Search results for ""Romana""
La vida canalla en el Madrid del Siglo de Oro
Realmente nuestro Siglo de Oro debería llamarse, atendiéndonos a la historia, Siglo de Hojalata, si no fuese porque a unos plumillas -Cervantes, Lope, Góngora, Quevedo ...-, que vivían por el barrio de las Letras, les dio por escribir la mejor literatura de todos los tiempos, lo que hizo que el término Siglo de Oro fuese consagrado, según criterios artísticos y literarios, como el gran periodo de la historia de España. No se trataba de algún personaje egregio que destacaba sobre los demás; era como una meseta elevada a la altura de los picos.Con este libro pretendemos descender a los bajos fondos para tratar de la mala vida en el Siglo de Oro madrileño; la vida perdularia y canalla que llevaban desde los reyes, la nobleza y la Iglesia que era más humana que romana -hasta el pueblo, sobre todo el pueblo; de sus vicios, sus usos amorosos heterodoxos e inmorales, la violencia y las cárceles; los pícaros, jugadores, ladrones y asesinos a sueldo. No olvidaremos tampoco a los bodegoneros
Agostino es la historia de un despertar sexual, de la abrupta pérdida de la inocencia por parte de un atormentado adolescente de la burguesía romana; es el relato de su educación sentimental, que se consuma en el seno de una idílica relación madre-hijo en la que el amor materno es correspondido por un sentimiento ambivalente: una atracción a la vez ingenua e impura, etérea y carnal, que empieza a fermentar en Agostino el día en el que su madre, una viuda joven y cargada de sensual vitalidad, conoce, durante unas vacaciones en la playa toscana, a un hombre con el que coquetea.Su inesperada aparición desata en Agostino una inquietud hasta entonces desconocida. El brusco descubrimiento de que su madre es, también y antes que nada, una mujer convierte su inocente sentimiento de admiración y amor filial en una edípica pulsión erótica que turba al adolescente. Desorientado y resentido, en un orgulloso acto de rebelión, Agostino intenta liberarse del dulce yugo materno y se integra en una
Ediciones Cátedra Sátiras
Lo que hoy entendemos por ?sátira? no se corresponde exactamente con lo que se entendía en latín por satura. Este término designaba un género literario histórico con una forma métrica fija, un tipo de poesía hexamétrica. Con ?sátira? no nos referimos ahora a un género con forma propia, sino a un tono, una intencionalidad crítica que puede aparecer lo mismo en la poesía, en el teatro o en la narrativa. Pero los elementos de crítica y humor, más o menos agresivo y burlesco, sin los que no concebimos hoy la sátira, proceden de la sátira romana, cuyo espíritu satírico es capaz de encarnarse en cualquier otro género literario. Juvenal es una de las voces más personales e influyentes de la historia de la sátira en la literatura occidental. Por la frescura y modernidad que conservan algunos poemas siguen llegándonos completamente vivas algunas de sus denuncias: el culto al dinero, la imposibilidad de vivir en la ciudad ruidosa y llena de peligros, el clientelismo infame, la tiranía, el servil
LIBRO XVII DE QUINTO LICINIO CATOCorre el año 54 d.C. y se avecinan problemas en las fronteras orientales del Imperio romano. Una vez más, el prefecto Cato y el centurión Macro, de la Legión romana, deben prepararse para la guerra...El astuto pueblo de los partos ha invadido la Armenia gobernada por los romanos y ha conseguido derrocar al rey Radamisto, ambicioso y despiadado, pero leal a Roma. El general Corbulo tiene una misión: debe devolverlo al trono y, al mismo tiempo, preparar las tropas para la guerra contra el poderoso imperio de los partos. Por eso, Corbulo da la bienvenida a los recién llegados Cato y Macro, dos soldados experimentados en poner el forma a una unidad de hombres mal equipados y mal preparados para el conflicto que se avecina.Pero restaurar en el trono a un rey depuesto es un juego peligroso. La brutalidad de Radamisto hacia sus enemigos puede resultar la chispa para un levantamiento que pondrá a prueba la valentía y la habilidad del ejército romano. Y
Herder Editorial Augusto
Augusto (63 a.C.-14 d.C.) es la figura más potente y contradictoria de la historia romana. Abrió las puertas a la fase última, la más devastadora, de la época guerracivilista, y fue, sin embargo, el fundador de una paz universal que, en su honor, lleva el nombre de paz augusta. Conquistador y pacificador al mismo tiempo, amplió las fronteras del Imperio como ningún otro romano lo hizo antes ni después de él, y fue el enterrador de una República herida de muerte. Comenzó como reo de alta traición y llegó a ser padre de la patria, y aunque en sus inicios trató las leyes a patadas, entró en la historia como restaurador del derecho y creador de un orden considerado la situación mejor y más feliz del Estado romano. Esta biografía sigue el ancho camino que recorrió Augusto e intenta dar justa cuenta de su persona y sus acciones, tanto de sus aspectos más controvertidos como de sus logros. El autor, Klaus Bringmann, hace una cuidadosa reconstrucción de las fuentes disponibles y ofrece a los l
Séneca cortesano y hombre de letras
Este libro intenta acercar la figura de Séneca, nacido en la Córdoba romana hace más de dos mil años, al lector de nuestro tiempo, dando a conocer los avatares de su vida familiar y pública, y a la vez desentrañando las sinuosidades de su obra de filósofo y poeta. La primera parte coloca la vida de Séneca bajo una luz nueva que la vuelve atractiva y cercana, desde una perspectiva desmitificadora que limpia su imagen fantasmal e idealizada de las adherencias añadidas, evitando toda fantasía y llevando a cabo una indagación literaria, histórica y filosófica elaborada sobre los datos que nos suministran las fuentes y las propias obras de Séneca. La segunda parte examina su idea y práctica de la escritura, así como su pensamiento en el contexto de la filosofía antigua y el estoicismo, las tragedias como síntomas del hondo y consustancial dolor del hombre, y la imagen de Séneca a lo largo de las edades. Por último, se ofrece un ramillete de sentencias ordenadas por temas, que muestran el ge
?El Cielo en la Tierra? del Papa Francisco es el nuevo libro que Romana presenta con Libreria Editrice Vaticana (L.E.V.), un texto inédito con las palabras del Papa acerca de la transformación del mundo por la acción del amor cristiano, de la caridad cristiana.En las 288 páginas de este volumen se contiene el pensamiento del Papa Francisco acerca del amor cristiano, a través del conjunto de reflexiones, citas y discursos, así como de la catequesis del Papa en las Audiencias generales de los miércoles y en los textos magisteriales como la exhortación apostólica Amoris laetitia.En particular, el Papa se refiere a la fuerza transformadora del cristianismo en la sociedad, que ofrece la construcción de un mundo nuevo, más justo y fraterno, gracias a la acción de la más humilde de las virtudes: la caridad, en el respeto de la persona y desde una lógica de gratuidad: ?Cada vez que la vida cristiana se ha difundido en la sociedad de un modo auténtico y libre, ha dejado siempre una huel
Ediciones del Viento, S.L. El color de las pulgas
En 1965 El buen salvaje ganaba el Premio Nadal por unanimidad del jurado, lo que ocurría sólo por segunda vez en los veinte años de vida del concurso. Se trataba de la novela de un autor colombiano que vivía en Madrid y que narraba la vida de un joven escritor sudamericano que intentaba sobrevivir y escribir una novela por los cafés de París. Si entonces la obra fue celebrada como una novela picaresca, moderna, literaria y decadente, que homenajeaba y parodiaba a Proust, Gide, Balzac, Victor Hugo o el mismo Dostoievski, andando los años se desveló como el antecedente de otras obras reseñables, como La vida exagerada de Martín Romaña, de Brice Echenique, o Los detectives salvajes, de Roberto Bolaño; sin olvidar que el tiempo en que fue escrita coincidía con el de la Rayuela de Cortázar. El buen salvaje desapareció de las librerías españolas hace muchos años, y hoy es un título totalmente desconocido. Y sin embargo su lectura se hace más divertida, paródica y original que nunca. La histo
BBC Worldwide Ltd Doctor Who: Warriors’ Gate: 4th Doctor Novelisation
Jon Culshaw reads this iconic novelisation of a Fourth Doctor TV adventure, newly restored and extended by the author“Attention to detail is the hallmark of this always excellent range”Doctor Who MagazineThe Doctor and his companions are trapped in E-Space, struggling to find their way back into their own universe. Arriving at an intersection, the TARDIS is invaded by a refugee of the enslaved Tharil race.With K9 damaged by the Time Winds, the Doctor, Romana and Adric explore the strange white eternity of the Gateway, where past, present and future cross over.They also meet the crew of the Privateer, led by the embattled Rorvik. As all parties strive to find a way out, the Doctor realises that Rorvik’s ship holds the terrible secret of the Tharils’ history, as well as the means of their liberation.Jon Culshaw reads Stephen Gallagher’s novelisation (writing as John Lydecker) of his 1981 TV adventure starring Tom Baker as the Doctor, now newly extended and restored from an unpublished manuscript. John Leeson provides the authentic Voice of K9.
