldschmidt, Berlin 1914-1926
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Long-Term Energy Demand in the German Residential Sector: Development of an Integrated Modelling Concept to Capture Technological Myopia
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Auralisation in Building Acoustics
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. Klrungsorientierte Psychotherapie der schizoiden passivaggressiven und paranoiden Persnlichkeitsstrung
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Easy Concert Pieces Book 1 50 Easy Pieces from 5 Centuries
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Exodus Und Passa Ihr Zusammenhang Im Alten Testament
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Gustav Schubler (1787-1834): Professor Fur Naturgeschichte Und Botanik in Tubingen
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Nationalsozialistische Kriegswirtschaft Und Ddr: Planungsstatistik 1933-1949/50
Hanser Fachbuchverlag Elektrotechnik für Ingenieurinnen
Theologischer Verlag Exodus 19-40
Archaeopress Ägyptens wirtschaftliche Grundlagen in der mittleren Bronzezeit
In der Ägyptologie werden ökonomische Fragen stiefmütterlich behandelt. Diese Studie beschreibt die Ökonomie der ersten Hälfte des 2. Jahrtausends und die Umwelt, in die diese Ökonomie eingebettet ist, als Mosaik. Die Metapher ‚Mosaik‘ verwendet Mosaiksteine, welche Teile eines Bildes darstellen können. Einzelne Mosaiksteine sind offen für eine Integration in andere mögliche Bilder. Wo immer möglich beruhen Mosaiksteine auf Daten aus der betrachteten Periode, andere Mosaiksteine tragen als Modelle zum Mosaik bei. Verschiedene Mosaiksteine bestehen aus Schätzungen z.B. zu Produktion und Konsum. Das Mosaik soll ermöglichen, das Ägypten der betrachteten Periode als lebende Gesellschaft darzustellen. Es ist kaum überraschend, dass verschiedene Facetten des Bildes hypothetischen Charakter haben und das Mosaik zu einem beträchtlichen Teil unvollständig ist. Das Feld, fehlende oder auch konkurrierende Mosaiksteine in weiteren Studien zu entwickeln, ist weit offen. Heqanachts Papyri bilden die Basis für den Versuch, einen konkreten Haushalt im Bild der wirtschaftlichen Struktur des Landes darzustellen, als fragmentarische Emergenz einer Momentaufnahme, einer Mikrogeschichte.
Republic Book Publishers In Defense of Capitalism
Rainer Zitelmann examines the ten most common objections to capitalism: capitalism leads to hunger and poverty, to rising inequality, to unnecessary consumption, to environmental destruction, to climate change and wars. Capitalism, its critics say, prioritizes profits over humanity, creates dominant monopolies, and undermines democracy. Zitelmann scrutinizes each of these arguments in turn and reveals the critical flaws that debunk them. He offers counter arguments to each charge, deploying a wealth of historical evidence and eye-opening facts to prove that it is not capitalism that has failed, but a century of anti-capitalist experiments.The second part of the book explores popular perceptions of capitalism in Europe, the USA, Latin America and Asia and is based on a specially commissioned Ipsos MORI poll of 21 countries, the results of which are presented here for the first time.
Skyhorse Publishing The Survivalist's Handbook: How to Thrive When Things Fall Apart
Let Rainer Stahlberg and The Survivalist’s Handbook prepare you for any crisis. Here are step-by-step plans for surviving a range of disastersboth natural and manmade. This sit he ultimate handbook of disaster scenarios and survival techniques. With this one-of-a-kind guide, you can be ready for:Nuclear, chemical, and biological attacksGlobal energy crisesWorldwide economic collapseNatural disastersDrastic climate changePolitical upheavalAnd other terrifying scenariosGrowing up in Soviet-dominated Hungary, Rainer Stahlberg developed an increasing wariness of the world around him. Wounded in the Hungarian uprising of 1956, he resolved to never be caught unprepared again. His experiences could save your life. Rather than sit and wait for the end of the world, you should treat today as Day One of any potential catastrophe. That way, you will be ready to survive Day Two!Stahlberg provides extensive lists of survival supplies: food, cooking utensils, shelter and camping equipment, defensive weapons, medicine, and items to barter. You are the only person you can count on in a time of crisis, and with this book, you can be prepared and survive when the worst-case scenario becomes a reality.
Braumüller GmbH Das kleine Teebuch Sorten Anbaugebiete und Zubereitung
Eschbach Verlag Am Die Bücherstube am Meer
Klarsicht Verlag Arbeitsbuch zu Englisch wie von selbst für BERUF BÜRO
Klarsicht Verlag Arbeitsbuch zu Italienisch wie von selbst für URLAUB REISE
Psychiatrie-Verlag GmbH Persönlichkeitsstörungen verstehen