UCOPress, Editorial Universidad de Córdoba El principado de Córdoba
El Principado de Córdoba no es el título de ninguna obra de Martín de Roa (Córdoba, 1559 ó 1560 ? Montilla, 1637), pero es el que se pudiera dar a un tema cuya polémica le acompañaría durante la mitad su vida. En este volumen editamos las dos obras principales que le dedicó, De Cordubae in Hispania Betica Principatu (Lyon, 1617) y Antiguo Principado de Córdova en la España Ulterior o Andaluz (Córdoba, 1636). Martín de Roa fue un escritor apasionado de la Antigüedad, elemento fundamental dentro de su obra (cuyo catálogo se incluye en este volumen). Fue muy estimado en su época por su erudición, y en la actual por su calidad literaria. Del amor a la Antigüedad y a su ciudad natal nacieron estas obras que defienden a Córdoba como primera ciudad de Andalucía, remontándose a la primacía que tuvo en la Bética durante la dominación romana. Surgió la inevitable polémica con quienes pretendían ese honor para la espléndida Sevilla de entonces, y en especial con Rodrigo Caro, el famoso cantor de
Carabanchel. Un distrito con Historia
Esta obra recoge por primera vez de una forma sistemática la evolución histórica de los carabancheles. Fruto de varios años de trabajo en fuentes documentales, muchas de ellas manuscritas e inéditas, presenta una nueva visión de los que fue un cencejo de aldea madrileño. Su autor, doctor en Historia, analiza el pasado de lo que fueron puelos limítrofes a Madrid desde su origen en la prehistoria y la época romana, pasando por la Edad Media en la que San Isidro labra sus campos y se construye la iglesia mudéjar de Santa María de la Antigua. En los siglos XVIII y XIX son los carabancheles -el Alto y el Bajo- lugar de reunión de la aristocracia madrileña en torno a los palacios del conde Cabarrús, Eugenia de Montijo y la Real Posesión de Vista Alegre, residencia de María Cristina de Borbón y más tarde de la reina Isabel II. En el siglo XX, tras los desastres de la Guerra Civil y una profunda labor de reconstrucción en los primeros años de la posguerra, los carabancheles se anexionaron a Ma
Los negocios de Plutón la economía de los santuarios y templos en la Antigüedad
Los negocios de Plutón. Economía de los santuarios y templos en la Antigüedad es una colección de siete ensayos sobre el papel económico de estos edificios sacros, sobre todo como centros de acumulación de riquezas, propiedades y "tesoros". Cada capítulo es una síntesis de este fenómeno en culturas tan variopintas como Sumer, el Egipto del Imperio Nuevo, Fenicia y sus áreas de expansión en la diáspora mediterránea, Grecia, la cultura ibérica y la Roma de la Antigüedad Tardía, en sus dos facetas, la religión tradicional en declive y el auge del cristianismo. La referencia a Plutón en el título se debe a una confusión habitual entre el Plutón de la mitología romana, dios del inframundo, hijo de Saturno y Ops y esposo de Proserpina, con Pluto, divinidad griega menos conocida, personificación de la riqueza y, por tanto, vinculado a la agricultura y a la abundancia de cosechas, y, por ello, a Hades (el Plutón griego). Este es el sentido del título, como alusión a las riqueza sde los santuar
Del Rif al Yebala
Para Lorenzo Silva recorrer Marruecos es hacer realidad un sueño de infancia y, a la vez, adentrarse en el impresionante escenario de la aventura bélica de su abuelo, combatiente de a pie en la llamada guerra de Africa. A lo largo de ocho jornadas, y con la compañía de su hermano y un amigo, el escritor explora el interior del país para descubrir ?y descubrirnos- la áspera región del Rif y la zona no menos agreste del Yebala, y de paso lugares como Melilla, Annual, Alhucemas, Xauen, Larache, Alcazarseguer, Tánger, Fez, la antigua ciudad romana de Volúbilis o Rabat. También el calor agobiante del verano africano -el mismo calor que sintieron los soldados que luchaban con su abuelo-, el color de la tierra roja, como de herrumbre, el sabor del té con hierbabuena, el sonido de la música andalusí o el silencio de los caminos pésimos y los mendigos inmóviles. El viaje desvela el Marruecos presente y lo anuda a la historia de la guerra pasada, que acude a estas páginas con la enfebrecida clar
Alianza Editorial El rey Arturo el hijo del dragón
REINA LA EDAD OSCURA EN TIERRAS DE BRITANIA... ...un tiempo de caos y derramamientos de sangre. Hace mucho tiempo que las legiones romanas abandonaron las islas británicas y Uter Pandragón, el gran rey de la Britania Celta, está próximo a la muerte. Su reino se incendia en enfrentamientos entre los jefes tribales que se disputan su trono. Artorex, de padres desconocidos, es entregado a Antor y Livinia, los señores de una villa romana. Allí vive como un sirviente hasta que aparecen tres importantes caballeros que ordenan que sea adiestrado como un guerrero: en la espada y el escudo, en el caballo y el fuego, en el valor y el dolor. El país está sumido en una situación desesperada y las grandes ciudades orientales están cayendo bajo la amenaza de las hordas sajonas. Artorex se gana la estima de los guerreros celtas y al frente de los mismos derrota en varias batallas a los sajones. Con su carisma y sus dotes guerreras demuestra que sólo él es capaz de unificar a las tribus británicas. Pe
I cook rock n roll
PONLE ROCK?N?ROLL A TUS RECETAS Y EMPIEZA A BAILAR EN LA COCINAEres de los que se ponen un temazo tras otro para cocinar? Eso demuestra que la música y la cocina son almas gemelas y se complementan a la perfección.En I cook rock?n?roll vas a encontrar los maridajes perfectos entre cocina y rock: entrantes de lo más hardcore, primeros platos con solos de guitarra, carnes con un poquito de blues, pescados muy punk y postres con aroma a folk.Tómatelo como un juego: según tu estado de ánimo elige un tipo de música, déjate llevar por la inspiración y los increíbles collages que llenan cada página, y arremángate para preparar la receta ideal para ti en cada momento. Cómo te suenan los gnocchi a la romana Enter Sandman de Metallica; el chili con carne American idiot de Green Day; los farfalle con burrata y tomates secos The pretender de Foo Fighters, o los calamares rellenos Ace of spades de Motörhead? Si los combinas con algún postre como la tarta de mousse de chocol
El muro de Adriano. Confín del Imperio
No hay mayor símbolo de separación que un muro, y no hay, quizá, muro más conocido, que el Muro de Adriano. El Muro de Adriano se construyó en el siglo II para separar a los bárbaros caledonios y pictos de la civilizada provincia romana de Britania, y aunque desde entonces son incontables los días y noches que ha visto, las lluvias que ha soportado y los hombres que lo han hollado, sus restos permanecen, orgullosos, como el monumento romano más grande y uno de los más famosos. Con una historia de diecinueve siglos y una extensión de ciento dieciocho kilómetros que atraviesan el norte de la isla de Gran Bretaña ?entre el golfo de Solway y el estuario del río Tyne?, el Muro llegaría a incluir quince fortalezas, una cada docena de kilómetros, para albergar las guarniciones permanentes que separaban a Roma de la barbarie. Su función no sería tanto detener a unos eventuales atacantes, algo imposible ante su extensión, sino ralentizar o incluso disuadir de tales intenciones, pues, mientras e
Big Finish Productions Ltd Gallifrey - War Room 1: Allegiance
Gallifrey's moral compass is lost, Rassilon rules, and Romana is gone. But it's not the end, it's just the beginning... Gallifrey is at war. At the heart of the Capitol, the War Room co-ordinates the fight against the Daleks. Leela has been forced into service, alongside the General and his soldiers, taking orders from Cardinals Rasmus and Ollistra. But this being Gallifrey, politics are never forgotten. Some serve Rassilon, some serve themselves, and some have their own cause. The Time War will test them all. CAST: Louise Jameson (Leela), Peter Bankolé (Sorn), Zora Bishop (Ephra), Ken Bones (The General), Richard Armitage (Rassilon), Peter Bankolé (Sorn), Zora Bishop (Ephra), Nicholas Briggs (the Daleks), Daon Broni (Argatro), Seán Carlsen (Narvin), Beth Chalmers (Veklin), Samuel Clemens (The Sentient Storm), Charlotte Harris (Guard/Archivist/Phaedra), Chris Jarman (Rasmus), Lara Lemon (Junior Warpwright), Hywel Morgan (Commander Daari), LJ Parkinson (Neander), Carolyn Pickles (Ollistra), Nicholas Rowe (Cato Kelgoth), Rish Shah (Bandar), Corrinne Wicks (Vibax/Gilla), Eve Winters (Porto/Bellaris). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Salamandra Català 772007
Segur que en alguna ocasió tothom ha pensat que el caràcter aspre i mordaç del viceqüestor Rocco Schiavone és la cuirassa d?un home que viu torturat per la culpa i rosegat per la ira i el dolor. En aquesta cinquena entrega de la sèrie ?que va arribar una vegada més al primer lloc de les llistes de vendes a Itàlia? es revela per fi el passat tèrbol d?en Rocco a Roma, on, darrere l?aparent normalitat del seu dia a dia a la feina i del seu amor incondicional per la Marina, la seva dona, l?incorregible policia teixeix un entramat d?amistats i lleialtats perilloses que l?acabaran conduint a la perdició.L?estiu de 2007, en plena canícula romana, en Rocco rep un cop que el deixa atordit i desconsolat: la Marina se n?ha anat de casa, trista i desenganyada després de descobrir que l?elevat nivell de vida que porten té l?origen en els tripijocs d?en Rocco i els seus amics de la infantesa. Sumit en la desesperació, el viceqüestor Schiavone ha d?investigar la mort de dos estudiants de Dret, ass
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House Doctor Who: The Pirate Planet (TV Soundtrack)
The TARDIS materialises on a planet where the age of prosperity comes often, and precious jewels line the streets like litter. Overseeing the citizens is the bombastic Captain, half human and half machine. Lurking in shadows are the Mentiads, mysterious cowled figures who set their sights on certain individuals and claim them for their own. As the Doctor, Romana and K9 become entangled in local events they are caught between the apparently insane Captain and apparently sinister Mentiads. But then the Doctor makes a terrible discovery beneath the surface of the planet, and realises the true nature of the Captain's operations. Soon yet another planet comes under threat from the Captain, one which the Doctor knows well: Earth. Can he manage to save it from a terrible fate? John Leeson narrates this classic full-cast TV adventure, written by Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), and in a special bonus interview he recalls his time as the Voice of K9 in the BBC TV series. Also included are colour PDF files of the original TV camera scripts.2 CDs. 2 hrs 4 mins.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Brexit in History: Sovereignty or a European Union?
Are Europeans hard-wired for conflict? Given the enmities that wracked the Greek city-states, or the Valois, Bourbons and Habsburgs, it seems undeniable. The Holy Roman Empire promised peace, but collapsed before it could deliver it, while rival rulers counter-balanced its power by stressing their own sovereign independence. Yet, since Antiquity, there has also been a yearning for the rule of law, the Pax Romana. For seven centuries, Europe's philosophers and diplomats have sought to build institutions of compromise between the unrestricted competition of nation-states and the universal monarchy of the old empires: a confederation whose representatives would meet to resolve differences. We have seen these ambitions at least partially realised in a progression of multilateral solutions: the Congress System, the League of Nations, the United Nations, and the European Union. But, with the United Kingdom's vote to leave the EU, state sovereignty seems to be pushing back against two centuries of travel in the other direction. The Brexit result shows that distrust of a 'greater Europe' and fierce insistence on state sovereignty remain live issues in today's politics. To explain recent events, Beatrice Heuser charts the history and culture underpinning this age-old tension between two systems of international affairs.
Archaeopress Paisajes, espacios y materialidades: Arqueología rural altomedieval en la península ibérica
Paisajes, espacios y materialidades: arqueología rural altomedieval en la península ibérica reúne una selección de los trabajos presentados tras la primera edición del EMCAM - Early Medieval Countryside Archaeological Meetings (Castelo de Vide, mayo 2019), organizado por el Instituto de Estudios Medievales (IEM – NOVA FCSH) y la Cámara Municipal de Castelo de Vide (Portugal). Las últimas décadas de trabajo de campo e investigación arqueológicas han demostrado la relevancia de los paisajes rurales para el análisis de los procesos de cambio tras la desarticulación de la estructura imperial romana. En este volumen, se reúnen las contribuciones de investigadores clave en la arqueología campesina altomedieval, especialmente en los territorios del cuadrante noroccidental de la Península, ofreciendo una imagen multiescalar de las principales líneas de investigación en curso. Los diferentes capítulos recogen reflexiones teóricas, enfoques metodológicos, estudios de colecciones cerámicas y aproximaciones a la bioantropología, antracología y carpología de diferentes yacimientos, ofreciendo contextos inéditos, revisiones críticas y síntesis regionales. Avanzar en la reconstrucción de los procesos históricos de las comunidades campesinas altomedievales requiere, simultáneamente, generar conocimiento detallado sobre yacimientos y territorios concretos y promover espacios de debate y reflexión que permitan dar continuidad a esas lecturas. Este libro tiene como objetivo hacer precisamente eso.
Silvana Forever Valentino
This beautiful publication takes you into the heart of the Maison, featuring over 150 looks, ranging from the first collection by Valentino Garavani to the unforgettable show by Pierpaolo Piccioli staged on the Spanish Steps in 2022. Published to accompany the landmark exhibition in Doha launched in the same year, the book opens with a reimagining of the Maison’s courtyard at the Palazzo Mignanelli, showcasing 34 haute couture creations in Valentino’s signature red. This is followed by a visual journey through nine galleries, with highlights including Capriccio Romana, a homage to cinema and the city’s urban landscape; a focus on gowns designed for Valentino’s divas – Zendaya, Lady Gaga, Anne Hathaway and many more; an immersive runway experience from the Valentino Pink PP collection; and finally a dramatic recreation of the Beginnings show featuring over 60 ensembles by Valentino Garavani and Pierpaolo Piccioli. The exhibition views are complemented by sketches and catwalk shots printed on different paper stocks and transparent sheets, creating a multilayered tactile experience, inspired by Piccioli’s cahiers de défilé (collection notebooks), which were displayed for the first time in the exhibition. With text by curators Alexander Fury and Massimiliano Gioni, and contributions by renowned fashion writers and editors, this book is a must for followers of the much loved couture house.
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Well-Mannered War
The edges of space, the far distant future, an era even the Time Lords are not supposed to visit. Laid claim to by disputing factions of humans and Chelonians, the planet Barclow has become the catalyst for an unusual war. In two hundred years of hostilities not a shot has been fired, and the opposing combatants are the best of friends. But when the Doctor, Romana and K9 arrive, they discover the peace is not going to last. Something dangerous is happening behind the scenes. An election loom. Bodies are piling up. Tensions are growing. Someone, somewhere is trying to make this well-mannered war very angry indeed. Only the Time-travellers can save the day. But that might be their biggest mistake. One of two releases this month adapting popular Doctor Who novels from the 1990's. The Well-Mannered War was originally written by Gareth Roberts - now a TV writer on shows including Doctor Who itself. Tim McInnerny is a familiar face from TV and film, though to British audiences is probably best know as Captain Darling from Blackadder Goes Forth. John Leeson, the voice of robot dog K9 is now a regarded writer on the subject of food and wine.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Army of the Early Roman Empire 30 BC-AD 180: History, Organization and Equipment
The legionary soldier of the early Empire period, with his distinctive segmented armour, is one of the images most closely associated by popular imagination with ancient Rome. Such soldiers conquered most of Britain, suffered and avenged the terrible disaster of the Teutoburg Forest and vanquished the fearsome Dacians across the Danube, a feat immortalized on Trajan's Column, as well as fighting many other tribes. In the East they overcame the Great Jewish Revolt and repeatedly contended with mixed success against the powerful Parthians. This was the army that enforced the so-called Pax Romana at the point of a gladius and maintained the greatest empire the world had yet seen. Of course, such troops were also employed to bloody effect in the many civil wars such as those of AD69, the Year of the Four of the Emperors'. Gabriele Esposito describes the tactics, organization and equipment of the Roman army at the height of its powers, considered by many to be the most efficient and powerful fighting force of the ancient world. He gives an overview of the most significant campaigns and considers in detail not only the iconic legionaries but also the various auxiliary units, including cavalry. His clear, accessible text is supported by dozens of colour photos of replica weapons, armour and other kit in use.
Edhasa Invictus (XV)
En el año 54 a.C. el ejército romano patrulla a lo largo y ancho de un Imperio creciente, que abarca desde el Mediterráneo hasta el Mar del Norte, desde el Atlántico hasta las orillas del Nilo. Roma aplica brutalmente sus leyes y sus normas, y sus legiones son la fuerza de combate más eficiente y agresiva del mundo conocido. Tras sobrevivir a varios años de campaña en Britania, el prefecto Cato y el centurión Macro, dos veteranos de la legión romana, han vuelto a Roma. Sin embargo, su tiempo en la ciudad, peligrosa y polémica es corto, y muy pronto comenzarán un nuevo viaje con la guardia pretoriana. Su destino: Hispania, una colonia problemática en la que el enfrentamiento y la tensión con el Imperio romano se agravan por la amarga rivalidad existente entre los propios nativos. Allí, Vitellius, un veterano con vasta experiencia militar y ambición sin igual, intenta alcanzar la paz. Los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los dos amigos y sus compañeros de armas son, sin duda, diferentes a todo lo que han visto antes. Por un lado, la intriga y la traición de aquellos que buscan socavar al emperador Claudio. Por otro, Hispania se declara inconquistable...
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius, AD 138-161
The reign of Antoninus Pius is widely seen as the apogee of the Roman Empire yet, due to gaps in the historical sources, his reign has been overlooked by modern historians. He is considered one of the five good emperors of the Antonine dynasty under whom the pax Romana enabled the empire to prosper, trade to flourish and culture to thrive. His reign is considered a Golden Age but this was partly an image created by imperial propaganda. There were serious conflicts in North Africa and Dacia, as well as a major revolt in Britain. On his death the empire stood on the cusp of the catastrophic invasions and rebellions that marked the reign of his successor Marcus Aurelius. Antoninus Pius became emperor through the hand of fate, being adopted by Hadrian only after the death of his intended heir, Lucius Aelius Caesar. His rule was a balancing act between securing his own safety, securing the succession of his adopted heir and denying opportunities for conspiracy and rebellion. Equanimity' was the last password he issued to his guards as he lay on his death bed. In the face of the threats and challenges he remained calm and composed, providing twenty-three years of stability; a calm before the storms that gathered both within and beyond Rome's borders.
Amberley Publishing Rome's Empire: How the Romans Acquired and Lost Their Provinces
The Roman Empire was forged in war and defended by military might. It also endured because of the Romans’ ability to assimilate and pacify the different peoples and cultures within their provinces. In Rome’s early years it did not annexe territory but created alliances, first with the Italian tribes and then with the leaders of outlying states. Some territories were won without waging war, through rulers who had grown close to Rome. And Rome realised that it profited from these territories, with their agricultural produce, minerals, manpower for armies, slaves, and routes for trade. Government of the provinces was tailored to the character of the lands and people. Unfriendly peoples beyond Rome’s boundaries represented a threat that Rome could now tackle on behalf of those within its sphere. Warlords could be conquered, but they could also be bribed. Native gods were equated as far as possible with Roman ones. Many diverse languages, customs and religions continued under Roman rule. Provincials could rise in status and become full Roman citizens, while inhabitants of towns and cities governed themselves, under the army’s military umbrella. Only groups with such widespread influence that they challenged Rome’s authority were then, often ruthlessly, targeted. The Druids and the Christians were among them. The history of Rome’s Empire is therefore shown to be more complex and impressive than that of a military superpower imposing ‘Pax Romana’.
Duke University Press Everyday Forms of State Formation: Revolution and the Negotiation of Rule in Modern Mexico
Everyday Forms of State Formation is the first book to systematically examine the relationship between popular cultures and state formation in revolutionary and post-revolutionary Mexico. While most accounts have emphasized either the role of peasants and peasant rebellions or that of state formation in Mexico’s past, these original essays reveal the state’s day-to-day engagement with grassroots society by examining popular cultures and forms of the state simultaneously and in relation to one another.Structured in the form of a dialogue between a distinguished array of Mexicanists and comparative social theorists, this volume boldly reassesses past analyses of the Mexican revolution and suggests new directions for future study. Showcasing a wealth of original archival and ethnographic research, this collection provides a new and deeper understanding of Mexico’s revolutionary experience. It also speaks more broadly to a problem of extraordinary contemporary relevance: the manner in which local societies and self-proclaimed "revolutionary" states are articulated historically. The result is a unique collection bridging social history, anthropology, historical sociology, and cultural studies in its formulation of new approaches for rethinking the multifaceted relationship between power, culture, and resistance.Contributors. Ana María Alonso, Armando Bartra, Marjorie Becker, Barry Carr, Philip Corrigan, Romana Falcón, Gilbert M. Joseph, Alan Knight, Florencia E. Mallon, Daniel Nugent, Elsie Rockwell, William Roseberry, Jan Rus, Derek Sayer, James C. Scott
DK Antigua Roma (Ancient Rome)
- Lujosamente ilustrada con más de 850 fotos, ilustraciones y mapas.- Desde la cultura y la sociedad romana hasta sus líderes militares y filósofos, muestra en detalle el día a día y las creencias de sus ciudadanos comunes.- Ilustraciones en 3D inéditas dan vida a los mejores edificios y revelan los secretos que escondían.- Escrito por un equipo de historiadores expertos.- El regalo perfecto para cualquier persona interesada en la historia universal.Sumérgete en la historia de la antigua Roma, desde sus orígenes como pequeño asentamiento en el monte Palatino hasta su apogeo como imperio de más de 90 millones de personas y su tumultuoso declive.Cubriendo más de 1,000 años de historia, este libro ilustrado revela con todo detalle los eventos políticos, culturales y militares clave que dieron forma al Imperio Romano. Explora cómo era vivir en la sociedad que sentó las bases de nuestro mundo moderno.El libro perfecto para cualquiera interesado en este período tan importante y decisivo de la historia universal.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lavishly illustrated guide with more than 850 photos, illustrations, and maps.- Culture and society to military leaders and philosophers, and details of the lives and beliefs of ordinary citizens.- Specially commissioned CGI recreations bring the greatest buildings to life and reveal their inner secrets.- Written by a team of expert historians.
Classical Press of Wales Appian's Roman History: Empire and Civil War
Appian of Alexandria lived in the early-to-mid second century AD, a time when the pax Romana flourished. His Roman History traced, through a series of ethnographic histories, the growth of Roman power throughout Italy and the Mediterranean World. But Appian also told the story of the civil wars which beset Rome from the time of Tiberius Gracchus to the death of Sextus Pompeius Magnus. The standing of his work in modern times is paradoxical. Consigned to the third rank by nineteenth-century historiographers, and poorly served by translators, Appian's Roman History profoundly shapes our knowledge of Republican Rome, its empire and its internal politics. We need to know him better. This book studies both what Appian had to say and how he said it; and engages in a dialogue about the value of Appian's text as a source of history, the relationship between that history and his own times, and the impact on his narrative of the author's own opinions - most notably that Rome enjoyed divinely-ordained good fortune. Some authors demonstrate that Appian's text (and even his mistakes) can yield significant new information; others re-open the question of Appian's use of source material in the light of recent studies showing him to be far more than a transmitter of other people's work.
WW Norton & Co Portico: Cooking and Feasting in Rome's Jewish Kitchen
A leading authority on Jewish food, Leah Koenig celebrates la cucina Ebraica Romana within the pages of her new cookbook. Portico: Cooking and Feasting in Rome’s Jewish Kitchen features over 100 deeply flavourful recipes and beautiful photographs of Rome’s Jewish community, the oldest in Europe. The city’s Jewish residents have endured many hardships, including 300 years of persecution inside the Roman Jewish Ghetto. Out of this strife grew resilience, a deeply knit community and a uniquely beguiling cuisine. Today, the community thrives on Via del Portico d’Ottavia (the main road in Rome’s Ghetto)—and beyond. Leah Koenig’s recipes showcase the cuisine’s elegantly understated vegetables, saucy braised meats and stews, rustic pastas, resplendent olive oil–fried foods and never-too-sweet desserts. Home cooks can explore classics of the Roman Jewish repertoire with Stracotto di Manzo (a wine-braised beef stew), Pizza Ebraica (fruit-and-nut-studded bar cookies) and of course, Carciofi alla Giudia, the quintessential Jewish-style fried artichokes. A standout chapter on fritters—showcasing the unique gift Roman Jews have for delicate frying—includes sweet honey-soaked matzo fritters, fried salt cod and savoury potato pastries (burik) introduced by the thousands of Libyan Jews who immigrated to Rome in the 1960s and ’70s. Every recipe is masterfully tailored to the home cook, while maintaining the flavour and integrity of tradition. Suggested menus for feasts round out the usability and flexibility of these dishes.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Early Anglo-Saxon Kings
The Early Anglo-Saxon Kings takes a new look at the adventus Saxonum, the arrival of the Saxons, recorded in the earliest literary sources. As the Roman provincial structure fragmented, new cultural identities emerged. In fifth century Britain whatever sense of pax Romana remained gave way to a war-band culture which dominated both Brythonic and Germanic peoples. Villas left abandoned were replaced by the mead-hall. These halls now rang with the songs and poems of bards and scops. Tales of famous battles such as mons Badonicus and Cattraeth filled the air. Out of the ashes of the former Roman diocese new kingdoms emerged. One major factor was the settlement of significant numbers of Germanic peoples in Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries. The first kings of these peoples are shrouded in legends and myth, such as the leaders of the first group of mercenaries, Hengest and Horsa, as well as Ælle of the South Saxons, Cerdic and Cynric and later Ceawlin of Wessex. The book takes the reader from the early-fifth century through to the mid-seventh century and the death of the last great pagan Anglo-Saxon king, Penda of Mercia. An entertaining journey across the landscape of Britain in search of battle-sites and burial-mounds, this book brings to life the world that produced Y Gododdin and Beowulf; a world that saw warlords and kings carve out new kingdoms from the carcass of post-Roman Britain.
University of Notre Dame Press The Mirror of Simple Souls
When Dr. Romana Guarnieri, in a letter to Osservatore Romano (16 June 1946), announced her discovery that Margaret Porette (d. 1 June 1310) was the author of The Mirror of Simple Souls, certainly a major French document of pre-Reformation spirituality, a sensation was created in the academic world. Although The Mirror is one of the few heretical documents to have survived the Middle Ages in its entirety, both its title and its authorship were among the most persistent and troublesome problems of scholarly research in the field of medieval vernacular languages. The Mirror, in its original French, survives only in the fifteenth-century manuscript which the great Condé (Louis II de Bourbon) had acquired for his palace at Chantilly. And, so far as can be known, all that remains with which to compare the readings of this manuscript text are those translations of The Mirror which, also in manuscript, are to be found in Latin, Italian, and Middle English. This edition of The Mirror of Simple Souls is a translation from the French original with interpretive essays by Edmund Colledge, O.S.A., Judith Grant, and J.C. Marler, and a foreword by Kent Emery, Jr. The translators of this Modern English version rely primarily on the French, yet take other medieval translations into account. As a result, this edition offers a reading of The Mirror which solves a number of difficulties found in the French, and the introductions contributed by the translators narrate the archival history of the book, for which Margaret Porette was burned alive in Paris in 1310.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Cooking with Nonna: Celebrate Food & Family With Over 100 Classic Recipes from Italian Grandmothers
Learn to cook classic Italian recipes like a native with the long-awaited debut cookbook from Rossella Rago, creator of the popular web TV series Cooking with Nonna! For Rossella Rago, creator and host of Cooking with Nonna TV, Italian cooking was never just about the amazing food or Sunday dinner; it was also about family, community, and tradition. Rossella grew up cooking with her Nonna Romana every Sunday and on holidays, learning the traditional recipes of the Italian region of Puglia, like focaccia, braciole, zucchine alla poverella, and pizza rustica. In her popular web TV series, Rossella invites Italian-American grandmothers (the unsung heroes of the culinary world) to cook with her, learning the classic dishes and flavors of each region of Italy and sharing them with eager fans all over the world. Now you can take a culinary journey through Italy with Rossella and her debut cookbook, Cooking with Nonna, featuring over 100 classic Italian recipes, along with advice and stories from 25 beloved Italian grandmothers. With easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and mouthwatering photos, Cooking with Nonna covers appetizers, soups, salads, pasta, meats, breads, cookies, and desserts, and features favorite recipes including: Sicilian Rice Balls Fried Calamari Stuffed Artichokes Orecchiette with Broccoli Rabe Veal Stew in a Polenta Bowl Struffoli Ricotta Cookies Homemade Pasta Handcrafted Spaghetti with Meatballs Four-Cheer Lasagna If you are ready to bring back Sunday dinner and learn how to make Italian food just like nonna, then look no further!
Penguin Books Ltd A Political History of the World: Three Thousand Years of War and Peace
A three-thousand year history of the world that examines the causes of war and the search for peaceIn three thousand years of history, China has spent at least eleven centuries at war. The Roman Empire was in conflict during at least 50 per cent of its lifetime. Since 1776, the United States has spent over one hundred years at war. The dream of peace has been universal in the history of humanity. So why have we so rarely been able to achieve it? In A Political History of the World, Jonathan Holslag has produced a sweeping history of the world, from the Iron Age to the present, that investigates the causes of conflict between empires, nations and peoples and the attempts at diplomacy and cosmopolitanism. A birds-eye view of three thousand years of history, the book illuminates the forces shaping world politics from Ancient Egypt to the Han Dynasty, the Pax Romana to the rise of Islam, the Peace of Westphalia to the creation of the United Nations.This truly global approach enables Holslag to search for patterns across different eras and regions, and explore larger questions about war, diplomacy, and power. Has trade fostered peace? What are the limits of diplomacy? How does environmental change affect stability? Is war a universal sin of power? At a time when the threat of nuclear war looms again, this is a much-needed history intended for students of international politics, and anyone looking for a background on current events.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Greco-Roman Medicine and What It Can Teach Us Today
There can be little doubt that the Romans experienced many of the illnesses that are still encountered today, and individuals have always had to decide how best to deal with their health-related concerns. The Roman Empire was an amalgam of many cultures, often with dissimilar ideas and beliefs. The Greek impact on health was particularly dominant and, therefore, this book focuses on Greco-Roman medicine as it was practised during the Pax Romana, the period between the accession of Augustus and the death of Marcus Aurelius. Drawing on ancient literature supplemented with evidence from archaeology, paleopathology, epigraphy and numismatics the Greco-Roman medical context is carefully examined. A particular focus is on the effectiveness of approaches to both preventing and treating a range of physical and psychological problems. Detailed consideration is also given to the ancient technical and hygienic achievements in addition to the place of healers within Roman society. Uniquely, within each chapter, the author draws on his own clinical and public health experience, combined with modern research findings, in assessing the continuing relevance of Greco-Roman medicine. For example, Galen`s focus on access to fresh air, movement, sensible eating and getting sufficient sleep matter as much today as they did in the past. Our classical forebears can also assist us in determining the best balances between prevention and treatment, centralised control and individual responsibility, as well as the most appropriate uses of technology, drugs and surgery. Some ancient pharmaceutical compounds are already showing promise in treating infections. In addition, practising Stoicism and getting some locotherapy should be considered by anyone struggling to cope with the stresses and strains of modern life.
Oneworld Publications The Mad Emperor: Heliogabalus and the Decadence of Rome
What happens when you put the Roman Empire in the hands of a teenage boy? Discover the scandalous life and times of Rome's worst emperor. 'Buy the book; it's very entertaining.' David Aaronovitch, The Times On 8 June 218 AD, a fourteen-year-old Syrian boy, egged on by his grandmother, led an army to battle in a Roman civil war. Against all expectations, he was victorious. Varius Avitus Bassianus, known to the modern world as Heliogabalus, was proclaimed emperor. The next four years were to be the strangest in the history of the empire. Heliogabalus humiliated the prestigious Senators and threw extravagant dinner parties for lower-class friends. He ousted Jupiter from his summit among the gods and replaced him with Elagabal. He married a Vestal Virgin – twice. Rumours abounded that he was a prostitute. In the first biography of Heliogabalus in over half a century, Harry Sidebottom unveils the high drama of sex, religion, power and culture in Ancient Rome as we’ve never seen it before. ***** A Financial Times, BBC History and Spectator Book of the Year 'Combining the pace of a novelist, the training of a scholar and the instincts of a true historian, this is a wonderful exploration of the Roman world under its strangest emperor.' Adrian Goldsworthy, author of Pax Romana 'The decadence, debauchery and sexual promiscuity that marked the adolescent’s time on the imperial throne make for a rollicking read.' Daily Mail 'Ancient history was never less dry than in Harry Sidebottom’s superbly entertaining and always scholarly account of the reign of Heliogabalus... There is something for every reader: sex, politics, scandals and a compelling portrait of imperial society and culture.' Financial Times
Oneworld Publications The Mad Emperor: Heliogabalus and the Decadence of Rome
What happens when you put the Roman Empire in the hands of a teenage boy? Discover the scandalous life and times of Rome's worst emperor. 'Buy the book; it's very entertaining.' David Aaronovitch, The Times On 8 June 218 AD, a fourteen-year-old Syrian boy, egged on by his grandmother, led an army to battle in a Roman civil war. Against all expectations, he was victorious. Varius Avitus Bassianus, known to the modern world as Heliogabalus, was proclaimed emperor. The next four years were to be the strangest in the history of the empire. Heliogabalus humiliated the prestigious Senators and threw extravagant dinner parties for lower-class friends. He ousted Jupiter from his summit among the gods and replaced him with Elagabal. He married a Vestal Virgin – twice. Rumours abounded that he was a prostitute. In the first biography of Heliogabalus in over half a century, Harry Sidebottom unveils the high drama of sex, religion, power and culture in Ancient Rome as we’ve never seen it before. ***** A Financial Times, BBC History and Spectator Book of the Year 'Combining the pace of a novelist, the training of a scholar and the instincts of a true historian, this is a wonderful exploration of the Roman world under its strangest emperor.' Adrian Goldsworthy, author of Pax Romana 'The decadence, debauchery and sexual promiscuity that marked the adolescent’s time on the imperial throne make for a rollicking read.' Daily Mail 'Ancient history was never less dry than in Harry Sidebottom’s superbly entertaining and always scholarly account of the reign of Heliogabalus... There is something for every reader: sex, politics, scandals and a compelling portrait of imperial society and culture.' Financial Times
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Empire of the Romans: From Julius Caesar to Justinian: Six Hundred Years of Peace and War, Volume I: A History
A wide-ranging survey of the history of the Roman Empire—from its establishment to decline and beyond Empire of the Romans, from Julius Caesar to Justinian provides a sweeping historical survey of the Roman empire. Uncommonly expansive in its chronological scope, this unique two-volume text explores the time period encompassing Julius Caesar’s death in 44 BCE to the end of Justinian’s reign six centuries later. Internationally-recognized author and scholar of Roman history John Matthews balances broad historical narrative with discussions of important occurrences in their thematic contexts. This integrative approach helps readers learn the timeline of events, understand their significance, and consider their historical sources. Defining the time period in a clear, yet not overly restrictive manner, the text reflects contemporary trends in the study of social, cultural, and literary themes. Chapters examine key points in the development of the Roman Empire, including the establishment of empire under Augustus, Pax Romana and the Antonine Age, the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine, and the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Discussions of the Justinianic Age, the emergence of Byzantium, and the post-Roman West help readers understand the later Roman world and its impact on the subsequent history of Europe. Written to be used as standalone resource or in conjunction with its companion Volume II: Selective Anthology, this innovative textbook: Combines accessible narrative exposition with thorough examination of historical source material Provides well-rounded coverage of Roman economy, society, law, and literary and philosophical culture Offers content taken from the author’s respected Roman Empire survey courses at Yale and Oxford University Includes illustrations, maps and plans, and chapter-by-chapter bibliographical essays Empire of the Romans, from Julius Caesar to Justinian is a valuable text for survey courses in Roman history as well as general readers interested in the 600 year time frame of the empire.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Milan City Map
Lonely Planet: The world's number one travel guide publisher* Durable and waterproof, with a handy slipcase and easy-fold format, Lonely Planet's Milan City Map helps you get around with ease. Get more from your map and your trip with images and information about top city attractions, walking tour routes, transport maps, itinerary suggestions, extensive street and site index, and practical travel tips and directory. With this easy-to-use, full-color map in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of Milan. Durable and waterproof Easy-fold format and convenient size Handy slipcase Full colour and easy to use Extensive street and site index Images and information about top city attractions Handy transport maps Walking tour routes Practical travel tips and directory Itinerary suggestions Covers Parco Sempione, Porta Garibaldi, Brera, Duomo, San Babila, Navigli, Porta Romana, Corso Magenta, Sant'Ambrogio, Quadrilatero d'Oro, Giardini Pubblici, and more Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's Pocket Milan, our handy-sized guide featuring the best sights and experiences for a short visit or weekend away. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world's number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, video, 14 languages, nine international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia) *Source: Nielsen BookScan: Australia, UK, USA, 5/2016-4/2017
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who - Unbound - Doctor of War 1: Genesis
Times have changed. A choice was made and the universe diverged. And now all of history is at war. One man stands at the centre of it all. But whose side is he one? Is he with the angels? Or the demons? And does anyone even know which is which? He was a Doctor once, but now he is Doctor no more, He is the Warrior. The Doctor of War. 1.1 Dust Devil by John Dorney. The TARDIS crew are on the run, pursued by an unstoppable force. But who is hunting them? And why? Will they find the answers on Aridius? Or just more questions? 1.2 Aftershocks by Lou Morgan. The ripples are spreading out. The Warrior is on trial. Or is he? No-one's willing to tell him his crime so how can he know if he's guilty? And who is trying him anyway? 1.3 The Difference Office by James Kettle. The Warrior is President of the Time Lords... and suffering from visions. Is he the right man to combat an invasion? Because there's someone out there in the wilderness of Gallifrey. Someone with the Warrior's face. And he's heading for the Capitol. CAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor/The Warrior), Tom Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Geoffrey Beevers (The Master), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks), Rebecca Night (Romana), Seán Carlsen (Narvin), David Holt (Chooban/Bullet 1/Driver), Sasha Behar (Talarn/Bullet 2/Thayla), Christopher Naylor (Harry Sullivan), Sadie Miller (Sarah Jane Smith), Karen Bryson (Command Esk), Sanjeev Bhaskar (Borusa), Georgia Mackenzie (Zorcha/Jobba), Rick Warden (Styggron/Sonk). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Princeton University Press Riot, Rebellion, and Revolution: Rural Social Conflict in Mexico
Since the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920, Mexico's rebellious peasant has become a subject not only of history but of literature, film, and paintings. With his sombrero, his machete, and his rifle, he marches or rides through countless Hollywood or Mexican films, killing brutal overseers, hacienda owners, corrupt officials, and federal soldiers. Some of Mexico's greatest painters, such as Diego Rivera, have portrayed him as one of the motive forces of Mexican history. Was this in fact the case? Or are we dealing with a legend forged in the aftermath of the Revolution and applied to the Revolution itself and to earlier periods of Mexican history? This is one of the main questions discussed by the international group of scholars whose work is gathered in this volume. They address the subject of agrarian revolts in Mexico from the pre-Columbian period through the twentieth century. The volume offers a unique perspective not only on Mexican riots, rebellions, and revolutions through time but also on Mexican social movements in contrast to those in the rest of Latin America. The contributors to the volume are Ulises Beltran, Raymond Buve, John Coatsworth, Romana Falcon, John M. Hart, Evelyn Hu-DeHart, Friedrich Katz, William K. Meyers, Enrique Montalvo Ortega, Herbert J. Nickel, Leticia Reina, William Taylor, Hans Werner Tobler, John Tutino, Arturo Warman, and Eric Van Young. Originally published in 1988. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Archaeopress Moneda Antigua y Vías Romanas en el Noroeste de Hispania
This work seeks to understand the process of monetization within the economy of the Galicians and Asturians and the cultural ways in which the phenomenon occurred. Numismatic remains are studied in depth, found in four of the roads crossing the northwestern territory of the Iberian peninsula in Roman times; the tracks studied, as referenced in the Itinerary of Antonino, were XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX. All the coins discovered were imported, and so it was possible to mark precisely where the greatest influx of individuals and materials came from, as well as areas and zones of different speeds of monetization and, thus, Romanization. -Spanish Description: A través de este trabajo hemos pretendido comprender el proceso de monetización de la economía de galaicos y astures y las vías culturales por las que el fenómeno se produjo. Para ello hemos estudiado en profundidad los restos numismáticos aparecidos en cuatro de las calzadas que atravesaban el territorio noroccidental de la península ibérica en época romana, las vías XVII, XVIII, XIX y XX del Itinerario de Antonino. Debido a que toda la moneda que encontramos en este territorio es importada, hemos podido marcar con precisión cuáles fueron los horizontes de mayor entrada de individuos y materias, así como áreas y zonas de diferentes velocidades de monetización y con ello de romanización. Seguramente las zonas cercanas a campamentos, dónde se alojaron miles de soldados cuya única economía posible era la monetaria, conocieron y dependieron pronto del valor de la moneda. Igualmente los nuevos núcleos romanos administrativos hubieron de ser centros focales de monetización, aunque desconocemos el por qué no se abrieron cecas de moneda en estas ricas ciudades con importante tráfico de mineral y de gentes, como pueda ser el caso de Astorga o Braga.
The Catholic University of America Press On Love and Charity: Readings from the Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard
Among the great works of Thomas Aquinas, the ""Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard"" has suffered almost total neglect among translators. Such neglect is surprising, considering that the massive Commentary - more than 4,000 pages in the last printed edition - is not only Aquinas' first systematic engagement with all the philosophical and theological topics on which he expended his energy over the span of a short career but is also characterized by an exuberance and elaborateness seldom found in his subsequent writings. Although Chenu had already drawn attention decades ago to the importance of studying this youthful tour de force for a fuller understanding of Thomas' more mature work, the ""Commentary on the Sentences"" has remained a closed book for many modern students of Thomistic and medieval thought because of its relative inaccessibility in English or in Latin.The present volume, containing all the major texts on love and charity, makes available what is by far the most extensive translation ever to be made from the Commentary with the added benefit that the better part of the translation is based on the (as yet unpublished) critical edition of the Leonine Commission. The collection of texts from all four books has a tight thematic coherence that makes it invaluable to students of Thomas' moral philosophy, moral theology, and philosophical theology. In addition, the inclusion of parallel texts from Aquinas' first (Parisian) Commentary as well as from his second (Roman) attempt at a commentary, the recently rediscovered ""Lectura Romana"", makes this edition all the more valuable for those who wish to track the internal development of Thomas' thinking on these matters.The new availability of so many rich passages from the ""Commentary on the Sentences"" will encourage and facilitate use of a magnificent resource that deserves to be better known.
University of Minnesota Press Film as Philosophy
Film and philosophy have much in common, and books have been written on film and philosophy. But can films be, or do, philosophy? Can they “think”? Film as Philosophy is the first book to explore this fascinating question historically, thematically, and methodically.Bringing together leading scholars from universities across the globe, Film as Philosophy presents major new research that leads film studies and philosophy into a productive dialogue. It provides a uniquely sweeping, historical overview of the confluence of film and philosophy for more than a century, considering films from Jean Renoir, Lars von Trier, Jørgen Leth, David Lynch, Michael Haneke, and others; the written works of filmmakers who also theorized on the medium, including Sergei Eisenstein and Jean Epstein; and others who have written on cinema, including Hugo Münsterberg, Béla Balázs, André Bazin, Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze, Stanley Cavell, Alain Badiou, Jacques Rancière, and many more. Representing a major step toward establishing a media philosophy that puts the status, role, and function of film into a new perspective, Film as Philosophy removes representational techniques from the center of inquiry, replacing these with the medium’s ability to “think.” Hence it accords film with “agency,” and the dialogue between it and philosophy (and even neuroscience) is negotiated anew.Contributors: Nicole Brenez, U of Paris 3–Sorbonne; Elisabeth Bronfen, U of Zurich; Noël Carroll, CUNY; Tom Conley, Harvard U; Angela Dalle Vacche, Georgia Institute of Technology; Gregory Flaxman, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Alex Ling, Western Sydney U; Adrian Martin, Monash U; John Ó Maoilearca, Kingston U, London; Robert Sinnerbrink, Macquarie U, Sydney; Murray Smith, U of Kent, Canterbury; Julia Vassilieva, Monash U, Melbourne; Christophe Wall-Romana, U of Minnesota; and Thomas E. Wartenberg, Mount Holyoke College.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Marcus Agrippa: Right-Hand Man of Caesar Augustus
Marcus Agrippa personified the term Oright-hand manO. As Emperor AugustusO deputy, he waged wars, pacified provinces, beautified Rome, and played a critical role in laying the foundations of the Pax Romana for the next two hundred years D but he served always in the knowledge he would never rule in his own name. Why he did so, and never grasped power exclusively for himself, has perplexed historians for centuries. In his teens he formed a life-long friendship with Julius Caesar\'s great nephew, Caius Octavius, which would change world history. Following CaesarOs assassination on the Ides of March 44 BC, Agrippa was instrumental in asserting his friendOs rights as the dictator\'s heir. He established a reputation as a bold admiral, defeating Sextus Pompeius at Mylae and Naulochus (36 BC), culminating in the epoch-making Battle of Actium (31 BC), which eliminated Marcus Antonius and Queen Cleopatra as rivals. He proved his genius for military command on land by ending bloody rebellions in the Cimmerian Bosporus, Gaul, Hispania and Illyricum. In Gaul Agrippa established the vital road network that helped turn Julius CaesarOs conquests into viable provinces. As a diplomat, he befriended Herod the Great of Judaea and stabilised the East. As minister of works he overhauled Rome\'s drains and aqueducts, transformed public bathing in the city, created public parks with great artworks and built the original Pantheon. Agrippa became co-ruler of the Roman Empire with Augustus and married his daughter Julia. His three sons were adopted by his friend as potential heirs to the throne. Agrippa\'s unexpected death in 12 BC left Augustus bereft, but his bloodline lived on in the imperial family, through Agrippina the Elder to his grandson Caligula and great grandson Nero. MARCUS AGRIPPA is lucidly written by the author of the acclaimed biographies Eager for Glory and Germanicus. Illustrated with colour plates, figures and high quality maps, Lindsay Powell presents a penetrating new assessment of the life and achievements of the multifaceted man who put service to friend and country before himself.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Empire of the Romans: From Julius Caesar to Justinian: Six Hundred Years of Peace and War, Volume II: Select Anthology
Offers a broad range of texts spanning six centuries of imperial Roman history—Volume II of Empire of the Romans, from Julius Caesar to Justinian Empire of the Romans: From Julius Caesar to Justinian: Six Hundred Years of Peace and War, Volume II: Select Anthology is a compendium of texts that trace the main historical changes of the empire over six hundred years, from the death of Julius Caesar to the late Middle Ages. The second volume of Empire of the Romans, from Julius Caesar to Justinian, this anthology balances literary texts with other documentary, legal, and epigraphic sources. Acclaimed author John Matthews presents texts that reflect individual, first-person experiences rather than those from historians outside of the time periods of which they write. Each selection includes an introduction, annotations on points of interest, author commentary, and suggestions for further reading. Excerpts are organized thematically to help readers understand their meaning without requiring an extensive knowledge of context. Six sections—running in parallel to the structure and content to Volume I—explore the topics such as the building of the empire, Pax Romana, the new empire of Diocletian and Constantine, and barbarian invasions and the fall of the Western Empire. Selected texts span a wide array of subjects ranging from political discourse and Roman law, to firsthand accounts of battle and military service, to the civic life and entertainment of ordinary citizens. This volume: Covers a vast chronological and topical range Includes introductory essays to each selected text to explain key points, present problems of interpretation, and guides readers to further literature Balances the different categories and languages of original texts Enables easy cross-reference to Volume I Minimizes the use of technical language in favor of plain-English forms Whether used as a freestanding work or as a complement to Volume I, the Select Anthology is an ideal resource for students in Roman history survey courses as well as interested general readers seeking a wide-ranging collection of readings on the subject.
Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus Nullus locus sine genio: Il ruolo aggregativo e religioso dei santuari extraurbani della Cisalpina tra protostoria, romanizzazione e piena romanità
Il libro affronta in maniera sistematica il fenomeno cultuale, insediamentale e socio-politico dei santuari extraurbani nella Cisalpina dall’età del Ferro alla piena romanità ed oltre, fondandosi su un’analisi sinottica di strutture, siti e territorio, studiati sempre in rapporto dialettico con il concetto interpretativo di fondo, la romanizzazione, intesa non solo come imperialistica imposizione politico-militare e culturale, ma come adesione a nuove formule del vivere comunitario. Nonostante la mole di dati presentati, le riflessioni e le interpretazioni rispondono nel loro insieme ad un unico progetto: mostrare l’importanza di tali centri e le implicazioni storiche, archeologiche e antropologiche che essi veicolano sul territorio, arrivando alla proposta di un modello interpretativo cisalpino generale. In definitiva, un’opera che costituisce un’utile sintensi sul contesto storico-archeologico dei santuari extraurbani cisalpini così come una tappa fondamentale nella conoscenza non solo del popolamento rurale d’età romana in Cisalpina, ma del fenomeno della romanizzazione cultuale e socio-politica di un territorio che va dalle Alpi, agli Appennini, dal Piemonte all’Istria. The text provides a systematic overview about the cultic, settlement- and socio-political phenomenon of extra-urban sanctuaries in the Cisalpine, from the Iron age to the Roman age and more over. The analysis is based on a synoptic investigation of structures, settlements and landscape, always dialectically compared with the basic interpretation concept of `romanization’, that means non only the imperialistic military-political and cultural enforcement, but also the adherence to a new formulation of community life. In spite of the great quantity of data, reflections and interpretations match together an unitary project: to show the importance of these settlements and the historical, archaeological and anthropological implications which are transmitted all over the territory, proposing in this way a general Cisalpine interpretation model. In conclusion, this work offers an useful summary about the historical-archaeological context of extra-urban sanctuaries in the Cisalpine as an important step in the knowledge not only of the rural population during the Roman age, but also of the phenomenon of cultic and socio-political romanization all over a territory that goes from the Alps to the Apennines, from Piedmont to Istria.